
  1. widely known and esteemed
    a renowned painter
    an illustrious judge
    a notable historian
    a famous actor
    a famed scientist
    a celebrated musician
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How To Use far-famed In A Sentence

  • Like Nestor, who preaches about the fine fellows he remembered in his youth, Lepidus (although barely yet in his grand climacteric!) will depicture, with moving eloquence, the numerous precious volumes of far-famed collectors, which he has seen, like Macbeth's witches, Bibliomania; or Book-Madness A Bibliographical Romance
  • I was curious to discover whether it was occasioned by its flowing near one of the far-famed Poison trees (Upas antiar) of Java, but my informant could not satisfy my inquiry. Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Performed between the years 1818 and 1822 — Volume 1
  • I had a formative experience in the early 1980s, at the Lawrence Labs in Livermore, California, hearing Herman Kahn, a far-famed apocalypse imaginer from the Hudson Institute, talk about kill ratios as he gamed various nuclear scenarios. Scott Malcomson: The Intelligence Community and Obama's Future
  • Its congener, the _agouti_, affects the arid sterile plains of Patagonia, while the _biscacha_ is most met with on the fertile pampas further north; more especially along the borders of those far-famed thickets of tall thistles -- forests they might almost be called -- upon the roots of which it is said to feed. Gaspar the Gaucho A Story of the Gran Chaco
  • And there, also, were parks, pleasure-grounds, and public squares, all so admirably defined by the agency of the winds and rains of ages, that the traveller might readily imagine himself to have arrived within the precincts of the deserted city of some peopleless country, whose splendor and magnificence once more than vied with the far-famed Palmyra of the desert, even in its best days. ROCKY MOUNTAIN LIFE
  • Before I left Budapest we read together the polyphone tattoo by J. K., and I then requested you to make the composer understand that Meyerbeer's far-famed Letters
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