How To Use Falsify In A Sentence
For observe: this love of what is called ideality or beauty in preference to truth, operates not only in making us choose the past rather than the present for our subjects, but it makes us falsify the present when we do take it for our subject.
Lectures on Architecture and Painting Delivered at Edinburgh in November 1853
Yesterday he was to be arraigned on new charges of insider trading, filing false tax forms and conspiracy to falsify books and records in an expanded indictment unveiled May 1.
Once again Dembski demonstrates that the Design Inference is one based on elimination and our ignorance by arguing that to falsify ID's hypothesis it has to show how it evolved step by step.
He was charged last summer with manipulating share prices and falsifying paid-up capital.
Lance Kerwin, who played the title teen in the 1970s-era series, received credit for time served and was sentenced to five years 'probation for falsifying information on an application to get state-provided medical benefits and food stamps on the island of
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He was arrested July 19 at the McAllen airport and charged four days later with illegal entry into the US, falsifying information and falsifying a passport.
The failure to find differences in those zones would falsify the hypothesis that mountain lions partitioned space to obtain exclusive use of prey.
To alter or falsify ( accounts, for example ) for dishonest gain.
This is because any ‘false trading’ would falsify expectations and therefore change agents evaluations of their assets.
Few physicists say they are looking for ways to falsify superstring theory.
Lynn Geldof told reporters the detection of child trafficking was complicated by the fact that many traffickers are women who falsify documents so as to pose as the children's mothers.
They will know that the progeny of these dogs is absolutely genuine and that there is no falsifying of records.
If falsifying data to stir the public into a frenzy is your idea of “profit motive” then my friend you are a sad individual.
Think Progress » After hottest decade in history, senators attempt to outlaw science of global warming.
to falsify facts, issue, etc.
Hitachi said one of its subsidiaries in Europe has been falsifying sales over the last five years, in the latest in a series of earnings-related scandals involving large Japanese companies that have highlighted problems in management structure and corporate governance.
Business Watch
The enterprise of science consists in the proposal of highly falsifiable hypotheses, followed by deliberate and tenacious attempts to falsify them.
Therefore the Earth's eigenvibrations falsify the Inside-Out theory, but can be easily understood in terms of the Earth's spherical shape, volume and density.
Given the apparent uniqueness of the north temperate zone populations of the Sedge Wren, it is important to try to falsify this hypothesis relating breeding-site fidelity and styles of song development.
Already slight deviations are enough to drive the image into gray and to falsify color fidelity, in particular on the vertical plane.
For though one should speak ten thousand words well, if there happen to be one little word displeasing to you, because not sufficiently intelligible or accurate, you make no account of the many good words, but lay hold of the little word, and are very zealous in setting it up as something impious and guilty; in order that, when you are judged with the very same judgment by God, you may have a much heavier account to render for your great audacities, whether evil actions, or bad interpretations which you obtain by falsifying the truth.
ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
It consisted in falsifying a series of production reports of two years ago, in such a way as to cast discredit on a prominent member of the Inner Party, who was now under a cloud.
Nineteen Eighty-Four
Meanwhile the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) said a further charge of "falsifying" the history of the 1960 Sharpeville/Langa day massacre should have been added.
Mail & Guardian Online
Then he was accused of falsifying research and conducting experiments on humans.
Times, Sunday Times
Among the ways in which I can falsify the assumptions on which it is based is to change my mind as the result of practical reasoning.
Buying and selling contraband, falsifying documentation to achieve employment, evading taxes, and paying bribes to public officials are socially accepted behaviors.
This blue-pencilling favours the intellectual falsification of the Book of the Exodus, well-known to the people and therefore impossible to falsify physically whereas the Book of Deuteronomy, a book of priests, was easy to modify.
Reagan and Bush Sr. succeeded in falsifying, blustering, and smearing their way out of political trouble.
Did the Marines Die for Absolute Power? « Blog
Instead, he argues that the logic of scientific research is a critical method in which scientists do their best to "falsify" their hypotheses and theories.
Revisiting Popper
Those arrested Wednesday face criminal charges of forgery and falsifying business records, both of which carry possible jail sentences.
They falsify or deny whatever doesn't suit their books.
If falsifying data to stir the public into a frenzy is your idea of “profit motive”
Think Progress » After hottest decade in history, senators attempt to outlaw science of global warming.
Additional experiments are then performed in an attempt to falsify the theory.
She allegedly had evidence that the plant was falsifying records to hide cracks in fuel rods.
Does this falsify the declarations of Scripture, that 'they sighed by reason of their bondage,' and that the Egyptians 'made them serve _with rigor_,' and made 'their lives bitter with _hard bondage_.'
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
Then he was accused of falsifying research and conducting experiments on humans.
