How To Use Falla In A Sentence

  • Are the forces of fallacy still out there, waiting to reassume their hold? Times, Sunday Times
  • Manning turned slowly, a fallacious smile on his lips, his eyes hard. CORMORANT
  • He had no difficulty in disposing of the fallacy, and he was in no danger of succumbing to it. Nineteen Eighty-Four
  • The twin problems of ecological and individualist fallacies occur when inferences are drawn about one level of analysis using evidence from another.
  • He falls into a stupor, into utter oblivion of the world about him, becomes in turn excited and confused, his senses begin to functionate in a fallacious manner, and he thus succeeds in shutting out from consciousness, for the time being at least, the entire unbearable situation. Studies in Forensic Psychiatry
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  • Eugenics and ‘social Darwinism’ are perversions of evolution based upon logical fallacy and misapplication.
  • There are many myths and fallacies about swing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The problem with an infinite regress is that it is a fallacious attempt to make an unsound argument support itself. A Fine-Tuned Multiverse
  • In defense of “keen grasp of economics,” one of Matt’s fortes is an ability to be extremely annoyed by fallacies and oversights in cost-benefit calculation. Matthew Yglesias » Listmania
  • Predictably, the appeal to personal experience is another well-known logical fallacy.
  • Too many commentators opt much too quickly for an ascription of confusion in order fallaciously to 'solve' a problem in textual interpretation.
  • Roman Catholic Church. immune from fallacy or liability to error in expounding matters of faith or morals by virtue of the promise made by Christ to the Church. The "Infallible" Shoulder Shot
  • But to subsist in bones, and be but pyramidally extant, is a fallacy in duration. Hydriotaphia, or Urn-burial
  • It is more constructive, I think, while recognizing the persistent fallacy of an atomized human "individual," self-constructed, essentialized, pre-social, that we allow for the possibility of positive social change. Archive 2009-10-01
  • On, slippery slope arguments are not only not fallacious, but also carry is an irrebuttable presumption oftruth. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Is the Personal Mandate to Buy Health Insurance Unconstitutional?”
  • One of the great fallacies that many Americans hold in regards to Chinese cookery is that there is one over-arching cuisine that is known as Chinese. Tigers & Strawberries » Yin and Yang
  • I have been saying this for a while now, specifically in the context of Pakistan, that instead of trying to present a ‘moderate’ picture of Islam as is the fashion and which is fallacious by the way, we must in explicit terms denounce Islam. Women Erased in Israel, Flogged in Pakistan and Restricted in Afghanistan - The Lede Blog -
  • O longum memoranda dies! quae mente reporto gaudia, quam lassos per tot miracula uisus! ingenium quam mite solo! quae forma beatis15 ante manus artemque locis! non largius usquam indulsit natura sibi. nemora alta citatis incubuere uadis; fallax responsat imago frondibus, et longas eadem fugit umbra per undas. ipse Anien (miranda fides) infraque superque20 spumeus hic tumidam rabiem saxosaque ponit murmura, ceu placidi ueritus turbare Vopisci A Villa at Tibur
  • The old illustrator never let his pupils fall for the pathetic fallacy, that empty barrels are lonely.
  • This fallacy misleads people, and morally, I feel we shouldn't use this method in an argument, because it isn't justified to take advantage of someone.
  • However, the assumption that productivity must be directly related to biomass or chlorophyll is a fallacy.
  • Mature creation is sometimes inappropriately referred to as "appearance of age"; however the latter term fallaciously implies that age can be seen or otherwise empirically measured. Answers in Genesis Articles
  • Bulgakov’s approach to human fallacies is fundamentally lighthearted in its essence and while he tries to expose our errors, it never feels like he is preaching or anything. Mikhail A. Bulgakov - Master and Margarita (Book Review)
  • : lici gli chiama il volgo ignaro, lifcri gli crede: eh noi piu faggi ndoniamo quelle idee fallaci, mirianio, ove T Etcrna cura, itft M J iga Epistola IV, Essai Sur L'homme: Poëme Philosophique
  • He has to get a drop step or a fallaway jumper or just a jump shot where he can take people to the middle and spin back to his right so you can't double-team him.
