How To Use Fanned In A Sentence

  • And it is no longer the province of secularists and the left, but is increasingly fanned by religionists and the right.
  • Few human pursuits can conjure up such overblown expectations, fanned by holiday brochure photo-spreads showing impossibly white beaches domed by suspiciously azure skies.
  • There was a mounting enthusiasm for change, fanned by effective use of secular and religious press.
  • Fanned fires and forced love never did well yet. 
  • The team hopes Service returns to his 1998 form, when he fanned 95 batters in 82 2/3 innings.
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  • Fanned fires and forced love never did well yet. 
  • Outside the sun shone bright through the clouds, Anna fanned herself with her hand as she sat on the bed beside Victoria.
  • Her resistance only fanned his desire.
  • The devastating fire, which was fanned by strong winds, destroyed approximately 850 of the 7300 hectares of pine plantations and left more than 400000 pine trees destroyed.
  • There were two dishes of good yellowtail and sea bass, fanned on a plate and dressed with garlic sauce and ponzu respectively. Times, Sunday Times
  • Flames and heat fanned around the planet. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • That fanned fears that decisive action may be less likely to address the yawning budget deficit. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the Indians set fire to the main building as well as the sheds, the flames fanned into a sunburst, and their smoke stifled the people of Fort Mims.
  • Fanned fires and forced love never did well yet. 
  • The crowd began to mutter angrily, the glowing embers of their ancient prejudices that had been viciously stoked by the near murder of their King were being fanned to fury so easily by the power of the monarch's simple words.
  • In Pakistan, the issue has become embroiled in widespread anti-Americanism and suspicions, fanned by the Pakistani media and used for political advantage, that U.S. spies and intelligence contractors are secretly operating in the country. U.S.-Pakistan relations strained further with case of jailed diplomat
  • National police forces fanned out across eight countries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nieuwoudt said although the immediate danger for the town had passed, the fire, fanned by hot and dry gale-force berg winds, was still burning.
  • Smaller units can also be staggered in a similar fashion, or fanned out in arcs if a curved shape works particularly well in the garden. Times, Sunday Times
  • The British National Party and National Front have fanned the resulting social tensions.
  • His endorsement fanned my flickering fantasy into a burning desire. Christianity Today
  • The troops stormed the enemy's trenches and fanned out across the fields.
  • Socialites decked out in their finest Chanel tweeds fanned themselves with their invitation cards as temperatures climbed inside the venue, a stone's throw from the Louvre museum.
  • A gentle breeze suddenly fanned a flame towards me. The Sun
  • Her wild behaviour merely fanned the flames of his jealousy.
  • Paige fanned Ralph Kiner twice and kayoed six other batters over five innings. Satch, Dizzy & Rapid Robert
  • Far from dampening down interest, it has fanned the flames worldwide. The Sun
  • KING WILLIAM'S TOWN - A fire fanned by strong winds was burning out of control in the Kubusi forests near Stutterheim yesterday.
  • She had short, wavy brown hair that fanned out at the ends, and lovely facial features accented by eyebrows that gave her an incredible air of confidence and superiority.
  • It was evident that the name fanned some faint memory which flickered up for a moment and then went out. The Dark House
  • They fanned out in a line, calmly firing volley after volley of automatic gunfire at shoppers running into the building in search of somewhere to hide. Times, Sunday Times
  • That fanned fears that decisive action may be less likely to address the yawning budget deficit. Times, Sunday Times
  • By last Thursday gusty conditions had fanned fires on the top of the ranges into raging walls of flame which raced down gullies and through the heavily vegetated plains along the road to the resort.
  • Searchers fanned out over the area where the missing child was last seen.
  • Trailers in various states of dilapidation fanned out from a single dirt road. KISSCUT
  • Most of the caribou fanned out in an easterly direction, but two individuals moved south.
  • The heat of anger fanned his face as all kinds of unpleasant thoughts filled his head.
  • A pair of jaded barmen served the local brew, Biere Niger, while to another side of the pool a chef fanned away at a charcoal brazier to provide brochette aperitifs.
  • Lifted up on this stately mound, whose top is fanned with air as light to breathe as nitrous oxide gas -- and bivouacked on its very ridge, (where nought on earth is seen in distance save the thousand treeless, bushless, weedless hills of grass and vivid green which all around me vanish into an infinity of blue and azure), stretched on our bears 'skins, my fellow-traveller, Mr. Wood, and myself, have laid and contemplated the splendid orrery of the heavens. Letters and notes on the manners, customs, and conditions of the North American Indians
  • The speculation was fanned by the yuan's rise on April 29 to its strongest in a decade.
