How To Use Fault In A Sentence

  • One was apparently faulty and the other did not have a battery.
  • This is the principal faultline in today's cabinet. Times, Sunday Times
  • So let vs, which this chaunge of weather vew, chaunge eeke our mynds and former liues amend the old yeares sinnes forepast let vs eschew, and fly the faults with which we did offend. Amoretti and Epithalamion
  • Most systems default to booting from either the floppy disk drive or the hard drive.
  • The default position is that UK employment rights remain unchanged. Times, Sunday Times
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  • When I do get in a lather, it's never my fault: it's the cyclists and pedestrians who are selfish and inconsiderate, not me.
  • That man has such a nerve! He's always blaming me for things that are his fault.
  • Most fault conditions will set a ABS fault code in the CAB (controller anti-lock brake), which can be retrieved to aid in fault diagnosis.
  • In my scenario, the Senator tells the drowning person that it was the flailing non-swimmer's fault for falling in and not learning how to swim, not the Senator's doing, just before the erratic splasher goes under the surface for the last time. Norman Cressy: Musings II
  • The overall effect is hard to fault, but it is not that memorable.
  • One way is to make it easier for a user to default to your engine - by embedding a toolbar on his desktop, say, or putting a search box into his browser window.
  • Along the Leathad Riabhach gully, the Ben More Thrust steepens into a subvertical fault with gneiss to the NE and quartzite to the SW.
  • It is due to the high overhead and the unhandiness of the previous fault-tolerance systems.
  • Your honour indeed told me so, said Mrs. Jervis: but I never found her inclinable to think herself in a fault. Pamela
  • Engineers are very anxious to learn of its findings and to begin to correct the faults of the main water supply line from up north in New York State down to the City.
  • It's his own stupid fault his car was stolen?he should have kept it locked.
  • The crash has previously been blamed on technical faults and human error. The Sun
  • In other matches University made it two wins in a row with a 4-2 win over Whippersnappers, although University slipped back to their bad habits and defaulted the bottom two boards.
  • Was it his son's fault for smoking marijuana and skunk? The Times Literary Supplement
  • But to Mr. Robin there is no actually existing Burkeanism anywhere, making those who cite the ideal of a reasonable, pragmatic, nonreactionary conservatism guilty of the kind of utopianism the left is more commonly faulted for. NYT > Home Page
  • When the gentleman who guided me through the bush left me on the side of a pali, I discovered that Kahele, though strong, gentle, and sure-footed, possesses the odious fault known as balking, and expressed his aversion to ascend the other side in a most unmistakable manner. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • Additionally, FDA officials decided the drug must carry a warning on its label stating, "An increased rate of stroke was observed following Xarelto discontinuation in clinical trials" in patients with the faulty heartbeat known as atrial fibrillation. FDA Approves Anticlotting Drug
  • The surprise is learning that even when a school's moderation process is proved faulty under the NCEA, students can still retain their inflated marks.
  • Sometimes the boyfriends cops it, but that's usually because its his fault.
  • Previous workers have attributed these differences to changes in rheology, i.e. brittle faulting in sandstones v. more ductile folding and faulting in dolostones.
  • Divorce is never the fault of one partner; it takes two.
  • The technique uses a magnetic field which causes old, faulty or infected cells to cluster together and self-destruct. The Sun
  • Remember these rights are in addition to your rights if the goods or services are faulty or misdescribed.
  • The show's final half hour was almost faultless. Times, Sunday Times
  • They acted in bad faith by selling her a car that they knew to be faulty.
  • Yesterday's quake struck along the same 'ring of fire' faultline that caused the 2004 disaster. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lack of proofreading is also one of my faults I suppose. Matthew Yglesias » Kinsley’s Transcendental Deduction of Hyperinflation
  • If he has a fault at all, it is that he is too generous.
  • Too many soldiers have returned from combat with tales of faulty equipment. Times, Sunday Times
  • My fault for being such an eejit as to give a charlatan a fortune for dressed-up tripe.
  • They've found a major fault with the electrical system.
  • When control the flying shear, T400 technology board can workout program with parameter mode completely. So it can be provided with exact position, fewer fault, convenient maintenance and so on.
  • There are other fault lines that traverse the earth. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • The bestseller lists are full of books highly critical of religion, countered by pundits whose heated rhetoric decries a public square made “naked” by the absence of religion.2 Yet the fault line between those who are religious and those who are not hardly exhausts the ways in which religion can be divisive. American Grace
  • The first is that white defaults should percentagewise exceed black defaults on loans at that institution, because the black borrowers have been held to irrationally high standards by their racist lenders. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Further Left You Are the Less You Know About Economics:
  • Folds associated with intraformational faults in the Tertiary mudstones of the southernmost North Sea show a similar asymmetry, with anticlines locally developing into diapiric structures.
