
How To Use Fall back In A Sentence

  • I felt, in reading your unreproaching letter to her, as self-reproachful as anybody could with a great deal of innocence (in the way of the world) to fall back upon. The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1 of 2)
  • Nemours showed him at once what use to make of the army under his orders, and having enfiladed his National Guard battalions, and placed his artillery in echelons, he formed his cavalry into hollow squares on the right and left of his line, flinging out a cloud of howitzers to fall back upon the main column. Burlesques
  • Brown pelicans dive into glistening sapphire waves to grab tiny silvery fish that jump from the water then fall back with a soft plop.
  • With the unresolved limina of Gertrude's involvement only fuelling his existential crisis, trapped in a tangle of determinacy and authoritative warp, Hamlet has only his affective judgement to fall back. Modality and Hamlet
  • The gods had condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight.
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  • Cowperwood, disappointed by the outcome of his various ingratiatory efforts, decided to fall back on his old reliable method of bribery. The Titan
  • If Mr. Jones can't find a job as a teacher, he can fall back on his skill as a printer.
  • MH: Yeah, I definitely knew it would hurt, and I kind of worried that I might not have enough at the end, if I did fall back to the group, to outkick everyone. Runner\'s World Racing News
  • I think we fall back too often on our power when in fact we probably could do more by persuasion.
  • As Anna, the arty portraitist, Julia Roberts starts slowly-she's the living embodiment of a certain style of knit-browed overconcern Hollywood stars fall back on, especially when forced to act with Brits-but she gathers a serious head of steam, and by the credits has delivered a fine performance. Upmarket, Tastefully Dirty And Deeply Uninvolving
  • The gods had condemned him to ceaselessly roll a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight.
  • Much influenced by the battle of Cannae, he dwelt on the need for the left wing to fall back before the French, drawing them deeper into the trap.
  • He wiped his palm across his face, stretching the elastic skin to a point and letting it fall back into place.
  • Mademoiselle Prévost, alarmed at such a triumph, intrigued with such success that Mademoiselle de Camargo was soon forced to fall back to the position of a mere _figurante_. The International Monthly Magazine - Volume V - No II
  • She was an alien in the country with no dole to fall back on, didn't have much money.
  • Stoicism indeed seems to fall back into the materialism that I prevailed before Plato and Aristotle; but the ethical dualism which dominated the mood of the Stoic philosophers, did not in the long run tolerate the materialistic physics; it sought and found help in the metaphysical dualism of the Platonists, and at the same time reconciled itself to the popular religion by means of allegorism, that is, it formed a new theology. History of Dogma, Volume 1 (of 7)
  • The first advance of the little army of the elect reawakened their rage; they grasped their arms, and waited but their leader's signal to commence the attack, when the clear tones of Adrian's voice were heard, commanding them to fall back; with confused murmur and hurried retreat, as the wave ebbs clamorously from the sands it lately covered, our friends obeyed. III.4
  • Inflation could fall back into single figures as early as this month.
  • I have a little money in the bank to fall back on.
  • When the business failed, we had to fall back on our savings.
  • Even with ‘traditional’ flag design there are places where heraldic blazonry is unable to describe a flag precisely, and we have to fall back on other methods.
  • Hence, for the most apparent, the most clearly defined, and the best understood foundation for a nosological scheme for insanity, we are forced to fall back upon the symptomatology of the disease—the apparent mental condition, as judged from the outward manifestations. The Mad Among Us
  • When something unusual occurs, you always can fall back on CRM, solid headwork, and good airmanship.
  • Mr. Simonds can fall back a little too readily on his facility for making sculptural puns out of those little bricks, as in "Grown Walls" 2011, a pedestal-top piece in which a flower in the desert morphs outward, somewhat patly, into crumbling walls. Feats of Rock, Paint & Clay
  • The others murmur what could be approval or embarrassment, nurse their bourbons, and glumly fall back into silence.
  • This may be a groundless, purely ‘felt’ fear, like the dread of letting oneself fall back into someone's arms.
  • But if a nominee is asked about a hot-button issue like abortion or the death penalty, there is always the so-called "Ginsburg Rule" to fall back on. Analysis: Sotomayor quietly prepares for high court confirmation hearings
  • It is tempting to fall back on familiar patterns as the first holidays and milestones of your new year of "singledom" come up. Sari Eckler Cooper: Surviving Divorce: 7 Dos and Don'ts; an Addendum
  • Heading straight into the sun the bow of the ship raises its fist for another attack on a relentless swell and angry salt spray spews into the air only to fall back into the collective pit of unchallenged hyaline.
