
How To Use Falco In A Sentence

  • You think Spielberg would only have a rattletrap third-rate spaceship like the Millennium Falcon to ensure his survival? Does George Lucas think the world will end in 2012?
  • The Falcons' first miscue of the night is a missed field goal by Feely, but I imagine it won't matter much.
  • Large and small white egrets, spoonbills, black cranes and the very rare lanner falcons are permanent inhabitants of the near-by, strictly protected bird reserve.
  • This place was afterwards enlarged, and converted into stables for horses; but the old name remained, and now most stables in London are called mews, although the word is derived from falconry, and the hawks have long since flown away. Old English Sports
  • It seemed to me that he displayed her on his arm as a falconer might hold aloft a. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
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  • Nancy has offered me a choice: of the dozen or so birds of prey she and her falconer husband keep on their rural New Hampshire property, I could work with Jazz or with Emma, the lanner falcon. Birdology
  • Nor does falconry soar towards the empyrean and scud in the firmament to demonstrate His almightiness.
  • With the coming spring warming the earth, peregrine falcons are now starting to lay their eggs on remote cliff tops around Scotland.
  • Lord Falconer, a previous lord chancellor, proposes an amendment with a different twist.
  • Also, a few years later we rescued a white shitzu who looked EXACTLY like Falcor, so that's what we named him! Sweet Reading Sweets
  • Silk C depicts addorsed and regardant falcons with beading separating bodies from tails.
  • a cold steel, Laredo bowie, a flint knapping kit with a large novaculite biface and a trained peregrine falcon If you were dropped out of a helicopter in the center of Alaska and could only bring three items besides clothing what would the
  • A small piece, such as in that day was employed for the defence of castles, called a falconet, was elevated above the canoes, so that the shot, passing over the heads of their inmates, might take effect upon the woods along the shore. The Wigwam and the Cabin. By the Author of "The Yemassee," "Guy Rivers," &c. Second Series
  • The museum has a Saudi sculpture of a falcon on a perch, of inestimable value and stunning vulgarity, made from gold, quartz, rubies, emeralds, sapphires and 1,210 diamonds.
  • At this point she could have used the falcon as an ordinary body of light to scry on the etheric or lower reaches of the astral. A TIME OF WAR
  • Falco's hooker-girlfriend wants enough money to send her son to a decent school; the john whom Falco sets her up with only wants a "chuckle" - a moment of sexual fun to help him forget who he is. Eurozine articles
  • He hated waste and ostentatious consumption, and the car he developed at Ford, the Falcon, reflected his twin commitments to economy and safety.
  • He is a great falconer, and has promised to fly his hawks on Friday for my amusement.
  • The Government has decided the nature of service for Operation Falconer is warlike for the purpose of conditions of service entitlements.
  • Music was supplied by Woodfalls Junior Band and there were dancing displays by the New Forest School of Dancing, falcons, vintage and veteran vehicles, stalls, sideshows and various competitions.
  • My brother is into birds of prey - mostly eagles and falcons.
  • By the final chapter, you realise you've been reading a crazy rewrite of The Maltese Falcon.
  • The Chargers also landed wide receiver/kick returner Tim Dwight as part of their deal with the Falcons.
  • This spring, we've watched as the mother falcon warmed her eggs and saw the falcon chicks right after they hatched.
  • Stella, raised in captivity and used to humans - who Jenny says she thinks are falcons - isn't part of the release program but serves as one wof the fund's goodwill ambassadors. Eastern Echo BETA
  • The assumptions that our estimates of the proportion of eyries associated with geese and the proportion of geese that nested with falcons are unbiased can be confirmed only by data collected from other areas.
  • We were watching Annie, another centre falconer, luring a young lanner through a pattern of stoops and dives after a pair of meat-garnished, dried wings swung on a long cord.
  • On the forward slopes of this mountain, towards Monfalcone, terrible and bloody battles had been fought.
  • [Footnote 4: A gerfalcon is a large falcon of Northern Europe.] "Oft to his frozen lair Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 5
  • We hire a peregrine falcon to keep them off our pitch. The Sun
  • The area supports a number of species locally threatened or at their biogeographic limits, including golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos, prairie falcon Falco mexicanus, ferruginous hawk Buteo regalis, loggerhead shrike Lanius ludovicianus, merlin Falco columbarius, Brewers sparrow Spizella breweri and grasshopper sparrow Ammodramus savannarum. Dinosaur Provincial Park, Canada
  • Since 2011, the spire of the cathedral has been a nesting site for peregrine falcons and there was much excitement last month as four chicks were hatched. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you're lucky, you can sight one of the smaller numbers of red-shoulder hawks, red-tail hawks and the elusive, endangered Peregrine Falcon.
