How To Use Fall asleep In A Sentence
You should take it as a compliment when I fall asleep in your company - it means I'm relaxed.
Before marriage, a man will lie awake thinking about something you said; after marriage , he'll fall asleep before you finish saying it. Helen Rowland
We would fall asleep listening to my grandparents sitting at the table playing cards or cribbage.
I tossed about all night, unable to fall asleep.
We would ride so far and so long when I was a kid, that I would fall asleep horseback and fall off.

But when you're sitting in a chair, dog-tired, and it's warm, you're going to want to fall asleep.
In fact, sleep apnoea sufferers are so zonked out that they have an alarming tendency to fall asleep at the wheel.
Times, Sunday Times
You'll fall asleep soon after you take this sedative.
He was wont to fall asleep after supper.
So as the powers that be cannot control drivers who fall asleep, drivers who fail to give way, drivers who drink, drivers who have prangs at intersections, or the sad state of our roads, they have announced a new idea.
And, moreover, as our best doings are only very pitiful shortcomings, worth little or nothing, it is just as good for us that the consciousness of our unprofitableness should be kept constantly before us, instead of the serene self-complacency of doing wonders, over which we should fall asleep, certainly neither in blessedness nor the odour of sanctity!
Selections from the Letters of Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury to Jane Welsh Carlyle
Toddlers who fall asleep on their own tend to sleep more restively.
Study: Sharing bed with toddler won't harm development
I Tweeted this earlier (I'm on Twitter @kristysf / Ish is there @Ish), but this is the kind of thing that goes through my head as I'm trying to fall asleep:
She Just Walks Around With It
The sound of the waves breaking on the shore is a fine way to fall asleep.
The question is how do you present and cover and package news in a way that doesn't make people fall asleep?
‘I live with a skating family,’ she said, ‘and I just like to relax in the pool or the hot tub or sit on the lanai and read or fall asleep.’
What would it be like to fall asleep in the protecting shelter of his arms?
You learn to wipe caked crap off of their backsides otherwise, it can become plugged up and they die, sometimes you hold them until they fall asleep in your palm, and you generally just fall in love your flock in those first few days.
Maria Rodale: 5 Crazy Things That Occur When You Raise Backyard Chickens
Lisa couldn't fall asleep so she stayed awake and studied him, praying he would find his way out of the maze of lies he'd created for himself.
I'd apologize later but all I could do was tip myself over the bed like a timbering tree and fall asleep at last.
Nobody Steps Forward
He rubbed a mixture of charcoal, calamint, water mint, and other dried herbs into his pelt to try to blot out the stench of the village, then toppled onto a pallet in one of the guest rooms to fall asleep within seconds.
My favourite way to fall asleep is with my nose in his hair.
Archive 2009-02-01
Have sex when you're awake, not just at the end of the day when it's a quick fumble before you fall asleep.
After changing the bed, I would fall asleep quickly.
I watched her struggling to stay awake and watched her fall asleep.
The afternoon wore on... and on... and on... I must not fall asleep, she told herself, resetting her watch once again.
The child nestle up to its mother and fall asleep.
Soon she would lie down in the arms of a stronger lover than Tom would ever be and fall asleep.
You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. Dr. Seuss
When you finished selling your load at a shilling a bag, you could lie down and fall asleep in the dray and the auld horse would make his own way home.
He felt achy and sore from a day's traveling, but he could not fall asleep.
Shilh14 izbil hair, plural izbel; a-slem fish, plural i-slim-en; sn to know, sen to be knowing; rmi to become tired, rumni to be tired; ttss15 to fall asleep, ttoss to sleep.
Chapter 4. Form in Language: Grammatical Processes
Of that number, 38 percent had taken longer than 80 minutes to fall asleep in the lab and 51 percent had lost substantial sleep due to nighttime awakenings.
When body temperature is beginning to fall there is a natural tendency to fall asleep.
Torn between anger and self - reproach, he could hardly fall asleep.
Having slept for half the day on Sunday, I can't fall asleep at night.
