
How To Use Famish In A Sentence

  • It was dreadful, because if people are famished and dying you have to do intensive feeding seven or eight times a day.
  • I’ll tell you what, you thin man in a censer, I will have you as soundly swinged for this, — you blue-bottle rogue, you filthy famished correctioner, if you be not swinged, I’ll forswear half-kirtles. The second part of King Henry the Fourth
  • I was beginning to feel a little famished with all the smiling, dancing and chit-chatting, so I excused myself from my little group of friends to get myself some edible delicacies from the buffet table.
  • In both cases, you probably become famished and are more likely to make poor food choices and overindulge, says Walls.
  • But when you're famished in subzero temperatures, you're likely to consume it before it's fully rehydrated - making it harder to digest.
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  • I was beginning to feel a little famished with all the smiling, dancing and chit-chatting, so I excused myself from my little group of friends to get myself some edible delicacies from the buffet table.
  • I've had nothing since supper at about 19.00 hours last night except a cup of coffee, and I'm famished. CHALLENGE FOR THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • Since we were all famished and couldn't wait to get to a restaurant, the rest of us stayed in the van while Ramon went inside to get his brother.
  • A sated man loathes honey, But to a famished man any bitter thing is sweet.
  • The sky was a kind of famished blue, insufficiently dressed with a few stretches of muslin clouds. Archive 2007-11-01
  • His contraption, patented in 1979, catches birds, which fly into a little house with a false floor attached to a downspout and dispenses them uninjured to a cage below, where famished felines move in for the kill. The Kookiest Inventions
  • The rope dug into her flesh, her stomach, causing her to become further aware of how famished she was.
  • I pushed my famished, ravaged body onwards.
  • One peer at least tied a capon in his handkerchief and tossed it up to his famished family.
  • She gave them coffee, krout, and potato pickles, which are never eaten but by famished men, and for once they were a luxury. Woman's Work in the Civil War A Record of Heroism, Patriotism, and Patience
  • By the time Edward returned with a tray of beer-cans the fire was blazing with famished enthusiasm.
  • It was evident that when the goblin girl said "famished" she meant very hungry indeed. Dragon on a Pedestal
  • Weary, famished and despairing at the end of 1846, the peasants of one of the most famine-ravaged counties in the country hoped for better things in the coming year.
  • Oh well, I'm famished and a good meal is what I need.
  • I was beginning to feel a little famished with all the smiling, dancing and chit-chatting, so I excused myself from my little group of friends to get myself some edible delicacies from the buffet table.
  • For since thy good works, not thy goods will follow thee; since riches are an appurtenance of life, and no dead man is rich, to famish in plenty, and live poorly to die rich, were Letter to a Friend
  • I'm not joking, but I could not work out how†"until eventually I stumbled upon my inventory (I'm not even sure how) and finally made him reach the state of" famished "rather than starving. GameSetWatch
  • they were tired and famished for food and sleep
  • There are any number of French restaurateurs who will give "famished" Americans exactly what they're used to - after all, a euro is a euro is a euro. -
  • She'd had no sleep the night before and she was famished.
  • In the first scene, the First Citizen describes the Senate the 1% of ancient Rome: They ne'er cared for us yet: suffer us to famish, and their storehouses crammed with grain; make edicts for usury, to support usurers; repeal daily any wholesome act established against the rich, and provide more piercing statutes daily to chain up and restrain the poor. What Shakespeare Thought About the 1%
  • Their experience finds a compelling representative in Leymah Gbowee, who recalled her famished rss feed
  • He looks famished and dishevelled and in no way gainfully employed.
  • Jordan said: ‘It looked famished and was a bit unsteady on its feet.’
  • The first few minutes were spent concentrating on the food, for the women were famished.
  • ‘Soup and bouilli will do,’ replied the halffamished prisoner; ‘but let us have a large piece of beef, a gallon of soup, and ten pounds of bread, with beer in proportion.’
  • What poor hosts we have become if we do not offer to assuage her hunger, for surely she must be famished by now.
  • Boy, I'm famished… can we stop at a café and eat before we meet up with Tamika?
  • The Indian side appeared famished for most part of the tournament, an outfit that seemed to have sloughed off its competitive edge.
