How To Use Fall for In A Sentence

  • When you're that kind of player, it must be so fun to play against no-marks who fall for every stepover, trick, flick and shimmy.
  • And he wasn't about fall for the trap the country bumpkins at Auburn laid for him.
  • If the above seems to create an "unfair" windfall for stockholders or short term diminution of tax revenues, raise the capital gains rates. Al Checchi: Government's Travels
  • Programmers, the technologically innovative subclass of the creative, theoretically have it better: information technology remains a seller's market, with companies reporting an ongoing recruiting shortfall for IT new hires.
  • But please, please do not again fall for the blandishments of peer pressure without asking why.
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  • If you think I'd fall for your line, you've got another thing going, buster!
  • Now that global mobile phone sales have started to fall for the first time ever, producers may well have to turn predator in order to win market share.
  • I still want him to fall for me afterward - should I just wear something regular, something that shows off my figure, dress up, or go grunge?
  • The old illustrator never let his pupils fall for the pathetic fallacy, that empty barrels are lonely.
  • While it is absurd to think the public would fall for something so outlandish as to say that one of the building blocks of life is a poison, you must remember that many agreed to ban water under it's scientific name dihydrogen monoxide. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • A single gauge managed to record rainfall for 90 minutes before succumbing to waterlogging. Times, Sunday Times
  • I hesitate to think that the firm deceptively put this out just to attract potential teeny-bopper customers who would fall for it.
  • The filing caps a long fall for A & P, a prominent company that started as a New York tea and spice shop in the 1800s and grew to become the U.S. ' s first national supermarket chain with 16,000 stores by the 1930s. A
  • Orkney Islands Council has received a £3 million pound windfall for housing.
  • In spite of the awkward questions the minister never let his guard fall for a moment.
  • … Yet, so limited is the understanding of the hyperventilating chatterati about parliament, and about how parliamentary scrutiny and accountability should work that they have allowed themselves to fall for this fluff, captured as always by the hystérie du jour, following the agenda set by the MSM. Damien Green is not above the law shock! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • SCHIAVONE: That amid mounting concerns that the North American Free Trade Agreement has been a losing proposition for American workers and a windfall for transnational agriculture giants. CNN Transcript Mar 9, 2008
  • This was the first landfall for vessels sailing the ‘great circle course’ from South Africa's Cape of Good Hope to the eastern Australian colonies.
  • He was criticised by some for "dissembling"? his own word for it? and for allowing blame to fall for a time on his colleague Lesley Stahl. Daniel Schorr obituary
  • To authorize private accounts is nothing but a windfall for financial institutions, and it will remove the safety net and an ironclad government guarantee for 80% plus of the population.
  • The two schemers fall for each other but there's a lot of revenge-fuelled chicanery before love wins through.
  • There was a subtle attractiveness to her, and I think that that was the one thing that made me fall for her.
  • The Dean led DNC along with his cronies from the socialist left of the party have hijacked this nomination, but in the end they shall see that the "uneducated whites" as they are called are a lot smarter than to fall for this fiasco. Clinton takes on TV pundits at distillery stop in Kentucky
  • The natural diaster is a pure windfall for you because your cost remains $.50 while your revenue explodes. The Case for Price Gouging, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • George Bush looked great to a lot of people in 2000 and I probably would like a beer with Obama rather than Hillary, but there's too much at stake to fall for the 'cultism' of Obama. Camp Hillary: Floridians Will Be Heard!
  • Common bulbs planted in the fall for the spring are tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, muscari, crocuses and perennials such as peonies, daylilies, hostas, and coral-bells.
  • As you flex your ankle, knee, and hip, your core will fall forward.
  • Allowing EnCap to substitute 'recyclables' for dredge would mean a huge economic windfall for EnCap, less environmental benefit, and could result in criticism due to the concessions DEP made," Brand wrote. Development: A cautionary tale
  • McDonnelll will call the General Assembly back to Richmond this fall for a special session to approve his recommendations if he can build support for some of them. McDonnell names commission to reshape, shrink government
  • Or consider the scene in which the author and his wife fall for that lovely house with the big mortgage: "We picked up one corner of the rug and gasped with pleasure at the grandiloquence of the hardwood floors. A Little Learning
  • Rochelle tugged at her bedspread so it would fall forward and cover all the junk hidden under her bed.
  • Europe's largest mutual is expected to demutualise, triggering a modest windfall for policyholders, in a move that already has the industry's largest global life players keeping an eye on developments.
  • Passion defines your relationships: you either fall for someone at first sight or marry in haste.
  • Why would he fall for introverted high school juniors?
  • He jumped away from it, off the edge of a steep cliff, from which he now knew he may simply fall forever and never hit the ground.
  • I bit my bottom lip and start to wonder at what exact point I started to fall for him?
