
How To Use Farthest In A Sentence

  • Lily pointed to the wall farthest from the window.
  • The third route was possibly the best of all, for the St. Gotthard, the farthest east of three possible passes, was large enough to accommodate a whole army and its lines of communication. THE CAMPAIGNS OF NAPOLEON
  • Pluto is the farthest planet in the solar system.
  • The discus was a round, flat piece of stone or metal, and the athletes tried to see who could throw it farthest. Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles A First Latin Reader
  • The most important part of the interior of the temenos is the group of the three figures which are represented in relief on the inside face of the enclosure wall on the farthest part, opposite the doorway. Archaeologia, or, Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity [microform]
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  • For his opening move — in which "Oh" would have been a feasible if less canonic alternative (fully licensed by the dictionary) — is a line that negotiates in process between the vocal base line of expressive oralilty, on the near hand, and, at expression's farthest reach, the vocative asymptote of natural communion with inanimate energy. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • There was a closet in the farthest corner and a door to a balcony.
  • It is a sound reaching back to the farthest recesses of his throat, to an Etonian schooling in the late 1940s, and to classroom discipline as a Bo'ness Academy dominie in the late 1950s.
  • What's the farthest you've ever run?
  • The Son of Anak, otherwise Rufus the Blue-Eyed, and also plebeianly known as Tots, rioted with him from brier-rose path to farthest orchard, scalped him in the haymow with barbaric yells, and once, with pharisaic zeal, was near to crucifying him under the attic roof beams. Local Color
  • ldquo;The film that I’ve had the most fun on was this movie called ‘Smokin’ Aces’ that Joe Carnahan directed – the guy that did ‘Narc’ and now he’s doing ‘The A-Team,’† Pine told MTV. “I played a neo-Nazi redneck hitman, which is about the farthest thing from me you can get. Chris Pine Wants ‘A-Team’ Role | We Are Movie Geeks
  • Richard Abruzzo and Carol Rymer Davis were participating in the 54th Gordon Bennett Gas Balloon Race, an annual race in which teams of balloonists try to see who can fly the farthest from a set point on a maximum of about 1,000 cubic meters (35,300 cubic feet) of gas. Richard Abruzzo And Carol Rymer Davis Missing In European Balloon Race
  • What's the farthest you've ever run?
  • Using an observation technique known as farside, we can determine the position of sunspots on the hidden side of the Sun. Irene González-Hernández, a scientist at the NOAO (National Optical Astronomical Observatory) said during her address to the 4th International HELAS Conference in Lanzarote (Canary Islands) that: "activity in the farthest regions of the Sun.can be observed by looking at waves in the nearer regions. Signs of the Times
  • When an identity becomes absolute, the little group to which I belong becomes my sole basis for self-understanding and the farthest boundary of my love.
  • In Mughal India, she was considered past the age of desirability—there were creatures in the zenana who had been banished to its farthest quarters because of this, no longer presented to her Bapa as choices for a night. Shadow Princess
  • My sister was the one who travelled farthest.
  • In the open spaces on the slope, beyond the farthest shadow-reach of the manzanita, poised the mariposa lilies, like so many flights of jewelled moths suddenly arrested and on the verge of trembling into flight again. All Gold Cañon
  • Pluto is the farthest planet in the solar system.
  • The foothills, even under thick chaparral, never lose their bold outlines; the pines upon the farthest ridges preserve their perfect spires; and the low, round-headed oaks, both the roble and the encina, have all been put into the landscape with the same brush. Art Influence in the West
  • I went to the farthest part of the site and joined a gang of brickies clearing up.
  • About ten, however, the mist was lifted away like a curtain, and we saw to the left a rich plain studded with palm-groves; to the right a broad margin of cultivated lands bounded by a bold range of limestone mountains; and on the farthest horizon another range, all grey and shadowy. A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
  • Those cultures farthest from the well-fed bacteria on the rightmost side of the plate were least slimy and least pink.
  • The quake was most strongly felt in Aomori and Iwate, the two farthest-north prefectures on Japan's main island of Honshu.
  • Already the sticky threads entangling him reached out to the farthest corners of time. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • I mean, this pushes the farthest extremes of dissent.
