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fat person

  1. a rotund individual

How To Use fat person In A Sentence

  • I would walk right up to them and that shocked them—I guess they thought that a fat person would rather cower behind a buffet than be confrontational about their rudeness. Roseanne Archy
  • Despite the ‘real’ people portrayed, I've yet to see a fat person on board or someone with bad hygiene.
  • For example the term "a fat person" humanizes and individualizes those ... "people" in a way that's certain to make them buy more of your product. Jilly Gagnon: High Fat-shion
  • Bruch painted a psychological portrait of the obese that contrasted sharply with the image of the jolly fat person.
  • But beauty lay in the eye of the beholder, and the Edwardian cartophile beholders were fleshy fat persons, who consumed large dinners and showed their wealth through an excess of avoirdupois.
  • The case against fat proceeds on the assumption that if a fat person becomes thin, that person will acquire the health characteristics of people who were thin in the first place.
  • _Mais -- mais -- _" he puffed and panted like a very old and fat person trying to persuade a bicycle to climb a hill -- "_mais -- vous avez de la chance! _ The Enormous Room
  • Imagine a fat person and a thin person cornering a race track on bicycles - the fat person goes wider. Times, Sunday Times
  • If a thin person does not exercise, has poor skin tone or has a poor diet, she may also get cellulite, though a fat person will be more prone.
  • Imagine a fat person and a thin person cornering a race track on bicycles - the fat person goes wider. Times, Sunday Times
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