How To Use Faltering In A Sentence
He had tears in his eyes and a faltering voice as he paid tribute to his wife.
This realism is in part due to the elaborate set and costume design, but also to Campbell's unfaltering characterisation of Morgan.
Through their intimate portrayal of the daily struggles of Natividad Nata, her husband Daniel and their children, we discover the true face of hardship, but also Nata's courage and resilience and her family's unfaltering love and unity.
E. Nina Rothe: The Human Rights Watch Film Festival Digs Deep, Asks the Hard Questions
The House and Senate bills also contain provisions giving faltering companies less time to settle their debts and reorganize.
Although Democrats appear to be using the faltering economy to their advantage, Youngstown Republicans like McCain volunteer Tracey Winbush say they are making headway.

On the cover of the novel is a photo of an anorexic young Johnny with earring and guitar; inside is his portrait of the faltering and the fameless.
Lethem Heads West, Takes It Easy
They entered forests of oak and beech, following a faltering trail.
Somewhere East of Life
"You can't go to the cops," Stan said, his voice faltering.
His gaze settled upon her like a knife at her throat, his steps unfaltering.
Earl of Durkness
I opened my lips to speak; she saw his name faltering on my tongue, and stopped me.
The Forsaken Inn A Novel
One of the fluffy chicks takes some faltering steps under the watchful gaze of an adult flamingo.
The IMF has put together a rescue package for the country's faltering economy.
It said it is becoming expensive and previous high growth is faltering.
Times, Sunday Times
All the faltering, paltering and useless procrastinating by Hillary and her ilk have worked to delay any effective Democratic-backed change in the Iraq War, and, by extension, the reining-in of Cheney plans against Iran.
Hillary Joining Webb For Measure Opposing War With Iran
His ninth slam not only puts him seven behind the faltering Federer, but lifts him alongside Fred Perry, Don Budge, Rod Laver, Roy Emerson, Andre Agassi and Federer as owners of all the four slams.
Yeah, well of course I was talking about Governor Romney," says a bullish Mr Santorum, after briefly faltering inwith shades of Tim Pawlenty and "Obamaneycare". - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Our waitress was a little confused about the cheeseboard, but eventually delivered a faltering list.
For the most part, they have adapted well, but their discomfort was growing and confidence faltering.
Times, Sunday Times
There was a pause. Then Ursula broke into faltering challenge.
It was stunning in its betrayal of good, reliable allies who had unfalteringly stood by us.
Post-American Presidency
It is hard for me to say in a few faltering words how I feel when voices greet me from my own country.
Bernanke warned the U.S. economic recovery was "closeto faltering," and said Congress and the White House had a "shared responsibility" with the Fed to respond.
What's News: Business & Finance
In Northern Ireland I saw private soldiers who spent hours in discomfort with unfaltering concentration logging the movements of suspects.
The teacher, speaking in faltering tones with tears welling up in her eyes, described the terrifying events.
Parents for Justice had withdrawn its co-operation from the faltering Dunne investigation and, riven by internal bickering, was close to splintering.
As the cabin lurched back and forth and the sounds of rocket fire percussed the urgent, faltering rhythm of our right engine, I unfastened my seat belt, and, finding my center of gravity, rose from my seat, moving past aides shock still in their chairs, arms locked like girders against their arm rests in terror, and walked up the center aisle to the pilot's cabin.
Hillary: Pledged Delegates "Just Like" Supers ��� They Can Switch
KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Darfur rebels said on Sunday they had shot down two Sudanese army helicopters in the latest reports of fighting that have marred faltering peace talks between Khartoum and other insurgents.
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I was duly summoned to the front row of the upper circle to watch my niece take her very first faltering steps towards an Equity card.
It seems 100 million won is a trifle as the value system of money is shaken and the social function of money is faltering in the raging Lotto syndrome.
It was through Emma's unfaltering belief in his writing talent that he decided to change tack and concentrate more on his own screenplays.