  • Maggie followed Cal into the farthest office, with its view of a madrone grove. Three Stages of Amazement
  • Remove the line whose leftmost pixel is the farthest past the right of the approximated left margin from the left side array. Dewarping pages « The Half-Baked Maker
  • I have here instanced in the corpuscularian Hypothesis, as that which is thought to go farthest in an intelligible Explication of the Qualities of Bodies; and I fear the Weakness of humane Understanding is scarce able to substitute another, which will afford us a fuller and clearer discovery of the necessary Connexion, and Locke's Philosophy of Science
  • These tend to be the more recently constructed homes built farthest from the urban centers and mass transit systems. Redefining Dumb « PubliCola
  • You see, this is how it went: I did the seance in a hidden room in the farthest part of the house from the front door.
  • The word brat was her farthest venture into profanity, and she resorted to it often. Freud’s Blind Spot
  • had traveled to the farthest frontier
  • We'll take off from Albuquerque, and the object is to fly the farthest distance.
  • Ah me, that a man be self-subsistent, original, true, or what we call it, is surely the farthest in the world from indisposing him to reverence and believe other men's truth! Sartor Resartus, and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History
  • That is, all hydrogen atoms - whether here on Earth or in the farthest reaches of outer space - have only a single proton in their nucleus.
  • They had picked the one that was farthest from the beds in efforts to avoid waking up the girls.
  • In 717–716, Sargon took and annexed Carchemish and defeated the Egyptians at Raphia, the farthest west the Assyrians had yet penetrated. F. The Neo-Assyrians and the Neo-Babylonians
  • Marriage and parenthood are probably the farthest things from the young couple's minds. You and Your Adolescent: A Parents' Guide for Ages 10 to 20
  • The farthest way about is the nearest way home. 
  • In particular, women with a diet closely matched to the USDA Food Guide Pyramid were half as likely to have a baby missing part of its brain and skull -- a birth defect called anencephaly -- than women whose diet was farthest from those guidelines. Reuters: Press Release
  • Such forms of cooperation commonly take place among the developed OECD countries but it is the members of the European Union that have gone farthest in that direction.
  • A small reddish bat, Myotis goudoti, was scattered across the cave walls, while in the farthest corner, hundreds and hundreds of Otomops madagascarensis were crammed together.
  • But if any one going, would call godlike Ajax, and king Idomeneus; for their ships are the farthest off, [343] and by no means near at hand. The Iliad of Homer (1873)
  • She had moved four or five yards to the corner of the room farthest from the door. SACRAMENT
  • Bronchoplasty and pulmonary artery reconstruction extended the surgical indications for lung cancer, which reveal farthest excision of pulmonary tumor and farthest preservation of normal lung tissues.
  • At the farthest edge of the insipient mob, sitting on his horse and watching my uncle's face intently, was the very Mexican whom I had twice seen at Vanguards of the Plains
  • But the orbit is elliptical, and when the Moon is near perigee (closest to Earth), it moves along its orbit more swiftly than it does when it is near apogee (farthest from Earth).
  • On this westmost promontory of the beautiful land -- the farthest point reached by the oldest civilisation of Egypt and Greece -- the Sibyl stood on her watch-tower, and gazed with prophetic eye upon the distant horizon, seeing beyond the light of the setting sun and "the baths of all the western stars" the dawn of a more wonderful future, and dreamt of a-- Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
  • She uses her last shillings to buy passage on a coach to the farthest destination they afford.
  • I just wish we, as pagans, could make the idea of harming others so alien, so shameful, so U�N-macho, that the idea of hexing or anyt�hing so stupid would be the farthest from anyone's mind, unless of course they WANTED to be thought of as less than human. White Magic Friday #1: Hot Rod Nite
  • Ten hours to Inverness, farthest of all - details he learned for an unwritten tale.
  • The fault occupies the farthest reaches of the friction zone between the Pacific and North American plates, an area geophysicists know as the borderlands.
  • I crouched down into the farthest corner from the door, huddling into a ball, making myself as small as possible.
  • Frontiers, the indefinite open spaces at the farthest edges, are beyond the borders and boundaries of known territory.