  • This unconquerableness but fanned Leclère's wrath and stirred him to greater deviltries. BÂTARD
  • Flames and heat fanned around the planet. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • The lake looked cold and still, although a slight breeze gently fanned its surface so that it seemed to have gills.
  • The troops fanned out as they advanced.
  • Flames and heat fanned around the planet. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • Searchers fanned out over the area where the missing child was last seen.
  • The fires were fanned by gale-force winds and burned through 350,000 hectares. Times, Sunday Times
  • Protests by irate seniors continue, and their anger is being fanned by the Communist and other leftist parties.
  • People's fears, often fanned by anti-bat hysteria in the media about the danger of contracting bat-carried diseases, have made bats political pawns.
  • The police squad fanned out and with their weapons at the ready advanced towards the target dell.
  • She spoke under her breath, clacked her tongue in her mouth like a lizard, fanned herself with a piece of paper drawn from her bag.
  • Officials said police fanned out across the town to protect shops and public buildings from attack. Times, Sunday Times
  • They kind of fanned out so they can spread their participation, and just volunteer projects. CNN Transcript Jan 19, 2009
  • He fanned himself with a newspaper to cool down.
  • Mounts were posed in an aggressive posture with wings drooped, tail fanned and beak slightly open, as though they were singing.
  • The tendency to take summary vengeance, called vendetta, still exists in the villages; where the people having no social amusements, nothing to read, nor any other resource than cards during the winter nights, are apt to quarrel over trifles; which, fanned by their local petty jealousies, assisted often by the generous nature of their wine, ripen into deadly feuds. Itinerary through Corsica by its Rail, Carriage & Forest Roads
  • In this view, Americans' obliviousness ended with an outbreak of nostalgia at the turn of the century, fanned by general concern over the heedless pace of industrial society.
  • The patient should be doused with water and fanned, if possible, to promote evaporative heat loss.
  • At about 1:30 in the afternoon, wind-fanned flames leapt to the tops of the native eucalypts and imported pines, igniting them.
  • A week of violence, triggered by the shooting in custody of a student and fanned by local hatred of the gendarmerie, has left at least 40 people dead, according to medical sources and residents.
  • In the 7-0 title clincher against Eaton, Fultz fired a one-hitter and fanned 13. - News
  • Once there, they fanned out in two-man dories to set trawls, longlines studded with multiple baited hooks, for cod and halibut.
  • With no relief from the beating sun, tourists fanned themselves with brochures and wrapped T-shirts around their heads.
  • The breeze fanned our faces.
  • Folly fanned her anger like a flame, trying desperately to burn out the suspicions that crowded into her mind.
  • The report, which would often be cited by journalists and activists, fanned anti-American sentiment around the world.
  • His writings fanned the flames of racism.
  • Fanned by a westerly wind, the fire spread rapidly through the city.
  • Her resistance only fanned his desire.
  • Inter Milan coach Jose Mourinho has fanned the flames ahead of Wednesday's Champions League semi-final second leg against Barcelona by calling for referee Frank de Bleeckere to act upon any gamesmanship from the Catalan side. IcNewcastle
  • A gentle breeze suddenly fanned a flame towards me. The Sun
  • If the flame of literature burns strongly in Swindon, though, one man is perhaps responsible for keeping it healthily fanned.
  • The main body of British, American, and French troops had fanned out to the west.
  • Eckstein plated a run by reaching on a fielder's choice and stole second when Adam Kennedy fanned for the second out. American League Baseball - Angels vs. Rangers
  • Ever since the general election, when Sarah Palin fanned the flames of hatred, the fire has grown and it is surrounding a powder keg of chaos. GA congressman describes hate mail, Nazi graffiti after protests
  • The horses, with three elephants, two with howdahs on their backs, and the other loaded with a large tent, were now paraded before the door; each horse was attended by his syce, or groom, who never quitted him, but fanned away the flies with a chowry, or whisk, formed of a horse's tail. The King's Own
  • In order to stop the fire's rapid spread, which was being fanned by strong easterly winds, King Charles II ordered that all houses in the fire's path be blown up or pulled down.
  • Flames and heat fanned around the planet. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • Firefighters are taking advantage of a break from the powerful Santa Ana winds that have fanned the flames with gusts up to 70 miles an hour.
  • The fire is the latest of a number in Central Australia which have swept through country carrying high fuel loads and are fanned by the unpredictable gusty conditions that the area experiences in October.
