How To Use Family In A Sentence

  • There is a tradition of magickal practice in my family but sadly it fell into abeyance a couple of generations back.
  • Butterflies enjoy the daisy family too, and there are a few that they especially love. Times, Sunday Times
  • We drove a mile or so to Shipley Glen, a wooded hillside where a bit of family fairground fun awaited.
  • The dozen pictures she had shot during a recent bath time -- including a few of Nora rinsing with a handheld shower sprayer -- were, for Cynthia, simply part of the vast photographic record she was keeping of her family's life. Lynn Powell: Pornographer or Soccer Mom?
  • Letters from my family are sort of depressing, though sometimes my cousins write a few words that makes me laugh.
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  • When Connor sees that Michael's teenage son has witnessed the crime, it spells tragedy for the O'Sullivan family.
  • So much so that when he tried out a few of his character's screen tricks on his family, they put him firmly in his place. The Sun
  • Hesher (Director: Spencer Susser; Screenwriters: Spencer Susser and David Michod; Story by Brian Charles Frank) — A mysterious, anarchical trickster descends on the lives of a family struggling to deal with a painful loss. Sundance 2010 Competition Lineup Arrives, And Here Are Some Highlights » MTV Movies Blog
  • · “Adult family member” is defined as “a person over 21 years of age who is the parent, grandparent, step-parent living in the household, or legal guardian” of the pregnant teen. Archive 2009-07-01
  • In that time she accompanied members of the Royal Family on some unforgettable overseas tours.
  • Savona also includes several family recipes from Malta, such as Nanna's rice salad, which I'm anxious to try. BellaOnline - The Voice of Women
  • Born in an American Stalinist medical facility**** to foreign parents, he spent his early years nomadically, drifting from country to country***** as his feckless father moved the family in search of lasting employment******. Support Al Kemal for Mayor of London: the People’s Choice! « raincoaster
  • But the family have pulled together and, in spite of fits of irritability, are happy.
  • It is an Extended Family Tree - showing all the collateral branches of a family, i.e. all the descendants.
  • She denied hemoptysis, fever, trauma, or history of blood clots in her or her family.
  • The case has offered an insight into travails he faced running the family business and securing a successor. Times, Sunday Times
  • The authority of the father was absolute, as the head of a hierarchy arranged by generation, age and sex, in which every member of the extended family was related in rank to every other.
  • Her life is a constant juggling act, coping with career, family, and home life single-handed.
  • The family is the one place that should be a guarantee of safety to its members, especially its most vulnerable members, and this legislation goes part-way towards trying to define that and to defend that right.
  • He thought the thieves would dispose of the shop's stock at car boot sales or use them for family gifts.
  • This cooperative family decision-making has much to recommend it.
  • The money is commonly laundered via cash deposits to friends or family members' bank accounts and is quickly withdrawn to be paid to the gang leaders. Times, Sunday Times
  • And when apriums - the babies of the pluots-plumcot family - hit the market, you can tuck them into a pillowy NPR Topics: News
  • Wish you success in your career and happiness of your family!
  • A family law barrister close to the Crikey crew advises that many men attempt to talk down their earning capacity when they are negotiating settlements with former wives.
  • The new sled is meant to replace the one he had in Colorado, back with his family. Eric’s Top 10 Defining Christmas Moments » Scene-Stealers
  • One table had an older family, taking a break from cooking at home.
  • This was but one property in the family portfolio. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is mostly true for fans, friends, and family of unsung folk hero Tim Hardin, the prolific songster who wasted his life living wasted.
  • We registered, writing our names and place of residence, and checked for family members.
  • The wood pewee, like its relative, the phoebe, feeds largely on the family of flies to which the house fly belongs. Bird Day; How to prepare for it
  • Would they give one up to house a refugee family? The Sun
  • It contained two spoons and a fork, silver with her family crest stamped on the handles. THE LAST OF THE GENTLEMEN ADVENTURERS: Coming of Age in the Arctic
  • Women also frequently work in family businesses as shopkeepers and seamstresses.