  • Islanders boast that the farthest any fish travels from sea to plate is 100 yards.
  • In the distance, the blue Pyrenees look like a bank of clouds; the air that bathes them shapes them into aërial forms, vapory phantoms, the farthest of which vanish in the canescent horizon -- dim contours, that might be taken for a fugitive sketch from the lightest of pencils. Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 4 France and the Netherlands, Part 2
  • North is the farthest remove from home, a place where Frankenstein's monster wanders mournfully, distant from all the known safe world.
  • The water on the opposite side is farthest from the moon.
  • The nearest point on its orbit from the earth is called perigee and the farthest is called apogee. The Hindu - Front Page
  • At the farthest end was a wood partition with a door, and on it was drawn, in charcoal or some other ashy stuff, the outline of a great black bird, its wings spread, its beak gaping open.
  • How is it that at one moment Cassini can be found nearly at apoapsis, the farthest point from Saturn in an orbit, and within a day, be at periapsis, the closest point to Saturn in an orbit, when its orbital period is around 16 days? BBSNews ATOM 0.3 Newsreader Feed
  • But at his being in the farthest parts of Italy, the disappointment of company, or of a safe convoy, or the uncertainty of returns of money into those remote parts, denied him that happiness, which he did often occasionally mention with a deploration. The Life of Dr. Donne. Paras. 1-49
  • The inn was farthest from the baths and most of the building was hidden in the corner.
  • Now, the earth occupies one of the foci of the ellipse, and so at one point in its course is at its apogee, that is, at its farthest from the sun, and at another point it is at its perigee, or nearest to the sun. The Mysterious Island
  • A part of her noticed, right before she screeched at him like the hoyden Granmama often said she was, that it was the farthest seat in the room from where she was sitting.
  • She uses her last shillings to buy passage on a coach to the farthest destination they afford.
  • Which of the fighters has come the farthest the fastest in attitude and technique?
  • Sense of place brings us to the fourth and final section, and is both the final and farthest leg of our migration.
  • The most favourable conditions for a total eclipse are when the Moon is at its perigee, Earth is farthest from the Sun (around July) and when the Sun is observed near zenith.
  • Of the three, Globe has come the farthest, with a revitalized main street, arts center, archaeological park, and some of the best Mexican food in the state.
  • In general, the older rocks crop out farthest inland, and successively younger rocks are exposed coastward.
  • Air entering his lungs, he collapsed in the corner farthest away from me.
  • A total of 77 crew members were taken Sunday in the hijackings 1,200 miles (1,900 kilometers) east of Somalia in the Indian Ocean – the farthest from the Somali coast pirates have ever attacked, the EU Naval Force said. Somali Pirates Seize 3 Thai Ships With 77 Crew
  • The light revealed a great number of symbols and geometric shapes carefully carved on the floor in the farthest section of the room.
  • A balloon for every child in the school was released on Tuesday and the owner of the balloon which travels the farthest will receive an art set and voucher.
  • While sound is amplified throughout the auditorium, certain parts of the audible spectrum are delayed in the seating areas farthest from the rostrum.
  • During its 14.7-hour orbit of Saturn, Prometheus 102 kilometers, or 63 miles across reaches the point in its elliptical path, called apoapse, where it is farthest away from Saturn and closest to the F ring, and the moon's gravity is just strong enough to draw a "streamer" of material out of the core region of the F ring. Amazing Ring Ripples | Universe Today
  • There is also the antipodal farthest point from everyone on Earth. Atlas(t)
  • Special prizes will also be awarded to the youngest contestant, the contestant who traveled the farthest to attend, and the people's favorite.
  • She is the farthest advanced of all my students.
  • Dillard's 3d Platoon was in the lead because he had farthest to go to reach his old position.
  • He also writes music - exploring the farthest reaches of tonality and texture - for the two tenor saxes, bass and drums of his own band.
  • Richard Abruzzo and Carol Rymer Davis were participating in the 54th Gordon Bennett Gas Balloon Race, an annual race in which teams of balloonists try to see who can fly the farthest from a set point on a maximum of about 1,000 cubic meters (35,300 cubic feet) of gas. U.S. Balloonists Missing Over Adriatic Sea
  • It is so easy to get around the farthest distances, thanks to their train and tram network that connects even the remotest suburbs with the City Loop.
