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How To Use Fatten In A Sentence

  • To avoid fattening, unhealthful fats, you need to understand what types of foods they are concealed in.
  • Bull calves from dairy herds are usually castrated, becoming steers, and sent to feedlots, where they are fattened for slaughter, usually before the age of 2.
  • Outdoor barbecue ready to eat food and spices which are less likely to fatten up ah?
  • Most lowland farmers keep some dairy cattle and rear calves as well as wintering and fattening sheep and lambs.
  • He was feeding fish to crabs to fatten them and getting a good economic return from selling the crabs. Mary Robinson: Climate Change -- A Glimpse of the Future
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  • It was some of the most fattening and delicious baked chicken I have ever eaten.
  • Uruguay might also import Argentine grain to fatten steers.
  • Scottish lovers of the beefburger and the chip butty are being encouraged to stand up for their rights to eat fattening, unhealthy food.
  • You must fatten them into obedience.
  • Sweep on the base colour with a powder brush, blending outwards, then take a good-quality blusher brush with domed bristles try the Body Shop or Mac and grin insincerely so cheeks fatten in the middle. Beauty: Blushers
  • There's no reason you have to help huge, bajillionaire companies fatten up their bank accounts.
  • The new feed can fatten the chicken up quickly enough for market.
  • By holding down your wages, corporations fatten their profits, stock prices rise, and Wall Street's high-rolling investors rejoice.
  • As any expert will tell you, it’s much easier to eat healthy, nonfattening food if everyone around you is too. The 17 Day Diet
  • It's a key producer of lysine, a feed additive derived from amino acids that is mixed with corn and soybean meal to fatten up livestock.
  • The tubby volunteers will eat low-calorie food prepared by a celebrity chef, work out three times a day, and try to avoid the ‘temptation fridge’ containing all their favourite fattening snacks.
  • Instead of sending them to feedlots to be fattened on grain, farmers are keeping animals home on the range.
  • They do a frozen yoghourt one now as well as the ice cream, which is supposed to be less fattening. It’s All Like, Interactive and Stuff - Danya Ruttenberg
  • Why should a chief executive with just three to four years to run in the job - and many of them have no more than that - fatten up the corporation for the benefit of his successor?
  • For the next thing that was heard of her, and that by a mere chance, was that she was marred to Mynheer van Hunker, 'a rascallion of an old half-bred Dutchman, 'as my hot-tongued sister called him, who had come over to fatten on our misfortunes by buying up the cavaliers' plate and jewels, and lending them money on their estates. Stray Pearls
  • Fame portends trouble for men just as fattening does for pigs.
  • As Pollan states, ... removing the fat from foods doesn't necessarily make them nonfattening. Laura Klein: Michael Pollan Has Some Food Rules to Live By
  • You won't have room for fattening sugary snacks between meals! Lower Your Blood Pressure in 4 Easy Stages
  • Topics of discussion: reasons why craft beer (and beer in general) is male-dominated; women's perception of beer as fattening; how to introduce women to craft beer; and whether women prefer fruity, "chocolatey" beers.
  • The 'gavage' accentuates the process, fattening ducks for a 12 to 15 day period, and geese for about 15 to 18 days. Brad Haskel: Foie Gras: Something to Think About
  • Eventually those kind of fattened interests have a way of colliding with the king and need to be eliminated. Say Anything
  • These projects simply serve to fatten the pockets of developers.
  • Fresh megass is at present better suited for fattening animals than for fuel under the sugar pans. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • You won't have room for fattening sugary snacks between meals! Lower Your Blood Pressure in 4 Easy Stages
  • Now he that flatters another induces him to sin mortally: hence a gloss on Ps. 140: 5, "Let not the oil of the sinner fatten my head," says: "The false praise of the flatterer softens the mind by depriving it of the rigidity of truth and renders it susceptive of vice. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • For example, beer with chips or nuts is a fattening combination.
  • The dairy-type conformation does not lend itself readily to beef production and though steers will fatten they grow rather slowly.
  • I'm trying to lose weight so I have to steer clear of fattening foods.
  • That's largely due to making convenient but fattening diet choices.
  • According to this story from, the new salad can be more fattening than the burgers!