What does Mr. Bernanke want to do, cripple an already faltering economy, by "staving" off inflation, until it collapses anew?
What's Wrong With the Canadian Loonie?
Their longevity has been based on anything but record sales, and leans more toward the unfaltering, innovative self-awareness that many of us have grown to respect and expect from their work.
Surely that thought is a good enough companion as we take our first faltering steps into the new century and the third millennium.
His place was already under the microscope following a faltering Test career that has brought three centuries but five ducks.
The Sun
Bailouts to big banks and shameless corporate greed have left us with a faltering economy, a weak job market and crumbling financial system that has made workers more vuln ...
Anna Burger: Change to Win: Mobilizing for a New American Dream
This unfaltering tenacity has stayed with her all of her life.
Times, Sunday Times
The witness looked straight into the eyes of the judge as he uttered the one word, in a steady, unfaltering tone.
Whether talking to a waiter or his boss, the unfaltering politeness is the same.
Times, Sunday Times
Faltering talks over firefighters' pay left little hope last night of averting the start of an eight-day national fire strike this morning.
Reflecting on the campaign, Palin said there were "a variety of reasons" Republicans lost in November, namely the faltering economy, but she seemed to place most of the blame on the press.
CNN Political Ticker
It remained a tepid encounter, the passages of play faltering.
Times, Sunday Times
The faltering economy is one reason.
Times, Sunday Times
Subsequent weeks saw him move his back until he could gradually lift himself up from his bed and take a few faltering steps.
Experts are warning homebuyers to avoid 100% mortgages now the housing market is faltering.
—President Barack Obama returned to Western Michigan Thursday for the second time in little more than a year to give his most full-throated defense of job-growth initiatives amid a faltering economy and political gridlock in Washington.
Obama Defends Job Initiatives
The country's faltering economy is dependent largely on international reconstruction assistance and humanitarian aid.
Times, Sunday Times
His place was already under the microscope following a faltering Test career that has brought three centuries but five ducks.
The Sun
His attention was upon Mrs. Evans, who droned on about the project unfalteringly.
People were sickened by what they saw and his actions have done nothing but damage the already faltering reputation of racing in England.
Tanis started to speak, but his faltering words were submerged in an agonized, inarticulate roar; a roar of mingled fear and terror and rage that was so beastlike, it wrenched everyone's thoughts from the dragons.
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He has pledged to restore a faltering economy and achieve greater equity in this most inegalitarian of the world's large economies.
"You believe my behaviour tonight to be equal to his?" he inquired in a faltering voice.
It is equally improbable to expect Euroland economies to adopt supply-side reforms designed to boost long term growth when the short term impact will likely prove deflationary against a backdrop of faltering domestic demand.
In a faltering voice and clearly shaken by her experience, she did her best to explain what had happened to her.
He intended either to curry renewed favour with Darius or support faltering rebels.
In this instance I also had GPS unit in hand, taking my first faltering steps toward participating in geocaching.
From taking her first faltering steps earlier this year she is now able to walk unaided.
In order to savour the flashing returns and the artistic volleys, we must suffer the faltering second serve and the fallible forehand.
Laundry hangs like wilted wildflowers over faltering balconies, and clusters of trash skitter up windswept drives.
Citing the country's aggressive unions, widening wealth gaps, a faltering education system, low workforce participation and a public sector often paralyzed by bureaucratic red tape, the British magazine recently claimed that Israel's "engines of growth are punier than they look.
In a desperate effort to keep the faltering tour project afloat, both sides agreed earlier this year to build an overland route across the demilitarized zone to carry many more tourists at much cheaper prices.
We, the lesser fry, may enjoy the luxury of shaking and red eyes but we expect the man at the top to be firm, unfaltering and resolute.
With voice is faltering after a gruelling campaign, he called on an old rival for help.
Times, Sunday Times
That retail sales are faltering in the midst of a major mortgage refi boom is an especially noteworthy development.