  • For that gigantine state of mind which possesseth the _troublers_ of the world, such as was Lucius Sylla, and _infinite other in smaller model_, who would have all men happy or unhappy, as they were their friends or enemies, _and would give form to the world according to their own humours_, which is the true _theomachy_, pretendeth and aspireth to _active good_ though it _recedeth farthest_ from that _good of society_, which we have determined to be _the greater_. ' The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded
  • After traversing these plains for two miles in a south-east direction we came upon a valley through which flowed a branch of the river we had this day discovered, running in a bed of fifty yards across, and having in its centre a rapid stream falling in small cascades; it appeared at times subject to extensive inundations, and here its course was through barren plains covered with rocks piled up in strange fantastic masses, and the bed was composed of that kind of red sandstone which at Perth is called ironstone; this being the farthest point north at which I have remarked it. Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2
  • Clearing the harbor marker, he opened up the throttle and, using the loran, headed full tilt for the farthest of his traps. The Summer I Dared
  • When it's at perigee, the moon is about 31,000 miles 50,000 km closer to Earth than when it's at the farthest point of its orbit, also known as apogee. - News
  • With respect to the pseudoscope -- which makes the outside of a teacup appear as the inside, and the inside as the outside; which transforms convexity into concavity, and the reverse; and a sculptured face into a hollow mask; which makes the tree in your garden appear inside your room, and the branches farthest off come nearest to the eye; and which, when you look at your pictures, represents them as sunk into a deep recess in the wall, -- with respect to this instrument, its practical uses have yet to be discovered. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 426 Volume 17, New Series, February 28, 1852
  • At the side farthest from the town, close under a bluff, there was an extensive marah, or sheepcot, ages old. Ben-Hur, a tale of the Christ
  • Therefore, culture was for them, too distant a mirage, too transcendent an idea, beyond their comprehension and farthest from their grasp.
  • These cocktails, and other artificial combinations of liquor, (of which there were at least a score, though mostly, I suspect, fantastic in their differences,) were much in favor with the younger class of customers, who, at farthest, had only reached the second stage of potatory life. The Blithedale Romance
  • The two farthest-reaching bosons are the graviton, the gauge boson for gravity, and the photon, the gauge boson for electromagnetism.
  • A very large bedroom, with two beds situated at the farthest corners from each other.
  • So you can see who is the farthest from the center. Waldo Jaquith - The General Assembly Futility Index.
  • The farthest North humans have gotten pre-searing is shown in The Flight North mission * Gwen's BMP mission*, which is right at the boarder of seared land and lush green. The Unofficial GuildWars Site
  • Along with more than a dozen of her peers, Granholm strapped on a pedometer to see who walked the farthest during a 16-week period.
  • In this Lunar Orbit of Injection, the satellite's closest point from the moon (perilune) is 500 km and the farthest point (apolune) is about 7,500 km. Top Stories - Google News
  • Yet ironically he is, of all the African slaves, the one farthest removed from both his African heritage and his fellow slaves.
  • That step could be identified as the enzyme that was farthest removed from equilibrium.
  • As the type of Celtic speech that has penetrated farthest to the west is that known as the Goidelic or Irish, it has not unreasonably been thought that this must have been the type that arrived in Britain first. Celtic Religion in Pre-Christian Times
  • Defense of that contemptible ogre is the very farthest thing from my mind. Think Progress » FEMA Abruptly Abandons Long-Term Recovery Office In New Orleans
  • The tourniquet then is tightened and secured by perpendicularly placing a hemostat at the end of the catheter farthest from the vessel.
  • The person whose balloon travels the farthest will win a luxury limousine and driver for a day.
  • One band, Psyche, travelled the farthest to attend the festivities.
  • Where the ecliptic crosses the solstitial colure is the spot where the sun appears to be when it is farthest north of the equator, June 21st. A Field Book of the Stars
  • The farthest landmark visible is about 30km away.
