How To Use Fallen In A Sentence
She strode over to a couple of fallen logs and kicked one of them.
Olivia notes the direction of his gaze, and realizes her robe has fallen open again.
The resident population of mental hospitals has fallen by 20%.
I've got a face like a punctured beachball, like an arse that's fallen downstairs, like a rucksack full of dented bells.
Charlie Brooker's Screen burn: What Not To Wear
Cultural practices have survived or fallen only in part because of their effect on the strength of the group, and those which have survived are usually burdened with unnecessary impedimenta.

The adolescent and teenage birth rate has fallen by nearly half since 1992.
I'm looking for a doings to hold up a curtain rail that's fallen down.
However, the mutilation of the monuments indicate that she had fallen from grace.
We spent a misty day walking through the forests around Forsmark, where the newly fallen snow held the paw prints of lynx and the big M-shaped hoof marks of moose.
Let's pile up the fallen leaves in the corner and sweep up the floor.
He was staring down at the diary on the floor, which had fallen open when it had landed.
In truth, she could not have known she had fallen into this realm as the mere awareness of self and location whether spatial or otherwise would negate the very nature of the state itself.
I stumbled over the fallen coon who had pivoted me, ducked a swat from a club, dived between a bull's legs, and was free.
Some Adventures With the Police
The last forty pages of the publication are dedicated to the numerous journalists who have fallen the victims of repression around the world.
She stamped her foot for a final emphasis, but she was aware of her words all having fallen effectless, like blows dealt some detestable thing in a dream.
The Coast of Bohemia
When I went for my walk this afternoon there was still no sign of snow, though the drifts of fallen May blossom along the hedge bottoms kept my mind on the topic.
The conflict was very fierce, and took place when the captain and I were at the xebeque, and before we could separate them four of them had fallen; two were killed, and the other two badly wounded.
The Privateersman
They were round, the size of a tangerine, and had apparently fallen from a large tree with a silvery bole.
As she entered, I was standing in front of the oversized mirror wedged in between a dozen or so teenaged girls all scrambling to restore their fallen bouffants.
Now, once again, the thin reed of refugee protection has fallen prey to the winds of political expediency.
In absolute levels, we have fallen off only from the historically high 1980 figures.
The fallen tree had been moldy and rotten, the smell strong and unpleasant enough to deter most burrowing animals that would normally have occupied the space.
Unemployment is rising again and retail buying has fallen off.
Most of the money is being used for refurbishing properties which have fallen into disrepair and disuse.
An existing fish pass has fallen into disrepair and is not maintained, resulting in fish finding it hard to get upriver to spawn.
He had fallen for her rebellious daring personality the moment they met.
The last of the summer's flowers are mush, all the leaves have fallen off the maple and my chrysanthemums are looking a sorry sight.
Ever fallen a little bit in love with an anime character? That's "moe" you're feeling!
The junior deckhand on duty had fallen asleep, chronically fatigued after his eight hours' sleep in the previous 24 hours were broken into three periods.
The mat was smoldering where the burning log had fallen.
I'm looking for a doings to hold up a curtain rail that's fallen down.
This is the chappie who issued a fixed penalty ticket to a driver for allegedly blowing his nose and last year issued one to a man for littering – it was a tenner that had fallen out of his pocket on January 29, 2010 at 10: 33 pm Ben
See No Evil…… (at least until the next financial year) « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
Human documents belong to humankind: hence his rage against obstructive archivists who dare refuse access to precious materials which have fallen to their care.
If any one hated papistry Mrs. Bolton did so; but from a similar action of religious fanaticism she had fallen into worse that papistical self-persecution.
John Caldigate
But he might have fallen into the veteran's trap of looking for easy solutions to vexing problems.
The findings have important implications, as the age of menarche - when menstruation begins - has fallen by two years in the past century.
Crystalline hyenas ran rampant through the bailey and feasted on the fallen.
GuildWars Edge of Destiny
The tunnel project has already fallen behind schedule.
The church has fallen into ruin.
I'm finally alerted by a creepy slithery, slippy step nearby on soppy, dew-saturated fallen leaves.
These pachyderms, originally kept at the Kozhikamudhi working campsite are used for entertaining tourists, conducting elephant safari and for removing fallen trees or for shifting logs.
The southern parts of the country had fallen into rebel control.
The curtain has fallen on her long and distinguished career .
The first time he had drunk it he had been violently sick, then had fallen to the ground in a dead faint as the mildly poisonous root exploded through his system.
His gentler poeticism has fallen out of fashion.
