
How To Use Falsely In A Sentence

  • One in 20 changed their marital status to appeal to employers and five per cent falsely claimed to play golf. The Sun
  • But his infamy was sealed by the government's all-out campaign against his hapless sidekicks, falsely portrayed as part of a vast Confederate plot.
  • The image isn't falsely romanticized, and it includes foreign tourists alongside Indian pilgrims.
  • They falsely claim that classes sexualize children in a "values free" environment as teachers push their own sexual ideology. Dr. Yvonne K. Fulbright: When Where They Teach Overrides What's Being Said About Sex Ed
  • The most likely motives to cause one to falsely inculpate another are currying favor, revenge, and exculpation.
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  • But the result proved that they were sufficiently to exercise, through the popular will and choice, the power which they had formerly put in action without its sanction, though within its proper precinct and with its title falsely inscribed. Prose Masterpieces from Modern Essayists
  • A falsely high reading on a radiation dosimeter may have very different implications during a bioterrorist incident than during a rat lab experiment.
  • “Lying about rape” in the lexicon of antifeminism means “falsely claiming to have been raped”. Anatomy Of A False Rape Accusation Comment - Part 2
  • The student complained McCormick was falsely saying they were dating, that he was calling her obsessively and had punched a wall and said "I could have hurt you" after seeing her hug another guy, according to an e-mail Hansen sent administrators recapping the allegations. WCAX - Local News
  • These sites usually either implicitly imply, or explicitly and falsely state, that they are an authorized dealer.
  • The university has falsely combined these patently contradictory goals, making opaque the real differences between them.
  • Be like and prove oneself talks not and falsely, as well lift T-shirt dime, from wore the outlook that her ash receives to once sweep several best locations of his bodies to grasp a scar.
  • It is the relative subjective costs of falsely believing p and ~p that explains why desire or other motivation biases belief in some circumstances and not others. Self-Deception
  • The other meaning of self occurs in the term selflessness, where it refers to a falsely imagined, overconcretized status of existence called “inherent existence.” How to See Yourself As You Really Are
  • And ixnay on Yet Another Xenophobia aimed at particular trading partners, falsely blamed for our economic woes. William Easterly: The Coffee Party Manifesto
  • A coalition of consumer groups has filed a lawsuit against the manufacturer, claiming that the company falsely advertises the benefits of the medicine.
  • She made her voice sound falsely bright and watched him stiffen. Western Man
  • Also patron of childbirth, the falsely accused, midwives, and pregnant women.
  • In the Quran he is not thrown into jail after being falsely accused of attempted rape as the Bible relates.
  • “Not so, O king,” replied the gymnosophist, “unless you said falsely that he should die first who made the worst answer.” The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • The eyes of all people are upon us, so that if we deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken and so cause Him to withdraw His present help from us, we shall be made a story and a byword throughout the world. Betrayed
  • The agency said Abbott falsely claimed that one serving of Ensure provides nutrients comparable to a multivitamin.
  • Neither proud was Kate, nor sycophantishly and falsely humble. Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers — Volume 1
  • Today's various forms of dissolution of marriage, free unions, trial marriages as well as the pseudo-matrimonies between people of the same sex are instead expressions of anarchic freedom which falsely tries to pass itself off as the true liberation of man," he said. 06/06/2005
  • It was a politics that rejected as falsely optimistic (if not self-interested) approaches like Stephen's, which posited women's sexual consent and consent to marry as sufficiently unproblematic, and the sexes 'common interest in revitalization of Spirit as sufficiently strong, to permit immediate resolution of sex-class conflict through communal cooperation and the sacralization of feminine nurture. 47 Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • He was also able to stockpile vast amounts of diamorphine the clinical name for heroin which he had either falsely prescribed or taken from cancer patients after their deaths.
  • only time I had a brush with the law was when I was falsely accused of taking away a car without the owner's consent.
  • The belief that bisexuality is just a phase is also pervasive, to the point where bisexuals are sometimes falsely encouraged to choose one of the dichotomous extremes of gay and straight.
  • It is often falsely assumed that the value of good design lies largely in the first category.