So is domination down to a rhino-hide skin, an impervious soul and an unfaltering belief in yourself?
Times, Sunday Times
The problem over what to do with the faltering domain first arose in June.
Improvident tax cuts by state legislatures and faltering investment returns have left educational institutions, both public and private, scratching for every nickel and dime.
The faltering administration of the prime minister was dealt another blow yesterday with the resignation of his agriculture minister.
He offers us some ways to save this faltering economy.
‘You did,’ Alysia accused, her tone faltering from its usual emotionless monotony.
The government is laying out the battle lines for additional austerity measures even as it faces pressure to reboot the country's faltering economy.
She visibly shrank in the face of a barrage of baritone braying, her voice faltering and fading as she gamely struggled on.
Times, Sunday Times
The Scotsman breathed new life into the club after a faltering start to the season.
That sounds like small beer, but at a time of faltering growth it is a real loss.
Times, Sunday Times
Within a period of a little more than a decade the stalwarts of the movement were found faltering in a state of utter frustration.
Damayanti commanded the stage, unfaltering, elegant and magically transformed from the person we knew off-stage.
And faltering now would be doubly tragic, because the tide is turning.
Christianity Today
The fine literary novelist Philip Hensher—whose "King of the Badgers" had been widely expected to feature on the list—had the most vinegary line on the subject: "Perhaps one shouldn't be surprised," he wrote in a column in the Sunday Telegraph, "since four of the five judges have themselves written thrillers in an amateur capacity—some quite good, some, such as chair of the judges Dame Stella Rimington's faltering efforts, atrociously bad.
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Who but the world's greatest impresario could attract stage sets by Braque, costumes by Chanel and choreography by Massine, all to guide and enhance the faltering steps of a young Russian composer?
Diaghilev: Lord of the dance
What I said ain't what I meant," Martin confessed falteringly, while he made up his mind to throw himself wholly upon the other's mercy.
Chapter 7
In the end it was simplicity itself as Cork toyed with our fast faltering challenge and virtually romped to the most facile of victories.
So I started to talk about it… hesitating and faltering all the way… and I bawled like a baby the entire time.
He served as a senator for 30 years before retiring in 2003 because of his faltering health.
Hence they can be used as unfaltering focal points by which to chart your personal development.
Now that growth is faltering, the inconsistencies of our political schizophrenia are emerging.
A man paralysed from the chest down after a hit-and-run accident has taken faltering steps with the help of electrodes implanted in his spine.
Times, Sunday Times
The German war machine had lumbered falteringly over the frontier and come to a standstill Linz.
And yet Mr Obama's programme of Muslim outreach is already faltering.
The stand-out performance is that of her as Julienne, trying to articulate unutterable emotions in a faltering stammer that is simultaneously funny and sad.
At some date before 396 the ephors withdrew support from the faltering decarchies.
Good woman," he said in faltering tones, striving to disguise his vice, "I know your son well.
The House of Mapuhi
I saw her first faltering steps and heard her first words.
Not for them the faltering quandary of which Peter Gabriel track to include, instead they've instigated a new session, pitched at all-comers, from peers and their kids, to students regular at its comfy home.
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Hillsden appeared relaxed and in good health, and gave the reasons for his defection without faltering.
However falteringly, the Precautionary Principle is clearly evident in many of the decisions now being taken.
She took a faltering half-pace towards the shouts of the crowd, towards freedom.
China is the engine of the world economy, and problems there should worry us as much as the faltering progress of the eurozone.
Times, Sunday Times
For the first time, Man heard her faltering in uncertainty.
Then let me tell you that you are doing just the reverse; the encouragement which you offer would have been all very well had I myself believed that I knew what I was talking about: to declare the truth about matters of high interest which a man honours and loves among wise men who love him need occasion no fear or faltering in his mind; but to carry on an argument when you are yourself only a hesitating enquirer, which is my condition, is a dangerous and slippery thing; and the danger is not that I shall be laughed at (of which the fear would be childish), but that I shall miss the truth where I have most need to be sure of my footing, and drag my friends after me in my fall.
