How To Use Fatuous In A Sentence

  • No matter how anodyne, fatuous, sensible or irrelevant. Times, Sunday Times
  • The other reason cuts on this scale have been possible is that the government has hidden behind Darling's tax increases, arguing fatuously that it should receive credit for keeping them in place. Tax cuts for high earners make no sense – give them to those on low incomes
  • My fatuous school blazer was stripped from my shoulders and replaced with a leather waistcoat. ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?: A Life Through the Movies
  • It's not, as Obama fatuously suggested, because of oil company lobbying but because it is very portable, energy-dense and easy to use. Obama and the vision thing
  • One has to pity the poor flacks who have to defend a corporate officer's speech characterized not just by US-bashing but by sheer fatuousness.
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  • Her carefree sloganeering can be maddeningly fatuous, occasionally making the reader feel as though he or she is stuck behind a car covered in bumper stickers.
  • I shall sing a Song of the Sword, too, should the sword "thrust through the fatuous, thrust through the fungous brood. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • I found myself rooting for Tamara to reconnect in the deepest way with handsome Andy, her childhood friend — Luke Evans makes him a son of the soil who would have had Hardy's vote — and I was shocked by her home-wrecking exploits with a fatuous scrivener, though her heedlessness is exactly the point. A Grownup Look at Lennon as a 'Boy'
  • The Chief was left speechless by this fatuous remark.
  • I was just thinking, if he did mean those statements as they sound, what a fatuous ninnyhammer that would make him! Speaking as one old fart to another
  • It was his fatuous, smirky tone and insubstantial jibes.
  • Experience tells me, though, that learners certainly opt out of various media when they're poorly chosen (inappropriate for the learning), poorly implemented (talking down, lecturing, fatuous), or poorly administered (mindless administrivia, useless recordkeeping, or mandatory sheep-dip). Same old story
  • It is at least the second time this fatuous notion of a conspiracy has been advanced as an excuse for their eviction from a competition. Times, Sunday Times
  • Otherwise, demands for resignations sound strident as well as fatuous. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think the whole idea that people can adjust their work-life balances like twiddling a knob on a thermostat is fatuous. Humour
  • Our nobly intended welfare programs may be encouraging dysgenics-retrogressive evolution through disproportionate reproduction of the genetically disadvantage … We fear that 'fatuous beliefs' in the power of welfare money, unaided by eugenic foresight, may contribute to a decline of human quality for all segments of society. Climate Progress
  • I've even learned to look past her attempts to create an unwelcome climate for those of us who are striving to take steps against the whole mumpish brotherhood of fatuous nincompoops.
  • The comparisons are being made, fatuous as they are.
  • Polysemaniacs cannot read or hear the word fatuous without conjuring up some image or other of fatness, possibly a paunchy wise-guy at a party. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 3
  • Mountaineering has engendered more fatuous comment than most human pastimes, much of it from mountaineers themselves.
  • He also attacks the 'precautionary principle', which distorts so much institutional behaviour and leads to fatuous overregulation and organisational timidity. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would be fatuous to suggest that an exact repeat is on the cards. Times, Sunday Times
  • You need to challenge your own prejudices with a little more historical sense P from M (and Frank P I'm coming to you too in a minute you fatuous old tosser, oops I swore I wouldn't sink to your level of name-calling Frank, but you just have this effect on people - by the way, who cares what your granny did or didn't say to you you big looby). Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • It is fatuous, chunderous crap of the highest order for this claim to be constantly repeated.
  • I should think it did," Kendal replied; and then their eyes met, and they laughed the healthy instinctive laugh of youth when it is asked to mourn fatuously, which is always a little cruel. A Daughter of To-Day
  • The Democratic Alliance has dismissed as "fatuous" a correctional services department denial of preferential treatment for certain prisoners. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It is the kind of fatuous dreck we are used to hearing. Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
  • But it's the same little fellow, beaming somewhat fatuously and raising the staff in blessing like a young bishop.
  • This sort of misbehaviour varies in degree from the black hatred and fury of an uncontrolled egotism to what verges in some cases upon justifiable criticism of slightly fatuous or self-complacent behaviour. The Shape of Things to Come
  • They are ill served by the pretence of simplicity, or the fatuous notion that the relationship is one big, rolling quid pro quo. Times, Sunday Times
  • This produced a fatuous contentment, which from the beginning led producers to view TV as a threat.
  • Such fatuous nonsense afforded us countless hours of mirth; who says religion has no value?
