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How To Use Fast In A Sentence

  • So spake he, and Athene was mightily angered at heart, and chid Odysseus in wrathful words: ‘Odysseus, thou hast no more steadfast might nor any prowess, as when for nine whole years continually thou didst battle with the Trojans for high born Helen, of the white arms, and many men thou slewest in terrible warfare, and by thy device the wide-wayed city of Priam was taken. Book XXII
  • It bothered me a little that I didn't have a pickup, and I couldn't see doing much off road driving with my Mustang fastback.
  • Our interneuronal connections in our brain, for example, process information at chemical signaling speeds of a few hundred feet per second, compared to a billion feet per second for electronics - electronics is a million times faster.
  • The opposite change occurs in what are termed fastigiate varieties, where the branches, in place of assuming more or less of a horizontal direction, become erect and nearly parallel with the main stem as in the Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • The trek was a bit monotonous at times - I wanted to go faster - but it was relaxing, enjoyable and worth the sore backside.
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  • “And now, Sir John de Walton,” he said, “methinks you are a little churlish in not ordering me some breakfast, after I have been all night engaged in your affairs; and a cup of muscadel would, I think, be no bad induction to a full consideration of this perplexed matter.” Castle Dangerous
  • With a few turns of tape, I fastened the plastic cup to the end of the pole.
  • He's not the fastest player on the books and occasionally he can be a bit casual and sometimes gets caught in possession.
  • A leisurely breakfast - even the motel manager was moaning about the way the Italians "hogged" the muffins this morning and drank cups of milk instead of putting it on their bran flakes! TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • Days later, Gregg was gunned down near Belfast docks as he returned from a Glasgow Rangers football match.
  • Last time I took my pulse, it was a bit fast.
  • In recent years, Laganside Corporation has transformed the inner core of Belfast city centre, specifically along the Lagan river and in the surrounding area.
  • The increased number of detectors and tube rotation times combine to give faster coverage of a given volume of tissue.
  • And the prints represent Abstract Expressionism's entire stylistic range, from fast and visceral to cool and ethereal.
  • A swingle-tree hung at the pole's end, and a second pair of reins was fast to the driver's seat, the four cheek-buckles lying crossed over the wheeler's backs. Ambrotox and Limping Dick
  • In 1883 Mr. Leaf wrote: "I take it that the _zoma_ means the waist of the cuirass which is covered by the _zoster_, and has the upper edge of the _mitrê_ or plated apron beneath it fastened round the warrior's body. ... Homer and His Age
  • He shaved, got dressed and took the elevator to the breakfast-room.
  • Will they require huge hard drives and superfast broadband? Times, Sunday Times
  • More than 26,000 people made the trip to inspect the acers and aspidistras at what is fast becoming one of the best, and best-loved, horticultural events in the North of England.
  • I haf to light de fire, put on de kiddle, scrap some vit my vife, and get myself breakfast. Jokes For All Occasions Selected and Edited by One of America's Foremost Public Speakers
  • Improved safety measures in cars can be counterproductive as they encourage people to drive faster.
  • In life, patience is the key. It's much better to be going somewhere slowly than nowhere fast.
  • The lid won't come off accidentally , it's been fastened on.
  • The tractor was there with the trailer attached, its tailboard unfastened.
  • It seems that the foreign secretary is a fast learner. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tournament organiser Ussher Watson will take late entries for the junior events this evening at Belfast 647934.
  • Her words came so fast that I cannot attempt their semblance here, and her voice rose and fell in a kind of querulous chant to which sometimes she nodded her head, as if she was beating the time. The Fool Errant
  • Hamilton is setting fast times on the road, but no-one is matching the splits of leading duo David Millar and Laszlo Bodrogi.
  • Most nuns fasted to keep the rule: the anorexics fasted to break it.
  • No certainty there of a fast surface. The Sun
  • The Twelfth" officially commemorates the July 12, 1690, triumph of Protestant King William of Orange versus the Catholic he deposed from the English throne, James II, at the Battle of the Boyne south of Belfast. Latest Headlines - ABC 7 News
  • Protein powders are considered to be a fast route to a leaner body. Times, Sunday Times
  • Acrylic is perhaps the fastest-growing segment of the glazing market.