  • I am sick and tired of hearing its members' boasts, which are based on a fundamental fallacy that they believe in one law for all.
  • It's easier to get a message across if you don't commit amphibologies - a verbal fallacy arising from an ambiguous grammatical construction. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • It is a tale of two fallacies. Times, Sunday Times
  • To understand ground rents and land prices is to understand cities; not to understand is to remain mired forever in confusion and fallacy, to be gulled and misled and bamboozled, which is, indeed and alas, the common lot of mankind.
  • It's filled with unsupported assertions, deceptive qualifiers, logical fallacies and rhetorical tricks so cheap they would make a trial lawyer blush.
  • You gat fallars on deck don’t know ship from mudscow. Act III. Anna Christie
  • a word fallaciously, which expresseth the contrary; as though I intended another knowledge of Christ than what is declared in the gospel. Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
  • Many of the fears and misconceptions shaping our options and influencing our choices are by-products of this fallacy.
  • He wrote up and distributed notes on logical reasoning, fallacies, etc., and expected the students to understand what they were doing when they wrote up a proof.…
  • Franken also talks about what he calls the fallacy of liberal bias in the media which is interesting given my recent blog posts about that very issue. Lies and the lying liars who tell them
  • I can testify to the complete fallaciousness of the “98%” statement as I sit here on the lower end of a dark continent. From the moderated comments | clusterflock
  • Especially Africa, because I think conquest and advertisement and television and religion has succeeded in manipulating the international African people into a pool of consumership and cheap labour, and in the process has divorced us from admiration of our heritage and relegated our heritage to being primitive and backward and pagan and barbaric; and we've come to believe as a society that fallacy. - Home Page
  • The messages started arriving soon after the Fallaji reached the borders of the Sword Marches, arriving at regular intervals, as Urza had ordered. The Brothers' War
  • Surely, no scientist who considers what motion is can admit such a fallacious statement, for motion is simply "position in space changing;" it is a phenomenon, the result of the application of entitative force to a body. Scientific American Supplement, No. 595, May 28, 1887
  • It's a fallacy to assume that burglars can't climb a wall without a ladder. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • But the fallacy, ultimately, is to suppose that it occurs more in an elite than in a nonelite environment. Times, Sunday Times
  • a modern metaphysician, any more than the fallacy of 'calvus' or Parmenides
  • There are two common fallacies that play an essential part in the uncritical acceptance of psychic readings.
  • Locke did not claim that all appeals to authority in argumentation are fallacious, however. Blogginheads Controversy
  • The little logical fallacy that bugged me the most was the scene where the earthquake followed the Amtrak train.
  • None was delighted by the question, because it required judging the past by the standards of today — a fallacy disparaged as "presentism" by social scientists. 1491
  • Those who use the word "Nazi" as Sarandon did use it fallaciously, but the actor's misnomer does not automatically suggest "vindictiveness" as Foxman claims. Michele Somerville: Should Susan Sarandon Apologize For Calling The Pope A "Nazi?"
  • This is only the old fallacy of Reason and Passion in intrinsic opposition rearing its ugly head again. Archive 2008-03-01
  • But after experiencing the uneasiness which Lord Chesterfield's fallacious patronage made him feel, he dismissed the word garret from the sad group, and in all the subsequent editions the line stands -- Boswell's Life of Johnson Abridged and edited, with an introduction by Charles Grosvenor Osgood
  • Such fallacies are not easily perceived.
  • Speculation that MMR could be replaced by a series of individual vaccines was based on fallacious reasoning and would return Britain to the ‘dark ages’, he said.
  • The whole idea that the entire country took to arms with pitchforks and scythes is also a fallacy.