  • The current money is on Edward de Vere, the Earl of Oxford, who had the acceptable aristocratic and educational pedigree for the job -- presuming, that is, that you must practice falconry in order to write about it. Who wrote Shakespeare? Author James Shapiro offers an answer.
  • They don't use pesticides, so there are peregrine falcons. Times, Sunday Times
  • This mismatch, he says, militates against the Hockney-Falco claim that the painter relied on optical aids.
  • As the fisherman approaches, the falconer's spaniels look enquiringly at each other, and his whippet, all four paws at attention, stares respectfully at such an admirable salmon.
  • W cygnine swan W anatine duck 1862-1893 dacelonine kingfisher W OOsW didine dodo 1885 OW avine bird 1881 OW falconine falcon OW buteonine buzzard fringilline finch 1874 - VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 1
  • The Discovery benefits from its romantic association with Captain Robert Falcon Scott and is fully rigged unlike its ugly sister.
  • Nymphaea William Falconer, a medium grower, would be a better choice for the average pond.
  • And so it came to pass that daily thereafter did we practise for an hour or so in the armoury with sword and buckler, and with every lesson my proficiency with the iron grew in a manner that Falcone termed prodigious, swearing that I was born to the sword, that the knack of it was in the very blood of me. The Strolling Saint; being the confessions of the high and mighty Agostino D'Anguissola, tyrant of Mondolfo and Lord of Carmina in the state of Piacenza
  • Are we looking at something kept immaculate like the USS Enterprise, something a bit grungier like the Millennium Falcon, or something else entirely? Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » The Five Page Challenge!
  • To travel through the world it is necessary to have the mouth of hog, the legs of a stag, the eyes of a falcon, the ears of an ass, shoulders of a camel, and the face of an ape, and overplus, a satchel full of money and patience. 
  • The Sequoia F. 8L Falco is a lightweight 2-seater aerobatic aircraft, sold in kit or plans form for self-assembly by the Sequoia Aircraft Company of Richmond, Virginia. Beautifull planes | My[confined]Space
  • Peregrine falcons usually pluck the feathers and strip the flesh off their bird prey.
  • Yo! supercharger camry Coin collector album fun for me moloko bow chevy chrome tie buz luhrmann Dutch door plans crawford williams company furniture national stonewood center downey montefalco italy Election Central Sunday Roundup
  • There is a falcon hood - the brown leather dome, crowned with a tuft of feathers, is brittle like a little skull - and an envelope contains a watch.
  • Other birds include: the endemic Seychelles bulbul Hypsipetes crassirostris, blue pigeon Alectroenas pulcherrima, Seychelles sunbird Nectarinia dussamieri, Seychelles kestrel Falco araea and an endemic cave-nesting swiftlet Collocalia francica elaphra. Vallée de Mai Nature Reserve, Seychelles
  • I've heard falconers say that a goshawk is like a loaded gun: you know it will go off but you don't know when. Country diary: Wenlock Edge
  • Professor Benfey, followed by Mr. Keith Falconer, discovers between the Æsopic and the Hindu apologue: — “In the former animals are allowed to act as animals: the latter makes them act as men in the form of animals.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • They were both silent for a long while, Nefer containing himself, although his disappointment at the loss of the falcon was a torment as intense as if he had thrust his hand into flames. Warlock
  • During the breeding season, Prairie Falcons inhabit dry, open areas with cliffs and bluffs for nesting.
  • The court heard that Hopkins, who has kept and bred falcons for 22 years, bought the goshawk after meeting a man at a falconry event.
  • To travel through the world it is necessary to have the mouth of hog, the legs of a stag, the eyes of a falcon, the ears of an ass, shoulders of a camel, and the face of an ape, and overplus, a satchel full of money and patience. 