The Republic
Jane walked boldly up to the platform without faltering.
His wife had left him, his comedy career was faltering and he struggled with the simple business of being sociable.
Times, Sunday Times
He has a soft, faltering voice, and his looks are always timid and unsure.
In this regard, it does not take a deranged imagination to see a potential train wreck developing in muni finance; faltering finances, mushrooming underfunded pension liabilities, and huge borrowing needs for as far as the eye can see.
Faltering asset prices would have at some point stymie requisite Credit growth and the house of cards would have come tumbling down.
The man was not a fantaisiste or romanticist at all – he did not even try to give us the churning, prismatic ephemera of dreams, but coldly and sardonically reflected some stable, mechanistic, and well – established horror – world which he saw fully, brilliantly, squarely, and unfalteringly.
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The unfaltering rhythm of his prose, the repeated phrases and devices, suggest a claustrophobic sense of inevitability.
Times, Sunday Times
The term is generally used to designate both increasingly rare forms of severe clinical malnutrition (such as kwashiorkor and marasmus) and the more common forms of growth faltering or growth impairment (often termed mild or moderate malnutrition).
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She failed to live up to the moment, shambling through a faltering performance of her new single.
It's an unfaltering elixir of dynamic guitar, mystical vocals and energy you don't see nearly enough in electronic music.
Cathi looks terrified, but she's filmed it all unfalteringly, and Mel, to my surprise, actually looks quite impressed underneath her evident nervousness.
Will's voice was unfaltering as his plane soared to dizzy heights before tumbling dangerously towards the ground and pulling back into the air, leaving a smoking trail behind him.
His wife had left him, his comedy career was faltering and he struggled with the simple business of being sociable.
Times, Sunday Times
By an unfaltering truth, approach thy grave like one that wraps the drapery of his couch, about him, and lies down to pleasant dreams.
Taken over when it was faltering eight years ago, it now does 1,000 barrels a year and serves 700 carveries on Sundays alone.
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The world's faltering effort to cut greenhouse gas emissions got a new lease on life.
But she was the sort who could carry any sorrow unfalteringly, and she was determined to pass many more years with her children, grandchildren, and friends.
An economy carrying huge personal debts, with an overdependence on an inflated and faltering housing market and a highly mobile industrial base, doesn't inspire confidence.
The faltering voice on the line was that of an elderly woman who had seen my advertisement in the local press.
The economy is showing signs of faltering.
She took a faltering half-pace towards the shouts of the crowd, towards freedom.
Wishing for an example, we merely opened the first volume of Tristram Shandy at a venture, and 'thus the Anarch old With faltering speech and visage incomposed Answered':
The figure's cold eyes held an unfaltering determination replaced suddenly by realization.
You might imagine her voice to be faltering or infirm, as is sometimes the case with stroke victims.
Times, Sunday Times
Could this, then, be the firm-poised, Christ-like man I had known, with pure, limpid eyes and a gaze steady and unfaltering as his soul?
Chapter 12: The Bishop
Look closely at the pencil strokes in this drawing and you will not see one faltering line.
These troubles are a direct consequence of the country's prolonged domestic recession and faltering economic recovery.
My hand cupped his elbow to steer him, but he stepped forward unfalteringly, his shoulders squared, his head high, as though he were guiding me.
It's treacherous territory, to be sure, but Half Cousin pull it off convincingly, faltering only in the rare moments that they sacrifice melody to spotlight quirky instrumentation.
It remained a tepid encounter, the passages of play faltering.
Times, Sunday Times
That Father Ray had the foresight, determination and unfaltering work ethics to bring the institutions into existence is outstanding.
It was Invincible's unfaltering faith in his master that inevitably led to the stallion's death and unholy rebirth.
But the charismatic businessman, a well-known figure on London's party circuit, has enjoyed the unfaltering support of thousands of small shareholders, who queued to hear him speak at its AGMs.