  • At any rate, comparing McCain to a democrat is a fallacious bit of work with a President like George Bush at the helm and a fiscal record of a massive deficit. McCain Too Liberal Like Saying Clinton Too Woman « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • By way of a new practice of storytelling to try and demonstrate the fallacy of these oppositions, together with others such as the one between commitment and vanguardism, such would finally have been the ambitious project made possible by the idea of plagiarism—all this, it seems, without having to exceed the limits of the literary itself, with everything this notion promises or threatens to convey. Swoonrocket
  • És el que estem fent ara: ens ha fallat el primer ponent de la tarda, i ens hem empescat una petita ronda de presentacions de les entitats que hem organitzat tota aquesta gran festa. Liveblogging (6): Jornades àtic2a 2009, qüestions del directe | [bauen]
  • In response to Ms. David's new book about global warming, for example, the Science & Public Policy Institute, a nonprofit in Washington that takes aim at what it calls fallacies about global warming, issued a press release saying the book "is intentionally designed to propagandize unsuspecting schoolchildren who don't have enough knowledge to know what is being done to them. Inconvenient Youths
  • They show how the mereological fallacy besets thinking in such different domains as perception, binding, memory, imagery, emotion, and volition.
  • Creationists are thus accused of the fallacy of false alternatives, that is, the disjunctive premise leaves out a possible alternative.
  • The important things about being skeptical are therefore understanding rational argument and understanding fallacious and fraudulent argument.…
  • Sed quoniam firmioribus remediis nondum tempus est et eam mentium constat esse naturam, ut quotiens abiecerint ueras falsis opinionibus induantur ex quibus orta perturbationum caligo uerum illum confundit intuitum, hanc paulisper lenibus mediocribusque fomentis attenuare temptabo, ut dimotis fallacium affectionum tenebris splendorem uerae lucis possis agnoscere. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • The thirty-staired Seats, all round our Amphitheatre, get instantaneously slated with mere umbrellas, fallacious when so thick set: our antique Cassolettes become Water-pots; their incense-smoke gone hissing, in a whiff of muddy vapour. The French Revolution
  • As a pointer on the fallacies of lazy thinking based on faith rather than facts, it makes a great read.
  • I think this is an entirely fallacious argument, with little to no factual support.
  • It's the logical fallacy of extending someone's argument to ridiculous proportions and then criticizing the result. And I do not appreciate it.
  • He recommended that special attention be given to the refutation of these fallacies.
  • Two casuistries may not a right make, but they may finally offset some of the injustices of fallacious unilateral decisions by an unaccountable court divining "rights" by the 1973 decision. Balkinization
  • Wishful thinking is a fallacy that posits a belief because it or its consequence is desired to be true.
  • The town of Misarata, with the support of the powerful Bedouin tribal allies of the Wafallah confederacy, challenged Tripoli's hegemony.
  • * Goldstone called the allegation that the report encourages terror and negates Israel's right to self-defense "quite untrue and a fallacious attempt to win opposition to what is contained in the report*. Qwaider Planet
  • Chesterfield’s fallacious patronage made him feel, he dismissed the word garret from the sad group, and in all the subsequent editions the line stands The Life of Samuel Johnson LL.D.
  • Considering all humans to be unitarily identical is, besides being a king-size fallacy, the ultimate intellectual form of inhumanity.
  • Prophet's funeral or not, and regardless of your opinion of the LDS church ... your comment displayed the utmost ignorance and fallaciousness. Chart: Polls In Super Tuesday States Show McCain Has It Made
  • It was essentially a new attempt to revive the Burkeian fallacy of empire through freedom, obedience through liberty.
  • In dealing with this variety of social competition which may be called catallactic competition, we must guard ourselves against various popular fallacies. Libertarian Blog Place
  • It is also a fallacious argument that heavy vehicles alone account for the recurring accidents.