  • He had taken with him for his amusement a favorite gerfalcon of the queen. The Alhambra
  • Interesting marsh birds found in the reclaimed areas include egrets Egretta alba, E. garzetta and E. intermedia, purple heron Ardea purpurea (a rare vagrant from Africa) and green-backed heron Butorides striatus, while birds of prey include osprey Pandion haliaetus, Pallas's sea-eagle Haliaeetus leucoryphus (R), white-bellied sea-eagle H. leucogaster, grey-headed fishing eagle Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus, peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus, Oriential hobby F. severus, northern eagle owl Bubo bubo and brown fish owl Ketupa zeylonensis. Sundarbans National Park, India
  • Mallards, ring-necked ducks, killdeer, marbled godwits, and peregrine falcons settle in for the fall.
  • The tribes like to falcon in the desert
  • Banded dotterel Charadrius bicinctus and New Zealand falcon Falco novaezeelandiaeare also present. Tongariro National Park, New Zealand
  • For the Falcons, C Roman Fortin is out with an ankle injury.
  • The true falcons range in size from the tiny falconets and pygmy falcons to the Gyrfalcon. The falconets feed mainly on insects.
  • Their later actions, in the guise of Black Riders, luring Falconsbane into thinking that he was being "courted" by another Adept, only confirmed that. Widows and Orphans
  • It was at one time the main commercial port for lynx and sable furs, beeswax, timber, grain, hunting falcons, and walrus ivory.
  • Scarcely had the feodary read, re-read, and then destroyed this secret and singular missive, when the "Ho! hollo!" of Her Grace the Princess 'outriders rang on the crisp December air, and there galloped up to the broad doorway of the manor-house, a gayly costumed train of lords and ladies, with huntsmen and falconers and yeomen following on behind. Historic Girls
  • Were there any truth in the tale as regards the mongoos, it would be difficult to understand, why other creatures, such as the secretary bird and the falcon, which equally destroy serpents, should be left defenceless, and the ichneumon alone provided with a prophylactic. Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History, Antiquities and Productions, Volume 1 (of 2)
  • Falconry enthusiasts wanting to delve even deeper into the subject can sign up for a course of either one, two or five days.
  • Nymphaea William Falconer, a medium grower, would be a better choice for the average pond.
  • Accipiters have rounded wings, whereas falcons have pointed ones.
  • Other species, such as little bustard (Otis tetrax), peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), and squacco heron (Ardeola ralloides) use it as breeding grounds. Caspian Hyrcanian mixed forests
  • Like its General Motors rival, the Commodore, the 4.0 L Falcon retains rear wheel drive.
  • Apparently my brain—or the part of it I now refer to as my prefrontal Spitzer lobe—finds the sight of Edie Falco somewhat exciting. 20 « July « 2008 « Niqnaq
  • Crew members contacted Shetland coastguards to alert them and the trawler's sister vessel, the MFV Falcon was called to assist.
  • To illustrate the post you may have noticed that I likes me some pitchurs a falconer with bird and sighthound: Just give it a couple years…
  • And there are more raptors about: falcons, peregrines, sparrowhawks.
  • Ince flies a mature tiercel male peregrine successfully at snipe, dove and quail, some of the toughest quarries any trained falcon catches. Archive 2006-02-01
  • Obedient to his master’s mandate, the falconer was collecting his discouraged followers, and whispering into their ears — “Away, away — tace is Latin for a candle — never mind the good The Abbot
  • This kind of hunting, in which the falcons are trained to attack much larger birds, is one reason bustards are threatened throughout much of their range.
  • They preferred to go out generally without the falconer, a Dutchman, who had been taken into the service of Sir Nicholas thirty years before when things had been more prosperous; it was less embarrassing so; but they would have a lad to carry the "cadge," and a pony following them to carry the game. By What Authority?
  • The kestrel is a small raptor in the falcon family. Crow Pursuing Kestrel
  • Both come under attack from golden eagles and peregrine falcons. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Graves's assistant is a bearded Afghan falconer, 49-year-old Mohammed Arif, who was a mujahedeen fighter in the 1980s when Bagram was a Soviet base. In Afghanistan, the War on Jirds Is Actually Going Pretty Well
  • Edie Falco plays Marly, a hard-drinking late-thirtysomething woman, working at her dad's motel and diner, hassled by her good-for-nothing ex-husband and pining for a way out of there.