Rose steps down after colourful period at M&S helm
The faltering economy is one reason.
Times, Sunday Times
This legislation is designed to stimulate the faltering economy.
By the end of the first year, some babies will be taking their first faltering steps.
Either, Aiden McGeady has decided that he was in the wrong, will accept the punishment and will do his best to get back into a faltering Celtic side, or his agent has said to him put on a front, make it look like you have backed doon and I will field the calls fae interested clubs and get you oot of here.
Chelsea Blog
Experts expect a wave of retail failures this month as the weak pound and faltering consumer confidence push ailing stores over the edge.
Times, Sunday Times
For the most part, they have adapted well, but their discomfort was growing and confidence faltering.
Times, Sunday Times
The image of former VP Mohammad Ali, stripped of robe and turban and the right to be tried by fellow clerics, looking dazed and emaciating as he falteringly reads a confession about bizarre plots -- recalls Stalin's original conspiratorial show trials.
Rabbi Abraham Cooper: Reigniting America's Human Rights Mojo
Or, again, we might take our youth to the bridge of the "Jervis Bay" and watch the gallant Captain Fogarty Fegen drive his ship without faltering into the jaws of certain death, that others of his race and nation might be saved.
Education and the Empire
The IMF has put together a rescue package for the country's faltering economy.
Their conversation could be described as faltering. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
Brix said he had been a registered Republican for three years, having become more engaged three years ago due to the faltering economy.
Iowa GOP caucus 2012: Romney, Santorum and Paul sprint to the finish
With voice is faltering after a gruelling campaign, he called on an old rival for help.
Times, Sunday Times
She walked with a yearning reach, but faltering steps.
Today, we try to portray an identity of security, strength, and unfaltering freedom.
It has had its moments of faltering, goodness knows.
Times, Sunday Times
Ministerial reaction to the faltering improvement in test results was a case in point.
When she said hello to a nurse, that went on the blog, and so too did her first faltering attempts at conversation.
Experts expect a wave of retail failures this month as the weak pound and faltering consumer confidence push ailing stores over the edge.
Times, Sunday Times
Christopher clenched his jaw and sent a fleeting glance toward the heavens, his step never faltering.
Our current system is a faltering machine whose product is benign genocide -- which I define as the sum total of global deaths that result from the way the system is set up.
Stephen C. Rose: Further Thoughts on "Our Crisis Is Not Economic"
He helped them carry their staggering loads and assisted their faltering steps.
The IMF has put together a rescue package for the country's faltering economy.
She walked up to the platform without faltering.
Against a backdrop of consumer uncertainty towards financial products and a faltering stock market, Kane has his work cut out to create the UK's first successful bancassurance model.
This alone was more afflicting to me than the shame of faltering before so many witnesses, which, notwithstanding, was sufficiently painful; for though not oversolicitous of praise, I was feelingly alive to shame; yet I can truly affirm, the dread of being reprimanded by Miss Lambercier alarmed me less than the thought of making her uneasy.
The Confessions of J J Rousseau
It has had its moments of faltering, goodness knows.
Times, Sunday Times
Normal life is at a standstill, and the economy is faltering.
The man was not a fantaisiste or romanticist at all – he did not even try to give us the churning, prismatic ephemera of dreams, but coldly and sardonically reflected some stable, mechanistic, and well – established horror – world which he saw fully, brilliantly, squarely, and unfalteringly.
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The Oxford Philomusica left their audience in no doubt that they merit the unfaltering praise they have received throughout their career.
Instead of faltering dollar liquidity, we see today ample evidence of a continued overabundance.
China is the engine of the world economy, and problems there should worry us as much as the faltering progress of the eurozone.
Times, Sunday Times
This may fly in the face of the obvious and maybe I am foolish but I am soaring right now on the faith of unfaltering belief of what is possible.
One of his sisters, who was just learning to walk, took a few faltering steps in the living room.
