
How To Use Faster In A Sentence

  • Our interneuronal connections in our brain, for example, process information at chemical signaling speeds of a few hundred feet per second, compared to a billion feet per second for electronics - electronics is a million times faster.
  • The trek was a bit monotonous at times - I wanted to go faster - but it was relaxing, enjoyable and worth the sore backside.
  • The increased number of detectors and tube rotation times combine to give faster coverage of a given volume of tissue.
  • Improved safety measures in cars can be counterproductive as they encourage people to drive faster.
  • Wehave shown for the first time that small intestinal and whole gut transit is faster in patients with chronic radiation enteritis.
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  • The cost of houses has risen faster than purchasing power.
  • It's like quail hunting: A short, light 20-gauge gun is faster than a big, heavy 12 in covering a covey rise.
  • We're moving forward faster than any country in the world, but for me it's not going fast enough
  • The President is keen to notch a political triumph that would foster freer world trade and faster economic growth.
  • Andrew noticed the sudden change of direction, as the wave moved faster towards them.
  • The party aims to attract votes from the business and professional communities, which want a faster pace of political reform.
  • The Bush stooges and their lackeys in the media know that they are hanging by a tenuous thread that is unraveling ever faster and faster.
  • Concorde was the first supersonic passenger jet - capable of flying faster than the speed of sound. Times, Sunday Times
  • Malayan barn owls are adapting quickly to this rich habitat and are reproducing much faster than elsewhere.
  • The cameras have been upgraded, with a revamped flash and faster focus. The Sun
  • After much blundering and backing, it stopped at the door: rolling heavily from side to side when its other motion had ceased, as if it had taken cold in its damp stable, and between that, and the having been required in its dropsical old age to move at any faster pace than a walk, were distressed by shortness of wind. American Notes for General Circulation
  • They print several times faster than dot matrix printers.
  • Toxins accumulate faster, and viruses and bacteria grow more quickly, in a body that is not adequately warmed.
  • So they recover faster from illnesses.
  • And then you've got the work in the luxury saloon sector, where people are phoning out for still bigger pieces of aluminium and ordering up even larger chunks of birchwood, in accordance with a mission to go faster, fatter.
  • They came to learn about the plane that could fly faster than a bullet, faster than the earth rotated.
  • Another theory is that because ammonoids grew faster and had thinner shells, the shells were not as strong as those of the nautilus.
  • New, faster methods for manual dehulling of beans at home have also been developed. 1. The jab-seeder a tool for manual seeding
  • The lady watched fretfully as the men came closer to hitting Mack with their bullets and ran much faster than before as their rage intensified.
  • I’m happy about apple and att is offering a faster Internet and technology however I’m upset that apple and att are not doing anything for the current iPhone owners. Basic Instinct: Sprint Battles AT&T and iPhone With New Samsung Device - Bits Blog -
  • _Some folks_ should see that my bashfulness was wearing off faster than the gold from an oroide watch. The Blunders of a Bashful Man
  • As competition from Asia increases and shareholders clamour for ever faster growth some regard the inward-looking nature of the family corporate setup as untenable.
  • Compared with pure polyolefin , nucleated polyolefin showed a higher crystallization temperature and a faster crystallization rate.
  • Oliver lashed the horses to go faster.
  • When oxygen is supplied to a flame it burns faster; the same thing happens to our body when we walk aerobically.
  • First we'd have a trotting race, then another one going a fair bit faster. FRANKIE: The Autobiography of Frankie Dettori
  • But because the Government has only uprated tax bands in line with inflation, rather than average earnings, which tend to rise faster, the number of people paying higher rate tax has risen from 2 million ten years ago, to 3.4 million today.
  • Bewildering indeed. Conspiracy theories have emerged faster than mushrooms in a damp Exmoor field. Some claim the shooting was a fiction, dreamed up to discourage trophy-hunters.
  • According to the theory of relativity, nothing can travel faster than light.
  • This would mean faster and more accurate detection and identification of substances.
  • She dusted off faster than a wind.
  • They say the tide in the bay comes in faster than a galloping horse. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eventually, faster-maturing, fine-fleeced Merinos replaced them, and the breed became nearly extinct, both here and abroad.
  • For example, the mean flight velocity of sunbirds with cut tail feathers was just over 3 m/s faster than that of sunbirds with uncut feathers of the same length.
  • Then she ran off, faster than any wildcat, and the men went on howling and shrieking, trying to untangle those knots.
