
How To Use Fastidious In A Sentence

  • We won't wear "bloomers," or make any attempt to imitate you in our dress, manners, or occupations; we will do nothing to offend the most fastidious, we will be women still. The Womans Advocate
  • Judged by a fastidious panel of music critics, it is the most prestigious award in the music industry calendar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aside from this fastidious attention to detail, the designer's work has few distinguishing features.
  • Why does a conductor so fastidious and precise with an orchestra always seem so blithely undisturbed by such unidiomatic, out-of-tune singing?
  • Ward had certain fastidious instincts, and he rebelled inwardly at eating, sleeping, and cooking all in one small room. The Ranch at the Wolverine
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  • As she leafs through the yellow pages, my eyes try in vain to grab a word or two from the looped, fastidious handwriting.
  • He was very refined in his conversation -- at least, what I call refined -- for he was one of those persons in whose society one is comfortable from the certainty that they will never say anything which can shock other people, or hurt their feelings, be they ever so fastidious or sensitive. Life of Charles Dickens
  • It was with a child's eager interest and pliant imagination that Bessie looked and listened, -- susceptible, credulous, unfastidious. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 21, July, 1859
  • He plays it deadpan, with impeccable style and fastidious attention to detail, but of course that only enhances the absurdity.
  • A lyrical, a scholarly, a fastidious mind might have used seclusion and solitude to perfect its powers.
  • The central characters are fastidious, scrupulous and articulate.
  • In retrospect, I wish I had been more fastidious.
  • Whether performing on stage or off, Astaire, like Marshall / Monescu and other dandified leading men, created an aesthetic of performance and fastidious elegance.
  • Knight had already indicated a correlation of the need of micro-organisms for "growth-factors" with failure of synthesis, and correlated this failure with evolution, particularly in relation to the complex environment of "fastidious" pathogenic micro-organisms. Edward Tatum - Nobel Lecture
  • The food may be healthy, but the conditions under which it's made are far from the standards demanded by fastidious Westerners.
  • It would be churlish to note the disparity between Spark's fastidious energy and the pedestrianism of this book, were the disparity not so glaring.
  • These fastidious, and sometimes fantastic ceremonies, originally devised as the very extremities of anti-barbarism, were often themselves but too nearly allied in spirit to the barbaresque in taste. The Caesars
  • He's a detail man, obsessively fastidious to the point that he still handles the steady-cam himself, to get those shots just right.
  • We could expect such a fastidious foe of provection to need no napron to eat an ewt. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIV No 3
  • His companion chuckled, `I'm not here about the pension, silly...' His fastidious tone made Arthur feel grubby. BEHINDLINGS
  • Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a fastidious Gram-negative diplococcus which closely resembles the related human pathogen Neisseria meningitidis, as well as several commensal species.
  • Everything was planned in fastidious detail.
  • There was such a vast understanding in Toohey's eyes and such an unfastidious kindness -- no, what a word to think of -- such an unlimited kindness. The Fountainhead
  • He was unlike the moody Michael Angelo; unlike the gentle Raphael; unlike the fastidious Van Dyck who came long afterward; he was hail-fellow-well-met among his associates, though often given over to dreaminess.
  • This trick invested his handsome face with a kind of impish fastidiousness. The Nursing Home Murder
  • a fastidious and incisive intellect
  • A first-year student at Williams may well become frustrated with such fastidious nit-picking.
  • In politics he was one of the best literary representatives of the fastidious or pedantocratic school of government. Critical Miscellanies (Vol. 3 of 3) Essay 7: W.R. Greg: A Sketch
  • So, for an instant, Anthony stood at Susanna's threshold, looking into her antechamber, breathless almost with his sense of her imminence; -- and then the tall flunkey said, in the fastidious accents of flunkeydom, "Net et _em_, sir;" and all my hero's high-strung emotion must spend itself in the depositing of a card. The Lady Paramount
  • If there's a faultline, it's only that such fastidiousness can turn inward. Times, Sunday Times
  • It does not matter how fastidious one is, how thoroughly and often one washes one's hands or even how many vitamins one takes, one is still likely to get sick from long-haul air travel.
  • He is eloquent at description, fastidious about mythic details, but reticent about his personal life.
  • A week or so after my review of Surprises of the Sun, I received a note from McAuley, in his fastidious handwriting, where each angular letter of each word was crafted as a calligraphic masterpiece.
