
How To Use Fallopian tube In A Sentence

  • This is when the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, most often in the fallopian tube.
  • I'm particularly amused by the delicately portrayed fimbria on the first cake's Fallopian tubes. Considering the Uterus
  • It was associated with a significant incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease because its multifilament threads were believed to be prone to transmitting bacteria into the uterus and fallopian tubes.
  • The accompanying fallopian tube with identified fimbria was free of tumor.
  • Fallopian tube scarring can cause infertility and ectopic pregnancy.
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  • The development of salpingectomy cutting and tying the fallopian tubes and vasectomy in the 1890s provided a relatively simple and safe technology. The Mad Among Us
  • How sperm is introduced into a female from a male or from a turkey baster and travels to the egg, whether through the fallopian tubes or test tubes. The Volokh Conspiracy » Sex Education, Dirty Words, and the Due Process Clause
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (infected fallopian tubes, ovaries, and uterus), is caused most frequently by sexually transmitted chlamydia or gonococci.
  • October 8th, 2004 at 5:21 am mythago, I think that in practice (as I said above) what happens (which I have invormally verified) is that the Catholic Church allows the removal of the fetus when the fallopian tube is also removed (salpingectomy). The Overreach of Abortion Bans
  • The ectopic pregnancy rate is approximately 5-8% following tubal anastomsis surgery and this generally requires removal of the fallopian tube if it occurs.
  • Tubal reimplantation: In this procedure your fallopian tube will be detached from your uterus, the damaged portion removed or cut away, and the remaining healthy section reconnected to your uterine wall. Getting Pregnant
  • At the upper corners of the uterus, the fallopian tubes connect the uterus to the ovaries.
  • This drug dissolves in the womb and results in the formation of scar tissue at the ends of the fallopian tubes, presumably preventing contraception.
  • There are two ovaries, one on each side of the uterus, and connected with it by the Fallopian tubes; they are ovoidal bodies about an inch in diameter, and furnish the The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
  • In addition to the push your egg receives from the hormonal surge of LH, your fimbria, the petal-like fingers of your fallopian tube, also play an important role. Getting Pregnant
  • Fallopian tube, or the ovary, although there are instances of pregnancy in the vagina, as for example when there is scirrhus of the uterus; and again, cases supposed to be only extrauterine have been instances simply of double uterus, with single or concurrent pregnancy. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The site of the conception is generally the wall of the uterus, the Fallopian tube, or the ovary, although there are instances of pregnancy in the vagina, as for example when there is scirrhus of the uterus; 2.2 and again, cases supposed to be only extrauterine have been instances simply of double uterus, with single or concurrent pregnancy. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • When an ovum is matured, it escapes from the ovary into the narrow tube referred to, called the _Fallopian tube_, and passes down into the cavity of the uterus. Plain Facts for Old and Young
  • No other abnormalities were detected in the cervix, uterus, ovaries, or fallopian tubes.
  • In addition to IV-F, there's GIFT (gamete intrafallopian transfer), which allows egg and sperm to unite inside a woman's fallopian tubes, and ZIFT (zygote intrafallopian transfer), where doctors implant the fertilized egg. Baby Makers Inc.
  • In 80-90 % of cases it is successful in restoring the patency of at least one fallopian tube.
  • Fibroids in the uterine lining may prevent the fertilized egg from implanting; a fibroid blocking the opening of the fallopian tube can keep the egg from being fertilized in the first place.
  • Examine your fallopian tubes, the balance between your fiery ovaries and steadfast uterus, in relation to creative and intimate partnerships. Wild Feminine
  • They were hosted for a banquet by government officials, and on the menu was 'wood frog fallopian tubes.' 'It turned out to be some sort of vegetable preparation, ' said Mr. Hwang.
  • Gamete intrafallopian transfer can be used only in women who have at least one patent fallopian tube.
  • The fallopian tubes are symbolic of the creative partnerships and tensions that enable a woman to manifest her creative visions. Wild Feminine
  • The remaining uterus, cervix, ovaries, and fallopian tubes were otherwise unremarkable.
  • -- The ovaries develop with the growth of the female, so that finally at the period of puberty they ripen and liberate an ovum or germ vesicle, which is carried into the uterine cavity of the Fallopian tubes. Searchlights on Health: Light on Dark Corners A Complete Sexual Science and a Guide to Purity and Physical Manhood, Advice To Maiden, Wife, And Mother, Love, Courtship, And Marriage
  • They are small, fan shaped glands, and are connected with the uterus by small ducts which are known as the fallopian tubes. Sane Sex Life and Sane Sex Living Some Things That All Sane People Ought to Know About Sex Nature and Sex Functioning; Its Place in the Economy of Life, Its Proper Training and Righteous Exercise
  • That first cake looks like an some upsidown fallopian tubes. A Long Shot
  • The early embryos (fertilized eggs) are then transferred to the uterus through the cervix, or into a fallopian tube.
