
How To Use Faun In A Sentence

  • Thus basal primates might have used ethanol plumes to locate ripening fruits as well as associated fauna.
  • Analyses were also performed by splitting the epifauna into mobile, nonmobile, and attached organisms, but these analyses were not included here because the results are not substantially different from those presented here.
  • Everywhere one feels the influence of the Mediterranean and particularly on the specific xerophilous flora and fauna of the region.
  • It lies less than 100 miles from Melbourne and is well set up for visitors to enjoy myriad up close experiences with the local fauna. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you try ferments at home, you may find some interesting microfauna try to crash the party. Fear not fermentation | Radical Futures Project
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  • The upper part of the gablet over the centre doorway is of the seventeenth century, and bears the shield of Sir George Hay of Kinfauns, who rented the lands of the bishopric about the beginning of the seventeenth century, the crozier being added to the shield in connection with the lands of the see. [ Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys
  • Indeed, in 2002 it seemed that a firm grounding in popular mythology and local fauna was at least as important as a basic grasp of engineering in the designprocess. South Africa races ahead in battle of weirdest World Cup stadiums
  • A multispecies overkill simulation of the end-Pleistocene megafaunal mass extinction. Late-Quaternary changes in arctic terrestrial ecosystems, climate, and ultraviolet radiation levels
  • The rich Hettangian ammonite fauna first collected and recognized by Muller has been monographed by Guex.
  • With the caveat that I'd have absolutely no chance of knowing much about the American avifauna, my guess would be a turnstone Arenaria sp. What is this bird?
  • However a red tide can have implications for marine fauna and some organisms including cockles, lugworms and sea potatoes have been washed up onto Sligo beaches as witnessed by many beach users.
  • viewing subaqueous fauna from a glass-bottomed boat
  • Well-preserved Late Cambrian radiolarian faunas were recovered from carbonate rocks of the Cow Head Group of the Great Northern Peninsula of the island of Newfoundland, Canada.
  • Meysman et al. also assign a "revolutionary" position to bioturbation in the grand scheme of evolution: "Benthic fauna had to adapt to the newly emerging bioturbated sediment conditions, thereby fuelling the 'Cambrian explosion'". Bioturbation all around you
  • It is instructive to consider also the origin of avifaunal elements at the level of Family. Birds from Coahuila, Mexico
  • But the process of dispersal was so slow that the rate of faunal replacement between different groups was much slower than the process of evolution within them.
  • Divided into sections (the Americas, Australasia, Asia, Africa, Europe), it provides natural history images painstakingly rendered by artists over centuries, which depict new forms of flora and fauna that the European world was just discovering - from the banded krait (a snake) to the white-tailed gnu. 3 books for giving
  • Few countries are as closely identified with their native fauna as Australia. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The plant has spawned human fatalities and engendered the strange fauna and flora found on the eerie headland where the derelict buildings remain. Times, Sunday Times
  • the autochthonal fauna of Australia includes the kangaroo
  • Like the Hawaiian Islands, the tropical Marquesas Islands are extremely isolated and all flora and fauna present are the result of long-distance colonization and in situ evolution for thousands to millions of years. Marquesas tropical moist forests
  • Other faunal elements include colonial and solitary corals, encrusting bryozoans, stromatoporoids, and rare brachiopods.
  • At the same time, through uncaring ignorance or malice, they brought about the extinction of numberless species of native flora and fauna.
  • The distribution, water chemistry, ecology, hydrology, limnology, and invertebrate and amphibian fauna of vernal ponds have been investigated.
  • According to the theory of evolution, all flora and fauna developed from a single-celled being, something like a primitive bacterium. Modern Science in the Bible
  • I am very much aware of the threat posed by invasive aliens, of all kinds, to our indigenous fauna and flora.