  • Tourre also allegedly told A.C.A.—falsely, the government contends—that Paulson invested two hundred million dollars in the new securities.
  • The bogey of community in peril was falsely raised to keep the constituency within the preserve of male candidates.
  • The surfer most falsely enamored of Autumn, Arran a.k.a. Shrimp
  • Dr. Anna Pou urged supporters to remember the storm's victims, and to ensure medical workers are not falsely accused in what she calls a rush to judgment. CNN Transcript Jul 24, 2007
  • Aucker "did use, unlawfully possess and exhibit military and naval discharge certificates, knowing the same to be forged, counterfeited or falsely altered," according to a document filed in U.S. District Court in Aucker hit by charge of altering his record
  • Of this also we haue most true experience, and most certaynely assure you that there is neyther iron or steele or the magnes stone that should so make the toombe of Mahumet to hange in the ayre, as some haue falsely imagined; neyther is there any mountayne nearer than foure myles: we remayned here three dayes to refreshe our company. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • The image reveals the truth beneath the world's falsely smooth surface.
  • Today, the state may employ undercover agents who falsely hold them-selves out as persons they are not.
  • Larry suspects the TV weatherman is falsely predicting bad weather so he can have the golf course all to himself.
  • In 2006, he joined with Jewish leaders to push successfully for a Virginia state law that made it illegal to falsely label kosher and halal foods. Mukit Hossain, Muslim activist in Northern Virginia, dies
  • It portrays the West falsely and contentiously.
  • A cautious beginning was made of releasing some of the tens of thousands who had been falsely imprisoned. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • Antipholus appeals to the Duke for justice against his wife, who he claims has locked him out of his house and conspired to have him falsely imprisoned as a madman.
  • Think Progress » McCain falsely claims no American servicemembers have been killed or wounded in Iraq in the past three months. Think Progress » McCain falsely claims no American servicemembers have been killed or wounded in Iraq in the past three months.
  • At worst, pro-life groups have been actively working to redescribe traditional means of birth control, such as the pill, as “abortifacients,” and have been fighting state laws mandating insurance coverage for birth control by falsely saying they fund abortions. Link Farm and Open Thread #17
  • The humor consists in watching the hero's falsely assuring world of "boring predictability" quietly crumble.
  • Talking of storms, this interview is potentially a bit blowy for me, too: I once had to apologise to a Lady for falsely accusing her of being German (she is half-French and half-Russian and also a British citizen).
  • Falsely claiming that someone (or the majority of some group) is rooting for the bad guys in a war is indeed pretty egregious misbehavior.
  • Using bright colors and sweet perfumes, many orchids falsely advertise a meal of pollen and nectar.
  • He is then alleged to have falsely imprisoned her until October last year. Times, Sunday Times
  • The priest who took the ordeal by _corsned_ received a bit of bread or a bit of cheese which was loaded heavily, by way of sauce, with curses upon whomsoever should eat it falsely. The Humbugs of the World An Account of Humbugs, Delusions, Impositions, Quackeries, Deceits and Deceivers Generally, in All Ages
  • He is then alleged to have falsely imprisoned her until October last year. Times, Sunday Times
  • God's omniscience is as much the joy of the upright as it is the terror of hypocrites, and is particularly comfortable to those who are falsely accused and in any wise have wrong done them. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • Many have been falsely accused of crimes to settle scores between families, and three quarters of them are being held without trial. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, at his execution, he dramatically stuck his right hand in the fire, the hand with which he had falsely signed his renouncement of his beliefs, crying, ‘This hath offended!’
  • She would be falsely modest not to acknowledge that she had come a very long way since those early days.
  • As well, the victim states that her two younger brothers often berate her, call her names and accuse her of falsely bringing the charge against their father, the offender.