  • She was hurt because she was letting herself fall for this man who probably felt nothing stronger than lust for her.
  • Brazil is said to be interested in using the port of Walvis Bay as a landfall for exporting products to fellow Portuguese speaking country Angola.
  • But by the sixth year, the federation estimates there will be a funding shortfall for housebuilding of £1bn. New homes bonus for councils will 'worsen England's north-south divide'
  • Jane Bennet and Charles Bingley, the new lodger at Netherfield, fall for each other.
  • I'm not going to fall for his charm just to get dumped a week later.
  • A spokeswoman warned river levels are high and with further rainfall forecast there may be some flooding on low-lying land near to rivers.
  • With the collapse in world equity markets and the fall in house prices, capital gains and inheritance tax receipts will continue to fall for the foreseeable future.
  • We also dipped and dried our own prunes and figs, made raisins from seedless grapes, and dried the walnut crop in the fall for winter storage.
  • Until early this year, he had bred 600 head but low rainfall forced him to sell half his stock.
  • The boom in financial services continues to provide a windfall for the country's top legal and accountancy firms.
  • I hope the women don't fall for this again piecrust Hillary Clinton chokes up in CNN interview
  • The salesman said the car was in good condition, and I was foolish enough to fall for it.
  • He thought he might fall forever, until he hit the ground hard, ankle-deep water sloshing at his feet.
  • To deepen the stretch, slowly extend arms and round spine forward, letting the weight of the torso fall forward.
  • Ray is the sort of amoral lech we could never believe we'd ever fall for, right up until we're walking through the bedroom doors.
  • Bored to tears by her husband, a big lazy lunk of a pothead (played by the always-terrific John C. Reilly), she lets herself fall for a co-worker, a callow twenty-one year-old who calls himself Holden - guess why?
  • People in IN and NC please do not fall for this "po wo is me" attitude she is dumping. Clinton more conciliatory on final day
  • Don't cry for a man who's left you- - the next one may fall for your smile. Mae West 
  • Whether you hold a harvest hoedown or a stylish sit-down dinner party for eight, fall for outside entertaining this autumn!
  • The line of men fall forward
  • We need to possess greater wisdom than to merely fall for somebody who is obsequious, nice, polite and reasonable.
  • He than tripped me and caused me to fall forward, right on top of him.
  • The natural diaster is a pure windfall for you because your cost remains $.50 while your revenue explodes. The Case for Price Gouging, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The mean rainfall for September, across much of the country, ranges between a millimetre and some four millimetres.
  • I lied when I said I didn't like you. I lied when I said I didn't care. I lie every time I try to tell myself I will never fall for you.
  • When gas first spread along a city, mapping it forth about evenfall for the eye of observant birds, a new age had begun for sociality and corporate pleasure-seeking, and begun with proper circumstance, becoming its own birthright. Virginibus Puerisque and other papers
  • Here Britain's ftatefmen oft the fall foredoom Of foreign Tyrants, and of Nymphs at home; The Beauties of English Poesy
  • More rain fell in that week than the region's rainfall for the entire year.
  • What's the average snowfall for this region?
  • Five years of hearing the same thing over and over again and watching American sheeple fall for it over and over again is just too depressing.
  • We will continue to look closely at mergers in the brewing industry which fall for consideration under the fair trading legislation.
  • The fall for Philips and ASML weighed on the Dutch AEX index, which dropped 0.5% to 359.39.
  • If you're single, you fall for someone you once disliked, while the steadiest of long-term couples go wildly romantic. The Sun
  • Recall that/film put up an article about Lucasfilm flirting with using Digital SLR for cockpit shots in reshoots. zamarov how do people fall for the spin that reshoots are a positive thing or that they were planned reshoots are always a bad sign, it means they don't have a good film it doesn't necessarily mean the film will be bad but it doesn mean they have problems and that as it stands, it's a bad film or doesn't meet expectations Details Emerge on George Lucas Red Tails Reshoots | /Film
  • The ability, and willingness, to fall forward from your ankles while keeping your heel down is key.
  • He is too smart to fall for that trick.
  • This means that we're supposed to believe that radical Islamic terrorists are clever enough to beat American defenses and carry out a well planned, well timed attack on 9/11, but they're so dumb that they'd fall for a "mousetrap" ploy that would ensure their extinction. Here Are Some Crazy Theories for You
  • Shannon Airport in Ireland was the first European landfall for airplanes flying from North America.
  • The filing caps a long fall for A & P, a prominent company that started as a New York tea and spice shop in the 1800s and grew to become the U.S. ' s first national supermarket chain with 16,000 stores by the 1930s. A
  • The drugs of concern fall for the most part into three categories - muscle relaxants, tranquilizers, and old generation anti-depressants.
  • Don't fall for his tricks.