Times, Sunday Times
Is there any level of evidence that would satisfy you to falsify the notion you have that it is Democrats fault for not trying hard enough, rather than Republicans having a level of caucus conformity and party discipline that is historically aberrational and definitely not found in the modern Democratic party, particularly its Senate caucus?
Matthew Yglesias » Governments Should Govern
TOKYO — Hitachi Ltd. said Tuesday that one of its subsidiaries in Europe has been falsifying sales over the past five years, in the latest earnings-related scandal to highlight corporate-governance problems at large Japanese companies.
Hitachi Says Unit in Europe Fudged Sales for Five Years
Apostate conceived the idea of falsifying the prediction of Jesus,
Fables of Infidelity and Facts of Faith Being an Examination of the Evidences of Infidelity
V. ii.235 (440,6) [Since you can cog] To _cog_ signifies _to falsify the dice, _ and _to falsify a narrative, _ or _to lye.
Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
It is true, as Rennie states, that Karl Popper's work on falsifying scientific theory has been superseded by other philosophies of science, but we would say that the ‘falsification approach’ is still valid.
To test this idea, they had participants read brief vignettes describing morally questionable behaviors, such as falsifying information on a resume.
I've already named lots of things that could be found that would falsify evolutionary theory completely.
Also, as pointed out before, if we are able to find an object of sufficient mass within the Schwarzschild radius, which normally would continue to collapse into a gravitational singularity (Black Hole) but has not, that would disprove the theory of Black holes right there, or in other words falsify them.
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The charges against him include fraud, bribery, and falsifying business records.
Some researchers today do not agree that dinosaurs gave rise to birds, and are working to falsify this theory, but so far the evidence for the theory has swamped their efforts.
Therefore, they claim, the "mushier" charges of perjury, falsifying statements, and obstruction are essentially baseless.
The GOP on PlameGate: Deny, Rationalize, Change
Which brings me to if we are able to find an object of sufficient mass within the Schwarzschild radius, which normally would continue to collapse into a gravitational singularity (Black Hole) but has not, that would disprove the theory of Black holes right there, or in other words falsify them.
Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
I didn't use the word "falsify", I used the word "disconfirming" … they are not necessarily the same thing.
Congratulations are in Order
They falsify or deny whatever doesn't suit their books.
Karl Popper long ago argued that empirical observations can never truly confirm a theory, they can only falsify or fail to falsify it.
Those same twenty years illustrate the ultimate destructive power of money and credit creation to misdirect production and falsify calculation, even in a period of relatively stable prices.
It is clear that psychoanalysis is not going to be falsifiable (in principle) in the way that the physical or biological sciences are - that is, by producing an experiment that can conclusively falsify it.
Falsify a claim
Already there are countless people who would think it scandalous to falsify a scientific textbook, but would see nothing wrong in falsifying an historical fact.
The Prevention of Literature
Every other claim I've seen of climate scientists 'falsifying' data as you claim "The Hockey Stick Illusion" demonstrates has been easily shown to be wrong, so I don't really want to waste my money on something likely to be easily proved wrong.
The Guardian World News
Potter told authorities he felt "shortchanged" for his service and offered that as his motive for falsifying his discharge certificate and wearing the medals he was never awarded.
Heroes or Villains?
If these 'actions' please them, the investigating officers would then "falsify" their investigation results all the way up to make our unit look good.
Chen's Speech on the Recall
It looks like you have addressed T&G's main arguments (eg, about the 2nd law), but I wonder if it might be appropriate to put in a brief description of what it means to "falsify" something in the scientific sense -- ie, essentially what T&G must show (and failed to show) to make their case that there is no greenhouse effect:
Rabett Run
The central bank said it would punish banks which helped businesses to falsify documents regarding their overseas remissions.
There was one offence after the other: covering up the books, uttering, forging, and falsifying cheques, and on top of that there were five drink-driving convictions.
He was sentenced to 15 months in jail for falsifying his identity documents to get a passport to go to Pakistan.
In some cases, when the paychecks arrived, the employees received a portion of the money in return for falsifying the time sheets.
falsify the data
Analysis of opponents, FALSIFYING is to have profit, and be careful that the Kuaijinkuaichu.
Kiechel, writing in 1585, says, "Item, the women there are charming, and by nature so mighty pretty as I have scarcely ever beheld, for they do not falsify, paint, or bedaub themselves as in Italy or other places;" yet he confesses (and here is another tradition preserved) "they are somewhat awkward in their style of dress.
For Whom Shakespeare Wrote
The company also pleaded no contest to falsifying its records to hide the illegal contributions.
Thousands of unwitting South African women may be married illegally to foreigners who have paid corrupt officials to falsify marriage certificates.