  • The Bavarian was overofficious when he insisted Nuri Sahin retake his penalty – the Turkish midfielder missed, didn't see another blatant penalty for the home side and completely messed up in the last minute of added time when he falsely awarded a Antonio Da Silva free-kick that led to the equaliser. Köln in meltdown as Zvonimir Soldo is shown the door
  • The allegations reflect the latest wrinkle in a practice known as swatting, in which miscreants use caller ID spoofing to falsely report emergencies to authorities with the goal of eliciting a response from law enforcement officials, who sometimes are deployed from SWAT, or special weapons and tactics units. The Register
  • Marvin Enoch Potter Jr. is an ex-Marine and Vietnam vet who is charged with falsely posing as a war hero to lecture school kids on his combat experiences. Heroes or Villains?
  • The scam letter, which has already been sent to businesses in the area, falsely claims that the addressee must register under the Data Protection Act.
  • In this film, after walloping us with images and falsely placating us with words, the director blinds us with light.
  • Holtz-Eakin relies on a shoddy study that he put together for the American Family Business Foundation that falsely claims that an estate tax repeal would create 1.5 million jobs (which he upped to 2 million in the interview). Wonk Room » Bloomberg News Finds Holtz-Eakin’s Shoddy Research ‘Very Impressive’
  • The veteran pilot arranged with the “leadsman,” the deckhand who took constant soundings of the channel depth with a lead-weighted rope, to falsely cry out smaller and smaller depths as Sam manned the pilot wheel across a passage that he knew to be safe and deep. Mark Twain
  • Throne, men will swear falsely for an "anna" or two. The Jesus of History
  • ¶ Wherefore after theyr example obtaynyng a lytle lesure, I red ouer sundrye treatises, as wel of those which wrot long ago, as of other now in our daies: fyndynge amonge them some to haue wrytten ouer brieflye, some confuselye, and falselye some. A Treatise of Schemes and Tropes
  • If we keep speaking out when a movie falsely uses a pentacle or a talk show falsely references a Wiccan term, there is a chance for a better and brighter tomorrow!
  • A cautious beginning was made of releasing some of the tens of thousands who had been falsely imprisoned. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • This term designates both the habitual forms and attitudes of the human mental apparatus, and the experiences of the mind as it recognizes these attitudes as falsely objectivized moments within its antinomical structure, and as it transcends these limits by disposing itself in new ways towards itself and its objects. Karl Jaspers
  • She tends to adopt a falsely cheerful tone when she's upset about something.
  • If he can not show how, punish him because he acted as a juror and served in the assembly and accused many falsely, having his name enrolled as an Athenian. The Orations of Lysias
  • a seduction on my part would land us with the necessity to rise, bathe and dress, chat falsely about this and that, and emerge into the rest of the evening as though nothing had happened
  • ‘Keep your eyes on the road, sweetheart,’ I said falsely sweet.
  • The label "discredited Duke lacrosse accuser" has been attached to Crystal Mangum for nearly four years since North Carolina's top prosecutor determined she'd falsely accused three players of raping her at a party. The Seattle Times
  • Sentence prolonged, changed, ad arbitrium judicis, still the same case, [341] one thrust out of his inheritance, another falsely put in by favour, false forged deeds or wills. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • It made the job easier by defining one-third of it as Greater Jerusalem while expropriating Palestinian land to expand existing settlements, build new ones, add new roads for Jews only, and erect the Separation Wall falsely claimed for security to disguise its real land-grab purpose plus another way to cantonize Palestinians in isolated areas cut off from all others and effectively enclose them in large open-air prisons. A Review of The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe
  • The scene from the bank ‘falsely portrayed’ is in fact an accurate portrayal of real events.
  • Some have falsely taken evidence of change in the 2nd and 3rd centuries as a "guilt by association" validation of unattested changes in the 1st.
  • My own falsely self-assertive and harmful, unfree ego gets drawn into the expansive heart of God. Tattoos on the Heart
  • He added the African National Congress and National Party had never really intended to give Afrikaners a "volkstaat" (nation state) and that the idea of such a separate state had been falsely based on the belief that the Afrikaner was a nation on its own. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Let's not start with the holes in plausibility, or the falsely happy ending.
  • Also patron of the falsely accused, midwives, obstetricians, and pregnant women.