  • Organisms that preferentially attack the fallopian tubes include Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis and mixed aerobes and anaerobes.
  • GIFT (gamete intrafallopian transfer): An unfertilized egg and sperm are placed into the fallopian tube. Ethics And Embryos
  • Fallopian tube patency can be confirmed by detecting an enhanced signal after instilling microbubbles into the uterine cavity.
  • He said that he could sterilise a woman in 20 seconds using a laparoscope, a small telescope-like device used to examine the Fallopian tubes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Before the advent of laparoscopy, laparotomy with salpingectomy (removal of the fallopian tube through an abdominal incision) was the standard therapy for managing ectopic pregnancy.
  • Due to abnormal embryologic development, there is an absence of fallopian tubes, uterus and upper one-third of the vagina.
  • The majority of operations described involved cutting the Fallopian tube and oversewing the cut end so that it was hidden.
  • The Catholic Ethical and Religious Directives only authorize an "indirect" termination of an "extrauterine pregnancy", i.e., the surgical removal of the fallopian tube, even though a drug exists that can flush the pregnancy out of the tube, preserving the organ and the woman's ability to conceive in the future. Angela Bonavoglia: ACLU Demands Religiously Owned Hospitals Provide Emergency Reproductive Health Care
  • During this time the sperm is undergoing a process of maturation called capacitation without which it is incapable of fertilising an ovum. iii) The ovum and capacitated sperm meet in the fallopian tube.
  • When your egg is ripe and ready to be ovulated, it gently pops from your ovary and is caught by the fimbriated ends of your fallopian tubes and quickly swept inside. Getting Pregnant
  • A variation of IVF, called gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) consists of the immediate injection of the ova into the fallopian tube after combination with semen without determining whether they have been successfully fertilized. Reproductive Technology, New (NRT).
  • Tubal ligation involves closing off the fallopian tubes in a woman so that eggs cannot reach the uterus.
  • In order for that to happen, a woman has to have the right hormones in the right sequence in the right proportions to release an ovum, which needs to be fertilizable, have patent fallopian tubes to allow said fertilization to take place and with any luck transport it down to the uterus, but we’re not talking about ectopic pregancies here at the moment and have a cervix not hostile to the sperm. More on “pro-life” and feminism
  • He said that he could sterilise a woman in 20 seconds using a laparoscope, a small telescope-like device used to examine the Fallopian tubes. Times, Sunday Times
  • This tube you will remember is called the fallopian tube. The Eugenic Marriage, Vol 2 (of 4) A Personal Guide to the New Science of Better Living and Better Babies
  • As the connection between the ovaries and uterus, the fallopian tubes symbolize the health of your creative partnerships. Wild Feminine
  • The ovaries develop with the growth of the female, so that, finally, at the pubescent period, they ripen and liberate an ovum, or germ vesicle, which is carried into the uterine cavity through the Fallopian tubes. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
  • HSG - that's short for hysterosalpingogram, a study in which dye is injected through the uterus into the fallopian tubes to see if they are blocked or open. Treating Infertility by Flushing the Tubes
  • Fallopian tubes and ovaries are adnexa of the uterus
  • He said that he could sterilise a woman in 20 seconds using a laparoscope, a small telescope-like device used to examine the Fallopian tubes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike an infection, endometriosis does not damage the luminal epithelium of the Fallopian tube and thus surgery is more likely to be successful.
  • Some assisted conception techniques carry an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy, where the fertilised egg implants in the fallopian tubes instead of the uterus.
  • The innermost parts of these ducts remain separate, and become the Fallopian tubes, or oviducts; the lower parts fuse, and develop into the uterus and vagina.
  • ZIFT (zygote intrafallopian transfer): A fertilized egg and sperm are placed into the fallopian tube. Ethics And Embryos
  • Difficulty getting pregnant is a common problem for women with endometriosis, especially if the endometrial tissue is near the fallopian tubes.
  • A variation of IVF, called gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) consists of the immediate injection of the ova into the fallopian tube after combination with semen without determining whether they have been successfully fertilized. Reproductive Technology, New (NRT).
  • In addition to IV-F, there's GIFT (gamete intrafallopian transfer), which allows egg and sperm to unite inside a woman's fallopian tubes, and ZIFT (zygote intrafallopian transfer), where doctors implant the fertilized egg. Baby Makers Inc.
  • This is known as an ectopic pregnancy, which most commonly occurs in the Fallopian tube and can sometimes, if the pregnancy grows, result in the tube rupturing and causing internal bleeding.
  • In the case of women a similar operation on the Fallopian tubes, which is known as salpingectomy, is an abdominal operation and cannot be said to be entirely free from danger, although it is not regarded as very serious. Mental Defectives and Sexual Offenders Report of the Committee of Inquiry Appointed by the Hon. Sir Maui Pomare, K.B.E., C.M.G., Minister of Health
  • Tuberculosis bacteria reach the gastrointestinal tract via haematogenous spread, ingestion of infected sputum, or direct spread from infected contiguous lymph nodes and fallopian tubes.