  • This trick is an application of the fallacy non causae ut causae. The Art of Controversy
  • We believe that argument to be absurd and fallacious, and hope that defenders of liberty will recognise that it is exactly this kind of panic-stricken measure that will most gratify the killers.
  • El nuevo gobierno no cumple ni con la ley ni con los requisitos de la Constitución y nace después de una acción violenta contra la máxima autoridad de la nación que incluyó la expulsión del presidente de la República para crear una falla o ausencia absoluta y así crear este gobierno espurio que hoy ha denigrado a Honduras y se ha ganado el desprecio delmundo. The Volokh Conspiracy » CRS on the Honduras “Coup”:
  • Let the commentators fret and worry about what their fallacious macroeconomic models tell them.
  • As I am still in possession of that imperfect organ, I will proceed to use it to the confutation of some of his other fallacies. Chesterton's Response to Shaw (Part Two)
  • It is a fallacy that this was to ensure that they had the best cavalry - it was to provide them with the best day out that a denarius coin could buy.
  • The fashionable notion, especially on the left, that governments of all persuasions have signed up to liberal free market beliefs is a fallacy.
  • It contains an inherent fallacy: you are expecting the silent majority to speak.
  • This conjunctive outcome was compared with an unlikely single event (a context in which, as noted above, the fallacy is commonplace).
  • (or relevant logic) is the idea of capturing a notion of entailment that doesn't fall foul of the so-called fallacies of relevance, or paradoxes of (material and strict) implication. Impossible Worlds
  • That is a valiant attempt to legitimize the doctrine of common origin, but the logic on which it is based is, I think, fallacious.
  • What is novel is the error in the minds of Tory pundits: the fallacy of the superior virtue of the blessed.
  • One therefore commits a linguistic fallacy if one translates the expressive language of doxology and thanksgiving (in the beginning and end of the Lord's Prayer) into explanatory speech acts about God as a first cause.
  • Accordingly, not every antecedent of an event is its Cause: to assume that it is so, is the familiar fallacy of arguing '_post hoc ergo propter hoc_.' Logic Deductive and Inductive
  • As this magazine reluctantly pointed out at the time, it is based on a fallacious theory that the brain works in strict hierarchical order: that the midbrain develops before the cortex.
  • We believe that argument to be absurd and fallacious, and hope that defenders of liberty will recognise that it is exactly this kind of panic-stricken measure that will most gratify the killers.
  • Have you ever heard of the logical fallacy of post hoc, ergo propter hoc? BALANCE OF POWER
  • The fallacy has been exposed in its naked absurdity.
  • Oh, and by the way, your description of an “undesigned universe” takes for granted that our universe is designed, which means you are affirming the consequent, which is a fallacy. Teach the Controversy? Why not Teach ALL Controversies? - The Panda's Thumb
  • Besides, what person - religious or not - would accept that her belief system is a hodgepodge of ‘truths and fallacies?’
  • Owl, however, was a very talented bird, and one felt that even his fallacies were a mark of attainments beyond those common to his race. 'That Very Mab'
  • Actually Dr William Lane Craig if this is to whom you refer has "berated" apologists for using the fallacious Liar, Lunatic, Lord argument. Time To End The Kindergarten Revolution
  • Johnson's argument is based on some obvious fallacies, such as information requiring an intelligent author.
  • The principal fallacy centers on the workplace and concept of equal pay for equal work .
  • Fallacy number 2: São Paulo is not under-represented in anything. Global Voices in English » Brazil: On the meaning of “Minorities with a majority complex”
  • And my characterization of your attitude is no lie; it positively rises miasmically from the swamp of your fallaciously ad hominem rhetoric.
