How To Use Fantast In A Sentence
The receipts from his shows have long since moved from the realms of the fantastic into those of the ludicrous.
There are some fantastic pubs and inns nearby but you should take advantage of the welcome pack you receive on arrival.
The Sun
Kij: Nice to see Dream-Quest receive such prominence with that fantastic Gervasio Gallardo cover, inseparable from the contents thanks to childhood associations very similar to yours.
MIND MELD: Books That Hold Special Places in Our Hearts and On Our Shelves
Selles segaduses on ometi ka Eestis välja kujunenud seltskond inimesi, kes vaatavad kogu seda tohuvabohu, mis puhkimisi termini «fantastiline fiktsioon» alla mahub, kriitilise pilguga.
Katsed nimetada saart: Konverents Eesti fantastikakriitika hetkeseisust
The people were fantastically welcoming and the atmosphere in both cities seemed relaxed.
The Sun

These fantastic recipes are sure to set your bonfire party off with a bang.
The Sun
The result is a totally incoherent agglomeration of speech-forms -- a baragouin fantastic and unintelligible beyond the power of anyone to imagine who has not heard it ....
Two Years in the French West Indies
This is a fantastically good-looking car in the metal, especially when painted in the lurid shade of orange this model is sporting.
Times, Sunday Times
First, I have great faith that any movie with Captain Mal (erm, Nathan Fillion) will be fantastic. honestly, I think the best book-to-movie translations are those where the moviemaker is not trying to recreate the book onscreen.
They're (Not) Gonna Put Me In the Movies
For example, last year our wildlife department verified natural reproduction in both rainbows and browns in the Lower Mountain Fork river, which is a fantastic year-round tailrace fishery in SE Oklahoma.
Hatchery Fish: The Weakest Link
Our school is still fantastic inside but from the outside, with its boarded up windows, it appears gloomy, horrible and derelict.
Though best-known for his fantastic novel " Lanark, " Mr. Gray worked for many years as a portraitist, and provides a typically distinctive and opinionated account of his life, times and acquaintances in words and pictures.
Books to Furnish a Coffee Table
The music is fantastic and songs from all genres are covered.
The Sun
The sense of freedom was absolutely fantastic.
The two lines run through the composition, sometimes parallel, sometimes intertwining, with the second one eventually taking over and ultimately finding its closure in a lush, animalic, fantastically sexy, nocturnal base of amber, musk, civet, patchouli and castoreum.
Forgotten Chypres: 7e Sense by Sonya Rykiel and Gianni Versace
I would love to be the person who saw the otters "gambolling in the snow" because that would be a fantastic sight.
Country diary: Yeo Valley, Somerset
With a romantic flourish, he produces a presentation box, he gently eases it open and shows his amour some fantastically expensive ring.
If you are lucky enough to get a true wild turkey, the flavor match with the mole sauce is fantastic.
A pig-farmer in Lethbridge has invented a pill, derived from pigfeed, that is fantastically effective in fighting clinical depression without nasty side-effects.
Boing Boing: December 16, 2001 - December 22, 2001 Archives
The villa is a former flax mill with a fantastic vantage point overlooking the town's medieval castle.
Times, Sunday Times
I don't rate myself as a fantastic, talented athlete. I just have perseverance. I'm a cart horse. I work hard.
Beyond simply looking fantastic the wildly stylized world of the film is an obvious reminder not to take things too literally.
Amusing, instantly likable, and whip-smart, he's in possession of a life so unconventional and fantastical, it's more twisted than fiction.
We had a fantastic lasagna (cooked by Ben), garlic bread with cheese or without, a Caesar salad, and some wine.
We wish to extend our sincere thanks to everyone who helped us in any way to achieve this fantastic amount.
He drew fantastic animals with two heads and large wings.
But when it gets chilly, the island's a fantastic place to stock up on hand-knit Aran sweaters.
Another factor discussed in the post I just linked to is that people differ in how responsive they are to elements which are nonrealistic, fantastic, speculative, supernatural, etc.
