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How To Use Falconer In A Sentence

  • It has leather jesses on its legs, which are used by falconers and people who take the birds out to hunt.
  • Scarcely had the feodary read, re-read, and then destroyed this secret and singular missive, when the ` ` Ho! hollo! '' of Her Grace the Princess 'outriders rang on the crisp December air, and there galloped up to the broad doorway of the manor-house, a gayly costumed train of lords and ladies, with huntsmen and falconers and yeomen following on behind. Historic girls; stories of girls who have influenced the history of their times,
  • We usually call a falconer who keeps that kind of hawk [the goshawk] an austringer. Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol. 1 A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook
  • Two golden eagles, perched on the leathered forearms of two falconers, took part in one of the most important events at the 18th annual Native American Celebration in the Park.
  • France, to many of the chief officers of the crown — as great seneschal, great master, great chamberlain, great equerry, great pantler, great huntsman, great falconer. A Philosophical Dictionary
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  • An Ayrshire school was forced to hire falconers armed with hawks to safeguard its pupils.
  • Adam and his team of falconers use predatory birds like gyrfalcons, eagles, and peregrine falcons to clear the air.
  • In Pakistan's northern uplands, it is not uncommon to find hybrids between domestic goats and the mountain goat known as "markhor" (Capra falconeri). 1 Microcattle
  • Waverley, -- my young and esteemed friend, Mr. Falconer of Balmawhapple, has craved of my age and experience, as of one not wholly unskilled in the dependencies and punctilios of the duello or monomachia, to be his interlocutor in expressing to you the regret with which he calls to remembrance certain passages of our symposion last night, which could not but be highly displeasing to you, as serving for the time under this present existing government. Waverley: or, 'Tis sixty years since
  • John Falconer, the head chef, and his Brazilian wife, Lucia, specialise in lung-expanding Brazilian home cooking such as feijoada, a creamy, smoky black bean stew, as well as a range of delicious vegetarian pies and curries.
  • The falconer is a professor of something, so both are possibilities... Godzilla, Vampires, and Moby Goshawk?
  • Of these plants, 5 out of 6 species globally threatened are not found in Nanda Devi National Park or elsewhere in Uttaranchal: Aconitum falconeri, A. balfouri, Himalayan maple Acer caesium, the blue Himalayan poppy Mecanopsis aculeate and Saussurea atkinsoni. 31 species are classified as nationally rare. Nanda Devi and Valley of Flowers National Park, India
  • There's a reason for this; becoming a licensed falconer is a two-year process, involving an apprenticeship, tests, and many other requirements. Photo Gallery: Deputy Editor Anthony Licata Goes Hunting with Hawks
  • The falconers show us their range of beautiful but fairly sinister birds - hawks, eagles, vultures etc - and then treat us to an outdoor display with a falcon.
  • The film, which is everywhere is supposed to be by by the late Felix Rodriguez y Fuentes, a Spanish naturalist and falconer, for a TV series (maybe in the seventies?) Eagle Predation
  • Blairy beasts are creeping from the night to wards the camp fire and behind dangerously glittering eyes fatty Falconer has started muttering about the lack of a vision. Burn Them With Ice
  • Quebec's falconers have the right to allow their birds of prey to soar overhead but the birds are forbidden to swoop down and nab other beasts.
  • ‘It is well’, the Saddhu whispered, jammed in the calling, shouting, bewildered press — a Persian greyhound between his feet and a cageful of yelling hawks under charge of a Rajput falconer in the small of his back. Kim
  • It's the same principal falconers use when they put a hood over a falcon's head.
  • The mews were the buildings where the hawks were kept when moulting, the word "mew" being a term used by falconers to signify to moult, or cast feathers; and the King's Mews, near Charing Cross, was the place where the royal hawks were kept. Old English Sports
  • Adam and his team of falconers use predatory birds like gyrfalcons, eagles, and peregrine falcons to clear the air.
