
How To Use Farmland In A Sentence

  • In a few quick glances he absorbed the entire rolling farmland: green stonework mortared by tree windbreaks.
  • We are ready to work with landowners and farmers to look after farmland wildlife. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the midst of farmland just to the west of York is a huge open tip.
  • The idea is to finance programmes making it possible to afforest non-arable farmland, improve the quality of forests, invest in construction of forest roads, and develop forestry farms.
  • There have been other setbacks-like 160,247 hectares of farmland converted to industrial, residential or commercial uses.
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  • The price of farmland is about to boom. Times, Sunday Times
  • To give some credit to Dr Cullen, he did finally gazette those changes, which have at least required farmland to be publicly advertised for sale in New Zealand before it is flogged off overseas - never mind how small the advertisement is.
  • The gorillas' natural habitat has been gradually destroyed to make way for farmland and cash crops for sale on the global market.
  • TWO men and a woman died yesterday when their helicopter crashed into farmland soon after it disappeared into heavy cloud in dark, wintry weather. Times, Sunday Times
  • The other item was a 'bulla' or a type of amulet [pictured left], discovered by Glen Camley, an amateur metal detector, on farmland at Inch near Downpatrick. Slugger O'Toole
  • Ying Pun, a mine northeast original camp, for the 50 - meter square Tucheng now dilapidation to farmland.
  • Game birds are defined as wild in practice and under the law when, months before the start of the shooting season, they are able to independently move in and out of large release pens, usually situated in woodland or on farmland - not "moorland" as you stated. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • farmland still unsown
  • As the Sunset approached El Paso, irrigated farmland appeared and soon we were in the suburbs.
  • The Marae is working with its local community to restore the mauri - or life-force - of the Papawai Stream, protecting it from nutrient runoff from surrounding farmland. NZ On Screen
  • The hot tub, which sits on one of the two terraces has views over open farmland. Times, Sunday Times
  • The group has also managed the wet farmland so winter visitors include snipe, redshank, water rail and common sandpiper.
  • I am reminded of the vast sectioned farmland of the Great Plains as seen from the window of an airplane.
  • There is no hard-set rule on what land can be developed; in general, virgin forest cannot, farmland can. Golf in Greece: a Byzantine ordeal
  • Her birth country lay not far inland, though sheltered from northerly winds and easterly waters -- the Kazan, Cauldron, huge astrobleme on the continent Rodna, a bowl filled with woods, farmlands, rivers, at its middle Lake Stoyan and the capital Zorkagrad. A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows
  • The company owns a chunk of farmland near Gatwick Airport.
  • In addition to afforested land, the area of bush forest, the area of woodland inside farmland, and the area of trees planted adjacent to farmhouses and along roads, rivers, and fields should also be included in the area of afforested land in the calculation of the forest coverage rate. When a Billion Chinese Jump
  • Robert Shiller, a Yale economist who has presciently issued warnings about overpriced equities and houses, has already suggested that farmland might be the subject of the next bubble.
  • If the tiller is industrious, the farmland is productive.
  • fallow farmland
  • The unauthorised timber chalet was built on farmland at Neaum Hurst Cottages in Skelwith Bridge in 2001, along with a summerhouse and shed.
  • This in turn would hit farmland prices. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has such beautiful farmland, mountains, valleys, and rivers that one-fifth of the country is designated as national parkland.
  • Building drains and embankments, he reclaimed large areas of land which then became productive farmland.
  • The former leader of Scotland's lairds is selling about 500 acres of his Brucklay Estate in countryside west of Peterhead, along with 10 tenant houses, farmland, a lake and the ruins of a castle.
  • The chief threat is expanding farmland, which is cutting into the water buffalo's habitat.
  • The laterite soil types of the nutritionally impoverished farmlands in the arid and semi-arid regions do not have the capacity to hold moisture.
  • Since acquiring the redundant farmland the trust has carried out a programme of restoration which has included restoring sluices, re-opening waterways and a grazing policy.
  • Inland, the rolling farmland and fields conceal all this subterranean violence. Times, Sunday Times
  • The compound is spread over an acre of lush farmland, covered with eucalyptus trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Donation and inheritance transactions accounted for a relatively small area of the farmland transferred to disadvantaged people.
  • But these concerns seem to have been appeased because only unenclosed and uncultivated land, aside from a small strip of improved farmland near Crymych, has been opened up.
  • They were once found almost exclusively in northern and western uplands, but have now spread to farmland in eastern parts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Terraced farmlands irrigated by a complex network of ditches carrying water from rivers ensured reliable yields even on steep mountain slopes.
