How To Use Faq In A Sentence

  • Available on the Web at www. html. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • Ashfaq Kayani "distrusted" the opposition leader Nawaz Sharif. The Guardian World News
  • The alfaqui was an African necromancer, and by his infernal arts cast a spell upon me -- to guard his treasures. Washington Irving
  • Since we want the FAQ model to be a proper Active Record class, we need to call the initialize function of the superclass first; the command to do this is simply super. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • _moderator_ of a moderated group decides not to accept anon postings (and it's within the groups charter), then fine, and that should be in the FAQ (if it's not in the charter, the moderator should be replaced ASAP). The Sphinx of Russia
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  • I went back to the IDT's website and after a little poking around in the tech support FAQs I found that there are a couple major hardware conflicts with onboard video chipsets, including the Intel 945GM chipset, which is the one on my laptop. Archive 2008-05-11
  • Whenever a newbie stumbles by and asks a germane question, the old timers shout him down and tell him to read the FAQ.
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  • Replying to the supplementaries raised by Raman Bhalla, Ashwani Sharma, A.R. Veeri, Nizam-ud-Din Bhat, Abdul Haq Khan, Prof. Chaman Lal Gupta, Peer Afaq Ahmad, Syed Bashir Ahmad and Ms Sakina Ittoo, the Tourism Minister said that to showcase the tourism potential of the State, a strong publicity campaign has been launched through print and electronic media across the country to attract more and more tourists to the State. ���Mubarak Mandi- Bagh-e-Bahu Cable Car project to take off soon in Jammu
  • My grandmother learnt it of a faqir, and taught it me. Love and Life Behind the Purdah
  • With the institutionalization of concept of velayat-e faqih, a state-sanctioned push toward a form of "caesaropapism" was initiated,
  • Savvy Guidance is an online resource providing useful tips and information on managing finances in the current climate, along with interactive explanations of the credit crunch, a jargon buster, FAQs and real life video stories showing how the guidance and support from a financial health specialist, can help in times of financial difficulty. financial health specialists are also on hand in Lloyds TSB branches to help customers review their finances, guidance and support. SourceWire Press Release Wire
  • That explains the title of our FAQ on the topic.
  • While he was pondering what could have brought this into the merciless desert, a man drew near who was dressed like a faqir, and had bare head and feet, but walked with the free carriage of a person of rank. The Brown Fairy Book
  • To this the faqir replied: ‘O youth! it would be best for you to have nothing to do with me and to know nothing of my fortunes, for my story is fit neither for telling nor for hearing.’ The Brown Fairy Book
  • It's stated in the FAQ, if you cared to read it: There will be no upgrade paths from the betas/RCs, you will have to reformat your computer and install the RTM version, or another previous Windows version you own. Windows 7 RC Available For Download Now | Lifehacker Australia
  • People are now beginning to openly question the institution of the velayat-e faqih, or the rule of the jurist, which is the Khomeinist system of governance that was implemented in 1979. Will Khamenei sacrifice Ahmadinejad to save himself?
  • Alheli and alfaqui are seen to be Arabic, as well by the al at the beginning as by the they end with. Don Quixote
  • I read in your FAQ that the blog posts as the Pacific time zone regardless of wherever you might be posting it.
  • British archival sources report that a Muslim holy man, or faqir, attempted to give the people of Makin hope by laying a spell on the 6-inch howitzer shells and pledging that they would no longer explode in the valley. Juan Cole: Armageddon at the Top of the World: Not!
  • [description] = @description WHERE [FAQID] = @FAQID ASP.NET Forums
  • Mark Liberman of Language Log has an enjoyably discursive post on the use and misuse of the word fakir, properly 'a Muslim religious mendicant' (it's from Arabic faqi:r 'poor') but with an extended meaning 'Hindu ascetic or religious mendicant, especially one who performs feats of magic or endurance' (in the words of the AHD definition); when I asked my wife what image she associated with the word, she said "a guy lying on a bed of nails," which fits the second sense exactly and I think would be the most common answer if you took a poll. FAKIR/FAKER
  • The judge, Mr Justice Wakerley, told Rafaqat: ‘You took the life of your young cousin on the threshold of her marriage.’
  • Quamvis enim tot facras aedes illic habeas, univcrfaque infula tibl devou fit; at apud Glyceram quoqiie dominarts; novamque poflidebis aBdem, quam magnacura, fammo fludio exornavit, & tibi paravit. Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera
  • The alternate spelling "faqir" is very useful to Scrabble players, as an example of a permitted word that has a Q but not a U. FAKIR/FAKER
  • The shrine also attracts Indo-Muslim mystics called faqir, religious mendicants who observe lives of poverty, chastity, meditation and prayer.