  • As she leafs through the yellow pages, my eyes try in vain to grab a word or two from the looped, fastidious handwriting.
  • Such questions are distasteful for a fastidious cleric who thinks of sexuality as a loss of self-control.
  • When I started cleaning carpets, I realized early that my standards of cleaning weren't up to the level of some of the highly fastidious clients I was attracting.
  • Like another genius it had taken possession of him and led him through what Jewdwine had called the slough of journalism, so that he went with fine fastidious feet, choosing the clean places in that difficult way. The Divine Fire
  • Mark wondered why so fastidious a medievalist allowed the Order of St. George to erect those three tin tabernacles and to matchboard the interior of the Abbey. The Altar Steps
  • fastidious about personal cleanliness
  • Her still lifes, which involve random and often visually unharmonious elements, are nonetheless conscientiously and fastidiously made.
  • His palate is tender, and, in one sense, might be called fastidious; nothing is more sensitive or more easily shocked. Penrod and Sam
  • The owner of our company is pretty fastidious in choosing products that are naturally and environmentally sound.
  • Griffin is 32 and toothless and bone thin with wild dark eyes and a dark beard and fine, long black hair that he combs with fastidious care.
  • They want you to do everything to them, but then are too fastidious to name it.
  • And second, the boy was fastidious with his toy.
  • Even in the most fastidious of times it is boorishly single-minded. Be Excellent at Anything
  • The Samoan had always been fastidiously cautious in guarding cash. THE FEATHERS OF THE SUN
  • He had to carefully attend to each customer's fastidious demands.
  • He made relatively few films and gained the reputation of being a fastidious and sometimes ruthless perfectionist.
  • In the courtyard I saw a little cart, with iron brakes underneath it, such as fastidious people use to deaden the jolting of the road; but few men under a lord or baronet would be so particular. Lorna Doone
  • He was the picture of fastidious comfort.
  • It is an awkward thing to play with souls," — you override the fastidiousness of the soul in marrying your companion. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • Paul was fastidious when it came to cleanliness.
  • He remembered Thelma's shuddering repugnance at the sight of her, -- a repugnance which he himself had shared -- and which made him shrink with fastidious aversion, from the idea of confiding to any one but Sir Philip, the miserable secret of his connection with her. Thelma
  • But the government still took away a huge chunk - this from a man who had fastidiously paid every tax and never diddled anyone out of anything.
  • Kyle Soller as the posturing Khlestakov is an extraordinary, ginger-haired beanpole whose fastidiousness is undercut by his intemperate greed. Government Inspector – review
  • She was even faster than her father, who was rather fastidious about which neckcloth he wore on different nights.
  • Why be so fastidious in dealing with the likes of Norman?
  • Some of these false notes proceed simply from the immense growth of every sort of facilitation -- so that people are much more free than of old to come and go and do, to inquire and explore, to pervade and generally "infest"; with a consequent loss, for the fastidious individual, of his blest earlier sense, not infrequent, of having the occasion and the impression, as he used complacently to say, all to himself. Italian Hours
  • (for the general had chosen them) that they were each and all of them in their way comfortable, in the full English spirit of the word, and according to the French explanation of _comfortable_, given to us by the Duchess d'Abrantes, _convenablement bon_; but in compassion to Mr. Churchill's fastidious restlessness, she would now show him a perfection of Tales and Novels — Volume 10
  • Our gastrosopher was speaking only of the culinary caprices of man rendered fastidious by the sweets of life; but he might, in a more serious department of thought, have given his formula a wider and more general bearing and applied it to the dishes which vary so greatly according to latitude, climate and customs; he might above all have taken into his reckoning the harsh realities suffered by the common people, when perhaps his ideal of moral worth would have been found in More Hunting Wasps
  • Now he straightened his embroidered jerkin and fluffed his lace cuffs with a fastidious air, and the strings of the balalaika on his back sang gently as he shrugged.
  • The châlet is a fair hostelry for unfastidious travellers, its chief drawback being the propensity of tourists to get up at three o'clock in the morning in order to behold the sunrise from the Hoheneck. In the Heart of the Vosges And Other Sketches by a "Devious Traveller"
  • Campbell a "modernizer" in religion during Chesterton's time--ed., in their almost too fastidious spirituality, admit divine sinlessness, which they cannot see even in their dreams. Archive 2006-11-01
  • fastidious microorganisms
  • He dwelt with fastidious detail on her figure and the cleanliness of her fingernails.
