family name

  1. the name used to identify the members of a family (as distinguished from each member's given name)
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How To Use family name In A Sentence

  • On his appointment, he altered his surname by hyphenating a family name to avoid misunderstanding.
  • The gentrified and artistic world Hesselius's daughters and descendants married into can be traced under the family name, and under ‘Wertmuller.’
  • A soothsayer, steeped in the art of feng shui, advised the clan to invite a family named Ding to live in their midst; the word ding means "nail," and the Hus needed something to anchor their clan's roots, he said. China's Family Ties
  • Her grandfather founded the chain of shoe shops that bears the family name. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sirius is a daredevil, attention seeking and deeply loyal man, who, to quote Rowling "never bothered having a girlfriend" and was disowned from the Anicient and Most Noble House of Black for disgracing the family name ... The Harry Potter subtext debate
  • Boys were desirable because they carried on the family name, which was passed on through the male line.
  • We need not have recourse either to the family names, armorial bearings or cardinalatial titles, to see the fitness of their designations as given in the prophecies. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • I would expect a French or German speaker to use a uvular R at the beginning of the family name, a dental L, N and D, and a clear L in the first name, where English speakers would have an approximant R, alveolar L, N, and D, and a dark L. Urdu in English | Linguism
  • Now it is the tendering of a family name that is a significant moment. Times, Sunday Times
  • The song, from which I removed the family name, was published in the 1890s, and bewailed the loss of the family name, in the 17th century, by Royal proscription.
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