  • When released he argued that there was no power to detain him and he had been falsely imprisoned. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were tried under the code names they used on falsely obtained Austrian passports. Times, Sunday Times
  • He plays the doctor who falsely lists the cause of death as a heart attack.
  • « Breaking: McCain Campaign "Concedes" That Obama Is Patriotic | Home | McCain Campaign Falsely Asserts That Obama "Changed His Mind" On Iraq » The Last Nominee To Deliver Acceptance Speech In Stadium? Yup -- It Was JFK
  • Selling deliberately a commodity whose registered trademark is falsely used may constitute a crime.
  • The airline has been accused of falsely certifying repair work that was never completed.
  • The program searches a hard drive for aptly named files that are suffixed with. jpeg or. jpg, and may therefore falsely identify files and wreak havoc on the reputation of people with no connection to child pornography.
  • Continuing to falsely condemn Israel in knee jerk fashion will only hasten that outcome.
  • They were falsely accused of being swingers.
  • A Louisiana court awarded a customer $ 3, 0 after she had been falsely accused of shoplifting in a clothing store.
  • Sometimes punters who have lost their phone falsely report it as stolen in order to claim on insurance.
  • I even sent some signed sheets of paper to England hoping that he blundered his moves by falsely handing my units over to him, it helped but he was not to be the danger.
  • She would be falsely modest not to acknowledge that she had come a very long way since those early days.
  • only time I had a brush with the law was when I was falsely accused of taking away a car without the owner's consent.
  • He alleged that he was offered money to testify falsely against me.
  • A federal court has ruled that the defendant tobacco companies deliberately deceived the American public by falsely selling and advertising low tar and light cigarettes as less harmful than regular cigarettes.
  • This kind of thinking is why so many executives "backdated" options -- in quotes here because of the euphemism for options that are falsely dated. Stephen H. Baum: Advice from Grandma: 2007 Edition
  • Both denied falsely imprisoning her but were found guilty. The Sun
  • London, and was considered as offending against the six articles, and was taken to the Tower, and put upon the rack — probably because it was hoped that she might, in her agony, criminate some obnoxious persons; if falsely, so much the better. A Child's History of England
  • This is clear from the plots using logarithmic scales, but the curved plots with an arithmetical scale on the vertical axes may falsely suggest a threshold.
  • We heard about the men who were falsely convicted after torture by a corrupt policeman.
  • A person may falsely attribute an undesirable feature to people she assigns to a racial group because of her disregard for those in the group.
  • Where our knowledge of a cause is derived from our knowledge of the effect, which is falsely (I think) here supposed, nothing can be logically, that is, apodeictically, inferred, but the adequacy of the former to the latter. The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • The agency said Abbott falsely claimed that one serving of Ensure provides nutrients comparable to a multivitamin.
  • Additionally, some companies may falsely claim that their oils are undiluted or pure when they aren't.
  • And you shall not swear by my name falsely, neither shall you profane the name of your God; I am the Lord Leviticus 19:11–12. The Ten Commandments
  • He is then alleged to have falsely imprisoned her until October last year. Times, Sunday Times
  • She had been falsely accused of shoplifting in a clothing store.
  • The computer geeks falsely added thousands of extra signatures. The Sun
  • Pence then defended his party's opposition to embryonic stem cell research, falsely claiming there were alternatives that "obviated" the need for embryonic research. Multi Medium
  • She smiled falsely at everyone around them, her eyes roving.
  • Indeed, even the most wretched of mortals would not dare to falsely assume the identity of the Father of Life!
  • And truly he did not speak falsely in saying so; for that festival, which we call Pentecost, did then fall out to be the next day to the Antiquities of the Jews
  • Excessive trading volume hurts investors more than almost anything else, by falsely inflating the price of the overtraded issues. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • Franz tried a similar line of research for a year and finally hypothesized — falsely, as it turned out — that the weakly effective compounds were metabolized in the plant into herbicidal agents. Franz, John E.
  • Incensed by her rejection he cautioned Agnes that he would force her into marriage by falsely claiming she had handfasted with him.
  • Some falsely claimed that because we are justified by faith, Paul taught that we can sin as much as we like!