Archive 2009-03-15
The magazine noted that 'nobody paints a moving picture as fantastically' as this writer-director.
the bomb did fantastic damage
We had a fantastic morning of special projects and a movie... with one small glitch between the project and the movie* everyone has been in a great mood, having fun and well behaved if kids are happy they behave -- did you all know that?
Hip Hip Hooray and Sniff Sniff
The dream world is supposed to house escape, and yet the troubles and torments of the real world constantly find there way into the fantastical mix.
Just the chance to transcribe the manuscripts was the most fantastic luck, the greatest thing that's ever happened to me.
All her images of a tiny waif locked in the attic seemed suddenly foolish and fantastic.
And this impression is greatly helped by the fantastical finery of his dress: sky-blue satin cravat, yards of gold chain, white French gloves, light drab great-coat lined with velvet of the same colour, invisible inexpressibles, skin-coloured and fitting like a glove, etc., etc.
New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
It's a fantastic place, really beautiful!
In other words, this is your typical Pinkwater novel: screamingly funny, unbelievably weird, and fantastically awesome.
Boing Boing
now I'm really fantastic at drawing this mechanical device, but you can imagine that dropping a weight can cause a paddle wheel to turn.
This represents fantastic progress in combating the disease which destroys so many lives.
The Sun
It was fantastic, my lip would curl up and my knee would go wobbly and I'd sing Blue Suede Shoes.
Always enjoyable, Timothy Spall is fantastically weasel-like as the unmasked Peter Pettigrew, every bit as loathsome as can be expected.
Due to its rarity and unique coloring, the python now commands fantastic prices.
The lightness of heart which had dressed them in masquerade habits, had decorated their tents, and assembled them in fantastic groups, appeared a sin against, and a provocative to, the awful destiny that had laid its palsying hand upon hope and life.
They have done some fantastic science, and they have a publication record that would be the envy of many large research institutes.
Times, Sunday Times
And the care these young folk give us is fantastic.
Although extensive (and presumably fantastically expensive), the excavations revealed a story of only local interest, with Medieval and later expansion by Kingston upon Thames via a series of revetments into the river.
He was particularly pleased because of Dave being his friend and the playoff was absolutely fantastic.
He brings a joy and an ebullience to his work which is a fantastic morale booster for the cast.
Extending it out to 30 or even 50 or so light years which would then include nearest giants, Pollux - & its exoplanet "Polydeuces" (34 ly) Capella (42 ly)plus other sun-like F & G type dwarfs would be fantastic.
32 Nearby Stars
Cutties are being added to the fantastic game of cricket.
It modernized and industrialized at a fantastic rate, and agricultural production doubled between 1945 and 1974.
Remind yourself that the right filter can be fantastically flattering, and she probably doesn't look that good in real life.
Times, Sunday Times
Grint's got fantastic comic timing and knows exactly how far to take it, often stealing a scene with nothing more than a look.
Making them also uses a fantastic amount of water, far more than is used washing re-usable ones.
I should get busy 'dyeing' - your results are fantastic!!
A picture heavy Monday
Meanwhile at the top, those wonderful universities that pay such fantastic salaries to their academics, are producing a new class of rich who are becoming self-perpetuating.
I showed you last day what happens when they form and we were able to electrolyze and make fantastic metals like magnesium.
In the past India has been portrayed as a country steeped in history with fantastic archeological monuments and elephants and camels and so on.
Times, Sunday Times
It will be fantastic for the young kids in Keighley to see a local boy playing in rugby league's showpiece.
Buffett makes his decisions on the basis of fundamental analysis and a fantastic gut feel.
Three motives animate them all: loyalty to the king, devotion to the cross, and the _pundonor_: that sensitive personal honour -- the "Castilian pride" of "Hernani," -- which sometimes ran into fantastic excess.
A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century
With a chill vibe and harmonious R&B crooning, it's more than a little reminiscent of Fantastic's "Players".
Newly enrolled members of the Fantastic Flyer program also receive special discounts, coupons and other benefits during the year.
The bas-reliefs on this low screen are groups of peacocks and lions, two face to face on each panel, rich and fantastic beyond description, though not expressive of very accurate knowledge either of leonine or pavonine forms.
