How To Use False imprisonment In A Sentence

  • The claimant brought an action for wrongful arrest and false imprisonment.
  • He was last week found guilty at Ipswich crown court of false imprisonment, conspiracy to apply a corrosive liquid and conspiracy to cause grievous bodily harm. The Sun
  • The boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was cautioned for his part in the break-in and the couple were charged with false imprisonment and common assault, which both deny.
  • But as I understand the law, the gist of the action of false imprisonment is the mere imprisonment.
  • All the defendants deny false imprisonment. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Was recently awarded £30,000 damages against Thames Valley Police for wrongful arrest and false imprisonment.
  • Two men, both from Rochdale and aged 30 and 31, were arrested on suspicion of kidnap, false imprisonment and sexual assault.
  • She was charged with a felony count of false imprisonment and a gross misdemeanor count of criminal sexual conduct.
  • Lombardy was stopped and arrested on suspicion of rape by force; rape with a foreign object and false imprisonment.
  • She is claiming damages for alleged false imprisonment and personal injury, as well as the costs of medical treatment for injuries to Lilly. Times, Sunday Times
  • The police had a good defence to the claims in false imprisonment and unlawful detention. Times, Sunday Times
  • He brought civil proceedings against the police for false imprisonment.
  • My client is seeking substantial damages for unlawful arrest and false imprisonment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lombardy was stopped and arrested on suspicion of rape by force; rape with a foreign object and false imprisonment.
  • From what I'm hearing about the allegations, they don't mention anything about false imprisonment or kidnapping.
  • Legislation that will stiffen the penalties for the offences of kidnapping and false imprisonment ought to be passed.
  • For no sooner was Billy let out of the stocks than off he went to Lawyer Mennear, who was a young man then just set up in practice, and as keen for a job as a huer for pilchards; and between them they patched up an action for false imprisonment -- damages claimed, one hundred pounds. Old Fires and Profitable Ghosts
  • He denies false imprisonment and a threat to kill. The Sun
  • At present, those guilty of forcing someone into marriage can be prosecuted for kidnap, false imprisonment or rape.
  • He denies false imprisonment and a threat to kill. The Sun
  • Lohan, 50, was booked Monday night in West Hollywood, Calif., for inflicting corporal injury on a cohabitant, false imprisonment and preventing a report of victimization. Michael Lohan Arrested on Domestic Violence Charges
  • My client is seeking substantial damages for unlawful arrest and false imprisonment. Times, Sunday Times
  • They denied murder, arson, burglary and false imprisonment. The Sun
  • The plaintiff began proceedings against the Chief Constable claiming damages for wrongful arrest and false imprisonment.
  • I think it's more properly what's called if you believe that's what happened, it's a false imprisonment, where you've said I've got you here, because kidnapping generally requires some movement, that you've got to -- "asportation" is the legal term. CNN Transcript Sep 19, 2007
  • She is claiming damages for alleged false imprisonment and personal injury, as well as the costs of medical treatment for injuries to Lilly. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was given a life sentence in March this year after pleading guilty to grievous bodily harm, false imprisonment and threats to kill.
  • He was last week found guilty at Ipswich crown court of false imprisonment, conspiracy to apply a corrosive liquid and conspiracy to cause grievous bodily harm. The Sun
  • The claimant brought an action for wrongful arrest and false imprisonment.
  • Donald Fisher, who is accused of false imprisonment and assault, admitted using a rope to bind the 15-year-old boy's hands behind his back.
  • Both were convicted of indecently assaulting one victim, two charges of kidnapping, one of attempted kidnapping and three of false imprisonment.
  • The liberty of the citizen, and false imprisonment were discanted on in a loud and moving manner. A Journal of a Young Man of Massachusetts, 2nd ed. Late A Surgeon On Board An American Privateer, Who Was Captured At Sea By The British, In May, Eighteen Hundred And Thirteen, And Was Confined First, At Melville Island, Halifax, Then At Chatham, In Engla
  • Was recently awarded £30,000 damages against Thames Valley Police for wrongful arrest and false imprisonment.
  • He was last week found guilty at Ipswich crown court of false imprisonment, conspiracy to apply a corrosive liquid and conspiracy to cause grievous bodily harm. The Sun
  • My client is seeking substantial damages for unlawful arrest and false imprisonment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now a court in Argentina is considering a writ alleging false imprisonment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Paul also realizes that his Roman citizenship may offer him some protection, because Romans are protected by their legal system from false imprisonment and illegal whippings .
  • Now a court in Argentina is considering a writ alleging false imprisonment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Garrido and his wife Nancy, who kept Dugard and her children in a makeshift hut in their backyard, face charges of kidnapping, false imprisonment and rape.
  • He was arrested later that day, and on May 17 this year was convicted of rape, false imprisonment and indecent assault at Maidstone Crown Court.
  • They were arrested on suspicion of being involved in forced labour, domestic servitude and false imprisonment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now a court in Argentina is considering a writ alleging false imprisonment. Times, Sunday Times
  • He admitted false imprisonment and took an overnight bag to court, expecting jail. The Sun
  • The police had a good defence to the claims in false imprisonment and unlawful detention. Times, Sunday Times
  • The claimant brought an action for wrongful arrest and false imprisonment.
  • My client is seeking substantial damages for unlawful arrest and false imprisonment. Times, Sunday Times
  • He brought civil proceedings against the police for false imprisonment.
  • She was released without charge, and sought damages for wrongful arrest and false imprisonment.
  • Original charges of indecent assault and kidnap were dropped and Atkinson was found guilty of a lesser charge of false imprisonment.
  • The rest included allegations of wrongful arrest, false imprisonment and loss of property.
  • Now a court in Argentina is considering a writ alleging false imprisonment. Times, Sunday Times
  • If innocent defendants are at risk of execution consequent to manipulated testimony, manufactured physical evidence, concealed evidence and the like, why are law enforcement personnel police officers, prosecutors not at risk of murder/attempted murder/false imprisonment charges for prosectorial misconduct? The Volokh Conspiracy » Bob Barr Defends Troy Davis:
  • Action to prevent a forced marriage currently has to be brought about through laws on false imprisonment, threatening behaviour, harassment or assault.
  • The accused, who were all Chinese and from London, admitted various charges including grievous bodily harm, kidnap and false imprisonment.
  • Lombardy was stopped and arrested on suspicion of rape by force; rape with a foreign object and false imprisonment.
  • All the defendants deny false imprisonment. Times, Sunday Times
  • The woman and a 30-year-old man were arrested on charges of false imprisonment, serious assault and aiding and abetting a fugitive.

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