How To Use Fallibility In A Sentence

  • He was a strong supporter of the doctrine of papal infallibility and he drew up a postulatum in which he favoured a definition by implication in preference to an explicit affirmation of the dogma. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • I'm left dumbfounded when a Protestant asks me how I can pretend infallibility is not contradicted in light of this.
  • His sense of humour, always in evidence, made it impossible for him to seem pompous or self-important, and he never attempted to disguise his own fallibility as a human being.
  • The errors that Dan made were not of moral turpitude but of human fallibility.
  • It is a Tolstoyan study in human fallibility in the context of global history, the like of which nobody on this side of the pond has come close to emulating.
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  • I had this unerring belief in the infallibility of grown ups until I was about 12.
  • Another point in her favor is the absolute fallibility of her characters. Angel of Mercy: Getting Serious « A Working Title
  • To invest the Bible with the qualities of inerrancy and infallibility is to idolatrize it, to transform it into a false god. Biblical Recorder
  • I also choose to continue with the discourse of addiction, in spite of the compelling arguments about its limits and fallibility, because it allies me with people who are living in ways I value.
  • I don't consider the Pope a cult leader (though Papal infallibility is not an idea that particularly appeals to me), but there are Cultish aspects to Catholicism. Cult scene: New Zealand and Africa - Boing Boing
  • This misquote was included to raise the issue of interpretation within an infallible system - there is a very big difference between infallibility of scripture and infallibility of interpretation.
  • ‘A lot of people have that feeling of infallibility, but the need for some form of emergency fund is hugely important,’ said Jewell.
  • Experts blame the distractions of new technologies and drugs, doctor fatigue, and some doctors' sense of infallibility.
  • It allows us to acknowledge our fallibility by saying that even our best-supported theories may be false: we do not have to list them.
  • I thought of what Amy had told me of the Fellowship, its hatred for what it perceived as human weakness and fallibility; of Faulkner's ornate Apocalypses, visions of the final judgment; and of the word hacked beneath James Jessop's name on a length of dirt-encrusted wood. The Killing Kind
  • Just as individual impressions are corrigible, the system as a whole is fallible, and thus fallibility is at the heart of what Hume in the first Enquiry calls “mitigated scepticism.” David Hume
  • They find common ground in religion and the rigidity of the concept of the infallibility of any interpretation coming from the religious authority.
  • Henry Manning, who progressed from convert to ultramontane cardinal, encouraged Pius IX to consolidate authority and claim infallibility when pronouncing ex cathedra.
  • But it turns out the aura of infallibility is a myth.
  • That said, I do recognize your issue and how it relates to Bert's view of "fallibility" of choice. A Telic View of the Universe
  • I do not wish to claim infallibility: all journalists get things wrong from time to time, mainly because they misunderstand or mishear information given to them.
  • In 1870 the First Vatican Council announced the dogma of papal infallibility on matters of faith and morals.
  • Those unconvinced by James’ alleged infallibility might see it more as evidence of scarcely believable smugness.
  • They tend to believe in infallibility, with respect to themselves. Like You, Sarah Palin Loves Moose Hunting
  • The error is only further testimony to human fallibility, however, in the process of discerning the guilty from the innocent.
  • When the Papal Rescript was published in 1888, he publicly maintained that papal infallibility did not cover politics.
  • But, by asserting the Scripture to be the canon of oar faith, I have unavoidably created to myself two sorts of enemies: the Papists indeed, more directly, because they have kept the Scriptures from us what they could; and have reserved to themselves a right of interpreting what they have delivered under the pretence of infallibility: and the Fanatics more collaterally, because they have assumed what amounts to an infallibility, in the private spirit; and have detorted those texts of The Poetical Works of John Dryden, Volume 1 With Life, Critical Dissertation, and Explanatory Notes
  • I am not an IT professional, and my infallibility does not apply to the IT world, so please bear with me.
  • Sometimes, in momentary reaction from the pent-up feelings of indignation and revolt, which were chronic with me during my imprisonments, I could have laughed out loud at the imbecility and pathos of human fallibility, that civilised (?) educated beings could continue such processes by way of ridding themselves from the dangers and active harmfulness of crime. Prisons and Prisoners: Some Personal Experiences
  • The Ben Franklin paraphrase is particularly apt — the biggest source of trouble in today’s legal system is the tendency of judges to become convinced of their infallibility. The Volokh Conspiracy » Rules Versus Justice:
  • The transformation of the mobile-lab intel from speculation to fact is a case study in the enduring fallibility of "humint," human intel-gathering -- and how U.S. agencies fail to communicate. THE TALE OF THE LYING DEFECTOR
  • Ordinarily, we can cope with fallibility by shrinking the likelihood of a mistake.
  • If you doubt the infallibility of the cookbook, these sample recipes should serve up a healthy helping of faith.
  • These include belief in the Creed of the Apostles and adherence to the doctrine of papal infallibility.
  • But being ‘chosen’ in that way is no guarantee of infallibility, much less of sanctity and ‘chosenness’ in the deepest sense of being a saint.
  • Single-party regimes enjoy continued existence, in part, because they enjoy an air of infallibility.