Stones of Venice [introductions]
Their best ideas were all nicked, but sharp songwriting and a fantastic image elevated them beyond mere copyists.
It allows me to take advantage of travel time, time spent waiting in lobbies, and most recently time spent on jury duty, to blast through some fantastic books and escape from some of the more mundane times in one's life.
What's Your Favorite Bookstore?
When she was with Lowell she was on a pedestal - she couldn't even swear - but his love-making was fantastic.
Val Pinder who has been away for some months due to illness achieves a fantastic level of sales and came in fourth.
I highly recomend it, and Jnr was fantastic in it.
Guy Ritchie Drops LOBO and Picks Up SHERLOCK HOLMES 2 –
This is valuable, and a fantastic achievement considering the technological hurdles that optical interferometers face.
Archive 2009-02-25
See the gallery below for 30+ examples of the H.V. fantasticism train.
World Famous Design Junkies » 2009 » December
We have done fantastic amounts of work to make sure we have fantastic pricing.
Times, Sunday Times
We loved it - absolutely fantastic for chilling out with friends.
They make fantastically successful pop stars, soul divas and sensitive singer-songwriters.
Where colonial children had pious primers " In Adam ' s fall, we sinned all " , today ' s children have a fantastic variety of abecedarian books.
After Uplift, Ka-Chow!
Rooney's poor performances in the World Cup led to him being barracked by the Chelsea fans and Ferguson said: "Allgood players get booed these days, but it was a fantastic goal – the making ofitwas superb, and Antonio really couldn't miss.
Manchester United grab first prize and eye Mesut Ozil
I have been witness to efforts by some in the Middle East to twist and distort comments made by American policymakers, Israeli leaders, and others in order to reify their fantastic but unreal constructs explaining some international event or accident or decision.
Steve Clemons: Conspiracism American Style: The Daniel Levy Debate
Arthur had made a fantastic "rockery" of skulls and shanks and ribs, and filled it in with earth, enough to furnish growth for trailing nasturtiums, whose bright red and yellow blossoms were strangely at variance with their sombre setting.
The Second Chance
This track has a fantastic brass section and a wonderful bass line.
Times, Sunday Times
The mayor took me out shopping and bought me some fantastic cowboy boots and a cowboy hat.
The Sun
It's a fantastic achievement - and one in the eye for those who have carped and cavilled about the underperformance of Great Britain's competitors in Athens.
The mental faculty through which whims, visions, and fantasies are summoned up; imagination, especially of a whimsical or fantastic nature.
A pull out group with second graders is fantastic -- especially if they're advanced reading second graders.
Day in the Life of an Idiot
Chanterelles are also fantastic in risottos and pasta dishes, and marry well with flat-leaf parsley or tarragon.
The fantastic art by John Romita Jr is often interspliced with very poor transitions and other art that looks like tit was created by someone else.
The Black Panther cartoon
But it was all a salutary reminder of what a fantastic ethos pantomime has.
Times, Sunday Times
It is a fantastic place, with extremely tasty whelks.
The weather was fantastic, and the whole place seemed a thousand miles from home, especially when the steam trains chuffed past.
The bedrooms are just fantastic, particularly the split-level apartments featuring all mod cons and funky decor, while the food and the service are as excellent as we've come to expect from this upmarket chain.
We now have the support of a fantastic group of shareholders who are confident in this business and want to support its growth.
Times, Sunday Times
It's that big juggle that many of my readers know, with my life depending on fantastic nannies.
Who can deny Stephen Lang was one fantastic bad ass however 'cliched' he might have been and I loved Sam Worthington's gentle, subtle style of acting.
Avatar: The Good and The Bad
For example I find myself caught in a fantastic kitchen moment every Friday while preparing a delicious goulash soup to bring to the slopes the following day.
From all reports these guys are fantastic and they will be playing with local funksters Swanky Dee, who are always great for a dance.
In this fable peopled with a fantastic cast of royalty, servants and talking rodents, Despereaux falls in love with a human princess and sets out to save her from danger.
It has gone on reducing the fantastic levels of public sector borrowing requirement that were reached under the last Government.
