How To Use Fanatic In A Sentence

  • In itself, the letter will not stop fanaticism or allay age-old suspicions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fear that someone will accuse them of being a right wing ultra-orthograph fanatic? The Volokh Conspiracy » What Kind of People Affiliate with Human Rights Watch’s Middle East Division?
  • According to this Wisconsin whitetail fanatic, the lull is a fine time to take a buck, and the many big deer he's tagged during this period are proof. How to Find Trophy Bucks in the Early October Lull
  • Matthew, who is studying for his A-levels, is a fitness fanatic with a black belt in the martial art ikedo.
  • Hezbollah is waging "asymmetrical" warfare against Israel based on increasingly radicalized and even fanaticized mass support. Nathan Gardels: Beginning of the End for Israel?
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  • And while you might think that you have all the right in the world to lead Orlath, I am not fighting merely to replace a madwoman with a fanatic.
  • Here is a business that has shrieking fanatics lining up around the block in the middle of the night to buy its product.
  • A pope determined to bring his message to the world makes himself vulnerable to the malign intentions of fanatics. Times, Sunday Times
  • My fanatical interest in bluegrass began when I was 9 years old," he wrote. UC Berkeley graduate with autism produces honors thesis on bluegrass music
  • Tiny in numbers and fanatical in zeal. The Sun
  • Religion is vulnerable to religious fanaticism and political extremism-history is full of religious oppression, violence, terrorism and wars. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • They are rather fanatical about lengthening their own lives and fending off death indefinitely.
  • Fueled by supremacist and puritan theological creeds their symbolic acts of power become uncompromisingly fanatic and violent.
  • If any one hated papistry Mrs. Bolton did so; but from a similar action of religious fanaticism she had fallen into worse that papistical self-persecution. John Caldigate
  • In some quarters there has been some recrudescence of the _Shakti_ cultus, with its often obscene and horrible rites, and the unnatural depravity which was so marked a feature in the case of the band of young Brahmans who conspired to murder Mr. Jackson at Nasik represents a form of erotomania which is certainly much more common amongst Hindu political fanatics than amongst Hindus in general. Indian Unrest
  • Cockfighting (two roosters battling each other in a ring) commands a fanatical following.
  • For ever and ever the trendies, the sophisticates and the beautiful people have painted us on the right side of politics as boring squares, joyless fanatics, religious nutcases, and monoethnic bigots.
  • Philippe Garrel is also one of those figures: a director with fanatic followers in the most highbrow circles of film criticism.
  • A colporteur, known to me, when engaged selling Bibles in a Brazilian town, reports that the fanatical populace got his books and carried them, fastened and burning, at the end of blazing torches, while they tramped the streets, yelling: "Away with all false books! Through Five Republics on Horseback, Being an Account of Many Wanderings in South America
  • Europe has a similar interest, having suffered, with the train bombings in Madrid, the kind of fanatic nihilism that visited the Twin Towers.
  • On stage at the concert hall is Roland, the quiet and intense orchestra leader, who is befriended by local musician and The Who fanatic, Alex.
  • Today's enemy, however, is not a philosophy that condemned millions, but an implacable, unappeasable, pitiless fanaticism that exists on the very fringes of humanity.
  • It gave his face a lean, rather surprisingly attractive ascetic look—the look of long-distance runners, saints, martyrs, and fanatics, the kind of elongated, soulful face that El Greco painted so hauntingly. Twilight
  • In itself, the letter will not stop fanaticism or allay age-old suspicions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Religion is vulnerable to religious fanaticism and political extremism-history is full of religious oppression, violence, terrorism and wars. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • People are killing each other because of bigotry, fanaticism and prejudice, so why are we adding to the burden of intolerance?
  • Young, an audio fanatic, no doubt would approve of the Mobile Fidelity treatment.
  • Having just completed an audacious leap from aircraft into the jaws of death, five hundred feet above Munsan-ni, against a numerically superior and fanatical force, we were ready to return to K-2 Airstrip at Taegu. Lafayette Keaton
  • For these food fanatics, eating well is a holy endeavour. Times, Sunday Times
  • It means the right-wing fanatic will die in prison. The Sun
  • She had been a fitness fanatic all her life. Times, Sunday Times
  • These fanatics are in deadly earnest when they say they want to destroy all forms of government.
  • The broadband connection your hardcore MP3 fanatic needs has not reached even moderate market saturation.
