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fatigue duty

  1. labor of a nonmilitary kind done by soldiers (cleaning or digging or draining or so on)
    the soldiers were put on fatigue to teach them a lesson
    they were assigned to kitchen fatigues

How To Use fatigue duty In A Sentence

  • The director detailed a group for fatigue duty.
  • The director detailed a group for fatigue duty.
  • The director detailed a group for fatigue duty.
  • The director detailed a group for fatigue duty.
  • The director detailed a group for fatigue duty.
  • It is a fortnight to-morrow since we mobilised, and we have had no work yet except our own fatigue duty in the Convent; it was our turn this morning, and I scrubbed the lavatories out with creosol. Diary of a Nursing Sister on the Western Front, 1914-1915
  • fatigue duty involves nonmilitary labor
  • Instead of training the men were put on fatigues / fatigue duty.
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