How To Use Falsification In A Sentence
I was presumably asking "falsificationism" to "justify its own success," a goal that is, in the words of his essay, "utterly pointless.
The Karl Popper Problem
Arrests were also reported of members of a major network of financial corruption involving the falsification of official documents.
Puzzles that resist solution are seen as anomalies rather than as falsifications of a paradigm.
He would need to show a willful mendacity, an intention to deceive by deliberate falsification.
A government that is able to defend its policies before the people only through falsification and deception is a regime of extreme crisis.

He came to realize that traditional accounts of science, whether inductivist or falsificationist, do not bear comparison with historical evidence.
Before that point, the two dominant theories of rationality were confirmationism (scientists should accept theories that are probably true, given the evidence) and falsificationism (scientists should reject theories that make false predictions about observables and replace them with theories that conform to all available evidence).
Historicist Theories of Rationality
Ms. Kanimozhi as well as Sharad Kumar, managing director of Kalaignar TV; Rajiv Agarwal and Asif Balwa, directors at DB Group companies; and Karim Morani, head of Cineyug Films Pvt. Ltd., are facing charges such as criminal breach of trust, corruption, criminal conspiracy, falsification of documents, cheating and abetment to crime.
Court to Hear Kanimozhi's Bail Plea on Friday
Generalizations with exceptions illustrate some subtle nuances in the relationship between Popperian falsificationism and the learning-theoretic idea of reliable convergence to the truth.
Formal Learning Theory
Financial fraud is a conscious companies reporting accounting misstatements, false falsification of accounting surplus of conduct.
But Popper's ideas themselves, Feyerabend alleges, were not new to him, deductivism having been defended as early as 1925 by Viktor Kraft, and falsificationism being “taken for granted” at Alpbach.
Paul Feyerabend
In logical empiricism methodology, Falsificationism is the core while Positivism is the complement.
By the same token, it could be said, historical falsification is bound up with efforts to obscure an understanding of the present.
I think some expansion on Popper's falsificationism (which is just as fundamental as demarcation, in his epistemology), would have been in point here.
Demarcation, Demarcation, ….
One is not advocating a return to the complacent and conformist themes of studio biographies, much less historical falsification, but then a filmmaker has to advance resolutely toward something new.
What's more, this attempt to force a diremption between the Word proclaimed and the Word written bespeaks a dire falsification of speech and writing as manifestations of the one language of a particular and peculiar animal.
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The eight persons had applied for bail on Oct. 24 after the trial court confirmed charges ranging from criminal breach of trust, corruption, criminal conspiracy, falsification of documents to cheating and abetment to the crime against them.
Court Rejects Bail Pleas of Kanimozhi, Seven Others
I should point out, Coyne, for all his bravdo about science and falsification, is affiliated with a discipline (evolutionary biology) that is notorious for its lack of falsifiability and lack of direct experimental evidences, and thus its lack of real science.
Convincing Evidence for God
On the other hand, the shift in Popper's own basic position is taken by some critics as an indicator that falsificationism, for all its apparent merits, fares no better in the final analysis than verificationism.
Karl Popper
Any medical investigator would accept the pattern already uncovered as evidence of falsification.
Scientists know that falsification is the way to determine if something is false.
Attached to Strings
The five are facing charges including criminal breach of trust, corruption, criminal conspiracy, falsification of documents, cheating and abetment to crime.
Lawmaker Kanimozhi Gets Bail in Telecom Case
In an attempt to clamp down on age falsification, the organizers said they would demand that team officials submit authentic birth documents of their athletes.
If it is shown that there was a deliberate and long-term falsification of accounts, it is possible it will be delisted like Seibu Railways," said Wataru Tanaka, a law professor at Tokyo University, referring to a 2004 case involving falsified financial documents.
Reuters: Top News
Lieberson's strictures, that is to say, like those of most other critics of falsificationism, miss their mark; in no way do they respond to my challenge "to say which of its [falsificationism's] recommendations or injunctions, its methodological rules, are unsuited to the business of sorting out what is true about the world from what is false" (Ibid.).
The Karl Popper Problem
Notions like falsification, verification, and operationalism seem like gloves that ill-fit the hand of Nature, however fashionable they may appear on the hands of idealized scientists.
Excise diversion fraud involves the falsification of export documents so that consignments of alcohol purportedly destined for the continent are diverted to the home market without payment of excise duty.
For once you start legislating against the falsification of history, where do you stop?
Anybody gainsaying General Relativity had best demonstrate an unambiguous reproducible falsification.
