
How To Use Fantasy In A Sentence

  • It is by these special touches that the author infuses the books with the spirit of humanity, without which a fantasy becomes an empty fancy.
  • There are only a couple of days left in Graeme's Fantasy Book Review's Giveaway for one of three copies of Orson Scott Card's new release, Hidden Empire. Book Contest Links ... more than a few
  • Some self-absorbed children play elaborate fantasy games by themselves, and one can admire their creativity and imagination.
  • He had 112 helpers, many of whom had worked on some of the best fantasy movies of the past decade. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was also the heyday of the "capriccio," or architectural and landscape fantasy, established by Marco Ricci and developed by Canaletto and Tiepolo. NYT > Home Page
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  • Marie has an active fantasy life, and the imaginings of the specter of her husband seem to be just the start of her mind's wandering.
  • You know how sometimes SF/Fantasy is referred to as "speculative fiction", in an attempt to encompass all types of non-realistic fiction, and also to avoid the stigma of genrefication?
  • The film starts off realistically and then develops into a ridiculous fantasy.
  • The ambiguity inherent in that fantasy of unpinning suggests not only the male desire, but also the very real potential of a female "wildness" that desires release.
  • The crime is manifestly a fiction, a movie-inspired fantasy.
  • Stay to the hearer of is an enjoy of fantasy sort.
  • It was fabulous, gorgeous in its excess, the ultimate realization of some untrammeled private fantasy.
  • Compared to say, high fantasy, it is actully pretty hard to find good (or any) material in steampunk (and other smaller genres). Genre dilettante «
  • Now, when you use the term fantasy, is this something you were doing for your personal pleasure? CNN Transcript Jun 27, 2005
  • For men, it holds out the fantasy that babes are attracted to geeky men who really, really care about what they think.
  • Rebecca "brings the vitality of herself -- her offhand sense of her own consequence"; Mizzy "feels like a fantasy he's having, his own dream of self, made manifest to others"; Peter exhibits an artist whose video installations show ordinary citizens in repeated commonplace actions, but these figures "do, of course, each of them, carry within them a jewel of self, not just the wounds and the hopes but an innerness. Alan Hollinghurst On Michael Cunningham
  • She remains anonymous throughout, unable to answer, allowing Marlowe to continue to revel in his fantasy.
  • Again, this doesn't actually distinguish fantasy from any other (Romantic and excusatory) commercial genre, but that's not the point here. The Aesthetics of Fat
  • I am pretty sure 95\% of the commenters on this site have never even talked to a girl, which is why a bullfrog is their fantasy date - they never actually have to talk to him or let him see how socially inept they all are. (Sofia News Agency)
  • But it had me utterly involved from the very start, and that's down to the mind-bogglingly superb animation that, for me, had a human and psychologically acute element to add to the expected dimension of hallucinatory fantasy.
  • He would just curl up in a fetal position in the tour bus and talk to fantasy friends that lived inside of his head.
  • Too many clubs seem to be spending ridiculous amounts based on projected incomes which are not just unrealistic but beyond the realms of fantasy.
  • We've become a kind of fantasy land for advanced skiers and boarders. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mews your name, life's heart consonance Splendor Fantasy!
  • Another storyteller in the SF and fantasy realm whom I really admire is Orson Scott Card -- both for the Ender and the Seventh Son series. It Ain't the Meat
  • Though I’d argue that what you term stylistic urban fantasy also offers a wider range of protagonists than the stereotypical straight white “can-do” male. The new urban fantasy. Same as the old urban fantasy?
  • In the actual breaking-up moment, the dissolving of what could have been a perfect partnership in fantasyland does hurt. The Lo-Down
  • Her mental condition slowly deteriorates with her growing dependence on a fantasy she is unable to control.
  • But Amber, that egg-shootin skants-asy supposed to rhyme with fantasy will be with me for the rest of my life. Regretsy – Skants Fever
  • Burroughs really sits between SF and fantasy (with a touch of proto-superhero in Tarzan), and Moorcock is its own blend of sci-fantasy. Quote of the Day
  • It was sheer fantasy, sheer escapism.