  • But a family planning a wedding reception would be able to claim exemption from import duty.
  • The deep grief and guilt of the mother as well as the hatred and home-sickness of the daughter permeate the story and eventually melt away due to the abiding family love.
  • I know by my family history that a forebear of mine turned on the gods of Mother India and professed faith to the One True God.
  • They propose genetic screening for newborns to potentially benefit both the child and the rest of the family.
  • Doubtless his friends and family were working on his behalf and might well be involved with Peggy Say's campaign.
  • The family didn't want a gastrostomy tube placed, but they weren't ready to say goodbye, either.
  • Family dislocation has obvious social and emotional costs, especially for the children who lose a parent and often a source of income.
  • Another is that our empathy appears to be limited to those we identify as part of our own family or tribe. Times, Sunday Times
  • The key to the sealant is a family of unique mussel adhesive proteins containing a high concentration of dihydroxyphenylalanine, an amino acid. The Money Times - finance news, lifestyle, markets, investment, personal finance, banking, retirement planning
  • Talking about the investment in the new main stand, the increased capacity, and the scope for making money rather than just haemorrhaging it, he insisted his family are in it for the long haul.
  • We usually open family presents with my BIL, SIL and nephew on Christmas morning.
  • As the family mourns and close relatives shave their heads, the body is transported to the funeral ghat (bank along a river), where prayers are recited.
  • A half-timbered family hotel with rooms off a creaky wooden balcony running round two sides of a courtyard.
  • Among the first generation, family relations adhered rather closely to the traditional Bulgarian model.
  • As Christians who reject evolutionary theory, the family scoffed at the park's dinosaur attractions, which date the apatosaurus, brachiosaurus and the like to prehistoric times.
  • Nevertheless, women did not enjoy juridical equality in marriage and the family until new family legislation was passed in 1977.
  • The Spring Festival Eve is the time for a family reunion.
  • Brian will be sadly missed by his family and close friends.
  • Your life is a constant juggling act between work and family. Christianity Today
  • New love has a famous family name. The Sun
  • Mohammad Sajjad/Associated Press A displaced child, whose family fled from the Khyber tribal region due to military operations, held onto her mother while waiting to register at the Jalozai camp on the outskirt of Peshawar, Pakistan, on Monday. Asia in Pictures
  • There are three large and fully furnished bedrooms - a twin, a double and a single room, so there is lots of space for a family in Ireland on holiday.
  • Pat came from a working-class Catholic family in Denver, where her father had worked as an electrician.
  • The family made the amazing find while on a nature ramble in the woods.
  • Most of us tend to entertain our friends in the family room; a formal dining room becomes a mail sorting place, and a formal living room is a museum for curios and uncomfortable furniture.
  • I was born into a staunch Roman Catholic family and was indoctrinated with those beliefs as I grew up.
  • Similarly, a firm may value worker characteristics that are unobservable to employment agencies but quite observable to family and friends.
  • The family moves out of their unnamed city to an unnamed suburban area to start again.
  • It appeared the family had never been properly screened by the DIB, which was alarming given that its activities were supposedly well monitored, he added.
  • The procession followed a private ceremony, attended by about 200 family and friends.
  • Everything from tobacco sacks and cigarette papers to a spare cinch and a rope, from a change of clothes to a picture of his family or his girl, from old letters and reading material to a marlinespike, was kept in it. This Calder Range
  • He took with him messages of support from Andy's family and friends, who remain convinced of his innocence.
  • Upon the death of Charles, the third viscount without issue in 1739, the title of baronet devolved to Charles, elder son of Dr. William Graham, some time Dean of Carlisle, fourth son of Sir George, the second baronet; but it was not, we believe, for some years claimed, nor is any account of this family inserted in the baronetages of 1741 or 1773.
