How To Use Fastness In A Sentence
Test your different textiles for color fastness and degradation to long-term ultraviolet exposure.
Rommel's army had to be worn down, and if it had been allowed to withdraw intact into the mountain fastnesses of Tunisia, securing a decisive land victory in North Africa would have been rendered immensely difficult.
Moreover, the sizing does not impact the hand of the fabric or the wash fastness of garments, the company reported.
There is not much difference, except in the "soothfastness"; the author is closer to his subject, his imagination is confronted with something very near reality, and is not helped, as in the older stories, by traditional imaginative modifications of his subject.
Epic and Romance Essays on Medieval Literature
What would a representative of such an august organ be doing in an urban fastness of Fife at 11.30 pm if it was not kerb-crawling?

When the sun of the Stuarts set forever on the bloody plain of Culloden, Prince Charlie fled the stricken field with a few followers to the mountain fastnesses of Scotland.
Remember peroxide is bleach so test an inconspicuous spot first for color fastness.
It whinges and begs as it retreats, and we, from the fastness of our concrete-and-steel high-rise castles, despise it.
She was a robber baroness; she dwelt in a rocky "fastness" -- whatever that was -- surrounded by a crew of outlaws as desperate as any that ever drew cutlass and dagger, and she ruled them not only by native strength of character, but also by the aid of other forces, for she was on friendly terms with the more prominent wood sprites, fairies, and the like, and they brought her wisdom.
Flowing Gold
But fastness is nothing unless you have accuracy too.
Test Your Reaction Time
Most were Sikhs, Rajputs or Gurkhas, people whom the British classed as ‘martial races’ and they were much admired for their bearing, courage and steadfastness.
From time to time, he visited the manikin and presented him with scrolls written in a secret language to provide him with a library in the fastness of his attic retreat.
His true believers, with the steadfastness that comes from monomania, are energized by anger about the war.
The softer side, for example the love and steadfastness of Antigone, is simply uncut hay for the chaff-cutter, the material and not the form of life.
Ten years later eight of the world's most advanced practitioners of Buddhist meditation finally left their remote mountain fastness, bound for the clinical environment of a US laboratory.
The actual speed produced by the motorbike is a speed of both slowness and fastness.
Between their mountain fastness and the dearly loved spring lay the host of the Philistines; but their love for their leader feared no enemies.
A Book of Golden Deeds
Grendel this monster grim was called, march-riever {1e} mighty, in moorland living, in fen and fastness; fief of the giants the hapless wight a while had kept since the Creator his exile doomed.
Having baffled them all, she laughed scornfully, flung deceit to the winds, then hurried straight to the "fastness," and there uttered the tribal call.
Flowing Gold
For why, the soothfastness of this thing is only in God, and in thee is but a blind abiding of His will, without certainty of one moment, the which is as little or less than a twinkling of an eye.
The Cell of Self-Knowledge : seven early English mystical treatises printed by Henry Pepwell in 1521
CONCLUSION: monitoring on the drug-fastness is supposed to be reinforced to guide the proper application of antibiotics and diminish the drug-fast diffusing as it is increasing year by year.
Members of the rosaniline group are all similarly fugitive, while those of the alizarin group possess generally the quality of fastness.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 810, July 11, 1891
Many of the colors were not fast, although there is not agreement in the literature on fastness properties of the various dyes.
But if the original word in Russian was krepost, it could be translated equally well as a fastness.
Constantine had witnessed the unusual steadfastness, honesty and duty of the Christians, just as he had seen the horrors of persecution while with Diocletian and Galerius in the East.
Santa Elena, discoverer of the Holy Cross
travois," and the great pony herds, to the fastnesses of the Big Horn; and now comes the opportunity for which an old Indian-fighter has been anxiously waiting.
The Deserter
In Ireland, surveying techniques facilitated something like the kind of vision that Derricke imagined: a colonial eye which could open up the rebel fastness, leaving the land available for sight and exploitation.
Conversely, at other times, the various cycles cancel one another out, the planet warms as a result, and the ice sheets retreat to their polar fastnesses.
The Alpine fastnesses of Dauphiné, to the east, certainly did not tempt them to stray off, with their high, cold valleys and largely pastoral economy.
All papers are spongeable and have a moderate light fastness.
Men who were before this age, who kept themselves in soothfastness, and spoke nothing idle, won from GOD what they prayed for: and that was shewn to a holy hermit
The Form of Perfect Living and Other Prose Treatises
How do you find out the color fastness of the pigment in your favorite tube of paint?