  • They enjoy competing to see who can throw their reindeer lassos the farthest and with the greatest precision.
  • The foothills, even under thick chaparral, never lose their bold outlines; the pines upon the farthest ridges preserve their perfect spires; and the low, round-headed oaks, both the roble and the encina, have all been put into the landscape with the same brush. Art Influence in the West
  • The television broadcast can sent its programs to the farthest corner of the country.
  • The third route was possibly the best of all, for the St. Gotthard, the farthest east of three possible passes, was large enough to accommodate a whole army and its lines of communication. THE CAMPAIGNS OF NAPOLEON
  • See who could jump the farthest.
  • Go to the farthest house in the village and I'll meet you there.
  • I'd chosen the seat next to the wall farthest from the windows and from where I sat, I had quite a bit of privacy.
  • The scientists who work with these tiniest of raw materials see a world just as mesmerizing as those who study the farthest reaches of outer space.
  • That is, they had the javelin, they had the discus, and the winner was the person who threw the javelin or the discus the farthest distance.
  • The George Washington chapter, founded in the early 1960s, was the farthest north the fraternity ever reached.
  • Of the three domains, the Eastern Domain sits farthest inboard, i.e. closest to the core of the former Gondwana supercontinent.
  • The center distance between the two shots farthest apart in the group determines the group size.
  • Chris Anthony, a 20-year veteran with Warren Miller films, went on what he describes as the farthest journey any Warren Miller crew has ever ventured on. Tucson Weekly
  • When the moon is at its closest, it's at its "perigee," and when it's at its farthest, it's at its Omaha World-Herald > Frontpage
  • The craft is due to enter an elongated orbit about Jupiter, taking 11 days to loop within 4,300 km of Jupiter's equatorial cloud-tops at its low-point, or perijove, and a high-point, or apojove, some 2.7 million km further out, beyond the orbit of Callisto which is the farthest of Jupiter's four main moons. Spacewatch: Juno to Jupiter
  • The farthest way about is the nearest way home. 
  • Who can swim furthest / farthest?
  • It was sort of plain and lonely looking with blue sheets and a single dresser on the farthest wall from the door.
  • Nia didn't know how long the tunnel was or what mechanism lay at the farthest end. WATER TRILOGY # 1: ASCENSION
  • The Son of Anak, otherwise Rufus the Blue-Eyed, and also plebeianly known as Tots, rioted with him from brier-rose path to farthest orchard, scalped him in the haymow with barbaric yells, and once, with pharisaic zeal, was near to crucifying him under the attic roof beams. Local Color
  • By this is meant the farthest advance of the acrospire, when it is just bursting from its confinement, before it has effected its enlargement. The American Practical Brewer and Tanner
  • Funny thing is, this guy is having a great time enjoying his wonderful D3 and the farthest thing from his mind is a "fogged" LCD. News: Digital Photography Review (
  • Go to the farthest house in the village and I'll meet you there.
  • see who could jump the farthest
  • The craft is due to enter an elongated orbit about Jupiter, taking 11 days to loop within 4,300 km of Jupiter's equatorial cloud-tops at its low-point, or perijove, and a high-point, or apojove, some 2.7 million km further out, beyond the orbit of Callisto which is the farthest of Jupiter's four main moons. Spacewatch: Juno to Jupiter
  • We arrived at a small shack on the farthest reaches of the camp. Times, Sunday Times
  • Neptune is one of the farthest planets of the solar system.
  • The division rear area was the farthest forward the MASH or the CSH could be deployed.
  • The computer chips are probably the farthest along, but even the most optimistic materials scientists don't expect any microcomputing revolutions for at least a decade. How and Why: Graphene seems valuable for computers, batteries and other uses
  • Of these, the farthest to the East is the “Baltimore Pike, ” which passes by the East entrance to the Cemetery; the farthest to the West is the “Emmetsburg road, ” which is wholly outside of our line of battle, but near the Cemetery, is within a hundred yards of it; the “Taneytown road” is between these, running nearly due North and South, by the Eastern base of “Round Top, ” by the Western side of the Cemetery, and uniting with the Emmetsburg road between the Cemetery and the town. Haskell's Account of the Battle of Gettysburg. Paras. 26-50
  • At the opposite point of its orbit, where it will be in "aphelion," or farthest from the sun, the sun will only appear about 19 minutes in diameter. To Mars via The Moon An Astronomical Story
  • At the farthest point in the past to which human knowledge extends a race called Iberian inhabited the entire peninsula of Spain, from the Atlantis : the antediluvian world
  • You have made it the farthest of any who have tried for the Amulets, let's see if you make this last test.