Research shows that when most of us fall asleep, the brain network that involves attention to the outside world (the working memory network consisting primarily of the lateral frontal and parietal cortices) deactivates and our default brain network (medial prefrontal and posterior cingulate cortices) takes over.
Why Daydreamers Are More Creative
I find it impossible to just fall asleep, and always have, even if I am completely exhausted, meaning I have to read or listen to the radio before my head switches off.
For those who could didn't fall asleep during Barack Obama's often somnolescent news conference after the 20 Richest Nations (aka G-20) summit in London, he provided insight into his views on capitalism, on American leadership, and on his de facto ...
I know I have to get up early, " said Mr. Wang, a local citizen, "but I simply can not fall asleep last night, and I just want to sack out in office.
You're working the streets, you go home at night, you take a hit and fall asleep in your clothes.
After changing the bed, I would fall asleep quickly.
Lately, Simon has gotten stealthier and older, so he is much more likely to come in, crawl into our bed, and fail HIS save an fall asleep.
The Light! The Light! | Live Granades
She heeded the reassurances of people who told her that it is normal and safe to fall asleep while cuddling a tiny baby.
I could not get to sleep last night, I just tossed and turned until I finally did fall asleep at about 6: 30AM.
I thrash around until I'm physically exhausted and finally fall asleep at about three in the morning.
While insomnia comes in many forms, there are people with narcolepsy who fall asleep while at work, talking or driving.
Do you fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, or do you toss and turn for hours before dropping off?
The hallucinations produced in this way are called hypnagogic (from its derivation this term is properly applied only to phenomena observed at the instant when we fall asleep, or when we are imperfectly awakened, and not to the period of most perfect repose), and they occur when the subject is not in a condition favorable to sound sleep.
Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
And then there are people like me, run-of-the-mill insomniacs who toss and turn all night, trying to fall asleep.
And I would fall asleep lying on the floor of my room with my pillow and my blanket, because he had an old honky-tonk piano that he'd play just all night long.
Moments of pleasantness elicit a desire for more, moments of unpleasantness give rise to aversion, and moments of neutrality are opportunities to fall asleep.
It has yet to install couchette carriages and, after several failed attempts to fall asleep in their seats, most people head for the on-train bar and drink the night away.
The gentle whispering of the brook and the sighs of the leaves in the trees were so soft and enchanting that it was difficult for Lysje not to curl up in a ball and fall asleep right here.
R. didn't fall asleep until after 6 a.m. and so is understandably draggy.
I forced myself to open my fingers, to relax my vigilance, to fall asleep.
During the subsequent half hour, his subjects were significantly more likely to fall asleep than at other times, clear evidence of the ultradian rhythm and the cyclical nature of our alertness and fatigue throughout the day.
Be Excellent at Anything
Sometimes when she goes home after a long shift and closes her eyes to fall asleep, she sees the spiking and trailing amperage of thought patterns.
This hollow-cheeked six-year-old clearly knows what it means to fall asleep on an empty stomach. ‘The worst thing for a father,’ says Ammar in barely a whisper ‘is to see your own children starving.'‘
The vet told us that the cat would probably convulse, loose her bowels or pee on the blanket, and make one last breath-like movement but that she wouldn't be aware of it, because she was just going to fall asleep.
Dante Requiem
There were no questions, so she launched into something about perspective drawings while we all proceeded to fall asleep.
I tossed about all night, unable to fall asleep.
Many babies drift off to sleep during a feed, but as your baby grows, you need to teach him how to fall asleep without this.
Bitterly he reflected that at least John had no conscience to prey upon him; he did not fall asleep with his brain seething with conflicting arguments, and awake with the decision as far off as ever.
The Black Moth: A Romance of the XVIII Century
A combination of tiredness and boredom caused me to fall asleep.
Torn between anger and self - reproach, he could hardly fall asleep.
I'm so dismally slumbersome that if I keep you to help me, I shall fall asleep on your hands.
Madeline Payne, the Detective's Daughter
I sit up to see myself safe through the narrow passage between Flat Island and Round Island, and fall asleep at last to the monotonous chant of so many "fathoms and no bottom," for we take soundings every five minutes or so in this reefy region.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 22. October, 1878.