  • He was exceedingly fanatic and died of sensuality, having first kicked his doctor to death, and he spent his last moments in versifying. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Though he recognized the importance of luck, or providence as he usually called it, and opportunity, he saw his own political success as a product of his iron determination and fanatical belief in his mission.
  • While innumerable neurotic New Yorker fanatics have saved piles of the magazine in closets or basements, the few easily accessible archives of the magazine's contents have been on microfilm or in bound volumes in public libraries.
  • So you have a Republican Party that is splintered and fanaticized and a Democratic Party that is really a moderate Republican Party stuck to the teat of Corporate America and unwilling to let go. The Lost Children
  • Move the Fanatic 2D6 inches in the direction indicated by the arrow on the scatter dice.
  • As an aristocrat Hartington was not untypical in regarding them as evangelical fanatics who needed restraining.
  • If chargers move through Fanatics they have not already encountered then they sustain more damage as they hit the deranged Goblins.
  • My friend, Patrick, has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr. Lane ? ? s Radical Progressive Party.
  • He demurs: any movement of a certain size will attract people who are ‘a bit fanatical’ but ‘you're never going to agree with all of them’.
  • It is feared the two fanatical groups will try to outdo each other in barbarity to gain the upper hand. The Sun
  • Scrupulous research and a fanatical concern for historical accuracy is a demonstration of Weir's seriousness.
  • These are the most famous greek ultras also known as hooligans or hools these are most fantic passionate and distinguished fanatics in the world the are greek patriotic and nationalist aek pao olympiakos fentagin aris gate 3 gate 21 original 21 enosis antio nae gate - Business News
  • Eg : " My friend, Crawley, has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr Lane's Radical Progressive Party .
  • The author's approach is inspired by concepts of morality and reason as well as faith, but they are remote from the kind of applied fanaticism that goes with the psychology of terrorism.
  • #28 – The “righteous right” will never wake up because it would mean that they’d see their own level of hypocrisy in it all…..just like Dubya….it’s a form of madness….in this case, religious zealotism or fanaticism. Think Progress » Gay marriage ban dropped.
  • A fanatic easily makes conquests among a wretched people.
  • Certainly they show a fanatic's contempt for the law.
  • People want their staple diet and they are fanatical about their home team. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm not yet some fanatic stylite, sitting on a pillar, waiting for the snap of the seventh seal, so I am somewhat familiar with the world around me. Archive 2006-09-01
  • That moral fibre will defeat the fanaticism of these terrorists and their supporters.
  • He comes of our common stock, is as bull-necked as I ever dared be, and as wild a fanatic the one way as you are the other. THE GOD OF HIS FATHERS
  • Harold's presumptuous guilt in rejection, the fiery fanaticism of all enlisted under the gonfanon of the Church. Harold : the Last of the Saxon Kings — Volume 12
  • Being a fanatic nonsmoker and health freak, he made us enact the ritual funeral of a cigarette end.
  • A short man with graying hair and tinted glasses, Ecclestone is fanatical about neatness.
  • The Romneyans are spinning this as a moral victory since Mitt came in second, the reality is, that in Wowserdom he running twenty five points behind a religious fanatic and a notorious latah for the White House. The Chimes at Midnight
  • As a student, he experienced a fanatical conversion to Marxism.
  • I didn't venture advice to Melanie when we were chummier because she's one of those sincere types (tweet tweet) who believes that people are basically nice and good and that there's nothing in a fledgling relationship that can't be resolved through better communication, and as Lou Grant once said, there's no reasoning with a fanatic. MoDo Has No Mojo: James Wolcott
  • The only question is how bilious and fanatical.
  • But eventually he was forced to concede that religious and regional fanaticism threatened to overwhelm his reforms.
  • Are you a sports fanatic with a finely tuned fashion radar? Times, Sunday Times
  • The test was only obnoxious to sincere fanatics; but among them must have been hundreds of persons who had no criminal designs, and merely deemed it a point of honour not to "homologate" any act of a Government which was corrupt, prelatic, and unholy. A Short History of Scotland
  • It's quite worrying that there are people out to kill us, people motivated by fanatical hatred and religious extremism.
  • Yet "Great Soul" also obligingly gives readers more than enough information to discern that he was a sexual weirdo, a political incompetent and a fanatical faddist—one who was often downright cruel to those around him. Among the Hagiographers
  • Rampant fanaticism and tawdry, insolent antics only hurt the feminist cause.
  • It very much surprised me about the Americans, as they seem to be fanatical about God and Religion.