  • chose the farthest seat from the door
  • Pluto is the farthest planet in the solar system.
  • The farthest way about is the nearest way home. 
  • The tourniquet then is tightened and secured by perpendicularly placing a hemostat at the end of the catheter farthest from the vessel.
  • But that five-dollar bill was so scorned and snubbed by the ascendent truckmen that the doctor found himself smiling at his conceit that the poor, despised thing, when returned to his purse, went sneakingly into the farthest and deepest corner. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. 12, No. 32, November, 1873
  • Rochford also writes music - exploring the farthest reaches of tonality and texture - for the two tenor saxes, bass and drums of his own band Polar Bear.
  • It was the farthest object from the door except for the sturdy table squeezed between the light teal wall and a dresser or cabinet made of dark wood.
  • They may have come back the farthest this season because it looked as if their careers might be over.
  • The line of apsides is a line which passes through both periapsis, Cassini's closest approach to Saturn in an orbit, and apoapsis, the farthest spot in the orbit from Saturn.
  • Starting with the drum farthest from the door, he gave each cap a final anticlockwise turn. TOY SHOP
  • The situationists ' mapping and idea of the city as human centred, erotic space influenced the farthest reaches of the newly mediated Western world.
  • The one can no more block up the wind-pipes of living dogs and watch their dying convulsions, and the other can no longer lead the minds of youths and maidens to seek and find beauty in the visible world about them and recognise in it the hand of God -- but the world has known which of these men led the youth of Oxford to look up and which to look down, and to-day a merciful oblivion covers the names and doings of this triumphant vivisector and his valiant supporters, while to the farthest inch of the English-speaking realms the writings of Ruskin are treasured in a million homes and his name acclaimed with grateful reverence. Great Testimony against scientific cruelty
  • They make most of their calls at night, when it is cooler and sound travels farthest.
  • Trees grew thick along the farthest side, shading off the entire area.
  • I knew of the Snake Dances in farthest Estwilde, where the mongoose is brought in to the last movement of the dance, where with nothing but quickness and brains and sharp teeth it goes up against the deadly ophidian to the music of pipe and drums. Virginity
  • Out at 130 yards, which was the farthest shot taken, you better plan on making a head or upper body shot on small varmints.
  • He maintains that Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan are already virtual states and that among major developed countries the United States has advanced the farthest.
  • John maneuvered the two of them around the chairs and to the farthest door on the left.
  • The hangar doors on the farthest building had been opened to bring out the helicopter.
  • Leander huddled on the barrel that was farthest from Mrs. Yellett, and wrapped himself in the soaked red bedquilt. Judith of the Plains
  • The woman pointed to the farthest door on the left.
  • Do the same for the right side, except determine if the rightmost pixel is to the left of the approximated right margin, and set reapproximateRight, and remove the line whose rightmost pixel is the farthest past the left. Dewarping pages « The Half-Baked Maker
  • I was speechless, however, when I found that the pair who had been observed necking in the farthest corner of the room about an hour ago remained in the same position, totally oblivious to the happenings around them.
  • His rein stretches not only from the farthest reaches of outer space but deep into the personal lives of every man, woman, and child on the twelve colonized worlds.
  • To the tars of Victoria's navy, especially those returning from the farthest flung corners of the empire, the Azores were the gateway to home.
  • Deep within the farthest heart of each chaliced flower. A Dome of Many-Coloured Glass
  • Situated in the farthest corner of the glade was a slight embankment, leading down into a large, crystal clear lake.
  • The posters were lit softly in the light, shadows cast in the corners farthest from the window.
  • I crawled over to the corner farthest from the window.