  • He served four months of a 15-month sentence for falsely imprisoning a male escort. The Sun
  • Moreover, it does so in a way that neither conceives domination in single-axis terms nor falsely equalizes the effects of these relations on subjects.
  • Mr. Troyer said later that some of the search had been in response to what he called a hoax - a man called the police and falsely said he was the gunman. International Herald Tribune - World News, Analysis, and Global Opinions
  • Earlier, you falsely claimed that transit ridership is rising. Matthew Yglesias » Doing It Low-Tech
  • Then, falsely contrite ," I didn't mean to suggest you've ever hit a woman. THE LAST PLACE
  • The more particular criticism seems to be that the referentiality is something that panders to the intelligence of the audience, that falsely congratulates them on being so well-informed.
  • The comic writers of the town, when they had got hold of this story, made much of it, and bespattered him with all the ribaldry they could invent, charging him falsely with the wife of Menippus, one who was his friend and served as lieutenant under him in the wars; and with the birds kept by Pyrilampes, an acquaintance of Pericles, who, they pretended, used to give presents of peacocks to Pericles’ female friends. Pericles
  • Adopting our recommendation has the potential to avoid as many as half a million women a year being falsely reassured.
  • I know a lot of movies that I think are unfairly called misogynistic because of the roles or perils of the women example, Sin City, yet Short Cuts actually did feel kind of misogynistic to me, perhaps because again, it is so ice cold and when not indifferent, is in hate with its own characters on a level that only Alexander Payne is falsely accused of. Row Three » Hidden Treasures – Week of June 8th - Where Cinema is more than just $100 Million productions
  • They falsely pretend to be impartial and independent, or patronisingly portray themselves to be the same as ordinary people.
  • The NIE concluded (also falsely) that Iraq was developing unmanned aerial vehicles that could be used to hit the United States with biological weapons.
  • He is the doctor who seems at first to be all cynicism but who, we come to recognize, cares about his patients far more than the falsely paternal, beaming head doctor.
  • Other halogens such as bromide and iodide ions can react with the reagent system causing falsely elevated results.
  • According to plea documents, Chand acknowledged that in order to create the fictitious therapy files, he and his co-conspirators paid cash kickbacks and other inducements to Medicare beneficiaries in exchange for the beneficiaries´ Medicare numbers and signatures on documents falsely indicating that they had received physical or occupational therapy. American Chronicle
  • Following them were cops, shouting out orders to each other in a loud jabber of falsely intelligent strictness.
  • His new movie is a piece of falsely modest claptrap.
  • Even the revelation that Berlusconi called the Milanese police in May after Ruby was arrested for stealing €3,000, asking for her release and explaining - falsely - that she was The Guardian World News
  • But, marvellous beyond all, the 'great fish' (falsely so translated, since no cetaceous creature can be denominated a _fish_) into which he was received still lived, and accompanied him. Tales of the Chesapeake
  • A fish restaurant manageress falsely accused her employer of tax fraud when she was caught with her hand in the till, York Crown Court heard.
  • Somehow, drhunt reminds me a bit of an old troll named “jake”, who, I seem to recall, falsely claimed to be a WWII veteran (or Vietnam vet, mayhap). Think Progress » Chris Wallace Calls The Perpetually Wrong Bill Kristol An ‘Expert’ On Iraq
  • The author stumbles a touch in the third act, dragging his ending out too long, and giving us a finale that's either falsely uplifting or cruelly imagined by a dying boy.
  • He also opened fertile chicken eggs and concluded, falsely, that the heart was the first organ to develop.
  • But not only does he ignore my statements, he falsely represents my idea of the linkage of Renaissance perspective to trecento urbanism - specifically via Brunelleschi's panels - as his own.
  • Such discourse sanctions heresy and licentiousness; worldlings and the indevout applaud it, the tepid seem to consent to it, and the falsely devout approve it; it is a scandal to the weak, and a dishonor to religion. The Life and Legends of Saint Francis of Assisi
  • The actor and stuntmen obviously have the skills to pay the bills and don't have to rely on clever cuts and camera work to falsely bolster their ass-kicking prowess.