  • This luxury hotels vancouver usneaceae sets inaccessibly avifaunal myosarcoma to magellan carsick wait in motherliness tastily the lasciviously ten tecophilaeacea. Rational Review
  • These are low in diversity but high in populations for some of the macrofauna, some of which are relicts of earlier periods, others at the extremes of their latitudinal and environmental distribution. Kvarken Archipelago High Coast, Finland and Sweden
  • He is particularly interested in studying the flora and fauna of the regions they plan to pass through.
  • Rich explained the low relative abundances of vultures and other raptorial groups as consistent with the pattern of relatively low representation in modern avifaunas.
  • By the end of the Eocene, modern orders and families replaced the archaic fauna of mostly extinct groups with no living descendants.
  • Other critics, who do like him, but who have limited their study to a certain portion of his books, compare him to a worker in gold, who carefully chases or embosses dainty processions of fauns and maenads. Essays in Little
  • This region provides habitat for considerable floral and faunal species diversity, many of which taxa are endemic. Talamancan montane forests
  • The depositional environment that preserved this fauna has been subject to widely different interpretations.
  • Lower Carboniferous conodont faunas from North-East Devonshire. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • The williams Fork Formation preserves a diverse dinosaur fauna containing at least nine saurischian and five ornithischian species.
  • From the mean squalor of the sordid life that limits him, the dreamer or the idyllist may soar on poesy's viewless wings, may traverse with fawn-skin and spear the moonlit heights of Cithaeron though Faun and Bassarid dance there no more. Miscellanies
  • He hypothesized that basal primates were visually directed predators of fauna on slender branches, a milieu that favored a wide field of stereopsis and clawless, prehensile hands for visually tracking and grasping prey.
  • With the use of cryonic freezing methods, both flora and fauna species can be preserved. One From The Hart
  • Our archaeozoologist Bea De Cupere (Royal Museum of Central Africa, Tervuren) has started the study of the faunal remains, while Nathalie Kellens (KULeuven) continues hers of the metal objects. Interactive Dig Sagalassos 2003 - Recording Report 1
  • Miles of bleached wooden board protect the flora and fauna - and keep your boots dry. Times, Sunday Times
  • High anthropogenic pressures on marine ecosystems have resulted in decreased amounts of commercial fish species and total ichthyic fauna.
  • Further complicating matters is Faunia's ex-husband Farley, a psychotic Vietnam veteran.
  • Preston produced oil paintings, linocut prints, and woodcuts that were often still-lifes of Australian flora and fauna.
  • He said they had well marked walks with information on local history, flora and fauna and excellent guidebooks for the longer walks.
  • Yellowfin sole, Alaska plaice, and rock sole consume mostly infaunal prey such as polychaetes, clams, and echiuran worms. General description of the Arctic biota
  • The site has a rich marine fauna and is a key site for species such as osprey and bearded vultures. Scandola Nature Reserve & Capes Girolata and Porto, France
  • Relatively little work has been done recently on decapod faunas from the Middle East.
  • Tourists have also been blamed for damaging its coral reefs and marine fauna. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Banda Sea Islands Moist Deciduous Forests are found on small islands scattered across the Banda Sea and are part of the region known as Wallacea, which contains a distinctive fauna representing a mix of Asian and Australasian species. Banda Sea Islands moist deciduous forests
  • The planners had asked for a report from an ecologist to help them decide whether it would damage any flora or fauna. Times, Sunday Times
  • The typical flora and Pyrenean fauna make for a special place: pine forests, heather moors and humid areas provide the ideal habitat for grouses, crossbills, izards and hares.
  • Dear Sir, -- Some future faunist, a man of fortune, will, I hope, extend his visits to the kingdom of Ireland; a new field and a country little known to the naturalist. The Natural History of Selborne, Vol. 1
  • As with much of our flora and fauna, the white blooming gypsywort is a fascinating source of social history. Times, Sunday Times
  • And indeed, today's two species of seriema in southern South America appear to be derived from Pleistocene fossil birds which were once giant, flightless predators (known as phorusrhacoids) of now-extinct fauna.
  • Somewhere along the line, I fell in with the charismatic megafauna, and now I work on the physiology, bioenergetics, behavior, and bioacoustics of marine mammals.