His explanation that X is not powerful evidence is interpreted as an attempt to falsify the theory.
Intruders can use the source address by falsifying, or what they call spoofing, such that it makes it very difficult for us in law enforcement to identify exactly where the particular attack is coming from.
CNN Transcript - Special Event: Attorney General Holds News Conference on Computer Security - February 9, 2000
No interest is served when it's easy to duplicate or falsify an identity document.
He becomes obsessive over his young student, stalking her and falsifying results.
He is also charged with falsifying an accounting document for September 1997 at Matbro contrary to the Theft Act.
My learned friend reminds me that I should conclude my response to your Honour Justice McHugh's observations about falsifying the expectations of parties, or that what happened falsified someone's expectation.
Eleven people living in this region have had commercial perlemoen fishing rights revoked after falsifying their addresses.
For example, materialism and dualism are contradictory but both theories are coherent and consistent with experience, and there is no empirical event that could falsify either theory.
Samaritans, hath this passage: He adulterated the Octateuch of Moses with spurious writings, and all kind of corrupt falsifyings.
From the Talmud and Hebraica
Threats to integrity may include a request to deceive a patient, to withhold information, or to falsify records, as well as verbal abuse from patients and coworkers.
Apart from his celebrated writings on the 'open society' and its enemies, Karl Popper is chiefly known as a logician of science who has denied that science employs induction, and who has claimed that what demarcates science from nonscience, in particular metaphysics, is that scientists seek the truth by vigorously trying to falsify their theories.
The Romantic Rationalist
SECRET, because the secret was absolutely necessary to the preservation of their office, so do the Inquisitors in partibus falsify and illude without the least scruple of conscience, in order to put the people of this country off their guard.
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Nothing happened to falsify her desperate assertion that the shriek was the delusion of a vivid dream.
Heart and Science A Story of the Present Time
They falsify or deny whatever doesn't suit their books.
I kind of like having an outcross pedigree to all of the big "brag" bulls so I guess I don't have any incentive falsify the registration papers.
The penalty is believed to be the most severe yet meted out to a scientist for falsifying research findings.
But because it presents a national security vulnerability, however statistically small, the problem is taken seriously: OPM has a zero-tolerance policy toward employees or contractors who falsify, or "ghostwrite," interviews or record checks.
Federal Times
True and rightly oriented ecumenism is not the dilution of differing doctrines, because that would ultimately mean diluting and thereby falsifying the one true Church.
Archive 2007-02-01
A complex investigation by Cumbria police has led to 13 drivers working for a Northern Ireland haulage firm admitting falsifying their tachograph records.
News round-up
Our rejection of the alternative hypothesis of a habitat effect is based on failure to falsify the null hypothesis that winter survival among immigrants was unrelated to survival among parents.
Suspecting, therefore, that they would endeavour to detain him in the City by various devices, such as falsifying the auspices or the delay necessitated by the Latin Festival, or other hindrances to which as consul he was liable, he gave out that he had to take a journey, and then left the City secretly as a private individual and so reached his province.
The History of Rome, Vol. III
The point of the analogy is that anybody who does tell you the attributes of the 'thing in the box' is either (1) fabricating this out of whole cloth, or (2) actually communicating with the thing inside the box, but since the rest of us can't possibly know this (as said communication is unique and specific to the communicatee) we would be remiss to simply take his-or-her 'word on it' as there's no way to 'prove' or 'falsify' that word.
Debunking Christianity
Then he was accused of falsifying research and conducting experiments on humans.
Times, Sunday Times
It was clear that he had covered his tracks by altering records and falsifying death certificates.
The notion that there is a global conspiracy by professional scientists to falsify results in order to get more research money is, to borrow Quiggen's words about birtherism, "a shibboleth, that is, an affirmation that marks the speaker as a member of their community or tribe.
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He has already been charged with falsifying documents which showed transfer credits totalling over $40m from a bank he owned in Belgrade to an Irish company.
The district attorney said Ersland could be charged with a crime, such as falsifying evidence, if his DNA matches DNA found on the shell casing. RSS - home
This standard feature makes it very difficult for a car thief to steal a Clio and falsify its identity.
The women had their passports taken from them and made to sign a blank piece of paper, later used to falsify work-related documents.
Then he was accused of falsifying research and conducting experiments on humans.
Times, Sunday Times
If history is our guide, we would expect future research to support some ideas and falsify others.
The file was altered to falsify the evidence.
After finding an unqualified buyer, they'd falsify mortgage applications and employment histories just to get a bank to say yes to a loan.
False Sensory Input. You falsify one of the subject's senses.
In the end, the multiagency investigation produced enough evidence to indict Greene for embezzling roughly $35,000 from the I.L.A. and for falsifying union records.
Kill the Irishman