  • The director delivers a film that harkens back to a golden age of solid storytelling and bold heroics, without the falsely pumped-up bravado of so many "major" pictures these days.
  • Dick is being a dick again – falsely taking credit, rewriting facts to suit himself. Think Progress » Despite Opposing Withdrawal From Iraq, Cheney Takes Credit For Withdrawal Success
  • The old (or falsely aged) sheets of paper, too, present the quality of a personal artifact, like something retained from childhood.
  • By those laws, men were forbid to perjure themselves, or to forswear, that is, swear falsely. Barnes New Testament Notes
  • He was falsely accused of treasonous crimes that could have resulted in the death penalty.
  • She accuses the star of falsely portraying her as a 'conniving and backstabbing homewrecker'. The Sun
  • So far from admitting his own mistake, he falsely accused his critic.
  • Potential is not the same as a history of Nobels as the the title falsely claims in the same manner as the Olympic piece. - Latest Popular Stories, Instablogs Community
  • He was in one episode of the classy drama as a young man falsely accused of murder. The Sun
  • ‘Street agents’ eager to take advantage of the naivete of young football players will oversell them on their skills and falsely raise their expectations.
  • Falsely claiming that someone (or the majority of some group) is rooting for the bad guys in a war is indeed pretty egregious misbehavior.
  • The only time I had a brush with the law was when I was falsely accused of taking away a car without the owner's consent.
  • Just because someone falsely labels a group a bunch of bigots, it doesn't mean they're a hatemonger.
  • Each of these is based on some subtly revisionist imagining of history that ring as falsely as Spielberg's film.
  • ‘A secret, torrid love affair,’ Tori swooned falsely, winning a laugh from Jacquelyn and Ramona.
  • In effect, Maher and others who purvey falsely dangerous information get a free pass. Wrong!… and Socially Irresponsible « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • Pence then defended his party's opposition to embryonic stem cell research, falsely claiming there were alternatives "obviated" the need for embryonic research. Think Progress
  • Let's not start with the holes in plausibility, or the falsely happy ending.
  • The compound of sodium and chlorine has been called muriate of soda, in the French nomenclsf ture; for it was falsely supposed to be composed of muriatic acid gas, and soda; and it is a curious circumstance, that the progressof discovery should have shewn tliat it is a less compounded body than hydrate of soda, which six years ago was considered as a simple sub - stance, and one of its elements. Elements of Chemical Philosophy: Part 1, Vol.1
  • Is this some kind of falsely retroac-ac-active... Hy... hypothermic... Blood-loss-related... Pharmaceu... ceutically engendered... Eh? BEHINDLINGS
  • They were tried under the code names they used on falsely obtained Austrian passports. Times, Sunday Times
  • A question for PatHMV: Take someone who is required to allocute in order to receive probation instead of, say, a five year sentence, and falsely allocutes. The Volokh Conspiracy » An End to DNA Test Waivers?
  • What has been falsely called socialism is nothing but state-capitalism.
  • He remarks that he prefers the real Bernard to the falsely happy Bernard.
  • Some of those officers falsely accused and then absolved played a prominent role in suppressing the July plot. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unless, he decided, some luckless footpad or cutpurse was falsely accused. THE CURSE OF CHALION
  • But the same method may lead, as in the case of Berkeley, to immaterialism, falsely called idealism. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 02, No. 08, June 1858
  • The company was found guilty of failing to give to consumers notice in writing of their right to cancel the contract and of falsely and knowingly describing themselves as chartered surveyors.
  • But the break seemed falsely idyllic with an undercurrent of doom.
  • She would be falsely modest not to acknowledge that she had come a very long way since those early days.Sentencedict
  • Falsely interpreting the proposition as necessarily implying, not merely moral obligation, but also compulsion and coercion, they rejected it as unevangelical and semipopish. Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
  • During an interview with George Stephanopoulos of ABC News which aired Sunday September 7, 2009, Barack Obama bemoaned what he claimed were insidious Republican attempts to "promulgate," falsely, his "Muslim connections. YID With LID
  • She tends to adopt a falsely cheerful tone when she's upset about something.