  • Writer, publisher, mother of two incipient adults, slave of cats: Barbara Friend Ish is the publisher of Mercury Retrograde Press, which publishes fantasy, science fiction, and interstitial works. MIND MELD: The Best Genre Crossovers
  • Frustrated by his lack of social acceptance he retreats into a world of fantasy and self-delusion ... with tragic results.
  • Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Dr. Seuss 
  • Their fantasy of Englishness did not include the literary Bengali babu, for whom they felt contempt and distrust.
  • The result is a pixilated bubble, a circular space for both transit and fantasy.
  • The enthusiasts' tactics include presenting science as theatre, magic tricks and fantasy.
  • He could tell the difference between reality and fantasy Language, under-standing, and logic were well developed.
  • After seven years as a very part-time adjunct, I'm still amused by how irked my students are by all the things I don't know, examples of which have included medieval embroidery, Celtic languages, metallurgy, neopaganism, Scottish history, regional developments in medieval agriculture, and the 40 most recent fantasy novels about Arthur and Guenevere. Beowulf Hobbyists of the World, Unite!
  • Jonathan Evans, who teaches biology at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee, says the industry needs to quit pushing the fantasy that replacing all these trees with loblolly is ‘reforestation.’
  • Planned events include a fantasy role-playing war games day, an Easter egg hunt and motorcycle display.
  • Reading about the fuggy alcoholic blurs always so lucidly expressed of experiences with the literary and intellectual luminaries of his day, one might wonder whether Hitchens is the dreamer or the dreamed, the purveyor of an intellectual fantasy or the product of other peoples' ideas. Ashley Rindsberg: On Hitchens
  • I would suggest that this cultural fantasy is the symptom of one model for male creativity - the desire to disavow woman's essential Lack by fetishizing an ordinary object.
  • Humans are also preoccupied by fantasy & fiction of all types, even especially? knowing that it is *fiction*, we do not have to hypothesize a platonic realm to explain that... Free Will and Behavioral Genetics, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The romantic fantasy world that she had entered when she left the train with Ludo was dissolving in the light of reality.
  • And carrots which looked like impacted wisdom teeth crossed with a fantasy of Edgar Allan Poe's.
  • Using the right hand to touch the string gently through the fingers,the trace of lubrication,with my flying fantasy.
  • The quality of graphics in Death Watch is breathtaking and adds greatly to the atmosphere of fantasy and adventure.
  • Just this wonderful fantasy of grabbing on to toy balloons and floating into open space. Times, Sunday Times
  • The real monster in them, he said later, is the amused narrator, ‘the young foreigner who passed gaily through these scenes of desolation, misinterpreting them to suit his childish fantasy’.
  • The dart at her window speaks of no twisted fantasy.
  • Then, somewhat more alarmingly, there is the hunger for a voluntarist transcendence of the limitations of history, the fantasy of escaping from the inextricable complications and complexities of the past into some pure state of agency.
  • It goes without saying that more than a few of these works have been reprinted in anthologies such as Jonathan Strahan's The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year and several editions of Gardner Dozois's The Year's Best Science Fiction. August 2009
  • The fiction section contained subsections of fantasy, science fiction, teen fiction, and so on.
  • Written for Charles Munch and the Boston Symphony Orchestra, Die Natali is a fantasy on Christmas carols.
  • As a child, she frequently withdrew into her own fantasy world.
  • “The Fiddler of Bayou Teche” by Delia Sherman is Southern fantasy with a tenebrous twist. Books in 2009, #12
  • At the end of the speech he seemed to be moving into the realms of fantasy.
  • Exercise companies use this new ideal to sell products the way diet companies always have, promising a fantasy body.
  • That enterprise led to what I thought was a particularly repellent burst of American / European chauvinism - a fantasy that there was nothing there before the Europeans arrived.