  • Extra energy is burnt after eating because of the increased activity of digestive enzymes and faster blood flow. Times, Sunday Times
  • His decision to specify something bigger, better or more daring than the norm was logical, not hubristic: he believed it would result in a faster, safer, smoother-running railway.
  • Brisk walking cautiously planning small step "If you want to be too big, start smaller, faster expansion" is a global information system engineering building consensus.
  • Apart from feeling faster while browsing, on Ubuntu especially it appears to initialise much faster. Which Browser Should I Use: Firefox Or Chrome? | Lifehacker Australia
  • It is looking at a faster turnaround of vehicles unloading waste and collections of items to be recycled.
  • This one hatched faster than the first, fierce little claws punching through the fragile shell and scrabbling to get free.
  • Nothing will bring a romantic dreamer down to reality faster than the bug, and every biting insect seems to visit us in turn.
  • This last contraction unlike the previous one tries to move the thigh faster preventing the knee from damage by over-straightening.
  • Scholars assert that hanging the wine bottle in smoke matured wine faster and improved its taste.
  • TOKYO—Japan Airlines Co. on Thursday raised its full-year net profit guidance by one-third, making faster-than-expected progress as it prepares to relist its shares on the market later this year. JAL Raises Profit Outlook by One-Third
  • They liked having the option of paying for a faster journey when on a tight schedule. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a natural response to a diseased heart, the body releases the hormone norepinephrine, causing the heart to beat up to five times faster than normal.
  • I'll try to be faster than him, of course, but I don't even know him yet.
  • The party aims to attract votes from the business and professional communities, which want a faster pace of political reform.
  • And though he acted with what seemed at the time like blitzkrieg aggressiveness, he regretted in later years that he hadn't moved even faster.
  • These vary in tightness: some are hairpin turns, while others swoop down the mountain and are faster. Times, Sunday Times
  • Legal settlement reached in tainted pet food case" [Reuters UK] (Photo: faster panda kill kill) Pet Food Companies Agree To $24 Million Settlement Over Killer Pet Food - The Consumerist
  • A lifelong yoga addict and juice faster, she was always underweight, a non-smoker and a healthy eater. MeiMei Fox: Barbra Streisand Takes the Stage for Women and Heart Disease
  • Is it like pruning shrubs, so the more I shave my face the faster it will sprout on top? Times, Sunday Times
  • Here's an inside tip: The faster you rise, the harder you fall.
  • During icehouse periods the distribution of continents inhibited circum-equatorial circulation forcing faster oceanic circulation in the main ocean gyres.
  • I could run faster then.
  • We should have figured something was amiss when, after getting back on the highway, the coolant started again pouring from the heater onto the floor, but faster than I could soak it up. Broken Down Blues…
  • But the greylag population is increasing at a faster rate. Times, Sunday Times
  • Retinol can help skin cells turn over faster so you won't have a lackluster complexion in the A.M.
  • It's a narcotising vista, causing the pupils to shrink, the heart to beat faster.
  • Those same countries will be moving even faster towards political as well as financial integration.
  • If you are the faster key-code pusher, you will eject the Mech pilot and be able to claim the Mech for your own usage.
  • It seems everybody is demanding increased bandwidth to surf the Internet and transmit data faster.
  • That bright sound propelled him faster to the narrow staircase at the end of the hall.
  • The train is not only faster and cleaner, but with an operating sound output of 0.1dB, is also significantly quieter than buses or the precarious three wheeled tuk-tuks.
  • Wages for the lowest paid rose almost three times faster than those of higher earners last year, official figures show. The Sun
  • We use a special lotion to make hair follicles grow faster, but we advise clients to visit us once a month for shaping. The Sun
  • Though he is faster to commit to Lola, he is selfish and spoiled.
  • Studies on tempo suggest that urban areas have a faster pace of life than rural places. Times, Sunday Times
  • And will be lonelier to do, than when we could banter as we worked, making the work go faster as the sweat fell, seeming to be easier as we took on the task together.
  • He whipped the horse to make it run faster.
  • A series of recent experiments in America showed that immune system blood cells from tea drinkers responded five times faster to germs than the blood cells of coffee drinkers.
  • I was most overwhelmed and went to bed having nightmares about socked feet walking up and down my naked body shouting knit one purl one faster faster
  • In the North there is a shorter pause, so conversations tend to and forth perceptibly faster.
  • Looks like the software debugging happened faster than expected.