  • Those corrupt officials fattened themselves by drinking the people's life - blood.
  • They fattened up ducks and geese.
  • Farmer Bragard is further rumoured to be contemplating using the green for fattening up capons, and it is this in particular that has the authorities in a froth.
  • Lucchese to this day; it is, however, lightly esteemed, and not used at all when other corn abounds, but thrown into the hencoop to fatten poultry. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, Number 361, November, 1845.
  • It is another thing entirely to be a corporate whore, selling out to the highest bidder because the CEO fattens your campaign chest.
  • [Kill the fattened tofu!] [And furiosity killed eight of them.] DUmmie FUnnies
  • The meal was apparently intended to be fulfilling and nonfattening. Stories
  • Its fattening qualities plumpen the tissues and so raise the lines of the face and gradually obliterate them. The Woman Beautiful or, The Art of Beauty Culture
  • In normal times, the Moores work the farm in two separate units, producing winter oats and winter wheat as well as fattening 600 head of cattle and a flock of store sheep.
  • Instead, tuna are taken from the wild, enclosed in nets and dragged to shore where they are corralled in pens and fattened on an oil-rich diet.
  • It's the same thing with beef, corn-fed beef from the States just doesn't compare to Western Canadian beef that's been pastured and then fattened up on wheat and barley.
  • Since then, scientists have proved that fat calories are much more fattening than carbohydrate calories.
  • The farm, which would breed and fatten up to 150,000 hogs annually for slaughter, would have made the facility one of Alberta's largest hog operations.
  • The beccafico, however, is not as a rule artificially fattened, and on this account was preferred by some sensitive tastes to the ortolan.
  • Plus, he points out that the by-product of alcohol production from corn is a highly concentrated and nutritious feed with which we can fatten up our livestock.
  • To fatten the purse, each contributes to a mutual fund.
  • Jurgis 'informant; but it was hard to think of anything new in a place where so many sharp wits had been at work for so long; where men welcomed tuberculosis in the cattle they were feeding, because it made them fatten more quickly; and where they bought up all the old rancid butter left over in the grocery stores of a continent, and "oxidized" it by a forced-air process, to take away the odor, rechurned it with skim milk, and sold it in bricks in the cities! The Jungle
  • The creature continued to grow and fatten.
  • How can you have an effective health care system based on denying care as much as possible to fatten a company's bottom line?!? matt Health care proposals need more work, health secretary says
  • Then there are the white flesh and the glutin, the best of all fattening foods; and having eaten to repletion for a couple of days, the diet palls, and they begin to speak in shockingly disrespectful terms of turtle. The Confessions of a Beachcomber
  • MSG is a chemical used to fatten up laboratory animals and evidence suggests it will ultimately make you fat when consumed.
  • But hey, I'm sure it was less fattening than the jam doughnut milkshake I could have had.
  • It's a key producer of lysine, a feed additive derived from amino acids that is mixed with corn and soybean meal to fatten up livestock.
  • Pubs sell alcohol, soft drinks and fattening snacks. Times, Sunday Times
  • This skinny cow is now fattening out under the good care of the stockman.
  • Day, fasts and watches, till he emaciates his Body, to fatten his purse and increase his coffers. John Adams diary 1, 18 November 1755 - 29 August 1756
  • Therefore carbohydrates themselves really are not fattening.
  • They have calcium, pectin, vitamins, bulk; they're nonfattening and good for your teeth, too. Chicago Reader
  • Pubs sell alcohol, soft drinks and fattening snacks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The scent of dense green growth, irrigation mist, massive trees not butchered for their fodder, fattened, passive cattle.
  • Dairy bull calves reared for beef through a pioneering fattening scheme are achieving gross margin returns of £199 a head for Pembrokeshire farmers.
  • Brazilian rosewood fretboards and their denser rainforest counterparts add sparkle and ring, and Indian rosewood fretboards can help fatten up the midrange.
  • But can the world's No. 1 food colossus fatten up its profits as it slashes costs?
  • Fattened and then abandoned by mothers who leave to mate anew, weaned elephant seal pups stick close together until ready for a first season at sea.
  • We substitute margarine for cream because cream is fattening.