˜falsification/corroboration™ disjunction offered by Popper is far too logically neat: non-corroboration is not necessarily falsification, and falsification of a high-level scientific theory is never brought about by an isolated observation or set of observations.
Karl Popper
To separate the cognizing subject from its object, to attend to one discriminable element apart from its surrounding, and the like, are all condemned as falsifications of reality.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
Every newly discovered species, extinct or extant, is a potential falsification.
A New Book
He claimed to have evidence of widespread fraudulent reporting of fish catches, falsification of logbooks and illegal fishing in closed areas.
The falsificationist, by contrast, recognizes the limitation of induction and the subservience of observation to theory.
The levels of falsifications by job applicants in the industry are alarming.
There are deliberate falsifications, fabrications and deliberate omissions.
Each of these theories springs from purely logical roots, confirmationism from Carnap's work on inductive logic, and falsificationism from Popper's rejection of inductive logic coupled with his assertion that universals can be falsified by a single counter-instance.
Historicist Theories of Rationality
It is a mistake to regard the falsification of bold, highly falsifiable conjectures as the occasions of significant advance in science.
Under colonialism and apartheid domination African countries suffered the same political, economic, social and cultural domination, which led to the depersonalisation of sections of communities, falsification of their history, disparagement and negation of their moral and social values and cultural institutions.
Returning to the roots of local activism
Numerous falsifications, voter intimidation and a vicious propaganda campaign have prevailed in the first round.
Significant advances will be marked by the confirmation of bold conjectures or the falsification of cautious conjectures.
To permit such falsifications to pass unnoticed and unchallenged is a species of connivance at error; for, to quote a maxim which is recognized alike in morals and in law, _Qui tacet consentire videtur: _ "Silence gives consent.
The New England Magazine, Volume 1, No. 5, Bay State Monthly, Volume 4, No. 5, May, 1886
I have been thus precise, because criticism is to me not "a game," nor admissive of cogging and falsification.
Notes and Queries, Number 197, August 6, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
Scores of incidents relating to fraud include false inputting of working hours and falsification of documents.
Times, Sunday Times
This blue-pencilling favours the intellectual falsification of the Book of the Exodus, well-known to the people and therefore impossible to falsify physically whereas the Book of Deuteronomy, a book of priests, was easy to modify.
This is known as falsification, which is required by the scientific method.
John Hunter on Sea Levels « Climate Audit
In fact, the British flacks have used their facade of congeniality and cooperation to spread some of the most blatant falsifications of the campaign.
The copy, cribbing and falsification are repeatedly arising.
It says, ‘I hereby declare under penalty of election falsification, that the statements above are true as I verily believe.’
Given the apparent impossibility of justifying a project whose internal organization rests on our acceptance of a hypothesis about matters prior to experience -- thereby precluding all verification or falsification by experience -- Kant introduces a new type of pre-conscious symbolization in order to ensure both, the self-conscious integrity of the philosophical subject known as "apperception" and the rationality and legitimacy of its representations as knowledge.
Bringing About the Past
Of course, pseudologia fantastica also fits the bill...which is just the fancy name for pathological lying, which to quote from the link "is falsification entirely disproportionate to any discernible end in view, may be extensive and very complicated, and may manifest over a period of years or even a lifetime.
Archive 2009-05-01
The charges put to the accused yesterday include the falsification of accounts, acquiring money under false pretences and failing to keep records.
-- of Michelle Malkin's "In Defense of Internment," which, notwithstanding its ignorance and falsification of both domestic and military history, has garnered (equally ignorant) laurels from the right.
The way I see it, a critique of Popper's falsificationism is useful, but for rather bizarre reasons this critique regularly gets inflated into the absurd claims that demarcation is hopeless and "pseudoscience" is a useless term.
Demarcation as Politics
There appear to be serious tensions between Popper's falsificationism and his defense of situational logic, and his discussion of situational logic has not been as influential as his falsificationism.
Philosophy of Economics
It is true, as Rennie states, that Karl Popper's work on falsifying scientific theory has been superseded by other philosophies of science, but we would say that the ‘falsification approach’ is still valid.
A Director of Nursing learns of a records falsification by a young nurse, who is petrified of having made a mistake.
But in the end, exact solution, including calculations allowing exact falsification, is impossible, by principle, since people cannot exist when the only energy available is zero-point energy.
Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
‘Technically, they're charging me with falsification of my timecard, because I took the day I spent in jail as a sick day,’ Norr said.
A host of other falsifications were accumulated during the seventeenth century.
The above sort of situation is, IMHO, much more common than some kind of crude dogmatic Popperian falsificationism that you seem to think is so common.
Demarcation as Politics