  • It is now a useless exercise to bicker over who is at fault, but the immediate task is to help rebuild damaged infrastructure and help affected residents recover from the floods.
  • I think she must be insecure or something, as in her footage she bleats about having ‘too many faults’ when the cameras follow her into the change room.
  • Nevertheless, incumbent officeholders, candidates, and aspirants are pragmatic to a fault, and their main concern is with winning elections.
  • A friend without faults will never be found. 
  • Subsequent movement rifted these later lava fields, causing long, linear valleys bounded by parallel faults. Iceland as a model for Renewable energy
  • It's not my or any working man's fault that the tax collected has been frittered away on other things. The Sun
  • Seafood is the main attraction, and the freshness and quality is excellent - the three of us sampled mackerel, tuna and swordfish, none of which could be faulted.
  • However, the developer "faulted" on their agreement with the city and the MEDC by failing to purchase the "transfer site" under the given deadline. Undefined
  • GM has said that 5,000 of its GMC Savana and Chevrolet Express vans are affected by this safety recall - due to a faulty alternator, which is considered a fire risk. Product Reviews Net
  • Now seeing in the last section, those we call mathematics are absolved of the crime of breeding controversy; and they that pretend not to learning cannot be accused; the fault lieth altogether in the dogmatics, that is to say, those that are imperfectly learned, and with passion press to have their opinions pass everywhere for truth, without any evident demonstration either from experience, or from places of Scripture of uncontroverted interpretation. The Elements of Law Natural and Politic
  • Generous host to a fault, Julie even sends Zoe and Nadia to the offie when I mention I'd like red wine which isn't on offer.
  • We are confident that their reputation and persuasive skills will come in handy for the municipal authorities to collect taxes from defaulters, " said Bharat Sharma, a revenue officer.
  • A willful fault has no excuse and deserves no pardon. 
  • If there was an element of good fortune about his batting then, this was a virtually faultless performance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Class fractions are a fundamental feature of corporate capitalism and can become particularly potent fault lines.
  • Nay, I know that you shall not find him in Mansoul, for he is departed and gone; yea, and gone for the faults of the elders, and for that they rewarded his grace with unsufferable unkindness. The Holy War
  • Argentina is two weeks from defaulting on its sovereign debt. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can't fault you on your logic.
  • People who default on their mortgage repayments may have their home repossessed.
  • Greece's rating was downgraded to junk status last year owing to the risk of default. Times, Sunday Times
  • Taskbar is still annoying, everything looks worse than vista, my soundcard still doesn't work (probably creative's fault, but still, it's flawless in vista and 'Buntu), and it actually takes longer to boot than vista for me (or does it need to' mature 'like Vista does?). Windows 7′s Best Underhyped Features | Lifehacker Australia
  • For years it was their default position. Times, Sunday Times
  • The "fume" or "smell" events occur when oil seeps from faulty engine oil seals into the compressor bleed air used to ventilate and pressurise the cabin. HEADLINES
  • It is the nature of folly to see the faults of others and forget his own. 
  • Part of Goody's almost biblical redemption was that she admitted her faults. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can't just turn around and say that it was all my fault.
  • It isn't her fault some evil person abducted her. The Sun
  • Let's be honest, the tan-demic is really fashion's fault: In the last five years we've seen a very bohemian/hippie/California-girl style reign supreme, and naturally (no pun intended), what goes better with boho than a faux glow (or Uggs, for that matter)? Verena von Pfetten: Tan Is The New Tacky
  • It is already known that in some bowel cancers the K-Ras gene is faulty, leaving the switch permanently 'on'. patients who have a normally functioning K-Ras 'switch' might in some circumstances** benefit from new cancer drugs called cetuximab and panitumumab. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • I also do my best to apply this to the faults and foibles of others. Times, Sunday Times
  • They include more guards on trains, a ‘no radio, no train’ rule for trains with faulty communication systems and stronger drivers' cabs.
  • Link Research has invested in a second Prism Sound Dscope Series III audio analyser, which is being used in its service department to find audio faults and verify audio performance. Electronicstalk - electronics industry news
  • For this reason a number of states have adopted no-fault systems for settling personal injury claims arising from auto accidents.
  • The officer replied saying it was not his fault but the rules were that we have not got enough points.
  • It might seem carping to find fault in such a dazzling and fully realized novel.