  • They are ill served by the pretence of simplicity, or the fatuous notion that the relationship is one big, rolling quid pro quo. Times, Sunday Times
  • His last Tweet recommends a fatuous Robert Kaplan op-ed contending that the Muslim world is one undistinguishable agglutination of grievance. A World Brimming Frozen Over With Overexposure | ATTACKERMAN
  • I really can't remember when I last saw a more fatuously featureless feature.
  • Why the hell that fatuous yet inarguable quote is still caroming around my brainpan I have no idea whatsoever.
  • This week we've watched the euro continue to sink to record lows against the Swiss franc, sometimes fatuously referred to as Europe's new D-Mark but nonetheless the region's currency gold standard. Time for EU to Finish the Job
  • But lest anyone think I give succour to the nationalists by talk of national futures, let there be no such fatuous interpretation.
  • But they also describe it, fatuously, as ‘comprehensive’.
  • The fact that we don't find such documents puts the lie to such glib and fatuous justifications for immorality.
  • This is a fatuous argument. Times, Sunday Times
  • Waverley expressed his surprise that his friend Davie was capable of such trust; but the Baron gave him to understand that this poor simpleton was neither fatuous, nec naturaliter idiota, as is expressed in the brieves of furiosity, but simply a crack-brained knave, who could execute very well any commission which jumped with his own humour, and made his folly a plea for avoiding every other. Waverley
  • Barron Field wrote off Australia as ‘prose-dull’, and hoped that the wings of poesy - as he fatuously put it - would soon whirl him away to a more amenable clime. There was no question of Australians being permitted to create art of their own.
  • The truth is that, like it or loathe it, Pearl Harbor was "an event" – a film that made headlines long before the cameras turned thanks to its bloated budget, and which managed to stay in the headlines throughout its production courtesy of a unique mix of historical tactlessness, fatuous movie-star flashing Kate Beckinsale reportedly displayed her naked bottom during a no-pants flypast – whoopee! and, most importantly, enormous expense. Mark Kermode: How to make an intelligent blockbuster and not alienate people
  • Waverley expressed his surprise that his friend Davie was capable of such trust; but the Baron gave him to understand that this poor simpleton was neither fatuous, NEC NATURALITER IDIOTA, as is expressed in the brieves of furiosity, but simply a crack-brained knave, who could execute very well any commission which jumped with his own humour, and made his folly a plea for avoiding every other. Waverley: or, 'Tis sixty years since
  • The fatuous Count Schwerin von Krosigk too.
  • His naive, fatuous smile alone would have aroused their ire before he opened his vainglorious mouth.
  • Rather, yesteryear's bullish "verities" -- you can't go wrong owning stocks, you can retire early, good times can roll forever -- have been replaced by equally fatuous bearish verities. Bull? Bear? Lemming!
  • Sydney has gone for the fast money and fatuous celebrity worship - and suffered for it, writes Steve Cannane.
  • Lurking on the fringe of the group as befitted my junior position, it came to me that I could make a memorable contribution to this rather fatuous debate.
  • They explore their sexuality, marveling at their youthful, maturing bodies, and exchanging fatuous remarks.
  • You employ meaningless phrases as fatuously as the mayor. McGinn Plans Second Housing Meeting; Still No Word on Fate of Housing Office « PubliCola
  • Gentle reader, let me assure you that this is fatuous nonsense.
  • Her answers to other question can only be described as fatuous, making the viewer want to replace her with a Barbie doll in order to obtain a higher intellectual bandwidth. Stories / Popular
  • If the portrayal is already generating Oscar talk, it's also better than such fatuous plaudits. GreenCine Daily: Cannes. A Mighty Heart.
  • Treat to work properly after white clean, water in the bath bucket has already canned not see and is imaginable, the fatuous fox is exactly stained with how much black ash come back.
  • Jay was so upset by the network\'s inability to commit to his contract that he disappeared from the show\'s holiday party early, while the likes of \ "Mr. Anecdote, \" Fred De Cordova, was on stage performing some kind of fatuous satire with other members of the NBC brass. Buddy Winston: Lenopause
  • THE most interesting survey result in the history of fatuous surveys. The Sun
  • What appears to be a commercial-ended product scowls at its own small coterie of advisors and grins fatuously at all the end-users. Excerpt from De Imitatio Calembouri
  • THE most interesting survey result in the history of fatuous surveys. The Sun
  • I'd say the latter is the slightly more fatuous article.
  • Upon her release for serving the full twelve years of her fatuous sentence we are going to have to live with the consequences of that decision.
