How To Use Fascinated In A Sentence

  • The bombardment of the GPO had fascinated MacMurrough: the annunciatory puffs of smoke and the flames that roared to greet them; then the crashing gun’s report, the shell’s eruption—an illogical sequence, effect before cause, an object lesson in the madness of war. At Swim, Two Boys
  • I first learned about cassowaries when I was at the School for Field Studies SFS Center for Rainforest Studies in Fall of 1990 as a college student, and was fascinated that they're the only bird that can "scarify" certain rainforest seeds. Archive 2008-07-01
  • I'm fascinated by how involuted discussions of race and society become.
  • Thousands of people flocked to the Malton Racing Stables Open Day, when 18 stables around Malton and Norton opened their doors to a fascinated public.
  • He was especially fascinated to learn more about Vikings.
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  • As much as the Formosan exasperated him, Man could not help being fascinated by the story of his life. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • OTOH I’ve always been fascinated by the massive blind spot in multiculti and PC discourse which refuses to acknowledge the oppressive and discriminatory elements in many non western cultures. Cheeseburger Gothic » Drop your bombs between the minarets, down Geneva way-ay-ay-aaayyy…
  • Like a kid, Mr. Mailer was fascinated by his own naughtiness -- his earliest critics castigated him for the vulgarity of his language, though his editors insisted that he use the word "fug" in "The Naked and the Dead. A Boy's Life
  • But as a psychologist what fascinated him was what he saw as the highest achievement of the individuation principle - the human psyche in its fullest possible development.
  • Fascinated with the meeting of memory and language, adept at conjuring states of mind, and haunted by the violence wracking his homeland, Hemon is a stoic tragedian and a brilliant satirist. The Question of Bruno by Aleksandar Hemon: Book summary
  • I'm fascinated by opal and its mythical reputation, so much so that my main character in my forthcoming novel, The Last Romanov, possesses an opal eye. Dora Levy Mossanen: Fires, Opals and the Romanovs
  • Ed was fascinated to see gorillas in the wild.
  • But what fascinated and drew me in was the incompleteness.
  • Ashmole was fascinated by magic, alchemy and astrology, and befriended many astrologers regardless of political allegiance.
  • He's been fascinated with these creatures since childhood and now shares his bedroom with six of them in a large terrarium.
  • One of my favourites, this is a light hearted piece inspired by a chance encounter at a private party with a man then at the height of his power in the country; I was fascinated beyond words by the effect he had on the would-be urbane and aspiringly sophisticated! Archive 2007-05-01
  • The mere existence of these strange creatures fascinated him.
  • We are fascinated by the idea of premonition, oracles and anything that would allow a sneak peak at the unknown. Buzzine » Joe Manganiello Interview
  • Drawing nearer we peeped with fascinated horror through the grimy, unwashed windows at the interior still life.
  • We are arrested, fascinated, by a convulsion of sound to which we are unable to assign a meaning.
  • He was an anthropologist who worked on the potlatch originally and became fascinated with these cycles by which a thing had value, lost value, regained value.
  • Aside from the linguistic challenges they pose, these ancient artificial, noncewords, with their sonorous, cantillating, rhyming, and rhythmical variations on phonetic themes, have intrigued and fascinated scholars who try to divine the rules governing their formation. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 1
  • I think, when I was a kid, I was always really fascinated with folk music and folk tales and fairytales and have always just kind of harbored this fascination with them. Colin Meloy: '10-Dollar Words' For A Cause
  • Fascinated by toys and their miniature mechanisms, Ravel wrote his Mother Goose suite for two musical children as a four-hand duet.
  • I am also fascinated with the transmutability of digital information; the way that visuals can become sonic material and vice versa.
  • Yet they delighted in the constant movement of the ocean, fascinated by the pounding waves and pulling undertows.
  • We human beings are fascinated with events that remain unprocessed. Stoned « BuzzMachine
  • Frampton was fascinated by these inside glimpses of a world he had never known. A SONG AT TWILIGHT
  • They had not intended to spend the afternoon, but found themselves too fascinated to turn away from the breakers bursting upon the rocks and from the many kinds of colorful sea life starfish, crabs, mussels, sea anemones, and, once, in a rock-pool, a small devilfish that chilled their blood when it cast the hooded net of its body around the small crabs they tossed to it. CHAPTER VI
  • According to himself, he became fascinated with the pipes having seen and heard a travelling piper who called at his home in 1930.