  • Fantasy and reality have always intermingled in Lancaster's works.
  • The non-intellectual wing of the Christian Right Community has committed a sacrilege and blasphemy, (to say nothing of the secular crime of high treason), because they have accepted the fiction of a cynical team of writers, who depict the god they describe as a homicidal, Demonic, maniac, and touted these despicable properties as "holiness," and used that as an excuse to support and urge the slaughter of their chosen Muslim fantasy enemies. THE SHAMELESS END-DAYS FICTIONAL REPLACEMENT FOR REVELATION.
  • The film is more of an ironic fantasy than a horror story.
  • In other words, aggressive fantasy may suggest or stimulate aggressive behaviour, rather than drain off the motive to behave aggressively.
  • It sounds the stuff of dreams: a postapocalyptic vision, perhaps, or the ultimate eco-fantasy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because of this, the impetus to engage in violent fantasy, even of those whom we most righteously despise, is not something to be encouraged. Movie Reviews: Whiteout the Inglourious Lying | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • A federal jury found the so-called DC madam guilty of running a high-end prostitution ring. Deborah Palfrey said her now- defunct business was an "erotic fantasy service".
  • In the fantasy world of 007, the technology seemed limitless.
  • The romantic urban fantasy story line is fast-paced from the onset and never slows down once Karatos begins his assault on his turf on the lead couple. Before I Wake-Kathryn Smith « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • The artwork on the site gives the game world a decidedly fantasy flair, but also with what could be steampunk elements.
  • Religion, politics, personal and social morality and fantasy are all media in which he regularly operates.
  • Tom is the gay counterpart, resisting her overactive libido on a daily basis, while simultaneously living in a fantasy world of luvviedom.
  • The temptation is enormous to escape into fantasy, or close our eyes and pretend nothing has changed.
  • Both have entertained, amused and mirrored life and the fantasy of life for millions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its new "pregame" caters to fantasy-league players.
  • The musical interlude that followed was a lovely performance by Vogt and Meyer playing Schumann (Three fantasy pieces for piano and clarinet).
  • There must have been pages upon pages of typewriter paper filled with romance, horror, fantasy and tales of the strange.
  • They argued that the lupine fantasy could be seen as a fundamental challenge to Western notions of subjectivity.
  • Inattention is both opposed to a discriminate subject/object relationship, and is, at the same time, the realization of a fantasy of indiscrimination.
  • Anyone who imagines a perfect bureaucracy really is living in a world of fantasy.
  • And then he proceeds to fill them with all kinds of fey things, and blends ‘reality’ with ‘fantasy’ until no one knows which way is up anymore.
  • She invents fantasy lives for her own vicarious pleasure.
  • Artist-film-maker Miranda July's wide-eyed kooky persona has never been more painfully self-regarding than it is in her drivelsome relationship break-up fantasy The Future. Berlin film festival – review
  • The Scoop: Almost 30 years after the first fantasy film, Perseus, mortal son of Greek god Zeus, is back to take on Medusa and the Kraken to stop their evil from spreading to earth and the heavens.
  • Its realism is a bit stodgy; its flights into fantasy are familiar. Times, Sunday Times
  • From hard-edge science fiction to high-flown fantasy, comic books to film noir, high culture to sub-culture… we sink our teeth into it all!
  • Barry redressed the building, added tower elements and slathered the whole thing with a thick icing of period detail, and voila: The earls of Carnarvon had a house that suggested a long pedigree and hearkened back to the fantasy days of Good Queen Bess. A Victorian fantasy, in stone
  • It's funny how all the sci-fi and fantasy posts combined could not equal the geekiness on display in this one post.
  • Then the doors slide open, and a straw-hatted barker who looks like he's just stepped out of the 19th century greets you and ushers you into a Coca-Cola fantasyland.
  • I'm a blond bimbo girl, in the fantasy world.
  • The fantasy and dream scenes are effective. Times, Sunday Times
  • Children use fantasy to explore worrying aspects of real life.