  • I feel proud to come from a footballing family. The Sun
  • Earning enough to be able to spend time with my family. Times, Sunday Times
  • I thought maybe my family would like it too (little did I realize back then just how much my family does not care for Indian food), and so I made it for them, increasing the mustard seeds but massively reducing the pepper flakes for my heat-averse mother (I did not know to sub in paprika then). Tried & True Goan Style Vindaloo
  • The artist uncrated it on a broad gallery that opened off the dining room, apparently for the admiration of friends and family.
  • They were the most terrifying months our family could live with, but the doctors pulled off a miracle. Times, Sunday Times
  • This used to be illegal but several states have now repealed laws against perpetuities which used to limit the term of any family trust to about 90 years, after which time the family members would own the property outright, and thus finally have to pay taxes. Maxim Thorne: Giving Thanks for a Meritocracy Instead of Aristocracy
  • Such verses are preserved mainly in the kings' sagas; many ‘lausavísur’ or occasional verses, and some love poetry are included in the narratives of family sagas.
  • As you might have guessed we are not talking about an all-too-human Dana Plato, Todd Bridges or Corey-of-your-choice, but a fellow member of our family Hominidae who diverged from our species 6 million years ago. Warren Holstein: Monkey Business: Travis the Celebrity Chimpanzee Attacks!!!
  • The family's common names follow the standard alkane hydrocarbon sequence: methyl paraben, ethyl paraben, propyl paraben, butyl paraben, etc.
  • Family comedy sequel based on the popular book series. The Sun
  • The present chapter takes a very broad comparative and evolutionary look at family and kinship. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • His body was taken by some local Belgians and kept in their family vault for the course of the war. Times, Sunday Times
  • Almonds, plums, apples, cherries, and lemons are enjoyed in many households fresh off the trees in family gardens.
  • She sacrificed family life to her career.
  • The cash was frittered in duff property deals, paying off debts and treating her family. The Sun
  • The mark of every successful entrepreneur is his or her willingness to borrow from family and friends.
  • Parmesan is a generic term used to describe a family of hard Italian cheeses.
  • Take a look at her age verses the care of the kids, would Michael risk his life risk his kids being devastated in loosing him as father …. the kids and family he always wanted, you have to wonder would he risk his life to drugs. The Post-Mortem Legal Battles of Michael Jackson : Law is Cool
  • However, despite these similarities, the political significance of the extended family was not uniform throughout Wales, Scotland, and Ireland.
  • The chimney, usually of lath and plaster, ending overhead in a cone and funnel for the smoke, was so roomy in old cottages as to accommodate almost the whole family sitting around the fire of logs piled in the reredosse in the middle, and there they carried on their winter's work. The Life of Thomas Telford
  • His boundless energy and enthusiasm were infectious and his pride in his family paramount. Times, Sunday Times
  • The title agency reports that the average price for a single-family home is down 4 percent from a year ago, to $$430,019, while through July, the median sold price for a single-family home was down 3 percent from the same time a year ago, to $362,000. [email protected] Aspen Times - Top Stories
  • Despite a string of victories-the judge's stinging decision enumerating Allen's "fraudulent modus operandi," occasional media coverage, and the support of real CIA agents and military heroes-he is no closer to collecting the $40,000 he says was "conned" from his family in 1993. Edgar Allen
  • a close-knit family
  • It also saved her family the daily washing machine wear and tear, increased water use and the chore of washing and drying nappies regularly.
  • If a girl married without her parents' consent, she would risk abandonment by family and tribe.
  • It's probably been twenty years or more since I read L' Engle's ‘Time trilogy’ about the Murry family, and in that time L' Engle has written another book in the series, making it a tetralogy.
  • He explained to the Western People that an old dinghy, which has been patched up by his son on the morning of the accident, proved to be the rescue vehicle for the drowning family.
  • By having her family surgically implanted with bugging devices. The Sun
  • To lose him so young, so suddenly and in such a savage way is a devastating shock to our family.