  • A fat woman in a red and beige dress busily fanned herself while her male escort gazed longingly at the other women when he knew his wife was busy eyeing the young men.
  • That too, was swollen and blistered from the flames fanned by the winds of speed and descent. Above the Clouds at Thirty Below
  • He won't speak to the press unless an overture of fanned notes cues him.
  • the peacock's fanned tail
  • They've provided various kinds of sort of political infrastructure that has made the movement possible, kind of fanned the insurrection in various ways. The Brothers Koch: Rich, Political And Playing To Win
  • Bridges were destroyed to hamper the passage of Union troops, and newspapers hostile to the administration fanned disunion sentiment.
  • The tail has a dark band at the end, with a lighter tip, which, like the dark ruff around the neck, is evident when fanned open.
  • He fanned seven and walked three before handing the ball over to Lin Ying-jeh.
  • The fire, which later simmered down into a soft golden glow was almost entirely forgotten until the embers were fanned to life by a gust of wind.
  • The video started with an advancing troop of soldiers who fanned out across an open plain that offered only the protection of the few trees and old stone properties.
  • Cecil's unfortunate encouragement of the night before -- displayed more with a view to chagrining Sir Penthony than from a mere leaning toward coquetry -- has fanned his passion to a very dangerous height. Molly Bawn
  • It fanned out and lay open on the floor, just an ordinary white cloth upon a stoneworked floor.
  • Flames and heat fanned around the planet. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • The main body of British, American, and French troops had fanned out to the west.
  • Flames and heat fanned around the planet. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • Esposito fanned on a long shot by Jacques Lemaire, then Henri Richard scored twice to give the Habs the championship.
  • The modern return to Jewish tradition began slowly after the Six Day War, which fanned the latent spark in Jews worldwide, giving rise as well to the refusenik movement in Russia.
  • When it is hit by a strong wind, it is fanned into an inextinguishable blaze.
  • fanned mounting tension into mobbish terrorizing
  • Her wild behaviour merely fanned the flames of his jealousy.
  • As the fire - fanned by strong winds - started to spread across Hurst Moor, north east of Reeth, officers at the scene requested additional support from Hawes and Masham.
  • Synchronously departmentally, with his real estate richmond virginia for mesomorphic imagism barometer and alkylic mastigophore, is as fanned and tomentose tangerine in quickening, and in emydidae. Rational Review
  • The political establishment should realise that their ostrichlike reaction to signs of danger has fanned this so-called 'clash of civilisations'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Father Bourassa fanned himself with the black broadbrim hat he wore, and looked benignly but quizzically on the wiry, sharp-faced Irishman. Northern Lights, Complete
  • The long blond hair fanned about her on the pillow, across the bedspread.
  • The soldiers fanned out
  • Screaming at the top of her voice, whilst her unshawled and dusky shoulders, as well as the soiled ribands of her dirty cap, were gently fanned by the sea-breeze, she commanded the men to return to their duty, in a volume of vociferation that seemed perfectly inexhaustible. The Bushman — Life in a New Country
  • The peacock fanned out its tail.
  • Her short brown hair fanned out as she cocked her head to the side.
  • To some degree this seems to be rooted in religious tradition, and to some degree these are flames that are deliberately fanned today by the most fervent Israeli and other chauvinists. Norwegians Aren't the Problem With Mideast Peace
  • After his playing days were over, he fanned in Iowa, and scouted for the White Sox.
  • Steady winds fanned the flames despite firefighters and National Park officials directing six hosereel jets on to the fire and beating out hotspots with rubber beaters.
  • She was asleep, lying beside him on the hearthrug; hair fanned about her almost like a halo.
  • They fanned optimism for economic recovery and dampened sentiment towards bonds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lightning strikes, arsonists and relentless hot north winds yesterday fanned bush fires across Australia's most populous state.
  • They fanned out in a line, calmly firing volley after volley of automatic gunfire at shoppers running into the building in search of somewhere to hide. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just to get everyone up to speed on the history of the now famous case, here is the abridged version of their tale: In 1958, Virginia residents Mildred Jeter and Richard Loving yes, that was his real name fanned the fire by getting married in the District of Columbia and then returned to live ever after in their home state. Buzzine » Love and Legislation
  • Those who fanned racial tensions should be brought to book, she said. The Star (South Africa)
  • Instead, I want to swig lush, long, refreshing mixed drinks that make me feel I am lolling about on a beach fanned by a cool sea breeze.
  • Smaller units can also be staggered in a similar fashion, or fanned out in arcs if a curved shape works particularly well in the garden. Times, Sunday Times
  • Flames and heat fanned around the planet. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • Crews with ten engines spent more than two hours trying to bring the blaze under control as brisk winds fanned the flames towards homes.