  • You won't have room for fattening sugary snacks between meals! Lower Your Blood Pressure in 4 Easy Stages
  • Migrating American robins and cedar waxwings fatten themselves on cherries, while tree swallows and yellow-rumped warblers head for the bayberries, an important winter food. The Field Guide to Wildlife Habitats of the Eastern United States
  • Outdoor barbecue ready to eat food and spices which are less likely to fatten up ah?
  • The creature continued to grow and fatten.
  • fattening pens
  • Once the bare bones of the situation had been grasped, Charlie had added flesh faster than a farmer fattening a turkey for Christmas. FINAL RESORT
  • Pannage is an ancient practice to fatten pigs before slaughter and salting for the winter.
  • In our day De Quincey would have been the greatest magazinist of the age, because his best work was in the short essay; but it is to be feared that the publishers of his time fattened on the good things which he produced and gave small sums to the man who turned out these masterpieces with so little effort. Modern English Books of Power
  • In the late 1980s, they decided that the future of this business was in a form of bioengineering, not creating a new food, but using bacteria with specific jobs to create other ingredients, and the first one they went into is something called lysine, which is used to fatten up pigs and chickens by adding it to their feed. The Informant: A True Story
  • Can you fatten your article out a little?
  • You won't have room for fattening sugary snacks between meals! Lower Your Blood Pressure in 4 Easy Stages
  • But others drink it as a less fattening alternative to cow's milk.
  • On offer are generous helpings of bacon, ham and other greasy, fattening fare - all the staples associated with traditional Anglo-American cuisine.
  • While the habit of keeping birds in cages dates from a very remote period, it is probable that structures worthy of being termed aviaries were first used by the ancient Romans, chiefly for the process of fattening birds for the table. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • I am talking about labor agitators who feed and fatten and thrive on the deliberate creation of discord and discontent and strife -- who live only by provoking disputes, where no reason for dispute exists -- and their chief "high priest", Mr. John L. Lewis, who denied coal to our steel mills because portal-to-portal pay was more important than the lives of our sons. A Business Man Speaks Up
  • He might as well claim, absurdly, that cowherds fatten their flocks for the good of the cows themselves.
  • These cattle are being fattened up for slaughter.
  • The majority of us just learn that some foods are more "fattening" than others. The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
  • It has been developed as a vealer-fattening property.
  • Having recuperated from their spawn and buffed from a summer of feeding on crayfish, smallmouths kick off their annual bid to fatten up for the upcoming winter starvation and subsequent spring spawning. The Smallmouth Blitz
  • As long as there were scraps of potatoes, carrots, turnips and the like, the pig could be fattened and eventually sold for profit.
  • The new feed can fatten the chicken up quickly enough for market.
  • Thus poor people might have less attention to devote to, say, resisting tempting and fattening food because their mind is engaged elsewhere. Times, Sunday Times
  • Movement toward grain fattening has been slow, because neither Argentine nor Uruguayan consumers have a taste for marbled beef.
  • The aim of this work was to evaluate the potential of two different vaccination strategies in a specialized fattening herd affected by actinobacillosis. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Producers from Nebraska, Tennessee and North Carolina are part of the trend to send fingerlings to Wisconsin and Michigan for fattening.
  • This was said to be no different from its use in fattening the lobsters for sale, so it was zero-rated as an animal feeding product Times, Sunday Times
  • Other outbuildings may include a rabbit hutch, a barn, and a separate structure where a hog is kept and fattened.
  • Outside, the present crop is fattening up and indoors, the remains of last year's produce should see us through.
  • Most juveniles do not undergo hyperphagia or rapid fattening at this wintering site.
  • It was equally wasteful, too, for birds and beasts of prey fattened upon it and the outsetting current bore a burden of derelicts. The Winds of Chance
  • Although some references explain its etymology as being from old French hutaudeau, meaning a pullet (a young hen), the derivation was in fact hétoudeau or hétourdeau which was a capon (a fattened cock fowl).
  • The article speaks of ‘alcohol’ being fattening.
  • All the cake, chocs, biscuits and other fattening foodstuffs we tend to overstock on for Christmas.