  • It is generally due to an inflammation of the Fallopian tubes which closes up the openings of the tubes into the womb, so that no more ova can pass _from_ the ovaries _through_ the tubes _into_ the womb. Woman Her Sex and Love Life
  • In around one in 100,000 pregnancies it falls out of the fallopian tube and can implant anywhere in the abdomen.
  • Another variation of IVF is the zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT) in which the ova are checked to determine that they have been fertilized before implantation in the fallopian tube. Reproductive Technology, New (NRT).
  • It might also have a place in other assisted reproductive techniques such as oocyte transfer and gamete intrafallopian transfer (combining eggs and sperm outside the body, then placing them in the fallopian tubes to achieve fertilization), he said. News
  • Another variation of IVF is the zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT) in which the ova are checked to determine that they have been fertilized before implantation in the fallopian tube. Reproductive Technology, New (NRT).
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a general term for an infection that affects the lining of the uterus (endometrium), the fallopian tubes (salpingitis), and/or ovaries (oophoritis). OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • The fallopian tubes sustain the connection between them. Wild Feminine
  • In one published familial case, the mother of a 46, XY boy with anorchia who also harbored a p. Val355Met mutation in NR5A1 underwent left ovariectomy and homolateral fallopian tube ablation for ovarian cysts at the age of 22 years and subsequently had two spontaneous miscarriages, an outcome that suggests impaired ovarian function. New England Journal of Medicine
  • Fallopian tube patency can be confirmed by detecting an enhanced signal after instilling microbubbles into the uterine cavity.
  • Fallopian tube; the upper portion of the uterus is called the fundus; the external opening of the womb, situated in the center of the cervix, is called the mouth of the womb, or the _os_, or external os. Woman Her Sex and Love Life
  • Try to visualize as well as sense the energetic and physical fallopian tube connection on your right and left sides. Wild Feminine
  • The fallopian tubes connect the ovaries with the uterus.
  • One inch was removed from each Fallopian tube, the tubes ligated and the ends cauterized by carbolic acid followed by alcohol, and the edges of the broad ligaments brought together with continuous suture. Excerpt: Better for All the World by Harry Bruinius
  • The fingerlike ends fimbria of the fallopian tube sweep across the surface of the ovary and propel the egg into the tube after ovulation. OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • Focus on the left fallopian tube if you are refining your relationship to the feminine or other creative connections. Wild Feminine
  • Generally, it is found in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and ligaments supporting the uterus, although it can occur in a number of different locations.
  • Tuberculosis bacteria reach the gastrointestinal tract via haematogenous spread, ingestion of infected sputum, or direct spread from infected contiguous lymph nodes and fallopian tubes.
  • A testicle is worth more than a fallopian tube – at least according to Swedish authorities. Testicles ‘Worth More than Fallopian Tubes’ | Impact Lab
  • The right fallopian tube, right ovary, uterine corpus, and uterine cervix were all grossly unremarkable.
  • Difficulty getting pregnant is a common problem for women with endometriosis, especially if the endometrial tissue is near the fallopian tubes.
  • When a follicle is mature, the egg within it bursts out of the ovary, and the fallopian tube's fingerlike fimbria reach out and grab it.
  • No other abnormalities were detected in the cervix, uterus, ovaries, or fallopian tubes.
  • Once the position has been assumed, your doctor places a speculum inside your vagina to hold it open, makes a small internal incision just above your cervix, and inserts an instrument called a culdoscope—a type of telescopic device that allows a study of the back surface of your uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. Getting Pregnant
  • Fallopian tube abnormalities: These include blockages inside the tube (resulting from infection, ectopic pregnancies, or endometriosis) as well as damaged fimbria (tubal ends) and internal tubal adhesions. Getting Pregnant
  • PID occurs when one of these infections spreads from the cervix into the fallopian tubes. Better Safe Than Sorry
  • The chance of getting pregnant by artificial insemination is increased if the female partner has healthy Fallopian tubes and ovulates regularly.
  • To help safeguard against infections that can cause PlD, as well as additional ectopic pregnancies, your doctor should prescribe an antibiotic as soon as your problem is diagnosed, and add one hundred to two hundred milliliters (ml) of dextran 70 (brand name Hyskon) to your peritoneal cavity (the area surrounding your fallopian tube) as soon as the surgery is completed. Getting Pregnant
  • The woman must have at least one normal patent fallopian tube for successful interuterine insemination.
  • In vitro fertilization can restore fertility to women who ovulate but can not conceive because their Fallopian tubes are blocked.
  • The procedure under review in Buck was not hysterectomy but salpingectomy, the cutting of a fallopian tube. Quick, paranoid thought on banning abortion nationwide
  • The fallopian tubes are also needed for sperm capacitation and egg fertilisation.
  • Objective:To explore the effect of interventional therapy with fluoroscopic guidance in treatment of infertility caused by fallopian tubes obstruction.

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