  • During his stay in England he boarded with a family in Bath.
  • At the same time, we move further away from the great villas and estates of the Roman world and closer to the family farms of the Middle Ages.
  • All the family are highly aromatic; fennel, like many others in this family, has an aniseed-like smell.
  • 'I knew a case once where an heir who expected a large sum of money was bequeathed a family Bible, which he threw into the fire, learning afterwards, to his dismay, that it contained many thousands of pounds in Bank of England notes, the object of the devisor being to induce the legatee to read the good Book or suffer through the neglect of it.' The Triumphs of Eugène Valmont
  • He has left behind a secure home, a loving family and a glittering array of school prizes. Times, Sunday Times
  • My family has not forgiven me yet, but perhaps if I make these, that will smooth things over! why so much baking soda? browning effect? because there's not that much molasses (acid). and it's only 4 cups flour. somebody enlighten me! oh and for your molasses question - depends if you want the stronger molasses flavor. robust is probably what is more commonly referred to as blackstrap molasses. the light stuff I think tastes too light for something like a ginger cookie, I think. and given there's only 1/2C of molasses in this recipe to go along with 2 C of regular sugar, I'd def say go for the robust. Jeremy Zawodny's linkblog
  • Whether a family link provides that connection is debatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was wondered at, as my uncle has introduced him into our family declaredly as a visitor to my sister. Clarissa Harlowe
  • The doctor who performed the post-mortems on the bodies of the family is due to testify on Tuesday.
  • Myostatin is a member of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) superfamily of growth and differentiation factors and is a primary regulator of muscle growth both pre - and postnatally, primarily via inhibition of myoblast proliferation and differentiation PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The relationship with her mother, Zippora, née Assur, the daughter of a prosperous merchant family, who had never attended school, became more and more difficult. Fanny Lewald.
  • Once we got home, there was barely time to enjoy our presents. We had to go off to our grandparents' house for our annual Christmas dinner. As we drove down the highway through town, I noticed that the family was still there, standing outside the closed gas station.
  • Being caught in the middle of someone else's family argument is hideous and embarrassing.
  • Overjoyed members of Ward's family said he had been robbed of six years of his life after the short hearing concluded.
  • This is consistent with patrilocal residency patterns-the remittance goes to the husband's family, from both of them.
  • To demonstrate fidelity to the deceased family member, a band of wind and percussion instruments is often present to perform both traditional and popular music.
  • Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte, and their gifted sister Anne Bronte came from a large family of Irish origin.
  • How would this family prove it was the insurance company's incompetence that led to the lapsed life policy and thus claim the assured amount?
  • I contented myself with merely trying to become a migrant worker, a plan that fizzled because nobody in my family would advance me the cash necessary to go out west and meet my fellow migrants.
  • My watermill in the Dordogne is shared with a family I have holidayed with for 25 years.
  • Doreen has been Haworth's lollipop lady for 11 years and she is steadily building up a family dynasty in the job.
  • The Spring Festival Eve is the time for a family reunion.
  • And does a modern live-in nanny eat with the family? Times, Sunday Times
  • Frondeur, young Darpent, whom our brother had the folly to introduce into the family. ' Stray Pearls
  • But the preparatory drawings of individual members of the family remain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Windsor is open to visitors when the Royal Family is not in residence.
  • And what can owners do to ensure the family pet takes each step in their stride? The Sun
  • Zoe's illness took her family by surprise and crept into their lives gradually.
  • Inside there is still more than ample room for the school run or a family holiday. The Sun
  • Was it a true bear or did it belong to the same family as the red panda? The Times Literary Supplement
  • Then he received a yearlong remote assignment overseas and had to go without his family. Christianity Today
  • November 28th, 2009 5: 23 pm ET its rare to see a family of muslims who like basketball so much. tammy Pres. Obama cheers on brother-in-law at basketball game
  • Our family of hospitals is wholeheartedly committed to equity and equality.