  • The turn the shoulders must be the dominant move starting the downswing, because the shoulders were coiled much more than the hips and thus have the farthest to travel.
  • she goes farthest in helping us
  • This is the reason why the thwart which is farthest aft is made the seat of the best oarsman, and the others are required to make their motions keep time with his. Marco Paul's Voyages and Travels; Vermont
  • We arrived at a small shack on the farthest reaches of the camp. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the side farthest from him was the French vessel, ‘Redoubtable’, its mizzen top garnished with sharpshooters about 15 metres from the Admiral.
  • We picked a table farthest from the music and close to an improvised bar. Receiving end of a Mexican rodeo (recibimiento á las fiestas taurinas)
  • To fulfil his task, Enoch travels to the farthest extremes of the earth, encountering fantastic columns of fire and trees of judgment, seeing the storehouses of the winds and the mountains where thunder is kept.
  • Neptune is one of the farthest planets of the solar system.
  • Bend your right knee and lean forward from your hips as you extend your left arm behind you and reach your right hand forward to touch the cone farthest to your left.
  • In the one fight witnessed (and one was enough to learn the ways of the cockpit) both birds were soon bleeding profusely and had lost their desire to fight, so that the crowd called out some word and the cocks were picked up and "sicked" on each other again; this was repeated until one bird had enough and retreated ignominiously to the farthest corner of the pit, amid the shouts of the men who had bet on the other cock. Wanderings in the Orient
  • This is the largest gallery and the farthest South found in the Survey.
  • As the latest in the long line of animated Disney orphans, she comes equipped with a pair of unsymmetrical eyes and a grating, high-pitched squeal of a voice that pegs her as about the farthest thing possible from likable.
  • This total solar eclipse occurred near Aphelion , the point in Earth's elliptical orbit farthest from the Sun, and so the Sun was near its smallest apparent size.
  • Select the wing on the side of the body farthest from the cut, and enter the point of one of the thickest wires in the wing at the end of the part called the "metacarpus" (i, Plate II); push it gently along between the bone and the skin -- meanwhile holding the wing with the left-hand fingers -- along the side of or between the "radius and ulna," finally pushing it into the body at the shoulder, and clenching it when it comes through, which it should do under the opposite wing at the cut. Practical Taxidermy A manual of instruction to the amateur in collecting, preserving, and setting up natural history specimens of all kinds. To which is added a chapter upon the pictorial arrangement of museums. With additional instructions in modelling a
  • We explored the oldest protected rainforest, the soft coral reefs, and the all-night fêtes of the Caribbean's farthest reaches.
  • How, if Christie wrote such rubbish, can we explain the fact that her works have resonated even at the farthest extremes of geography and history?
  • We know very little about the farthest/outermost reaches of the universe.
  • These left-over electrons are the ones farthest from the nucleus and because of this they will determine the chemical interactions of the atom with other atoms.
  • The farthest landmark visible is about 30km away.
  • Kedzie's soul expanded to the ultimate fringe of the farthest furbelow. We Can't Have Everything
  • These days, Huggins is the farthest thing from "excitable" -- off the court, at least.
  • I currently have it all written into a notebook and it is the farthest I have ever gotten on an individual project, so I really think I'm going to make it to the very end of this without fizzling out.
  • In fact, three of them, as you mentioned, fired into the Israeli town of Afula, which is the farthest south that any rocket has hit in northern Israel to date. CNN Transcript Jul 29, 2006
  • Astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope have taken a picture that gives the farthest view ever into the depths of the cosmos.
  • While the exact orbit determination will take a couple of hours, the ISRO release gave the nominal orbit parameters as 504 km perilune (the nearest point from the Moon's surface) and 7502 km apolune (the farthest point). The Hindu - Front Page
  • The television broadcast can sent its programs to the farthest corner of the country.
  • The company team echelon formation (either echelon left or echelon right) has the lead platoon positioned farthest from the echeloned flank, with each subsequent platoon located to the rear of and outside the platoon in front of it. FM 71-1 Chapter 3 Offensive Operations
  • He's, I think, just trying to kind of cater to where the farthest fringes of the right are. CNN Transcript Dec 6, 2006

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