  • A Christian religious fanatic deliberately crocked the deal by leading a noisy pirate raid on Mecca. Matthew Yglesias » By Request: An Egyptian Gaza?
  • Instead of sitting in lessons the fitness fanatics spent the week dancing, playing golf, doing kung fu, enjoying acrobatics and much more.
  • He is also a fanatic birder, the kind who has devoted his life to seeking out rare and exotic avifauna from pole to pole.
  • She's a non-smoking, non-drinking fitness fanatic.
  • In my experience, coming across as a fanatical fundamentalist doesn't work with rational people.
  • But the extent to which this stratum was penetrated, misled about reality, and to some degree fanaticized by Moscow's manipulations is striking. The Terrors
  • Her courage is lauded, but as part of her religious fanaticism. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The fanatics turn to extremism, which has really no basis in the true religion at all.
  • Several narratives intertwine as Lovric charts Marcella's tortuous, Minguillo-instigated progress through crippledom, a lunatic asylum and eventually a convent, including that of the fanatical nun Sor Loreta, who mortifies her body and starves herself to attain holiness while being as vile as possible to the less saintly nuns around her. Home
  • Extremism and fanaticism - religious or secular - are the fountain of injustice and immorality. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • If no skyborn messenger, heaven looking through his eyes; then neither is it a chimera with his systems, crotchets, cants, fanaticisms, and ‘last infirmity of noble minds, ’—full of misery, unrest and ill-will; but a substantial, peaceable, terrestrial man. Paras. 25-49
  • I was ridiculed and my work was called "meddler" "crazy," was pointed at as a fanatic. The Use and Need of the Life of Carry A. Nation
  • Korais was born in Smyrna (1748 – 1833) to a mercantile family, but fled to Montpelier, France, in 1782, in an effort to escape the '... conservatism, formalism, and religious fanaticism of the Ottomans' (Velios, 1998: 10). Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • Instead of godless communists controlling tank battalions, the new enemy was a shadowy collection of individuals motivated by religious fanaticism who saw their actions as the ticket to heaven.
  • As I say, Mum was fanatically house-proud and she didn't want too much `noise' and `mess'. RESCUING ROSE
  • It is a dietary mantra that has bordered on the fanatic: fat is a killer and a clogger and it furs your arteries, bursts your blood vessels, and sends your weight soaring through the stratosphere.
  • He is one of many fanatics who made a fortune from illicit trade in cigarettes. The Sun
  • I'm going to skip, for the sake of brevity (and fairness), the naming and blaming of the person who let me know that Obama asking for dijon mustard is the source of a right wing fanatical frenzy. Obama and dijon mustard: the history behind the headlines.
  • The opposite of the religious fanatic is not the fanatical atheist but the gentle cynic who cares not whether there is a god or not. Eric Hoffer 
  • There's the urbane family man, charming in company and fanatical about sport.
  • They argue that the problem does not exist, or has been grossly exaggerated, and they call the reformers alarmists, fanatics, scaremongers, prophets of doom and so on.
  • I see a strong push across the planet toward several self-destructive avenues: racism, jingoism, religious fanaticism and monopolism are all roads to separation and alienation. Archive 2005-06-01
  • If they weren't fanatical about Christianity, what would they be fanatical about?
  • Such support is acceptable for sports -- the etymology of the word fan is a shortened version of fanatic -- but it is inadequate when such support is used to determine one's political allegiance. Byron Williams: Blind Allegiance Is Good for Sports, Bad for Political Debate
  • And the fanatical home support will be wearing blue instead of red. Times, Sunday Times
  • To _promote separation from the world_ and deadness to it, and so to increase heavenly-mindedness in children of God; at the same time warning against fanatical extremes and extravagances, such as sinless perfection while in the flesh. George Müller of Bristol And His Witness to a Prayer-Hearing God
  • Unlike fanatical me, they were all planning on cramming for their finals.
  • My statue of Jesus baring his bleeding heart has everything to do with kitsch and nothing to do with religious fanaticism.
  • A young Winston Churchill wrote his first book, The Story of the Malakand Field Force, about his experiences fighting those tribes, whom he described as possessed of a “wild and merciless fanaticism.” The Longest War
  • Among the exhibitors were model steam engine fanatic Gordon Woodham from Warminster, walking stick maker George Russell from Sutton Veny, and The Wylye Valley Tree Group.
  • Previously the keep-fit fanatic had worked out at a Health Club in Ballynahinch.
  • I am not a religious fanatic but I am a Christian.