  • Despite vehement opposition from his family, he quit school and became an actor.
  • The family should feel right at home. Times, Sunday Times
  • A family money plan may seem far-fetched but if you do the sums and it all adds up, talk it through. The Sun
  • I felt shamed for being called crybaby and a fraidy cat by family members and others. Undefined
  • Many of the pictures and symbols were helpful to the Democrats 'cause: a family that clearly was from the real America -- Wallace and Bobby, his parents; a wife, Elizabeth, who looks like the kind of unpretentious person who doesn't mind celebrating her anniversary at Wendy's; a demure daughter and two towheaded tots. Digital Dispatches
  • The family show includes colourful costumes, lively characters, music, comedy and audience participation.
  • He has funded the program through his JADE Foundation, an acronym comprised of the first initials of his family: children, Jonathan and Alison, and his wife of 32 years, Ellen. Funding Art Therapy for Veterans and Trauma Victims
  • This solution gives homeowners the freedom of never having to carry or circulate multiple sets of keys, coupled with the ability to instantaneously grant entry to family members, friends, unexpected house guests, and service providers such as handymen and housekeepers. HomeToys News
  • She is slumped on a bed in a cubicle, with a fair number of friends and family milling around her. Times, Sunday Times
  • The teen was committed to DYRS last year, the source said, after being "adjudicated," or found guilty, in Family Court of an armed robbery. Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • He loves his job, but he's not exactly thrilled with being an exile from his home and family. Christianity Today
  • A diplomatic source said: 'The irony is that the royal family has used oil to slow down social change. Times, Sunday Times
  • Commonly the groom or his family gave the infare, but often enough some generous and well-to-do friend, or kinsman, pre-empted the privilege. Dishes & Beverages of the Old South
  • She belongs to a family descended from free Blacks those released from slavery before the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863.
  • There's something compelling, even mythic, about a boy reaching out from beyond the grave to save the children of his family's sworn enemy.
  • In fact there is little evidence of a direct link between tight family budgets and food theft. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are likely to be drawn to the same kind of partner and are often suddenly thrown into close proximity by family ties and get-togethers. The Sun
  • He came from a musical family, and he played the trumpet and the saxophone and had a fondness for jazz. Times, Sunday Times
  • Local business owner, family man, four kids in Calvert County public schools. Gerald W. 'Jerry' Clark (R)*
  • Uncle Shim shared these thoughts both as a courtesy to our family and as instruction to me.
  • Mars helps you to do the straight talking that will resolve a family situation. The Sun
  • Now in Lebanon, he and his family are safe but existence is hand to mouth. Times, Sunday Times
  • A Hindu coparcenary is a much narrower body than a joint family. Archive 2005-12-01
  • Today, spruced-up Times Square is in the midst of a surprising, almost surreal transformation into a family-oriented entertainment center.
  • The involvement of family and other carers during each of the elements should be considered standard practice.
  • Pigfish (Orthopristis chrysoptera) are in the grunt family and are another good bait for most bottom fish.
  • Studies of family, twin and Foster child reveal that genetic factors play an important role in the etiological complex of mental retardation.
  • The debut in spring 2006 of HBO's television series, Big Love, which featured a fictional and in some ways likeable polygamous family in Utah, propelled polygamy to the front pages of American newspapers and put the idea of legalized polygamy "in play" in some surprising quarters. Elizabeth Marquardt: Get Ready for Group Marriage
  • Would you enjoy being a quintuplet in the early 20th century when, as a reproductive anomaly, the simple fact of your existence made your family a freak show.
  • Talking to the family about money may test your patience but gets the right results. The Sun
  • That vantage point also allowed him to depict in the foreground the community's schoolhouse, which was built in 1861 a short distance north of the church family.
  • I wrote about coming out in the family and about the insidious homophobia of siblings.
  • One day you will do things for me that you hate. That is what it means to be family. Jonathan Safran Foer 
  • Family forest landowners (often known as tree farmers) take pride in managing their lands.