  • But, til then, here he will stay, and neither quit the spot whence he sends you these lines, till you have deigned to pronounce verbally his doom, though he should famish for want of food! Camilla
  • Could they listen to the plea of reason who had groaned under the calamities of a social state, according to the provisions of which one man riots in luxury whilst another famishes for want of bread? The Revolt of Islam
  • Mr. Stross explained that Google's goal is to feed information to the company's servers like they are some kind of famished beasts: "It has reached out to claim as many books as it can get hold of, as many videos as its users would like to submit, as many different kinds of maps as can be overlaid upon the earth and the sky, and as many of the documents that computer users routinely create for home, office, and school. Home | The New York Observer
  • Indeed, like Icky Vicky, the Evoque has a kind of sawed-off, famished look. Range Rover: Still King of the Hill
  • I desire that thou bring me a tray of food like unto that thou broughtest me erewhiles, for indeed I am famisht. Arabian nights. English
  • That system of labor which saps the health, and shortens life, and famishes intellect, needs, and must receive, great modification. Harvard Classics Volume 28 Essays English and American
  • Frightened, the boy ran; but famished as he was, he did not run far and lingered next to a shop where the apples were still in sight.
  • Nay, the latter are the more harmless wild beasts; for they only cranch a poor traveller now and then, and when they are famished with hunger: the others, though they have dined, cut the throats of some hundreds of poor The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 4
  • A hand brushing her brow, she continued, `Oh, how dost foul famish fatigue me. THE MANANA MAN
  • Could they listen to the plea of reason who had groaned under the calamities of a social state according to the provisions of which one man riots in luxury whilst another famishes for want of bread? The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • Speaking of being hungry for Greek, get me to the nearest falafel stand - I'm famished!
  • They may have hankered for love, fame, and wisdom, but what they hungered to be given was experience ” and both found that the giving famishes the craving. That Old Identity Game
  • I'm famished too and was just waiting on you slowpokes.
  • Many famished in the countryside during the drought
  • Anyway, your tea is very pleasant - although I do find that it makes me utterly famished; if I'm dunking I need an entire pack of digestives.
  • One day Esau returns from the countryside, exhausted and famished, to find his brother Jacob cooking a stew.
  • I was absolutely famished but could not manage more than a third of the serving.
  • The Roman soldiers waited year after year until they knew that the people were famished and then they rushed in and slaughtered them by the thousands.
  • He is so hungry, so thirsty, so famished without me, she thinks. THE CHEEK PERFORATION DANCE
  • Fiftyish, 350-pound art dealers in suits ‘eat’ huge banquet spreads, gorging themselves with the sloppy abandon of famished Vikings, only to discover the food is merely a hallucination.
  • March 16, 2008 at 4:36 pm iz u teh famish “magnificat n D”? Ninja - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • [ "Now was come about Holy-Cross Day, and now must my lord preach his first sermon to the Jews: as it was of old cared for in the merciful bowels of the Church, that, so to speak, a crumb at least from her conspicuous table here in Rome should be, though but once yearly, cast to the famishing dogs, under-trampled and bespitten-upon beneath the feet of the guests. Dramatic Romances
  • ‘The last of us finally got home at 8am, but only because we were famished - and couldn't find a cafe open to cook us breakfast,’ said coach Andy Geary.
  • I have offered the leavings of a meal to a savage just after he had apparently gorged himself and he "wolfed" it as if he were famished. An African Adventure
  • A sated man loathes honey, But to a famished man any bitter thing is sweet.
  • There are any number of French restaurateurs who will give "famished" Americans exactly what they're used to -- after all, a euro is a euro is a euro. - News
  • I mean you wouldn't say, God I'm famished, I could murder a fruit juice.
  • They're sleep deprived, dehydrated, exhausted, and famished.
  • A hand brushing her brow, she continued, `Oh, how dost foul famish fatigue me. THE MANANA MAN
  • I’ll tell thee what, thou thin man in a censer, I will have you as soundly swinged for this, you blue-bottle rogue! you filthy famished correctioner! if you be not swinged, I’ll forswear half-kirtles. Act V. Scene IV. The Second Part of King Henry the Fourth
  • I suppose a dearth of food can famish you and make you anxious to believe any promise of a better life, regardless of your mental faculty .
  • She had to admit she was quite hungry, famished even.
  • Next were victual brought unto her of broth and venison, and good wine and cates and strawberries; and she was not so famished but she might eat and drink with a good will. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • He beat at them continually with his whip, but they were so famished that they took no notice whatever.
  • We were running a little late and I was famished, so we broke a rule and had a light lunch in the coffee shop.
  • Ashton while we do this go into the kitchen and eat something, you look famished.
  • The LORD will be terrible unto them: for he will famish all the gods of the earth; and men shall worship him, every one from his place, even all the isles of the heathen. Probably Just One Of Those Funny Coincidences
  • The famished old folk could only swallow their tears.
  • Many people also opt for famishing themselves in order to shed weight more quickly. But famishing oneself is not a recommendation of quick weight loss.
  • Trivedy said 5000 famished people had congregated next to a church in the coastal town of Nova Mambone.