  • But at all times, a clear distinction must be held between Muslims and fanatic nihilists, for the former desire the furtherment of society, while the latter do not believe in society at all.
  • He called Kyl a "nice guy" who had told a "horrible lie" that he said was fed to him by "fanatical enemies of Planned Parenthood who hate the idea that the word 'planned' should ever come before the word 'parenthood.' Lawrence O'Donnell Tears Up While Emotionally Defending Planned Parenthood In Government Shutdown Fight (VIDEO)
  • The man is a fanatic who is determined to wipe out any opposition to the way he conducts himself.
  • Much to the chagrin of my room-mates, come election time I will roam around extolling the necessity of voting with the zeal of a religious fanatic.
  • It is band width hogged by idiots, cranks, lowlifes, fanatic, and fools.
  • The riot squad were getting tooled up when I left, but when asked what trouble they had seen, they pointed to smoke bombs being thrown about by animal rights fanatics.
  • Every country in the world I've been to, there are groups of people that are really fanatical about saving the shark.
  • A hockey fanatic from Chicago's far North Side wouldn't receive a deal for half-price yoga lessons in the city's South Side Hyde Park neighborhood.
  • Being an avid ‘ghost’ fanatic, getting the chance to check out one of the most haunted places in the Nation was quite a special treat.
  • Mothers were fanatical about making sure their homes and family were decent.
  • This was done by religious fanatics who believe that death is good for them.
  • You don't need to be a film buff to enjoy the movies or a football fanatic to watch a game.
  • December 29th, 2009 11: 35 am ET bring back tom! the man did imho a great job considering it was crisis mgmnt of the highest order. at least tom is an adult and acknowledges that the bad guys are for real and are not criminals or sociopaths. they are fanatics of the highest order, and deserve to be treated as such. Ridge: Terror suspect doesn't deserve 'full range' of rights
  • Religious fanatics the world over are much the same, full of deadly purity.
  • It was believed that those who were so caught up with their religious views that they 'enthused' about them were dangerous fanatics, who had to be opposed. Wittgenstein and the philosophy of love
  • You don't need to be a film buff to enjoy the movies or a football fanatic to watch a game.
  • I write as an objective journalist, not as a cycling fanatic. Times, Sunday Times
  • But he was still her sister's husband and the fanatical words of the speech came back to her, alarming her. THE WHITE DOVE
  • Wars in the name of political ambitions and crusades for fanatical religious faiths are all part of man's history to this day.
  • A fortress brigade of elite fanatics holds this citadel, which is dug into the bedrock below, and protected above with reinforced concrete, and has all around fire from machine guns, cannon, mortars, and grenade throwers housed in steel turrets. The Niagara Front
  • As for the figure at the center of the story, Mr. Horwitz sees him too often as the grim Old Man of long-ago histories: bold, arrogant, sly, fanatical, murderous, muddle-headed and possibly insane. An Angry Prophet
  • That was one thing that bound us together - our fanatical attention to detail. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are well-informed, ideologically sound and fanatically loyal to their parties.
  • Méchain was fanatical about accuracy and, as we shall soon see, these measurements would cause him anguish for the rest of his life.
  • Still, fanaticism doesn't strike a chord with the majority of the region's Muslims.
  • What arouses his fanaticism and prompts his excesses is the contemptuous indifference with which his advances are met. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Crouched in the middle of the road a Moro, gone amuck, darted fanatic glances in search of the Christians he had vowed to die killing, his eyes bloodshot with the self-inflicted torture of the juramentado rite. Terry A Tale of the Hill People
  • Hiking fanatics can mix self-gratification with altruism by trekking through the wilderness for charity this weekend.
  • Something which has started in Chechnya during the first war was already pointing in the direction of fanatic fundamentalist, global Islamist resistance.
  • Animalism had yieded to fanaticism and the bold , roving eye now gleamed with a ferocious righteousness.
  • The queen's prohibition of the "prophesyings," or the assemblies instituted for fanatical prayers and conferences, was founded on a better reason, but shows still the unlimited extent of her prerogative. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part D. From Elizabeth to James I.
  • What arouses his fanaticism and prompts his excesses is the contemptuous indifference with which his advances are met. The Times Literary Supplement
  • These fanatics used fame as a chance to impose their own loopy private fantasy world on pop kids' imagination.
  • The trick, I guess, is not to get too fanatical about getting the accent too accurate because then that becomes a mask.
  • I wonder if he knows his property is being stolen by fanatics?