Times, Sunday Times
Then the Emir Salamah and his wife and household and all the tribesmen donned garbs black-hued and ashes whereupon to sit they strewed, and ungrateful to them was the taste of food and drink, meat and wine; nor ceased they to beweep their loss, nor could they comprehend what had befallen their son and what of ill-lot had descended upon him from Heaven.
Arabian nights. English
The 25-year-old burglar had fallen asleep on a roll of underlay and given himself away by snoring.
The fallen tree pulled down electricity and telephone lines, plunging the entire area into darkness and cutting off land line communications.
Augustinianism), which, by definition, asserted that humans were fallen, imperfect, and imperfectible by their own devices.
They also have a sweet tooth, feeding on fallen fruit such as loquat and jelly palm.
Battery Shots
ELLIS HIXOM, with charge to meet him at such a river though the Master knew well the Captain's toothpike: yet by reason of his admonition and caveat [warning] given him at parting, he (though he bewrayed no sign of distrusting the Cimaroon) yet stood as amazed, lest something had befallen our Captain otherwise than well.
Sir Francis Drake Revived
And over that time, at least 10 people have fallen from it, into the icy waters below.
How are we fallen \ the virid leaves of hope Sear'd in their prime!
Tragedies: By Hugh Downman, M.D.
But after we got into bed, and after Frank had fallen asleep, I lay awake, listening to him breathe.
He was too conceited to realize the great fortune that had befallen him, but smart enough to cherish Kitty.
These are rocks that have fallen on the highway, which is also the same as highway 19, which is known to be a kind of speedier kind of road.
CNN Transcript Oct 15, 2006
In many ways we have fallen into a similar pattern of disobedience, and need the gracious intervention of God to deliver us from spiritual and moral decay.
It would have been better if they had fallen on the field of battle.
When the mood is fallen, only thought is to abandon all.
People have fallen through plate glass windows without sustaining fatal injuries.
Bill had to support Jill or she would have fallen to the floor.
I found that I had what they call fallen in life with absolute success and verisimilitude.
Essays of Travel
A fallen sword clanged and scraped across the stone.
Sharpe's Rifles
At the word cheap I felt a deep sense of dishonor, a sense that I now was at the lowest rung of this society, that I had fallen low.
The council discovered that there were loose slates on the roof which would have fallen into the street without the gutter in place.
The Taverham visitor spent much time hunting for insects and larvae among fallen leaves in scrubby woodland.
At university, Taylor had fallen in with a small clique of literature students.
In his essay on vernacular photography, Geoffrey Batchen uses Derrida's term ‘parerga’ [literally ‘next to main work’] to describe the personal, intimate photographies that have fallen outside the canon of ‘proper’ photography.
The driver must have fallen asleep at the wheel .
In the twentieth century the proportion of people who work at unskilled manual production jobs has steadily fallen.
Fallen, she was now the ghost, dressed in cerement cloth, as vacant as the Mary Celeste.
Mordicai: crown me king!
The fallen dictator must be locked up in a prison cell, not placed in a five-star hospital, argued Jano Charbel, a journalist.
Mubarak suffers reported heart attack while facing Egypt's corruption claims
Towards the middle of the plain, there lay the bodies of several men who had fallen in the very act of grappling with the enemy; and there were seen countenances which still bore the stern expression of unextinguishable hate and defiance, hands which clasped the hilt of the broken falchion, or strove in vain to pluck the deadly arrow from the wound.
The Monastery
While the announcement of the results brought cheer to some, many others looked crestfallen.
He had fallen asleep after casing the apartment for hours.
In attempting to place in perspective the scale of the disaster that had befallen it when South Korea sent its team of inflated egos homewards to mamma and a comforting bowl of minestrone, it turned to history.
They have not permitted any wild creatures to escape despite another fallen trunk, but that is due to luck, and to the renewed tendency of the creatures to attack the lancers, rather than to attempt to escape beyond the deadland.
The Magi'i Of Cyador
The pair split up, Det Supt Higgins heading into Brandsby wood across the spongy forest floor strewn with pine needles and fallen branches.
There was a huge funeral for him in California, and many many many SEALs turned out to honour their fallen brother-in-arms.
A Real Life Hero
Court for being four days without dining with him; so I dined there to-day, and he has at last fallen in with my project (as he calls it) of coining halfpence and farthings, with devices, like medals, in honour of the Queen, every year changing the device.
The Journal to Stella
The paper had fallen down between the desk and the wall.
It told of desolate, regretted things befallen happy cities long since in the prime of the world.
In explanation the guard said that it had fallen over as the train was crossing the curve at Neville Hill.
The man, half stooping, caught the woolen bashlik that had fallen from his head.