  • I put the parchment down on the board, loosely, without fastening it. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • Wehave shown for the first time that small intestinal and whole gut transit is faster in patients with chronic radiation enteritis.
  • The cost of houses has risen faster than purchasing power.
  • Rubiochico,) "which was fast swamping the sparkling stars, like a bright river flowing over diamonds, when the old gander again set up his gabblement and trumpeted more loudly than before. Tom Cringle's Log
  • It's like quail hunting: A short, light 20-gauge gun is faster than a big, heavy 12 in covering a covey rise.
  • She goes swimming every morning before breakfast. What you wear for this activity is usually called a swimming costume in BrE and a bathing suit in AmE.
  • When I was a kid I loved listening to all the shop talk around the breakfast table and dinner table.
  • Anyone who buys this breakfast food gets a free gift of a fine greeting card.
  • We're moving forward faster than any country in the world, but for me it's not going fast enough
  • Retreat into acute fast.
  • One end of the clay cord was formed into a loop and fastened with a smaller coil of clay wrapped around it.
  • How about reaching up your back from behind as if you wanted to fasten some buttons or tie an apron on?
  • Every day she eats beans on toast followed by an egg mayonnaise sandwich for breakfast.
  • You will be surprised to see how fast your system boots this time.
  • I also readily recall those days when we had sweet water - for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • The President is keen to notch a political triumph that would foster freer world trade and faster economic growth.
  • Its rate of growth was fast — much more like that of an ape than that of a human.
  • Then you start to tuck into your breakfast but have to give in after two or three mouthfuls because the pain of chewing and then swallowing the food becomes unbearable.
  • High jinks and fast-moving action prove another winning combination for Bad Boy cops Will Smith and Martin Lawrence in this long-awaited sequel.
  • The notorious fact-checkers of The New Yorker are irritating not only because they often prove how fallible are our memories, but because they seem to mechanize what ought to be a natural, unmediated, fast-moving process. 2009 February 11 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • Charged they were that they worshipped an ass's head; which impious folly -- first fastened on the Jews by Tacitus, Hist., lib.v. cap. 1, in these words, "Effigiem animalis, quo monstrante errorem sitimque depulerant, penetrali sacravere" (having before set out a feigned direction received by a company of asses), which he had borrowed from Apion, a railing Egyptian of Alexandria [224] -- was so ingrafted in their minds that no defensative could be allowed. The Sermons of John Owen
  • Andrew noticed the sudden change of direction, as the wave moved faster towards them.
  • The party aims to attract votes from the business and professional communities, which want a faster pace of political reform.
  • After breakfast, basking herself in the sun, Frona descried a familiar bunch of men rounding the tail of the glacier in the direction of CHAPTER 4
  • Their steadfast love in the face of horror can only be admired.
  • The Bush stooges and their lackeys in the media know that they are hanging by a tenuous thread that is unraveling ever faster and faster.
  • Concorde was the first supersonic passenger jet - capable of flying faster than the speed of sound. Times, Sunday Times
  • As soon as the Red Sox saw he had neither, they ignored his breaking balls and feasted on his fastballs en route to a 6-4 win on Tuesday night in the Bronx. Score Sheet
  • Malayan barn owls are adapting quickly to this rich habitat and are reproducing much faster than elsewhere.
  • They knew they had to act fast to save this young man's life.
  • Acid-fast staining should be done if tuberculosis is clinically suspected.
  • But I have to say, I did fast forward through that dreadful speech by the odious brother and through the drippy prayers from the drippy archbish.
  • A man who drives fast is a menace to other people.
  • Stop messing with the spoon and finish your breakfast.
  • More important in MMA is skills, fast hips, a good sprawl, well rounded skill and natural genetics. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 6402
  • For years, breakfast for me has been a smoothie made with an apple, a banana, blueberries and rice or soy milk.