  • The traditional method of combating intuitionalism from the time of John Locke to that of Herbert Spencer has been to present the reader with a list of cruel and abominable savage customs, ridiculous superstitions, acts of religious fanaticism and intolerance, which have all alike seemed self-evidently good and right to the peoples or individuals who have practised them. Human Traits and their Social Significance
  • The attempt to act in accordance with a system of ideas is invariably denounced as ideological, fanatical, utopian or millenarian.
  • A fitness fanatic has broken the world record for the most chin-ups done in one hour.
  • But eventually he was forced to concede that religious and regional fanaticism threatened to overwhelm his reforms.
  • But the themes remain the same: oil, corruption and religious fanaticism. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Not all the wishful thinking in the world will change the fact that fundamentalist fanatics who do not seek to make an accommodation with us have declared war on the West.
  • Former Evening Press scribe and York City fanatic Robert Beaumont has been pushed to the brink by the team's recent results.
  • Nana's extreme love for order sort of explains my mom's fanaticism with cleanliness.
  • Thus he passed first through what he colorfully described as a ‘positively fanatic indulgence in free thinking.’
  • The people there are fanatical about what they do, and until that wears off they will be tough to beat.
  • Churches with thousands of members that de-emphasize studies of scripture while pushing communal solidarity run a serious risk of creating large populations of uninformed and fanatical chauvinists.
  • Hiking fanatics can mix self-gratification with altruism by trekking through the wilderness for charity this weekend.
  • Both Rod and Phil are football fanatics.
  • a wide outlook will help us to avoid exaggerations, preciosities, and fanaticisms. Nature Mysticism
  • There seems to be a fanaticism on the part of those who legislate, for how come there is no variation of punishment?
  • Fanatics of despair turned hopeful eyes to Russia where a devilment was brewing which, should it overboil, would pour destruction across five continents. The Kingdom Round the Corner A Novel
  • A group of vagabonds and derelicts inhabit a shelter in Moscow, presided over by a fanatical leader who preaches the love of everyone for everyone.
  • Living proof that RNC prominence is fading and the ovine followers are dwindling in number since savvy people are beginning to see the light instead of being allowed to be smitten by blind fanaticism. Poll: New Jersey gubernatorial race tightens up
  • Sorry, but a fanatic is a fanatic, regardless of what sheepskin she wears. Think Progress » The Right, Religion and The Supreme Court: What a Difference a Month Makes
  • I read "Napalm and Silly Putty" ― a must read for any Carlin fanatic ― this past week, after finding it in a library book sale this winter. I Miss George Carlin
  • They are plotters, dissemblers, manipulators, murderers of children, fanatics.
  • Some fanatical moron is wibbling on about something hopelessly biased, and hopelessly wrong.
  • Most notable to European eyes at this time was their religious fanaticism and willingness to seek martyrdom through death in battle.
  • But this stringency, which is called positivism when the conditions of welfare are understood, becomes fanaticism when they are misrepresented. The Life of Reason
  • The band has a fanatically loyal British following.
  • He narrates how he fanatically read, trained and thought of it all his waking hours.
  • The hijackers used fanatical certainty, misplaced religious faith, and dehumanising hatred to purge themselves of the human instinct for empathy.
  • Young, an audio fanatic, no doubt would approve of the Mobile Fidelity treatment.
  • But eventually he was forced to concede that religious and regional fanaticism threatened to overwhelm his reforms.
  • On the one hand we have a motley crue of Railstone fanatics who attempt to get the tomb opened; on the other hand we have the guardians of the vault, local church members who are opposed to this very idea as well as councillors who are planning a new water reservoir at the very spot. WITCHFINDER: MARK OF THE BEAST by Brian Ball (Mayflower 1976)
  • However, I always love to receive gardening gadgets; so if your mother is a fanatical gardener you could get her a new trowel, some copper plant labels, a trug to stash cut flowers in, a plant pot or a twine dispenser.
  • But, by asserting the Scripture to be the canon of oar faith, I have unavoidably created to myself two sorts of enemies: the Papists indeed, more directly, because they have kept the Scriptures from us what they could; and have reserved to themselves a right of interpreting what they have delivered under the pretence of infallibility: and the Fanatics more collaterally, because they have assumed what amounts to an infallibility, in the private spirit; and have detorted those texts of The Poetical Works of John Dryden, Volume 1 With Life, Critical Dissertation, and Explanatory Notes
  • UK parcels volumes were up by just 2 per cent, not particularly impressive in a nation of increasingly fanatical online shoppers. Times, Sunday Times
  • None could pierce the future; perhaps none dared to contemplate it: the wild rage of fanaticism and hate, friend grappling with friend, brother with brother, father with son; altars profaned, hearthstones made desolate; the robes of Justice herself bedrenched with murder. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 69, July, 1863
  • A religious fanatic, of Devon farming stock, Joanna was in domestic service in Exeter.
