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How To Use Fastened In A Sentence

  • This state of things was fastened all the more firmly on the people by strong kings such as Hammurabi, who lived about B.C. 2000 and who unified the country under a powerful central government with his own city, Babylon, as the capital. Hebrew Life and Times
  • With a few turns of tape, I fastened the plastic cup to the end of the pole.
  • In 1883 Mr. Leaf wrote: "I take it that the _zoma_ means the waist of the cuirass which is covered by the _zoster_, and has the upper edge of the _mitrê_ or plated apron beneath it fastened round the warrior's body. ... Homer and His Age
  • The lid won't come off accidentally , it's been fastened on.
  • The tractor was there with the trailer attached, its tailboard unfastened.
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  • One end of the clay cord was formed into a loop and fastened with a smaller coil of clay wrapped around it.
  • Charged they were that they worshipped an ass's head; which impious folly -- first fastened on the Jews by Tacitus, Hist., lib.v. cap. 1, in these words, "Effigiem animalis, quo monstrante errorem sitimque depulerant, penetrali sacravere" (having before set out a feigned direction received by a company of asses), which he had borrowed from Apion, a railing Egyptian of Alexandria [224] -- was so ingrafted in their minds that no defensative could be allowed. The Sermons of John Owen
  • Plants are propagated from cuttings fastened to the ground.
  • I had refastened it in a simple bowknot, a sort of knot which on Gor, in certain contexts, as in the present context, is spoken of as a slave knot. Renegades Of Gor
  • In general this is a well designed and well made sweater with a stud fastened neck closure and medium height collar.
  • The ‘amentum’ was the thong, or strap of leather, with which the lance, or javelin, was fastened, in order to draw it back when thrown.] [Footnote 36: _Not used to bear. The Metamorphoses of Ovid Literally Translated into English Prose, with Copious Notes and Explanations
  • The deck and hull are fastened together with adhesives and mechanical fasteners.
  • She fastened her gaze on him.
  • Her golden-spun hair was loosely fastened in a clasp, and she held a small glass in her hand.
  • However, the nail was not refastened by this mechanism.
  • She pushed her hair back and fastened it with a clip at the base of her neck, breathing deeply.
  • Allsop unfastened the chain and threw the door open.
  • These vehicles are not Hi-Rail equipped but do have a steel flange fastened on the inside of the tires.
  • She was wearing only dark green breeches, belted around her waist and fastened just above the knees by gold clasps.
  • The leader's influence was so strong that many people fastened onto him and became his followers.
  • A colporteur, known to me, when engaged selling Bibles in a Brazilian town, reports that the fanatical populace got his books and carried them, fastened and burning, at the end of blazing torches, while they tramped the streets, yelling: "Away with all false books! Through Five Republics on Horseback, Being an Account of Many Wanderings in South America
  • The stranger fastened on my arm.
  • She quickly fastened her bootlaces and then proceeded to roll up her sleeping bag, dusting off dirt and debris as she did so.
  • I. unsōfte þonan feorh oð-ferede, 2142. of-ferian, _to carry off, to take away, to tear away_: pret. ōðer swylc ūt offerede, _took away another such_ (sc. fifteen), 1584. fetel-hilt, st. n., _sword-hilt_, with the gold chains fastened to it: acc. Beowulf
  • He fastened the papers together with a paper clip.
  • Wilhelm lifted his head and fastened his eyes on the darkened house for a long moment, as though etching that sight into his mind forever.
  • Rebecca jerked her head towards him, as he fastened his own gaze on the road.
  • Be sure the access ladder is securely fastened to the bin.
  • Just keep your seatbelt fastened for all that visual turbulence. Times, Sunday Times
  • She quickly fastened her helmet onto her head and tucked her long hair in.
  • Underneath me, a small boy keeps jumping up and slapping a scale model of China that's been fastened to the wall.
  • He was working quietly, all his attention fastened on the task.
  • The dried sample is then transferred to a small thistle-headed funnel which has been cut off from its stem, and the opening plugged with a little glass wool, and round the top rim of which a piece of fine platinum wire has been fastened, in order that it may afterwards be easily removed from the Soxhlet tube. Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
  • He was more or less asleep and did not stir as his head was locked into place with straps fastened across his forehead. Times, Sunday Times
  • She bit off the excess thread of the last button being fastened and got up from under the table.
  • ‘Then again, some old maid's door will be slily fastened by tying tightly across the door jambs, in front of and to the ‘sneck’, a piece of wood to prevent her coming out of doors till released by a kind neighbour next morning.’
