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How To Use Falsehood In A Sentence

  • Finally, in the formation of an opinion as to the abstract preferableness of one course of action over another, or as to the truth or falsehood or right significance of a proposition, the fact that the majority of one's contemporaries lean in the other direction is naught, and no more than dust in the balance. On Compromise
  • If he come to see me" (as it has always been reckoned a piece of neighbourly kindness to visit the sick) "he speaks vanity; that is, he pretends friendship, and that his errand is to mourn with me and to comfort me; he tells me he is very sorry to see me so much indisposed, and wishes me my health; but it is all flattery and falsehood. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • She called the verdict a victory of truth over falsehood.
  • Only the bishops have retained the augurial staff, called the crosier; which was the distinctive mark of the dignity of augur; so that the symbol of falsehood has become the symbol of truth. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • But real wisdom means knowing truth from falsehood, knowing the difference between evidence and wishful thinking.
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  • People who commit these falsehoods may be people of talent, and, as Goethe says of himself, may have "desire to fabulate. Criminal Psychology: a manual for judges, practitioners, and students
  • In the bid to eliminate the estate tax, anti-repeal forces have used slick advertising, explicit falsehoods and deception.
  • Distinctions in moral values are valid for God and for us: truth is to be valued over falsehood, faithfulness over infidelity, true worship over idolatry, and so on.
  • Baron Hafner's and Prince d'Ardea's manner toward Fanny had inspired her the day before with a dolorous analogy between the atmosphere of falsehood in which that poor girl lived and the atmosphere in which she at times thought she herself lived. The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • In the Protestant's view, indeed, who assumes that miracles never are, our thaumatology is one great falsehood; but that is _his_ First Principle, as I have said so often, which he does not prove but assume. Apologia pro Vita Sua
  • They cannot be sued for libel, malicious falsehood or conspiring to give false evidence.
  • These utterances/acts are outside the consideration of truth or falsehood; they are semantically empty - they can produce only meanings.
  • This falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart, and in time depraves all its good disposition. Think Progress » ‘The Hero of Guantanamo’ Speaks
  • The reductio ad absurdum is related to a familiar form of proof in logic: You make an assumption and then derive from it a contradiction or a known falsehood by a series of valid inferences. Fun with Hair Splitting
  • This argument mixes so many distortions, falsehoods and tendentious points that it's not easy to know where to start.
  • It makes me think we are dealing with a vain mendacious man who clung to power as long as he possibly could wrapped in a cloud of vainglory and falsehood, when he should have had the good grace to go quietly long ago.
  • It requires our full humanity - our rationality, our ability to sort out truth from falsehood, our intuition, our compassion, our vision, and our morality.
  • In malicious falsehood, the plaintiff has to prove that the statement is false.
  • No one contests their falsehoods, inaccuracies, and sins of omission on a point by point basis.
  • Dismounting before it, each knight avouched the justice of his cause by a solemn oath on the Evangelists, and prayed that his success might be according to the truth or falsehood of what he then swore. The Talisman
  • Mostly this is because they are simply insincere, and say what they say maliciously and in knowledge of its falsehood.
  • I must weave a veil of dazzling falsehood to hide my grief from vulgar eyes, smoothe my brow, and paint my lips in deceitful smiles -- even in solitude I dare not think how lost I am, lest I become insane and rave. I.9
  • Lately, you have attempted to cloak your actions in falsehoods and propaganda.
  • This, notwithstanding the dash of falsehood which may exist in “Werter” itself, and the boundless delirium of extravagance which it called forth in others, is a high praise which cannot justly be denied it. Criticism and Interpretation. By Thomas Carlyle
  • At no stage, however, did the learned judge identify the deceit or deliberate falsehood.
  • Anyone who works with those who do not speak know that the word 'non-verbal' used to mean 'non-communicative' is just a falsehood. Unsaid Words
  • And even a cursory knowledge of American history provides incontrovertible evidence of its falsehood.
  • Nay, we hurl the Truth against falsehood, and it knocks out its brain, and behold, falsehood doth perish!