  • The superiority of his picture over Falconer's, lies in the simplicity and strength of the style, in the ease of the narrative, in the variety of the incidents and characters, and in certain short masterly touches, now of pathos, now of infernal humour, and now of description, competent only to Byron and to The Poetical Works of Beattie, Blair, and Falconer With Lives, Critical Dissertations, and Explanatory Notes
  • Michael M. Phillips/The Wall Street Journal Mr. Graves, right, heads out to check the snare lines at Bagram Airfield with interpreter Mohammed Ashraf, left, and Mohammed Arif, an Afghan falconer and trapper. Battling Afghan Hares and Hamsters
  • They include markhor (Capra falconeri), ibex (Capra ibex), and urial (Ovis orientalis). Karakoram-West Tibetan Plateau alpine steppe
  • He explained that female birds are more often kept by falconers because they are more vicious hunters and better flyers, making them good for displays.
  • ABOUT 20 years ago I went with a fellow falconer to view an eagle's eyrie in the Perthshire Highlands.
  • The grim and loathly aspect with which the falconer had regarded Oliver The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Lord Falconer said the government remained unconvinced about the case for change so there was nothing for people to vote on.
  • These temperate coniferous forests of western Pakistan and northeastern Afghanistan support a variety of avifauna and harbor the largest remaining populations of Chiltan markhor (Capra falconeri chiltanensis). East Afghan montane conifer forests
  • 'She's a some camstairy (unmanageable) wife, that grannie o' yours, 'said Mr. Lammie, when Robert returned the shilling with Mr.. Falconer's message,' but I reckon I maun pit it i 'my pooch, for she will hae her ain gait, an' I dinna want to strive wi 'her. Robert Falconer
  • Flushing out mammals to be caught by a bird is not an offence, although a trained falconer would probably have to be on hand to supervise the procedure.
  • He had a cast of hawks himself, and expected Lord Orford's falconer on the next morning with a cast and a half more.
  • The ship held two memorial services, one at dawn in Seychelles harbour and one at sunset as the ship steamed on the journey home from distinguished service in Operations Slipper and Falconer.
  • These include Aconitum heterophyllum, A. falconeri, Arnebia benthamii, Dactylorhiza hatagirea, Gymnadenia orchides, Megacarpaea polyandra, Picrorhiza kurrooa, Podophyllum haxandrum and Taxus wallichiana. Nanda Devi and Valley of Flowers National Park, India
  • Dr. William Cornatzer, a dermatologist and falconer, saw a presentation about the potential dangers of lead at a board meeting of the Peregrine Fund, a group devoted to conserving birds of prey. Lead Ammuntion in the news again
  • I've heard falconers say that a goshawk is like a loaded gun: you know it will go off but you don't know when. Country diary: Wenlock Edge
  • He has succeeding in "seeling" his moral vision — sewing his eyelids shut, as falconers did to tame their jittery birds — so that even the most spectacular signs and wonders leave him indifferent. In the Night Kitchen
  • Mr. Graves's assistant is a bearded Afghan falconer, 49-year-old Mohammed Arif, who was a mujahedeen fighter in the 1980s when Bagram was a Soviet base. In Afghanistan, the War on Jirds Is Actually Going Pretty Well
  • They preferred to go out generally without the falconer, a Dutchman, who had been taken into the service of Sir Nicholas thirty years before when things had been more prosperous; it was less embarrassing so; but they would have a lad to carry the "cadge," and a pony following them to carry the game. By What Authority?
  • Obedient to his master’s mandate, the falconer was collecting his discouraged followers, and whispering into their ears — “Away, away — tace is Latin for a candle — never mind the good The Abbot
  • To illustrate the post you may have noticed that I likes me some pitchurs a falconer with bird and sighthound: Just give it a couple years…
  • Nymphaea William Falconer, a medium grower, would be a better choice for the average pond.