  • Guidelines on how climbers can help protect flora and fauna have been published.
  • Mamirauá: Because of flooding, much of the wildlife, except for the ichthyofauna, is higher in endemism than diversity, especially in the campinaranas. Central Amazonian Conservation Complex, Brazil
  • Besides a Downy Woodpecker here and a Tufted Titmouse there, avifauna was all but absent.
  • Tourism is damaging the flora and fauna of the island.
  • A pair of short tooth-like horns poked from a bush of curly hair that topped the faun's clever-looking face.
  • Processing faunal material in the Brooklyn College zooarchaeology lab (Courtesy Brooklyn College) Working With Fish Bones
  • Forest fauna include brown bear Ursus arctos, grey wolf Canis lupus, wild boar Sus scrofa, wild cat Felis silvestris, chamois Rupicapra rupicapra, various species of eagle, capercaillie Tetrao urogallus, black grouse Lyrurus tetrix and rock partridge Alectoris graeca. Durmitor National Park, Montenegro
  • No doubt some such exceptional cases may be met with in the course of future investigations, for we are still imperfectly acquainted with the entire fauna of the age of stone in Denmark as we may infer from an opinion expressed by Steenstrup, that some of the instruments exhumed by antiquaries from the Danish peat are made of the bones and horns of the elk and reindeer. The Antiquity of Man
  • However, common species play pivotal roles in ecosystems, providing habitats and food for our fauna.
  • Taxa such as Ernietta and Pteridinium, built on simple modular units and apparently with an infaunal mode of life, may well be giant protistans. Stromatoveris - The Panda's Thumb
  • Scilicet hic illi meditantur pondera mores; hic premitur fecunda quies uirtusque serena fronte grauis sanusque nitor luxuque carentes deliciae, quas ipse suis digressus Athenis mallet deserto senior Gargettius horto; 95 haec per et Aegaeas hiemes Hyadumque niuosum sidus et Oleniis dignum petiisse sub astris, si Maleae credenda ratis Siculosque per aestus sit uia: cur oculis sordet uicina uoluptas? hic tua Tiburtes Faunos chelys et iuuat ipsum100 A Villa at Tibur
  • Nijinsky's later ballets: Le Sacre du Printemps, L'Apres-midi d'un Faune, Jeux, or the idea actuating the Jacques Dalcroze system of Eurhythmics seem to fall more into line with Concerning the Spiritual in Art
  • In this paper, we examine the taphonomy of a modern avian bone assemblage and test the relationship between ecological data based on avifaunal skeletal remains and known ecological attributes of a living bird community.
  • Mrs Gover said she would like to come to an arrangement with Holy Trinity Primary School in Great Cheverell to arrange visits by schoolchildren to see the wildlife flora and fauna on the farm.
  • Sadly its own dissolution is not amongst them, but one may at least applaud Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora as imaginative. Moose on the Loose (2)
  • For some reason, which I could not discover, the sea faunae were greatly attracted by this archipelago, and round the edges of the islands, in rock - pools and sandy bays the size of a large table, there was a bewildering assortment of life. My Family and Other Animals
  • The described fauna is most similar in composition to that recorded from coeval beds at Malyi Karatau, Kazakhstan.
  • The native avifauna includes 57 residents, of which 28 (49%) are endemic and 31 are regular migrants; a number of vagrants are also present. Galápagos National Park & Galápagos Marine Resources Reserve, Ecuador
  • No precise count is available of how many Canadian lakes hold ouananiche, because many are in remote areas and these populations are yet to be surveyed, but lake salmon are a common element in the fish fauna of the lakes of eastern Canada. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • Every conceivable nook and cranny is stuffed with malignant faunae waiting to pounce. My Family and Other Animals
  • The Sidmouth to Beer Coast SSSI supports the most westerly example of species-rich grassland in England and a diverse invertebrate fauna including the nationally scarce rufous grasshopper Gomphocerippus rufu. Dorset and East Devon Coast, United Kingdom
  • Systematic studies have largely been faunistic in nature, with the exception of the revision of the Dichocrinidae.
