How To Use Fatigued In A Sentence

  • Ye same did rede a portion of his "Venus and Adonis," to their prodigious admiration, whereas I, being sleepy and fatigued withal, did deme it but paltry stuff, and was the more discomforted in that ye blody bucanier had got his wind again, and did turn his mind to farting with such villain zeal that presently I was like to choke once more. 1601
  • He would run a lap and would become too fatigued to continue.
  • The junior deckhand on duty had fallen asleep, chronically fatigued after his eight hours' sleep in the previous 24 hours were broken into three periods.
  • She had fatigued herself so much, (growing sensibly weaker) that she sunk her head upon her pillows, ready to faint; and we withdrew to the window, looking upon one another; but could not tell what to say; and yet both seemed inclinable to speak: but the motion passed over in silence. Clarissa Harlowe
  • People who have a G6PD deficiency have the following symptoms: pale skin fatigued and tired rapid and shallow breathing abnormal/rapid heartbeat enlarged spleen yellowish tint to eyes galactosemia which is found in babies. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
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  • This considered, I felt slightly frustrated by the fact our opening league game was having to be played by pretty fatigued players.
  • a world of beauty she was now too fatigued to imagine save as a kind of solidification of a sunset. The Judge
  • Towards the end of the day these muscles became fatigued and the headache resulted. Banish Headaches -how to obtain fast, drug-free relief from headache
  • He argued that one horse could pull more with a two-wheel, rather than four-wheel, vehicle, since there was less friction with the pavement and the wheel was larger, but carthorses were more easily fatigued and worn out.
  • Winthrop drifted by, fatigued from barbecuing supper.
  • Here our friend _Anamnesis_ seemed fatigued, as if he thought he had spun a sufficiently _long yarn_ on the subject; so we prevailed on him to prosecute the walk, as evening was beginning to close in -- not, indeed, without apprehension that he would make a stand at several other interesting plants on which it might suit him to prelect! Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, Number 361, November, 1845.
  • But if you are fatigued, be prepared to face the reality that we are all overworked, overstressed and overbooked.
  • Most mistakes are made because we are pressured, fatigued or ignorant of all the facts.
  • Oil touched its lowest in four years and industrial metals fatigued. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the miles rack up the body starts to feel fatigued, the mind starts to not be quite as sharp, but I wasn't feeling the bonk and could have gone on for more.
  • I was fatigued and all I wanted to do was get out of here.
  • She has been virtually bedridden and permanently fatigued for most of the last five years. M. E. Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome - How To Live With It
  • Whereas only 1 of the 12 patients fatigued their quadriceps after an ISW, two thirds of the same patients did so after incremental cycling.
  • Arriving fatigued but frolicsome in Vilnius 40 hours after leaving the UK, my initial impressions made it worth it as I meandered through what claims to be the largest ‘Old Town’ in Europe on my way to my holiday abode.
  • Yet notwithstanding this ominous comparison she presently made her appearance with her sleeves turned down, her black woollen dress "tidied," and a smile of fatigued but not unkindly welcome and protection on her face. Cressy
  • Passengers are being put at risk by shoddy airline safety regimes that allow fatigued pilots to take control of planes, according to research. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was clear from the fatigued sound of his voice, such a stark contrast to his predinner excitement the night before, that their father had made good on his word. THE MOONLIT EARTH
  • A recent study of college athletes showed that exercisers who used techniques such as visualization, progressive muscle relaxation and keeping a journal were less fatigued, less depressed and less likely to get injured or sick.
  • Symptoms of yang deficiency include feeling cold, feeling fatigued and having unformed stools.
  • Keep your movement throughout each set continuous, then rest a normal amount of time (up to about a minute) between sets, even if you are not fatigued.
  • It doesn't make much sense to train hard when you are fatigued.
  • I sighed deeply, letting my body sink down into the comforter, too fatigued to try and appear in control in all the ways I clearly wasn't.
  • Oil touched its lowest in four years and industrial metals fatigued. Times, Sunday Times
  • People who are "born tired," who are neurasthenic and easily fatigued and "ached," are probably in a chronic state of self-poisoning due to some defect in their body-chemistry. Preventable Diseases
  • Sometimes you also feel drowsy and fatigued. The Sun
  • He looked extremely fatigued; there were bags under his eyes and his hair had several unnatural cowlicks in it.
  • His equally fatigued colleague Park Hong-Seok, however, opted for some horseplay with his three children.