I've always been a light sleeper, but years of travel mean I can pretty much fall asleep anywhere.
At long last the day ended, and I fell into bed hoping to fall asleep quickly and refrain from thinking about the ball again.
The word lullaby has been in the English language since the Middle Ages - one of several, such as rockaby and hushaby, which show how generations of mothers and caretakers have helped their children fall asleep through music.
On language and colic
If they don't fall asleep themselves, then those observing them certainly would.
When body temperature is beginning to fall there is a natural tendency to fall asleep.
The functional area of pallium director digestion also is met by excitement, often produce nightmare after fall asleep.
In fact, until Caleb lost his bottle, he slept just fine, possibly because the baba was his "cue" to stop thinking and fall asleep, and he needs a new "cue".
Archive 2007-02-01
Maybe you fall asleep in class because of uncorrected astigmatism.
GROSS: You know, the fact that it's potentially dangerous to fall asleep is pretty scary because theoretically, it's the time when you're safely tucked in your bed, and everything's quiet, and your body's in a state of relaxation, whereas you risk jumping out the window.
Spending The Night With Sleepwalker Mike Birbiglia
He's stayed at my house three times but all we've done is fall asleep while spooning each other.
Soon she would lie down in the arms of a stronger lover than Tom would ever be and fall asleep.
If they were to bless us with a little "beefcake" at one of our "Fill-in-the-blank Unlimited" dinners, I might (for once) not fall asleep in my beer half way through the auction!!!
Booth Babes
With food and water in her stomach, Calida let the urge to fall asleep take over and she fell into a dreamless, peaceful sleep.
If you're using a heating pad, for safety's sake, be careful not to fall asleep with that electric pad nestled against your ear.
Resist it, for you must be as mad as a Corybant if you fall asleep. [
The Eleven Comedies, Volume 2
The typewriter was rattling away so loudly that we could not fall asleep.
We dressed in our jammies because mom and dad knew we would fall asleep at some point.
It was scorching outside and there was no telling whether he had managed to fall asleep or not, and even if he did, there was no telling whether he would wake up.
The drug is used for narcolepsy, a condition in which people fall asleep unexpectedly during the day.
I get up muttering obscenities under my breath as I try to wake up my foot that has decided to fall asleep on me.
He was just about to fall asleep when something passed over the moon.
You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. Dr. Seuss
Maybe you fall asleep in class because of uncorrected astigmatism.
Attribution of these attacks to dopamine agonists overlooks the point that drivers who fall asleep at the wheel are careful not to allow this to happen again.
While counting, I resist the temptation to fall asleep, but eventually, I doze off.
A combination of tiredness and boredom caused me to fall asleep.
If you fall asleep while driving, you'll probably veer off the road.
I've always been a light sleeper, but years of travel mean I can pretty much fall asleep anywhere.
I carry off Madam Magloire, I enter my chamber, I pray for him and fall asleep.
So taking Benadryl is the only way I can fall asleep and stay asleep.
Mroctober: Loooong day ahead
For any other parents out there reading this, I recommend skipping the above negotiation and waiting until they fall asleep.
If you experience insomnia ( inability to fall asleep ), see a sleep specialist.
With all the heat, humidity and suffocation, no matter how hard I try to fall asleep, it remains a distant dream.
And when I can't fall asleep, I play what I call the alphabet game.
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The mask's unwieldy construction made it difficult to fall asleep.
This condition caused hypersomnolence - he'd fall asleep mid-conversation, sometimes with foreign heads of state.
Peter J Burns: McCain's Maverick Left Eye and a History of Presidential Infirmity
As she attempted to fall asleep again to dream her beautiful dreams, she heard someone breathing lightly beside her.
Just watching the artificial stream and listening to the sound of falling water is so therapeutic that it induces my mind to relax until I fall asleep.
The word lullaby has been in the English language since the Middle Ages - one of several, such as rockaby and hushaby, which show how generations of mothers and caretakers have helped their children fall asleep through music.
Archive 2010-01-01
Ah yes, the food coma - the medical excuse to fall asleep on the couch.