  • Gluttony amongst the foodie world isn't right -- but to fallaciously suggest that all foodies are devoted to "the same mindless, sweating gluttony" is a deliberate mischaracterization. Ethan Kahn: Taking Down B.R. Myers: 'This Is A Cold Person Indeed'
  • Thus, a vast concern is expressed for the “liberty of the press, ” and the utmost abhorrence of its “licentiousness”: but then, by the licentiousness of the press is meant every disclosure by which any abuse is brought to light and exposed to shame—by the “liberty of the press” is meant only publications from which no such inconvenience is to be apprehended; and the fallacy consists in employing the sham approbation of liberty as a mask for the real opposition to all free discussion. Fallacies of Anti-Reformers
  • This popular fallacy about room temperature is a hangover from the years when wine was a luxury for the few.
  • But the sub-text in all affirmative action debates is the fallacious belief that blacks selected to benefit from it are hopelessly and helplessly genetically inferior -- that their DNA is chromosomally deficient, if not defective. Irene Monroe: Theory of Blacks' Intellectual Inferiority Rears Ugly Head at Harvard
  • But to meet God! And 'tis no sweven, [dream] ne fallacy, this dread undeadliness [immortality] -- it is real. The White Rose of Langley A Story of the Olden Time
  • Subscribers and practitioners of these fallacious beliefs were deemed at the time to be ‘properly schooled in science.’
  • It is a fallacy that smoking the narghile is a safer alternative to smoking. IOL: News
  • Much of the argument against free trade is based upon a fallacy that confuses costs and wealth.
  • The fear that the country will become a hive of "jihadi training camps" after a withdrawal is based on a basic fallacy.
  • So the knowledge argument is invalid because it involves a fallacy of equivocation: ‘know’ means something different in the two premises.
  • Now that I have covered his central arguments as fallacious, I would like to step back and look at the work as a whole.
  • Somewhat surprisingly, Moore in effect also argues that most forms of non-naturalism are also guilty of what he calls the naturalistic fallacy. Moral Non-Naturalism
  • What I found worrying is that a doctor of all things could ask such a fallacy without seeing the logical errors in it. So i heard this question from a Christian Doctor..? « Adult Literacy-2 « Literacy Help « Literacy News
  • Khalifah is a Fallah-grazioso of normal assurance shrewd withal; he blunders like an Irishman of the last generation and he uses the first epithet that comes to his tongue. Arabian nights. English
  • All that is said of single-hearted devotedness to God and close following of Christ, is in itself right; the fallacy which Maude very naturally overlooked consists in ignoring that this devotedness to God can only be acceptable to Him when it leads us to follow His leading, not our own ; to do ' what our hand findeth to do,' not what our will chooseth. Books
  • Certain fallacies existed for a long time as to the relative merits of the dry or molten and the wet or electrolytical methods of galvanizing. Handbook on Japanning: 2nd Edition For Ironware, Tinware, Wood, Etc. With Sections on Tinplating and Galvanizing
  • As it turns out, this is not a popular view: already Russell (1923) argued that the very idea of wordly indeterminacy betrays a “fallacy of verbalism”, and some have gone as far as saying that de re indeterminacy is simply not “intelligible” (Dummett 1975: 314; Lewis 1986: 212) or ruled out a priori (Jackson 2001: 657). Wild Dreams Of Reality, 3
  • In order to detect the fallacy, the proposition thus silently assumed must be supplied; but the reasoner, most likely, has never really asked himself what he was assuming; his confuter, unless permitted to extort it from him by the Socratic mode of interrogation, must himself judge what the suppressed premise ought to be in order to support the conclusion. A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
  • His blunders of interpretation are due to what has been described as the " pathetic fallacy ".
  • Worgorn (Wroxeter); that of Emrys (Ambrosius) at Caer Caradawg; _bangor wydrin_ (glass) in the _glass isle_, Afallach; _bangor Illtud_, or Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • When he writes of "the scream of the maddened beach," he uses the pathetic fallacy; but his science is quite correct, for the swift whirling of myriads of pebbles does produce a clear shrill note as the backdraught streams from the shore. Side Lights
  • At the time one reasons fallaciously, one. typically does so unwittingly (One does not very often commit fallacies deliberately).