  • A concern, perhaps over-fastidious, with the niceties of procedure and style was combined with a wide-ranging ability and insistence on upholding Britain's obligations to the colonial peoples.
  • Ernestine kept her daughters fastidiously clean.
  • The latter was one of her best pictures, and she was in her element as a fastidious, slightly cruel and watchful woman, trying to keep control of life.
  • There was no doubt that a band of ogres-or a mob equally unfastidious - had spent several days hanging around. Bitter Gold Hearts
  • Clothes must always be immaculately clean and pressed, fastidious grooming is critical, and comportment should be elegant and reserved.
  • unfastidious in her dress
  • But why such fastidious attention to gardening in the first place? Christianity Today
  • Plato himself; a purely dramatic invention, it might perhaps have been fancied, or, so to speak, an idolon theatri -- Plato's self, but presented, with the reserve appropriate to his fastidious genius, in a kind of stage disguise. Plato and Platonism
  • The mouse genome, it seems, is more fastidious with its housecleaning than the human.
  • Paul Gray, a fastidious budgeter, paid off his mortgage long ago and paid all but $2,500 of the Inlet House assessment. Homeowner associations foreclose on residents
  • How happy, how busy, how bright they were as they measured and altered, and Harry, in boundless complacency, went up and down at her orders, and changed and altered and arranged, till her fastidious eye was satisfied, and every fold hung aright! Oldtown Folks
  • The contempt of a fastidious aesthete would not defeat them: far sterner measures were necessary.
  • Still, this was hard physical labor, and sometimes unpleasant by current standards: spreading cods heads between the transplanted cabbages, for example, or stable manure and caplin on potatoes as the men followed behind, trenching and covering the fertilized seeds or plants with soil, were hardly tasks for those fastidious in nature. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • Was Caringolat aware how the precise and fastidious sequences of the Vibrancy were being corrupted beyond Por Tanssie?
  • With his frilly, fancy clothes and fastidious manner, Cantus always seemed like he belonged more at a poetry recital than in battle.
  • Fastidiousness, at any rate, is very good _postiche_ for modesty: it is always decent, it can never be coarse. Wisdom, Wit, and Pathos of Ouida Selected from the Works of Ouida
  • Other dances, such as the various types of branles, were a direct transference of folk sources, whilst others, again, compromised between populist zest and courtly fastidiousness, as did the pavanes and galliards.
  • The food may be healthy, but the conditions under which it's made are far from the standards demanded by fastidious Westerners.
  • Some writers complained that her stories, with their fastidious eye for detail and bourgeois white relationships, were too detached from the growing horrors of apartheid. Times, Sunday Times
  • His countrymen these days are much less fastidious. Times, Sunday Times
  • While it's complete folly to compare Etruscan to Latin nowdays considering that they're understood to be unrelated, it would be moderately forgiveable that some unfastidious academics are convinced that it means 'boy' based on Latin puer in reference to the boy Tages, even if naive from a grammatical point of view3. Pava and the 'boy' hoax
  • He was a packrat who never threw anything away, and so obsessively fastidious that he would boil up a saucepan full of old paperclips, drenched in cologne, for reuse. Las Pozas: Edward James' fantasy stands tall in a jungle in Mexico
  • But these resemblances are only superficial: The Effie abandoned on her wedding night by a fastidious aesthetician, for whom art would always have the edge over flesh-and-blood reality, can seem like a creature from another planet. A Far From Model Marriage
  • We English even, fastidious as we are, employ the term bowels as a natural symbolization for the affections of pity, mercy, or parental and brotherly affection. Theological Essays and Other Papers — Volume 1
  • She weeded fastidiously, removing the plants and roots before they came to maturity, and preparing compost from them.
  • They are by nature fastidiously clean and typically free from body odour and parasites.
  • he writes extremely musical music, of which the sound is fastidiously calculated and yet agreeably spontaneous and imaginative
  • His playing is not only passionately alluring but also remarkably fastidious to the slightest detail in the scores.