  • And it had a systems fault which was only rectified after a near miss. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • Troopergate was about a dangerous renegade brother-in-law; Walt Monegan was "insubordinate;" Charlie Gibson's interview was full of "gotcha" questions; Katie Couric was just mean and condescending; the shouts of "kill him" and "terrorist" at her rallies were the fault of Bill Ayers; Wardrobegate was the fault of the McCain Campaign; losing the election wasn't her fault, it was George W. Bush and the economy. Shannyn Moore: Gobble Gobblegate
  • What phlegmatical reasons soever were made you," wrote the Queen, who but three weeks before had been so gentle and affectionate to her, ambassador, "how happeneth it that you will not remember, that when a man hath faulted and committed by abettors thereto, neither the one nor the other will willingly make their own retreat. History of the United Netherlands from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Year's Truce — Complete (1584-1609)
  • The Sedimentary Subalpine Zone ecoregion is found southeast of Yellowstone National Park, in the overthrust belt, and in the northwest corner of the Bighorn Mountains in areas underlain by faulted and folded Mesozoic and Paleozoic sedimentary rocks (limestone, dolomite, shale, and sandstone). Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)
  • A counselor tries not to be faultfinding.
  • Self-regulation can work if there is both a default rule urging for its fine tuning (via contract), and a common sharing of values upon which to build the needed exceptions and safe harbours.
  • Chela has three break points and Henman surrenders his advantage with a double fault.
  • If the faultes and vices were fitt to be looked into and discover'd, let the persons be who they would that were guilty of them, they were sure to finde no connivence of favour from him. Characters from 17th Century Histories and Chronicles
  • All right, I take it all back. It wasn't your fault.
  • Consider the code above and realize that any enumerated value not specifically processed by a case statement is instead processed by the default statement.
  • Instead, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service said a faulty cinder box had meant red hot cinders were spilling out on to the bone dry trackside.
  • However, the being a little slow, a little ineffectual, is perhaps the least offensive fault she could have; and/some/fault, being human, she New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • Bvt as it hath bene alwayes reputed a great fault to vse figuratiue speaches foolishly and indiscretly, so is it esteemed no lesse an imperfection in mans vtterance, to haue none vse of figure at all, specially in our writing and speaches publike, making them but as our ordinary talke, then which nothing can be more vnsauourie and farre from all ciuilitie. The Arte of English Poesie
  • The only real fault of the book is its looseness of structure.
  • Manufacturers must contact owners of faulty cars. Times, Sunday Times
  • The conman also put in faulty lifts for others. The Sun
  • The intentions were good, which is why Brooke couldn't really fault him.
  • Yes, it's our fault in a certain measure that Billy is the awful "duffer" he is. Parkhurst Boys And Other Stories of School Life
  • The printing was poor and he tried to blind me with science by saying that it was the fault of the paper and not his machine.
  • In 2010 it will have to replace some $65 billion in public debt, and fear of default has driven up the interest rate on new Greek government debt to 6 percent.
  • But a number of faulty assumptions seem to form the basis for some of your arguments.
  • Aiming at the problem of testing parametric fault in analog integrated circuits, an approach based on power spectrum correlation analysis for diagnosing parametric faults is presented.
  • Of course, it would be open to ultra-picky fault-finding customers or even malicious postings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don't blame me - it's not my fault.
  • So this gaff is all the reporters fault for being insecure? Think Progress » President Bush To Legally Blind Reporter: ‘Are You Going to Ask That Question with Shades On?’
  • For loudly booing when the blameless singers and the faultless musicians were doing their best? Times, Sunday Times
  • If you have planted seeds in the past and they did not grow it is probably your fault
  • The noon whistles blew before Sam's task was finished, but by the time he departed for lunch there was made a bed of such quality that Whitey must needs have been born faultfinder if he complained of it. Short Stories of Various Types
  • He's so friendly people are prepared to overlook his faults.
  • Every fool can find faults that wise man cannot remedy. 
  • Every fool can find faults that wise man cannot remedy. 
  • It is important to note that the default risk of swaps is not the same as the default risk on the full amount of the notional principal. Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  • She won't mind your being late - besides, it's hardly your fault.
  • Batch process fault diagnose with Petri net is a comparatively active research field at present.
  • It only means that our good tendencies are not complete or infallible, that we are not faultless automata.
  • Because the cost of a page fault is high, it is desirable that a garbage collector properly manage locality of reference.
  • You should judge of its merits and faults for yourself.
  • The fault of the ass must not be laid upon the packsaddle. 
  • The long-range airliners have suffered at least three dozen similar failures involving faulty speed readings, it has emerged over the past month. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is no man without faults
  • If the room had a little light apart from the faulty bedside lamp that flickered unpredictably every few minutes it wouldn't be so bad, or even just a fan that at least to cool and circulate the foul damp air.