  • It has fanned tensions between her and her husband. Houston Chronicle
  • Elsewhere in the valley you might see other birds as fantastic as their names: gang-gangs, king parrots, satin bowerbirds, laughing kookaburras, and lyre-birds that dance in clearings with tails fanned out like peacocks.
  • The success of the Erie Canal motivated other states to begin their own canal projects, and engineers trained on the Erie fanned out across the country providing expertise to these projects.
  • It is one of Britain's most prolific weeds, with its creeping, fanned leaves having taken over large swathes of countryside.
  • There was a faint murmur of laughter because he prided himself on his sense of humour, but Sister Proud foot who had heard that one a dozen times before merely handed him the patient's chart as the housemen fanned out into a respectful semi-circle around the foot of the bed. You Don't Take Names
  • Courtship ceremonies are delightful: the cock slowly circles the hen with puffed-out breast feather, depressed wings and fanned tail.
  • Smaller units can also be staggered in a similar fashion, or fanned out in arcs if a curved shape works particularly well in the garden. Times, Sunday Times
  • His speeches fanned the flames of racial tension.
  • When he came back he fanned the embers of his fire again and warmed himself. Fairy Tales
  • The bud blossomed into her ear, its hairlike tendrils snaking towards her eardrum where they fanned out into electric petals, sensors cool against her hot skin. 365 tomorrows » Kathy Kachelries : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Miami riot police threw up a cordon around the home and fanned out across the city.
  • He fanned himself with a newspaper to cool down.
  • As squads of paramilitary rangers and local police fanned out around the building, they came under intense fire from automatic weapons fired through the windows of the flat on the fifth floor.
  • The police fanned out to surround the house.
  • The main body of British, American, and French troops had fanned out to the west.
  • But a driving east wind fanned the flames across firebreaks, and, despite the efforts of ward and parish officials and the lord mayor, they soon became uncontrollable.
  • Elsewhere in the valley you might see other birds as fantastic as their names: gang-gangs, king parrots, satin bowerbirds, laughing kookaburras, and lyre-birds that dance in clearings with tails fanned out like peacocks.
  • Place the fanned poached pear at the apex of the three and a chestnut on top of each piece of venison. A Passion for Food
  • Bishop Eadric's church was beginning to warm; several noblewomen, who stood obediently by their lords, fanned themselves.
  • We would make our home of one of the Cyclades, and there in myrtle-groves, amidst perpetual spring, fanned by the wholesome sea-breezes -- we would live long years in beatific union -- Was there such a thing as death in the world? III.9
  • The train feathers have a series of eyes that are best seen when the tail is fanned.
  • His liberal politics fanned the flames of dissent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Trailers in various states of dilapidation fanned out from a single dirt road. KISSCUT
  • Fanned by a constant updraught of ventilation between the kitchen and the chimneyflue, ignition was communicated from the faggots of precombustible fuel to polyhedral masses of bituminous coal, containing in compressed mineral form the foliated fossilised decidua of primeval forests which had in turn derived their vegetative existence from the sun, primal source of heat (radiant), transmitted through omnipresent luminiferous diathermanous ether. Ulysses
  • They cynically and criminally decided to beat up the nuclear angle and so in sept when the ‘ Judies little tubes of terror’ pack of lies was released so all the flying monkees of the evil claven fanned out to whip up the case for war, war, war. Firedoglake » Late Nite FDL: Ready When You Are
  • He found his highness reclining upon a divan, his back supported by cushions, smoking latakia in a chibouque, while an icoglan scratched the soles of his feet, and two slaves fanned him. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 55, No. 341, March, 1844
  • We saw woodpeckers, a remote airplane in flight, and a peacock with its tail feathers fanned!
  • The speaker ceased to be an amusing little gnat to be fanned away and was kicked off the forum
  • When the Indians set fire to the main building as well as the sheds, the flames fanned into a sunburst, and their smoke stifled the people of Fort Mims.
  • She fanned away the steam trekking to the small mirror.
  • Fanned fires and forced love never did well yet. 
  • Her long dark hair fanned out across the pillow.
  • Plumes of gray water, fading in color as the waste settled, fanned out from the pipe outlets.
  • She picked up a brochure from the counter and fanned herself with it.
  • Rumors swirled through the marketplace, fanned by a television report, that Fidelity had put pressure on Mr Vinik to resign.
  • Oil prices above US $38 a barrel recently in New York fanned worries about the impact on the global economy of high energy prices.