  • (The auto industry has done this since time out of mind: my beloved 1965 Mustang was a 1964 Ford Falcon with new sheet metal, but underneath -- right down to the instrument panel -- it was your grandma's Sunday-go-to-meeting econobox.) September 2006
  • Bear and Tiger became my friend but falcon was still sore at me for nearly killing him the first time we meet in the master's house.
  • Although this is desert, there is an incredible diversity of bird life along the river and in other areas of the park - mourning doves, American kestrel falcons, nighthawks and brown thrashers are just a few of the birds that call it home.
  • Similarly shaped raptors, such as peregrine falcons and goshawks, are adept at the agile pursuit and rapid capture of birds in flight.
  • In the summer of 1974, my brother John spent the summer with three students from Aberdeen University, studying the breeding biology of falcons and shearwaters on the uninhabited island of Dragonada, off the north-eastern coast of Crete. Family life
  • I don't think there's any question that moving the umpire is causing that number to go up," Atlanta Falcons President Rich McKay, co-chairman of the NFL's competition committee, told Maske. NFL Week 5 Live: Holding penalties rise over first quarter of season
  • He has succeeding in "seeling" his moral vision — sewing his eyelids shut, as falconers did to tame their jittery birds — so that even the most spectacular signs and wonders leave him indifferent. In the Night Kitchen
  • To travel through the world it is necessary to have the mouth of hog, the legs of a stag, the eyes of a falcon, the ears of an ass, shoulders of a camel, and the face of an ape, and overplus, a satchel full of money and patience. 
  • This also needs to work because the Falcons' defense, though improved from last year, still isn't good enough to overwhelm opponents.
  • The release of white tailed eagle, Harris hawk and lanner falcon would be an offence under Section 14 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 unless licensed.
  • How _vivo_ affected aiming is easily seen: with its bore level, a 4-pounder falconet ranged 250 paces. Artillery Through the Ages A Short Illustrated History of Cannon, Emphasizing Types Used in America
  • Over time, songbirds like the robin and other prized avians, including bald eagles and peregrine falcons, ingested enough contaminated prey that they died of DDT poisoning.
  • A Seal of Prince JOHN OF GHENT, which has two falcons and padlocks, is one of the most beautiful and suggestive works of its class: in this Seal the two birds are addorsed, and consequently they also have their backs turned towards the central achievement. The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • As my falcon stoopt upon him, and gript and held him fast. The Falconer of God
  • The ancient, highly ritualized practice of falconry provided another source of positive associations for birds of prey.
  • Other attractions will include a live display by a horse whisperer, a dog race, and two displays by the Thorpe Perrow falcons.
  • The main aim of the business is to breed and sell falcons and hawks, with ‘experience’ days for groups of two to six people involving about four cars a day.
  • There was a staggering number of helmet-to-helmet hits, particularly in the 1 p.m. games, and one of the scariest was the collision between DeSean Jackson of the Eagles and Dunta Robinson of the Falcons. NFL's former director of officiating calls for action after day of helmet-to-helmet hits
  • For their pleasure and sport Guivret caused to be taken with them rich falcons, both young and moulted, many a tercel and sparrow-hawk, and many a setter and greyhound. Four Arthurian Romances
  • I've got this extremely realistic peregrine falcon and most birds are meant to be terrified of it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Got a few lifers for my bird list too, including greater and lesser frigate birds, sooty falcon and olive bee-eater.
  • Just begging to be used as a hero's name :- The "Wester" element looks recognisably Old English, but the "falcon" or "falca" bit looks to me like it could derive from Latin 'falco', which is where we get the modern English 'falcon' but via Middle English and Old French. Aelle of Deira
  • Cosworth, which manufactures power units for several cars on the F1 grid, are making one of their CA2010 engines available just to drive the Falcon's oxidiser pump. BBC News - Home
  • ‘That was my first lesson in just how tough and dirty national politics can be,’ she chortled over a cup of coffee at the Falcon Manor Hotel.
  • They're subject to a lot of pressures from predators, aerial predators such as falcons, sea eagles, and they need to have a clear line of sight to an area of escape for them, and also so they can see predators in advance.