Camomile tea is good for a bad stomach, but also helps you to fall asleep, like a couple of drops of lavender oil on your pillow.
No, I couldn't fall asleep.
When body temperature is beginning to fall there is a natural tendency to fall asleep.
Although there was no difference in the mean obstructive apnea/hypopnea index values between the two groups, obese children had significantly shorter sleep latency times (time taken to fall asleep) than the nonobese kids (12 vs. 18 mins).
Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Is Sleep Apnea a Significant Problem in Sleepy Kids?
Torn between anger and self - reproach, he could hardly fall asleep.
Otherwise, she will get overtired, and it will take longer to fall asleep, she said.
Cry for Help: Make This Tot Sleep
His body shakes with tremors of grief, and I hold him until I fall asleep again.
If you experience insomnia ( inability to fall asleep ), see a sleep specialist.
He looked as if he could fall asleep facedown in his patty melt.
How to Flirt with A Naked Werewolf
The drug was first approved in 1998 to treat narcolepsy, an uncommon condition in which sufferers fall asleep uncontrollably during the day.
He would fall asleep on the sofa, claiming food coma, proclaiming it to be a compliment.
If I didn't get sleep soon, I could probably either pass out or fall asleep at a really bad time.
The soft music caused us to fall asleep
Today I spent my waiting time playing Bejewelled on my Xda II, trying not to fall asleep.
Little things
Lawyers weasel around it, judges fall asleep, and pretty soon you have another dramatic, tragic or more likely clownlike performance in court.
Searching For Proof Of Resistance To Rape
Struggled into work and spent the entire day trying not to fall asleep at my desk (I managed to get some shut-eye in the loos though - feigning a dicky tummy and doing my best to look pale, which wasn't too difficult).
He let himself fall asleep, the restful glade soothing him.
Many a time I have put on my spectacles to look at the lassie in church, because she has gentle blue een, wi 'long lashes; and, when she sits in shadow, and is very still and very pale, and is, happen, about to fall asleep wi' the length of the sermon and the heat of the biggin '- she is as like one of Canova's marbles as aught else.'
Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
Before marriage, a man will lie awake thinking about something you said; after marriage , he'll fall asleep before you finish saying it. Helen Rowland
Just as I lay down to fall asleep in my mellowing depression, the sun-shower stops.
Road Trip
I fall asleep almost immediately, fading into a grayness where faceless people surround me.
Not being able to fall asleep quickly causes such anxiety that their bodies are aroused to the point that sleep becomes impossible.
I let these sounds syncopate the air coming in and out of my lungs, and concentrating, like this, on the most basic block of life, I fall asleep.
Vivian Rising
It is very difficult to fall asleep in hypnosis.
I heard drool was bad for keyboards so you really shouldn't fall asleep at the computer.
Individuals suffering from this affliction consistently fall asleep in the early evening and wake in the early hours of the morning regardless of their work schedule and life's infringements.
“You can be what they call overtired and still not fall asleep,” he said.
She tried to make herself fall asleep so she could try and forget the situation she was in.
It was developed to treat narcolepsy, a rare condition that makes people fall asleep unexpectedly and uncontrollably.
Unfortunately both he and Marie fall asleep, and Haimet now spears and steals a piece of bacon from the boiling cauldron.
fall asleep
Then you get to your hotel and your adrenaline is at its zenith and you can't fall asleep.
Archive: Michael in the mirror
The boys fall asleep on the train.
He gently probed the wound at her temple and concluded that she would probably be just fine if she did not fall asleep for a few hours.
He tried to fall asleep, but a sense of uneasiness tugged at him.
Sometimes, her music-loving parents would take her to jazz clubs where she stayed up long past her bedtime, lulled by lazy solos from sandmen with a difference to finally fall asleep on her mothers knee.
Archive 2006-09-01
Well here goes another round of life in Nicaragua by Brandon … try not to fall asleep in the middle of it this time.
Round 2 Nicaragua « Brandino’s Bolivia Blog
Before marriage, a man will lie awake thinking about something you said; after marriage , he'll fall asleep before you finish saying it. Helen Rowland
You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. Dr. Seuss