  • I don't like to fall back on what comes automatically.
  • The rockets would fall back into the forest, and any microfilament would snap. State of fear
  • When necessary, instinct is the most reliable resource you can fall back on.
  • Professor Bastian, in considering the heterogenetic phenomena of "living matter," is obliged to fall back, near the end of his great work, on "the countless myriads of living units which have been evolved (?) in the different ages of the world's history. Life: Its True Genesis
  • ‘Because of the way farming is going it is more important than ever to have something to fall back on if things go wrong,’ he said.
  • I feel that most stories set in the middle ages tend to fall back on the archaic language that makes it more difficult to understand and rather overly wordy - the great exception to this being Ella Enchanted, which is a fabulous book.
  • The bottom-shunners, the market's many bears, fall back on fundamentals.
  • It would have been very easy for the United States to fall back into its historic isolationism.
  • By treading with all his force on the end of the handle, the naked kometsuki elevates the pestle, which is then allowed to fall back by its own weight into the rice-tub. Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan First Series
  • A reader interested in this aspect would at least have the gazetteer to fall back on as a reference.
  • He is now an atheist and skeptic - although I fear he'll fall back into faith someday, given how sad he seems to find the idea of no afterlife.
  • The simplifications of headlinese eliminate all sorts of clues to structure and meaning, forcing the reader to fall back on context, background knowledge, plausibility, and the like. Language Log
  • As a world-class spoilsport and curmudgeon, I now have less and less anecdotal material to fall back on when I want to blast another society. French Twist: Meet Monsieur Nice Guy
  • What mighty men misdo, they can amend -- these are the fresh and original types on which our little poet is compelled to fall back for support and illustration to a scene so full of terrible suggestion and pathetic possibility. A Study of Shakespeare
  • But there is always rather more appetite than food in the country; -- such, at least, is the common result under the present mode of distribution: the hunger overlaps and outstretches the provision; and there was comfort in the reflection, that with the razor-fish on which to fall back, it overlapped it but by The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • If, on the contrary, you fall back into evil courses, you feel immediately some physical ail, which is a certain proof of the powerful influence of faith, not only on the soul, but on the body also? ' The Wandering Jew — Complete
  • As the different wordings were thrown back and forth, all present knew they had a long working relationship to fall back on.
  • Commercial intent queries" is not much of a fall back plan. Internet News: Fix Live Search (Please)
  • When this happens Prime Ministers can fall back on two time-worn responses: relaunches or reshuffles.
  • At times, the nightclub singer doesn't seem to like it much either, rebuffing the painter, only to fall back into her arms.
  • I must fall back upon what I said previously.
  • When all else fails, there is still civic pride to fall back on.
  • Everyday language, involving a system of logical entailment, has to fall back into a kind of stammering utterance or pure exclamation.
  • Doctors sometimes fall back on old cures.
  • People in that situation can commiserate with other parents about the difficulties, and then fall back on agreeing that ‘in the end it's all worthwhile’.
  • Although the escapement enables the hammer to fall away from the string, the damper is not allowed to fall back and damp the string until the key is released.
  • This process plays out a bit like cars on the interstate: Eventually a pack of Maseratis will pull ahead as the Pintos fall back.
  • He's got no fashion sense but now he has at least what's been called a hasting pudding award to fall back on. CNN Transcript Feb 24, 2007
  • The dopey looking 32 year old Labour maggot has little to fall back on but the life of a ligger. Archive 2007-12-09
  • The planes won't have enough lift to fly at that altitude, and they'll stall and fall back to the ground.
  • When this happens Prime Ministers can fall back on two time-worn responses: relaunches or reshuffles.
  • When we invite friends over for dinner, I tend to fall back on a menu of grilled pork tenderloin with a salad.
  • I fall backward into good, strong hands and staring up into smiling, violet eyes.
  • Steady breezes from the south accompanied by a touch of humidity mean temps only slowly fall back from the 70s into the low-to-mid 60s. Forecast: Warm & a bit showery to start week
  • When the trees are decimated in a region, a process called "desertification" tends to occur downwind because the trees are no longer there to pump groundwater back into the atmosphere to fall back to Earth as additional rainfall at some down wind location. Matthew Stein: The Perfect Storm: Six Trends Converging on Collapse
  • With a retirement income fund, actuaries would calculate how much must stay in the fund to ensure the pensioner would never need to fall back on the state.
