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How To Use Fall short In A Sentence

  • Because of this, investigations inadvertently fall short of conveying the underlying epistemological rationale for ngoma persistence and transformation over time. 123 Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • A computer with an exposed unearthed metal chassis would fall short of the expectation of safety.
  • I judge most magazines pretty harshly, and arrogantly avoid those that fall short of what I consider mind-expanding reading.
  • Every attempt to capture an image on film or on disk will ultimately fall short.
  • The main thing is, you don't ever want to fall short of 10 reps at this stage.
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  • A judge sitting without a jury would fall short of his duty if he did not first find the facts and then draw from them the inference of fact whether or not the defendant had been negligent.
  • You may be a brilliant developer, a highly skilled net admin, or a crackerjack DBA — but if you’re unprofessional, your career is likely to fall short.
  • Like Dionysios, John Damascene understood that our ideas and concepts of God fall short of him and that, in the end, we honor God most appropriately by the silent denial of our concepts in apophatic theology.
  • But not all pretended deeds have to fall short of their normal function in order to accomplish their communicative purpose.
  • You may be a brilliant developer, a highly skilled net admin, or a crackerjack DBA — but if you’re unprofessional, your career is likely to fall short.
  • But in the big-ticket areas of the market, such as impressionist and contemporary art, its sales fall short of its rivals. Bonhams Looks to Asia
  • Government should use civilised stratagems to arrest those who fall short of the law.
  • Fall short of such ingenuity and you're left with a flaccid time-filler. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even veterans fall short: They'll forget to get needed shots, have their favorite boots resoled, check out an area's water supply or pack needed medical supplies.
  • But not all pretended deeds have to fall short of their normal function in order to accomplish their communicative purpose.
  • Peter Preston: It is 16 years since the MPs 'cash-for-questions scandal but standards in public life still fall short Enchanted Glass The Guardian World News
  • It is a natural reserve, a tardiness of disposition, "which often leaves the history unspoke which it intends to do;" a subdued quietness of deportment and expression, a veiled shyness thrown over all her emotions, her language and her manner; making the outward demonstration invariably fall short of what we know to be the feeling within. Characteristics of Women Moral, Poetical, and Historical
  • All the proposals fall short of devo-max. Times, Sunday Times
  • They fall short of providing clear guidance dispositive of the myriad factual situations that arise.
  • You may be a brilliant developer, a highly skilled net admin, or a crackerjack DBA — but if you’re unprofessional, your career is likely to fall short.
  • In any event, he said, the result is certain to fall short of the freedom enjoyed by reporters in Viet Nam, when they were often free to roam the countryside and routinely hitched rides to the battlefront on US Army helicopters.
  • But it does fall short of the admittedly ambitious goal of being a unified, indispensable do-it-all communications program.
  • Facilities for early detection and intervention woefully fall short of requirements.
  • The professional student, therefore, as well as the geographer, will have very frequent occasion to consult Italian authorities, and in the very valuable Report of Humphreys and Abbot on the Mississippi, America has lately made a contribution to our potamological knowledge, which, in scientific interest and practical utility, does not fall short of the ablest European productions in the same branch of inquiry. Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 04 (historical)
  • As it is, it looks as though they will just fall short of the play-offs.
  • I feel like all the things I do - whether professionally or personally - are subpar, and fall short of the glory of man and God.
  • Despite a variety of strong protections and stiff penalties for violations, this law continues to fall short of its target.
  • The common thinking is Bonds will hit his 65th homer, watch in horror as the media arrive by the hundreds and choke and fall short of 70.
  • The final sum might fall short of last year's record-breaking £25m, but it will still be massive.
  • Continue to cultivate the mind, to sharpen by exercise the genius, to attempt to delight or to instruct your race; and even supposing you fall short of every model you set before you -- supposing your name moulder with your dust, still yon will have passed life more nobly than the unlaborious herd. Ernest Maltravers — Volume 05
  • WASHINGTON — Democrats' Senate majority faces a midterm shrinkage Tuesday, a further complication for President Barack Obama's agenda, even if Republicans fall short of seizing control of the 100-member chamber. Will The GOP Win Control Of The Senate In The Midterm Elections?
  • Record setting snowfall progged for Boston in a storm that will fall short of the bliz of 78 in the severity and duration of coastal flooding but overall we have just reviewed kocin uccellini vol ii p495 snowfall graphic and only somewhat less extensive 2-3 foot siege but this is dangerous and close to bliz of 78 snowfall! Archive 2005-01-01
  • It is perfectly practical for steam, when it shall possess a respectable mechanical adaptation to canal duty; that is, when it shall not be so shamefully profligate in expenditures of power -- _to double the average speed of horses, or lessen the general average of ten days on the canal to five days_, of which the down trips may overrun and the up trips fall short, as with horse average. History of Steam on the Erie Canal
  • We assert that the Braun - Blanquet approach does not fall short.