  • On her right stood an empty cottage, fast becoming derelict.
  • We washed some bread down with a glass of milk for breakfast.
  • I got my boyfriend to come and see and we saw them move fast past the front of our house and out of sight.
  • He could sink that harpoon 3 feet into a whale and once fast it was not long before he was on the whale's back driving the lance 6 feet into its vitals.
  • I basically look at the game as a parkour simulation with a story wrapped around it, and the aim of parkour is to get from one place to another as fast as possible. Scattershot On My Way Out
  • I guess the term for that is "social networking," but I remain more interested in the social than the networking, and blogging under a pseudonym six or eight times a month in a personal essayish vein isn't exactly the fast lane to fame and influence. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Ring roll, earring fasteners and pouches accommodate all kinds of jewelry.
  • But the possible bolters are there, too: two 18-year-olds in Sam Harrison and Laura Trott, both clearly being fast-tracked towards London with a view to riding in the omnium, and a more outside bet in the 20‑year‑old Welshwoman Dani King, who has a chance of a place in the women's team pursuit just a month after her first appearance at a World Cup. Team GB's young pretenders make a bolt for London 2012 Olympic places
  • I repeated it easily; I'd always been a fast learner with languages.
  • The vermis, running down the middle, connects with the right and left fastigial nuclei.
  • Pont's plan was to remould Sharma's javelin hurl into a biomechanically perfect round-arm sling, in the process creating a fast-bowling Frankenstein's monster. Why Samit Patel's cricket skill set carries so much weight | Barney Ronay
  • A consignment of hatted and parasoled ladies was coming fast adown the avenue. Seven Men
  • The artists use acrylic enamel, which dries fast when heat is applied.
  • He joked: ‘George launched a ship in Belfast and it was three miles out at sea before he let go of the bottle.’
  • Stevenson, Anne Noted for her realistic, fast-paced stories, believable characters, and excellent use of dialogue.
  • The cameras have been upgraded, with a revamped flash and faster focus. The Sun
  • You have to be fast on your feet and adaptive or else a strategy is useless. Charles De Gaulle 
  • We won't wear "bloomers," or make any attempt to imitate you in our dress, manners, or occupations; we will do nothing to offend the most fastidious, we will be women still. The Womans Advocate
  • The company also caters breakfast or lunch every week and funds other periodic after-hours activities such as karting, shooting, paintball.
  • Data costs about $0.05 per MB and it is pretty reliable and fastish I got about 380kbit/s connection speed. 2008 January « My Life in Kharkov
  • The team ensured that civilian airliners and local mustering aircraft were kept out of the way of the fast jets.
  • How fast does the new computer process the data?
  • What began as a cheap and easy way to disguise the taste of alcohol in prohibition America quickly became the drink of choice for the privileged fast set of the 1920s.
  • Mumbai is one of the fastest growing cities in the world but it is sprawling outwards because of restrictive planning laws. Times, Sunday Times
  • After much blundering and backing, it stopped at the door: rolling heavily from side to side when its other motion had ceased, as if it had taken cold in its damp stable, and between that, and the having been required in its dropsical old age to move at any faster pace than a walk, were distressed by shortness of wind. American Notes for General Circulation
  • On an ancient stone stump, about three feet thick and three feet high, used for securing ships by ropes to the shore, and called a bollard or holdfast, an elderly gentleman sits facing the land with his head bowed and his face in his hands, sobbing. Back to Methuselah
  • Do you want a boiled egg for breakfast?
  • Plants are propagated from cuttings fastened to the ground.
  • The kitchen juts out from the dining room and has a breakfast area with a pentagonal roof light.
  • Instead of being given a single engined aircraft as was usual, we were allowed to use one of the latest and fastest new twin-engined bombers!
  • Do not run too fast after gain. 
  • There is space for a four-seater breakfast table as well as plumbing for a dishwasher.
  • You will soon have a thick, impenetrable hedge to enclose the fast-growing butterfly bush, Buddleia davidii (coppice it annually to promote flowers), or the heavenly blue blooms of enthusiastic ceanothus thrysiflorus.