My brother, his leg in a plaster cast, kept a scrapbook of our first voyage out, in which he was the unfaltering hero.
Bolan made simplicity into a virtue, largely through an unfaltering sense of rhythm and captivating phrases, which, in turn, gave his songs an almost hypnotic character.
Ministerial reaction to the faltering improvement in test results was a case in point.
The Queen has unfalteringly upheld the standards that she inherited from her father and the best of his predecessors.
Insurance has been around for a long, long time, but it's just the popularity of insuring the risks of faltering stock prices, rising interest rates, and credit losses that has taken the world by storm during this cycle.
This time the bot took a couple of faltering steps before falling with a crash to the floor.
I don't know, Bishop - he doesn't divulge his financial circumstances,' came the unfalteringly serious reply.
You might imagine her voice to be faltering or infirm, as is sometimes the case with stroke victims.
Times, Sunday Times
Harvest Group was unfalteringly producing, and he might be allowed his hobbies.
The country's faltering economy is dependent largely on international reconstruction assistance and humanitarian aid.
Times, Sunday Times
Her mum looked on with pride and relief as she took her first faltering steps in their front room and started to cruise the furniture.
She never once allowed her unfaltering love for us to go unspoken or undemonstrated.
Times, Sunday Times
Spanning 516 years of history, the six short stories and the title novella that make up A Second Chance at Eden chronicle humanity's first faltering steps into space, the colonisation of other worlds and the huge schism along ideological and religious grounds that splits the human race in two, the Adamists and Edenists.
A Second Chance at Eden by Peter F. Hamilton
Through their intimate portrayal of the daily struggles of Natividad Nata, her husband Daniel and their children, we discover the true face of hardship, but also Nata's courage and resilience and her family's unfaltering love and unity.
E. Nina Rothe: The Human Rights Watch Film Festival Digs Deep, Asks the Hard Questions
Their enthusiasm is faltering
indisciplined" Congolese troops, adding that they risked faltering the peace agreement.
AllAfrica News: Latest
The country's faltering economy is dependent largely on international reconstruction assistance and humanitarian aid.
Times, Sunday Times
He unfalteringly grabbed my hands and helped me up off the chaise.
Her eyes were unfalteringly fixed on his while she spoke, leaving no doubt in his mind to what she referred.
Victoria Jennings Kelsall, herself a former Marine with a tour in Iraq, added to the intrepidity by speaking nearly unfalteringly of her hero-husband and his belief in America's mission.
A Decade of Trial
It was a faltering start, but still an important moment for the women who just seven days ago could not leave the house unaccompanied, let alone show their faces.
Normal life is at a standstill, and the economy is faltering.
Ramos succeeds in capturing the sense of community and, more importantly, the unfaltering devotion the members had for the club.
Although the author affects befuddlement, his book demonstrates an unfaltering sense of self.
Sales and profits rose in a scarcely faltering upward trajectory.
Times, Sunday Times
She turned to him in surprise, her steps faltering.
So I started to talk about it… hesitating and faltering all the way… and I bawled like a baby the entire time.
This only paved the way for point guard Burnett to shine in the second half, as the rest of the team seemed to be faltering defensively.
They entered forests of oak and beech, following a faltering trail.
Somewhere East of Life
All his compositions were a mixture of truth and turgidness, of lucid strength and faltering stupidity.
Jean-Christophe, Volume I
Essentially the government's aim is to restrict freedom of the press in order to silence any voice of criticism, no matter how faltering.
We remain negative on Sterling as the UK economy is clearly faltering.
You are young, and your riches, to say nothing, "she added in a faltering voice that was somewhat inconsistent with the mischievous smile that played upon her lips," of your kind and simple heart, will secure that which the world would call unselfish affection from one more equal to you, but would always believe was only
Selected Stories of Bret Harte
I sagged back on the cold floor, my voice faltering as I rasped, ‘I not hurt you.’
That sounds like small beer, but at a time of faltering growth it is a real loss.
Times, Sunday Times