  • He is also a fanatic birder, the kind who has devoted his life to seeking out rare and exotic avifauna from pole to pole.
  • This detailed survey is peppered with information on how the faunas came to be collected - often by amateurs.
  • The distribution of life in the rivers and lakes of Brazil, the immense number of species and their local circumscription, as distinct faunae in definite areas of the same water-basin, amazed him; while the character of the soil and other geological features confirmed him in his preconceived belief that the glacial period could not have been less than cosmic in its influence. Louis Agassiz His Life and Correspondence
  • This is life in a swamp, a primeval wet forest from which the great diversity of Australia's modern fauna sprung.
  • The plecopteran fauna was studied by means of slit traps and hand net during the summers of 1982-1987.
  • Blue Ridge streams have a distinct fish fauna, with some containing brook trout, the only salmonid native to Tennessee. Ecoregions of Tennessee (EPA)
  • The plant has spawned human fatalities and engendered the strange fauna and flora found on the eerie headland where the derelict buildings remain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Diverse crop species encourage soil microfauna, which can help reduce soilborne plant diseases.
  • The Baltic clam achieves highest densities in mesohaline habitats of the bay where it ranks first in benthic infaunal biomass.
  • “Filling in this large vernal pool/wetland will result in the direct loss of 0.69 ha of amphibian breeding habitat, fragmentation of the habitat and the probable displacement of area-sensitive, pollution intolerant herpetofauna as well as other potential wildlife species,” the report states. Archive 2009-11-01
  • His research at the University of Gent, where he founded the Marine BiologyDepartment, centered on the ecology of meiofauna. Contributor: Carlo H.R. Heip
  • It's important to know what our baseline flora and fauna are before we lose it, and lichen are a good baseline," said Martin Hutten, a Yosemite lichenologist who entered the field after discovering that air pollution had destroyed all but the most hearty lichen in his native Netherlands. Latest Articles
  • These drainages envelop the ephemeral wet surfaces and subterranean systems that rarely hold a diverse molluscan fauna.
  • Consequently, hydrogen sulfide accumulates, provoking a large increase in the mortality of macrofaunal species including farmed shellfish. Coastal lagoon
  • This material consisted mainly of ceramics (of which a high percentage of unguentaria fragments), fauna (animal bone of sheep and goat; parts that served for consumption) and concentrations of metal (nails) and stucco (painted plaster found in a specific lenzing within the debris). Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Roman Baths
  • On what amount of similarity of their faunae is the doctrine of the contemporaneity of the European and of the North American Essays
  • The majority of these records are from the USA, where Late Cretaceous strata of the Western Interior, the Gulf Coast, and the Eastern Coastal Plain provide a nearly continuous sequence of mosasaur faunal evolution.
  • Unmatched in the variety and number of its megafauna, the park shelters the world's largest concentration of elk and is one of the last remaining strongholds of the grizzly bear in the coterminous states.
  • A slide show was organised after the talk, in which children were told about the role of flora and fauna in the ecosystem.
  • These positions imply that these overlapping biomes shared a common synecological structure representing an identical position in all three faunal gradients.
  • Many of the extinct marsupial megafauna were large, herbivorous browsers, some weighing several tons.
  • Who knows what other microarthropods are lurking in the sand beneath, interstitial fauna inhabiting the chinks of the world.
  • A brief synopsis of the lithology, age, and paleoenvironment and associated fauna are given for each unit.
  • The Ordovician faunas described herein represent both the Midcontinent and Atlantic faunal realms.
  • It's exquisitely photographed, with intimate shots of flora and fauna, and a particularly mesmerizing sequence in which a rare butterfly emerges from its chrysalis.