  • These tree belts effectively protect the farmland against shifting sand.
  • Introducing the value of farmland into the assessment process would unfairly and severely penalize farm families, whose farmland land bears little relationship to its earning potential.
  • Already newfangled buildings and palatial houses mimicking every form of modern architecture have come up on former farmlands.
  • For example, as suburban sprawl encroaches on farmland, people have more contact with both stable flies and house flies, creating conflict with livestock producers.
  • Jordan is an arid country, but as we drive north it turns into beautiful rolling green farmland, olive groves and grazing. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of Cumbria's most famous sons is highlighting the plight of the region's threatened farmland birds.
  • The great majority of our land is countryside and the great majority of that is farmland. Times, Sunday Times
  • These will bring all the nearby farmland udder irrigation.
  • Previously, the Army Corps dynamited a stretch of river levee in southern Missouri, flooding 200 square miles of farmland in an attempt to alleviate pressure from the Mississippi. Floodgate opens to divert Mississippi River
  • The rebel army had lowered its banners and was taking cover in the forests that were interspersed between the farmland found outside of the gleaming city.
  • In an era of budget surpluses, advocates argue, the federal government could ante up money for purchase of open space and farmland.
  • Threatened farmland birds, insects and plants will benefit from new habitats created through the introduction of environmental grants to arable farmers, the Government announced yesterday.
  • When I remember it now, I think first of the green earth, the rich smell of farmland, and the beasts in winter brought inside the steading. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • The overcut bog adjacent to the farmland has been allowed to naturalise becoming an attraction and haven for wildlife.
  • Among the controversial suggestions to protect farm animals from the birds is to erect polytunnels on farmland during the lambing season. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the time it was over, the farmland of West Quincy and several neighboring towns was under 15 feet of water for six miles to the west. Only Sandbags, Sweat Hold Back the River
  • Riparian corridors along river bottoms may hold lots of whitetails, which raid nearby farmland planted in alfalfa, sunflower, soybeans and corn. 100 Best Public-Land Hunts: North Dakota
  • At independence in 1980, Zimbabwe inherited a situation where a small minority of whites owned most of the country's best farmland.
  • Woodlands near water are their preferred habitat, although raccoons may also be found in farmlands, suburban or urban areas.
  • They then use the money received to buy farmland. Times, Sunday Times
  • Overall the situation is almost as bad as the drought of 1976 in which farmland was ruined. Times, Sunday Times
  • This area of former farmland was worked as a gravel pit until 1964.
  • Rather like crude oil, the price of farmland is rocketing. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a serious breach in the stopbanks that resulted in the flooding of huge areas of farmland.
  • The project involves large-scale displacement of farmers and destruction of farmland, forests and common lands.
  • The value of wetland rises more than thirtyfold once it is converted into farmland. When a Billion Chinese Jump
  • Not only is there a mansion house of architectural and historic importance, there is prime farmland, with the whole estate extending to some 1330 acres.
  • When thunderstorms aren't uprooting forests or rearranging acres of farmland, the South often suffers hailstorms, flashfloods and torrentially ghoulish winds during this season.
  • That should be coupled with an end to tax breaks on suburban land that is called "farmland" but is mostly a tax dodge for people who earn only a tiny fraction of their income from farming. The Wrong Tax for Japan
  • These tree belts effectively protect the farmland against shifting sand.
  • The stage is constantly transformed, becoming family home, schoolroom, holy well, bog, farmland, graveyard and London street, without a single invasive scene change.
  • As black-headed and common gulls tend to feed on farmland, it seems likely that farmland is the origin of the outbreak.
  • It is forbidden to occupy basic farmland to develop horticulture.
  • U.S.D.A. data shows that the amount of farmland erosion nationwide from water fell substantially from the early 1980s to the mid-1990s, then largely stagnated.
  • He became inspired by a huge outcrop of flat farmland at the point where the Pacific fault line crosses the upper valley. Times, Sunday Times
  • And it will take other research sites to predict the effects on natural environments rather than well-tended farmland.
  • It is a small homestead in the middle of farmlands and shrub jungle.
  • It is harder for farmland birds to breed in the monocultural habitats that now characterise much arable land. Times, Sunday Times
  • - Farmlands salinized by poor irrigation practices; 1. Lost crops of the incas.
  • The garden is fairly substantial and we are surrounded by farmland. Times, Sunday Times
  • TWO men and a woman died yesterday when their helicopter crashed into farmland soon after it disappeared into heavy cloud in dark, wintry weather. Times, Sunday Times
  • In these areas, 37 tanks used for irrigating farmlands are at just 13 percent of capacity.