  • The three daisies that comprise the chatelaine can be unscrewed and each fastened onto a pin to wear as a brooch.
  • Once, this was a stout ship, with oak futtocks and floor timbers, fastened with iron nails, built with saw and adz and the calloused hands of shipwrights now long dead. Md. center studies ship's remains found at World Trade Center site
  • Nick showered and, for the next half hour, lay nude on top of his king-size bed, the points of his feet and hands spread in a giant X, like Ixion fastened to his burning wheel. Rain Gods
  • It looks as if the blame has been fastened on an innocent person.
  • She fastened the belt loosely around her waist.
  • Where I had a showerproof jacket over an ordinary suit and no hat, he had come equipped with the full bit: a red padded cap with ear flaps fastened with a strap under his chin, blue padded trousers tucked into short wide-legged gumboots, and a red padded jacket fastened up the front with silver coloured press studs. Slay Ride
  • He attacks with his long spear, to the end of which he has fastened a composition of wild fire, lighted into a blaze. JOSIAH THE GREAT: The True Story of The Man Who Would Be King
  • She fastened the belt loosely around her waist.
  • David is shown as a young, beardless figure with short, dark hair, clad in a purple chlamys, fastened at the shoulder (though no fibula is represented), beneath which a white and golden yellow garment can be seen.
  • Bending easily without falling off, she padded a soft material over the wire and fastened it together.
  • I fastened the chain in the back and ran a brush through my hair quickly, braiding the hairs at my temple back, and leaving the rest down.
  • And the two ends of the two wreathen chains they fastened in the two ouches, and put them on the shoulderpieces of the ephod, before it. Villaraigosa And Nunez Cut And Run - Video Report
  • Realising that he wasn't getting any money from me, he began to glance away, and fastened his eyes on a wallet that a gentleman who passed us had in his hand.
  • They were not gentle as they bound her arms behind her, gagged her, and fastened her into the coffle.
  • I don't think Reggie had his chinstrap fastened, and as Jackie Slater was blocking him, Reggie's helmet fell down over his face.
  • I stained my eyebrows with some of the dye common in the harem; concealed my female attire beneath a magnificent pelisse, lined with sables, which fastened from my chin to my feet; pulled a fez low upon my brow; and I sallied forth on my adventurous errand. G. Roger Denson: The Beauty We Fear: The Great Mosques of European Novelists and Poets (Slideshow)
  • After having fastened both ends together again, turn the work the right side upwards and the outer scallops upwards also, fasten the cotton over which you work on to the short purl which is under the first loop; * work 4 times 2 double, 1 purl, 2 double, fasten the cotton over which you work on the purl under the next loop, and repeat from * till the lace is completed. Beeton's Book of Needlework
  • He looked down at himself and noticed that he had on only a rope around his waist with a strip of cloth fastened from the front to the back. The Kiva « Beatrice Writes
  • The resistance of the innocent man caused the "whipper" to call in three other sturdy blacks, and, in a few minutes, the victim was fastened upon the stretcher, face downwards, his clothing removed, and the strong-armed white negro-whipper standing over him with uplifted whip. My Southern Home: or, The South and Its People
  • If you're interested in adding to your new vocabulary, the plywood fastened down to the floor joists is the "subfloor," and the wide boards above where the windows are going are the "headers. Friday Night Photos: House Renovations v.2.0.8 (A floor and walls framed!)
  • The buttons on my coat came unfastened.
  • He rose, his eyes still fastened on the piece of paper.
  • Too uncertain to advance with a raise, or retreat with a fold, I called, fastened to this pot like a barnacle.
  • It was simply fastened to a cleat on the gunwale, with no provision for reeling it back in.
  • Cora pulled on her hat and refastened her jacket buttons.
  • The metal bands that slid around her arms and legs were fastened before she knew they were there. A Plague of Angels
  • He fastened it together with wooden pegs and made the four wheels out of short pieces of a big tree trunk. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
  • The length of this chain, the breadth and thickness of the joist, its height from the floor, and the circlet of chain on the neck, were accurately measured; and it was thus shown that the chain unoccupied by the circlet and the joist was a foot and a half longer than the space between the shoulders of the man and the joist above, or to that extent the chain hung loose above him; that the circlet (which was fastened so as to prevent its contraction) rested on the shoulders and breast, the chain being sufficiently drawn only to prevent being slipped over his head, and that there was no other place in the room to which he could be fastened except to one of the joists above. Dred; A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp. In Two Volumes. Vol. II
  • Carefully he remounted Gayla with Amalia sitting in front of him, his arms securely fastened around her waist and her head upon his shoulder.