The Centaur
Dr Benbow said Mr Rigby was ‘close to death’ and may have suffered a terminal collapse and fallen after going on to the balcony for some fresh air.
Keynes's theory of labour market adjustment has fallen victim to widespread ignorance and neglect.
The musty, barky smell of fresh rain fallen on the dry earth is petrichor.
Even going through it online I learned that, while ‘abysm’ (a lovely word) has fallen out of use in favour of ‘abyss’, we tend to use ‘abysmal’ rather than ‘abyssal’.
In praise of a reference book: MWDEU
Human nature, fallen and self-exculpatory as it is, tends to favour the latter.
Times, Sunday Times
Economists are simply describing the various actions of fallen man, just as a "sexologist" might describe the various actions of fallen man.
Can Economic Justice Be Achieved Without Law?
Their art treads a perilous tightrope and I think they've just fallen off.
The first check to her duteous demonstrations was a formal intimation from the fallen majesty of England, that I was in no manner to be intruded upon her.
Perhaps I would've fallen for her false sincerity if not for her slip.
I recently made one of those pulley-operated clothes airers out of dowelling and wooden coathangers whose hooks had fallen off.
Ahead, a line of massive, two-tailed scorpions scuttled through the eastern gate and swarmed among fallen hunks of ceiling.
GuildWars Edge of Destiny
Anna's arm hurt dreadfully, worse than when she'd fallen off the top of the climbing frame at the nursery.
Night/Darkness had fallen by the time we got back to the camp.
If any thing has fallen under your observation, either on the one side or the other, I intreat you to lay it totally aside; to come to the consideration of this subject with cool, dispassionate, unprejudiced, unprepossessed minds, to attend to the evidence that will be laid before you, and to that evidence alone -- by that evidence let the Defendants stand or fall.
The Trial of Charles Random de Berenger, Sir Thomas Cochrane, commonly called Lord Cochrane, the Hon. Andrew Cochrane Johnstone, Richard Gathorne Butt, Ralph Sandom, Alexander M'Rae, John Peter Holloway, and Henry Lyte for A Conspiracy In the Court of
The project has fallen behind schedule .
Bank base rates have fallen from 10 per cent to 6 per cent — a decrease of 40 per cent.
If the medical evidence is correct he is unlikely to have fallen down as a result of the stroke itself and I accept a glancing blow to the head would not necessarily knock him over.
The prices of jute, potato, soyabean, cashew nut, pepper, rubber, green tea leaves, coconut, groundnut and coffee have fallen sharply.
A willingness to accept untidiness: shaggy hedges, hairy field margins, trees, fallen branches, unkept bits, tangly bits, squashy bits.
Times, Sunday Times
But I confess that I am somewhat accable, by all that has befallen us.
Rodney Stone
I worked in the basement of a Caltech campus building that had been periodically haunted by the specter of the upper half of a roofer who had fallen from the six story roof twenty years earlier.
World leaders whose countries faced off on the battlefields of World War II paid tribute yesterday to the fallen soldiers and millions of civilian dead.
Our pianist had fallen ill, and then, at the eleventh hour, when we thought we'd have to cancel the performance, Jill offered to replace him.
Much the same fate has apparently befallen many other fairly despicable celebrities.
His cowl had fallen back, exposing his tonsure.
I'm disappointed in your work;it has fallen below your usual standard.
Releasing more bailout funds will require the International Monetary Fund and European institutions to vouchsafe that Greece has not fallen short of its privatization and austerity pledges and the IMF will have to maintain that Greece's mountainous debt burden is sustainable.
Move Buys Time for Greece, But Growing Debt Looms
Another neighbour said he had heard that the woman had collapsed and fallen down stairs.
A young woman in a close ethnic community, who had fallen in love with a Swedish man, was murdered by her father.
The deceleration is evident in the prices of commodities, which have fallen by 8.6% since mid-February, according to The Economist's commodity-price index.
What is notable is that, in trying to understand and anticipate American politicians and the American electorate, we have also fallen victim to a variation on the same doomed practice that the sages of Sovietology followed.
A Not Very Good Film
The marquise, worried that Yvette has fallen asleep without extinguishing her candle, decides that someone must check on her.
And as for those Greek words anastenai and egei'rein, they endeavour to shew, by other like places of scripture, that they signify no more than the bare suscitation, raising, or giving being to a thing, without its having fallen or perished before.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. III.
Claire decided that she must have fallen asleep at the party, and somebody had taken her home.
The Polish economy has been under pressure and the zloty has fallen by about 10 per cent against the euro since the start of June.
Darkness overwhelmed her senses and yet she knew of the undesirable fate her friend had fallen into.