  • Both denied falsely imprisoning her but were found guilty. The Sun
  • Not to be confused with Epson salts or other materials that are intended to be added to bath water, authorities say the drugs are falsely labeled as "bath salts" and often carry a label noting that they are "not for human consumption" label. The Seattle Times
  • The finality of death that you might want to give to criminals would be just as final on the falsely accused.
  • We see it everyday, all these 'divas' falsely turning to street culture in order to boost credibility.
  • This term designates both the habitual forms and attitudes of the human mental apparatus, and the experiences of the mind as it recognizes these attitudes as falsely objectivized moments within its antinomical structure, and as it transcends these limits by disposing itself in new ways towards itself and its objects. Karl Jaspers
  • The new history falsely portrayed the British administrators and armed forces of the 19th Century as either tyrants or poltroons, and the settlers as heroic refugees fleeing from an oppressive government in the British Isles.
  • It is particularly concerned that assessments should not falsely accuse parents and families on the basis of unproven diagnostic and predictive techniques.
  • If the woman falsely counterclaimed rape, then, based on the viciousness with which sex criminals are routinely treated, I think 12 years in the pokey is quite right, possibly even on the overly lenient side. The Volokh Conspiracy » Female Teacher’s Having Sex with 17-Year-Old Male Student/Teacher’s Aide = 12 Years in Prison (But Was More Involved?)
  • It was a vile letter to have written — not because the language was bad, or the mode of expression unfeeling, or the facts falsely stated — but because the thing to be told was in itself so vile. The Small House at Allington
  • The trademark office has already denied both filings, saying the name belonged to a "very famous infant " and consumers would falsely assume that the products were approved by the celebrity parents. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis
  • The SEC also alleged Mr. Hicks raised $80 million from 2004 to 2007 by falsely claiming the majority of investor money would be placed in unrestricted, free-trading shares or cash. SEC, Connecticut Charge Investment Adviser With Fraud
  • Other means of paying the debt are either inflation (debasement of the value of money), or economic growth - which is falsely measured because it is based on undervalued exhaustible resources and unvalued pollution. Herman Daly Festschrift~ Socially Sustainable Economic Degrowth
  • Nation, and the Spanish having agreed, to give the honour of this Action either truely or falsely, unto Sir Henry Morgan, I cannot but admire that those who pretend to be the greatest admirers of his merits, should endeavour to devest him of it. Bucaniers of America:
  • The police could only be liable if they acted falsely, maliciously or recklessly in transmitting the information.
  • With breathtaking hypocrisy, the sneaky judge dished out justice to benefit cheats while falsely pocketing nearly 50,000 in benefits himself. The Sun
  • Many have been falsely accused of crimes to settle scores between families, and three quarters of them are being held without trial. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seems that presswork was already completed on a number of these quartos, which are correctly dated ‘1619’, but others were falsely dated, probably with the intention to pass them off as remainders of earlier editions.
  • It was a vile letter to have written -- not because the language was bad, or the mode of expression unfeeling, or the facts falsely stated -- but because the thing to be told was in itself so vile. The Small House at Allington
  • The key folly of the factard is that in falsely labeling a belief as knowledge they assign it a value of "confirmed" which precludes any such reflection. Towards a Lexicon of Folly: Factard
  • He did not set out to falsely malign anyone or advance some hidden political agenda.
  • Victorian ladies possessing the colouring falsely called "auburn" -- but clouded their excessive verdure to neutrality by semi-transparent over-draperies of black. The Best British Short Stories of 1922
  • - Mrs. Milles flatters herself falsely; it has never been Mrs. Rice's wish to have her son settled near herself-& there is now a hope entertained of her relenting in favour of Deane. Jane Austen's Letters To Her Sister Cassandra and Others
  • His protector had been falsely put to death by Ulysses and because of this, Ulysses was forever suspicious of Sinon.
  • In the movie, the boy's parents are flat one minute, falsely animated the next, and their actions never fully make sense.

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