  • Unfortunately, the 7th Armoured proved incapable of wresting Point 175 from the numerically inferior Ariete, and the South Africans debouched on to the Trigh Capuzzo seven miles further west, only to fall back after a single skirmish. Sealing Their Fate
  • Apart from a few spoiled Trustafarians, young people with large debts do not have any capital to fall back on.
  • Goldsmith, whose account of the emu is the only one I can refer to, says, "that it is covered from the back and rump with long feathers, which fall backward, and cover the anus; these feathers are grey on the back, and white on the belly. A Narrative of the Expedition to Botany-Bay
  • In fact, ‘we could be in the middle of the biggest bull market ever,’ he says, although he is braced for share prices to fall back quickly around 2009.
  • But this is to fall back upon a supposition of the "mediumistic" type, and takes no count of the cases of replies to questions which were unknown to everybody present, and brings us to the single dilemma: either there is intelligence in the human sense in the animal, or a relationship of the mediumistic type above described between the several minds concerned. Lola or, The Thought and Speech of Animals
  • Harry watched him fall back and noted that a considerable quantity of blood was coming away at the mouth.
  • Now, it's my understanding that when you ‘pass out’ you fall backwards.
  • He is now an atheist and skeptic - although I fear he'll fall back into faith someday, given how sad he seems to find the idea of no afterlife.
  • A girl would fall back, exhausted from sprinting, and I would meander my way to the front, making sure my pony tail did a swish to show that yes, I am doing better than you.
  • In general, it's fine to fall back on the age-old trick of wearing black to look taller and slimmer, says image consultant Carol Davidson of New York City, but going all black can make a dull impression and rob the face of color. Ace the School Reunion
  • Will you have to fall back on a secularist position, saying that there is no religious way of legitimating the American regime?
  • She turned to the left, and pushing open the linted, stuffed door of the portal of Saint Agnes, let it fall back heavily behind her. The Dream
  • I scrambled out of the bath with difficulty, hoping not to fall back in, whilst blowing out all the candles with quick, short puffs.
  • Where oracles once spoke with a particular type of intentionality that provided a foundational basis for truth, we now cannot fall back on such myths.
  • Once they even forced him to fall back on filial emotion.
  • Although the escapement enables the hammer to fall away from the string, the damper is not allowed to fall back and damp the string until the key is released.
  • You can always fall back on him when you are in difficulties.
  • By now she had surfaced to consciousness enough that it was too late to fall back into the deathlike chasm of rest. Nevermore
  • He has her support to fall back on when the going gets tough.
  • Finally feeling safe enough to rest his eyes, Specter let his head fall back onto his pillow and he found himself dozing off.
  • The ND30 has double the capacity of the ND20, and is fitted with a special overhead screen which allows oversize meal particles to fall back into the mill for regrinding. Chapter 7
  • As a practical lichenologist, when one species is rare or lacking in the neighbourhood, he is able to fall back on others, varying greatly in shape, colour and texture. Bramble-Bees and Others
  • But on bad days where we were all racing the clock, we could fall back on the storyboards and the shot lists and get it done.
  • In times of crisis, companies tend to fall back on their habitual patterns of behavior.
  • The aerosolization are really tiny droplets smaller than a hair but still pretty large, and they can not stay airborne for very long before they will fall back down to the ground. Jerry Cope: NASA Data Strengthens Reports of Toxic Rain on the Gulf Coast From BP Spill
  • When this happens Prime Ministers can fall back on two time-worn responses: relaunches or reshuffles.
  • The noise started Jordan and made her take a step backward onto a rattle of the baby's which made her fall backwards onto the foot of the bed.
  • Two of the hardest hours of his life later Kaerin sagged against a wall and slid to it's base, letting his head fall back against the cold stone.
  • If I lose my job, I'll have nothing to fall back on.
  • When necessary, instinct is the most reliable resource you can fall back on.
  • This is the part where art and intuition fail you, and you have to fall back on cold hard craftsmanship, bullheadedness, and grim determination. He must have tapped my telephone lines. he must have known i'm spending my time alone.
  • I fall back into my old fascination of trying to find the ideal metaphor for the United States, especially as demonstrated in our literatures.
  • Honor and I fall back into the pillows of our banquette.
  • When credit and responsibility are at issue, gatekeepers try and fall back upon supposedly stable older personas of the ‘author’ to restore some decorum.