  • Waverley expressed his surprise that his friend Davie was capable of such trust; but the Baron gave him to understand that this poor simpleton was neither fatuous nec naturaliter idiota, as is expressed in the brieves of furiosity, but simply a crackbrained knave, who could execute very well any commission which jumped with his own humour, and made his folly a plea for avoiding every other. The Waverley
  • My fatuous school blazer was stripped from my shoulders and replaced with a leather waistcoat. ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?: A Life Through the Movies
  • What a fatuous remark!
  • This is a fatuous argument. Times, Sunday Times
  • One senses that Piano considers this a fatuous question. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your scribe fatuously states that there is no proof of this, that the reports of the dragons are `the excuses of cowards for. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • However intemperate, rude and fatuous Ken's outburst might have been, it was not racist.
  • A Victorian campaign to expunge it is likely to be futile, therefore fatuous.
  • However, based on some of the fatuous comments I've been reading on this topic, we may expect to hear it soon.
  • But insolence is of two kinds, benignant and malignant, or sustained insolence and fatuous insolence. The Fatuous Insolence of the Canadians
  • But as we all know from experience, the inarticulate can be shrewd, the fluent fatuous.
  • His fatuous smile alone would have aroused their ire before he opened his vainglorious mouth.
  • In front of a painting in Florence, I made some fatuous remark to an American with backpack.
  • Maybe we were all paying the karmic price for our premier's fatuous grandstanding.
  • We fatuously hoped that we might pluck from the human tragedy itself a consciousness of a common destiny which should bring its own healing, that we might extract from life's very misfortunes a power of coöperation which should be effective against them. Twenty Years at Hull-House, With Autobiographical Notes
  • Dominic Cooper is a fatuous rock star, and Jessica Barden is a wondrously funny teenager, and slatternly deus ex machina, who adores him. A Grownup Look at Lennon as a 'Boy'
  • It's a shrill, macho, fatuously self-righteous action movie about a wholesome superstar called Bo persecuted by paparazzi.
  • The Narraboth, Sean Panikkar, acquitted himself beautifully, driven half-mad when Salome gets him to violate his commands, and singing well; Richard Berkeley-Steele made an ideally fatuous if half-inaudible Herod; and Doris Soffel was full of rage rather than camp as a stentorian Herodias. Washington National Opera unveils a lively 'Salome'
  • The Democratic Alliance dismissed the adverts as "fatuous". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Newt Gingrich, as a former professor of history, ought to know better than to characterize Obama fatuously as "the most radical president in American history. Obama a 'Radical'? Get Real
  • He saw himself as a ludicrous figure, acting as a pennyboy for his aunts, a nervous, well-meaning sentimentalist, orating to vulgarians and idealising his own clownish lusts, the pitiable fatuous fellow he had caught a glimpse of in the mirror. Dubliners
  • One senses that Piano considers this a fatuous question. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nothing could be more absurd: as well attempt to interpret Beethoven in terms of mathematical physics - as many a fatuous contrapuntist, indeed, has tried to do. Prejudices : first series,
  • Now, as the repeated and often fatuous stories against the government in recent months show, the press has stopped playing the game.
  • The claim that this system of traffic calming ‘owes much of its unpopularity to its success’ is a also a fatuous statement.
  • I'm surprised that when I looked up the word fatuous in the dictionary, your name and picture weren't next to it. Poll: Hillary Up By 18 Points In Pennsylvania Primary
  • It would be fatuous to suggest that an exact repeat is on the cards. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is not so fatuous that it becomes mocking, but the humor in the situation is evident.
  • Suggesting that Irish inflation may have a knock-on effect on the eurozone is fatuous and absurd.
  • Studio interviews are fatuous and location shots and features are so uninformative that they have to be spiced up with distorted camera angles and background music.
  • Waverley expressed his surprise that his friend Davie was capable of such trust; but the Baron gave him to understand that this poor simpleton was neither fatuous, nec naturaliter idiota, as is expressed in the brieves of furiosity, but simply a crack-brained knave, who could execute very well any commission which jumped with his own humour, and made his folly Waverley
  • New Zealand was a very nice country to live in and it was not a myth or a fatuous slogan that it was ‘a great place to bring up children’.
  • I smiled fatuously at him and he nearly dropped his glass as he looked at us all.
  • Who came up with the fatuous idea of getting drunken hooligans to form orderly queues at cash points across Britain?
  • Because President-elect Obama cried change, will he address real transformation toward a sustainable society or continue ´fatuous change´ as he continues ´consensus trance´? American Chronicle
  • Obstinate and fatuous to the last, they dallied and paltered on the fatal ground, until sudden, blinding, inevitable catastrophe fell upon them from all sides at once, and swept them out of existence as a military force. The River War An Account of the Reconquest of the Sudan
  • He paused and looked at her, and then all at once something in the utter childness of her beauty seemed to puncture his anger like an inflated tire, and render him helpless, uncertain, utterly fatuous. Flappers and Philosophers
  • It is hardly surprising that they find nothing to identify with in a project that so fatuously sings the praises of a future dominated by big business.