Count Octave, having quitted her husband for another, has repented of her fault and separated from her lover, but, through shamefastness, will not return to her husband.
If a pigment has good lightfastness, it does not always mean that it has good weatherfastness
Which, like as in the first years of their childhood they make much and be fond and proud of such ornaments, so when they be a little more grown in years and discretion, perceiving that none but children do wear such toys and trifles, they lay them away even of their own shamefastness, without any bidding of their parents, even as our children when they wax big, do caste away nuts, brooches and dolls.
English Literature for Boys and Girls
But rare is the book on evolution theory that tells the story of steadfastness.
Label the swatches carefully, and expose to direct sunlight or a commercial lamp of the type used for testing lightfastness.
Christianity; and this necessarily draws on and engages them in a dispute of the particular points and differences betwixt us; which is the very thing they would avoid by this method, and which I have now plainly shewed they cannot do, because they cannot possibly prove their church to be the true church, with out shewing the conformity of their doctrines and practices to the doctrine and practice of the primitive and apostolic church; and this will give them work enough; and will, whether they will or no, draw them out of their hold and fastness, which is to amuse people with a general inquiry which is the true church, without descending to the examination of their particular doctrines and practices.
The Works of Dr. John Tillotson, Late Archbishop of Canterbury. Vol. 04.
I must tell you of a record of St Bede's, which shows how gladly Ireland in old days, as ever, shared the priceless gift which she of all countries, received with the most passionate entireness and held with the most unswerving steadfastness.
Our Catholic Heritage in English Literature of Pre-Conquest Days
Fadeometer: An instrument used for determing the lightfastness of inks and other material under predetermined controlled conditions.
There was no brag or bounce about him, no hideousness of noise or mafficking, no hatred of foreigners or cruelty of uncharity, but a grim steadfastness of determination which meant that, so far as he might, Bates would do or die.
Punch or the London Charivari, Vol. 147, September 23, 1914
In this, as in other things, the Homeric poems observe the mean: the extremes may be found in the heroic literature of other nations; the extreme of marvellous fable in the old Irish heroic legends, for example; the extreme of plainness and "soothfastness" in the old English lay of _Maldon_.
Epic and Romance Essays on Medieval Literature
The bubble bubbles of this kind of seersucker are good in fastness.
These things thou wouldest wete of me; but, soothly, I cannot tell thee for a surety the soothfastness of this matter; nevertheless somewhat, as me thinketh, I shall shew thee in a short word.
The Cell of Self-Knowledge : seven early English mystical treatises printed by Henry Pepwell in 1521
Light fastness of anthraquinone dyes was affected by many factors and it was mainly determined by dye structures, such as the kinds and position of substituent groups, dipole moment of the molecule.
During the long and taxing journey up into the high mountain fastness where the Huntress’s people dwell, I came to view this less as an epigram and more as an axiom.
Duet « A Fly in Amber
Of the "acid blacks and violets," a few colors are of medium fastness, both on wool and silk, e.g., naphthol black, naphthylamine, black, resorcinol brown, fast brown, etc.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 810, July 11, 1891
A nature trail crossed it and vanished into the fastnesses of the jungle.
We returned to our remote northern fastnesses to find that the Apparitional Gamekeeper had been busy.
In no manner of feigning or flattering, but in soothfastness of good love and clean charity.
The Form of Perfect Living and Other Prose Treatises
Earth colors are rated ASTM Lightfastness I - the highest lightfastness rating.
While tenacity is an admirable quality to some degree; after all, he was re-elected by conveying his "steadfastness" versus Kerry's perceived waffling, it can be a debilitating and cumbersome attribute.
October 2005
They are the lessons of steadfastness and trust, honor and humor and, above all, grace under pressure.
He was said chief by reason of the principality in prelation; a stone by reason of his steadfastness in his passion; blaming with his mouth by reason of constancy in his preaching.
The Golden Legend, vol. 4
She describes the remote mountain fastnesses between Afghanistan and Pakistan and tells the tragic tale of a runaway young bride bought as a wife for a tribal man.
Later, the division superintendent called the flagman to his office to compliment him on the steadfastness with which he stuck to his story.
More Toasts
From the fame and memory of him that begot me I have learned both shamefastness and manlike behaviour.
Talking of dying, he had always been fascinated by the Barents Sea - that desolate and gloomy stretch of water between the Arctic snows and the fastnesses of Siberia.