  • Action molluscicide Frescon elements non-target fauna tropical lakes Xml's
  • The avifauna is well represented in the area with more 500 species. Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica
  • For the record, the deal with horses in North America is that, while members of the genus Equus were numerous and important there in the Pleistocene, they later became extinct (to quote R. Dale Guthrie (2003): ‘equid species dominated North American late Pleistocene faunas in terms of abundance, geographical distribution, and species variety, yet none survived into the Holocene epoch’ (p. 169)). Archive 2006-12-01
  • Therefore, in terms of geological age determined by radiolarians and the ammonoid, this brachiopod fauna should be assigned to the latest Changhsingian.
  • (SAY-tuhr) [Roman name faun] A creature in classical mythology who was part man and part goat. Satyr
  • The way I see it you should go back to licking box or playing with your ouija board or worshiping your flora and fauna gods or whatever you do. Anti-Deer-Hunting Billboard Goes Up in Kansas City
  • The herpetofauna includes black-necked spitting cobra Naja nigricollis, African puff adder Bitis arietans, west African sand boa Eryx muelleri, sand viper Cerastes cerastes, desert monitor lizard Varanus griseus and various species of gecko. Aïr and Ténéré Natural Reserves, Niger
  • Considering that many other species of vertebrates also depend on fish for food, this close relationship between the ichthyofauna and the mangroves is crucial to the maintenance of diversity in these communities. Petenes mangroves
  • The king's eyes narrowed suspiciously as he waited for the faun to answer.
  • The evolution of Lake Bafa Western Turkey – Sedimentological, microfaunal and palynological results. Archive 2006-02-01
  • Lehman makes several accusations, such as an argument that Windschuttle doesn't understand the Aborigines ‘attachment to the land through its flora and fauna, and he speculates baselessly about Windschuttle's motivations.
  • Whether sleeping rough in the remotest places or enjoying the fauniferous hospitality of the locals in inhabited ones, being incommoded was somehow integral to the experience.
  • Fluctuations of the Barents Sea bottom fauna under the effect of the hydrobiological regime variation (at the Kola Meridian transect). Past variability in Arctic marine systems
  • It is formed from decaying plant roots, leaves, etc. deposited at the surface, and the remains of microflora and microfauna living in the soil.
  • Nature - avifauna, specifically - was a thing to be studied, and, crucially, a thing apart. The Times Literary Supplement
  • ‘We've photographed rhinoceros hornbills and great argus pheasants before but when we found that we'd photographed a Sumatran ground cuckoo, we couldn't believe it,’ said field leader Yoan Dinata of Fauna and Flora International Indonesia.
  • Early Carboniferous coral faunas of the block have a strong Eurasian affinity, with two recognized coral faunas from two ecological facies having been recognized.
  • A variety of prairie fauna can also be found and some include the wild onion, milkweed, beardtongue, and the prairie rose.
  • Growing conifers is still important, but oaks, ash, and limes are now seen as a way of restoring ancient woodlands and promoting more diverse flora and fauna.
  • The more extensive and largely cryptogamic vegetation on the central peak had a poor fauna probably composed mainly of micro-arthropods. Ascension scrub and grasslands
  • In other words, at some point an ancestral deuterostome became really small, probably as a member of the meiofauna, and lost a number of complicated organ systems as a result.
  • The California gnatcatcher is currently being used as an umbrella species to protect the endemic flora and fauna of this region from urban development. California coastal sage and chaparral
  • Even if an intertidal zone existed, sea ice disturbance, as well as the unstable, gravelly substrate, would make it uninhabitable by intertidal benthos, epifauna, or epiphytes.
  • The faunistic associations of these thick successions are virtually unknown.
  • The French embassy said a year-long research of fauna conducted in the deep-sea and coastal ecosystems of Panglao Island resulted in the discovery of over 1,200 species of decapod or 10-legged crustaceans and some 6,000 species of mollusks. Archive 2007-02-01
  • There is a useful and concise introduction to the area, its bird habitats and avifauna, and a list of abbreviations and symbols used in the text.
  • The fauna of this area is mainly characterised by Mediterranean species, with some exceptionally interesting ones such as a coleopter beetle which is native to the sierra and various species of molluscs and heteropterous insects.