  • They print several times faster than dot matrix printers.
  • But don't forget that some short, very fast sprints are needed for anaerobic conditioning.
  • Tough as steel in his adherence to principle, resilient, placable, self-less and generous beyond the dictates of fashion, steadfast in friendship, but not at the price of reason, he strides the world of mathematics a happy warrior.
  • The 2002 World Champion gold medallists advanced with the fastest time from the first semi-final.
  • Toxins accumulate faster, and viruses and bacteria grow more quickly, in a body that is not adequately warmed.
  • So they recover faster from illnesses.
  • I had refastened it in a simple bowknot, a sort of knot which on Gor, in certain contexts, as in the present context, is spoken of as a slave knot. Renegades Of Gor
  • And then you've got the work in the luxury saloon sector, where people are phoning out for still bigger pieces of aluminium and ordering up even larger chunks of birchwood, in accordance with a mission to go faster, fatter.
  • They came to learn about the plane that could fly faster than a bullet, faster than the earth rotated.
  • Active fast flying lorikeets and big birds such as cockatoos and macaws should be in a large flight aviary.
  • Farrell also said that Atlanta Bread would offer breakfast, lunch and dinner and also provide some outdoor seating.
  • In general this is a well designed and well made sweater with a stud fastened neck closure and medium height collar.
  • If you can't find this gem then other options are fast-food outlets and overpriced junk food. The Sun
  • This is a particularly sweeping comment in the scenester world, where trends live fast and die young. Globe and Mail
  • The volunteers fasted overnight, or for six hours after a light breakfast if the study was carried out in the afternoon.
  • As soon as she was alongside and made fast I went on board and had a good look at her interior, not forgetting to inscribe my name legibly on the most conveniently situated locker in the midshipmen's berth, after which I watched the operation of shipping and stowing her ballast. A Middy of the King A Romance of the Old British Navy
  • By the time the sloop's deck was perpendicular, we had unbent the boom-lift from below, made it fast to the wharf, and, with the other end fast nearly to the mast-head, heaved it taut with block and tackle. SMALL-BOAT SAILING
  • WHAT: Guests can join ADC in its mission to strengthen Harlem with the Harlem Renaissance Day of Commitment Leadership Breakfast. Abyssinian Development Corporation’s Harlem Renaissance Day of Commitment «
  • In clothes, "une agrafe" is a hook used for fastening 2 edges of material together - usually more reliable than "un bouton-pression" (= a press button) Agrafer - French Word-A-Day
  • On many dossiers, the pace of law-making could easily advance "very fast", says the ambassador.
  • Other Tags: science researcher oviraptor fast formation Noah Flood gigantic dinosaur egg titanosaurus hadrosaur Vance Nelson Charles Lyell discredit Moses Father - Articles related to Congress begins investigating salmonella outbreak, egg recalls
  • The advanced military technology expertise of Shorts Brothers in Belfast played a crucial role in the war - for both sides.
  • Another theory is that because ammonoids grew faster and had thinner shells, the shells were not as strong as those of the nautilus.
  • New, faster methods for manual dehulling of beans at home have also been developed. 1. The jab-seeder a tool for manual seeding
  • The lady watched fretfully as the men came closer to hitting Mack with their bullets and ran much faster than before as their rage intensified.
  • There are games coming thick and fast and you can bounce back quickly. The Sun
  • I’m happy about apple and att is offering a faster Internet and technology however I’m upset that apple and att are not doing anything for the current iPhone owners. Basic Instinct: Sprint Battles AT&T and iPhone With New Samsung Device - Bits Blog -
  • Increasing westernisation of food and drink products there has helped pizza become the fastest growing category of the prepared meals sector.
  • The first batch sold out fast, but there's new rolling stock on the way. Times, Sunday Times
  • So saying, he exhorted Brown to be hasty in dispatching his breakfast, as, ‘the frost having given way, the scent would lie this morning primely. Chapter XXV
  • And companies used to button-down management types may not be attracted to these fast-paced, open-ended methods.