  • Listen to Jacques Barzun: The fallacy behind perpetual recoinage ... is to suppose that words must describe instead of stand for and evoke. Archive 2006-03-01
  • My response to these great fallacies is this. Outlook India
  • But after experiencing the uneasiness which Lord Chesterfield's fallacious patronage made him feel, he dismissed the word garret from the sad group, and in all the subsequent editions the line stands Life Of Johnson
  • There are six linguistic fallacies: equivocation, amphiboly or amphibology, accent, composition, division, and figure of speech or parallel-word construction.
  • Alex is hawk-eyed when it comes to spotting lazy reasoning or fallacious argument, and lightning-fast at exposing it where it occurs.
  • The main fallacy is that the tax does not acknowledge the largely static nature of short term energy demand. Oil: Marginal vs. Average Cost, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The headlines were laden with fallacies. Smithsonian
  • This means that it is no longer in geostationary orbit, and it starts to “fall” perceptibly toward the Earth. 365 tomorrows » 2007 » August : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Historically, the naturalistic fallacy is the attempt to derive normative conclusions from statements of fact.
  • Taylor, in his translation of this passage, was so strongly imbued with the "grey-headed errour," that in order to elucidate the somewhat obscure meaning of Aristotle, he has actually interpolated the text with the exploded fallacy of Ctesias, and after the word reclining to sleep, has inserted the words "_leaning against some wall or tree_," which are not to be found in the original.] Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon
  • Poor logic [some speechwriter is responsible for torture policy?], historically fallacious, and quite plainly dumb. Matthew Yglesias » No One Expects The Spanish Inquisition
  • Nope, one-liners that are fallacious is the best you can muster I suppose. Think Progress » Van Jones to Glenn Beck: ‘I see you, and I love you, brother.’ (Updated)
  • Does he not on the contrary feel a freedom of will within him, which, though you may call it fallacious, still actuates him as he decides? I.4a
  • Krugman and Yglesias will even publish a graph that demonstrates the fallaciousness of their pro-Bush scenario! joe from Lowell Says: Matthew Yglesias » A Broad-Based Real Estate Bubble
  • About “one-way hash” arguments, there are certain fallacious arguments which look hard to debunk on first sight, but aren’t actually so. Climate Change and Argumentative Fallacies
  • He may start fallaciously believing that the Federal Reserve is not in fact part of the federal government, but is instead controlled by wealthy Zionists.
  • In any case, the wire service commits a logical fallacy known as the argumentum ad ignoratiam, or the appeal to ignorance. Tea and Mockery
  • As ever the Telegraph is busy fulmigating against so many straw men and other fallacious arguments.
  • Here is the seeming ineradicable fallacy that multiplying currency increases wealth and prosperity.
  • Oh no!!! ce n'est pas possible le LOVE c'est V+L mais bon fallait si attendre lol avec toute ces rupture (genre dans le 3*10 ils sont ensemble et dans le 3*12 c'est fini lol) Mais ce ki me deg le plus c kil soit avec PARKER!!!!! c'est pas possible. The End of Veronica and Logan? | the TV addict
  • By so doing he will rescue his own brother, too, and enable him to return home to his father a free man, all quite unwittingly, -- as in so many cases before now a man has often done more good unconsciously than wittingly. sed inscientes sua sibi fallacia ita compararunt et confinxerunt dolum itaque hi commenti, de sua sententia ut in servitute hic ad suom maneat patrem: ita nunc ignorans suo sibi servit patri; 50 homunculi quanti sunt, quom recogito! haec res agetur nobis, vobis fabula. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • The error is in taking the polynomial to be a structural representation of the system, but the basic underlying fallacy remains.
  • Partly he draws on psychology to show the fallacy of the belief that there exists some unitary entity which can be called credibility and that dishonesty in one situation suggests dishonesty in all.
