
How To Use Far and near In A Sentence

  • The whist drives which attracts a large gathering of people far and near continue in the parish hall each Sunday night at 8 pm and all are welcome.
  • Fine and rare items, like the pristine 19th century mother-of-pearl workbox, blonde tortoiseshell tea caddy, together with snuff boxes and Oriental ivories, will bring collectors from far and near.
  • People travel from far and near and are even booking into local hotels.
  • Fine and rare items, like the pristine 19th century mother-of-pearl workbox, blonde tortoiseshell tea caddy, together with snuff boxes and Oriental ivories, will bring collectors from far and near.
  • People came from far and near to be present for this special ceremony in a church that was rebuilt in 1821.
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  • Without warning or presage the still evening air was smitten and made softly musical by the pealing of a distant chime, calling vespers to its brothers in Antwerp's hundred belfries; and one by one, far and near, the responses broke out, until it seemed as if the world must be vibrant with silver and brazen melody; until at the last the great bells in the The Black Bag
  • Bicycles, tricycles, scooters and cars are involved in getting water from far and near.
  • On the last day he invited the Fakirs, the poor and the needy, far and near, and they flocked in troops and ate, whilst the merchant sat, with his son by his side. 448 And among the paupers, behold, entered Shaykh Obayd the jeweller and he was naked and weary and bare on his face the marks of wayfare. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Speedily the State was aflame with disturbances in temperance and teachers 'conventions, and the press heralded the news far and near that women delegates had suddenly appeared, demanding admission in men's conventions; that their rights had been hotly contested session after session, by liberal men on the one side, the clergy and learned professors on the other; an overwhelming majority rejecting the women with terrible anathemas and denunciations. Eighty Years and More: Reminiscences 1815-1897
  • This is a monthly night out, and we are told it is also a very unique evening, where everyones gathers around the fire, and they travel from far and near and tell stories, swap yarns, ceol agus craic, and it is guaranteed to be a great night.
  • From far and near came valiant knights from all the neighbouring provinces, habited in every conceivable style of richest armour; yet none surpassed Saint David in the sumptuousness of his plume and burgonet, the trappings of his steed, the richness of his scarf, the splendour of his shield and breastplate, or of his whole armour, which, from his lofty helm to his knightly spurs, shone with resplendent beauty. The Seven Champions of Christendom
  • These active assistants spread through the country far and near, forming a circle, technically called the tinchel, which, gradually closing, drove the deer in herds together towards the glen where the Chiefs and principal sportsmen lay in wait for them. Waverley
  • Measure the refraction , the corneal culture , the far and near vision when the correcting lens were wore.
  • The little stops view him as he passes, and far and near the air resounds with shrill "yoick!" and "tally-ho! Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 104, January 28, 1893
  • I found plenty of entertainment in listening to the larks singing far and near, and enjoying the sweet, warm sunshine; and watching her, my pet, and my delight, with her golden ringlets flying loose behind and her bright cheek, as soft and pure in its bloom as a wild rose, and her eyes radiant with cloudless pleasure.
  • people came from far and near
  • An enthusiastic botanical collector told me that for years he searched far and near for the adder's-tongue fern, till one day he stumbled upon it in a place over which he had long been in the habit of passing. Birds in the Bush
  • Requiem Mass was concelebrated in the Church of the Most Holy Rosary on Saturday morning which was attended by a large congregation from far and near.
  • Those who have voyaged on the ocean, know the solemn feeling and the idea of vastness which is conveyed during a calm at night, when monsters of the deep are heard far and near as they come to the surface to inhale the air, or "blow," as it is called. The Western World Picturesque Sketches of Nature and Natural History in North and South America
  • Like a mountain range whose profile appears equally craggy when observed from both far and near, fractals are used to define curves and surfaces, independent of their scale.
  • Penia or Atalanta shall not overgo them, through seas, deserts, mountains, and dangerous places, as they did to gaze on Psyche: many mortal men came far and near to see that glorious object of her age, Paris for Helena, Corebus to Troja. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Now Aladdin was wont every day to thread the city streets with his Mamelukes riding a-van and arear of him showering rightward and leftward gold upon the folk, and all the world, stranger and neighbor, far and near, were fulfilled of his love for the excess of his liberality and generosity. Tehran Winter
  • People came from far and near to admire his workmanship and skill.
  • Whereupon Salih arose and, kissing the ground a second time, said, “O King of the Age, my errand is to Allah and the magnanimous liege lord and the valiant lion, the report of whose good qualities the caravans far and near have dispread and whose renown for benefits and beneficence and clemency and graciousness and liberality to all climes and countries hath sped.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The cold gray light of early dawn had given place to saffron, and the first drowsy challenge from the henroost had been shrilly answered from far and near, when old man Jerry awoke from his nap in the chimney corner, and, finding himself chilled through all his old, rheumatic bones, bent over the dying embers, pushed together the blackened and half-burned "chunks," and blew them until they glowed. Plantation Sketches
  • An enthusiastic botanical collector told me that for years he searched far and near for the adder's-tongue fern, till one day he stumbled upon it in a place over which he had long been in the habit of passing. Birds in the Bush
  • For a long period almost every one, far and near, knew her as a spaewife of no ordinary knowledge. The Mysteries of All Nations Rise and Progress of Superstition, Laws Against and Trials of Witches, Ancient and Modern Delusions Together With Strange Customs, Fables, and Tales
  • Such was his strength that none against whom he laid lance in rest could keep the saddle, and no shield was proof against his sword dint; but for his courtesy even more than for his courage and strength, Sir Launcelot was famed far and near. Heroes Every Child Should Know
  • The exhibitors who put on the display came from far and near and the standard was high.
  • searched for the child far and near
  • A bifocal lens corrects both far and near vision, while a trifocal also has an intermediate zone.

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