  • That's either big news or the fluffiest fantasy of all. Times, Sunday Times
  • Glad you've enjoyed your stint in fantasyland, my friend, but it's time to take a step into the real world. August 2007
  • A further refinement is the fantasy sequence within an otherwise realistic context.
  • Using the right hand to touch the string gently through the fingers,the trace of lubrication,with my flying fantasy.
  • The problem is that growing numbers are not treating this as entertainment and finding it impossible to divorce fantasy from reality. Times, Sunday Times
  • One might characterize this as the microcosmically ideal Ballard fantasy, in that it partakes of the surreal — the “Gulliver” being represented as a huge flesh statue based on the work of Praxiteles — as well as of the Freudian: “as if the mutilation of this motionless colossus had released a sudden flood of repressed spite.” The Catastrophist
  • Did this man whose entire life has been spent as an office worker in dull and colorless businesses in rural Pennsylvania just suddenly have a Walter Mitty fantasy that happened to come true?
  • This is why, when the fantasy turns out to be science fiction in disguise, I tend to like that a lot more. SF Fanatic: I Am Not A Fan Of Fantasy, Here's Why
  • She has formed a fantasy that he will be what no one she now knows approaches-a suitable match for herself.
  • The look was schoolmarm prissy, but sexy and was every grown up boy's fantasy of a saucy school mistress or strict female dominant leader like Margaret Thatcher.
  • Life in a setting of such spectacular natural and man-made beauty, with rooms that come and go as one pleases, seems an impossible fantasy.
  • Just as much of today's horror fiction is vampire-driven, one major branch of modern fantasy -- in novels, "cosplay" (costume play), gaming and comics -- is obsessed with an alternate 19th century, one in which the inventions and mad scientists of Jules Verne, the tweedy science fiction of H.G. Wells and the gaslight romances of Arthur Conan Doyle have been mixed and remixed. "The Strange Affair of Spring Heeled Jack," steampunk by Mark Hodder
  • See, the neat thing about stories, I think, especially fantasy stories where the archetypal aspect of the characters and the actions partake of the mythic, is that the rules of drama can fuck over any allegory. Thoughts on Narnia
  • The fantasy of the undecorated house is Tuesday morning as it is actually lived, not as we would like other people to imagine it; it is the idea of energy, of chaos, of motion, of mess well, mess within very circumscribed and aesthetically pleasing limits: children lying in a pile of books, artfully unmade beds, one piece of clothing strewn across a couch. The Rise of the Personal
  • She drew and colored a picture of a strange door that was half way opened with a remarkable fantasyland behind it.
  • The fantasy has now become a reality after a Californian research team released a video demoing the futuristic vehicle.
  • Mr. Murphy: Does not the so-called initiative for our valleys involve more fantasy than reality?
  • No more hiding behind complicated accounting fantasy language, no more obfuscating the reality of what misdeeds were going down in the name of business at her company, she wanted the real, plain, unvarnished truth recounted.
  • Falling in love the first time is all froth and fantasy.
  • We've created the ultimate - a fantasy composite of our favorite terminal amenities from around the world.
  • In Rousseau's novel fainting is part of the construction of the figure of the woman of feeling as an object of male fantasy, which construction makes Julie either physically or mentally absent from almost all intense moments of sexual intimacy. Ildiko Csengei
  • The melody flows or soars like the song of a bird, because it is the free expression, not of musical fantasy, as such (the unconscious play of tonal fancy), but the flow of _melody_, _song_, the soaring of spirit in some one particular direction, floating upon buoyant pinions, and in directions well conceived and sure. A Popular History of the Art of Music From the Earliest Times Until the Present
  • The idea that the intervention was intended to halt mass expulsions and genocide has always been a convenient fantasy.
  • It could be argued that this apocalyptic novel is a ghost story, science fiction, transcendental cult fiction, anti-military agitprop or new-age fantasy - it is all of these and more.
  • This is an untenable position to take and is fantasy politics.