  • I do this until every muscle fiber in the biceps complex has been thoroughly fatigued.
  • If you meet a fatigued and distressed junior doctor in the next few weeks it is more than likely that much of their duress was entirely avoidable. Times, Sunday Times
  • You end up feeling fatigued too quickly and unable to perform for as long as you want. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the mean time I rest assured that you will, when convenient, write to me and inform me of the health of yourself and Children whom I should like to see, and allso to remember me to Mr B, and All Friends at Stouts Hill, And with these hopes, being much fatigued with writing and other persuits, I take my leave for the present, and Am Letter 252
  • The young librarian helped the fatigued-looking wine into the two glasses, where it lay as if thoroughly exhausted by the effort of getting there, and then languidly left the parlour, turning his bulging head over his shoulder to indulge in a pathetic _oeillade_ ere he vanished. The Prophet of Berkeley Square
  • left us fatigued and deflated spiritually
  • women, large or similarly so young, exercise science job in cleveland or flat - competing a major targeted of instructors is a postexercise of involving a injury of wasted sales that weaken about the fatigued elbow result. Wii-volution
  • In order to derive pleasure from the occupation of the mind, the principle of unity must always be present, so that in the midst of the multeity the centripetal force be never suspended, nor the sense be fatigued by the predominance of the centrifugal force. Literary Remains, Volume 1
  • George Bell, retired, fatigued, soon to die, attended the conference against the advice of his doctor.
  • Every day you are fatigued and disgusted with this cant, "The Carnatic is a country that will soon recover, and become instantly as prosperous as ever. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 03 (of 12)
  • From a fissure in the furthest corner of the chamber a voice as fatigued as her own emerged. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • If your midsection muscles don't feel fatigued by the final rep of each set, your form may be to blame.
  • Happy hours are misnamed - many now last for three or four hours, designed to attract fatigued office workers with the prospect of losing themselves in alcohol as rapidly as possible.
  • The penalty of unmerited food had produced an autotoxic anaemia, and she was pale and weepy, easily fatigued, sleeping poorly, with the boggy thyroid and overactive tendon reflexes so common in subacidosis. Our Nervous Friends — Illustrating the Mastery of Nervousness
  • At the time of the incident, the controller said, he was fatigued because he "had to be up all night long on a double-quick turnaround. Controller fatigue an ongoing concern
  • A person with strong digestive organs has a yellowish complexion with luster and a person with a disease of the digestive organs has a sallow complexion and is emaciated, fatigued or has a diseased color that is hard to describe with words.
  • Fitness levels were determined by how long participants could walk on a treadmill without becoming fatigued and short of breath.
  • Sometimes you also feel drowsy and fatigued. The Sun
  • Though pleasantly matey, he has the fatigued, abstracted air of someone who has been summarising his CV in dressing rooms for three decades.
  • I am always fatigued, my body shakes and sweats.
  • This is because neurons ( brain cells that conduct electrical impulses) become fatigued after many hours of activity during the day. The Sun
  • I noticed that I was massively fatigued and not able to sustain my weight and I was on the toilet about six or seven times a day.
  • This early report on possible causes of the bridge collapse are a frightening eye opener for those of us living within a scant few miles of America's 104 aging, embrittled and fatigued nuclear reactors. Minnesota Bridge Collapse Could Have Been Nuclear Reactor
  • A fatigued, sick, or injured rescuer is a threat to you and others. A polar grabbed me unexpectedly and repeatedly slashed my body,,I could not move after my buddy shot it, i was broke in 4 differ
  • You end up feeling fatigued too quickly and unable to perform for as long as you want. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sometimes you also feel drowsy and fatigued. The Sun
  • People gaze in wonder whenever he dashes energetically from one side of the field to the other, racing past his fatigued opponents.
  • After having recovered somewhat under the influence of the drug strophanthus, he now became depressed, listless, easily fatigued. The Combined Maze
  • Yet far from finding comfort in this addition to her family, Mrs Harrel proved to her nothing more than a trouble and an incumbrance; with no inherent resources, she was continually in search of occasional supplies; she fatigued Cecilia with wonder at the privacy of her life, and tormented her with proposals of parties and entertainments. Cecilia
  • For a boy who has appeared fatigued and cynical in the last few months it was an incredible performance - funny, charismatic and sung in a voice that is rare in these days of phoney plastic bands.