  • – And indeed it was on these occasions that Mrs Rayland seemed to take peculiar pleasure in mortifying Mrs Somerive and her daughters; who dreaded these dinner days as those of the greatest penance; and who at Christmas, one of the periods of these formal dinners, have blest more than once the propitious snow; through which that important and magisterial personage, the body coachman of Mrs Rayland, did not choose to venture himself, or the six sleek animals of which he was sole governor; for on these occasions it was the established rule to send for the family, with the same solemnity and the same parade that had been used ever since the first sullen and reluctant reconciliation between Sir Hildebrand and his sister; when she dared to deviate from the fastidious arrogance of her family, and to marry a man who farmed his own estate – and who, though long settled as a very respectable land-owner, had not yet written Armiger after his name. The Old Manor House
  • expurgated" for drawing room recital by an ultra-fastidious [15] who nevertheless recognized its great force. The Dead Men's Song Being the Story of a Poem and a Reminiscent Sketch of its Author Young Ewing Allison
  • You were always a fastidious trencherman, and struck fear into the hearts of many a maître d' and wine waiter, but when they knew you, they adored you.
  • A first-year student at Williams may well become frustrated with such fastidious nit-picking.
  • It stands for a fastidious aesthetic sense of something having turned out wrong in the wide world.
  • Some countries are less fastidious. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kant's private life is often parodied as one of clockwork routine, fastidious, donnish, and self-centred.
  • He was as fussy and fastidious as many great writers, prone to restless and often tiny adjustments.
  • Despite being a famously fastidious dresser, the Prince has long had a thrifty approach to his wardrobe. Times, Sunday Times
  • She is so fastidious about her food that I never invite her for dinner.
  • Henry was fastidiously clean by the standards of the time.
  • There is a touch of the set designer about him and he was less fastidious in his classical detail than Soane. Times, Sunday Times
  • Power, he fastidiously believed, ought simply to be handed to patricians like himself.
  • Judged by a fastidious panel of music critics, it is the most prestigious award in the music industry calendar. Times, Sunday Times
  • The movie's unmistakable, though largely tacit theme is homosexuality in the full, unliberated postwar sense of the word - Matthew Parris said that its clenched pejorative overtone is traditionally conveyed with the long vowels fastidiously drawn out: hoa-moa-sexuality. Culture |
  • The causative organism of gonorrhea, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, is a fastidious gram-negative diplococcus, which closely resembles the related human pathogen, Neisseria meningitidis, as well as several commensal species.
  • His companion chuckled, `I'm not here about the pension, silly...' His fastidious tone made Arthur feel grubby. BEHINDLINGS
  • Here, because of his elemental simplicity, he took to himself a native wife, and by reason of the connubial bliss which followed he escaped the unrest and vain longings which curse the days of more fastidious men, spoil their work and conquer them in the end. The Marriage of Lit-lit
  • His hair and beard were testimony to his fastidious nature and obsessive preening.
  • Be particularly fastidious about washing your hands before touching food.
  • But he was very tentative, fastidiously so, letting Ruth set the pace of sprightliness and fancy, keeping up with her but never daring to go beyond her. Chapter 9
  • Aware of their importance to herself, she carefully cherished, but never made them subjects of conversation, nor gave the world an opportunity of censuring what they would have termed her fastidious notions; her religious opinions were never obtruded upon slight acquaintance, and it was only her more particular friends who, beside her family, could form any judgment of her principles, save from her moral conduct. Yamboo; or, the North American Slave
  • Ramsey was already dangerously distended, as an effect of the earlier part of her discourse, and the word "fastidious" almost exploded him; but upon the climax, "Dora Yocum," he blew up with a shattering report and, leaving fragments of incoherence ricocheting behind him, fled shuddering from the house. Ramsey Milholland
  • In his leather bag he has an alphabetic list which he fastidiously ticks off after each visit.
  • A fastidious little cough from the dark side of the laurel bush interrupted her daydreams.
  • Her translations of the new essays read well, though there are some odd anachronisms like 'trendy' and 'dumbed down' and (to my taste) a slightly over-fastidious application of commas.
  • He was fastidious about his appearance.
  • It appears this is quite acceptable to an establishment that was too fastidious to allow clever and dedicated men without a blot on their characters, who happened to be hereditary peers, to legislate for us.