  • Unfortunately, the laptop didn't fall for their cunning ruse.
  • My favorite of the three is GMU's Fall for the Book, and it's not just because I'm a presenter this year let's hear it for shameless self-promotion. Alma Katsu: A Glut of Capital Area Book Festivals
  • His is too astute to fall for this and we, in the meantime, should simply be glad of his consistently high quality over every three course dinner, five choices for each course and, de rigueur these days, two classy amuse-bouches.
  • Soon global population will level off and then likely fall for a protracted period of time.
  • When you fall forward, fully conscious or not, you put out your hands to break your fall.
  • After slugging through deadfall for two hours I reached a ridge overlooking the trail.
  • The annual snowfall for this region is 30 centimetres.
  • She won't fall for such a stupid trick.
  • The senator was preparing to campaign that fall for Democratic presidential candidate George McGovern, D-S.
  • I lied when I said I didn't like you. I lied when I said I didn't care. I lie every time I try to tell myself I will never fall for you.
  • It is, therefore, particularly disappointing when politicians fall for this demagoguery. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is because of this, and despite the constant attempts by central banks to inflate the currency, that prices are continuing to fall for consumer goods.
  • Someone will probably fall for Peploe's trickery and start rhapsodizing about how inventive her interpretation is.
  • Some families would stay there only in the fall for the caribou harvest and then would move on to trap in other areas of the barren lands or portage back to Tue Nedhe.
  • how did you ever fall for a shtik like that?
  • Today a djinni would have to operate with contracts, agents and lawyers, because nobody is going to fall for the old “run your mouth, be careful what you wish for” line. DJINNI BEACH • by Michael D. Turner
  • A public offering should bring a windfall for a group of hedge funds, led by Silver Point Capital LP and Elliott Management Corp., which together invested about $350 million in Delphi debt and fended off a purchase bid by former parent, General Motors Co. and Platinum Equity. Delphi IPO Signals Auto Industry Rebound
  • Set in a college situation, the fiery hero does not fall for the glances of the heroine, right from the start to the end and, instead, prevails upon the heroine to identify her priorities right.
  • The senator was preparing to campaign that fall for Democratic presidential candidate George McGovern, D-S.
  • I moved here in March of 2001 and just missed the most significant snowfall for years by six weeks.
  • This area is a haven in the fall for all sorts of birds, including blue grosbeaks, indigo buntings and an array of sparrows.
  • The popularity of text messaging has delivered an unlikely windfall for mobile phone network operators.
  • Oh, no, Dave Skok, I won't fall for that mushmouth fly! Diner's Journal
  • Everything I knew about psychology, of human nature, indicated that they wouldn't fall for it - I'd be discovered straight away, and forever be cast into unemployable obscurity.
  • I lied when I said I didn't like you. I lied when I said I didn't care. I lie every time I try to tell myself I will never fall for you.
  • One important fall form of soil conservation is the used of windbreaks.
  • If I cld aford it, would go in spring for Bear and fall for Elk/Deer/Lopes/. A Savage Attack on Scopes
  • If handled correctly then markets may be placated and bond spreads could fall for the currency bloc's most financially troubled members and Europe's banks may see their stock prices rise.
  • In spite of the awkward questions the minister never let his guard fall for a moment.
  • The salesman said the car was in good condition, and I was foolish enough to fall for it.
  • You didn't fall for that old trick, did you?
  • They are just pretending with this fauxmance trying to get votes, and stupid people fall for it. Latest News
  • You're too intelligent to fall for his flattery.
  • It's easy to imagine why the land-lady's self-possessed daughter wouldn't fall for him and why her lonely, schoolteaching mother might.
  • How do dumb people fall for this meaningly pandoring?? Clinton draws parallel between her campaign, JFK's 1960 run
  • he has a smooth line but I didn't fall for it
  • Sad thing about this is, that even in this day and age, there are people who can read and who probably watch the news now and then who will fall for this old nag, which is even older than the Nigerian Scam aka the 419 con. Lollipop, Lollipop - The Spanish Lottery
  • The problem is once you fall for the guy with the infectious laugh or the girl that takes your breath away, you have to get them to notice you.
  • Luckily for its readers, this newspaper would never fall for such cheap tricks.
  • Maybe I just have too much time on my hands today..its either surf the net or go outside and do some yard work while its almost 90 degrees..well this is fall for you in Arizona unfortunatly... Animal Planet: Of Luck and Lucky Sweaters
  • I fall for any woman who is under 5', weighs about 100 lbs., and is blazingly intelligent.
  • The annual snowfall for this region is 30 centimetres.
  • Opponents charge that this system artificially inflates the cost of peanut products for consumers and provides a federal windfall for quota-holders.