  • He brings word from Venice that Antonio has defaulted on his loan to Shylock, and needs Bassanio's help.
  • The command is simply "conky", because I use the default location for the configuration file (/etc/conky/conky. conf), which I ocassionally modify. PCLinuxOS-Forums
  • It was once Britain's default shopping destination for expectant mums and doting grandparents. Times, Sunday Times
  • No one would fault anyonewho can afford to go to Hawaii for going. Has Obama Heard About The Economic Crisis?
  • He believes that the product's poor image is partly the fault of the press.
  • Everybody has his merits and faults
  • The absent are never without fault, nor the present without excuse. Benjamin Franklin 
  • I admit it was entirely my fault.
  • We have seen no evidence that this degraded fault-line scarp is Holocene active.
  • I am also advised by officials that there was one particular design fault in one of the windows of the cells.
  • Investigators found cigarettes, a box of disposable lighters and an empty bottle of whisky in her flat, but no evidence of any electrical or gas faults.
  • She has an annoying predisposition to find fault wherever she goes.
  • In a convergent fault, two plates crash into each other: one plate is forced upwards, one is then ‘subducted’ underneath the other.
  • Kors: Initial reports on the Corps and the faultiness of the levees were pretty brief. Joshua Kors: Q&A With Harry Shearer: Voice of The Simpsons Speaking Up for New Orleans
  • A fault means parts of the cap seal could end up in the liquid - causing a choking hazard. The Sun
  • he studied the faulting of the earth's crust
  • As a promotional tool to sell the show, this collection is faultless.
  • But then she saw he had dropped the gun from nerveless hands and she could not fault him at all.
  • This isostatic rebound causes vertical uplift and the tensional forces due to the movement of the crust creates normal and graben faults. Mountain
  • Fregellae, the town which assumed the lead in the movement and either through overhaste or faulty information alone took the fatal step, [486] was a Latin colony which had been planted by Rome in the territory of the Volsci in the year 328 A History of Rome During the Later Republic and Early Principate
  • Same as the World Bank, International Financial Corporation is reluctant to admit lending default or investment failure.
  • The other upside was that any school official who called my house to ask why I was tardy got assurances from ‘my mom’ that it was all her fault.
  • The cooker isn't working because of an electrical fault.
  • The explosion may have been caused by a faulty electrical connection.
  • It's as if it's my fault.
  • So I call a meeting and announce a new policy on defaulted contracts, and I get these knowing looks.
  • Remember though you are only entitled to a refund if goods are faulty, misdescribed or not fit for the purpose made known to the retailer.
  • This paper presents a method to treat the various changes of lines with mutual conductance for analysis of faulted power systems. The modified formula of node equation of networks have been derived.
  • Branches of the banks are told to get defaulting farmers to use the wavier to repay the loan. Leading bank stops Issuing loans for Farm equipments
  • AFAIK, that is true for Minti and Ubuntu main distributions, but for Ubuntu there is a variant available called Kubuntu where KDE is the default, and also there is soon to be a variant (it is in beta now) of Mint where KDE is the default. OSNews
  • It creates two symbolic links at /dev/cdrom and /dev/cdrom0, both of which point at /dev/hdc. Again, no NAME assignment was specified, so the default kernel name (hdc) is used.
  • The fault lies with the dishonest blackheart who sees his patients as dollar signs. EMR Ethics
  • They were polite and spoke barely above a whisper and never used faults in an animal to force a deal.
  • The whole philosophy of a stone quarry is to leverage out a wholesome material, free of cracks and other faults.
  • The fusion belief function assignment is gotten by using D-S rule and fuzzy logic theory, and fault component is found.
  • A fire investigation team will try to ascertain the exact cause but it is thought to have been an electrical fault.
  • He has all the scatophagous faults of the unlearned. Orbis quintus
  • It is not entirely their fault. Times, Sunday Times
  • The prime minister used his keynote speech at Labour's spring conference in Gateshead to acknowledge it was largely his fault that his bond with the public had frayed.
  • The insides are modish to a fault, but not eccentric in the way the exterior will be. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Indenture does not provide for any other rights on the occurrence of such an event of default.
  • I think that understanding these rough fault lines helps to recognize the unarticulated starting points that lie behind many modern legal debates.
  • The fault discovered by the team begins near the Swiss Jura mountains south of Basel and extends nearly five miles northeasterly through the Rhine graben, a valley near the city's southern edge.