  • If there's a faultline, it's only that such fastidiousness can turn inward. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fastidious, clever, slightly skeptical, accustomed to the best society (he had held a much-envied shore appointment at the Ministry of Marine for a year preceding his retreat from his profession and from Europe), he possessed a latent warmth of feeling and a capacity for sympathy which were concealed by a sort of haughty, arbitrary indifference of manner arising from his early training; and by a something an enemy might have called foppish, in his aspect -- like a distorted echo of past elegance. Youth And Two Other Stories
  • Readers familiar with Roosevelt ' s " Autobiography " — or other TR biographies — will be stunned to read Mr. Morris claiming that Roosevelt and progressives of his class looked down, with " aristocratic fastidiousness, " on " poor whites, and at the dreg level, imported coolies, reservation Indians, and disenfranchised blacks. Bull Moose In Twilight
  • The phrase puzzled me since my father was so fastidious about not touching anyone. Fleur De Leigh’s Life of Crime
  • Fair, pale, and slightly built, his clothes fastidiously neat, Filing had the appearance of a gentleman aesthete. ALL ABOUT LOVE
  • This Prime Minister, who is so fastidious about all matters, says that she was happy to leave the judgment on this issue up to her electorate office staff.
  • I suppose this fits with her general fastidious nature and adds to the impression that in some way she felt, and actually was, above the common herd in her confidence and control.
  • He stopped to wait for the prisoners to pass, his expression fastidious and filled with contempt. The Falcons of Montabard
  • My cat, being a fully paid-up member of the fastidious feline world, now refuses to eat anything else.
  • Here, because of his elemental simplicity, he took to himself a native wife, and, by reason of the connubial bliss that followed, he escaped the unrest and vain longings that curse the days of more fastidious men, spoil their work, and conquer them in the end. THE MARRIAGE TO LIT-LIT
  • Such a man, after long wavering, and losing probable happiness in the terror of possible disappointment, will either die an old batchelor, with endless repinings at his own lingering fastidiousness, or else marry just at the eve of confinement for life, from a fit of the gout. Camilla
  • But that note of fastidious demurral is unmistakably his.
  • Where other songsmiths were personally flamboyant, he was fastidious, carefully barbered, turned out in the best suits he could afford.
  • For the fastidious reader interested in precise historical accuracy, these flaws are very substantial.
  • I was struck by the fastidious care with which the parties divided up the cost of the vacations they took together; sometimes calculations were made to the penny.
  • Leonardo was extremely fastidious, but Nicholl reminds us that his exquisite works were the product of titanic labours.
  • Mr. Claiborne's cheap eloquence is perhaps suited to the unfastidious taste of a lower latitude; but we prefer those stories, too few in number, in which the homely words of Dale are preserved. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 33, July, 1860
  • fastidious about his dress
  • Kyle Soller as the posturing Khlestakov is an extraordinary, ginger-haired beanpole whose fastidiousness is undercut by his intemperate greed. Government Inspector – review
  • Judged by a fastidious panel of music critics, it is the most prestigious award in the music industry calendar. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said recently that he inherited his fastidiousness from his mother who ‘put plastic covers over everything in the house, even lampshades and footstools’.
  • He whiffled his nose and lips over the surface and turned his fastidious head away: and it was no good getting angry, I had to trust to his equine sense. They didn’t read Pitchfork or Stereogum or Gorilla vs. Bear or Hipster Runoff
  • The publishers have also been extremely fastidious in their selection of the book's 325 illustrations, providing a pictorial record spanning over a century and a half.
  • The phalanges preternaturally straight, the knuckles pale and taut, the lunulae fastidiously cleared of cuticle, as perfect in their crescents as any moon over Arabia. Kalooki Nights
  • He was fastidious in his preparation for the big day.
  • But the staff of the Banner was as unfastidious as its policy. The Fountainhead
  • Single-issue campaigning always brings strange alliances and it's silly to be over-fastidious.
  • Well-organized, orderly, and fastidious, they try to maintain high standards, but can slip into being critical and perfectionistic.
  • It was not the coarse brave cry of the gull that can breast tempests and dive deep for unfastidious food. The Judge
  • Flashman's father is a man-about-town, one of those who hang on to the skirts of fashionable society which, in the Regency days of his prime, was not over-fastidious.
  • His appearance strikes me as unusual for a middle-aged man - overly fastidious and somehow too calculated.
  • I've looked for holes in the armor but Donaldson's too fastidious.