  • It's a lot like comfort eating, only more expensive and less fattening. Times, Sunday Times
  • You won't have room for fattening sugary snacks between meals! Lower Your Blood Pressure in 4 Easy Stages
  • He regarded ‘the chief cause of corpulence as a diet with starchy and farinaceous elements’ which he said ‘was no less fattening when conveyed in drinks, such as beer’. The Triumph of Gluttony
  • I'm trying to lose weight so I have to steer clear of fattening foods.
  • But it is on the question of buns that he becomes most hot and cross, arguing that councillors' reliance on fattening chocolate biscuits is a potential health hazard.
  • To fatten the birds before sale, some women were holding them by the neck and forcing clumps of gruel down their throats.
  • I'm a purist and loathe the idea of fattened goose liver in my burger. Mark Strausman: Where's The Beef (From)?
  • Since you're trying to "fatten" her up a little, I hope you don't benefit from the same. News
  • Fattening cattle should be finished quickly once they are housed.
  • By "porker", I refer to its traditional meaning of "fattened young pig" and not to its colloquial use for corpulent persons, although it's always fun to be provocative. Fat porkers get sacrificed
  • Sheep are fattened by twigs of the olive or of the oleaster, by vetch, and bran of every kind; and these articles of food fatten all the more if they be first sprinkled with brine. The History of Animals
  • The list of improvements is solid, with no added fluff just to fatten up the release.
  • Into this die Greenlander thrufis himfelf up to the waift, and fattens the ikia An historical, geographical, commercial, and philosophical view of the American United States
  • PC vendors may even keep their prices high and use the cuts to fatten their own margins.
  • It explained the fate of Montau* ban; a label fattened to it, was infcribed LAUDANUM; its deadly contents he Julia de Roubigné, by the author of The man of feeling
  • The change in personnel "fattened" the band's sound and added a new dimension of versatility to Sour Mash. (Orange, Texas) Homepage
  • I have most of the things I will need already (worm treat to fatten up the worms because fat worms eat more, lime mix to keep the acidity level appropriate etc).
  • Insurance firms also fatten their bottom lines by denying more claims. Wendell Potter: Health Execs Getting Richer As Some Americans Beg for Help to Pay for Care
  • Cattle feed on corn and grass, and fatten on vegetables that tend to cause flatulency, such as bitter vetch or bruised beans or bean-stalks. The History of Animals
  • Some say he's fattening his wallet by what they call alarmism and exaggerations about global warming. CNN Transcript Nov 3, 2009
  • I'm trying to lose weight so I have to steer clear of fattening foods.
  • If I couldn't afford to spend as much money as I do, but also couldn't/didn't want to cook, I wouldn't really be able to avoid the really fattening stuff.
  • As inflamed Guatemalans see it, foreign investors will fatten up on tourist dollars while locals will be stuck cleaning hotel rooms.
  • That was our name for him as he maintained that cream and everything fattening was full of them. SOMEBODY
  • But is buttered popcorn less fattening if you eat it in the cinema? Times, Sunday Times
  • These running gags are pretty funny, but the really standout moments are the longer strips, especially the "What a Witch" strip, in which two witches standing over a cauldron extol the virtues of Kiddee Flakes, which are much more convenient for kidnapped-child-fattening than candy-houses. Grimmer Tales: twisted fairy tale comics Boing Boing
  • Your “reformed” spouse will see that coming up with nonfattening meals is a bigger present than loading you up with junk, especially when he sees all the weight you’re losing and how wonderful you look. The 17 Day Diet
  • They enter the ponds largely with water that is piped in from other ponds or local bodies of water and eat the food that the farmers put in the pond to fatten up the crop fish.
  • Yes, we should call it pedestrian fattening. wes kirkman good point. morning fizzy Extra Fizz: 36th Dems Oppose Nickerson Bike Improvements « PubliCola
  • I have known it somehow happen, that those on whom your Imperial Majesty has lavished the most valuable expressions of your favour one day, were the next day food to fatten the chough and crow. Count Robert of Paris
  • The local meals are mostly prepared from rice, cassava root, potatoes and tasty coconut curries, which are delicious but fattening.
  • Fortunately our nice IT people made us a very fattening cake to welcome us to our new office.
  • You've fattened out during the winter.