  • School superintendent Kevin Castner has asked that the board not drop below $0.74, because that would only exacerbate the existing $1. 2M funding shortfall for the schools. County Considering Tax Rate Cut at
  • The mean rainfall for September, across much of the country, ranges between a millimetre and some four millimetres.
  • If you expect me to fall for that cockamamie story that you just told, you've clearly lost your mind!
  • It is because of this, and despite the constant attempts by central banks to inflate the currency, that prices are continuing to fall for consumer goods.
  • She grabs a pass from Sally, throws her signature head fake to see if her defender will fall for it.
  • Every time I lifted my foot to walk, my other foot stuck to the ground and caused me to fall forward.
  • He is too smart to fall for that trick.
  • Shannon Airport in Ireland was the first European landfall for airplanes flying from North America.
  • In the British press at least, there is a tradition of publishing spoof articles in as po-faced a fashion as possible on April 1st and seeing how many people fall for them.
  • Stuck in the desert, the two people from differing cultural backgrounds and with opposing personalities fall for each other.
  • What is the average annual snowfall for this state?
  • As the title suggests, Howard is a bounder through and through, pathologically compelled to lie, cheat and deceive, suckering men and women alike, all of whom fall for his suave manner and Savile Row suits.
  • Lexus claimed a record 11,000 pre-orders by late fall for its luxury hybrid SUV, the RX 400h, out in early 2005.
  • Jet Li plays the part of Han Sing, doing durance vile in the Hong Kong lockup, taking the fall for his dad, Ch'u Sing (Henry O) who lammed out of Honkers for San Francisco, the Chinese fuzz hot on his larcenous heels.
  • She won't fall for such a stupid trick.
  • What is noteworthy is that an otherwise intelligent writer, for whom I have deep respect, would fall for such a sham of a plan just because a head of state presented it to him personally.
  • But are we really expected to fall for it after just one understated budget that took some very small steps out of the mire into which the coalition partners have sunk themselves in recent years.
  • She didn't fall for any of those phony ‘help-the-homeless’ funds that the sick hedonists kept trying to sell to dupes.
  • He must have been pretty gullible to fall for that old trick.
  • Sarah is too smart to be taken in by the humble doorstep salesman, too cynical to fall for slick advertising patter.
  • A kind, loving, and caring man (as opposed to a pinhead playboy) is going to fall for your total being and not your dress size.
  • These works prospectively affect sections of the brook which are the effective outfall for your local surface water sewers.
  • If there is a tie in pinfall for a frame, the points for that frame are not awarded but carried over into the next frame, until someone breaks the tie and grabs all the points. A Little Different Tournament « Hyperpat’s HyperDay
  • What's the average snowfall for this region?
  • I lied when I said I didn't like you. I lied when I said I didn't care. I lie every time I try to tell myself I will never fall for you.
  • Besides, consumers have always been in an equilibrium with advertisers and hucksters - some gullible people will fall for anything, while others are impervious to all manipulation.
  • A loss would result in demotion to the zonal division, a big fall for a country that has won tennis 'top team prize a record 31 times but not since 1995. - Fish edges Blake for USA's No. 2 singles slot in Davis Cup tie
  • Within a few years the serac will fall forward, moving slowly with the current. Into the Heart of the Ice
  • I lied when I said I didn't like you. I lied when I said I didn't care. I lie every time I try to tell myself I will never fall for you.
  • Kina had skied big lines in the Tetons for years; on many of them, if you failed to make the right turn at the right time, you would fall for a thousand feet, pinballing between the rocky walls of the couloir until you ragdolled out the bottom. Christian Beckwith: Greening the Barrio, Part 6
  • You must have seen the soft side of her to fall for her so crazily.
  • Whakatane is the chief service town for the eastern Bay of Plenty and was the landfall for the first Maori arrivals.
  • Don't fall for the oke doke, the media trying to spin this. Schneider: South Dakota Dems want joint ticket
  • Marie - indeed, winsomeness being the only positive trait they can think of is the point I was trying to make - they want an “admirable female” character for the lead to fall for, so they need to give her “admirable qualities”, and the only one they can think of is cute/winsome/adorable pouting/etc. The problem of the Childlike Empress at SF Novelists
  • Enso should not be used as a shortcut to a long term seasonal rainfall forecast.
  • No such luck, because who would fall for a consumptive -- a catching disease as rabid as any known? THE OPEN DOOR
  • Josh Frankel · January 17th, 2007 at 3:52 am umm why do people fall for the same tricks all the time, chalutz is obviously peretz & olmert’s scapegoat. he didn’t resign until he didn’t have a choice, or until, more than likely, he negotiated a good deal in exchange for resigning and taking the heat. Timing is Everything | Jewschool
  • And that is period writing--modern females fall for suave admen, poets, and crooks with a heart of gold. Jeff Klima: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Love Scenes

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