  • We are concerned with three main questions in this work: Do moral judgements possess objective truth or falsehood?
  • Without some kind of guide for distinguishing truth from falsehood, we are lost.
  • It is sometimes difficult to disentangle truth from falsehood.
  • They should have given him a garland of the speckled leaves and stems of oxtongue, for falsehood. Wildfire
  • Lying is a way of life- – lying is inevitable in everyday life. Lying is a conscious attempt of the mind to protect ourselves, or to advance our self- interest, by distorting the truth or telling deceptive falsehoods. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • All of these are ‘magazines of falsehoods,’ if accepted in the exoteric dead-letter interpretations of their ancient, and especially their modern, theological glossarists.
  • Letters: Unspeakable horrors were inflicted upon Poland during the war, but to tacitly assert that minorities in the Second Republic were not subject to discrimination and the kind of violence manifest in Nazi Germany in 1938 is a sickening falsehood Letters: Alone under a dictatorship
  • He uses their lies to confront the political opposition and force them to deny them without ever evidencing any qualms that he might be helping to spread falsehoods and wrong impressions by doing so.
  • Inventions, handy fables, and propaganda wormed away at the story for decades, institutionalizing falsehoods and calcifying legends, many of which then became part of the narrative in the West, where further repetition hardened and certified official Soviet accounts. The Gun
  • You can tell the difference between make-believe and reality, between truth and falsehood. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • This claim was for damages in the amount of $100,000 for malicious falsehood and punitive damages in the amount of $50,000.
  • It's important to winnow truth from falsehood in scientific research.
  • It is this calculated use of deception and falsehood that we should fear, more even than the wrongheaded policy.
  • However, fabricating malicious falsehoods and then actively circulating them not only belies any profession of Christianity but is defamatory and libelous.
  • This distinction is not limited to purely speculative notions of truth and falsehood, but rather emphasizes practical moral action and the foresight that makes it possible.
  • Falsehood like a nettle stings those who meddle with it. 
  • If you set yourself up as the last word on the truth or falsehood of ads, you will immediately be the addressee of a lot of spin.
  • “What do those deserve, who deliberately utter falsehoods,” continued the Monk, “who deceive, and slatter young men to their destruction?” The Italian
  • A small example is the word 'absonant' which appears in the first act of 'Double Falsehood'. - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • And yes, one has to be vigilant in the way that he suggested and try to spot falsehoods, examples of mythmaking in the stories that people tell about the world.
  • It allows us to express general cognitive goals, such as seeking truths and avoiding falsehoods.
  • Doth verity but wear the mask of falsehood?
  • In our special audit circumstance, we must reestablish CPA audit goal, which should be disclosing falsehood and errors as much as identifying the truth and fairness in a company.
  • But even if he knowingly told a falsehood simply to get more credibility, that would be serious professional misconduct.
  • Here's another standard Social Security Slasher move: Members of the Peterson contingent love to congratulate themselves on the "courage" and "boldness" it takes to regurgitate and promote predigested falsehoods in return for a future filled with consultancies, commission slots, and think tank appointments. Richard (RJ) Eskow: The Ministry of Truth: New Fronts in the War on Social Security
  • Its underlying message warns against falsehood and its consequences, although it does not ostensibly function as a polemic against homophobia.
  • Shimas and said to him, O sage philosopher and experienced master, seest thou not that this ignorant lad cloth naught but redouble in falsehood to us? The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • So, Mrs. Clinton is once again carelessly spouting off lies and falsehoods left and right. Poll of Polls: Obama, Clinton both leading McCain
  • Whether the universe is deterministic, or (as contemporary physics seems to suggest) indeterministic is a question which is independent of the truth or falsehood of the completeness of physics.
  • I will here subjoin a little poem, so strongly expressive of my abhorrence of despotism and falsehood, that I fear lest it never again may be depictured so vividly. The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • “Take a glass of wine, Sir Arthur, and drink down that bead-roll of unbaptized jargon, that would choke the devil — why, that last fellow has the only intelligible name you have repeated — they are all of the tribe of Macfungus — mushroom monarchs every one of them; sprung up from the fumes of conceit, folly, and falsehood, fermenting in the brains of some mad Highland seannachie.” The Antiquary
  • Christians and humanists are not alone in agreeing that doubt can be an antidote to inauthentic faith or to error and falsehood.