  • Large fields with few hedges have reduced the numbers of small farmland birds, but suit the geese, who like to feed as far as possible from people. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is typical of the farmland which will increasingly become redundant.
  • It was lucky to have lots of natural resources such as iron ore, coal, and oil and farmlands ideal for growing crops.
  • The group has also managed the wet farmland so winter visitors include snipe, redshank, water rail and common sandpiper.
  • The abundance of fish, fruit and fertile farmland is reflected in the expansive lifestyle of the people. Tehuana Mamas Cook Up Magic: Food and Fiestas in the Isthmus
  • This part of Georgia is mostly pastures and farmland with small rolling hills.
  • It has yet to agree on a land premium for changing the site's usage from farmland to residential.
  • Right now, about three million hectares of Canadian farmland are growing crops of plants that have been genetically modified by biotechnology.
  • Children and families took tractor rides to see about 100 lambs being born in barns and fields across farmland at nearby Notton Farm.
  • It is forbidden to occupy basic farmland to develop horticulture or dig ponds to breed fish.
  • The compound is spread over an acre of lush farmland, covered with eucalyptus trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • As farmers deserve state protection of farmland, these people trample serious dereliction of duty.
  • These tree belts effectively protect the farmland against shifting sand.
  • productive farmland
  • The farmland had gone wild here, taken over by poison oak, beargrass, and dodder, besides the inevitable blackberry bushes and gorse. Night World No. 1
  • They will come here in flocks from Scandinavia, and will take up residence in woods overlooking farmland. Times, Sunday Times
  • Settling in South Dakota, Martin Eden initially focuses on transforming the prairie into productive farmland.
  • The Council of Agriculture has designated 2,000 hectares of fallow farmland for the growing of biomass crops including canola, soybeans and sunflowers next year, officials said yesterday.
  • I looked out over flat expanses of open farmland.
  • Business and industry were nationalized, and farmland was taken from the peasants and reorganized into government-run collectives.
  • In contrast, the western half of the route is nearly flat and offers long, expansive views across large sweeps of farmland.
  • Terrestrial ecosystem includes farmland, forest and rangeland, and aquatic ecosystem includes inshore, rivers and lakes.
  • The glaciers of the Himalayas, which feed the great rivers watering the farmland keeping Asia alive, are disappearing.
  • A study for protest group Friends of the River claims that, as well as flooding farmland, the river would become hard to navigate, damaging sailing, local tourism and a range of businesses.
  • Blackbirds may be found in a wide range of habitats including dense woodland, coastal sand-dunes, farmland, minute marsh carrs and town and city centres.
  • fertile farmland
  • Therefore, we should strengthen farmland protection system design, land of ecological, social, and the value to the descendants and so on to make evaluation and accounting.
  • Beyond the city, urban sprawl quickly melts into full-on farmland, your jarred spine straightens out again and the whole week's expedition seems to stretch ahead to the horizon beneath immense white clouds.
  • They then use the money received to buy farmland. Times, Sunday Times
  • A new maquila will occupy what had been small plots of farmland.
  • acres of level farmland
  • North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency said torrential rain and water from the overflowing Yalu, or Amnok as it's known in Korean, swamped houses, public buildings, and farmland in more than five villages near Sinuiju, the city opposite Dandong. Eyewitness News
  • We picked up speed and hauled through sere yellow farmland. The 12:39 to Matanzas
  • If this wet land was drained, it would be good farmland.
  • They tap into an emerging farmland-preservation movement dubbed "new ruralism," a counterpart to the new urbanism philosophy that promotes dense, walkable neighborhoods. Selling History by the Square Foot
  • The 1,000 enumerators recruited to collect census data across North Yorkshire in April will be asked to avoid going on to farmland with livestock.
  • Robert Shiller, a Yale economist who has presciently issued warnings about overpriced equities and houses, has already suggested that farmland might be the subject of the next bubble.
  • In winter, our resident population is increased by large numbers of birds from the Continent, forming flocks on farmland, often with other finches, buntings and sparrows.
  • Sometimes walks over farmland can be bothersome with beasts, barbed wire and all.
  • When the University of Canterbury moved from its town site to Ilam, west of the city, the site was farmland with the homestead on it known as Okeover.
  • He was directed towards a glider landing strip, but he appears to have clipped a tree and then crashed on farmland.
  • Weersink et al. develop a PV model to examine the extent to which agricultural support programs have been capitalized into farmland prices.
  • Profits from the new joint venture will be shared by ADM and Farmland.