It was so fantastic being among all those crowds of people, and everyone bundled up in scarves and coats looking all wintery.
The One With A Photo And A Few Other Things
She is truly formidable (in the French sense of the word), rather like one of those fantastic figureheads on a tall ship.
Most Pixar films, even the emotionally-devastating Toy Story 3, went out with G ratings, but Bolt went out with a PG for basically having a (fantastic) curtain-raiser opening action sequence that was quickly revealed to be fake and for a climactic moment of fiery peril for the lead characters.
Scott Mendelson: What Does a Cartoon Have to Do to Get a 'G' These Days?
The former exhausts itself first in fantastic lacertine forms, twisted into the shapes of the commencing letters or words of the writing, to which the suggestion of some Byzantine MS, perhaps occasionally adds a frame.
Illuminated Manuscripts
The ghosts are terrifyingly mean and fantastically cool by monster standards.
But it is fantastic to get this recognition for something I am proud of.
Times, Sunday Times
These hot-swappable gadgets add fantastic new features to the phones - even if some of them are a little overpriced.
The Sun
Not that all fantastic theories are equivalently nonsensical.
It's not a coincidence that I quoted his notions of raciality in fantastical races above.
Ishoo Wun
Margarita, as beautifull as the best: but yet so peevish, scornefull, and fantasticall, that she disdained any good advice given her; neyther could any thing be done, to cause her contentment; which absurd humors were highly displeasing to her husband: but in regard he knew not how to helpe it, constrainedly he did endure it.
The Decameron
The dancers say they find their work empowering, and post-feminists think that's just fantastic.
It was high time, he said, that the artist acquaint himself with the fantastic images of the microscope.
It's taken a while, but my passion flower has really taken hold on my side wall and is now putting out loads of these fantastic blooms.
The attraction of options and futures, our specialty item, was that they offered both liquidity and fantastic leverage.
If you allot your time, you can accomplish fantastic things.
You are witty, have great comic timing and a fantastic accent.
This could be a fantastic win: Instead of having to barcode every single item, the contents of an entire pallet could be identified simply by forklifting it in the door.
As I walked down the corridor towards the pitch my studs made that fantastic sound which studs do on a hard surface.
We gazed in wonderment at the fantastic shape of the small island of Tindholmur as we passed.
Jordan Crane made this giant-sized silkscreen poster from Jaime Hernandez 'fantastic illustration for the cover of Love and Rockets No. 24.
Boing Boing
The entire fantastical creation was crashing about her like a cardboard city in an earthquake.
Written on the boxes is all manner of strange titles, fantastic claims and arcane technical terms.
While concretised metaphors may be written into the strange fiction of novae, errata and chimerae, and this sort of fantastication therefore quite familiar, the pataphor is noticeably distinct in the fact that it concretises the metaphor, in this example, as it occurs, violating convention in the most fundamental way, rendering the whole narrative as unpredictable and metamorphic as a dream.
Notes on Strange Fiction: The Pataphysical Quirk
He probably also designs those fantastically expensive suits and clothes as well, doodling them down on the backs of team sheets during langours in play.
What a fantastic goal!
It feels fantastic on the road at any speed and generates an impressive 0.9 g's on a skidpad on Michelin ZP high-performance run-flat tires.
Wet your brush before applying eyeshadow - it'll glide on like paint and give you a fantastic bold finish.
The Sun
Why are we offering you the chance of such a fantastic windfall?
 Submerged in subtext, The White Ribbon is a fantastic film that offers no easy answers and a future both inescapable and inexplicable.
It is fantastic that we can use this technology through our existing infrastructure with minimal cost and effort.
Most fantastic and, as it proved, most disastrous of all the follies of Versailles, was the creation of the free city of Danzig and what was called the Polish Corridor.
The Shape of Things to Come
if you like cache and lemming, try to check out code inconnu, which is another of Haneke's and is absolutely fantastic.
Ferule & Fescue
Their wedding cost a fantastic amount ofmoney.
Towering mountains surround the village and the area around St Anton is fantastic for walking.