  • We worked in poor light, but were fascinated with the intricate pattern of the delicate growth.
  • Morgan, who is pursing a doctorate degree in botany at City University of New York, has long been fascinated by Jergon Sacha. Archive 2007-02-01
  • We are fascinated by the internecine warfare at Colina.
  • In a foreword to the book, his wife Marian recalls how Michael was always fascinated by legend and the faerie world.
  • Neil Webster was sitting in a canvas director's chair with an air of fascinated satisfaction. DEAD BEAT
  • Blake's views on psychic reintegration, heaven and hell, and the transformative power of verse fascinated him.
  • Ripley is the ambiguous, charming villain in Patricia Highsmith's iconic series of novels who has fascinated readers since he first appeared in 1955.
  • He was fascinated by the constant bustle on the docks, of goods trains coming and going, the huge cranes unloading and loading the ships coming from or bound for all corners of the world.
  • The spillcam, which BP made public only after the White House intervened, was the visual through-line of a media drama that fascinated and frightened the country for an entire summer, and enveloped many of us in its gravitational-like pull. Sean Smith: Ink Spill: Inside the Battle to Shape the News Coverage of Last Year's Oil Gusher
  • A few years later, Kosice read a book about Leonardo da Vinci, and he was fascinated by da Vinci's efforts to combine art and science, and his mechanical inventions. David Galenson: An Artistic Gem in Buenos Aires
  • Is it that we are morbidly fascinated with the dead?
  • Laurel Canyon (2003), each focused on an innocent young woman swept up in the glamorously baffling sex-and-drugs scene swirling around a charismatic older female artist, the situation here is reversed; unexpectedly drawn in to and fascinated by the ultra-domestic household created by a pair of charismatic femmes, the swinger is the straight man (literally). SF Weekly | Complete Issue
  • In 1865 he started his work on indigo - the blue dye had fascinated him since his youth-and this soon led to the discovery of indole and to the partial synthesis of indigotin. Adolf von Baeyer - Biography
  • He was fascinated by her physiognomy — the prominent nose, brooding eyes and thick hair.
  • She fascinated me with talk of rolfing, reiki, hollotropic breathing and other exotic phenomena.
  • Although Greig is interested in why mountain climbers want to climb, he is more interested in why we are so fascinated by their reasons.
  • Consuming an inordinate amount of bevvy has always been one of the qualities that makes hacks so irresistible to you fascinated readers.
  • I'm fascinated by this character trait known as charm or charisma.
  • I had not previously met anyone who'd been ensorcelled, so I was fascinated -- never mind that I was spending my days deep within the scientific paradigm, in which such things were not allowed. Michael Gruber explains the inspiration behind his 2007 intellectual thriller, The Book of Air and Shadows
  • The mere existence of these strange creatures fascinated him.
  • You mentioned being fascinated by the rapidity of some of these electronic devices.
  • The Vice Dean reminded us of a significance of a comments of Enobarbus as a shrewd as good as mostly sarcastic spectator of this adore affair: an researcher both detered by his master's debility in agreeable to Cleopatra's charming energy as good as fascinated himself by a Egyptian queen's witchery. Philadelphia Reflections: Shakspere Society of Philadelphia
  • Recently, however, she had been very fascinated by photography and cinematography.
  • I was fascinated to watch her plying her trade to the many young girls eager for her wares.
  • When a serac unexpectedly falls and instantly kills a climber, we are not fascinated, only touched by grief.
  • For me, civil engineering was far from boring (I ended up spending seven years with Halcrow, and I remain fascinated by the profession and its achievements); other professions seemed far less interesting – accountancy, law, quantity surveying …. Twitter for boring professionals? « pwcom 2.0
  • At the same time, they were, and still are, fascinated by the exploits of secret agents and counterspies.
  • Although many of the great minds of nineteenth-century anglophone culture had been fascinated by the French Revolution and Napoleon, interest lapsed during the first half of the twentieth century.
  • These calls may be monitored for quality control and because we are fascinated by contemporary profanities. Times, Sunday Times
  • A specialist in necktie design, he says his interest in this branch of fashion began as a teenager when he was fascinated by the way the racing greens and burgundies of his school tie at once expressed its sporty and conservative ethos.