  • The Shark Bay project covered all aspects of conservation concerning bilbies, dugongs and other flora and fauna in the area.
  • The upper or back-bay invertebrate fauna is dominated by infaunal species that brood their young. Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, California
  • With respect to fauna, the most notable avian endemisms are those relating to the red siskin (Carduelis cucullata), a small bird with bright red and black plumage that is considered one of the most threatened species in Venezuela. Paraguana xeric scrub
  • The faunal remains from this deposit are distinctive.
  • Long term manipulation of the microbes and microfauna of two subarctic heaths by addition of fungicide, bactericide, carbon and fertilizer. Effects of changes in climate and UV radiation levels on structure of arctic ecosystems in the short and long term
  • South Africa have nicknames that are more easily identified with the local flora and fauna. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the classic scientific debates, on a par with ‘nature vs. nurture,’ albeit far more obscure, is the question of what caused the great megafaunal extinction at the end of the Pleistocene.
  • Cockroaches, scorpions, earwigs, mosquitoes, termites, beetles, ants and even fleas, present different challenges to homeowner ... read more fauna how-to lifestyles Mi Pullman: remodeling a Mexican Art Nouveau townhouse I
  • Wayland is a world overrun with Yuuzhan Vong flora and fauna†almost all of it hostile to humans. Dark Horse Comics for February 2010 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • The scientists found on the ocean floor miniscule meiofauna, single-celled creatures less than half a millimeter long, the most successful and numerous animal in the southern sea.
  • The Buru Rain Forests are located on the small mountainous tropical island of Buru in the Banda Sea, part of the region known as Wallacea, which contains a distinctive fauna representing a mix of Asian and Australasian species. Buru rain forests
  • Eurypterid associations can often be distinguished and related to environmental conditions, such as marine, lagoonal or estuarine, or brackish to freshwater faunas.
  • As we pointed out, farming techniques are rapidly evolving away from plowing residues back into the ground, in light of studies that show this actually reduces the organic content of the soil due to the disruption of microfauna. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • Therefore, the Hudson River population of Necturus is not unique among the aquatic herpetofauna.
  • They demonstrate the close interconnection between landforms and paedogenesis, palaeochemistry, climatology, archaeology, archaeomagnetism, radio-carbon dating, palaeoecology and faunal extinction. Willandra Lakes Region, Australia
  • Resting land promotes a healthy ecosystem by allowing the flora and fauna to complete an entire annual cycle without any major disturbance.
  • Unlike the fusulinides, lagenides survived both the end-Guadalupian and end-Permian mass extinctions to become dominant elements of the Mesozoic calcareous benthic microfauna.
  • There are a number of endemic subspecies found in this ecoregion including the Gredos ibex (Capra pyrenaica victoriae) and a number of herpetofauna species, Lacerta monticola cyreni, Salamandra salamandra almanzorensis, and Bufo bufo gredosicola. Iberian conifer forests
  • The 70-acre grassed area has important historical and archaeological features including ridges and furrows of medieval cultivation as well as a rich store of flora and fauna.
  • This increased complexity appears to have co-occurred with a change in subsistence patterns, as evidenced by bone chemistry and faunal and artifactual data.
  • This park has a finely balanced natural harmony of flora and fauna.
  • Italian hound; Andy Pay and Mulligan Jacobs, the bitter ones; the three topaz-eyed dreamers, who are unclassifiable; Isaac Chantz, the wounded Jew; Bob, the overgrown dolt; the feeble-minded Faun, lung-wounded; CHAPTER XLIII
  • Shallow Pools and Crevices Considerable variation in shore fauna can occur even in the same stretch of coast.
  • Divided by geographic region, local experts describe the climate, geology and soils of each community as well as the flora and fauna with special attention to endemics.
  • Palaeobiogeographers have considered it to be an equatorial seaway extending from Central America to South-East Asia, characterized by a distinctive fauna.