  • Dairy bull calves reared for beef through a pioneering fattening scheme are achieving gross margin returns of £199 a head for Pembrokeshire farmers.
  • A famed person and a fattened pig are alike in danger.
  • Always good to see them taking time out from their busy corporate fucking cocksucking schedules to iodize the stomachs and fatten the thighs of young adults worldwide. Kinaesthesia Diary Entry
  • Regarding the animals, factors such as calving, ploughing and fattening seasons must be considered. Chapter 6
  • The cattle are being fattened for slaughter.
  • The number of land rigs in the U.S. drilling for natural gas is down 8% from a year ago, while oilrigs are up 81%, according to oilfield-service company Baker Hughes , Inc. In April, companies reported more rigs drilling for oil than gas for the first time since 1995, underscoring how oil's profit margins have fattened. As Natural Gas Prices Fall, the Search Turns to Oil
  • Farmers fatten livestock for the market so why don't fishermen ranch fish?
  • On offer are generous helpings of bacon, ham and other greasy, fattening fare - all the staples associated with traditional Anglo-American cuisine.
  • Is it inconceivable that some mergers may have been instigated and consummated in order to fatten up major credit unions in readiness for demutualisation?
  • For whereas other rivers, when they overflow lands, wash away and exhaust their vivific moisture; the Nile, on the contrary, by the excellent slime it brings along with it, fattens and enriches them in such The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians and Grecians (Vol. 1 of 6)
  • We used counties to examine the supply of phosphorus coming from confined animals including broilers, layers, turkeys, hogs and pigs, fattened cattle, and milk cows.
  • The dairy-type conformation does not lend itself readily to beef production and though steers will fatten they grow rather slowly.
  • The water thus employed would serve for many successive portions of megass, until at length it became so richly loaded with saccharine matter as to be worth attention in the boiling-house; or, at all events, it would be serviceable for the cattle, who would fatten rapidly upon it. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • These projects simply serve to fatten the pockets of developers.
  • Farmers fatten livestock for the market so why don't fishermen ranch fish?
  • “I explained that the doctor said I had to gain weight, and she loved the idea of fattening me up.” The Glory Game
  • The feeder pig is waiting to be fattened up.
  • You must fatten them into obedience.
  • Although some references explain its etymology as being from old French hutaudeau, meaning a pullet (a young hen), the derivation was in fact hétoudeau or hétourdeau which was a capon (a fattened cock fowl).
  • It's a lot like comfort eating, only more expensive and less fattening. Times, Sunday Times
  • i definitely have to try it out. 30% less fattening is still good when you have a fried food craving. A (Literal) Dissection of the New Zen Burger | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • [Footnote: The ortolan is a very small bird, which is fattened in lamp lighted rooms at great expense, because it is found to be of a more delicate flavor when excluded from the daylight. History of King Charles the Second of England
  • They bred their fish in private fish-ponds -- _piscinae_ -- and they had a revolting habit of fattening their fish. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 31, October, 1873
  • Most anorexics do recover, after all: somehow, and despite the violence visited on them in the name of therapy, the physical and psychological invasion, they recover, fatten, compromise.
  • At last it can be said that the West, after decades of deafness, is slowly coming around to fight this scourge of economic crime that is the gangrene of development in Africa and that fattens black money in Europe and around the world. Global Voices in English » Paris court investigates three African leaders
  • A famed person and a fattened pig are alike in danger.
  • About the only thing these anti-ageing products do is fatten the wallets of those selling them.
  • The sheep fattened up quickly.
  • Most of the land is under grass at the moment and carries a flock of 265 ewes and a small Aberdeen Angus herd, as well as commercial cattle for fattening.
  • He explains how much beef today comes not from beef cattle bred to fatten beautifully but from dairy-cross cows, which have distinctly bony behinds and are the byproduct of the calving needed to keep dairy cows in milk year on year.
  • The limit of his agrarian radicalism was a demand, conceded by the British, for the removal of differential between Irish fat cattle and animals fattened in Britain.
  • Pasta is not as fattening as people think it is.