  • He served only three double faults and won 91 per cent of his first serves. The Sun
  • France, which prides itself on being a meritocracy, has slowly ossified into its default mode of hierarchy.
  • A male colleague got 585 for toppling backwards on a faulty chair while another was handed 14,000 after hurting his back lifting boxes. The Sun
  • So when it all goes wrong, with costs through the roof and millions down the drain, it must be their fault, mustn't it?
  • It is high time that this fault be reformed for the future, that God's word, which is all gold, be not justled out to make room for men's sermons, which are but parcel-gilt at the best. Good Thoughts in Bad Times and Other Papers.
  • Parallel ranges and valleys on folded, faulted and metamorphosed strata; rounded crests of subequal height. Central California Coast (Bailey)
  • By default, CCNet will tolerate 5 consecutive errors but will stop the project on a 6th error.
  • It's not my or any working man's fault that the tax collected has been frittered away on other things. The Sun
  • Timmer argues that a "consilience" of different lines of evidence strongly favors the catechismal (monophyletic) tale, and faults Evolution News & Views
  • You can edit each type of resource by using a default editor associated with its file name extension.
  • The list of obligations extends beyond checking for electrical faults. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nobody is without faults.
  • He dismissed speculations that the fire was ignited by electrical faults or caused by foul play.
  • The field evidence includes the presence of several longitudinal extensional folds such as a rollover anticline and drag folds that are related to normal faults in the area.
  • One man’s fault is another man’s lesson. 
  • Normalcy, in this version, was conceived as full integration - without any of the surreptitious derogations and defaults of the past - into a liberalised European economy.
  • Be like the sun for grace and mercy. Be like the night to cover others' faults. Be like running water for generosity. Be like death for rage and anger. Be like the Earth for modesty. Appear as you are. Be as you appear. Rumi 
  • Be sure ground fault circuit interrupters are specified for all electrical receptacles.
  • This is not anyone's fault, really, except for the dunderheads who threw out all of the original prints.
  • It is not known whether the thrusts and reverse faults represent reactivated extensional basement structures or formed entirely during basin inversion.
  • The second fault I want to plead guilty to is carelessness in my statement of your view, and unimaginativeness in applying it.
  • Indeed, Moulsworth vows to transmute the faulty model provided by the Biblical Martha, the archetypal busy housewife: Moulsworth plans to "dight" (or make ready) her "Inward house" (l. 19) and thus prepare an appropriate habitation for Christ. My Name Was Martha: A Renaissance Woman's Autobiographical Poem
  • She did not wish to convey that they were all at fault.
  • These codes are built into the system and control default fonts, typefaces, sizes and column measures.
  • The persistent critic, therefore, has a vested interest in fault-finding.
  • If nobody loves you, be sure it is your own fault
  • They suggest that their evidence based refutations of erroneous beliefs commonly expressed by immunisation defaulters are useful in dispelling their concerns.
  • I am apologetic here, as I do not understand your faulty logic in the aforementioned statement.
  • They'd go all "Nixon In The Rose Garden" on us and give us a bunch of incoherent mumbletypeg about quality and service and how none of this was really their fault so please don't sue. CarBuyersNoteBook
  • To be safe, though, trading and investment houses have built up their cash holdings and reduced their exposure to stocks and risky assets in case the U.S. does default.
  • I think that there's room for debate about what is or isn't appropriate for public calling-out, but I think that the word *debate* there is key - not just running with a default assumption of anything possibly hurtful = bad = verboten. Community Is Hard. Deal With It.
  • For all its faults, Elephants on the Edge deals with a fascinating and little-understood subject, which makes it doubly disappointing to find it so devoid of facts and overstuffed with opinion.
  • It was her fault that Fay had broken her wrist.
  • It isnt my fault it went over your head because you are too stupid to know what a dinoflagellate is Think Progress » Tancredo says Obama won because we lack a ‘literacy test before people can vote in this country.’
  • If the Dem's have 60 seats in the Senate then everything and anything that had happened to this beloved country because of that A$$ Bush and his cronies is no longer their fault and is now, apparently, the entire fault of the Obama Administration. Breaking: Coleman concedes
  • Their equipment was faulty when they attempted to react ethylene and benzaldehyde under high pressure. March 27, 1933: Just One Word ... Plastics
  • The aircraft made an unscheduled landing after developing an electrical fault.
  • The notion that economies, as a whole, sometimes lack sufficient drive derives from a faulty set of economic doctrines that focus on the demand side of the aggregate economy.
  • An almost faultless afternoon from the dominant Red Bulls. The Sun
  • Anything more than that generally means something is faulty or not being switched off. Times, Sunday Times

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