  • So much so, in fact, that he became almost as fanatical about authenticity as his tutor. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is also emphatic that he is not a consumerist fanatic.
  • 'Fanatici-qui circum fana favorem mutuo contrahunt el afflant' -- those who in the same conventicle, or before the same shrine, relique or image, heat and ferment by co-acervation. Literary Remains, Volume 2
  • He's a fitness fanatic and goes to bodybuilding shows. The Sun
  • Most of the divers thought I was a little fanatical about my two projects -- information storage and what I called the duplicator library -- mint condition originals of any equipment we might need. Timegod's World
  • Rugged, mountainous, impenetrable, recalcitrant and peopled by an enemy hardened and fanatical, it was considered unconquerable.
  • A "politique" to her fingertips, Catharine had neither sympathy nor patience with the fanatics who {212} would put their religion above peace and prosperity. The Age of the Reformation
  • The present writer, too, can testify to the fanaticism from discussions at that time with diplomats in London and overseas.
  • Drawing a straight line from the Peasant Wars to Bolshevism, this view of fanaticism is today invoked by the West in order to demonize and psychologize any non-liberal politics. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Giving a whole new meaning to the term fanatic, this deranged devotee and No 1 fan of a romance-novel writer (James Caan), holds him against his will, forces a rewrite of the protagonist's fate and then sledgehammers his legs so he can't escape from her. TODAYonline
  • It won't really appease either the die-hard mossbacks or the fanatic up-to-the-minutes.
  • Rules and regulations take a backseat during this fortnight of imbecile fanaticism.
  • The radio functioned well enough, if you were satisfied with AM reception only, but I was a fanatical FM listener.
  • The dictator is not going to work with a religious fanatic, she said.
  • I profess myself a fanatical purist, but with a hearty contempt for the speech-gilders who affect purism without any thorough, or even pedagogic knowledge of the engendure, growth, and affinities of the noble language about whose The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell
  • For the sake of truth, I must add that the fanatical enormities perpetrated in the name of religion are only to be put down to the adherents of monotheistic creeds, that is, the Jewish faith and its two branches, Christianity and Islamism. Religion
  • Exactly 100 years ago this week, Wales was in the midst of a fervent religious revival led by a young Methodist, stoking fanatical excitement and emotional excesses.
  • To Struan, the bishop represented all that he despised in the Catholics — the dogmatic fanaticism of self-castrated, power-seeking men who sucked riches from the poor in the name of a Catholic God, drop by bloody drop, and from the drops built mighty cathedrals to the glory of their version of Divinity, who had idolatrously set up a man in Rome as Pope and made the man an infallible arbiter of other men. Tai-Pan
  • An archer with the guttural accent of a native of Reikwald forest agreed with the fanatic.
  • As it was the dozen tries that Boroughmuir scored in the first half was enough to numb the senses of even the most fanatical supporter.
  • But I cannot stand the posturing of fanatics of any religious or political group.
  • Religion is vulnerable to religious fanaticism and political extremism-history is full of religious oppression, violence, terrorism and wars. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The pope says many parts of the world are now facing threats to peace, including terrorism and what he calls fanatic fundamentalist. CNN Transcript Jan 1, 2006
  • But such measures offer no deterrent to a single fanatical suicide attacker.
  • Once this infinity attaches to even the most trivial or dissolute of ordinary passions it lends the full force and import of freedom to it, fueling an obsessive and insatiable fanaticism.
  • What's even MORE terrifying is that some people take her fanatical views seriously. (even congress) What is this world coming to? Palin warns of 'disturbing' health care rationing
  • I leave you with one thought & a plausible end to fanatical religionist terrorism: Think green ecologically & economically green, a trillion dollar industry meeting all the requirements of unabused capitalism. Think Progress » FULL TRANSCRIPT: Clinton Takes On Fox News
  • And he is also a fitness fanatic whose strict regime has added years to his playing career.
  • If we are too fanatical about cleaning we might also be killing off all the good bacteria as well as the bad. The Sun
  • To a sports fanatic like me, the Maracana would be as important a landmark as Sugar Loaf Mountain.

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