  • He was wearing an aqua tunic that wrapped around and was fastened by a single button on his left shoulder.
  • Sometimes additional pieces of wood were fastened to the topmasts, which carried topgallant sails.
  • Wylie unpinned Holly's diaper, saw that it was clean, and refastened it.
  • Viewers can see the stadium from the air, courtesy of a camera fastened to the plane.
  • But I suppose a boy thinks he is called babyish, if the name is fastened on him. Holiday Stories for Young People
  • Under her silken sarong would have been an inner garment of white cotton, about her waist a zone of beaded cloth held in front by an oval plate, and over all would have been thrown a long, loose dressing-gown, called the kabaya, falling to her knees and fastened down the front to the silver girdle with golden brooches. Tales of the Malayan Coast From Penang to the Philippines
  • You've fastened your buttons up the wrong way.
  • She offered me a cup of tea, but I declined and waited patiently while she unfastened the two locks on the balcony door. DEAD BEAT
  • Francesca stared down at his balding pate as he returned the last of the paintings to its folder and fastened the string that bound it together.
  • To each line were fastened eight or ten snoods: a snood is a short line with a hook at the end. A Yacht Voyage Round England
  • The return to the ship involves a _bloto_ across the bay, with many misgivings as to the seaworthy capacities of the clumsy craft, but four bamboo safety-poles, fastened by forked sticks to the sides of the hollowed log, suffice to steady it enough to avoid capsizal. Through the Malay Archipelago
  • I heard the door lock being unfastened and the door opened.
  • Sally was in high feather at the success of her exploit, and danced about like an elf, as she put her night-gown on over her frock, braided her hair in funny little tails all over her head, and fastened the great red pin-cushion on her bosom for a breastpin in honor of the feast. An Old-Fashioned Girl
  • Giving it to Lior, Shumba watched as the guard drew closer to Amenra, her graying blond curls fastened in a tight knot along her gold enclosed neck.
  • There were two other ensigns rolled into a ball ready to be fastened to the haulyard and hoisted in case of need. The Rise of Canada, from Barbarism to Wealth and Civilisation Volume 1
  • The saddle is fastened by pliant ropes, or broad belts of leather, called in the West "cinches," to fasten which securely requires some skill, as they pass through a circular ring and are secured by a hitch or peculiar knot that holds well and can be unfastened with a quick jerk. Healthful Sports for Boys
  • With its clear chicken broth, bits of green onion, finely shredded cabbage and artfully fastened dumplings, said soup is a fine way to begin your feast.
  • Her blonde ringlets were pulled back, fastened with a diamond clip, like Pamela's the night before.
  • Fastened to the wall around the mirror are copies and reproductions of works of art by Poussin, Le Sueur, Rembrandt and others.
  • Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened.
  • I double-checked to make sure my seatbelt was tightly fastened.
  • Telzey snapped the tiny library shut, fastened it to the belt of her sunsuit and went over to the open window. The Complete Federation Of The Hub
  • It was a woman scarcely conscious and whimpering softly as they fastened the rope around her. Bomber
  • The key issue of this week's Paris shows is simple: will Paris, having fastened its grey, navy and camel colours to the mast of minimalism six months ago, stand its ground in the wake of the onslaught of exuberant 70s maximalism and technicolour seen so far in NY, London and Milan? Fashion week live blog
  • The commonest messenger birds named in Hawaiian stories are the plover, wandering tattler, and turnstone, all migratory from about April to August, and hence naturally fastened upon by the imagination as suitable messengers to lands beyond common ken. The Hawaiian Romance Of Laieikawai
  • The person I mean was a buxom dame of about thirty, her fingers loaded with many a silver ring, and three or four of gold; her ankles liberally displayed from under her numerous blue, white, and scarlet; short petticoats, and attired in hose of the finest and whitest lamb's-wool, which arose from shoes of Spanish cordwain, fastened with silver buckles. Redgauntlet
  • So, having fastened her window, she forbore to close the shutters, and, propped against the pillows, she lay looking out through the window's casement, entranced by the view, the peace and beauty of that rural summer night.
  • The President fastened on the idea at once.
  • She'd fastened her hair up and applied scarlet red lipstick.
  • I heard the bolts fastened again. THE LOST KING OF FRANCE: Revolution, Revenge and the Search for Louis XVII
  • A small metal ring fastened with a clip-on ball may also be used.