  • It fastens to your chest and not only records your heart rate information, but gives you a step-by-step instruction on what to do.
  • The two other downstairs rooms, the breakfast room and the kitchen, were Florence's domain.
  • It was designed by a professional medalist named John Woodhouse Jnr and struck by West & Co of Belfast.
  • The main roads remind me of the roads on the outskirts of huge cities in the USA, with their seemingly endless miles of fast food joints and lurid neon signs.
  • The Kenyan athlete made a tactical error in starting too fast.
  • Workers had toiled to move dirt to fill in the deeper puddles and the match was able to proceed with two days of fast shooting in excellent weather.
  • The ‘amentum’ was the thong, or strap of leather, with which the lance, or javelin, was fastened, in order to draw it back when thrown.] [Footnote 36: _Not used to bear. The Metamorphoses of Ovid Literally Translated into English Prose, with Copious Notes and Explanations
  • A fast break would put him in with a very serious chance. The Sun
  • The following day was spent entering and exiting the fast-flowing currents and wild eddies in white water on the Mitta Mitta River.
  • During fasting, since the body is not busy with gastric processes and since the body is literally emptier, hollower, I believe the nada practices can be even more effective. Kazim Ali: Practicing Yoga on the Mountain of God
  • On Sunday enjoy a farewell breakfast with your new friends, it will give you a chance to exchange names and addresses with your fellow guests.
  • The deck and hull are fastened together with adhesives and mechanical fasteners.
  • These days, the rasher is spreading beyond the borders of breakfast and into dishes as varied as bacon martinis and bacon ice cream. Friday Open Thread (Blog for Democracy)
  • He wolfed down his breakfast and went to school.
  • Again, he pours scorn on racialist mythology but, in his steadfastly conservative way, refuses to become histrionically sanctimonious on the matter, preferring studied contempt to self-promoting outrage.
  • Fast-flowing rivers create spectacular waterfalls, gorges and a myriad of caves.
  • _Some folks_ should see that my bashfulness was wearing off faster than the gold from an oroide watch. The Blunders of a Bashful Man
  • But sharper than all these impressions rang the words of the worldly-wise Higbee: _ "She's hunting night and day for a rich husband; she tries for them as fast as they come; she'd rather marry a sub-treasury -- she'd marry me in a minute -- she'd marry_ YOU; _but if you were broke she'd have about as much use for you .... The Spenders A Tale of the Third Generation
  • The breakfast consisted of two fried eggs and two rashers of streaky bacon crisply done.
  • Read the five drum in the middle of the night, but the play fast and loose.
  • The movie generally maintains this frenetic pace, sometimes so fast it's like you are looking at a reel of photographic negatives.
  • As competition from Asia increases and shareholders clamour for ever faster growth some regard the inward-looking nature of the family corporate setup as untenable.
  • Glisten breastpin, no matter you fasten it on collar or hair, can have the effect that make the finishing point.
  • When we steadfastly dedicate ourselves to the path of mentor and disciple, we can boundlessly manifest the wisdom and power that is inherent in our life.
  • Test your different textiles for color fastness and degradation to long-term ultraviolet exposure.
  • I had done fasts before, then I had built up weight.
  • CACI is a fast-growing billion dollar information technology firm with an intriguing sideline in intelligence.
  • Correct and fast reforms in this area would help the country fight corruption more efficiently.
  • I somehow doubt whether things would have come so far, so fast if Sir Tim or CERN had tried to make money from this whizzo Web idea. The Free Web: 15 Years Old Today
  • Could this be the end of fortysomething fellows abandoning their wives and rushing off in pursuit of fast cars and fast women? Times, Sunday Times
  • About 10% of Japanese teenagers are overweight. Nutritionists say the main culprit is increasing reliance on Western fast food.
  • Judged by a fastidious panel of music critics, it is the most prestigious award in the music industry calendar. Times, Sunday Times
  • This chore goes fast and is followed by light pruning for the pheasantwood and rosewood plantings.