  • A day later, I was even more fascinated when I spotted the pallial eye of a live C. scalariformis for the 1st time. Cerithidea
  • She was repeatedly fascinated by elderly residents who were reliving the same memories.
  • Why are artists so fascinated with old video games?
  • Fascinated by photography, he embarked on the three journeys to the Middle East that were to make his reputation.
  • We Homo sapiens are fascinated by observing our fellow creatures as they go about their daily grind - eating, sleeping, courting.
  • The children were fascinated by the toys in the big department store.
  • This book should be of interest to readers fascinated but perplexed by the current financial crisis, as it is able to navigate the oubliette of Wall Street trading to create searing and intimate drama. Union Atlantic: Summary and book reviews of Union Atlantic by Adam Haslett.
  • I am particularly fascinated by the non-French spelling of his forename.
  • The father-of-three was fascinated by choppers, the low seated motorcycles made famous in the film Easy Rider, since being a teenager.
  • We were fascinated by your use of rutin, since this flavonoid is a constituent in many herbs, including chamomile, elderberry and hawthorn.
  • Blake's countless fans will be fascinated to see favourite illustrations in the original.
  • But he fascinated Warner and later wormed his way into the books.
  • While visiting the Auckland museum last month I was fascinated to see the replica of a gigantic bird called a moa, extinct since around 1500 A.D. Archive 2009-05-01
  • One of the things with nostalgia is the warm feeling you get from the things that both frightened and fascinated you as a kid.
  • A well-trained, prize-winning violin student is fascinated by a girl who follows her passion. Fruits Basket Followups: Banquet, Songs to Make You Smile » Manga Worth Reading
  • I watched fascinated as long fingers played with the stem of the goblet he was holding and I saw those fingers tighten in irritation as my father's voice rose in temper.
  • The children were fascinated by the toys in the big department store.
  • I am fascinated by record shops - full of know-it-all shop assistants in teeshirt uniforms, and musos deeply into their thing.
  • The restorative properties of the peppermint and spearmint plant specifically, have fascinated herbalists and repelled insects for thousands of years.
  • I was in Japan last year and was fascinated by the theatre there - it's so different from western theatre.
  • The children were fascinated as she laced her stories with a fascinating mix of humour, folklore and common sense.
  • How extraordinary, I say, fascinated by the possibility of two people being either so equable, or so indifferent, that they can go 30 years without a cross word.
  • Leon was amused and fascinated by Buddy Hamstra, "that poor peccable great man," he called him. Beard
  • I myself am fascinated with doll-specific impossibilities, and while the majority of my video collection is probably quite irrelevant, I offer up Philips' shaving gynoid as a faintly similar breadcrumb. Real Life inspires: Doll Face
  • The bird was black with bright greeny blue feathers; Jed had always been fascinated by birds.
  • During the show's first few years, minimal scientific research went into the spaceships and weapons that fascinated children.
  • Aren't you fascinated to know what the President is going to say about space exploration next week?
  • I was fascinated by roller coasters even then so after a couple of rides on it with my Dad my rapture just multiplied.
  • For more than a century, players of all levels have been fascinated by the magic of the white king's fianchetto in the closed openings. ChessBase Neuheiten
  • Like many boys he had been fascinated with guns when a young child and had the usual cap guns and nerd guns.
  • As he sat on the edge of the large double bed that Emma had slept on last night and looked through an obviously antique jewellery box he found himself suddenly fascinated by the value of the items it held.
  • Many people, it is true, are morbidly fascinated by deadlocks and stand-offs and cling to them as old friends and comforters.
  • The courts of Europe had long been fascinated by the exoticism and mystery of the Orient.
  • I am not so interested in endless dialogue with the already converted, but I am fascinated by the thoughts and feelings of the unconverted.
  • At the same time, they were, and still are, fascinated by the exploits of secret agents and counterspies.
  • He led the most rhythmically and texturally complex work on the program, the Double Concerto for Piano, Harpsichord and Two Chamber Orchestras (1961), a golden oldie from the days when Mr. Carter was fascinated with music for multiple ensembles that moved independently, though simultaneously, sometimes (but not always) interacting. Tanglewood Contemporary Festival: A Podium Shuffle - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • She was fascinated with the name Jurgen (pronounced “yur-gen”). Drbigbeef Diary Entry
  • I had always been fascinated with basketry and found basketry a means of doing sculpture.