  • Migration peaks end of April/first of May with tens of thousands of birds: red knots, least and western sandpipers, sanderlings, dunlins, short-billed dowitchers, black-bellied and semipalmated plovers, greater yellowlegs - all doing their best to avoid hunting Peregrine falcons and merlins. The Seattle Times
  • He was hard at work as we approached in trying the lock of a falconet; but perceiving us, he came forward and saluted us with much kindliness. Micah Clarke His Statement as made to his three grandchildren Joseph, Gervas and Reuben During the Hard Winter of 1734
  • He bonked over the next ascent, losing more than a minute, and the overall leader's mantle, to The Falcon.
  • The only confirmed predators of treeswifts are Asian falconets, although there are almost certainly additional predators (snakes, for example, are likely predators).
  • The falconer says he has been warned he could be arrested for trespassing if he tries to get her.
  • His Millennium Falcon was stationed on Hoth's Echo Base during the Imperial attack there.
  • Every one of these birds, for instance, might be called falco in Latin, hawk in English, some word being added to distinguish the genus, which should describe its principal aspect or habit. Love's Meinie Three Lectures on Greek and English Birds
  • The birders say that the falcon reappearance is strong argument against trying to control the pigeon population with birth control-laced grain. Veniceblog:
  • Her eyes challenged me, potent, like a peregrine falcon's, but the beguiling scent of turps and linseed oil drew me to her canvas.
  • The country sports area alongside the lake will include hunting, shooting, fishing and gun dog scurry together with falconry and ferrets and a live smithing competition each day.
  • He admitted using two e-mail addresses, falcongirl507@yahoo. com and li_dao05@yahoo. com, as well as the alias Cami, all "to advise, encourage and create suicide pacts, typically via hanging, with persons on Internet The Globe and Mail - Technology RSS feed
  • During tracking sessions, notes were made on whether the falcons were gliding in circles or in a straight flight path.
  • The Web site of the U.S. consul general in Matamoros warns Americans to exercise extreme caution while on Falcon Lake, which is - these days - heavily patrolled by Border Patrol boats. Mexican Border Lake Shooting Still Awash In Mystery
  • The farm is also home to blue-winged teals, coots, grebes, and an occasional osprey or peregrine falcon.
  • Of these plants, 5 out of 6 species globally threatened are not found in Nanda Devi National Park or elsewhere in Uttaranchal: Aconitum falconeri, A. balfouri, Himalayan maple Acer caesium, the blue Himalayan poppy Mecanopsis aculeate and Saussurea atkinsoni. 31 species are classified as nationally rare. Nanda Devi and Valley of Flowers National Park, India
  • The region was famed in the 1970s for its raptor population, with four vulture species, lammergeier Gypaetus barbatus, black Aegypius monachus, Griffon Gyps fulvus and Egyptian Neophron peranopterus; four eagle species, golden Aquila chrysaetos, short-toed Circaetus gallicus, booted Hieraeetus pennatus and Bonelli's Hieraeetus fasciatus and breeding lanner falcons Falco biarmicus. Meteora Group of Monasteries, Greece
  • It features free-flying displays and an opportunity for people to see at close hand some 30 different birds of prey, including eagles, buzzards and falcons.
  • The “creance” is the long, light cord for tethering a falcon in training. Birdology
  • The U.S. Marine Corps also will deploy Falcon III AN/VRC-110 radios to begin the transition and replacement of legacy SINCGARS radios.
  • The research team, led by Andrea di Falco of the University of St. Andrews, made the novel material using an elaborate technique based on a commercially available polymer and a silicon support.
  • English colonists gave their artillery colorful names, such as falcon, saker, demiculverin, and culverin, to name a few.
  • In its heyday, the Falcon GT was reckoned to be the fastest four-door sedan in the world.
  • The dolomitanus form is similar to falcozi, but it has the pronotal shape of lowland. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Many people have flown lanner falcons, but few have had good results taking game with them.
  • Fascinating fact about falconry: you send a hawk away on your forehand and you bring him back to your wrist with your backhand. Times, Sunday Times
  • She'd already penned a scroll to Jecks, outlining the events of the weeks since she'd left Falcor and asking him for a report from Dythya on the progress of liedgeld payments from various lords. Darksong Rising
  • I hadn't had time to ponder on what my taster of a Bird Experience Day at Leighton Hall's falconry would involve.
  • /catafalco/, whilst from ceiling to floor the walls were hung with black drapery. The Three Cities Trilogy: Rome, Volume 5
  • On the other side of the village is the Exmoor Falconry and Animal Farm, which not only keeps birds of prey and Shetland ponies but also has meerkats, a couple of kookaburras, and a llama.