  • Evvy time he got out he would fight us chillun, so Marster had to keep him fastened up in de stable. Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves Georgia Narratives, Part 3
  • Those organisms not securely fastened to the rocks will likely be torn free and washed ashore or carried into the open ocean.
  • As the cabin lurched back and forth and the sounds of rocket fire percussed the urgent, faltering rhythm of our right engine, I unfastened my seat belt, and, finding my center of gravity, rose from my seat, moving past aides shock still in their chairs, arms locked like girders against their arm rests in terror, and walked up the center aisle to the pilot's cabin. Hillary: Pledged Delegates "Just Like" Supers ��� They Can Switch
  • _standing rib roast_ or taken out and the meat then rolled and fastened together with skewers to make a _rolled roast_. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 3: Soup; Meat; Poultry and Game; Fish and Shell Fish
  • Along the shore are moored thousands of logs, fastened together in rafts.
  • She fastened off the thread.
  • sarrau," in which an antiquary would have recognized the "saye," or the "sayon" of the Gauls, ended at his middle, where it was fastened to two leggings of goatskin by slivers, or thongs of wood, roughly cut, -- some of them still covered with their peel or bark. The Chouans
  • The tent doesn't have doors; it has flaps, fastened with poppers.
  • When choosing your tuxedo shirt, try to select one with French cuffs, which fold up and are fastened with cufflinks.
  • It was covered in fruit and vegetables which were fastened on with metal pins. Times, Sunday Times
  • At this critical moment one of the ladies took off her basquine and skirt, cut them into strips, got shawls and other articles of clothing from the rest of the party, tied them together, fastened a stone to the rope thus formed, and let it down to Mr. Ruggles, who, taking hold of it, walked slowly up the bank. The New York Tribune Gives
  • A long silver metal double-edged sword with an angel on the handle-top and a cross on the handle-bottom of the golden sword handle is fastened onto his belt and he has black gauntlets with a sliver band in the middle on both of his wrist.
  • But there are arguments and arguments, and it may be said that I have fastened on the wrong one.
  • I shut the door and fastened the bolt.
  • Jim untied the rope that was fastened to it and lit it.
  • Reaching down, he unfastened the latch on the gate.
  • The spritsail was a simple triangular sail, whose leading edge was fastened to the mast by a rope.
  • Fastened to the first IMPs like a barnacle was a small phonelike box, with a cord and headset. Where Wizards Stay Up Late
  • All this obviously depended on the availability of funding to ensure the continuation of the service and he hoped that funding would be copper-fastened to this end.
  • The lad was already bare-foot, so without a second's hesitation, Darius leaped and fastened his arms about his knees, achieving the roaring splash of a cannonball.
  • There can still be seen in Glencolumbkille examples of vernacular architecture, notably in the surviving thatched cottages, with their particular feature of the rounded roof, the thatch being held down by a network of ropes (sugans) spaced over it and fastened to pins beneath the eaves and on the gables.
  • They're well watered and under floating row covers with wire hoops, all securely fastened to take the wind we've been having.
  • The blame hasn't been fastened on anybody yet.
  • Absent-mindedly, I loaded my revolver with bullets and fastened the gun onto my belt.
  • Another important driving tip that should always be kept in mind, especially if you are renting a car in Kauai, is to always keep your seatbelt fastened no matter where you are seated in the car.
  • Stainless steel arches, polished to a mirror finish, will be pieced together on the site and fastened to the main structure, which will then be hoisted across the river and fastened in place.
  • A bearskin cloak, to be exact, fastened at the neck with a silver-gilt brooch as large as the palm of my hand. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • I threw one cloak over my shoulders and fastened the clip when I heard Kyla scream from the back room.
  • The completion dates are copper-fastened in a comprehensive ten year national transport plan unveiled yesterday by Minister for Transport, Martin Cullen.
  • Ridge already had his shirt half unbuttoned, so she unfastened the last few and eased one arm out of the shirt sleeve. Western Man
  • In 1549, Jafar founded Kudus Mosque and fastened the rock in its mihrab, a niche in the mosque wall facing Mecca.
  • They were fastened down the front with buttons or with or with hooks and eyes.
  • Such skirts were made up of a pair of aprons that wrapped around the body and were attached to a wide cotton waistband that fastened with buttons or ties.
  • You can see now that it is fastened to a hook just above where the little opening for the ventilator is. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
  • A blouse made from a single rectangular piece of woolen cloth is fastened at one shoulder, but it is more common for women to wear cotton blouses.