  • ‘We can't verify or assume the truth or falsehood of the information,’ she says.
  • There is a grain of truth in both these stories, surrounded by falsehoods.
  • Parliament the two were expelled for professional misconduct and what he called distortion of events in Zimbabwe and "propagating falsehoods" in their reporting to media organizations abroad. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Take a glass of wine, Sir Arthur, and drink down that bead-roll of unbaptized jargon, that would choke the devil -- why, that last fellow has the only intelligible name you have repeated -- they are all of the tribe of Macfungus -- mushroom monarchs every one of them; sprung up from the fumes of conceit, folly, and falsehood, fermenting in the brains of some mad Highland seannachie. The Antiquary — Volume 01
  • The role of an investigative reporter is to expose falsehood wherever it occurs, without fear or favour.
  • So would he attempt to persuade an individual who had always harmlessly derived comfort and consolation from his faith that his life was based on a falsehood?
  • Your story contained so many misconceptions and falsehoods, one scarcely knows where to begin.
  • In your desire to blacken the reputation of Indonesia, you have resorted to the dissemination of falsehoods, misrepresentations and innuendos without any factual basis.
  • Misrepresentation is falsehood or omission of facts in relation to an investment.
  • In spite of the falsehoods in our press, it seems to me this last year I've never seen so many lies accepted and given credence to than in all my 56 years.
  • In response to Wilkinson’s (I thought unexceptionable) assertion that people value things other than — and often more highly than — happiness, DeLong objected, not just that Will had said something substantively wrong, but made some kind of semantic error, asserting a tautological falsehood (what we used to call a “falsism” in debate): Better Brad DeLong Dissatisfied than a Pig Satisfied
  • The Prime Minister has made a statement closely approximate to a falsehood.
  • The other clear implication is that the military news coming out of the region is full of falsehoods.
  • At our distance, we hear too little truth and too much falsehood to form correct judgments concerning them; and they are moreover foreign to our umpirage.
  • The same falsehood is rebuffed one day, and shows up on another op-ed page the next. Preach It, Brother Tim
  • Individualism - the belief that the individual alone and unaided is entitled to determine what is good or bad and to separate truth or falsehood - is a prevailing attitude.
  • Putting it another way, in such circumstances the defamer cannot be said to be ‘telling deliberate and injurious falsehoods’.
  • But today, "belie" has lost some of that richness, and just means "expose as a falsehood", as in, say, "The evidence belies the stated reasons for going to war. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • In the everyday kingdom of mere things, in contact with our joyless existence and the adamantean wall of social customs and falsehoods, he saw nothing but confusion, madness, death. Leonid Andreyev: 1871-1919
  • One of the worst features of this sorry business is that the Australian people have been led astray by the untruths and falsehoods uttered by our leaders on this subject.
  • But he is given immunity for the deliberate, wilful telling of a falsehood.
  • Federal law now makes it a felony to use falsehood and deception to hide the origin of the spam messages hawking your fraudulent wares.
  • But it is not in that metaphysical sense of truth which we inquire here, when we examine, whether our ideas are capable of being true or false, but in the more ordinary acceptation of those words: and so I say that the ideas in our minds, being only so many perceptions or appearances there, none of them are false; the idea of a centaur having no more falsehood in it when it appears in our minds, than the name centaur has falsehood in it, when it is pronounced by our mouths, or written on paper. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • There are no supernatural events, wild chases through the jungle, superpowers, or other falsehoods.
  • Although Rush, lately, has become a rather titular bloviator due to crossing the line into outright falsehood. Women’s health is not a “social issue” « Dating Jesus
  • As a former Catholic schoolboy from the Bronx, surely he knows that falsehoods can trip you up.
  • Lying is a way of life- – lying is inevitable in everyday life. Lying is a conscious attempt of the mind to protect ourselves, or to advance our self- interest, by distorting the truth or telling deceptive falsehoods. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • He contended that every page of Mitford's History had falsehoods, all stemming from his anti-democratic passion and his excessive regard for monarchal and aristocratic power.