  • Your scribe fatuously states that there is no proof of this, that the reports of the dragons are `the excuses of cowards for. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • The first assumption of the Census Bureau, therefore, must be viewed as fatuous at worst, naive at best.
  • I've seen Titanic enough times to know that rich people are fatuous and greedy, while poor people are noble and virtuous.
  • Gore has that most annoying of characteristics of those on the Left, namely a fatuous belief that they are motivated by selfless regard for the planet, while everyone in business is motivated by a complete disregard for what is environmentally responsible. Day Four – Al Gore « Climate Audit
  • The Chief was left speechless by this fatuous remark.
  • Or is all this just another "fatuous" observation, by your lights? Poll: Hillary Up 8 Points In Texas Primary
  • Silverberg famously and fatuously stated that it was obvious from their masculine content that the stories of James Tiptree, Jr. could only have been written by a man. TOC: The Mammoth Book of Mindblowing SF edited by Mike Ashley
  • Another fatuous, badly drafted piece of Labour tyranny flouted with impunity; sorry, not "flouted" because it's all entirely legal! Archive 2005-10-01
  • What land have you been living, this level of sentence is typical bordering on severe these days and i have seen much worse lenient sentencing for the most fatuous of reasons for much more serious crimes with greater antecedence. Final Fantasy « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • But a purist who objects so forcibly to archaism and archaicism should avoid such terms as "whilom Persian Secretary" (p. 170); as anthophobia, which he is compelled to explain by "dread of selecting only what is best" (p. 175), as anthophobist (p. 176); as "fatuous ejaculations" (p. 183), as a "raconteur Arabian nights. English
  • Otherwise, demands for resignations sound strident as well as fatuous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her artless, witless & fatuous discourse can transport from sanity to incohate rage before she's fumbled her first sub-clause. Blears on the Ballot
  • Ronald Reagan used to say rather fatuously that Democrats had gone so far left they'd left the country. John Feffer: The Confederacy of Cupidity
  • Westmoreland County, did he feel once more identified with his surroundings; at the station he saw a star he knew, and a cold moon bright over Chesapeake Bay; he heard the rasping wheels of buckboards turning, the lovely fatuous voices, the sound of sluggish primeval rivers flowing softly under soft Indian names. Tender is the Night
  • (Troll prophylactic: yes, Mr. Tenet was a holdover from the Clinton administration, but the claim that it's all Bill Clinton's fault, along with everything else that the Bush administration has managed to bungle, is fatuous. With Friends Like These...
  • Yet "Revolutionary Road" -- the name fatuously meant to imply that America's revolutionary promise withers and dies in the suburbs -- caught the reflexive attitudes of many readers. Why Does Hollywood Hate the Suburbs?
  • And you can occasionally say, ‘Shut up you fatuous gasbag!’
  • It is at least the second time this fatuous notion of a conspiracy has been advanced as an excuse for their eviction from a competition. Times, Sunday Times
  • Darling said this would be fatuous, because what he described as smaller, simpler banks - like Northern Rock and Bradford British Blogs
  • Indeed, the point was hammered in by a voice-overed narrator contributing fatuous observations like ‘The huge gulf between rich and poor highlights how lucky we are in New Zealand!’
  • The truth is that, like it or loathe it, Pearl Harbor was "an event" – a film that made headlines long before the cameras turned thanks to its bloated budget, and which managed to stay in the headlines throughout its production courtesy of a unique mix of historical tactlessness, fatuous movie-star flashing Kate Beckinsale reportedly displayed her naked bottom during a no-pants flypast – whoopee! and, most importantly, enormous expense. Mark Kermode: How to make an intelligent blockbuster and not alienate people
  • Jay was so upset by the network's inability to commit to his contract that he disappeared from the show's holiday party early, while the likes of "Mr. Anecdote," Fred De Cordova, was on stage performing some kind of fatuous satire with other members of the NBC brass. Buddy Winston: Lenopause
  • The assumption that such violence afflicts only the poor or deserving is both fatuous and misguided.
  • You stepped in here, full of pompous condescension, spat on everyone you saw, uttered fatuous windbaggery, made bullshit claims, and then when challenged, went into pseudo-legal nonsense that wasn't even partially coherent. In New Letter, Clinton's Lawyers Demand ABC Yank Film
  • It would be fatuous to suggest that an exact repeat is on the cards. Times, Sunday Times

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