  • In hac re si non sit instructus D. Arthurus, aut ea sit dexteritate, vt deprehenso errore eum inuenire et castigare possit timeo ne deuias faciat ambages, tempus ilium fallat, et semiperacto negotio, � gelu pr鎜ccupetur: Aiunt enim The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • This index of logical fallacies is a great source for those inclined to refresh their recollection of the classical rules of argument. Philosophy
  • The evidence you offer to show that these are not actually fallacies is the mere fact that many people persist in believing them, which is not at all contradictory to Caplan's theory. The Myth of the Rational Voter, Sowell Edition, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • As with the JFK assassination, people fallaciously assume that such a momentous event must have involved an elite team of professionals tied to some mysterious organization with possible international connections. The Volokh Conspiracy » Timothy McVeigh Was No Libertarian: The Fallacy of Conflating Two Very Different Types of “Anti-Government” Movements
  • The love it vs. leave it remark is based on a fallacy - that if you disagree with a certain policy, you must not love your country.
  • When you say it like that, the fallacy is almost self-evident; we hardly need spell out the reductio ad absurdum. Dawkins the Meme-Daddy
  • What scientists frown upon is levelling arguments based on rank ignorance and logical fallacies.
  • The life, therefore, and spirit of all our actions is the resurrection, and a stable apprehension that our ashes shall enjoy the fruit of our pious endeavours; without this, all religion is a fallacy, and those impieties of Lucian, Euripides, and Julian, are no blasphemies, but subtile verities; and atheists have been the only philosophers. Religio Medici
  • Just as prisoners 'age out' of crimes, thinkers may 'age out' of fallacies. The Times Literary Supplement
  • This argument is simply fallacious as both purposes can simultaneously apply.
  • I was under the impression that this was a forum where political issues could be discussed rationally: if you want me to be pedantic and point out every logical fallacy in every reply I've received then I'll do that.
  • What I'm wondering is does human culture seek a certain amount of stability over growth and will adopt a certain level of economic fallacies to maintain that? The Myth of the Rational Voter, Sowell Edition, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • It was essentially a new attempt to revive the Burkeian fallacy of empire through freedom, obedience through liberty.
  • To believe you have control over the players, the refs or the game is a fallacy.
  • Boswell tells us that although the sage himself never smoked, yet he had a high opinion of the practice as a sedative influence; and Hawkins heard him say on one occasion that insanity had grown more frequent since smoking had gone out of fashion, which shows that even Johnson could fall a victim to the _post hoc propter hoc_ fallacy. The Social History of Smoking
  • The fallacies of this critique have been elaborated around the Internet, but let's rehash a little.
  • Doing away with the unions will eliminate the fallacy that seniority is somehow coupled with competence. Think Progress » Gov. Perry Bemoans ‘Federal Takeover’ Of Education, But His State’s Takeover Of Textbooks Is Totally Fine
  • The lady is a little upon the fallal; a little aunt Nellish; but I protest 1 love her, and reverence her brother. Sir Charles Grandison
  • In reality, union representation harms many workers, contrary to the assertions of the proponents of the superior bargaining power fallacy.
  • The error is in taking the polynomial to be a structural representation of the system, but the basic underlying fallacy remains.
  • In hunting, the pace will not always hold a horse, because hounds may check at any moment, the start to a "holloa" may prove a false alarm, and leaving out the uncertain behaviour of foxes, a sudden stoppage may be caused by an impossible fence, river, railway, or by a variety of causes which would amply prove the fallacy of the pace holding a hard puller in the hunting field. The Horsewoman A Practical Guide to Side-Saddle Riding, 2nd. Ed.