  • That first description was based on the observed faunal change across the boundary mainly the distinct absence of dinosaur fossils above the boundary. Castle Rock - South Table Mountain - The Panda's Thumb
  • High densities of organisms that bind the sediment and modify wave-induced erosion potential can also mitigate wave disturbance effects on other infauna.
  • The faunal remains recovered at the Ghost Shirt Island V site consist of small burned or calcined fragments.
  • The development of aquiculture (780 ha) creates reproductive and nutritive stresses to the detriment of local freshwater ichthyofauna. Cuban wetlands
  • These trees are home to a number of endemic fauna: snails the size of grapefruit, rare black parrots and bronze lizards with podlike sucker pad fingers. The Fruit Hunters
  • The area is faunistically rich, including European brown bear Ursus arctos, wolf Canis lupus, European otter Lutra lutra, wild cat Felis silvestris, eagle owl Bubo bubo, and capercaillie Tetra urogallus. Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia
  • Clearing woodland by coppicing involves cutting it to the ground, allowing woodland flora and fauna to flourish, while encouraging new shoots to appear from the plant stumps.
  • The elaborate overall ornament is in the Moorish tradition, while the details of the decoration - chrysanthemums and long-tailed birds, possibly quetzals - are derived from Chinese porcelain examples and local fauna respectively.
  • This has changed the dominant species of ichthyofauna. Black Sea large marine ecosystem
  • Shallow Pools and Crevices Considerable variation in shore fauna can occur even in the same stretch of coast.
  • Secondly, those same non-native species are ecologically inappropriate in Europe and underscore various environmental problems such as habitat loss for native flora and fauna affecting capercaillie and black grouse to name two.
  • Lingulids are shallow burrowing infaunal filter feeders of the shallow intertidal zone.
  • The invertebrate fauna includes many planktonic forms, particularly jellyfish and the stemless crinoid Saccoma, and also nektonic organisms such as cephalopods.
  • This is best exemplified in the distribution of the freshwater fish fauna, where the lowland streams have the highest species richness, the second peneplain fewer, and the upper peneplain streams support a limited fish fauna. Sri Lanka montane rain forests
  • With a worldwide fauna of at least 15,000 species, poriferans are among the most diverse of sessile marine taxa.
  • In the deep Arctic Ocean, the number of benthic macrofauna species varies from 0 to 11 Featured Articles - Encyclopedia of Earth
  • Aradia, Gwydion and Faunus were made to sit in three rickety and spindly chairs before the thirteen members of the Society of Sorcerers.
  • However, this ichthyofauna is characterized mostly by the co-occurrence of oceanic and neritic fish.
  • Familiaris, though they attained great dignity of conception, and were the centre of the family life, and to some extent of the family morality, never quite rose to the position of full-grown gods; while among the spirits of the field the wildness and impishness of character associated with Faunus and his companion Inuus -- almost the cobolds or hobgoblins of the flocks -- reflects clearly the old 'animistic' belief in the natural evilness of the spirits and their hostility to men. The Religion of Ancient Rome
  • The taxonomically diverse goniatites dominated the Carboniferous-Permian ammonoid fauna.
  • Can the babble of field guides, floras, faunas, ID keys, and monographs be coordinated (or, at least, networked)?
  • Many more species occur in intrazonal habitats, occupying relatively small and isolated sites, than in zonal habitats that contain only a small proportion of the regional fauna. Implications of current species distributions for future biotic change in the Arctic
  • Bivalves first appeared during the early Cambrian as part of a shallow infauna.
  • This week he looks at the aftermath of the Ice Age, which saw the land recolonised by flora and fauna.
  • At times they have the heads of fauns or Minotaurs; yet their demeanors are decidedly human. Soaring Forms and Mythology in the Flesh
  • The mammal fauna of the forests and forest margins includes yellow baboon (Papio cynocephalus), red-footed squirrel (Funiscurius pyrrhopus), blue duiker (Cephalophus monticola), and bushpig (Potamochoerus porcus), but has been severely reduced through hunting. Angolan montane forest-grassland mosaic
  • The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) said that it was unable to set export quotas for the Caspian Sea basin, where 90 per cent of the world's caviar is produced, because it did not have enough information about the region's fish population and the illegal trade in the eggs. You can have my truffles--when you pry them out of my cold, dead hand!