  • She's completely homeless at least I have my parents to fall back on.
  • A human society can either fall backward or progress forward, but it cannot _progress backward_. The Arena Volume 4, No. 22, September, 1891
  • He "weaved," he "sunfished" -- with every trick known to an old outlaw he tried to throw his rider, rearing finally to fall backward and mash to a pulp a bed of Mr. Cone's choicest tulips. The Dude Wrangler
  • Being able to fall back on a coursebook in stressful periods of many teaching hours, can be quite a solace to teachers. C is for Coursebook (by Lindsay Clandfield) « An A-Z of ELT
  • She relished the extravagant fashions of bustles and waterfall backs, and flounced edges on her skirts and frillings on her boots even though these were disfigured by mud during London's frequently rainy days.
  • All too often in this book, the author is forced to fall back on her own suppositions and general guesswork.
  • So the Minister realized he was bunkered and had to fall back on his niblick -- in other words confess his error to the House. Forty Years in the British House of Commons
  • Heading straight into the sun the bow of the ship raises its fist for another attack on a relentless swell and angry salt spray spews into the air only to fall back into the collective pit of unchallenged hyaline.
  • It may nourish plants, but sun worship leaves humans with no reserves to fall back on in gloomier times. Where will you worship - beach or church? | Hephzibah Anderson
  • When necessary, instinct is the most reliable resource you can fall back on.
  • The more assimilationist you become, the more likely you are to fall back, to become indifferent, to say everything will be okay.
  • How quickly I fall back to my evil ways when I force You to drink the bitter gall of mankind's sin - instead of refreshing water that will temporarily soothe Your thirsty and battered body.
  • I know I'm gonna want somewhere to cook, wash, fall back on.
  • I believe the best they can do is to continue to fall back on anecdotal and wholly impressionistic (mostly media-guided wish-fulfilling pronouncements) which appear, on the surface to have an objective basis in fact, but which, upon careful analysis and examination, is revealed to be embarrassingly hollow, mostly ephemeral, always reversible, and based on the filmiest and softest of evidence. Is Obama's Election as the First Black President Conclusive Evidence of the Civil Rights Movement's Success?
  • I watched one bee make a bad landing, slip off, fall backwards, bounce off a branch in the stem of the flower, and land on her back on the ground.
  • After a brief rally share fall back to a new low.
  • A good many people in my own class are impatient of them, and think of them as harmless recreations; I fall back upon a few like-minded friends, with whom I can talk easily and unreservedly of such things, without being thought priggish or donnish or dilettanteish or unintelligible. At Large
  • She's completely homeless at least I have my parents to fall back on.
  • If a college player is in danger of flunking out and has nothing to fall back on, that situation is more important than dealing with a multimillionaire who is pouting because he wants a contract extension.
  • Without Rice to fall back on like a feather bed of dreams, the 49ers made the transition from specificity to diversity.
  • Heavey said that Tullow, as an upstream producer, will benefit in the short term if oil prices take longer to fall back to $22 a barrel.
  • My interest quickly wavered from the conversation at hand and with a soft yawn I let my gaze fall back onto the printed words of the book.
  • All too often in this book, the author is forced to fall back on her own suppositions and general guesswork.
  • Now it becomes more difficult for those who kept wanting to give this Feisal Abdul Rauf the benefit of the doubt to keep calling him a "moderate" without any supporting evidence, or to fall back on his self-description as a "Sufi" as if that implied some kind of Gandhian satyagraha, when Sufis can be just as determinedly bent on Jihad, that is, the "struggle" to remove all obstacles to the spread and then the dominance of Islam as any other Muslim group. FrontPage Magazine
  • He can also fall back on another $3,134,250 in unexercised stock options from previous years.
  • For several days the troopers were forced to fall back in disgrace, Pelham's guns the only things keeping us from a spectacular rout.
  • In less than a year I would reach retirement age and I had nothing to fall back on.
  • Waking up at 2: 30 without the power to fall back into slumber is disconcerting. Archive 2006-10-01
  • But my lovely husband, like a concerned family member staging an intervention, wouldn't let me fall back into my old ways.
  • I saw my mother fall backwards and hit her head on the table.
  • Where negotiation fails, they must fall back on the law.
  • Even now I find it harder to conjure up memories of Kennedy, harder to fall back under that inexplicable spell.
  • The Boers charged the hill four times, and were inspanning wagons preparatory to a retreat, when our men were forced to fall back owing to their reserve.