  • I think he means to refer to perceptual propositions - propositions whose truth or falsehood we can determine by looking or employing some other sense.
  • The newspaper has portrayed itself as a victim of misinformation, as though a conveyor of falsehoods has scant responsibility.
  • The Prime Minister has made a statement closely approximate to a falsehood.
  • While Falsehood, shrined above th 'emblazon'd palls, Poems (1828)
  • Although most falsehoods detected in this study were inconsequential, fibs do have financial implications.
  • For very much of the literature that comes under this head of demonology is tainted with errors that may well owe their origin to the father of falsehood, and much of it again, especially those portions which have a practical purpose (what may be called the ascetical and mystical demonology) is designed to lead men to give themselves to the service of Satan. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • But falsehood is so unexacting, needs so little help to make itself manifest! The Captive
  • “Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood.” How to Write Conversationally | Write to Done
  • Another pillar of his judgment involved the legal concept of malicious falsehood. Times, Sunday Times
  • Existence in the real world is just not possible without an occasional fib or an expertly timed falsehood.
  • This is especially the case in those countries in Europe, particularly on the Continent, where the idea above referred to, of the allowableness of falsehood in certain cases as a means for the attainment of a good end, is generally entertained. Gentle Measures in the Management and Training of the Young Or, the Principles on Which a Firm Parental Authority May Be Established and Maintained, Without Violence or Anger, and the Right Development of the Moral and Mental Capacities Be Promoted by Met
  • He detects a rise in self delusion, a diminution of individual identity and a selling-out of the soul, and reveals a hardening distaste for falsehood and pretence in his darkly-amusing morality play.
  • This argument mixes so many distortions, falsehoods and tendentious points that it's not easy to know where to start.
  • Indeed, correcting all the factual errors and falsehoods in ‘Ghost Town’ would consume as much space as the Web site itself.
  • It's important to winnow truth from falsehood in scientific research.
  • Icon worship has different types of materiality and immateriality, of dominance and recessiveness, and of truthfulness and falsehood.
  • In parrhesia, the speaker chooses "truth instead of falsehood or silence, the risk of death instead of life and security, criticism instead of flattery and moral duty instead of self-interest and moral apathy". Let the law save whistleblowers, not silence them | Nick Cohen
  • Examining the crucial elements leading to World War I, he exposes how a pack of falsehoods and the militarist myths they serve may bedevil us still.
  • The problem is that the argument is premised on a falsehood.
  • One of the worst features of this sorry business is that the Australian people have been led astray by the untruths and falsehoods uttered by our leaders on this subject.
  • The records generated under the court order produced a comprehensive encyclopedia of why discipline in the police department is "fundamentally ineffective" - the corroborating of falsehoods among officers, the impotence of civilian oversight, the cursoriness of IAD investigations and investigators 'complicity in not connecting glaring discrepancies. The Clog
  • Yet it had a single end; like Piers Plowman before it, and Pilgrim's Progress afterwards, The Faerie Queene led the reader along the path upon which truth was distinguishable from falsehood.
  • Mistakes such as the one I have admitted making are construed as deliberate falsehoods.
  • While Edwin strove to guess who could be the inventor of so dire a falsehood against the truest of Scots, he awakened an alarm in Wallace for Bruce, which could not be excited for himself, by suggesting that perhaps some intimation had been given to the most ambitious of the abthanes, respecting the arrival of their rightful prince. The Scottish Chiefs
  • Although most falsehoods detected in this study were inconsequential, fibs do have financial implications.
  • You don't know what falsehoods have flourished, who was in control, or who had dragged who through the vomitous mire that had once been a life. Modus Vivendi
  • Any opinion based on falsehoods and wild speculations is not a valid opinion worthy of respect. Think Progress » Missouri Lawmaker’s Argument Against Repealing DADT: It Would Be A ‘Cultural Affront’ To Terrorists
  • Lying is a way of life- – lying is inevitable in everyday life. Lying is a conscious attempt of the mind to protect ourselves, or to advance our self- interest, by distorting the truth or telling deceptive falsehoods. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Propogating falsehoods like "Obama was against a revote" is pure evil. Pelosi, Reid working together to end uncertainty over nomination
  • Seems he's learned to hold back the tears and keep a stiff upper lip when political operatives spread scurrilous lies and outright falsehoods.