Sanford isactually a little crestfallen because he can't find a peanut worm, an odd thingin the phylum Sipuncula that would give us an even ten.
But after years of neglect the chimney had fallen into disrepair and was threatened with demolition.
The route was once much travelled but has fallen into disuse.
The band retreated safely, blocking pursuit with rocks and fallen trees.
In a fit of phrensical heedlessness, I sent a letter to my beloved Miss Howe, without recollecting her private address; and it has fallen into her angry mother’s hands: and so that dear friend perhaps has anew incurred displeasure on my account.
Clarissa Harlowe
It is the Bible - God's word that convinces people of their sin and has power to give them the ability to change their fallen human nature.
Although repeated again and again this pledge has fallen into abeyance in the post-colonial era.
As a young man, St. Augustine was well practiced in gratifying the desires of his fallen nature.
Those whose percent muscle area had fallen below 50 percent were considered sarcopenic.
Science News / Features, Blog Entries, Column Entries, Issues, News Items and Book Reviews
Nobody in the group heard her cry out and they were not aware she had fallen until they reached a gate and looked back.
The roof of things has fallen in - these paprika patches on the factory floor are corrugated remnants of protective tin.
Traditional sitcoms, in particular, have fallen out of fashion as networks ditched the laugh track in recent years for "dramedies" such as "Desperate Housewives" and fresher formats in the vein of the mock documentary "The Office.
A Nerdy Comedy's Winning Formula
Everywhere a sullen look, -- everywhere that ineffable aspect of crestfallenness!
What Will He Do with It? — Complete
He had fallen in love, Mary's beauty and her assent to his affections spinning him like a top.
For some reason, she seems to have got on one of the horses and it's thrown her or she's fallen off.
A bolt may have fallen off the plane's forward door.
One or two listeners had fallen asleep while the President was speaking.
His vote has fallen by up to 10 percentage points over the last couple of weeks.
By 1891 the desertion rate had fallen to a more respectable 6.2 percent.
They then thought that it was a piece of slag from a local foundry that had fallen out of a dump truck.
Sputnik fragment makes for a town party - NASA Watch
Jack ducked past a fallen ventilation duct on his way to the shuttle hangar.
Fallen rock is impeding the progress of rescue workers.
I suppose Carolyn went off with some man she'd fallen in love with.
She must have fallen asleep in the bath, because the next thing she knew, the water was cold and the room was empty.
The tide had fallen, which revealed another part of the hidden area.
Six had minor gunshot wounds, the seventh had tripped over a fallen tree and broken an arm.
Hygeia herself would have fallen sick under such a regimen; and how much more this poor old nervous victim?
Vanity Fair
We've fallen for the sham of credentialism because we can no longer be certain than anyone has a solid basis to function professionally, and so we're forced to trust institutional awards.
BLOOM: _ (Hides the crubeen and trotter behind his back and, crestfallen, feels warm and cold feetmeat) Ja, ich weiss, papachi.
She must have looked crestfallen at her mistiming, because he said suddenly: `You have walked here?
They did not know why a shadow had fallen between them, but neither could ignore its injurious effect.
The driver must have fallen asleep at the wheel .
Before punk came along I'd fallen victim to the excesses of prog rock.
For, O foremost of men, it was thus that subjugator of hostile cities, king Nala, had fallen into distress along with his wife, in consequence, O bull of
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 1 Books 1, 2 and 3
The natural glutin is produced while the slim, fluted, inch-long seeds are green, but its virtue remains even after the whole panicle has withered and has fallen.
The Confessions of a Beachcomber
In all the years we have lived here, no trees have fallen except in the exceptional circumstance of the hurricane in the 1980s.
The class has fallen below 20 students.
“In a world, where LifeAlert has failed…..where the fallen simply can not..get…up”
Maddock felt his eyes prickle with emotion as looked at the fallen man in front of him, but he reminded himself that now wasn't the time.
Meritocracy really has fallen by the wayside, as a fashionable political creed.
The cost of food and clothing has come down in recent years. Similarly, fuel prices have fallen quite considerably.
Regeneration occurs from the branches or the trunk of fallen trees that root into the underlying soil.
If we had been careful such a calamity would not have befallen us.
Tey presents a fallen angel destroying the dinful in Dialogues with the Devil.
HH Com 112
This quartet featured a stunning, slashing, angry modern-dance dialogue between two dancers, then a requiem for fallen comrades.
Plants and saplings fight to dose openings made by fallen giants.
Oh, don't look so chopfallen!" he went on, scornfully, when Paul blinked.
The Spinner's Book of Fiction
The large fallen box structure with a post sticking out to starboard is the gun mount.