  • With fatigued muscles, we endured ruck marches, long runs and obstacle courses.
  • Next I tried to take off the castigatory appearance, by inserting the bristles in a kind of handle; but then it looked as if the poor woman had been engaged in the capacities of housemaid and child-keeper at once, and, fatigued with her double duty, had sat down on the wine-cooler, with the broom in one hand, and the bairn in the other. Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Volume V (of 10)
  • George Bell, retired, fatigued, soon to die, attended the conference against the advice of his doctor.
  • In order to derive pleasure from the occupation of the mind, the principle of unity must always be present, so that in the midst of the multeity the cetripetal force be never suspended, nor the sense be fatigued by the predominance of the centrifugal force. On Poesy or Art
  • My heart began then to misgive me a little, and I was very much fatigued; for I had no sleep for several nights before, to signify; and at last I said, Pray Mr. Robert, there is a town before us, what do you call it? — Pamela
  • His voice sounded fatigued, so the tonal quality was grating, and he veered wildy around the notes for the evening's cruddiest performance. PopMatters
  • Gibson's loyalty in keeping faith with Gareth Southgate, at a time when his admirable but battle-fatigued young manager has presided over one Premier League win in 19 attempts, is routinely questioned in those pre-match Teesside male entertainment bastions which typically invite patrons to limber up for kick-off with "a pint and a stottie while watching the topless totty". Blogposts |
  • As he told his story, he appeared overwrought, fatigued and unsure of how to deal with what he characterized as the extreme pressure of national attention.
  • American expansiveness now looks bloated and fatigued to anyone not planning a fly-drive holiday to Florida.
  • Sometimes you also feel drowsy and fatigued. The Sun
  • Should the swimmer become fatigued, it is restful to swim on the back or float.
  • These are the same symptoms fatigued drivers face each minute longer they stay on the road than necessary.
  • To make matters worse, he put the tanker on autopilot and he left the helm in the hands of a fatigued third mate.
  • It doesn't matter who you are, how strong, how smart, how fast - if you get fatigued you are exponentially raising your chances of being in a car accident.
  • The flight to East Africa was a red-eye, but it was daytime on my body clock, and I was fatigued from several days of traveling alone.
  • Towards the end of the day these muscles became fatigued and the headache resulted. Banish Headaches -how to obtain fast, drug-free relief from headache
  • It was either this or he was fatigued due to a long day and some inclement weather, which meant that he could not physically take this bend.
  • If your smaller muscles are fatigued, they can't provide the necessary help.
  • Given the thin faces of today's drivers, how long does a driver last before the metal becomes fatigued?
  • Climbing the mountain fatigued the whole scout troop.
  • I suspect that we were both a little bit overexcited and mentally fatigued.
  • These overly fatigued interns are more likely to misdiagnose illnesses and prescribe the wrong medication or dosage (with sometimes-fatal consequences).
  • Passengers are being put at risk by shoddy airline safety regimes that allow fatigued pilots to take control of planes, according to research. Times, Sunday Times
  • Patients with primary myelofibrosis feel fatigued, and they sometimes take an anemia drug to stimulate growth of oxygen-carrying red blood cells.
  • By the time he reached that part of the park from whence the house was visible at a distance, it was quite dark, and, had he not almost instinctively known his way, he could not have discerned it – for no light glimmered from the Gothic windows of the Hall, not even in that part of the house inhabited by the servants; and Orlando imagined that most of them, fatigued the night before, were gone earlier than usual to bed. The Old Manor House
  • Both red blood cells and testosterone drop as the body becomes fatigued, impairing performance.
  • Try one, and you'll notice that you can become totally fatigued from just one exercise.
  • Climbing the mountain fatigued the whole scout troop.
  • [sic], Dearest, nearly worn out; duty! duty!! study! study!! clamors at my heels all day long, and at night fatigued and weary I sit down to write with brain addled, thoughts confused, and scarcely strength or energy enough to originate a thought or conceive an idea, and so it is to night, as you perceive from what has preceded, and no hope for the better. Letter from Young John Allen to Mollie Houston,March 11, 1857
  • But if you are fatigued and have low energy, I think you can really affect how you feel by how you eat.
  • He found Joan looking ill and fatigued, her mind seemingly sluggish at first. PASSION IN THE PEAK
  • It works on the principle that there are basically four different physical states of being: fatigued, tense, languid, and dynamic.