  • In the Marine Center (World), I saw sharks, dolphins, infaunas, and benthonic plants. ...
  • Miriam, after the avenging of her nameless wrong, doubts, as Beatrice must have done, whether there be any guilt in such avengement; but being of so different a temperament, and having before her eyes the effect of this murder upon the hitherto sinless Faun, the reality of her responsibility is brought home to her. A Study Of Hawthorne
  • The overall fauna is not very diverse compared with coeval faunas from central Asia documented by Holmer et al.
  • In addition to abundant crinoids, a diverse invertebrate and vertebrate fauna is contained within the Muldraugh.
  • Wilmington on DVD: Up in the Air, Precious, King Lear, Capitalism: A Love Story, Old Dogs italy bird searchthebest president peacock peafowl pavone naturesfinest berlusca flickrsbest indianbluepeacock parcofaunisticodabruzzo casteldisangroaq thanks self bathroom helsinki power personal president pipes johanna 2008 obama bodypolitic yeswecan messageforobama chicago topf25 hope illinois senator president topv5555 change topv11111 2008 campaign topf100 obama whitesox 08 election2008 barackobama thereseflanagancom yeswecan theaudacityofhope presidentbarackobama 08obama obama08 whitesoxfan presidentobama yeswedid justchicagoart obamawhitesox whitesoxobama SwampBubbles - News, Politics, Reports
  • The mammalian fauna in the lowlands is typically Indo-Malayan, consisting of langurs (Semnopithecus spp.), Asiatic wild dogs (Cuon alpinus, VU), sloth bears (Melursus ursinus, VU), gaurs (Bos gaurus, VU), and several species of deer, such as muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak) and sambar (Cervus unicolor). Biological diversity in the Himalayas
  • Among its treasure trove of fauna, New Zealand has other unique species such as the nocturnal, flightless kakapo, the world's largest parrot, of which only 83 remain.
  • Amazingly, there are as many different species of meiofauna -- about 3 million -- as of all other earthly creatures combined, says biologist Paul Montagne of the University of Texas. Traveling Sharks
  • Defined by a almost subtropical temperatures usually found much farther north, this region is rich in flora and fauna that is uncharacteristic of its surrounding regions. Paraná flooded savanna
  • These fall into four broad categories of artifacts: ceramics, lithics, modified fauna, and unmodified fauna.
  • When he came to Australia in 2005 to be director of the University of Adelaide's Australian Centre for Ancient DNA, he was keen to find and analyse the droppings of the country's megafauna, creatures such as giant marsupial diprotodon and the giant short-faced kangaroo, which became extinct more than 45,000 years ago. "Hooroo, where's the poo?"
  • Over the gilt balustrade surmounting the cornice lolled the figures of fauns, bacchantes, nereids and tritons, hovered over by a cloud of amorini blown like rose-leaves across a rosy sky, while in the centre of the dome Apollo burst in his chariot through the mists of dawn, escorted by a fantastic procession of the human races. The Valley of Decision
  • Tourists have also been blamed for damaging its coral reefs and marine fauna. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Bayesian skyline plot suggests that the bison species went through a severe bottleneck around 10,000 radiocarbon years ago, coincident with the time when many North American megafaunal species went extinct.
  • The loriciferans seem to be one of the most abundant groups of meiofauna in the deep-sea, but also occur in mud on shallower water, and they may be one of the dominant meiofauna groups.
  • In general, the faunal remains seem to suggest increasing use of domesticated animals over time.
  • They represented deities, mythical creatures, imaginary beasts, and recognizable fauna imbued with symbolic meanings.
  • In describing warblers, as I do so lovingly, one can draw upon words like avifauna, avians, birds, songbirds, beautiful birds, and, of course, warblers.

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