  • Scarcely had the feodary read, re-read, and then destroyed this secret and singular missive, when the "Ho! hollo!" of Her Grace the Princess 'outriders rang on the crisp December air, and there galloped up to the broad doorway of the manor-house, a gayly costumed train of lords and ladies, with huntsmen and falconers and yeomen following on behind. Historic Girls
  • Professor Benfey, followed by Mr. Keith Falconer, discovers between the Æsopic and the Hindu apologue: — “In the former animals are allowed to act as animals: the latter makes them act as men in the form of animals.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The falconer says he has been warned he could be arrested for trespassing if he tries to get her.
  • Nymphaea William Falconer, a medium grower, would be a better choice for the average pond.
  • As the fisherman approaches, the falconer's spaniels look enquiringly at each other, and his whippet, all four paws at attention, stares respectfully at such an admirable salmon.
  • We were watching Annie, another centre falconer, luring a young lanner through a pattern of stoops and dives after a pair of meat-garnished, dried wings swung on a long cord.
  • The Government has decided the nature of service for Operation Falconer is warlike for the purpose of conditions of service entitlements.
  • He is a great falconer, and has promised to fly his hawks on Friday for my amusement.
  • Lord Falconer, a previous lord chancellor, proposes an amendment with a different twist.
  • Nancy has offered me a choice: of the dozen or so birds of prey she and her falconer husband keep on their rural New Hampshire property, I could work with Jazz or with Emma, the lanner falcon. Birdology
  • The falconers show us their range of beautiful but fairly sinister birds - hawks, eagles, vultures etc - and then treat us to an outdoor display with a falcon.
  • We usually call a falconer who keeps that kind of hawk [the goshawk] an austringer. Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol. 1 A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook
  • Later the traction engines retreated to their corner of the showground and a falconer displayed his birds in the show ring. Country diary: Wensleydale
  • Waverley -- my young and esteemed friend, Mr. Falconer of Balmawhapple, has craved of my age and experience, as of one not wholly unskilled in the dependencies and punctilios of the duello or monomachia, to be his interlocutor in expressing to you the regret with which he calls to remembrance certain passages of our symposion last night, which could not but be highly displeasing to you, as serving for the time under this present existing government. Waverley
  • Ferreters love their animals with the severe military love that attaches the falconer to his bird and the huntsman to his hounds.
  • With the first morning light the men-at-arms mounted their horses and rode toward Doncaster, Richard Wood rode north to seek his needed men-at-arms from Hubert le Falconer, and only Walter Skinner was left horseless and breakfastless in the vale. A Boy's Ride
  • Sometimes they will bring in a falconer with a live falcon and scare the birds away.
  • And he wad aye mak an honest baubee whan he cud; for siller was fell scarce at that time o 'day amo' the Falconers. Robert Falconer
  • As an added bonus, I realised, new falconers get to learn a vocabulary of Medieval English for free.
  • It seemed to me that he displayed her on his arm as a falconer might hold aloft a. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • The ruins of the SS falconer's cottage and the commandant's schloss were cluttered with vegetation, looking almost picturesque.
  • Reader, falconer, and birder Stacia Novy, in the military in Honduras, sent a photo of herself with the central tail feathers of a motmot that she picked up. Wondrous Feathers
  • ‘This is rubbish,’ the Guardian thunders, ‘as Lord Falconer must know perfectly well.’
  • Falconer, who is preparing to pilot his constitutional reform bill through parliament, has committed himself to deciding on a site by the summer.
  • The falcon is taught to hop, then flutter, and finally fly the length of the creance to the falconer for food.
  • But against the opinion of more thinking men, who considered Sir Philip Forester as having thrown himself out of the rank of men of honour, Captain Falconer admitted him to the privilege of such, accepted a challenge from him, and in the rencounter received a mortal wound. My Aunt Margaret's Mirror
  • Of these plants, 5 out of 6 species globally threatened are not found in Nanda Devi National Park or elsewhere in Uttaranchal: Aconitum falconeri, A. balfouri, Himalayan maple Acer caesium, the blue Himalayan poppy Mecanopsis aculeate and Saussurea atkinsoni. 31 species are classified as nationally rare. Nanda Devi and Valley of Flowers National Park, India

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