  • I was totally fascinated by those monks: by their robes and shaven heads, and by what I heard of their renunciant lifestyle, with its 227 rules of training.
  • If you're fascinated (or just mildly curious) about birds and their habits, this is a must-see.
  • I blinked furiously, quite fascinated by the fact she's being so open with me.
  • Instead, he is 'fascinated' by two essays that he singles out for well-merited praise. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Why are people so fascinated by gender differences in the first place?
  • And what utterly fascinated us was the incompleteness, the fragmentary quality of his writing.
  • One thing that fascinated me on hearing that the Russians were bent on raising the crippled sub was exactly how one goes about lifting it, with live torpedoes still aboard?
  • he was morbidly fascinated by dead bodies
  • These finely-tuned killing machines have fascinated humankind for centuries.
  • Being a purple foliage lover, I am also fascinated by the deep purples and purples with slate blue overtones that have been developed in the flower colors.
  • I was fascinated by his aura: a bit of a debauchee, he knew everyone, had been everywhere, had attended all possible fancy parties. Patrizia Chen: My First Tango
  • I am also very fascinated by parkour and am a novice traceur.
  • It is something that we will never stop being fascinated in, until one day we all become hermits and live in solitary caves.
  • Every now and then, I stumble across a product that reminds me why I am so fascinated by computers.
  • Kurosawa is more fascinated with periods of civil war, periods in which rigid social strictures have broken down and individuals are unmoored from their old roles, their old duties.
  • I’ve always been fascinated with the sources of most modern fantasy that lie in Teutonic, Two Essays by Christopher Paolini
  • I'm fascinated by movies that offer interpretations of heaven and life after death.
  • I was in Japan last year and was fascinated by the theatre there - it's so different from western theatre.
  • Gravity-defying motor cyclists riding the ‘wall of death’ at funfairs fascinated the masses, as well as poets and people from high society who developed a great liking for these ‘vulgar’ forms of motorised popular culture.
  • I'm fascinated by this character trait known as charm or charisma.
  • The children were fascinated by the toys in the shop window.
  • The ruins of churches and monasteries fascinated him, but he grieved to find the once populous and opulent capital of Portuguese India absolutely a city of the dead. The Life of Sir Richard Burton
  • Still, people remain fascinated with all kinds of divorce statistics. Steve Lake: When the Vows Break: Will Certain Jobs Wreck Your Marriage?
  • He was fascinated by behavioural patterns and society's obedience to authority and New Yorkers were doubtless delighted when his research revealed them to be so obliging.
  • I have long been fascinated by family history, the role of patriarchy, and the neglect of women in biographies of famous men. Interview With Historian and Writer Clarice Stasz
  • Here, against the lingering light of a winter afternoon, I have often watched, fascinated, as the darkly silhouetted harriers glide in just above the reeds.
  • He was, incongruously, an incurable gossip, careful to label rumour for what it was, but fascinated by it…
  • The psycho family takes pampered kids fascinated by death and dismemberment and puts them through the wringer of the real thing.
  • I had been pinning my fieldwork hopes on Magude since the summer of 1992, when during a pre-dissertation research trip to Mozambique (spent mainly in Maputo, because of the war) I became fascinated with the upper Nkomati River and the sparsely documented histories of the people who had lived along its banks. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • Because I am fascinated by form and the various funny meta- languages it can speak in a poem, I’ve always found a natural ars poetica in the practice of yoga. The Best American Poetry 2010
  • A Christmas gift, the toy is a big hit; the octopus seems fascinated with it, and turns aggressive whenever staff tries to remove it. Archive 2008-01-01
  • The word fermenting aptly describes the process begun, suggesting as it does something closed up, away from air and sunlight, continually working in secret, engendering forces that fascinated, yet inspired me with fear. A Far Country — Complete
  • Smith was fascinated by patterns and designs, which became, for her, conveyors of information.
  • It is hardly surprising then that so many of them should be fascinated by semiotics - the signs and symbols by which we order our lives.
  • I've always been fascinated by the mix of alienness and similarity one finds in the leaders of countries like Iraq - really across what we used to call the Third World.
