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[ US /ˈfɑɹðɪŋ/ ]
[ UK /fˈɑːθɪŋ/ ]
  1. a former British bronze coin worth a quarter of a penny

How To Use farthing In A Sentence

  • She could feel underclothes, linen drawers, silken chemise, a farthingale with its stiffened hoops. Ill Met By Moonlight
  • With its two commons, Steeple Fritton was shaped much like a penny-farthing bicycle, Posy had decided in childhood. TICKLED PINK
  • For one farthing, given to a poor man in alms, a man is made partaker of the beatifical vision. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • Izumi was standing in the middle of vast darkness, so dark that not even a farthing of dust or any particle could be seen.
  • Penny-farthings, tricycles and scooters can be seen in this section.
  • For example, the black veil and the farthingale, or guardainfante (the rigid framework of iron hoops to support large, stiff skirts), worn by the sitter were typical of but not exclusive to Spanish fashion.
  • Court for being four days without dining with him; so I dined there to-day, and he has at last fallen in with my project (as he calls it) of coining halfpence and farthings, with devices, like medals, in honour of the Queen, every year changing the device. The Journal to Stella
  • But they did not care a farthing about defeat, to which they became accustomed.
  • The farthing was a small coin used in Judea, equal to two mites. Barnes New Testament Notes
  • Teuton" or the "Slav" he will give his last farthing and shed his heart's blood. The New World of Islam
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