As he resisted all Davies's attempts to enlighten him, and met his master's threats with a stedfastness which these friends to liberty called contumacy, the alternative was dismissal from his present service, without any remuneration for his past.
The Loyalists, Vol. 1-3 An Historical Novel
It is better to weave the fastness of bubble of seersucker.
Bellegra, a prehistoric fastness with some traces of "cyclopean" defences.
Doubtless her soul was brimming over with shamelessness, since she swerved so far from shamefastness, as without a blush to seek solace for her wrong in her daughter's infamy.
The Danish History, Books I-IX
It is better to weave the fastness of bubble of seersucker.
And the product is designed for exceLLent light and wash fastness.
The quality of dye used on fabrics plays a huge part in colour fastness.
Lo, I have told thee in this matter a little, as me thinketh; not affirming that this sufficeth, nor that this is the soothfastness in this matter.
The Cell of Self-Knowledge : seven early English mystical treatises printed by Henry Pepwell in 1521
Even in a region famous for inaccessible high country stations, it's a fastness.
As, indeed, did the original inhabitants of the Cinque Terre: even after they moved downhill from their mountain fastnesses, most locals continued to work the land.
But the great condor, sulking on some remote ledge in the fastnesses of its preserve, fails to appear.
And among all prophets Jesu was the most excellent and the most worthy next God, and that he made the gospels in the which is good doctrine and healthful, full of clarity and soothfastness and true preaching to them that believe in God.
The Travels of Sir John Mandeville
LANXESS offers paper producers the advantages of a wide color range, pure color shade, excellent light-fastness and good dispersibility.
India Press Release
The hide and seek games, the desires to convert a blanket into a tent, the instinct for "shanties" -- which all boys universally manifest -- we are told that these forms of play are but the echo of remote ages when our ancestors sojourned in caves, lived in tents, or dwelt in the mountain fastness.
The Mother and Her Child
Grendel this monster grim was called, march-riever 7 mighty, in moorland living, in fen and fastness; fief of the giants the hapless wight a while had kept since the Creator his exile doomed.
Beowulf, translated by Francis Gummere
Years ago when he first started work on the river, he was involved in fisheries protection, a job which took him up the Kilmastulla and Mulcair rivers into the mountain fastnesses of North Tipperary.
His courage and steadfastness never fail him; he looks ever forward, confident in divine protection; the shield he carries is adorned -- a wonderful stroke of poetic genius -- with scenes of the future, and not of the past (viii. 729 foll.): talia per clipeum Volcani, dona parentis, miratur rerumque ignarus imagine gaudet attollens umero famamque et fata nepotum.
The Religious Experience of the Roman People From the Earliest Times to the Age of Augustus
The politically correct exotica that crept out of the darkness to yip included hypocrites like “Fairdealphil” who shows his progressive underwear from the all white fastness of Lincolnshire where he innocently dodders.
Black Issues or White Guilt
The galloglass were renowned for their valor and steadfastness in battle - and an unbending loyalty to their employers.
They are the lessons of steadfastness and trust, honor and humor and, above all, grace under pressure.
If, on the other hand, we say of a boy, ‘He's not going anywhere,’ we are not praising his steadfastness but damning him as an ambitionless sluggard.
The broken glass symbolises the broken faith, broken trust and shattered justice, our axe symbolises the steadfastness of our determination.
The wife of a Count Octave, having quitted her husband for another, has repented of her fault and separated from her lover, but, through shamefastness, will not return to her husband.
And this has made him show increased steadfastness in condemning the Iranian regime.
Officials: President Obama reconsidering July 4 invitations to Iran
From the pews the congregation looked on with mild affection, perhaps half hearing the weighty words about trust and steadfastness.
The sparrow had flown south from Tennessee into the mountain fastness of the upper Paint Rock Valley in North Alabama where it had contracted aviomycosis and was terminally ill.
You also would like the thread to match the fabric it is being sewn in to and have good color fastness characteristics.
It was appropriate that he should end his days in the masculine fastness of an Elizabethan almshouse in London.
Her cheeks crimsoned with maiden shamefastness, but the blue eyes met mine without a hint of maiden fear, and for that thanks as well as reverence filled my heart as I bowed to her.
The Yeoman Adventurer
His steadfastness and resolve in the face of his critics are deserving of praise.
I saw my kind, our women with us, in forlorn hopes and lost endeavours, pent in hill fortresses, rotted in jungle fastnesses, cut down to the last one on the decks of rocking ships.
The issue of common rights, access to land, and self-provisioning had been settled in favor of wage labor by 1700 in all but the rural fastnesses of the Scottish highlands.