  • A phenomenon which fascinated Wallace, and has occupied generations of biogeographers ever since, is the sudden change in flora and fauna that occurs in the twenty-mile wide channel between the small islands of Bali and Lombok.
  • She and Rebecca are fascinated by and constantly torment Josh, an apparently sexless boy who stubbornly refuses to develop an interest in either of them.
  • On a different note, I remain fascinated by the way stories shape us – stories are so strong in their shapes and structures. American Wife « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Yet I'm totally fascinated by this woman's beguiling blend of baby-voiced vocals, fantastic/poetic wordplay, and off-kilter harp strumming and piano plinking.
  • Everybody know about little children all seem to be fascinated by rainbows because the rainbow is the unique phenomena for children, they always seem happy if they see rainbow. “Parts of a Rainbow” Chairs
  • Fascinated by the five-inch stream, sluiced out of the earth and back to the earth by the droning motor, he forgot his discourse and stood and gazed, rapt and unheeding, while his visitors drove on. CHAPTER XIV
  • ‘I am totally fascinated with the mythomaniac fantasia that characterizes some of the villa gardens that surround Rome, and that I first read about in Joscelyn Godwin’s great The Pagan Dream of the Renaissance. Erik Davis: On The Road 2: Italian Garden Magic | Disinformation
  • Both of us are big sports fans and fascinated by the psychology of the people who rise to the top in sports management.
  • While on the hunt for a new job, she becomes fascinated with the middle-aged manager of a middle-aged clothing store and pesters him into hiring her.
  • It was amazing really, Lindsey thought, watching, fascinated, as the child's tears became a hesitant smile.
  • A recent study of his Berlin period has noted how this bourgeois elite was fascinated by Kirchner's choice to abandon his bourgeois background for the primitivism and poverty that they witnessed in his studio.
  • Fascinated throughout his career by venerable poetic fixed forms such as the sonnet, the triolet, and the Malayan pantoum, Jouet chose to invent a new fixed form.
  • Travellers often want to be constantly stimulated by the world around them and are genuinely fascinated by the diversity of human civilization.
  • I believe it's an extremely rare quality; that's why I'm particularly fascinated by the idea.
  • I have always been fascinated with both mediums, and particularly combining video and still images.
  • When I did drag myself out for a walk - we were in downtown Hollywood - I was fascinated to recognise that many of the back alleys and car lots of some of those ancient two-reelers were still in existence.
  • My own training is in the field of neuroendocrinology and I really became very fascinated many years ago with the molecules of emotion, molecules that we call neuropeptides. Deepak Chopra: Interview with Alva Noe, Ph.D.
  • Concentrate able to get things, fascinated, to forget everything around, even forget the loss of time.
  • The new exhibit reminds us that human beings are fascinated with people-watching.
  • Instead, we're left with a series of bizarre vignettes, all told from the perspective of a group of boys, who are fascinated with the blonde, dreamy sisters.
  • It's also one of the primary reasons the moviegoing public is fascinated with mobsters and movies about mobsters.
  • But she fell under the spell of her instructor, Stephanie B. Stockwell, a microbiologist from James Madison University, and found herself fascinated by the antimicrobial substances she handled.
  • The change of light and darkness, and the tunnels branching off sideways fascinated me.
  • I was fascinated to learn from Ray Girvan about argan oil, which is produced in southwestern Morocco from the nuts of the argan tree, after they have been eaten and excreted by tree-climbing goats.
  • A certain type of film has always excited and fascinated me and I can watch them over and over again.
  • Johnson is fascinated with the edges of consciousness where identity begins to disintegrate.
  • Mainly the author seems fascinated by the ways that tipper and tippee manipulate and exploit each other. Service Not Included
  • He is fascinated by defunct systems of thought - and his knowledge of them is breathtaking.
  • When she made a blanquette of veal, he would beat three egg yolks with a fork while she poured in the stock; he was fascinated by the transformation as it thickened into a sauce.
  • His father had been fascinated by the chemical bases of scents, particularly the floral fragrances used in making perfumes, and he often worked in a home laboratory.
  • Throughout the late 1800s, English dog fanciers became increasingly fascinated with breeds indigenous to the European continent.