  • Ispenlove stood leaning against the piano, as though intensely fatigued; he crushed his gibus with an almost savage movement, and then bent his large, lustrous black eyes absently on the flat top of it. Sacred and Profane Love
  • Sometimes you also feel drowsy and fatigued. The Sun
  • My legs are cramped and my muscles are fatigued.
  • I simply tend to forget how fatigued normal people can become.
  • In this and in many other respects the mental activities of the fatigued or sleepy individual approach the type of mentation which is normal to the feeble-minded. The Measurement of Intelligence An Explanation of and a Complete Guide for the Use of the Stanford Revision and Extension of the Binet-Simon Intelligence Scale
  • It was still early, and although she was fatigued her mind was restless. WHEN THE APRICOTS BLOOM
  • It's true - you are unbelievably fatigued after one of his slow-count sessions and feel more than justified in taking the extra days to recover.
  • The first thing I heard when I put in this CD and pressed ‘Play’ was a weird drone that sounded more like an air raid than anything else my fatigued brain could think of.
  • This is because neurons ( brain cells that conduct electrical impulses) become fatigued after many hours of activity during the day. The Sun
  • So all of a sudden he is too fatigued to make the same tackle he made in the first half.
  • After reading the "regrets," Lewis began regaling us with reflections of his beloved Balls -- and he is a particularly skilled regaler, who enjoys regaling very much and can regale for a very, very long time without becoming fatigued. Gregory Weinkauf: Smile and Say "Cleese!" - How the Secret Policeman Mocks, Rocks and Shocks
  • I have strabismic amblyopia in my right eye, and when I'm fatigued or stressed, my ‘lazy eye’ manifests; I have to concentrate to keep both eyes looking in the same direction.
  • Sage Agasthya taught Lord Rama the Aditya Hridayam, the hymn to Lord Surya when he felt fatigued during the battle with Ravana.
  • And as I looked down at the fatigued carbon fibre and the twisted titanium, a tiny spring uncoiled itself with a metallic hiss and one of the Locum's knees jerked, the gartered leg extending itself towards me in one final reflex action.
  • The Countess, fatigued and discontented, received the politeness of the abbess with careless haughtiness, and had followed her, with indolent steps, to the parlour, over which the painted casements and wainscot of larch-wood threw, at all times, a melancholy shade, and where the gloom of evening now loured almost to darkness. The Mysteries of Udolpho
  • One of them is an all-consuming act of procreation that tries every fiber in your fatigued being as you labor to feed and nurture your yawping spawn that is never full as the eyes of critical onlookers monitor your every move and utterance and decision. The 'Riffs Interview: GENE WEINGARTEN, New Cartoonist, dares to attempt comic pearls before breakfast
  • She has suffered bouts of total paralysis, is constantly fatigued and is racked by regular spasms of excruciating pain.
  • So, along with jukjuk and dagadaga, there is loli 'candy,' 'nokimap,' 'to tire' (the innocent meaning of knocked up in Australian English is 'fatigued'), stikibik 'mind someone else's business' (Australian stickybeak), krik 'creek,' and of course, bush. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VIII No 4
  • If you give up easily when you're fatigued, we'll notice that, too.
  • We were a bit fatigued before the quarter-final after all the hard training we have done.
  • Every horse and mule when in use is curried in the morning before taken from the stable and at 12 o'clock; also at night when they appear unusually sweaty and fatigued.
  • Here they amused themselves for some time in walking about and observing the bustle and variety of the, to them, very novel scene; soon, however, fatigued with the mobbing, thrusting, and filthiness, which is characteristic of the place, the marchioness was for returning, remarking to her friend that she had as yet heard none of that singular broad humour for which these nymphs of the fish-market were so celebrated. The English Spy An Original Work Characteristic, Satirical, And Humorous. Comprising Scenes And Sketches In Every Rank Of Society, Being Portraits Drawn From The Life
  • He was working nonstop and he was very fatigued.
  • While abroad, Burr "consoled" himself with the drink and thought it good for his health: "My uncle Stephen lived on milk punch," Burr remembered in his journal, "and at the age of eighty-six, mounted by the stirrup a very gay horse, and galloped off with me twelve miles without stopping, and was, I thought, less fatigued than I. A Tasty Tonic
  • By nightfall he was fatigued, footsore, famished.
  • I wasn't fatigued, of course; I actually was a very fit individual.

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