Even if tea were indeed the virtuous drink of an industrious sobriety, something other than rational health benefits must have been the spur, otherwise tobacco and opiates would have fallen into desuetude.
I had fallen into the gadget-trap, the same one which spurred nicknames such as "crackberry" and aided in stunting the growth of burgeoning relationships.
Jessica Yorkin: The Art of Conversation
Though his parents had fallen away from strict religious observance, Podhoretz recalls his fervently Orthodox maternal grandfather for whom "613 mitvahs were not enough.
J. Weekly
The receptionist had obviously recognised him too, had practically fallen over herself to bat her long dark eyelashes at him.
As they'd noted, this area had a somewhat disused look to it, for the floor was covered with a conglomeration of dirt, guano and silt interspersed with crumbling bits of masonry or fallen pillars.
XXXIII But Gaiseric, king of the Vandals, had already 167 been invited into Africa by Boniface, who had fallen into a dispute with the Emperor Valentinian and was able to obtain revenge only by injuring the empire.
The Origin and Deeds of the Goths
Obama's job approval rating has fallen from 61 percent in mid-June to 54 percent now, in part due to his handling of the Gates-Crowley situation, a Pew Research Center poll found.
The paper had fallen down between the desk and the wall.
Within 18 months, he had fallen in love with a pretty, quick-witted copygirl, Barbara Stone, and after a terrifying, if occasionally thrilling, baptism of snootiness by her family — New Year’s at Arturo Toscanini’s house, a frightening experience with a finger bowl — he married her.
The Gelb Family
Since futures prices hit their peak, they have fallen by 54 percent, to around $ 1. 08 a pound.
For Beza in many places sharply contends that God, when predestinating and reprobating man, considers him, not as created, not as fallen, but as to be created, and he claims that this is indicated by the term "lump," used in Rom.ix. 21, and he charges great absurdities on those who hold different views.
The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 3
Despite its hardness, it can be gnawed through, after it has fallen to the ground, by rodents such as the agouti.
Thousands of people could die because the relief effort has fallen so far behind.
Monthly samples of the fallen varroa showed that the screen insert reduced the mite populations by about 15 percent.
And, halfway to the crosstrees and flattened against the rigging by the full force of the wind so that it would have been impossible for me to have fallen, the Ghost almost on her beam-ends and the masts parallel with the water, I looked, not down, but at almost right angles from the perpendicular, to the deck of the Ghost.
Chapter 17
He told me that he and his son had fallen on the rifle some years back, breaking it and he had glued it back together for the buy-back.
It was known his "dicky" had fallen off, but, on the other hand, he had brought back a pair of patent leather pumps, which might make him feel it his duty to attend.
Follow My leader The Boys of Templeton
Owing to the unusual number of showers of stones which had fallen during the year, an inspection had been made of the Sibylline Books, and some oracular verses had been discovered which announced that whenever a foreign foe should carry war into Italy he could be driven out and conquered if the Mater Idaea were brought from Pessinus to Rome.
The History of Rome, Vol. IV
Far below, the forest rose on either side of the river gorge, but to reach that we would have to descend a winding path alongside a steep-sided valley cut by a stream that slithered under fallen trunks.
Country diary: Allen Banks, Northumberland
She had fallen downstairs, broken a leg and knocked herself unconscious, and had been taken into hospital.
Poor Kate was so chop-fallen, she looked like a convicted criminal, who would gladly have hid herself, to conceal her mortified pride and deep chagrin.
MacDermott had fallen in love with a girl who had preferred to marry a peeler ... _a peeler_, mind you! ... they would split their sides laughing.
The Foolish Lovers
A thorough horseman ought to pick up his fallen jereed without leaving the saddle; but the success of this, like the other exploit, seems to be traditional.
Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia
Struggling among the vines, Kearney reflected that they could report that a lot of trees had fallen down and the ground was full of large holes.
Mind you, quite a few have fallen off the perch, or committed social suicide by writing their boring memoirs.
The most incongruous sight of all in the "House of Resistance", as Gaddafi called the bombed-out building, was several dummy missiles hanging from the ceiling as if they had just fallen from an American bomber -his idea of a memorial to the little girl, perhaps. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
I had fallen into my old bad habit of leaving everything until the last minute.
Unemployment has fallen again, although the change is less marked than last month.
The value of my shares has risen/fallen by 8%.
Three days after the Prime Minister's petulant sneer that only reactionary twits claim education standards have fallen comes pretty devastating evidence that this is indeed the case.
Two wickets had fallen in three balls, and Pakistan were delicately poised at 109 for 3.
Women should therefore actively avoid becoming pregnant for at least four weeks after vaccination and until the scab has completely healed and fallen off.