  • Unless the government is serious in encouraging the poor farmers to boost rice production through the increased buying price of palay by the National Food Authority, vast tracts of farmlands will remain idle for months. Task force needs to step up drive vs hoarders
  • Another factor driving up farmland prices is favourable tax treatment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Farm programs generally cannot be decoupled from production and they contribute to the high price of farmland.
  • Officers say two headless birds were found on farmland, and another pair had their necks snapped.
  • Easy woodland and farmland tracks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hikers have the right to walk on unplanted farmland.
  • Although the entire town was farmland, he would go to the plowing fields and rice paddies and work until dusk.
  • As you travel up the glen's throat, a thin and wooded gorge of cliffs that plunge to the deep and silent pools of the Lyon, the hills soon open up to reveal a rich plateau of farmland fringed by soaring mountain-tops.
  • But the speed with which we've reached here is remarkable; just two minutes, swooping and dipping over farmland on the northern edge of Leeds and then across the city centre roofscapes themselves.
  • She has made a deal to let two greasy thugs grow pot on their farmland in exchange for a cut of the profits.
  • Zoology is retreated is farmland area reductive land advocate element.
  • France's reputation as a cheaper alternative to Spain is decreasing, as some buyers desert Spanish resorts in favour of France's rural farmland havens.
  • Formerly farmland, it's in the Blythe Valley, an area of outstanding natural beauty with topography just made for golf.
  • Run-off from roads and farmland created some problems, blocking drains and gullies.
  • This area of former farmland was worked as a gravel pit until 1964.
  • If that continues to be the case, we can abandon all hope of reversing the process that is melting glaciers and parching farmlands, a process that will eventually make climate refugees out of hundreds of millions of people living in coastal areas. Steve Valk: How to Bring Down the Coal and Oil Goliath: A Million Personal Letters
  • She and her three brothers lived in a large two-story house in a middle-class neighborhood set amid Amish farmland.
  • They move down from exposed hilly country to farmland or the coast. Times, Sunday Times
  • They then use the money received to buy farmland. Times, Sunday Times
  • In order to insure social stability and increase the production of the agriculture, it is important to enhance the reasonable conversion of farmland usufruct and probe the forms of conversion.
  • Neither ‘new’ nor entirely ‘forest’, the New Forest is a cornucopia of habitats, a haven of beauty surrounded by intensively managed farmland and conurbations.
  • The four-lane Durgapur highway that runs to Singur cuts through lush farmland that is becoming increasingly dotted with new factories flying red hammer-and-sickle flags. Tata Motors Plant Divides a Family
  • Based on the current situation that corn intertillage machinery can not work in straw mulching farmlands in northeast of China, the ridge reshaping and intertillage fertilizer applicator was designed.
  • At one end it bleeds into the metropolis of Kansas City and at the other is farmland and small towns.
  • These once common farmland birds, along with many others, including the meadow pipit, lesser spotted woodpecker and nutcracker, are now at their lowest levels across Europe since records began, according to a survey. Europe's farmland birds on decline
  • Yet 2005 is shaping up as a return to those horror conditions, with dams bone-dry and sun-baked farmlands cracking.
  • They often retain what remains of the local flora and are vital wildlife corridors, as are bits of farmland and public land managed the same way. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thanks to improvements in productivity, less and less land is required as farmland.
  • In this brief sample of a much longer passage, the heroine rides home from San Francisco to Sacramento through untouristed California farmland and backwater Main Streets: The Unclosed Circle
  • The people, farmlands, and farming practices of Asia come to life in this varied collection.
  • In order to enlarge the prison's farmlands, 114 acres of additional land was purchased from Bunn in 1883.
  • I am further annoyed that yet another piece of open land has been fenced in and turned into farmland.
  • The Loire valley is a perfect place for family cycle rides thanks to its flat patchwork of farmland, vineyards and woods. Times, Sunday Times
  • The views from the four-bedroom property look straight out onto rolling hills and farmland. Times, Sunday Times
  • Across the quiet eight-lane byway near the project is farmland. China Pins Hopes on Public Housing
  • Yet this was not Hawaii or Bondi beach but a pool lined with eucalyptus trees on a patch of old farmland deep inland. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although the Manhattan grid system had already been mapped out, the cemetery was then surrounded by farmland. Times, Sunday Times
  • But their quarry was tearing through woods and farmland in one of Britain's most remote corners. The Sun
  • The fenlands of eastern England were originally marshland, but have been turned into rich farmland by efficient drainage.
  • A bigger rise of 3-4C — the smallest increase we can prudently expect to follow inaction — would parch continents, turning farmland into desert. Archive 2009-12-01
  • And it soon became a familiar sight in the flat fields and farmland around Flanders to see Sikh regiments processing behind their holy book. Times, Sunday Times
  • The next house must be well away from any kind of arable farmland.