  • Islamic center at Ground Zero, but he fails to explain the term vilayet-i-faqih to American audiences. Forum: News/Activism
  • For Faqir, it is the belief that all poetic expression can convey the ineffable, disclosing the nature of their inner being unalloyed by the fetters of religious and social convention.
  • It remains the mentors' choice whether that thread has become good enough to be made into a sticky in the FAQ-forum.
  • I didn't at first know 'fakir' was simply faqi:r 'poor', but it was obviously an Oriental word referring to some specific religious class, unrelated to the English word. FAKIR/FAKER
  • Mice were used applied as experimental animals, and Sulfaquinoxaline (SQ) poisoning model was replicated, toxic symptoms, changes of immune function and pathology were observed.
  • The five men were identified as Sher Zaman, Hasnain Gul, Rafaqat Hussain, Abdul Rasheed and Aitzaz Shah. The Seattle Times
  • This paper put forward a method of automatic question-answering system based on FAQ technology for net-schools and described the design and implementation of the system.
  • If you have any problems, consult the FAQs on our website.
  • Sulfonamides currently used in veterinary medicine are sulfaquinoxaline, sulfadimidine, sulfamethazine, sulfadimethoxine, sulfachlorpyrazine and sulfathiazole.
  • When preparations were made to surrender the fortress to the Christian sovereigns, I was prevailed upon by an alfaqui, a Moorish priest, to aid him in secreting some of the treasures of Boabdil in this vault. Washington Irving
  • And in 1760 it was an Archbishop Palafox who tore down the old faqade of the cathedral, replacing it with the rns ble churrigueresque masterpiece of which I have already spoken. Mexico
  • Coverage of army chief General Ashfaq Kayani focused on revelations that he threatened to oust Zardari last year but held back because he "distrusted" opposition contender Nawaz Sharif. The Guardian World News
  • However, very few people want to see an Islamic revolution and the velayat-e faqih [Iran's "rule of the jurisconsult"]. Ayatollah Democracy
  • New drinking guidelines are about informed decisions, not wowserism FAQ's Crikey » Canberra Calling
  • But he could not speak just then, and the faqir dare not; for, as Sita saw, he was a Maunee, and, as such, bound to perpetual silence .... Love and Life Behind the Purdah
  • But with Shi'ite religious parties emerging as the strongest power, no sooner were the elections over than voices were raised for the creation of an autonomous southern Iraqi region, and for vilayet-e-faqih . THE NEWS BLOG
  • Khomeini preached the theory of wilayat al-faqih (jurisconsult); an elitist concept associated with the supremacy of senior Shiite clergy. Joshua Gleis: Religious Divisions in Iran's Leadership -- More than Meets the Eye
  • I'll make a FAQ soon seller_liar people in brazil is very sperse, people in brazil does nothing about novell seller_liar the novell iniciative is very recent in brazil seller_liar Boycott Novell - Recent changes [en]
  • Product documentation, tutorials and online FAQs are increasingly created using Wiki collaboration.
  • Pakistani Gen. Ashfaq Pervez Kayani, the Army chief of staff, prefers the training to the fusillade of missile strikes in the tribal areas from pilotless U.S. drones. Each One Teach One | ATTACKERMAN
  • After Valve updated the official FAQ entry with a recommendation to try out the latest beta video drivers, I gave it a try. 67.02 are the latest Detonators, so I nuked the previous set with Driver Cleaner and reinstalled.
  • Already, members of the Da'wa Party, many of whom were taught in Iran, have taken over mosques in Basra, and members of Hezbollah have heavily infiltrated the Shi'ite population, in addition to Iranian intelligence and members of the Pasdaran-i-Inqalab Iran's Revolutionary Guards to pave the way for vilayet-e-faqih. THE NEWS BLOG
  • Archive-name: interleaf-faq Version: $Id: interleaf. faq, v 1.9 1993/09/17 01: 54: 44 todd Exp $ Sex, Lies, and Sociology
  • I’d like to refer you to the last response in dooce’s FAQ: Reprieve
  • Observers say this is the beginning of a new era which could climax in a movement for vilayet-e-faqih , a compulsory part of the Shi'ite faith that is intertwined with the concept of imamat or leadership all Muslims under one leader. THE NEWS BLOG
  • Rauf praises the tyrants in Iran and is apparently ready to accept their money for the Islamic center at Ground Zero, but he fails to explain the term vilayet-i-faqih to Infidel Bloggers Alliance
  • Alfaqui thought that happy man was his dole now that the people had committed themselves to his guidage, and he went to Abeniaf and communed with him, and their accord was to give up all hope of succour. Chronicle of the Cid
  • And while the MagicMouse can be picked up and grokked nearly instantaneously (though it sucks that right-click is disabled by default), the OpenOfficeMouse requires about two days of acclimation according to the FAQ. Open source design and the OpenOfficeMouse | FactoryCity
  • Saniotis takes us to one of Northern India's most famous Indo-Muslim shrines, a place where religious mendicants, known as faqir, gather to worship through mystical communion with saints.