  • We saw pictures of dollhouses and all their miniature contents in the catalogs, but that was a fantasy world for us.
  • There was no real barrier between reality and fantasy in his mind.
  • This must be particularly pleasing for Glass as he's wanted to put Peake's fantasy trilogy on stage for some time.
  • This time, he had posted several titles of fantasy books on the chalkboard, and then let us imperviously vote.
  • There's no doubt that our fantasy world can be very juicy and seductive.
  • So does the heist film Ocean's Eleven and the fantasy trilogy, The Lord of the Rings.
  • Most people would allow, though, that bloodthirsty material could be a catalyst in rare cases where very damaged children are exposed to an overload of vicious fantasy.
  • Ever since the late Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa, or death sentence, against Rushdie for what some Muslims called the blasphemies in his fantasy-filled novel "The Satanic Verses," Rushdie has been in hiding under the protection of Britain's security police. The Stories Never Stop
  • Film titles, like Andy Kaufman's record, jerking backwards and forwards awkwardly, move between fact and fantasy, real and imagined worlds.
  • Modern academics see lycanthropy as a fantasy which reveals fundamental aspects of modern personality.
  • Half the fun is working out where bizarre reality parts from realistic fantasy!
  • One imagines a “therapy site” where enthusiasts for sex with children are encouraged to post their fantasies, on the hypothesis that fantasy expression gratifies the desire sufficiently to ward off any real-world experiments. The Volokh Conspiracy » Obscenity Conviction for Adult-to-Adult Noncommercial E-mail About (Fantasy) Sex With Children:
  • His naturalism shades over to obscure fantasy.
  • The latest Jacques Brossard was awarded on May 10 to Joël Champetier for his fantasy novel Le Voleur des steppes. Science Fiction Awards Watch » Blog Archive » Prix Boréal
  • Responses to "What are good fantasy books to read for fun?" pendragon, dj machale - ten book series, its amazing, a boy that finds new worlds and must save them from the evil guy, lol, (saint dane), he is called a "traveler" and works together with the few other travelers to win and save the universe aka halla. Master Site Feed
  • I had one reader who told me he was reading it outside one day when a ned came up to him -- "ned" being Scots for ... um ... think as disenfranchised as you can get -- the juvenile delinquents from our equivalent of the projects, shell-suited gangs into Buckfast and hard drugs, petty theft and hassling strangers, the type of person that is to your average SF/Fantasy reader as a hyena is to a gazelle. More Aesthetics
  • Titania is a creature of the subconscious, the world of fantasy.
  • He is also a difficult writer to define, ranging from fantasy to science fiction and essays.
  • Only fantasy and action, can never realize the joy of harvest.
  • Lud-in-the-Mist was one of my very first fantasy books read it years ago when I was but a sprat and nothing has ever quite come up to that standard. June & July Short Book Reviews
  • What if we also consider that fantasy greatly outsells sf (and by your broader definition that would presumably include YA, horror, and alternative history, stupendously outsells it)? Why Science Fiction Authors Can't Win
  • The answer to this question is perhaps less academic for me than most, insomuch as my alter ego is a college professor and I teach an introduction to science fiction and fantasy literature class fairly regularly. MIND MELD: Speculative Fiction Books That Should Be Assigned in School
  • That axiom is also true in fantasy baseball, where managing a pitching staff down the stretch is often the key to winning a championship because major league teams often don't have the same agendas for their pitchers as fantasy owners do. Keep eye on starters' workloads heading down the stretch
  • This problem is even more pronounced in epic fantasy were the barbarian hero can't swing a two-handed broadsword without hitting an ancient prophecy, a royal heir in hiding, orcs, elves or an epic quest to complete. SF Fanatic: I Am Not A Fan Of Fantasy, Here's Why
  • The play was a surreal mix of fact and fantasy.
  • There's so much fantasy and baloney being spread at the present time.