  • Too stupefied to be curious myself, I fastened the door and glanced round for the bed.
  • I called to my tactical officer, as I fastened the last strap of the restraining harness snugly across my shoulders.
  • His gaze fastened on the jewels.
  • Keep your seatbelt fastened at all times when seated as an extra precaution in case of unexpected turbulence.
  • Or (if the elastic cord has already been fastened) we may remove the eye-tube and shift the telescope-tube about -- the direction in which the sun lies being roughly known -- until we see the spot of light received down the telescope's axis grow brighter and brighter and finally become a _spot of sun-light_. Half-hours with the Telescope Being a Popular Guide to the Use of the Telescope as a Means of Amusement and Instruction.
  • The boy's eyes fastened on the stranger.
  • These are secular eschatological fantasies we have fastened on as we have lost faith in the only True Eschaton, who is Jesus.
  • As she bent over Hans to adjust his bandage the crisp white cloth of her uniform blouse, carelessly fastened, fell open and brushed his sleeping face.
  • I just held her hand still as I slipped the bracelet over her wrist and fastened the clasp.
  • He had snapped his helmet on but not yet fastened it, and was leaning forward, listening intently.
  • Beth then fiddles with her cardigan buttons, making sure for the fourth time in ten minutes that she's successfully refastened her sweater.
  • Some of the most damaging ties are fastened around trees for secondary purposes, for washing lines, swings or bird box fixings.
  • The house door was fastened; but the shippen door a little on in the same long low block of building stood open, and a dim light made an oblong upon the snowy ground outside. Sylvia's Lovers — Volume 2
  • For door experts, it is made of four plain oak boards, held in place by an edging frame and four half-round ledges, all fastened by neat clasping elongated roves.
  • He then snatched the fallen warrior's arms and robes under which he had concealed a scrip full of gold fastened to his loins.
  • These will be fastened on and above them a platform.
  • After pulling her hair back into the half ponytail, she laid the hair net on her head on fastened it in place with delicate, almost invisible hair pins.
  • Please keep your seat belt fastened until the plane has come to a complete standstill. Times, Sunday Times
  • The top strap of a knee cap should be firmly fastened while the lower one needs to be looser to allow for movement of the horse's knee. Your First Horse - buying, feeding, caring
  • We had utter confidence in the security of the rope he had fastened for us. Christianity Today
  • One or two of the gang climbed the banks to discover if any bailiffs were on the watch; while the others sat down, and with the help of the turnip lantern "busked" their spears; in other words, fastened on the steel -- or, it might be, merely pieces of rusty iron sharpened into a point at home -- to the staves. Auld Licht Idyls
  • The band unfastened with a snap and a pop, then blood flowed back into her arm.
  • For those of you wondering what Barbie said, she indeed said "ascot", which is a man's broad necked scarf - fastened with tie tack or stick pin. Final Toy Story 3 trailer released
  • Keep these accounts unfastened with a balance of 70\% Oregon less and paid on clip and you will witnesser your credit score ascent to great heights. All about credit cards
  • At the prison door, while fetters were being fastened on his legs he smilingly said, "I fear me I shall be overproud of my boots. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • A blue plaque fastened into the wall publicises the office's past as the dining room in the home of journalist Henry Morton Stanley.
  • Picasso was 54 years old, dressed in an old suit, baggy trousers, beret and long scarf, his keys fastened to his belt and his money fastened inside his jacket pocket with a safety pin.
  • Buried in jeweler's cotton she found a gold linked bracelet that fastened with a padlock in the shape of a heart. Just Patty
  • It only has one string, fastened to a hunk of wood. Times, Sunday Times
  • He unfastened the top button of his shirt.
  • The deck is fiberglass composite with balsa wood core and is securely fastened with nuts, bolts, and washers to the inward hull flange.
  • This tube is composed of two pieces of bamboo, fastened at an acute angle, and it is covered the whole length with a strong binding of corded string, over which is a luting of earth to prevent the vapour from escaping. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • Bea heard the cast iron bell fastened to the front door and went to see who it was.
  • The bodice, which was one with the skirt, was partly hidden beneath a mantle of/poult-de-soie/edged with black lace, and fastened on the bosom by a brooch enclosing a miniature. The Brotherhood of Consolation
  • How is that, my fair sir?" cried the armorer as he drew the bassinet over the head and fastened it to the camail which extended to the shoulders. Sir Nigel
  • The blame hasn't been fastened on anybody yet.