  • Lying is a way of life- – lying is inevitable in everyday life. Lying is a conscious attempt of the mind to protect ourselves, or to advance our self- interest, by distorting the truth or telling deceptive falsehoods. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • mischievous rumors and falsehoods
  • Their falsehood puts it in danger of collapse.
  • He will no doubt ask the SMH to publish a retraction of this malicious and entirely concocted falsehood.
  • The purpose of their strategy is to have Dems be so preoccupied with debunking obvious falsehood that they will have little or no time engaging in substantive debates about the real issues – and it's working. Palin warns of 'disturbing' health care rationing
  • He is a purveyor of falsehoods when it suits his partisan purposes.
  • I think the spread of falsehood that can incite fear and hatred is something that should be controlled. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lying is a way of life- – lying is inevitable in everyday life. Lying is a conscious attempt of the mind to protect ourselves, or to advance our self- interest, by distorting the truth or telling deceptive falsehoods. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Irony is a magic wand of literary interpretation that can turn words of love into hate, good into evil, and truth into falsehood.
  • With no room either for narrative or, especially, for the "interweaving" together of truth and falsehood in fiction, it throws the novel into relief. Top stories from Times Online
  • The title of the cause of actions in the 2004 claim has been changed to injurious falsehood and inducing breach of contract.
  • Under the cloak of anonymity, anyone is much more likely to fall into speculation, exaggeration, or outright falsehood.
  • But when exposed to the light of the truth and reasoning, their falsehood is revealed. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - The Golden Compass: Lays a golden turd at the box office?
  • In the light of my conclusion that he did not act maliciously in publishing the graph, it is not necessary for me to consider the issue of damage in the context of the claim in malicious falsehood.
  • Therefore every one of these is of some use in speech; but nothing is a part or element of speech (as has been said) except a noun and a verb, which make the first juncture allowing of truth or falsehood, which some call a proposition or protasis, others an axiom, and which Plato called speech. Essays and Miscellanies
  • What oppose to it is word of falsehood , empty, i . e . boast, flapdoodle and lie.
  • But why risk his reputation as a scientist by perpetuating such a falsehood?
  • Entering into its emptiness, frivolity, and falsehood, with a spirit inspired by scorn and impatience, I took my revenge on this “fat,” by making him as fatuitous as I possibly could. Villette
  • He is a man who obstinately refuses to believe the most solidly-established facts in favor of religion, and yet, with blind credulity, greedily swallows the most absurd falsehoods uttered _against religion_. Public School Education
  • Falsehood like a nettle stings those who meddle with it. 
  • As a little boy I was much given to inventing deliberate falsehoods and this was always done for the sake of causing excitement.
  • A small example is the word 'absonant' which appears in the first act of Double Falsehood. Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news
  • They are using falsehoods to justify their potentially detrimental activities.
  • However, fabricating malicious falsehoods and then actively circulating them not only belies any profession of Christianity but is defamatory and libelous.
  • It is sometimes difficult to disentangle truth from falsehood.
  • Saunders is deliberately telling a falsehood.
  • She called the verdict a victory of truth over falsehood.
  • Networks merely need to avoid uttering flagrant falsehoods and committing major inexcusable errors.
  • But we have been obliged to limit ourselves to the consideration of such facts as are most readily accessible, so as to enable the general reader to test at once the approximative fidelity of the vindication we present, and the falsehood, scarcely glozed over with a coating of plausibility, of the vague generalities strung together as a case against the colonies by Mr Cobden and the anti-colonial faction. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 54, No. 337, November, 1843
  • The boundaries between truth and falsehood, past and present and perception and reality are the themes in the two books that have been selected for November by Castlebar Book Club.