  • The larger ones lay larger capsules from which larger embryos emerge and grow faster.
  • It is not just that automation makes these tasks cheaper or faster, but that it makes them possible at all.
  • These players, who are generally faster than linebackers and brawnier than safeties, are more durable than receivers. The NFL's Mount Passmore
  • $result = mysql_fetch_array ($sql); [Loop end] repeat 3,4 until you get X total number of result this will get you 600% faster than using Solution 3 for multiple row selection good technique until now i do not know that it has 4 types of solutinos the 4th query is great as far as prrformence is concerned Netvouz - new bookmarks
  • They completed the course in one hour and 44 minutes faster than most of the 120-odd currachs and kayaks and everything else that took to the water for the race.
  • Long time periods do not help the evolutionary theory if biochemicals are destroyed faster than they are formed.
  • While the runabout is a faster deep-space vessel, the streamlined hull and large reinforced wings of the aeroshuttle make it significantly more efficient in high-speed atmospheric maneuvers and operations. STARSHIP SPOTTER
  • Another interesting footnote from the research is that while DSL is the most popular access technology at 65 percent, fiber has doubled to 12 percent during 2008, driven in part by demand for services such as IPTV that require faster speeds. Stat Shot: IPTV Growing Broadband Slowing
  • I could always tell when he arrived because he walked faster up the aisle than anyone else.
  • If you smoke, quit now, as this is making you age faster. The Sun
  • Version 8. 0 also comes with an improved installation routine that is faster and better able to anticipate conflicts.
  • There is an experiment, which seems to evince this venous absorption, which consists in the external application of a stimulus to the lips, as of vinegar, by which they become instantly pale; that is, the bibulous mouths of the veins by this stimulus are excited to absorb the blood faster, than it can be supplied by the usual arterial exertion. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Jenson, it must have been frustrating feeling you couldn't go any faster and he was closing on you relentlessly.
  • It's also a noticeably faster process using the document feeder - even if just a series of one-page results are being scanned into different charts.
  • Tarus "jogs" 10k race in record time, four minutes faster than the rest. 32:01 which is effectively a course record and ridiculously fast for a jog the boy's best this year is 30:58, 3% better, so he may be on 97% effort, he has a proper race tomorrow, so I'm concerned; Archive 2007-06-10
  • Mars gives you the extra pizzazz and energy to progress faster with work plans. The Sun
  • Those figures are mildly encouraging, but we need faster progress.
  • As the pole rotates the balls spin out levitating higher the faster the system spins.
  • Ministers say the new plans will deliver extra jail places faster than buying a prison ship. The Sun
  • And to the coachman: " For God's sake, can't you drive faster?
  • Ministers say the new plans will deliver extra jail places faster than buying a prison ship. The Sun
  • Over thousands of years, the accuracy of maps didn't improve significantly faster than the accuracy of primitive timepieces such as the sundial or water clock.
  • The warp technology of Star Trek, however, allows a spacecraft and its inhabitants to travel many times faster than light by moving through subspace, a theoretical parallel universe in which Einstein's theories do not apply.
  • If you need to move faster than you can walk barefoot, you hire a bicycle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both [kinds of] lenses fueled the faster-growing premium interocular lens business. Patient Investor: Interview With Tony Yao
  • A systematic aid programme might have averted the near-famine and encouraged the North to open faster.
  • In turn it means that adaptive evolution may be faster than biologists had thought.
  • It is 15 miles per hour faster than a Piper Cub due to using a NACA developed airfoil. Would You Bring Back NGLT-or SLI? - NASA Watch
  • As the fingerpicking gets faster and more furious, you get swept up in the frenzy without even once noticing how out-there the opinions or plans you're contemplating are.
  • If you want a faster front crawl, hold your fingers apart like a rake, not together like a paddle. Times, Sunday Times
  • According to the theory of relativity, nothing can travel faster than light.
  • Summer, the development of vitiligo in general faster, slow down or stop the spread of winter.
  • They jut from girls 'lids like an underbite, fanning the air in great whips of painted wind, and they form the fluttering basis of a trend spreading faster than conjunctivitis. Up front: Eva Wiseman
  • A better integrated transport system would mean faster and better links with other parts of the country.
  • “You, sir, doubtless, are well mounted, and I for the present travel on foot, or on a Highland shelty, that does not help me much faster forward.” Rob Roy
  • And while the copters here move faster, this has been somehow negated by their increased size, now around two times as big as before!