  • When I was making my first movies, I was fascinated by Italian neorealism. Cinema's Man Of Iron
  • They had been talking for some time through the night, and Sotar's lively talk and his animated gestures fascinated Esk.
  • I can remember as a child being fascinated by people who could maneuver those two wooden sticks like they were extensions of their hands.
  • But having said that, I was fascinated by this very detailed rundown of his movements and whereabouts on the day of the attacks.
  • At first the awed and fascinated occupants of Alexander thought it must be blood from a slain whale, then realized that no leviathan could exsanguinate enough to dye the water scarlet as far as the eye could see. Morgan’s Run
  • For centuries observers have been fascinated and mystified by the majestic spiral tusk grown by the small Arctic whale known as the narwhal.
  • He was fascinated by air power, particularly the long-range bombers being developed in the USA.
  • Reagan clearly seems fascinated by the prospect of becoming the great disarmer, which is what gives conservatives the willies. American Sketches
  • Why is Joe, a Fifties Edinburgh bohemian, so fascinated by forsaking his middle-class existence to become a coal shoveller?
  • When we look more closely, we see that cats do not in fact torture their mice (only an "anthropomorphist" could make such a self-incriminating transference) but, rather, are fascinated by rapid movement and lose interest only when it ceases. Political Animals
  • Her story received enormous media coverage, perhaps because many people were fascinated with this incredible tale of political transformations.
  • Then passed 12 years of me gazing longingly at dovecotes in stately home gardens, and becoming increasingly fascinated by the metaphorical possibilities of dovecotes in my soul.
  • We editors stand back and watch, always fascinated to see what gets entered and what gets chosen.
  • Fascinated, I watched as they washed their faces and carefully applied makeup every morning.
  • Being fascinated by the beauty of the park, she never noticed the shadow following her.
  • I've wanted to go down to the Antarctic ever since I was a child and became fascinated by exploration and discovery.
  • Ever since Jen found out that Adam is a graphic designer and produces cartoons and graphics for a living, she's been fascinated.
  • Certain tribes of the North American Indians have been similarly fascinated by the loud plash of water, to the beauty of which we have alluded before
  • I am fascinated about that point where humans begin to become inconsequential and realize their smallness in relation to the vastness that is out there.
  • One friend is now fascinated by sigils and symbol systems.
  • We stumble across a dogs' hairdresser and watch through the window fascinated as a pooch gets a shampoo and blow dry after a quick trim, presumably to cope with the heat.
  • Coach House Press/Books founder Stan Bevington reiterates this truth in these excerpts from Roy MacSkimming’s ‘Perilous Trade Conversations’ conducted back in 1998, now found in the latest edition of CNQ magazine: Bevington: …I was fascinated by the photo-offset available at the time. 2009 December | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • Equally fascinated by the human figure and the materiality of oil paint, Leroy created dense compositions in which glimmers of imagery can be made out amid thick incrustations of pigment.
  • If ever souls on earth could commune, I was so fascinated by the hallowed spot, which contained all which I so adored from my infancy, my consoler, my counsellor, my guide to the holy hill of God, I really believed I heard her speak when I prayed over her head and again vowed my promises at parting. The Autobiography of Liuetenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B.
  • We've never heard of using toothpaste as a deodorant, but we are fascinated by your experience.
  • The exhibition has both fascinated and revolted its audiences.
  • The Bible-bashing televangelists that you would turn on in a hotel -- these knock-off salesmen for God -- whereas most reasonable sensible people would just change the channel, I was fascinated. Bono On Bono
  • Weather has always fascinated me, so this movie is my wildest dream come true.
  • If, after bebop, jazz spread across Europe, that's because it was an epoch in which America fascinated many people.
  • As I approached, I noticed that my student seemed fascinated by the engine cowling.
  • Decidedly the makers were fascinated by the hirsute and the plumate.
  • I share with Boshoff an interest in etymology, taxonomy and language (I don't claim to have anywhere near his kind of knowledge on the subjects though), but I didn't feel as fascinated by the work in reality as in theory.
  • This shot has fascinated every living director since the dawn of filmmaking.
  • Her beauty fascinated every boy.
  • Visitors will be fascinated to see the lodges and dams that beavers build and, given the chance, will be delighted to watch these entertaining and intelligent animals.
  • The fault-finding research fellow fascinated by fantasy devised a fatal but infeasible plan.

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