  • He had two lives: one, open, seen and known by all who cared to know, full of relative truth and of relative falsehood, exactly like the lives of his friends and acquaintances; and another life running its course in secret.
  • Lord Steyn was contrasting damages for malicious falsehood with damages for libel.
  • The public meeting has decayed, and what voters see on TV is constructed around artifice and falsehood.
  • Kathryn felt a momentary jolt of awe and happiness, but it was soon overwhelmed by spite and hatred for this woman, uttering such lies, such falsehood.
  • he tried to give his falsehood the gloss of moral sanction
  • But the cause of this imperfection has been fully laid open by no party, -- 'scilicet', that in divines of both parties of the Reformers, the Protestants and the Detestants, there was the same relic of the Roman 'lues', -- the habit of deciding for or against the orthodoxy of a position, not according to its truth or falsehood, not on grounds of reason or of history, but by the imagined consequences of the position. Literary Remains, Volume 2
  • Proving the truth or falsehood of Cantor's continuum hypothesis boils down to answering this: Where does the set of real numbers sit in the hierarchy of infinite sets?
  • In such an air it had seemed that no petty egotism could hamper their growth, no misintelligence obscure their love; yet all the while this pure happiness had been unfolding against a sordid background of falsehood and intrigue from which his soul turned with loathing. The Fruit of the Tree
  • There are alternations as regard falsehood and simulation in Gaius and Flaccus.
  • I can: the word conceive, therefore, is here used to express the recognition of a matter of fact — the perception of truth or falsehood; which I apprehend to be exactly the meaning of an act of belief, as distinguished from simple conception. A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
  • She called the verdict a victory of truth over falsehood.
  • Furthermore, Godel proved that any mathematical system of proofs must be either incomplete (not able to determine the truth or falsehood of certain statements) or contradictory.
  • Only in politics or Hollywood is it possible to make falsehoods true and the truth a lie.
  • Defined literally, a roorback is a “defamatory falsehood published for political effect,” but I wanted the grand old word to stand for all the defamations and falsehoods published and proffered in our irreverent media age. AMERICAN SUBVERSIVE
  • I was taking over from a colleague on a legally aided, malicious falsehood case. Times, Sunday Times
  • You may tell me, if you like, that I am a _pandour_, and that my taste has been perverted by a life of unbridled Epicureanism; you may tell me that the charms of duplicity, of falsehood, and of this connivance in the guise of a childish deception, are exercising a morbid fascination over my demoralized heart. French and Oriental Love in a Harem
  • They believe there is a war between right and wrong, faith and falsehood, civilisation and barbarity and that all tactics are justified in the last-ditch struggle to defend what they believe in.
  • What concerns me is despite all the evidence of falsehood being out there, certainly in the blogoshere, concerning yellowcake, alluminium tubes, mobile biological weapons laboratories, Sadam Hussein's sponsorship of al Qaeda etc, the goverment and the opposition apparently fell for, which frankly has brought me to the conclusion that the real scandal is the sale of our foreign policy by politicians, turning their heads away while crasping mazuma in their palms. Things Can Only Get... Or Lest We Forget
  • the falsehood about some fanciful secret treaties
  • But why run I into length to such a poor thing? why push I so weak an adversary? whose first letter is all low malice, and whose next is made up of falsehood and inconsistence, as well as spite and ill-manners! yet I was willing to give you a part of my mind. Clarissa Harlowe
  • Speak not for Ramorny, for he dies; and go thou from my presence, and repent the flagitious counsels which could make thee stand before me with a falsehood in thy mouth. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • And yet to save a trifling outlay compared with the injustice now done, the representative of Her Majesty is compelled to carry about under his skirts a parcel of convictism; to deposit these tokens of imperial interest he is driven to have recourse to artifice, trickery and falsehood. A Source Book of Australian History
  • That depends on what you call a falsehood," said Miss Blackburne. The Lion's Mouse
  • They themselves repeatedly tell us that they think there is no such thing as right and wrong or truth and falsehood.
  • She doesn't seem to understand the difference between truth and falsehood.