  • He looked more and more like a well-to-do old English sparrow, and chippered faster and faster. Deephaven and Selected Stories & Sketches
  • They can paddle faster but not for any great distance because it takes too much energy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes, I had a parenthetical aside about Clinton - era growth being faster than most people realize. So?
  • Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until they speak. Steven Wright 
  • As you walk faster, you will find the arms bend naturally and more quickly.
  • He intended to make the fleet faster than its German counterpart. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your mind works faster and the plans that take shape give you much to look forward to. The Sun
  • Its last assignment was to find the heliopause, where the solar wind is offset by the galactic wind, but in April 1997 it was passed by a younger, faster Voyager spacecraft.
  • He points out that bacchiacs, common in other plays, are rare here, and so are anapaests, and considers this to be because they are by nature slow, compared with the faster cretics and trochees, and it is true that this play (for whatever reason) does move at a great pace.
  • Chinese legislator criticised the US on Friday for its "ungrounded" demand for faster yuan revaluation and urged the US to rethink its - Business News
  • The retail side is growing a little bit faster, but we anticipate wholesale will pick up with MSN and AOL in the marketplace.
  • My bike accelerates faster, though, and it's a lot more agile, and I have a clear picture in my head of the city grid for this section and a feel for the traffic rhythms.
  • The faster we can clean the blood, the more nutrients and oxygens the blood can carry.
  • Winners use guns with rimless cartridges in moon clips, which reload faster than any speedloader.
  • Ferrara is satisfied because a portfolio of stocks and bonds will grow in value at a substantially faster rate than the growth rate of the economy * for those savers who choose to have them compound* -- re SS, persons in the working & saving portion of their lives -- just as it has the last two centuries. Politics vs. Economics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • For those of you who have been living in a bathysphere beneath polar ice caps that are melting faster than a popsicle left out in the midday sun, LA is ground zero for the Cult of the Youth-Obsessed. Bruce Kluger: From the Mouths of Babes
  • I usually buy my suits off the rack because it's faster.
  • I do think a lot of primary schools have tended to take the pleasure out of education and make kids think they are on a kind of gerbil wheel and that they have to run faster and faster to keep up. Shirley Williams: chair of the judges
  • The maximum speed will be only 60mph, but journey times should be cut thanks to faster acceleration and more doors to load and unload passengers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Switching angles of 3 and 6 degrees produce a faster travel than an angle of 0 degrees.
  • The faster runner set the pace.
  • For example, it's been estimated that a photonic internet could transmit data at 160 gigabits per second, which is thousands of times faster than today's typical high-speed connection.
  • The system is morphing faster than the program can track, but I'm eliminating the unnecessary code strings.
  • What I see in the above chart is that prices first climbed at one rate between 2001 and 2004 first red line segment on the left, then climbed at a faster rate until a blowoff in 2008, have since recovered, and are climbing again quite handily. Chris Martenson, Ph.D.: Don't Be Fooled: Inflation Has the Upper Hand
  • The lavas are cut by steep normal faults which have a maximum throw of a few hundred metres at slow spreading centres, and smaller throws at faster spreading rates.
  • And the faster corporate bonds are issued, the speedier will be the development of an active secondary market.
  • According to the theory of relativity, nothing can travel faster than light.
  • Alex, who rides at home, expressed his concern that I looked somewhat unrelaxed but we did not go faster than a walk and I found riding a particularly enjoyable way of absorbing the landscape.
  • If you lean forward it goes faster, if you lean back it slows down. The Sun
  • The pivotal moment came, we're told, when newfangled plastic wheels made skateboards infinitely faster and smoother than they'd ever been before.
  • The song is a bright run of notes that gets faster and faster and ends in a little twirl. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would be nice to go faster and break the world record.
  • He was a scrawny, chicken-necked sack of bones, but in spite of his handicap he moved faster than the others.
  • It eluded us then, but that's no matter. Tomorrow, we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther, and one fine morning.
  • Slow conNECtion kills me hell the wat? currently im in a remote area in perak. and the connection speed is no faster than 36. 5kb. babi betul. Slow conNECtion kills me
  • Faster-than-fast oriental food is on offer here with all the popular dishes keeping warm under heated lights.
  • With ships arriving faster than dock workers can handle them, the ports can't keep ahead of the rising tide of Pacific Rim cargo.
  • In reality, these three variations cannot be faster than Variation 1, since the corrente at a presto of metronome 108 is the absolute fastest of all Bach's simple-meter styles.