  • Once, as he put his horse to an earthern bank that dyked farmland from the marsh, he saw the white, fretting line of waves far to the east, and, beyond it, a dark shape in the night that was a moored ship waiting for the ebb. Sharpe's Regiment
  • The route follows lightly traveled roads through rolling countryside and scenic farmland.
  • Found in a wide variety of haunts including open or lightly wooded farmland, moors, wetlands and urban areas.
  • They feed in winter on estuary shores and in farmland fields. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another factor driving up farmland prices is favourable tax treatment. Times, Sunday Times
  • When thunderstorms aren't uprooting forests or rearranging acres of farmland, the South often suffers hailstorms, flashfloods and torrentially ghoulish winds during this season.
  • The dilemma of urbanization and farmland conservation in China was firstly analyzed and then the necessity and limitations of incremental construction land quota were specified in this paper.
  • But so much of U.S. farmland is already in production that some acres might have to be cannibalized from other crops, potentially tightening supplies of other commodities. Crop Shocker Ripples Through Markets
  • Rolling farmlands, covered bridges, and vineyards mark the countryside.
  • Railroads and irrigation arrived at the turn of the last century, and as Alan Johnson, the chairman of the Texas State Bank in Harlingen, told me, the older people who grew up in the valley “have seen it go from brushland to farmland to subdivisions.” Interstate 69
  • Floodwaters rushed through Jigawa state, covering farmlands and damaging crops. Photos of the Day: Sept. 28
  • Less than half the region's 140,000 acres of farmland were irrigated.
  • It is set in a third of an acre, with views of farmland and woodland. Times, Sunday Times
  • Abu Ghraib, a hard-bitten town surrounded by lush farmland, is one of the trouble spots for American soldiers facing fierce challenges from both Sunni Muslim insurgents and radical Shi'ite militiamen.
  • Based on the current situation that corn intertillage machinery can not work in straw mulching farmlands in northeast of China, the ridge reshaping and intertillage fertilizer applicator was designed.
  • Analysts say African and Caribbean economies dependent on food exports could be particularly hard hit, helping stoke unrest and potentially pushing governments toward imposing export bans and expropriating foreign-owned farmland. Record High Food Prices Stoke Fears For Economy
  • The officials said that if the plum rains bring disappointing rainfalls in the south, leaving farmland fallow in the summer would be the only way to prevent drought conditions.
  • That has made mainstream use on America's irrigated farmlands a reality.
  • The three-quarter acre garden has a pond with ducks and views across the 72 acres of farmland and lakes.
  • I don't much like driving in the dark and unfamiliar unlit open road farmland is pretty intimidating.
  • Some 20 years ago Midrand was an agricultural zone, with smallholdings and farmlands.
  • The whole of County Wicklow is a walkers' paradise - rolling hills, deep valleys, domed granite mountains, bogland, forest, farmland, stream, lake sides, river banks, and long sandy beaches.
  • Next day he was promising to take every piece of white-owned farmland in the country if he felt like it.
  • Jordan is an arid country, but as we drive north it turns into beautiful rolling green farmland, olive groves and grazing. Times, Sunday Times
  • How refreshing it is to see that most of the adverts for farmland are given in acres often with the hectarage given in brackets.
  • The Army retained control of the site until it was derequisitioned in 1952 when it was returned to farmland.
  • Demand for residential farmland was flat. Times, Sunday Times
  • inundated farmlands
  • Projects to regrow marginal strips of greenery on arable farmland, such as one at Manor Farm in the Yorkshire Wolds, have also had a positive effect on the bee population, he said.
  • They move down from exposed hilly country to farmland or the coast. Times, Sunday Times
  • Massive tracts of farmland with square-mile fields, growing every imaginable luxury crop, the kind nobody produced in a culinary unit, tended by over a million agribots; all processed in immaculately hygienic cybernated factories and sold under his own brands. The Dreaming Void
  • This means that in terms of protecting and enhancing biodiversity they do a far less effective job than larger, contiguous woodlands; for instance, while birds can easily fly, ground-based mammals, such as dormice and hedgehogs, aren't able to negotiate their way across roads and farmland so easily. Climate Ark Climate Change & Global Warming RSS Newsfeed
  • Grass and sand by the Moray Firth, where fertile farmland was buried in sand by a persistent storm in October 1694. Weatherwatch: A storm that made a desert on the Moray Firth
  • Pesticides are seeping out of farmland and into the water supply.

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