  • And hauing pronounced this fatall iudgement, he sent one to seeke for a greate naile of a Carte, which he caused to be fastened to the beame of the chamber, and a ladder to be fetched, and then made her to tie a Coller of the order belonginge to theeues and malefactours, about the necke of her sorowfull louer. The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1
  • Red Chicken, in a scarlet pareu fastened tightly about his loins, stood at the prow when we had reached his favorite spot off a point of land, while I, with a paddle, 10 noiselessly kept the canoe as stationary as possible. Story Hour Readings: Seventh Year
  • Then, she gathered her hair into a pony-tail, flipped it around, and fastened it to the back of her head so it spilled over the clip in a cascade of soft blonde curls.
  • He swept on his travel-stained green cloak and fastened it with a copper brooch that Odosse had not seen before. THE RIVER KINGS’ ROAD
  • The Church a naked Andromeda, with dishevelled hair, fastened to the trunk of an ancient disbranched tree. English Seamen in the Sixteenth Century Lectures Delivered at Oxford Easter Terms 1893-4
  • The corncrib was a tiny affair where a man had to climb out one leg at a time, one morning just as Mr. Hume's father was climbing out with his feed, he was struck over the head with a large club, the next morning he broke the scoop off an iron shovel and fastened the iron handle to his body. Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves Indiana Narratives
  • If I was going to climb to altitude in a plane with a wing about to come off, I certainly wanted my parachute leg straps fastened!
  • Where a tree is fastened to a post, a squashy pad or spacer should be inserted between the stem and the post, so that the two do not rub together.
  • After they entered, he turned and securely fastened the various bolts which lined the edge of the door.
  • The 5-foot draft wing keel is antimonious lead and fastened to the structural grid network with stainless bolts.
  • He attacks with his long spear, to the end of which he has fastened a composition of wild fire, lighted into a blaze. JOSIAH THE GREAT: The True Story of The Man Who Would Be King
  • The stranger fastened on my arm.
  • The knot under his chin was still firmly fastened and he had extensive burns on his head and face.
  • He was more or less asleep and did not stir as his head was locked into place with straps fastened across his forehead. Times, Sunday Times
  • Viewers can see the stadium from the air, courtesy of a camera fastened to the plane.
  • The cheetah's jaw fastened on the gazelle's throat.
  • The box was fastened with a rusty wire.
  • Bhutanese women wear the kira, a woven dress that is fastened at each shoulder by silver buckles.
  • The timbers are often cut and dressed by hand, jointed and interlocked in the traditional way, and fastened throughout with wood pegs called trunnels, or ‘tree nails.’
  • But it was fastened in the belt of her apron behind, so she began on the knot at the other end. Little Men
  • And now Timmy and Goody Tiptoes keep their nut store fastened up with a little padlock.
  • She fastened her long flowing hair round her head, so that the polypi might not seize hold of it.
  • The person I mean was a buxom dame of about thirty, her fingers loaded with many a silver ring, and three or four of gold; her ankles liberally displayed from under her numerous blue, white, and scarlet; short petticoats, and attired in hose of the finest and whitest lamb’s-wool, which arose from shoes of Spanish cordwain, fastened with silver buckles. Redgauntlet
  • She wore a black leather choker which was fastened by leather laces at the back. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • The _kélong_ is a weir composed of nets made of split bambu, fastened in an upright position, side by side, to posts fixed into the bed of the stream, or into the sand in the shallow water of a harbour. British Borneo Sketches of Brunai, Sarawak, Labuan, and North Borneo
  • The lad made fliers of every shape and pattern, and his kites were usually so stable that it was upon his model that the meteorograph was fastened which registered the pressure, humidity and temperature of the air and the velocity of the wind, according to the request of the young fellow who had sent the League the two first kites. The Boy with the U. S. Weather Men
  • They fastened various nicknames to each other
  • Just keep your seatbelt fastened for all that visual turbulence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only the fact that he was wearing a fastened flak jacket stopped him being fatally injured. BLACK KNIGHTS: On the Bloody Road to Baghdad
  • Slipping the garment over her naked shoulders, she pulled it around herself and fastened the belt.
  • Scores of students were caught on camera mounting their bicycles either without their helmets, with helmets unfastened or casually slung across their handlebars.
  • She fastened the belt loosely around her waist.
  • Fastened to the sides of the winding tunnels, the tubes gave new visual meaning to the phrase "bowels of the Earth. Space Odyssey: Scientists go to the extremes of the earth to divine the secrets of extraterrestrial life.

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