  • His popularity fanned across the land and the more he complained, bitched, and screamed, his hysterics created bend-over laughter and then something strange happened. Page 2
  • Suppose the dealer fanned out the next dozen cards in the shoe face-down and asked you to pick any two for your next hand.
  • The coals under the ashes on the dark hearth she fanned to life until a cheerful fire was burning.
  • he fanned out
  • Campers on northeast Moreton Island are on alert as the blaze burns towards the eastern beach, fanned by strong, variable northerlies. | Top Stories
  • He wore a leaf-green tunic with a high collar that fanned out behind his head over silver tights and an undertunic of darker green, which showed at his neck and in the tight sleeves that were exposed below the full, dagged sleeves of the tunic. This Scepter'd Isle
  • It seemed that every time he fanned away some sand with either his fins or his hands he revealed something remarkable.
  • She looked down at his sleeping face, the dark eyelashes that fanned his high cheekbones.
  • In France, 2,741 acres of woodland near Perpignan were reduced to ashes in a blaze fanned by a tramontane wind gusting up to 80 mph.
  • We have already experienced large fires, fanned by Westerly winds, in the Tenterfield area.
  • Scrunching up her nose (that made her look cute, too) Zahra fanned away the smoke with her manicured hand.
  • She said the strong southeaster which has fanned the flames over the past two days was set to continue, and there was a constant danger that smouldering coals in areas where flames had been extinguished, would flare up again.
  • As they dismounted and fanned out to surround the camp, John and Angela headed over the mountain to the south.
  • Jesse Crain fanned two of the three batters he faced to pick up his sixth save of the season for the Rock Cats, who snapped their five-game losing streak.
  • While they had "nourished the garboil" in Scotland, fanned the flame, they professed to believe that John Knox and the Reformation
  • It reflects a wider debate, fanned by bitterly hostile coverage of the tube strikes in much of the media.
  • A number of houses and shacks at Dolphin Sands near Swansea on Tasmania's east coast are under threat from a bushfire which is being fanned by strong winds. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • His endorsement fanned my flickering fantasy into a burning desire. Christianity Today
  • But this blatantly sterile narcissism, especially when fanned by massive and intrusive media coverage, is psychologically damaging to the celebrities themselves.
  • Shame fanned him like a blowlamp, and he craved the time when he had not been tainted. THE OPEN DOOR
  • Pleased with the dancing of the leaves, which fluttered above her head, and fanned her warm cheek with their incessant motion, she thought, like her cousin Louise, that the aspen was the merriest tree in the forest, for it was always dancing, dancing, dancing. Lost in the Backwoods
  • Flames and heat fanned around the planet. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • That fire is being fanned by strong Santa Ana winds.
  • Flames and heat fanned around the planet. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • A few minutes earlier more than 100 police officers had smashed their way in and, after donning special overboots in respect, fanned out through the building.
  • The periodic and repeated glow of her admiration had fanned what had begun for him as a loving curiosity into a veritable idolatry. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • JERUSALEM - Israeli troops fanned out into Palestinian villages Saturday to search for the killers of five family members stabbed to death in a Jewish settlement as Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu called on Palestinians to end what he described as incitement that encourages attacks. Israeli troops scour West Bank villages for killers of 5 Jewish settlers
  • According to a fire service spokesman, acres of mature Coillte land and a number of private forests in the area were decimated by the flames which were fanned by strong winds and reached 30 ft at stages.
  • The periodic and repeated glow of her admiration had fanned what had begun for him as a loving curiosity into a veritable idolatry. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • They fanned out in a line, calmly firing volley after volley of automatic gunfire at shoppers running into the building in search of somewhere to hide. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once there, they fanned out in two-man dories to set trawls, longlines studded with multiple baited hooks, for cod and halibut.
  • His speeches fanned the flames of racial tension.
  • A gentle breeze suddenly fanned a flame towards me. The Sun
  • Officials said police fanned out across the town to protect shops and public buildings from attack. Times, Sunday Times
  • This open-winged posture is held while the bill is closed, the tail is fanned, the plumage is sleeked, and the body is motionless.
  • Sarah stepped up on the stage and Stephanie flipped the train so that the dress fanned out.
  • They fanned out and carefully combed the temple grounds.
  • They fanned out and carefully combed the temple grounds.
  • The main body of British, American, and French troops had fanned out to the west.
  • Residents jumped in their pickups and fanned out on grid roads. Globe and Mail
  • The soldiers fanned away from the lift, and nearly passed out from the heat.
  • A warm breeze fanned her cheeks.

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