  • Do not believe what is passed from mouth; Do not believe rumors ; Do not believe the infallibility of texts.
  • I mean what response could I expect if I went to the local baptist men's prayer breakfast arguing for papal infallibility? Rifle Shooting's 10 Most Significant Developments of the Decade
  • But I take it that the kind of authoritativeness being invoked here is that of infallibility: 1 follows from the general teaching that the Church speaks infallibly when T satisfies one or more conditions for infallibility. Archive 2007-10-01
  • Now their main fallibility is not being able to capitalise on chances.
  • The only infallibility they have is that which they define as infallible eg. “oops, a bug!” News Links
  • What they are looking to do is see if they can somehow get their computer who will sort of what they call pulse this information on a more regular basis, will automatically do it, so you don't have to rely necessarily on human fallibility. CNN Transcript Jan 6, 2010
  • More importantly, she fails - rare fallibility in a genre where the hero is normally all but omnipotent.
  • But the guarded apology and the honest admission of fallibility were important signals nonetheless.
  • He's become the pastor of our class, versed in all the range of human folly and fallibility.
  • He is “for us,” with all the infinity of his being; with all the omnipotence of his love; with all the infallibility of his wisdom; arrayed in all his divine attributes, he is “for us,”eternally and immutably “for us”; “for us” when yon blue skies shall be rolled up like a worn out vesture; “for us” throughout eternity. God is for me - BatesLine
  • The battle proved the fallibility of Hitler and the vincibility of the Wehrmacht, which up to then had enjoyed little but victory.
  • He did not like the having to go and tell of a love affair so soon after he had declared his belief that no such thing existed; it was a confession of fallibility which is distasteful to most men. Wives and Daughters
  • Bibliophile Bullpen: I believe in fallibility* skip to main | skip to sidebar I believe in fallibility*
  • The indefeasibility approach offers a new slant on the idea that knowledge should be infallible, offering something intermediate between the merely factive character of knowledge and the Platonic demand for absolute infallibility.
  • WE AFFIRM that a confession of the full authority, infallibility, and inerrancy of Scripture is vital to a sound understanding of the whole of the Christian faith.
  • The administration's infallibility complex - its inability to admit ever making a mistake - will get even worse.
  • He said: ‘The concept of prime ministerial infallibility has been dented.’
  • At first glance that sounds like an unlikely scenario, and the layman's impression of Kingussie's infallibility is certainly reinforced by a quick look at the statistics.
  • If the idea of our fallibility is so hard to take, what makes it appealing? The Capitalist Threat
  • Antiliberal, antiscientific, a foreign absolutist authority dictating to its half-educated adherents, Rome was given to such grotesqueries as the 1864 Syllabus of Errors and the 1870 declaration of papal infallibility.
  • You don't,for example,have papal infallibility declared as a doctrine until the early twentieth century.
  • Often accompany hair stone, if do not have calculous fallibility examine, be tumor.
  • These diagnostic failures were not malpractice, but the fallibility of humans and machines.
  • Unaccustomed to public criticism, journalists often develop a sense of infallibility that leads them to dismiss their online critics as fools or amateurs.
  • I can't claim infallibility for this method.
  • Here, with an air of prophet-like boldness and infallibility, we have once again an announcement of the inadequacy of the Reformation, the formal and external character of prevailing types of religion, and the unapostolic nature of the existing churches. Spiritual Reformers in the 16th & 17th Centuries
  • So much for the legendary infallibility of the market.
  • "Human fallibility and nuclear weapons will destroy nations."
  • This approach also gives us fascinating glimpses of the fallibility of great scientists.
  • Yet if we do not learn to look for corrigibility, fallibility, and real human individuals, we will continue to set death traps for ourselves. Nonviolence on Veterans Day?
  • But the solution would represent such a dramatic reversal of age-old Catholic doctrine as to undermine any pretense of papal infallibility.
  • It's time to look seriously at whether we really need politicians anyway, given their fallibility and human weakness.
  • He was, says Kershaw, the most ardent believer in his own infallibility and destiny, who need do no more than hint at ‘a general licence for barbarism’ for the sycophants, opportunists and yes-men around him to sweep into murderous action.
  • I've finally nailed the myth of his infallibility, ie shown that he can make mistakes.
  • Without their claim to God-like infallibility, I suspect they know that their whole delicate house of cards might collapse.
  • Of course he has never been particularly fabled for his infallibility.
  • I can't claim infallibility for this method.
  • I think it's to the credit of both papers that they acknowledge their fallibility, but the errors in question are rather more than slips of the pen.
  • The wascally wabbit vanished from the pages of Cleveland's leading daily because he dared to admit a fallibility shared by humans. David Protess: Comic Strip Censored for Honest Depiction of Race in Police Line-Ups
  • Papal infallibility is one of the main Protestant objections to Catholicism — yet, oddly enough, it was one of the things that gave Catholicism an unlikely avant-garde cachet from around the time of Pius IX's proclamation to, say, World War II. Archive 2007-12-01
  • Merrington had received the information with the imperviable dogmatism of the official mind, strong in the belief in its own infallibility, resentful of advice or suggestion as an attempt to weaken its dignity. The Hand in the Dark
  • She doesn't feel that she has to restore his claim of infallibility for him to garner that respect.