  • Abbot on the Mississippi, America has lately made a contribution to our potamological knowledge, which, in scientific interest and practical utility, does not fall short of the ablest European productions in the same branch of inquiry.] The Earth as Modified by Human Action
  • For the vast majority of us, a handicap is an index of inadequacy - a measure of the distance by which we fall short.
  • Cindy Brown, who runs the Gulf of Mexico program for The Nature Conservancy (and, I am proud to say, is a Nicholas School alum), applauds projects like this but believes they will eventually fall short without addressing the root causes of the wetlands problem -- the mess we have made of the Mississippi River with the dams and the levees and the channelization and the canals crisscrossing the delta. Bill Chameides: Working on the Wetlands: One Blade of Grass at a Time
  • Silicon Graphics said its earnings for the fiscal second quarter ended Dec. 31 would fall short of expectations.
  • But reunification, an unprecedented experiment in social and political reclamation, was bound to fall short of the exalted German ideal of national solidarity.
  • This fact about induction, we are told, is the difficulty that makes science fall short of telling us indubitable truths about the world.
  • Dictionaries suggest selva, ‘forest,’ or deserto, ‘desert,’ but both fall short of the mark.
  • But it does fall short of the admittedly ambitious goal of being a unified, indispensable do-it-all communications program.
  • By the slow mode of conducting vegetation here recommended, an actual and minute separation of the parts takes place; the germination of the radicles and acrospire carries off the cohesive properties of the barley, thereby contributing to the preparation of the saccharine matter, which it has no tendency to extract, or otherwise injure, but to increase and meliorate, so long as the acrospire is confined within the husk; and by as much as it is wanting of the end of the grain, by so much does the malt fall short of perfection; and in proportion as it is advanced beyond, is that purpose defeated. The American Practical Brewer and Tanner
  • Every attempt to capture an image on film or on disk will ultimately fall short.
  • He'd pounce too fast and fall short of the pigeon.
  • The theatre was all a-quiver, signori miei! though I too did not fall short, I too after him. The Torrents of Spring
  • However, they turned it up to the next level, staging a valiant comeback attempt, only to fall short, losing 6-4.
  • One or two songs on the album are interesting, but most fall short of the mark .
  • They who in their obedience attain to the greatest height which is possible in this life, are so far from being able to supererogate and to do more than God requires, as [1493] that they fall short of much which in duty they are bound to do. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • Juan Martin Del Potro to mount another title bid and it is likely to prove a stretch too far for Mardy Fish, while dangerous floaters Ernests Gulbis and Milos Raonic will fall short. Evening Standard - Home
  • It is true that most plant foods fall short in one or more of the essential amino acids.
  • One or two songs on the album are interesting, but most fall short of the mark .
  • However, they turned it up to the next level, staging a valiant comeback attempt, only to fall short, losing 6-4.
  • Weather effects like sand storms or heavy rain and snowfall shorten your units' line of sight and cut their air supply.
  • Since our human nature is fallen, and since eternal blessedness is a gift far beyond the powers and merits of every created nature, it is to be expected that most human beings fall short of achieving that goal.
  • You may continue to exceed onlookers expectations but always fall short of the boss'expectations.
  • Thus all affirmations about God fall short, and only negations about God are really true: God is invisible, ineffable, beyond our names, beyond our words.
  • It would have been rude to refuse the offer, even though the bar's whiskey would undoubtedly fall short of his usual standards.
  • One or two songs on the album are interesting, but most fall short of the mark .
  • Continue to cultivate the mind, to sharpen by exercise the genius, to attempt to delight or to instruct your race; and even supposing you fall short of every model you set before you -- supposing your name moulder with your dust, still you will have passed life more nobly than the unlaborious herd. Ernest Maltravers — Complete
  • We know we are capable of love, loyalty and friendship, however much we fall short of our own standards.
  • Francis estimates the recent dorsiferous ferns of Great Britain at thirty-five species, and the species of all the other genera at six more, -- forty-one species in all; and as the flowering plants of the country do not fall short of fourteen hundred species, the ferns bear to them the rather small proportion of about one to thirty-five; whereas of the British Coal The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed
  • Every attempt to capture an image on film or on disk will ultimately fall short.
  • He seeks consultation from experts whose paradigms are congenial to and close to his own, and their recommendations also fall short of success.
  • Again, the rep ranges are designed this way for a reason, so don't ever fall short of eight reps at this stage.
  • However, the project's organisers say they are aware that more than 12,000 Angolan teachers fall short of the minimum level. Angola is facing a teaching crisis that seems without end | Alex Duval Smith
  • Strategic ambiguity has its uses, but a policy of temporizing may eventually fall short.

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