How To Use Farsightedness In A Sentence
When it took control, it promised a global stewardship purring with gravity, finesse and farsightedness.
Hyperopia: Commonly referred to as farsightedness, hyperopia refers to the limited ability to focus on near objects.
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The power of thought increases with education, experience, farsightedness and wisdom. Dr T.P.Chia
* '' 'Hyperopia:' '' Commonly referred to as farsightedness, hyperopia refers to the limited ability to focus on near objects.
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Amblyopia can also result from a major difference in the refraction between the two eyes, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism.

The glasses do not correct astigmatism, but they are effective against nearsightedness and farsightedness.
All human eyes have a slight degree of farsightedness at birth.
Genuinely was sensibly imploringly than a solvable sandpile of easy krakatao in the earth, hurried therefor the farsightedness with all the pillar of a chemoreceptive sundew in diapason.
Rational Review
When you do this you will attempt nothing but what you know you can carry out, and success will crown your efforts; this is what businessmen call farsightedness; it is much the same as insight, and it is one of the great secrets of success in all important undertakings.
The Master Key System
Of those, between one third and one half have a type of lazy eye known as anisometropia, which is caused by a difference in the degree of nearsightedness or farsightedness between the two eyes. -- Top News
The most common causes of amblyopia are misalignment of the eyes (crossed eyes) or significant differences in refractive error, such as farsightedness or nearsightedness, between the two eyes.
Farsightedness, or hyperopia, is a common refraction problem causing blurred vision of close objects.
Most refractive surgical procedures were developed to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism.
THIS STUDY randomly assigned 88 children, 7 to 12 years old, who were wearing corrective lenses because of amblyopia caused by differing degrees of near- or farsightedness, known as anisometropia, to one of two treatment groups.
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We hope they will have the farsightedness to see past the exuberant accolades that are fleetingly bestowed upon them.
There is a greater number of the population who are farsighted, have astigmatism, or have a combination of astigmatism with either farsightedness or nearsightednes.
The most common form of refractive error is nearsightedness; others include farsightedness and astigmatism.