  • Our nepeta is blooming too, funny how fast the flowering catches up from north to south. Bee Speed « Fairegarden
  • Fast-forward and rewind buttons on all transport toolbars throughout the application now auto-repeat. KVR News: Top Stories
  • She fastened her gaze on him.
  • In order to reduce the computational load of the full-search VQ, a mean-match correlation vector quantizer, MMCVQ, is presented for fast image encoding in this paper.
  • She hurried downstairs to fix herself some breakfast.
  • Compared with pure polyolefin , nucleated polyolefin showed a higher crystallization temperature and a faster crystallization rate.
  • I helped myself to breakfast, doing my best not to spill too many cornflakes and cleaned up afterwards, crawling under the table to chase stray flakes.
  • Her golden-spun hair was loosely fastened in a clasp, and she held a small glass in her hand.
  • We had attended Morning Chant and were now seated for breakfast, disheartened but not surprised that the early Greys had already taken the bacon, and it remained only in exquisite odor. Excerpt: Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde
  • Oliver lashed the horses to go faster.
  • Not only was Sheryl one of the fastest women beach sprinters ever to scorch the nation's sands, she was also a title-winning paddler on the Malibu board and surf ski.
  • Aside from this fastidious attention to detail, the designer's work has few distinguishing features.
  • Strangely, having run his fastest to get to her, Hyacinth seemed almost reluctant to knock at the door, or enter without knocking, and while he was hesitating on the doorstone her singing ceased, and she came out to see whose fleet footsteps had stirred the small stones of the pathway. The Hermit of Eyton Forest
  • The sword stuck fast in a crack in between two of the stone blocks.
  • He was extremely fit and is reputed to have been one of the fastest runners in the village and also regularly won local cycle races.
  • When oxygen is supplied to a flame it burns faster; the same thing happens to our body when we walk aerobically.
  • Thus we can calculate how many atoms would cross the exobase fast enough to escape into space.
  • First we'd have a trotting race, then another one going a fair bit faster. FRANKIE: The Autobiography of Frankie Dettori
  • The scent is strong but not overpowering and the cream sinks in fast.
  • But because the Government has only uprated tax bands in line with inflation, rather than average earnings, which tend to rise faster, the number of people paying higher rate tax has risen from 2 million ten years ago, to 3.4 million today.
  • However, the nail was not refastened by this mechanism.
  • Dudley Turner Westerham, Kent• Sorry, but I don't want to have post-Christmas breakfast looking at the page-four photograph of the Beaufort hunt and then turn to the centrefold to find yet another "traditional" hunting scene. Letters: Morris dancing beats hunting for Boxing Day fun
  • China's insatiable demand for commodities to feed its fast-growing economy has led to rampant global demand for most metals. Times, Sunday Times
  • It didn't come in his lifetime; a catalyst and a visionary, he seemed to be moving too fast to gain purchase on his value system.
  • Bewildering indeed. Conspiracy theories have emerged faster than mushrooms in a damp Exmoor field. Some claim the shooting was a fiction, dreamed up to discourage trophy-hunters.
  • She pushed her hair back and fastened it with a clip at the base of her neck, breathing deeply.
  • When you're shooting sports action or wildlife - or simply trying to keep up with fast-moving children - the 10 frames-per-second high speed with mechanical shutter continuous shooting* and new tracking auto focus feature will ensure you never miss that vital moment. Digital Photography Now
  • I bow over the toilet to retch but reverse away fast as last night's urine smells like cat shit this morning.
  • According to the theory of relativity, nothing can travel faster than light.
  • There was rhythmic propulsion and vigor in the fast sections, yet the quartet never exaggerated the music's pulse.
  • Despite its bulk and weight, the car is extremely fast.
  • He fast-talked his way into a powerful job.
  • Like much of urban Trinidad, this appears to be a functional if unaesthetic sprawl of small businesses, shops, fast-food outlets, homes, temples, mosques and Hindu prayer flags.
  • The body was low-slung, sweeping up to a neat fastback, the windows tinted dark.

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