  • A visit to the new county museum will set the family purse back by around £12.
  • Their family can trace its origins back to the Norman Conquest.
  • The family dynamic gets splintered when Glen develops a second personality - Glenda - and starts acting out, leading to spectacular patricide.
  • What are the keywords on the mood boards at the car designers these days: sexy, aggressive, practical, safe, sporty, flexible, successful, family, active, fun?
  • After the military coup, the family left for self-imposed exile in America.
  • She would cajole family members with promises of help and milk and sugar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unprivileged belligerency is not a violation of the law of war for Omar Khadr any more than it would be for you to fight against an invading army to protect your home and family. Balkinization
  • Next thing you know, you're on your way to Athens to work as a live-in for a diplomat's family.
  • For a genuine old-fashioned family carriage commend us to the araba. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 25, April, 1873
  • He was fixing his car when the shell landed in front of the simple home where he and his family lived as fruit farmers. Times, Sunday Times
  • This ring has been passed on in my family from mother to daughter.
  • We had many family quarrels about it, and they began in time to grow up to a dangerous height; for as I was quite estranged form my husband (as he was called) in affection, so I took no heed to my words, but sometimes gave him language that was provoking; and, in short, strove all I could to bring him to a parting with me, which was what above all things in the world I desired most. Moll Flanders
  • The Matriarch of the family gives him some money for books and incidental expenses.
  • Use their advice during mock interviews with friends and family. The Sun
  • Some authors aim at a narrative of drama, skipping the plateaux of family life or inner thoughts and move through a series of peaks of achievement.
  • Effects on family life probably include contrary tendencies - accelerating or delaying decisions to start families, for example.
  • Elsensohn will be reinterred on Saturday, May 29, in his family's plot at Heroes or Villains?
  • Sure, I keep hearing assurances from network executives that more family-friendly viewing is on the way.
  • Jordan was the first in his family to escape such servitude.
  • Home is Burning is a deft piece of writing that captures the vicissitudes of family life whether in sickness or in health. Times, Sunday Times
  • They kept it quiet because they thought it could affect the marriageability of other women in the family.
  • The Cunas respect the different positions that family members hold, and greet each other accordingly.
  • This would involve audio/visual testimonials delivered and recorded from around the world by her students (from all three schools she taught in), her friends, and family.
  • At first the pictures appear to have been taken at a family gathering - a christening or a birthday party.
  • Broccoli, along with cauliflower and cabbage, belongs to the family of plants known as cruciferous vegetables, which are rich with antioxidants.
  • The _Pompilidæ_ are species of great beauty, some closely resembling those of Australia in the banding and maculation of their wings; amongst the _Vespidæ_ will be found some of the most elegant and beautiful forms in the whole of that protean family of Hymenoptera. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • This was virtually unheard of from a woman of her upbringing and her family were horrified. The Sun
  • The body was washed and prepared for burial by the women of the family (or by the monastic infirmarer, in the case of a monk or nun), and either shrouded or placed in a coffin.
  • Bert, pictured, who is the third generation of his family to work for the company, was the youngest steeplejack in the city when he started out on April 7, 1953.
  • The family made a gift of his paintings to the gallery.
  • L1-CAM, together with other members of the L1 subfamily, is critical for several early development processes like axon outgrowth, fasciculation, neuronal migration and survival PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Wesson meant for his plan to be triggered if police or employees with Child Protective Services — people he called devils — attempted to break up his family, she has argued. Wesson’s speedy trial a rarity
  • Finally, it's come to my attention that the up-and-coming Canadian boy band B4-4 is fronted by the twin sons of the cantor of my family synagogue.
  • There are different ways in which to address a member of the royal family.
  • INA amendments in 1965 established a family reunification system, which enabled braceros to sponsor (or withhold or withdraw sponsorship of) immediate family members.
  • The children had always regarded her as family, and as a result she looked on them as her own.

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