  • They were false and treacherous (v. 27): As a cage, or coop, is full of birds, and of food for them to fatten them for the table, so are their houses full of deceit, of wealth obtained by fraudulent practices or of arts and methods of defrauding. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Some people deny themselves the necessaries or comforts of life in order that they may be able to help to fatten a publican .
  • I am making a big pot of potato soup for dinner with some of my mega fattening quadruple cheese bread with olive tapenade.
  • Our press does not reverence kings, it does not reverence so called nobilities, it does not reverence established ecclesiastical slaveries, it does not reverence laws which rob a younger son to fatten an elder one, it does not reverence any fraud or sham or infamy, howsoever old or rotten or holy, which sets one citizen above his neighbor by accident of birth: it does not reverence any law or custom, howsoever old or decayed or sacred, which shuts against the best man in the land the best place in the land and the divine right to prove property and go up and occupy it. The American Claimant
  • I do try to keep away from fattening foods, but my greatest weakness is chocolate cake.
  • There are reports that clenbuterol, which is used to fatten cattle before slaughter, continues to be administered illicitly by some ranchers in Spain. Basque officials insist their beef is clenbuterol-free
  • It is as if there is a national conspiracy to get the population to eat fattening junk. Bad Food Britain
  • _Lespedeza sericea_ for our summer grazing crop; then we had winter annuals planted in the _Lespedeza sericea_ for our winter grazing, and the honeylocust was the fattening crop or finishing-off crop. Northern Nut Growers Association Incorporated 39th Annual Report at Norris, Tenn. September 13-15 1948
  • Also, try out some of the folklorish fatteners - eg sweetcorn. Army Rumour Service
  • But the father said to his slaves, “Quickly bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet; and bring the fattened calf, kill it, and let us eat and celebrate; for this son of mine was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found.” Recovering From Religious Abuse
  • Prodigal servings of pure saturated (often fluorescent) color are fattened further with a rich welter of tints, tones and shades.
  • It seems that as the maint'nance departement go about there annual decorating job they fatten the glazing bars a little each time with extended over-paint. Off Duty
  • Along with larger portions of more fattening food, Americans have become increasingly sedentary over the last couple of decades.
  • Each year, the gross Social Security check is "fattened" by a few dollars. The Necessary Remedy
  • But no matter how fattening, you just won't feel full at the end.
  • We sometimes keep the bull calves and fatten them as young bulls.
  • Extreme paternalism is a parasite sucking on a dry host, it will tend to allow some capitalism to fatten up its victim. Incumbents and Government, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Many of us have become complicit in fattening up our offspring. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the age of fifteen years he bought ten bonhams and fattened them and eventually increased to fifteen sows, selling off the bonhams.
  • I learned a lot, made good money (great money for the area where I lived) for six months, fattened my bank account, and then fled for California, where I spent a month hanging out in coffeehouses. What a writer’s gotta do «
  • The grass had hayed off on the top, but underneath it was still green, providing the best cattle-fattening feed imaginable.
  • Standing firm against the fattened are the calf-like, so we may die peacefully. All hearts share the same fears
  • Cattle fattening on the coastal marshes supported a prosperous peasantry as in Lincolnshire.
  • Creatures extrude or vent eggs; larvae fatten, split their shells, and eat them; spores dissolve or explode; root hairs multiply, corn puffs on the stalk, grass yields seed, shoots erupt from the earth turgid and sheathed; wet muskrats, rabbits, and squirrels slide into the sunlight, mewling and blind; and everywhere watery cells divide and swell, swell and divide. Nature & Environment
  • Fish suffers from being political and rare, but also nonfattening and trendy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fire was waning, the candle was fattening in its sheath of tallow, the room was getting colder. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • It had fattened on the Cold War but was beginning to suffer from enemy deprivation syndrome - that is, the disorientation and queasy apprehension about future revenue one gets when one's enemy has irresponsibly dropped dead. Dedefensa
  • The farm, which would breed and fatten up to 150,000 hogs annually for slaughter, would have made the facility one of Alberta's largest hog operations.
  • The Government is making the taxpayer pay to fatten up a public sector business for private sale.
  • The Hakka have a tradition of holding contests to fatten up pigs for sacrifice. This year the winning pig topped out at 720 kg.
  • These projects simply serve to fatten the pockets of developers.

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