  • And into my face I strove to throw all the wan wistfulness of famished and ingenuous youth of mendicancy. Confession
  • Fie on ambition! fie on myself, that have a sword, and yet am ready to famish! The Second part of King Henry the Sixth
  • We pulled up to grub at the Feathers at Merstham, and 'artily glad I was, for I was far on to famish, having ridden whole twenty-five miles in a cold, frosty air without morsel of wittles of any sort. Jorrocks' Jaunts and Jollities
  • Starving men may think much about food, but so do gluttons; the gorged, as well as the famished, like titillations.
  • Jacob and his brother Esau were pretty tight-knit, until one day Esau returns from a long trip, famished.
  • They, the tired and famished ones, bring with them their stock-in-trade, their cigar fuzees, their boot blackers and shiners, and their humble single brushes with which to ‘brush you down, sir,’ for a penny.
  • Hammam, sent thither for each of them a suit of apparel such as befitted a merchant worth a thousand. 494 When they had washed and donned each his suit, I carried them to my house where, seeing them well nigh famished, I set a tray of food before them and ate with them, caressing them and comforting them. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Famished for power and perks, they pour out of the law schools and the centers for the study of this and that to cop the boodle when their side wins.
  • I'll tell you what, you thin man in a censer, I will have you as soundly swinged for this, -- you blue-bottle rogue, you filthy famished correctioner, if you be not swinged, I'll forswear half-kirtles. The Second Part of King Henry IV
  • He had been too sorrowful earlier to notice but now that Bryan mentioned it, he was famished, he hadn't eaten all day.
  • I wolfed it, famished, while cats scratched at gaps in the floorboards and invisible mice.
  • I was famished by the time we came to the canteen and, for once, the whole group was assembled there - - only, they sat at separate tables.
  • Lazarus lies howling at his gates for a few crumbs, he only seeks chippings, offals; let him roar and howl, famish, and eat his own flesh, he respects him not. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Anyways, I got to go because my mother said dinner is done and I have to eat something because I'm famished.
  • Sympathy is rarely strong where there is a great inequality of condition; and he was raised so high above the mass of his fellow creatures that their distresses excited in him only a languid pity, such as that with which we regard the sufferings of the inferior animals, of a famished redbreast or of an overdriven posthorse. The History of England, from the Accession of James II — Volume 2
  • He went to the bog in the morning on his breakfast of dry stirabout, with a bit of cold stirabout in his pocket to keep off the hungry grass, as the peasant calls famished pains, and walked home to his dry stirabout at night, having walked going and coming eleven Irish miles over and above his day's work. The Letters of "Norah" on Her Tour Through Ireland
  • Everyone was famished, desperate and starving.
  • He welcomed me, on the contrary, with a joy that was evidently to a certain extent artificial and dictated by politeness, but was also sincere, prompted both by his stomach which so long a delay had begun to famish, and his consciousness of The Guermantes Way
  • I was still wondering what famished them, since the reason for their leanness, and their skin's sad scurf, was not obvious yet.
  • The holy man takes the farm into his own hands, and nearly famishes both the laborers and the master; till at length their feelings counteract their superstition, and the saint is in the end expelled in his turn. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Sacrifices always lessened his appetite, but he had not eaten since morning, and he was considerably famished.
  • He was lying face down and looked famished and exhausted.
  • The luluing of the famished myall mingled with the howl of the hunting dingo.
  • Here, then, was the field in which Lord George had made up his mind that the superabounding but wasted labour of the famishing people should find profitable employment. The History of the Great Irish Famine of 1847 (3rd ed.) (1902) With Notices of Earlier Irish Famines
  • Burning off fat rather than energy stored in muscles also means you are less likely to feel famished after an exercise session and order that self-defeating portion of fries at the health club restaurant.
  • Food riots broke out, and as unemployment reached 40 percent, famished angry people wandered the streets.
  • We were running a little late and I was famished, so we broke a rule and had a light lunch in the coffee shop.
  • Free trade unpeoples villages and peoples poorhouses, consolidates farms, and gluts the graveyards with famished corpses.
  • Here, a sewing-woman famishes and freezes; there, mothers murder their children, that those spared may live upon the bread purchased with the burial allowances of the dead starveling; and at the next door young girls prostitute themselves for food. Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
  • But even a day later, she is not so well - she is famished, utterly exhausted physically and emotionally.
  • And some of them arrived in very bad states of malnutrition, also [suffering from] skin diseases and very, very famished and exhausted.
  • We were out of breath, underdressed (no coats either) and famished, with at least two hours to kill before our key-bearing neighbours would be home.
  • You are all resolved rather to die than to famish? The Tragedy of Coriolanus
  • I saw many originally low, and to whom lack of education left scarcely anything but animal wants, disappointed in those wants, ahungered, athirst, and desperate as famished animals: I saw what taught my brain a new lesson, and filled my breast with fresh feelings. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • By nightfall he was fatigued, footsore, famished.

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