

  1. curved like a sickle
    falcate claws
    a falcate leaf
    the falcate moon

How To Use falcate In A Sentence

  • Arab _Ar'ab_, not _arab_ arid _ar'id_ asphalt _asfalt_, not _fawlt_ bade _bad_ catch not _ketch_ defalcate _defal'kate_, not _fawl_ dilletante _dilletan'te_ forbade _forbad_ granary _granary_ program _pro'gram_, not _grum_ rapine _rap'in_ rational _rational_ sacrament _sacrament_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • Vocabulary words in the lyrics to Relentless Execution of Ceremonial Execrescence acephalism conglutinate defalcate effigous embryologic hecatombic hypermetropicism inanition minatory sempiternal Impetuous Ritual are the rhythm section of Portal (interviewed here). INVISIBLE ORANGES - THE METAL MP3 BLOG
  • On the other hand, it could be something rare like a garganey, falcated teal or an emperor goose.
  • And though the couple shared in whatever fortune may have been defalcated, it is generally agreed that Zardari was more the rotten apple of the pair. Stuart Whatley: Pakistan's Presidential Putz
  • What if all he says of the state of this balance were true? did not the same objections always lie to custom-house entries? do they defalcate more from the entries of 1766 than from those of 1754? The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 01 (of 12)
  • Vocabulary words in the lyrics to Relentless Execution of Ceremonial Execrescence acephalism conglutinate defalcate effigous embryologic hecatombic hypermetropicism inanition minatory sempiternal Impetuous Ritual are the rhythm section of Portal (interviewed here). INVISIBLE ORANGES - THE METAL MP3 BLOG
  • In the movie, two men brutally raped, beat, defalcated and urinated on Samuel Jackson's daughter, and left her in a ditch to die. Etan Thomas: Memo to Huckabee: Jesus would not be Pro Death Penalty
  • the falcate moon
  • Macroconidia are falcate and have three or four septa.
  • Arab _Ar'ab_, not _arab_ arid _ar'id_ asphalt _asfalt_, not _fawlt_ bade _bad_ catch not _ketch_ defalcate _defal'kate_, not _fawl_ dilletante _dilletan'te_ forbade _forbad_ granary _granary_ program _pro'gram_, not _grum_ rapine _rap'in_ rational _rational_ sacrament _sacrament_ Practical Grammar and Composition
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