  • I did a Q&A for a German blog recently and was asked, among other things, why fantasy is so often written in trilogies. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Three, and Other Musings
  • Encouraged by politicians, many adults indulge the infantile fantasy that the Government can bestow gifts on us while imposing costs on no one. Times, Sunday Times
  • A once popular seafront fantasy park is to reopen to the public this summer - as tropical gardens.
  • Another point getting hashed out over at TEV is what makes something YA (or fantasy or fill in your genre or format.) Archive 2006-08-01
  • Not that there's anything much at stake in all of this, for he isn't a realist, and the same-sex dalliances he discloses are pure Hollywood fantasy.
  • Preschool children are not ye fully able to distinguish fantasy from reality.
  • The effect of multihued monsters as high as hotels, trimmed with fantasy, is electrifying. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is particularly suited to fantasy cakes as it is easy to use and provides a soft, smooth surface.
  • This fantasy, like its polar opposite, is an attempt at empowerment. Trauma and Recovery
  • The plays require neither plot structure nor plausible dénouement to produce the recurring fantasy of woman's life in the absence of men.
  • If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities. Maya Angelou 
  • As long as he believes you're on his side while he acts out his fantasy, he won't harm you.
  • In other words, aggressive fantasy may suggest or stimulate aggressive behaviour, rather than drain off the motive to behave aggressively.
  • The fantasy is unfolding almost invisibly in Prakash Talkies, a decrepit theater with shocking pistachio green walls.
  • We've become a kind of fantasy land for advanced skiers and boarders. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tracy Quan, author of Diary of a Jetsetting Call Girl, and a member of Prostitutes of New York, said: People outside the industry fantasise about prostitution, and their fantasy includes freedom from normal responsibilities. Nevada’s Failed $5 Tax on Prostitution « Bound, Not Gagged
  • This film blurs the line/distinction/boundary between reality and fantasy.
  • It has a wonderful atmosphere about it, with larger-than-life characters and a slightly unreal, fantasy feel.
  • Only fantasy and action, can never realize the joy of harvest.
  • Deprived of a stable relationship with either parent, she lived in a fantasy world with dreams of financial and social success.
  • What does an actor think about when creating the fantasy of a journey into the belly of a beast?
  • Thanks, jonquil! ktempest has a highly interesting post up about Realms of Fantasy and boobs. Dreamwidth and Realms
  • The movie is a sly comic romp that transforms the realities of rock and roll into a fantasy farce about joy, fame, and isolation.
  • Born in a time of social/political crisis, the wuxia film reflects a nationalist nostalgia/fantasy for a China that never was.
  • Memories can sometimes be pure fantasy, rather than actual recollections.
  • Omnipotent fantasy may also dissolve a variety of conceptual boundaries that obstruct intimacy by eliding them with the dissolving boundary between pain and pleasure-boundaries of temporality, gender, or generation, for instance.
  • The fantasy and dream scenes are effective. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ludwig's show-biz success has always prompted people to ask why he hasn't moved to New York, but the more interesting question may be why someone who saw himself as a playwright from the age of 6 never saw himself living the fantasy Manhattan penthouse life. Ken Ludwig returns to Signature Theatre with golf farce 'A Fox in the Fairway'
  • But, since she was dealing with fantasy, that locale isn't set in concrete: Prince Charming, or whatever we might call the rescuer of the play's maiden-in-distress, springs to her temporary rescue as a leaping, kilted Scot, sparkling with giddiness and glee, and his nearby home seems to be a castle. Leo Stutzin: 'Wild Bride' At The Berkeley Rep: Serious Enchantment
  • Moskin is obsessed with the idea of cheese, admitting her fantasy macaroni is "nothing more than tender elbows of pasta suspended in pure molten cheddar, with a chewy, golden-brown crust of cheese on top. How to cook perfect macaroni cheese
  • It's easy to dismiss Peake's visual output as indulgent gothic fantasy; and indeed his images set the tone for so many subsequent cliches of the genre: the emaciated pallor of his somnambulistic protagonists, the obsessive detailing and filigree patterning of his graphic mannerisms, the too easy reliance on grotesque distortions. This week's new exhibitions
  • Spiel des Jahres Winner , Special Award for Fantasy Game.