  • Fall, of course, is the best time to see migrants: peregrine falcons, merlins, and flocks of tree swallows at Assateague; northern gannets just offshore; and plenty of Canadian and snow geese soaring above.
  • But against the opinion of more thinking men, who considered Sir Philip Forester as having thrown himself out of the rank of men of honour, Captain Falconer admitted him to the privilege of such, accepted a challenge from him, and in the rencounter received a mortal wound. My Aunt Margaret's Mirror
  • Sculptures of Falcon and Rattlesnake adorned the ends of the soaring ridgepole, as if to threaten the Sky World itself. Fire The Sky
  • And if so be that he be a wedded man, that his wife shall have the degree, and a coronal of gold beset with stones of virtue to the value of a thousand pound, and a white gerfalcon. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • American kestrels, smallest of North America's falcons, migrate at about the same time as the jays and flickers.
  • Because the Falcons are so adept at sacking quarterbacks, Young is not taking this 1-5 team lightly.
  • Apparently my brain — or the part of it I now refer to as my prefrontal Spitzer lobe — finds the sight of Edie Falco somewhat exciting. Re-Thinking Jeffrey Goldberg
  • The new facility boasts more than 50 birds of prey, ranging from large eagles and incredibly fast falcons to hawks and owls.
  • In other fine raptorial news, the falcons are also back on the Traveler's Tower in Hartford, and they have three eggs. Never make a promise or plan. take a little love where you can.
  • Mason told her what birds ' pictures sold the best to magazines and stock agencies: eagles, hawks, owls, falcons, osprey, and kestrels. FLIGHT LESSONS
  • Those averse to horses or not yet inclined to pick up a rod or gun could try their hand at zorbing or quad-biking, still be down-with-the-countryside with ferrets and falcons, see artists at work, and be extremely well-fed and watered in the aisles of the food show. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Unlike most hawks, falcons do not build nests (though caracaras do).
  • The U.S. Marine Corps also will deploy Falcon III AN/VRC-110 radios to begin the transition and replacement of legacy SINCGARS radios.
  • •Atlanta Falcons: They seem set on the outside with last year's first-rounder, Jamaal Anderson, and John Abraham, though Abraham's durability is always an issue. D-linemen may prove strongest crop in NFL draft
  • Instead of serving hot dogs to the media at half-time of Falcons games, I would serve ahi tuna steaks, medium well, flown in from Hawaii the day before the game.
  • The falcon is taught to hop, then flutter, and finally fly the length of the creance to the falconer for food.
  • In May, start-up FalconStor Software Inc reworked its virtualization software to allow users to access replication functions without actually virtualizing their data.
  • Edie Falco plays Marly, a hard-drinking late-thirtysomething woman, working at her dad's motel and diner, hassled by her good-for-nothing ex-husband and pining for a way out of there.
  • To travel through the world it is necessary to have the mouth of hog, the legs of a stag, the eyes of a falcon, the ears of an ass, shoulders of a camel, and the face of an ape, and overplus, a satchel full of money and patience. 
  • In this area you may see the brown creeper, tomtit, robin, bellbird, rifleman, wood pigeon, falcon and kea.
  • You won't need to be patient if you're looking for Peregrine Falcon chicks.
  • This is a spectacular building full of halls and passageways with walls covered in colourful friezes and hieroglyphics, while brooding granite statues of falcons guard the entrance doors.
  • Falcons have three wins from four games. The Sun
  • Higher up, grasslands are home to burrowing owls, chukars, and peregrine and prairie falcons.
  • Birds of prey include kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus), and steppe eagle (Aquila rapax). Alai-Western Tian Shan steppe
  • The wolf hunts in packs, without the single-mindedness of the falcon, but still with a predator's instincts.
  • The country sports area alongside the lake will include hunting, shooting, fishing and gun dog scurry together with falconry and ferrets and a live smithing competition each day.
  • They include pine marten, wildcat, stoat and weasel as well as golden eagles, merlin, peregrine falcon, golden plover and in time black grouse and capercaillie.
  • The farm is also home to blue-winged teals, coots, grebes, and an occasional osprey or peregrine falcon.
  • At 4 p.m., the falcon was back, sitting in my pear tree.
  • The rain is over, the Falcons are dying on the tube, the sun is staging a comeback.