  • The paper also explains a fallacy often put forward by Natural Hygienists, that carnivores have short GI tracts because “they must get rid of the meat quickly before it putrefies”. Are we meat eaters or vegetarians? Part II | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • All that is said of single-hearted devotedness to God and close following of Christ, is in itself right; the fallacy which Maude very naturally overlooked consists in ignoring that this devotedness to God can only be acceptable to Him when it leads us to follow His leading, not our own ; to do ' what our hand findeth to do,' not what our will chooseth. The Little Professor:
  • Of the errors in reasoning about a cause none is more common than that known by the older logic as _post hoc, ergo propter hoc_ (after this, therefore on account of it), or more briefly, the _post hoc_ fallacy. The Making of Arguments
  • As a production-oriented ideology, communism was based upon the fallacy of production itself being the ultimate purpose of economic activity.
  • Some of Descartes' claims were fallacious such as his belief that the velocity of light is infinite.
  • However, most of his evidence is in the form of specious and fallacious arguments.
  • The third part elaborate the theory and the current significance of the interpenetration and in-terembracing of the truth and the fallacy.
  • 'To be but pyramidally extant is a fallacy in duration .... On The Art of Reading
  • To see his works as mainly political fables or allegories is fallacious. Naguib Mahfouz – The Son of Two Civilizations
  • An antinomy is the peculiar fallacy which enables us to derive both a proposition and its negation from the same premiss.
  • It exemplifies what linguists term the etymological fallacy. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a fallacy to say that the camera never lies.
  • fallacious testimony
  • But this is based on a fallacy - that the Tories support free markets across the board.
  • You forgot to mention the most obvious fallacy in Kraut’s nonsense. Matthew Yglesias » Krauthammer’s Amateur Sociology
  • But is this not committing the fallacy of looking beyond the instrument, beyond the state of affairs at the date of execution of the instrument?
  • Are the forces of fallacy still out there, waiting to reassume their hold? Times, Sunday Times
  • Both writers fall into the same fallacy - basing their objections on feelings or personal experience rather than empirical evidence.
  • The fallacy of amphiboly results because of poor sentence construction.
  • The logical fallaciousness of this post is staggering. The Volokh Conspiracy » Ricci and the Sotomayor Nomination:
  • What binds all these things together is a recurring human mistake: the fallacy of total belief in the present and its technology.
  • Slaves to unnumbered ancient ‘taboos,’ superstitions, prejudices, and fallacies, which one by one are slowly but surely weakening under the clear light of the morning of science; the savior of mankind.
  • Both of these scenarios would rely upon the same evidence and upon equally fallacious, which is to say, ideological, perspectives. 'At the Far End of this Ongoing Enterprise...'
  • [5761] Este procul nymphae, fallax genus este puellae, Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Alex is hawk-eyed when it comes to spotting lazy reasoning or fallacious argument, and lightning-fast at exposing it where it occurs.
  • He argues that the project of defamiliarisation in photography rested upon acceptance of the fallacy of the transparency of the photograph.
  • fallacious hope
  • In his view, Luddism was, indeed, a fallacy when productivity improvements were still on the relatively flat, or slowly rising, part of the exponential curve.
  • It's important to realise that this perspective commits a basic logical fallacy of begging the question: i.e. presenting a premise as a conclusion.
  • [178] "Hic est Arthur de quo Britonum nugæ hodieque delirant, dignus plane quod non fallaces somniarent fabulæ, sed veraces prædicarent historiæ. A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance
  • And conveniently forgotten in fallacious references to a cycle of violence is that — following from their oft-stated call for the destruction of Israel — Hamas, Hezbollah (which is more or less an Iranian expeditionary force), Iran itself, and the Arab confrontation states are the parties that want to change the status quo, by violence and by their own flamboyant admission. Why Israel Needs the Bomb
  • The evidence you offer to show that these are not actually fallacies is the mere fact that many people persist in believing them, which is not at all contradictory to Caplan's theory. The Myth of the Rational Voter, Sowell Edition, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • That type of argument is called a fallacious appeal to tradition, because the question is not "what has been done?" but rather "what is fair? OpEdNews - Diary: On Gay Marriage ::sigh::

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