  • That is the odd thing about my life: the things I longed intensely to do I would not let myself do, not from any religious or moral scruple, but from some inexplicable fastidiousness or scrupulosity which is yet as active as ever, although I am sure that it would not be able to hold its own could these favorable conditions be repeated, but would be overcome by the imperious and fully grown desires which, by long repression, or by unsatisfactory diversion, have grown to be so strong. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 2 Sexual Inversion
  • Shaped by the fastidious Harnoncourt, the central andante movement opens with a horn theme that whispers an affinity to the Largo from the New World symphony.
  • He always loves to have everything very chic and polished and fastidious.
  • Bestiality (except in one form to be noted later) is, on the other hand, the sexual perversion of dull, insensitive and unfastidious persons. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5 Erotic Symbolism; The Mechanism of Detumescence; The Psychic State in Pregnancy
  • The effluvia are a rank offense to the sensibilities of the fastidious Joru, whose breathing equipment concentrates oxygen from the ambient atmosphere of exotic worlds and tends to amplify smells as well. Sagittarius Whorl
  • Has playing the fastidious butler made him a stickler for service in restaurants? Times, Sunday Times
  • Kant's private life is often parodied as one of clockwork routine, fastidious, donnish, and self-centred.
  • Like I said, Rohypnol (the namesake of "roofie") is related to many other commonly-perscribed medications, and it seems order of magnitude more likely that someone who believes they were roofied actually just took a benzo and didn't how poorly they react with alcohol (something that psychiatrists should be more fastidious in mentioning). Libertarian Blog Place
  • Rather than ridicule taxidermy as barbaric or bizarre, Abecassis wisely chooses to let her subjects reveal themselves through their fastidious work habits and aesthetic concerns.
  • Why does a conductor so fastidious and precise with an orchestra always seem so blithely undisturbed by such unidiomatic, out-of-tune singing?
  • But the cusk is not fastidious as to bait, accepting clams, cockles, and herring readily.
  • And they'd be especially outraged because the cops hadn't treated me with the kind of fastidious, hands-off politeness that they'd never expect from a retail clerk. Only What You Bring With You
  • Blaine was a rare raconteur and his talk had this great merit: never did I hear him tell a story or speak a word unsuitable for any, even the most fastidious company to hear. Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie
  • neatness and fastidiousness of dress
  • Cars that have been undersealed or wax-oiled are a sure sign that the previous owner was fastidious in their care.
  • She was not an over-fastidious girl by any means, she didn't mind getting dirty if that was what the job demanded.
  • One or two buckets will do for a clean bath for even the most fastidious person.
  • He was as fussy and fastidious as many great writers, prone to restless and often tiny adjustments.
  • The crowd, soon uncomfortably larger, diverted itself by taking oratorical views of his guilt or innocence: but the prevailing opinion of the prisoner personally was expressed by one in an unfastidious proverb: "Grosse crache, grosse canaille. The Young Seigneur Or, Nation-Making
  • In its overall design and fastidious attention to detail, the table reflects the concept of presenting a useful, industrially produced object that is a work of art.
  • They are called fastidious and I think their problems have something to do with ASD. Wrong Planet Asperger / Autism Forums
  • Joan began mopping up sauce messily with a heavily-buttered roll while Kenny fastidiously dipped slivers of unbuttered bread into his. JUST BETWEEN US
  • And even the most fastidious eaters today are probably consuming gene-altered food against their will.
  • Dominic fastidiously slides a small bone from his mouth and deposits it on the rim of his plate.
  • As a man, he was apparently "given to lustfulness but fastidious in other particulars," something which, we are told, "by a curious chance consorts well with the imagery of the plays where there are plentiful references to bawdiness, but where there is also evidence of a general sensitivity to unpleasant sights or smells. The One and Only
  • Angelina Jolie wore a sturdy bra and half-slip in the 2005 film "Mr. & Mr.. Smith" -- in a scene depicting the fastidiously uncarnal nature of her life with Mr. Smith. Pardon Me, Your Slip Is Not Showing
  • He was fastidious about his appearance.
  • And he was really a very pleasing young man, a young man whom any woman not fastidious might like. Emma
  • With his fastidious attention to detail, there is little doubt that he will have done the maths. Times, Sunday Times
  • He also taught me fastidious attention to detail. Times, Sunday Times
  • The legendary T.G.V. of Bangalore University: blazingly articulate, fastidiously stylish and passionately, fatally, devoted to his students.

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