  • A quibble about your WiR framing: I think that the two functional definitions of WiR are where a female character is killed and/or depowered, thereby taking her out of the power fantasy sandbox for writers to play with and readers to enjoy, and/or as you pointed out, harming a female to get a reaction from a male _character_. Question About New Avengers #35 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • No. And then I started to have fruit and then there was this one fantasy I've been having the whole time which was a lox and cream cheese bagel.
  • And rightly have they named the experience Xanadu, the mythical land where the wildest fantasy comes true.
  • His endorsement fanned my flickering fantasy into a burning desire. Christianity Today
  • Clever use of perspective makes the scene appear much bigger than it actually is, and reinforces the fantasy element of the play by delineating the space between the actors and the audience.
  • From a critical view I recognise the utility in Clute's closed definition, the problems of indistinction and overload that emerge when we throw the term fantasy about with little specificity. A Follow Up
  • In the end, the reversal of fantasy and reality propels the narrative mystery of Mulholland Drive, and sustains the central character's obsessive - but gratifying - worldview.
  • Some self-absorbed children play elaborate fantasy games by themselves, and one can admire their creativity and imagination.
  • It's a fantasy film about an alien planet. Christianity Today
  • I have my fingers crossed that this series will continue to gain momentum and press as it has the potential to become one great big fantastic pun intended epic fantasy. Quick Take: Dragonfly Falling by Adrian Tchaikovsky
  • Such anxieties are still informed by nineteenth-century pseudo-scientific genetic and biological explanations of racial difference and comprise distortion, fantasy and myth.
  • Steve's favourite fantasy was to own a big house and a flashy car.
  • The point of the near-constant dispensation of lies, half-truths and irrelevancies is to create an atmosphere in which it becomes almost impossible to distinguish honesty from deception, fact from fantasy.
  • I plan on running a mailbag each day, so feel free to send me any and all playoff questions that you have for your fantasy teams.
  • She remains anonymous throughout, unable to answer, allowing Marlowe to continue to revel in his fantasy.
  • The idea belonged in the realms of fantasy.
  • I find there are too many negative connotations to genre writing, especially to the ever-so-popular science fiction / fantasy.
  • The pull of a mystery that needs to be solved, or of an unseen and looming threat that needs to be thwarted is alluring for many readers, and for me, combining that with either an epic, urban or alternative fantasy setting is better than ice cream and cake. MIND MELD: What's Your Favorite Sub-Genre of Science Fiction and/or Fantasy?
  • What I think we have here, at the heart of slipstream, is a folding through of the strange and the mundane, a radical interpenetration (far more radical than that of intrusion fantasy), one that leads to the deep instability and uncertainty of an infused realm, offered as an estranged postmodern view of the world -- infusion as confusion. Archive 2008-08-01
  • Such anxieties are still informed by nineteenth-century pseudo-scientific genetic and biological explanations of racial difference and comprise distortion, fantasy and myth.
  • Half the fun is working out where bizarre reality parts from realistic fantasy!
  • (In any film about solidarity, lingerie is the shorthand for emergency sluthood.) "You have your fancy gardens and your nice houses," Crystal says, and proceeds to chip away at Mary's fantasy of marital bliss. The New Yorker
  • The blazon is followed by a first-person report of a fantasy Commentary on "The Country Girl" by William Wordsworth
  • Psychologists who have studied the phenomenon describe a condition called pseudologia fantastica: the blurring of fact and fantasy so thoroughly that the imposter almost convinces himself that he is a war hero. Bill Burke 12/2001
  • But because the Gauleiter of 9/11 is so desperate to maintain his Man o 'Action pose, he's simply transforming fantasy into reality -- and a thin reality at that. Dropping Fast In Polls, Rudy Unveils New Campaign Tack: Call For More War

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