  • We didn't catch that fish, or any fish, but we had a great day with kingfishers, peregrine falcons and buzzards for company.
  • There are thought to be about a million lanner falcons in the world and they are common through much of southern Europe, the Middle East, south-west Asia and Africa.
  • You sometimes get peregrine falcons up here too, which is another thing that makes it special. Times, Sunday Times
  • Falcons 'hopes thaw for back-to-back winning seasons was the previous entry in this blog. Merry Christmas, Yanks: Braves gift-wrap Vazquez for Cabrera - sports
  • This isn't the follow-up to Chin Up Chin Up's promising debut, but a reprint of their first EP with the addition of two remixes, an acoustic version of ‘Falcons and Vulcans’, and a video.
  • It is Britain's leading hatchery for the export of hunting hawks and falcons and the chicks it sends to clients in Africa, India and the United States are valued at thousands of pounds.
  • Ranging from creamy pink to pale yellow, peregrine falcon and gyrfalcon eggs are slightly smaller than chicken's eggs, but many times more valuable.
  • And there had even been an earlier sign, at Falconsbane's battle and subsequent escape from the ruins where the gryphons laired. Widows and Orphans
  • That supremely ugly structure of the hospital is home to a pair of peregrine falcons. Times, Sunday Times
  • A peregrine falcon and a merlin swoop overhead, and the canyon soon curves to the left.
  • Falconer, who is preparing to pilot his constitutional reform bill through parliament, has committed himself to deciding on a site by the summer.
  • ‘This is rubbish,’ the Guardian thunders, ‘as Lord Falconer must know perfectly well.’
  • Tens of thousands of hawks, kites, falcons, eagles, osprey, vultures, and harriers appear in the skies over the Golden Gate from August through December.
  • It was quieter here, and more orderly, with falcon mews and kennels for the Baron's hunting dogs ranged against the wall.
  • Rookie Isaiah Smith subbed for George Brown on a few series against the Falcons.
  • At Laurel Hill, you can spot waders such as herons, egrets, bitterns and glossy ibis, and predators such as ospreys, hawks, falcons and owls, with even the occasional bald eagle.
  • A rare peregrine falcon that was close to death after being battered by storms was rescued by a traffic warden. Times, Sunday Times
  • There has been an increase in value in peregrine falcons and increased demand in the Middle East. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once upon a time I entered a vineyard to eat of its grapes; and, whilst so doing behold, I saw a falcon stoop upon a partridge and seize him; but the partridge escaped from the seizer and, entering his nest, hid himself there. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Large birds including ptarmigan and waterfowl are the most common prey item of the Gyrfalcon.
  • The bride was English, a former student of mine, but she posed for photographs like an archetypal Petersburg beauty at the foot of the Bronze Horseman, Falconet's statue of Peter the Great.
  • We hire a peregrine falcon to keep them off our pitch. The Sun
  • They descended on the village like a falcon in stoop.
  • The Gyrfalcon is the largest falcon in the world.
  • Pete takes us inside the lives and minds of all thirty-four species of diurnal raptors found in North America - hawks, falcons, eagles, vultures, the osprey and the harrier.
  • The term ‘silver falcon’ actually refers to a bird of prey with silver feathers underneath the wing.
  • These small falcons with dark blue backs are flying over lakes and marshes, feeding at present mostly on flying insects. Times, Sunday Times
  • Over 50 resident and 30 migrant species have been recorded and include one pair of breeding chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax and peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus. Giant's Causeway and Causeway Coast, United Kingdom
  • Toygan means 'falcon, hawk'; toynak 'hoof'; tirnak 'claw'; tirmiklamak 'to rake, harrow'; tay 'colt' - which trots us off to English hagdon, haggard, haglet, harrier, and hawk. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 4
  • In the barn (one of only a handful that have not been developed in the locality) there are nesting pairs of barn owls, and sparrow hawks, while buzzards and peregrine falcons are regular visitors to the woods.
  • In these mountaines doe Ierfalcons breede, whereof I haue spoken before. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The regular flying demonstrations give visitors the opportunity to see some of the 75 eagles, falcons, hawks, vultures and owls at close range.
  • And of course, today we have such adept flyers as the swallows, hummingbirds, falcons, and the soaring albatrosses which demonstrate the great diversity of flight adaptations in birds.

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