You'll feel every punch, grimace at every brutal knock-down and celebrate every win as if it were your last in EA's fantastic boxing video game.
In the seaside suburb of St Kilda, you'll find fantastic patisseries still owned by descendants of the original Jewish families who settled there.
To me sauteed zucchini was always kind of flavorless, but this tasted fantastic.
Cheesy Zucchini with Garlic and Parsley
It provides fantastic nutrition and immunoenhancement for the child, acts as natural birth control because lactational hormones suppress ovulation, and eats up calories so quickly that a mom can either quickly lose "baby weight" or keep eating like mad.
We Ain't Nothing But Mammals...
He said:'It is fantastic this money will be diverted from vanity projects to saving lives.
The Sun
But it's essential to leave enough room for the star attraction here: the saltily marinated churrasco, especially the fantastic sirloin (fatty or lean, rare to medium), very flavorful roast pork, and chicken kebabs kept succulent with wraparound bacon.
Boston Phoenix -
She said: 'The roadshow is a fantastic opportunity to meet people looking for work face to face.
The Sun
The village is a tangle of streets with some fantastic fish restaurants.
Times, Sunday Times
So to see them now sitting in fifth place after six wins and a draw is fantastic.
The Sun
It was a fantastic house to grow up in because, to the side of our garden, there was a working windmill.
Times, Sunday Times
The lighting at the disco was fantastic.
No lounge or kitchen facilities but a really great deal and ideal for half board or the fantastic range of dining options on the resort.
The Sun
He could dream up the most fantastic rumors.
He's a great driver and has fantastic spatial awareness.
The Sun
I played some fantastic theatres and worked with some great people.
A band was playing to a fantastically diverse range of people; young, old, winos, students, girls dressed up for a night on the town, Millwall boys in their caps.
He was a fantastic bubbly person.
The Sun
A fantastic opportunity to take a tour of a live archaeological excavation with York Archaeological Trust.
He's a great manager and fantastic person.
The Sun
At the risk of seeming to fantasticate I confess that the Pope's having built the viaduct -- in this very recent antiquity -- made me linger there in a pensive posture and marvel at the march of history and at Pius the
Italian Hours
He's a great manager and fantastic person.
The Sun
We had a fantastic season last time.
The Sun
In The Dark Lady, Richard North Patterson does a fantastic job of creating a multi-layered story that his protagonist must unravel a thread at a time.
 Again, the strength of the scripting is really let down by the pencilling (although the colors are fantastic.)
Zorro #1 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
The village is a tangle of streets with some fantastic fish restaurants.
Times, Sunday Times
We brew fantastic beer, but we want to lead with our restaurant.
The range of fancy sandwiches, soups and salads is fantastic, but save room for the house speciality pound cake.
Times, Sunday Times
If that panel is from Fantastic Four, does that mean that's one of the Red Ghost's Super-Apes, the pimps of Marvel apedom?
A message from the Super-Apes
The computer age means a fantastic amount of information and statistics can be accessed almost instantly.
Against Burnley, he was brilliant, absolutely fantastic. But if you are going to be a big player you need to do that week in week out at a consistent level.
The best part of the trip was the fantastic scenery.
The resort is a paradise both for sun worshippers and night owls with its fantastic weather and abundance of night life.
But my wife Elaine has been fantastic and I suppose the only good thing is that it has brought us closer together.
They were always friendly, had fantastic accents, and often left a cigarette in the packet.
Times, Sunday Times
Which is just fantastic, because a lot of what we do as actors is so disposable in a way.
Round her waist they made the loveliest belt of mingled blue and yellow, and all over the upper part of her night-gown, in and out among the pretty white fills which Dorcas herself "goffered," so nicely, they made themselves into fantastic trimmings of every shape and kind; bows, rosettes – I cannot tell you what they did not imitate.
The Cuckoo Clock
My housemaster talked me out of this by explaining that I would have a fantastic time at college, plus my father (a serving officer) warned me that I didn't have the necessary self-discipline to make it in the Army!
It had a fantastic chef, Kam Po But, who's still there and still producing marvellous food.