This pigment identification project and a lightfastness standard can only lead to the increased recognition of this fine art medium.
Madden waited for several minutes and watched the coil of rope slowly play out as the two children descended deeper into the bowels of Morecook's cabinet fastness.
Suddenly those virtues of steadfastness, commitment and long service as embodied by the Queen appear to be fashionable again.
No city or village or mountain fastness was spared.
And whom, casually, Thorfinn had now brought south from his fastness to greet his uncle.
They lost the first by a big margin and drew the second 3 all in their mountain fastness.
We guarantee the fastness of these dyes.
When we examine the silk patterns, we find, generally speaking, a similar degree of fastness among the various natural dyes, as with wool; in some instances the colors appear even faster, notice, for example, the catechu brown and the colors given by brazilwood and its allies, with iron mordant.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 810, July 11, 1891
And after such fashion he continued weeping and wailing till he swooned away for excess of sobbing and lamentation, wherefor Aladdin's mother was certified of his soothfastness.
Tehran Winter
Then said I, ‘O my God, I call Thee to witness that I abstain from this Christian woman this night, of shamefastness before Thee and fear of Thy vengeance!’
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
But so little, it would seem, had this lonely fastness been approached from outside that when the impatient Granby halloed across to the dim figures behind the portcullis, they seemed, to have considerable difficulty even in lowering the great rusty drawbridge.
The Complete Father Brown
I'm definitely going to attend the lecture next Friday, which will draw me out of my remote fastness in the western wilderness to some proximity to civilization.
Despite the inadequate lightfastness and typically dull color appearance of these outmoded historical pigments, the names rose madder, brown madder, carmine, Indian yellow, gamboge, sap green, indigo, van dyke brown and sepia are still frequently used as marketing monnikers for watercolors made with completely unrelated and typically much more lightfast synthetic organic pigments.
` But that's a different kind of fastness, 'Alice objected.
Through the Looking Glass
I was most struck, though, by the buttons Brown was most eager to press: references to steadfastness and so on to emphasise his gravitas compared with Cameron's "fluffiness"; calls to national unity/common purpose designed to imply that if you, young Dave, are against me then you are against us all.
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It is notorious that even a renowned piece of sculptured marble which produces in one person a kind of religious tranquility and philosophic contemplation, with a sense of the eternity of form and the transience of passion, may at the same instant excite in another beholder such shamefastness that he will cry out for fig leaves, or such unruly emotions as, unchecked, may disrupt society.
Scotch blood, even beyond the bounds of ordinary "fastness," the fact of his being fond of Brook was not of itself a guarantee that the latter was such a very good young man as his mother said that he was.
Adam Johnstone's Son
It were a wonderful thing if the man who gives himself to business of the world more than he need, had no hindrance in prayer, in rest of heart, in soothfastness of words, in perfection of good works, in love to GOD and all Christian men.
The Form of Perfect Living and Other Prose Treatises
To his grandfather he owed his own gentle spirit, to his father shamefastness and courage; he learnt of his mother to be religious and bountiful and single-minded.
When you've painted all the colors you want to test for lightfastness, cut the sheet in half.
See a lovely passage on the subject of bathing in Sir Philip Sydney's "Arcadia," where "Philoclea, blushing, and withal smiling, makeing shamefastnesse pleasant, and pleasure shamefast, tenderly moved her feet, unwonted to feel the naked ground, until the touch of the cold water made a pretty kind of shrugging come over her body; like the twinkling of the fairest among the fixed stars.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 264, July 14, 1827
In these savage fastnesses the pirates lived in squalid splendour.
This Country of Ours: The Story of the United States
Remember peroxide is bleach so test an inconspicuous spot first for color fastness.
She said it had once belonged to the fastest woman in South Africa, who had given it to her as a joke, but she did not mention the lady's name, nor say in what her "fastness" consisted.
Blue Aloes Stories of South Africa
All his mighty forces he now brought to bear against the oncoming canoe; he swept great hurricanes about the stony ledges; he caused the sea to beat and swirl in tempestuous fury along its narrow fastnesses; but the canoe came nearer and nearer, invincible as those shores, and stronger than death itself.
Legends of Vancouver
Most dyestuff manufacturers market a range of chemicals, known as cationic fixing agents (e.g. Matexil FC-PN, Levogen WW) specifically for improving water fastness.
Chapter 8
The opinions ranged the gamut, from panic to indifference, many with steadfastness and underlying optimism.