  • She has not seen her husband for months and knows if he comes back she will lose her benefits and fall back into the pit of poverty and hopelessness.
  • They hollaed amain to dogs and knight, and not a few advanced to succour the damsel: but the words of the knight, which were such as he had used to Nastagio, caused them to fall back, terror-stricken and lost in amazement. The Decameron, Volume II
  • When this is pointed out, many fall back to the softer empiricist idea that we know by induction that nature in fact is economical in its means.
  • She's completely homeless at least I have my parents to fall back on.
  • When the business failed, we had to fall back on our savings.
  • I have already begun to fall back into my fantasy land, my mind's safe haven.
  • There was no attempt to relate this experience to the architecture of the seven in any systematic way and Muthesius has to fall back on anecdote - to which I can add my penn'orth.
  • Thy sire is a knight; &c., &c., making us both start to our feet with a little scream and then fall back again in fits of laughter. Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • I fall back dazzled at beholding myself all rosy red, / At having, I myself, caused the sun to rise.
  • At least we can fall back on candles if the electricity fails.
  • His companion also pushed in, quickly closing the door after him and letting the bar fall back in place. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • Goldsmith, whose account of the emu is the only one I can refer to, says, “that it is covered from the back and rump with long feathers, which fall backward, and cover the anus; these feathers are grey on the back, and white on the belly.” The Expedition to Botany Bay
  • Now you fall back on calling this "guided", without saying what "guided" is supposed to mean, but simply asserting that it is different from what mechanistic, algorithmic processes can do. Aiguy's Computer
  • I shrugged in the most nonchalant way possible and crawled up onto my knees so I could fall back to sit against the wall comfortably.
  • We can fall back on more acceptable words like "telegenic" and "presence. John Feffer: Palin: Foreign Policy Cipher?
  • Indeed, that's my second working-class identifier: you have nothing to fall back on. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bluster and the buddy talk was easy to fall back into, caught up in the crosscurrent of a waning adrenaline charge and his burgeoning buzz. DEVILS IN EXILE
  • At times like this, as we grope to express our feelings, we all tend to fall back on the simplest of utterances.
  • He had bogeyed the 12th to fall back to level par and then recorded five consecutive pars to slip outside the projected top 70 as he stepped to the 18th tee. Els withstands playoff pressure to move on in FedExCup
  • Seeing as I wasn't about to fall back asleep, I slowly crawl off my bed, and throw a bathrobe on, creeping quietly out into the hall.
  • Once he made a promise of help,he would never fall back.
  • The fall back to the beast and beyond even that-to mere inanimate existence-is complete.
  • When confronted with this argument, many leftists fall back on what seems an untenable position.
  • The establishment of a national parliamentary assembly antedated the period of union with Denmark (1397-1523); for it was in 1359 that King Magnus, embarrassed by the unmanageableness of the nobility and obliged to fall back upon the support of the middle classes, summoned representatives of the towns to appear before the king along with the nobles and clergy, and thus constituted the first Swedish Riksdag. The Governments of Europe
  • With abilities unquestioned and opportunities second to none, it was nevertheless observed of him at the close of the four years 'struggle that there, at least, was a man who hadn't even mustering or recruiting service to fall back upon when "brevets" went scattering broadcast over the army, showering like the rain upon the just and the unjust. Under Fire
  • Till the bergs, before his finger, fall back ghostlike, and are gone! The Voyage of Magellan
  • Furthermore , if the starting time of operation mechanism is late, the contact will fall back seriously.
  • In times of crisis, companies tend to fall back on their habitual patterns of behavior.
  • I woke up naturally around 6am, and unable to fall back asleep and undesirous of having to speak with them, packed up my stuff and got the hell out of there. Evolver Diary Entry
  • And their continued existence, damn them, means this writer can no longer fall back on one of his favourite lines.
  • Doctors sometimes fall back on old cures.
  • When the business failed, we had to fall back on our savings.
  • Finding examples of grounded theory that reveal all its facets and stages is very difficult, and it is unsurprising that many expositions of grounded theory fall back on the original illustrations.
  • He tried hard enough, but found that the pandy forces, while they didn't make best use of their overwhelming numbers, fought better defensive actions than anyone had expected, and Havelock got a couple of black eyes before he'd gone ten miles, and had to fall back. Fiancée
  • She took her hand and with no support, purposely fell into him, causing him to fall backwards.
  • Steve's mistake was to fall back on the scientific reasoning he had honed over his career.

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