How To Use Fan-shaped In A Sentence
Walk into a dimly-lit gallery and approach the welded steel device fitted with a battery of fan-shaped movie screens.
To give a sense of enclosure, and to avoid the long back rows common to most fan-shaped auditoria, the rear wall is brought round in a wide curve, embracing the audience.
One has a roof of fan-shaped shingles, reminiscent of the curved terracotta tiles typical of Kent and Sussex vernacular architecture.
Walk into a dimly-lit gallery and approach the welded steel device fitted with a battery of fan-shaped movie screens.
A great, fan-shaped muscle, called the pectoralis major, lies on the chest.
A Practical Physiology
The lush grounds include a variety of flowers such as azaleas, magnolias, lotuses and wisteria, as well as fan-shaped ginkgoes, one of the oldest species of trees.
It is flat and fan-shaped, and grows in large, overlapping clusters on tree-trunks, living or dead.
Times, Sunday Times
The symphony hall, with a generic-looking, fan-shaped auditorium, has just 1750 seats.
The plantaris tendon inserts most commonly via a fan-shaped expansion into the medial aspect of the insertion site of the calcaneal tuberosity of the Achilles tendon.
They had been "fluked" by the bull-whale, whose fan-shaped tail-fins, striking the boat in an upward direction, had shattered it as easily as an eggshell, tossing the fragments, along with the contents, both animate and inanimate, several feet into the air.
The Ocean Waifs A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea
While he stared, first at a hole in the ceiling, then at the "scree" which had broken through it and lay spread, fan-shaped, on the solid floor at his feet, he heard a footstep, and Mrs Penhaligon's voice in the passage without.
Nicky-Nan, Reservist
They have small, fan-shaped leaves that are now turning a beautiful yellow.
Times, Sunday Times
Each concrete pylon carries two planes of fan-shaped cables anchored to the edge girders.
Gingko trees are turning an ochreous yellow, and the fan-shaped leaves are now falling steadily.
Times, Sunday Times
The cell also develops a broad, fan-shaped protrusion called a lamella along its leading edges, which helps move it forward.
Daily News & Analysis
Gophers clump their mounds together in tight groups, and these are flatter and fan-shaped with off-center holes.
Your lats are large fan-shaped muscles that go from your armpits to your hips and from your torso's outer border to your spine.
From the fan-shaped leaves to the root, the palmyra palm forms an intrinsic part of the life and cuisine of this region.
The weird 35ft creature breathed through a fan-shaped bony crest filled with nasal passages.
The Sun
The southernmost park, bordering Chinatown, has a red gateway at its entrance, fan-shaped paving stones and bamboo plantings.
FRAZIER: Well, with these pictures we're looking at now, as you talk to us Lauren, you can see the propulsion, a large fan-shaped propeller, in a frame behind the glider himself with the parasailor.
CNN Transcript Aug 23, 2001
From the 1920s on, acousticians promoted fan-shaped concert halls, virtually free of reverberation.
She took delivery yesterday of five exotic palm trees which have silvery blue-green fan-shaped leaves.
Times, Sunday Times
A large fan-shaped window in the front stairwell shows the sun at daybreak illuminating dangling wisteria vines.
Make a fan-shaped frame of the main branches (laterals) and tie them in.
Times, Sunday Times
In combination with forward directed postorbital horns and massive fan-shaped frill, cranial epi-ossifications may have enhanced visual display and species communication in Triceratops.
Triceratops cranial epi-ossifications
The refuge's fan-shaped palms harbor migrating warblers, green jays, and long-billed thrashers, and are part of a wildlife corridor for two endangered wild cats, the ocelot and jaguarundi.
Fan-shaped drum for Pushan, formwork, the skin surface with a diameter of a Chiban, put less handle the chain, ring up the end of Sui colorful silk, Ku keys made from bamboo.
The widening white V of the wake spread out from the stern like a fan-shaped contrail.
The Egyptian military standard was generally surmounted by the figure of a lion in gilded bronze, the lion being sometimes surmounted by a fan-shaped ornament.
Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
Developing fan-shaped mat of fungal strands caused by armillaria root rot at base of sycamore trunk
The skull-caps of plaited and blackened palm leaf, though common in the interior, are here rare; an imitation is produced by tressing the hair longitudinally from occiput to sinciput, making the head a system of ridges, divided by scalp-lines, and a fan-shaped tuft of scarlet-stained palm frond surmounts the poll.
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
The fan-shaped Nile delta in the north, where the climate is wetter, is very fertile.
A section of boxes climbs from the stage, then rows of benches rise high up the slope of the fan-shaped amphitheater.
The double bed has been fitted out with a lurid, multi-coloured mattress cover the hues of which are reflected in a fan-shaped mirror attached to the bedstead.
Pecterlis gigantean, with its large white flowers, a fan-shaped fringed lip and a very long spur, is the most spectacular orchid found in mossy fields.
Walk into a dimly-lit gallery and approach the welded steel device fitted with a battery of fan-shaped movie screens.
With its multipaned and fan-shaped windows, it was an attractive medium-size home on a large lot.
In the Still of the Night
Gophers clump their mounds together in tight groups, and these are flatter and fan-shaped with off-center holes.
They have goldenyellow, fan-shaped leaves, which they have been dropping for 200 million years, and are dropping once again.
Times, Sunday Times
I started to sweep over the grass watching the leaves roll underneath its fan-shaped teeth.
Globe and Mail
He stared into that liquid, incandescent heart, and then flinched, despite all he could do, as a huge, fan-shaped billow of flame and sparks erupted from another vast piece of machinery.
Very fleshy, three to ten inches high, sterile segment subsessile, borne near the middle of the plant, oblong, simple pinnate with three to eight pairs of lunate or fan-shaped divisions, obtusely crenate, the veins repeatedly forking; fertile segment panicled, two to three pinnate.
The Fern Lover's Companion A Guide for the Northeastern States and Canada
Their wings are long, broad, and rounded and their tail short, broad, and fan-shaped.
The Moorish mood is created by arches and pillars decorated with fan-shaped tiles.
A fan-shaped region of debris on Mars is providing new evidence that the planet, now bone-dry, once had persistent rivers or lakes.
The new foliage is astonishingly delicate, as good as any maple, and everyone loves that primitive, fan-shaped leaf.
Times, Sunday Times