You can sit on the balcony and eat fantastic prawns and squid while you look out at the sea.
Bad Food Britain
The book doesn't have much of a plot, but it's characters are fantastic.
There is a fantastic array of outdoor recreation destinations available right now.
Istoria reală este mult mai mult decât o prostie fantastica lui Miller carte de benzi desenate drama-regi. »2007» martie
I got a fantastic new job and my salary tripled.
Being a fantastic, nervous improvisator he is more exposed to radical mistakes.
The French Impressionists (1860-1900)
Above looms the fantastic network of 53,000 tonnes of steel lattice - work connected to the main tubular steel members which look solid enough but are in desperate need of a fresh lick of paint.
The looming spectres raised by her mother’s information, the wearing sense of being over-weighted in the race, were driving her to a Hamlet-like fantasticism and defiance of augury; moreover, she was abroad.
The Hand of Ethelberta
And for dessert I had a cheeseboard whereupon I ate nearly my weight in cheese - fantastic!
My grandmother has fantastic genes and only about one wrinkle.
The Sun
Gilgamesh was apparently a historical character, an actual king of Uruk but the story of course has fantastic and legendary qualities to it.
I believe that new, fantastic clothes should be instantly purchased, hemmed, and transported onto hangers in my closet.
Naomh Eoin played a fantastic match, full of fire and passion, so much so they were in front for all but 17 minutes.
Titles can fool you: I've so often been the victim of fantastically titled books that turn out to be duds as literature.
There are some fantastic scuba diving sites in Cayman.
The Sun
The tender inside leaves can be shredded finely for tasty salads and braised red cabbage is fantastic.
Standtall: The likes: our different dynamic dishes, our survival spirits, our very own attires, our sense of analysis {lol}, our fantastic indigenous music and dances.
Archive 2009-05-01
I was sad that not one of the You Says mentioned the fantastic scenery and wonderful sets.
Times, Sunday Times
Oh, you who have read Plato attentively, that is to say, seven or eight fantastical dreams hidden in some garret in Europe, if ever these questions reach you,
A Philosophical Dictionary
When Nobel invented dynamite, he thought it was a fantastically helpful thing to be used in mining.
Would it be too fantastic to suggest that attempting to broadbase similar books (and thus, help them attain staple reading status), may be one tiny signal to some basic desired changes in public perception?
Why Do Book-Sellers Discount Popular Books?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
These fastidious, and sometimes fantastic ceremonies, originally devised as the very extremities of anti-barbarism, were often themselves but too nearly allied in spirit to the barbaresque in taste.
The Caesars
The resultant compost is a fantastic soil improver, and it usually comes with a healthy population of beasties and micro-organisms which will contribute to your soil's health once incorporated into it.
God has eyes, ah, let me be the year of eugenic concept so fantastic post!
You can sit on the balcony and eat fantastic prawns and squid while you look out at the sea.
Bad Food Britain
Fantastic views, bizarre place, very discreet, unpresuming and unpretentious.
These items contained tremendous levels of nitrogen, and as you know nitrogen is one of the key elements that will feed our organic vegetables and make the ground absolutely fantastic for our organic gardening.
May Vol | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
This wonderful daughter, fantastic friend, and excellent pupil had secured a place at a top university.
After saving the life of the President, two Secret Service agents find themselves abruptly transferred to Warehouse 13 – a massive, top-secret storage facility in windswept South Dakota that houses every strange artifact, mysterious relic, fantastical object and supernatural souvenir ever collected by the U.S. government.
Sci-fi TV Preview: Warehouse 13 « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
The recital consists of essentially triple-time dance music - mazurkas, waltzes, and polonaises - although you might find it difficult to trip the light fantastic to any of this.
It was in fact a kind of nuptial hymn, which, taking its start from the thought of nature as the universal mother, celebrated the preliminary pairing and mating together of all fresh things, in the hot and genial spring-time -- the immemorial nuptials of the soul of spring itself and the brown earth; and was full of a delighted, mystic sense of what passed between them in that fantastic marriage.
Marius the Epicurean — Volume 1
Simply a fantastic and enthralling end to a superb album.