  • The genetic control of flowering has been extensively studied in Arabidopsis, a quantitative long-day plant that flowers faster under long days than short days.
  • The Anglican Church of Canada is shrinking faster than a haemorrhoid in an argon laser. 2010 April « Anglican Samizdat
  • Winners don't just win because they are faster or stronger or more skilful. Times, Sunday Times
  • The paradox about time is that it seems to go faster as we become older and less active.
  • We use a special lotion to make hair follicles grow faster, but we advise clients to visit us once a month for shaping. The Sun
  • No, a taxi will get you about the city faster.
  • He skated with charisma, changing from one gear to another, from one direction to another, faster than a sports car.
  • Soil and climate were ideally suited for the faster growing softwoods and there was a national demand for more timber.
  • Today, the question marks of celebrity are stinking up the primetime game show circuit, sending that genre into the dumper faster than department stores can send those monochromatic ties back to the warehouses.
  • They are more agile, faster over short distances and their hearing is more acute. Times, Sunday Times
  • The carryall moves the harvester to and from the Spice fields quickly which allows for faster production.
  • Animals might mature faster: a pressurised poultry house, for example, could hurry chickens to earlier adulthood.
  • His head was spinning faster now and for some reason his heartbeat had quickened. TUNNEL VISIONS: Journeys of an Underground Philosopher
  • You think faster than the people around you but don't let impatience jinx a work project. The Sun
  • It's an interesting trade off, as retaining the virus DNA helps the bacteria grow faster but reduces its motility, which is needed when seeking out new environments, Wood explains. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • He fixes my ‘broken’ tape recorder and cues it faster than I can write this sentence.
  • I thought the serum was something like a super supplement to make him smarter, faster, stronger.
  • These involve such requirements as extracting hydrogen from other sources, catalysts for faster reaction times, and inverters for transforming direct to alternating current.
  • After all, the US had broken Japan's diplomatic codes and could sometimes decode messages faster than the Japanese themselves.
  • If they got running water to all these buildings that are obviously inhabitable, they could get the city cleaned up a lot faster.
  • They reckon happier workers will provide better service and help their business to grow faster. Times, Sunday Times
  • And on my Windows XP laptop it was not discernably faster than IE, in fact, it froze up several times while scrolling thru long pages. Google’s Chrome Kills the Lucrative Toolbar Business - Bits Blog -
  • But a reason GDP/capita might grow exponentially is because new knowledge is gained faster than old knowledge is forgotten. Nonlinear Thinking, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Would prefer it faster but stays well and is one of the bigger dangers. The Sun
  • We are faster lovers than fellas from any other city.
  • I used quinoa, which is not only faster sprouting, it is a "super" food that has all the essential amino acids. Cashewwwwww Cheese--Gesundheit!!!
  • You are thinking faster and smarter now your mind and your imagination are working well. The Sun
  • ‘The girls gold gave me a big gee up after last night and Ï am happy to swim that fast and I only want to try and go faster tonight,’ she said.
  • You think faster than the people around you but don't let impatience jinx a work project. The Sun
  • Your other medicines ease the muscle spasm and empty acid from your stomach faster. The Sun
  • After all, waiting times have been reduced substantially and treatments are much faster. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cold-acclimated roots tend to respire faster under warm measurement temperatures than warm-acclimated ones.
  • My hips and body are turning faster, which knocks my timing out.
  • In the league last month, Real attacked Barcelona from the off, were 1-0 up faster than you can say tiki-taka and were eventually beaten 3-1. Real Madrid v Barcelona – as it happened | Jacob Steinberg
  • Advanced Expert Systems Conventional computing has improved efficiency by storing and manipulating data and information faster and more accurately than people.
  • It's a little higher and faster, but with odd, devastating pauses and saturnine shades of mockery.
  • The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
  • The longer he considered them, the faster he was able to gather useful information: gaps in time, how missing components from his inbuilt equational field could be compensated for; he was, in other words, able to think abstractly. Anders: A Brief History
  • you can finish the job of painting faster with a roller than with a brush
  • They have become smaller, faster and able to store huge amounts of data.
  • She drives rather faster than she ought.
  • According to the theory of relativity, nothing can travel faster than light.
  • You can paint faster than the speed of light. Times, Sunday Times
  • The advantage lies in the fact that microwave oven bakes the moist ingredients about three times faster.
  • Although a money moon gets cash flowing faster your way, it can also make you too generous. The Sun

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