  • His revelations of these falsehoods, fictions, fabrications and fantasies are backed by compelling evidence and cohesive argument.
  • Implication of apologetics as preaching: we must not preach falsehoods.
  • As Eve pointed out, I have a facility for falsehoods, a talent both natural and learned.
  • SWBob says: cheney/rove/bush and their conservative talking heads have created an atmosphere in which truth be damned and any lie or falsehood is acceptable. Think Progress » AFP Refuses To Pull ‘Disgraceful’ Ad Attacking Congresswoman Whose Parents Recently Died Of Cancer
  • Entering into its emptiness, frivolity, and falsehood, with a spirit inspired by scorn and impatience, I took my revenge on this "fat," by making him as fatuitous as I possibly could. Villette
  • St. Chrysostom on this occasion made a pathetic discourse on the vanity and treachery of human things, the emptiness and falsehood of which he could not find a word emphatical enough to express. The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints January, February, March
  • There had been a time when Chouteau, thanks to his facundity of the faubourg, had interested and almost convinced him, but now he had come to detest that apostle of falsehood, that snake in the grass, who calumniated honest effort of every kind in order to sicken others of it. The Downfall
  • He initiated this possibility by manipulating versions of the liar's paradox with zigzag graphs of truth and falsehood states.
  • So, when they despaired of him, they said to Shimas, O excellent Wazir and accomplished sage, seest thou not the behaviour of this lad, young of years and little of wit, how he addeth to his offences falsehood? The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Were I lying, then I would simply bestow upon you some vague time in the future, so as to draw things out for pretenses and falsehoods.
  • Liguori, Burchard, Billuard, Rousselot, Gordon, Gaisson, are put into their hands at an early age -- works which reveal more secrets of impudicity than Aretino has described, or Commodus can have practiced -- works which recommend more craft and treachery and fraud and falsehood than Machiavelli accorded to his misbegotten Saviour of Renaissance in Italy, Volumes 1 and 2 The Catholic Reaction
  • Implication of apologetics as preaching: we must not preach falsehoods.
  • The Prime Minister has made a statement closely approximate to a falsehood.
  • If he wins in nine days, the foundation of his victory will rest on economic perceptions based on falsehoods.
  • The leading Malay language newspaper, Utusan Melayu, prints what opposition leader Lim Kit Siang calls a daily staple of falsehoods that stoke racial hatred. The Price of Malaysia's Racism
  • Others again have taken as the play's essence the need to reconcile not truth and falsehood but competing truths.
  • The public meeting has decayed, and what voters see on TV is constructed around artifice and falsehood.
  • The two falsehoods are, the first that English is not entitled to give what form it chooses to foreign words that it has occasion to use; &the second, that it is better to have two or more forms coexistent than to talk of one thing by one name that all can understand. The Volokh Conspiracy » Arab Christian Group Sues Over Anti-Leafleting Rule at Arab International Festival on Dearborn (Michigan) City Property:
  • It's important to winnow truth from falsehood in scientific research.
  • She doesn't seem to understand the difference between truth and falsehood.
  • Christians and humanists are not alone in agreeing that doubt can be an antidote to inauthentic faith or to error and falsehood.
  • The problems of another transitional period provide the substance of Stage Beauty, an intelligent, entertaining examination of the line between illusion and reality, truth and falsehood, love and sex.
  • Falsehood and distortion are their stock and trade.
  • Rumours that no scientist expressed doubts about the potential problems are falsehoods perpetrated by officials with a vested interest.
  • The entire Theory of the Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effect is founded on pseudo-science and a series of falsehoods and impossibilities that date back to Fourier (1824), Tyndall (1861), and Arrhenius (1896), and essentially describes a fictitious mechanism, in which a planetary atmosphere acts as a heat pump driven by an environment that is radiatively interacting with but radiatively equilibrated to the atmospheric system. Climate Change Czar Carol Browner on Hacked Emails: ‘Who Cares?’ - Vladimir’s blog - RedState
  • What oppose to it is word of falsehood , empty, i . e . boast, flapdoodle and lie.
  • You can teach falsehoods and half truths issue a diploma and call someone educated.

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