  • He was put on a little silver tray, and an ingeniously wrought siphon showered him with pure water, which the faqir had no doubt drawn from some sacred well or spring. Love and Life Behind the Purdah
  • The faq. pygtk example isn’t likely to block because it doesn’t write () as your code snippet do, and only display 100 bytes (less than a single tcp packet, should be fully available in one shot when the read callback is triggered or soon after). Downloading Large Files Async With GIO | jonobacon@home
  • Should we make a sticky FAQ for this board?
  • And while the MagicMouse can be picked up and grokked nearly instantaneously (though it sucks that right-click is disabled by default), the OpenOfficeMouse requires about two days of acclimation according to the FAQ. Open source design and the OpenOfficeMouse | FactoryCity
  • Unless there is a power shift in the monarchy to some degree of moderateness, Wefaq's options are limited. Bahrain Protester Sentenced to Death
  • Iran's constitution gives the position vali faqih , or Supreme Leader, power and authority akin to being God's representative on earth. Letter Writers Break Iranian Taboo
  • To this the faqir replied: 'O youth! it would be best for you to have nothing to do with me and to know nothing of my fortunes, for my story is fit neither for telling nor for hearing.' The Brown Fairy Book
  • Bytool Faakere, _baitu'l-faqir, _ 'the house of a holy man' Observations on the Mussulmauns of India Descriptive of Their Manners, Customs, Habits and Religious Opinions Made During a Twelve Years' Residence in Their Immediate Society
  • There are tones of pages and sites devoted to the information, but they all have the same info, presented in ridiculously convoluted and/or illegible ways, and they all seem to pre-assume all kinds of deep working knowledge of the systems involved; there is no real intro, no newbie sites, no in-depth FAQs. Did I forget to mention...?
  • In an interview with The Wall Street Journal on Sunday, Jawad Fairooz, a senior lawmaker with Al Wefaq, stressed that despite what he called a "dramatic" crackdown by government forces against peaceful protesters, negotiations could begin as soon as foreign troops left Bahrain and the country's own military was pulled from the streets. Violent Putdowns Intensify Dilemma in Region
  • The FAQ s for the list contain information for all lacemakers.
  • Unfortunately, the self-denial of President Asif Zardari, Prime Minister Yousef Gilani, and Chief of Army Staff Ashfaq Kayani runs so deep that they don't realize how precarious their position is. Neetu Mahil: Waking Up to the Awakening
  • While the industry may face some challenges in generating a major grassroots campaign demanding a Canadian DMCA, more important is their planned Copyright FAQ which unsurprisingly tells only one side of the story. New CRIA bid for Canadian DMCA
  • Now it emerges that there is a strong movement in southern Iraq for the establishment of autonomous Shi'ite provinces as a precursor to introducing vilayet-e-faqih rule by the clergy in the whole country. THE NEWS BLOG
  • Vilayet-i-faquih is the special term promulgated by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini to describe the idea that all of Iranian society is under the permanent stewardship (sometimes rendered as guardianship) of the mullahs. 'A Call to Prayer From the Rubble of the WTC'
  • On a normal day somewhere between thirty and a hundred messages come in on the FAQ line.
  • I think the king's grief carried away some of his reason – it sometimes happens so, you know – for when Hari sent him a faqir to tell him that the gods had punished him for being so happy and foretasting heaven on earth, and that he must atone by becoming a Sadhu himself, he objected not, but listened calmly and obeyed. Love and Life Behind the Purdah
  • Spec. new @faq = @user. faq | | = Faq. new @blog = @user. blog | | = Blog. new end The blog management page itself is simple. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The alfaqui was an African necromancer, and by his infernal arts cast a spell upon me — to guard his treasures. Washington Irving

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