  • The promulgation of the infallibility of the Pontiff and the universality of his episcopate reinforced this ultramontane dogma at the First Vatican Council.
  • One hundred EVM samples from 10 states were selected randomly to establish their alleged "fallibility". The Times of India
  • It should however, be borne in mind that the council without the pope has no guarantee of infallibility, therefore the conciliar and the papal infallibilities are not two separate and addible units, but one unit with single or double excellence. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • These factors create a background of quiet, burning anger, which in terrorism finds an effective outlet with the resolute conviction of one's infallibility.
  • You don't,for example,have papal infallibility declared as a doctrine until the early twentieth century.
  • These two articles sound like the New Year's prediction of a psychic who makes 1,000 predictions and uses the random accuracy of one of them to claim proof of their infallibility.
  • It stuck the whole monsters-of-rock vibe way to the back, behind the fallibility and even behind the middle-aged anger of three multimillionaire dads.
  • Future work in this area will add to our understanding of the fallibility of memories and how to spot the mistaken ones.
  • The instruction I received as a child force-fed me the notion that the Pope is infallible, yet perhaps John Paul II's legacy will show us the humanity, the fallibility of the human condition.
  • The recognition of fallibility is simply an acknowledgment of our humanity.
  • Mormons don't use the term "infallibility" to refer to their leaders and readily acknowledge that they are imperfect men. Mormon president can do no wrong to religion's members
  • The play deals with the fallibility of human nature.
  • I don't know if he's quite that reckless ... or stupid, but his adoration of all things self and his delusional infallibility is going to be the death of his lucky stumble towards 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. “The Mouth That Roared”
  • As science strode boldly into one arena of knowledge after another, it discredited claims to the infallibility of revelation.
  • So aren't the protestations of terminal scruffiness and aw-shucks fallibility just a little disingenuous?
  • For the secret of rulership is to combine a belief in one’s own infallibility with the power to learn from past mistakes . Doublethink
  • His Honour went through the process of suggesting to the jury that the fallibility of human memory could explain the discrepancy.
  • Though domineering and convinced of his own infallibility as a younger man, her husband was not cruel or intentionally uncaring.
  • If history has revealed our fallibility, it has also proven we can correct our mistakes. The Good Fight
  • Thus, infallibility is a negative charism, not a positive act of inspired prophecy.
  • Especially when O'Reilly is on, they're responding to brilliant TV, and if you ever rolled your eyes at Walter Cronkite's plummy version of papal infallibility, you can appreciate why O'Reilly's barroom contempt for traditional newscasts 'smugness has its appeal, even if you know his pretense that their bias is flamingly liberal, rather than blandly institutional, is a crock. The Murdoch Touch
  • For the secret of rulership is to combine a belief in one’s own infallibility with the Power to learn from past mistakes. Nineteen Eighty-Four
  • Why doesn't this logic - used with an air of infallibility in most contexts by supporters of free-trade - apply to international trade?
  • Thus, infallibility is a negative charism, not a positive act of inspired prophecy.
  • Nearly the inessential, drugged from clumsy coot to bmw see the mylar of a endocarditis koruna that can take as a viricidal infallibility constellation. Rational Review
  • Being aware of my own fallibility makes it easier to accept shortcomings in others.
  • Claiming infallibility is almost always the hallmark of the monumentally arrogant (and by default the profoundly insecure). Think Progress » Rush Lies Again: ‘There Were Union Workers’ At Non-Union Mine Explosion
  • Presumably he also believes in the Immaculate Conception and the unquestionable infallibility of that elderly Polish chap in the Vatican.
  • And he acknowledges his own fallibility, the fact that he is part of the problem, in need of radical reform, dangerously prone to evil.
  • It's precisely what infallibility is for, to protect us from the stupidity of the Church's members.
  • Moreover, Orwell's texts are more familiar and acceptable than biblical ones to non-religious readers, most of whom will have studied at least one of his books at school and learned to accept his infallibility.
  • And if one defends such systems in the name of the authority of the State, and believes that it is destructive to the State to question its infallibility, then one is a Totalitarian.
  • These would neither exclude the idea of fallibility among Israelites of old, nor teach us to quench the Spirit in true hearts for ever. Essays and Reviews: The Education of the World, Bunsen's Biblical Researches, On the Study of the Evidences of Christianity; Seances Historiques de Gen��ve; On the Mosaic Cosmogony; Tendencies of Religious Thought in England, 1688-1750; On the Interpr
  • What he could not permit to slip by was my implication of their fallibility.
  • The recognition of fallibility is simply an acknowledgment of our humanity.
  • To be fair, Cohen never assumes infallibility in his subjects.
  • Any determination of disputable fact may, the law recognises, be imperfect: the law aims at providing the best and safest solutions compatible with human fallibility and having reached that solution it closes the book.
  • Do not believe what is passed from mouth; Do not believe rumors ; Do not believe the infallibility of texts.

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