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How To Use Faithful In A Sentence

  • While poor excommunicated Miss Tox, who, if she were a fawner and toad – eater, was at least an honest and a constant one, and had ever borne a faithful friendship towards her impeacher and had been truly absorbed and swallowed up in devotion to the magnificence of Mr Dombey and Son
  • During the last year, two-thirds had remained faithful to a single partner.
  • For his part Ken remained faithful to the evidence as he saw it, and to truth when it could be discerned.
  • Love for others, concern for justice and the poor are not so much a question of social morals as the expression of a sacramental conception of Christian morality because, through priestly ministry, the spiritual sacrifice of all the faithful is accomplished, in union with the sacrifice of Christ, the only mediator. Pope on the Essential Elements of Priestly Ministry
  • Fr Benjamin blesses the faithful with the Most Holy Eucharist. Oxford Corpus Christi Procession 2009
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  • The image is generally a thing of beauty with colours brightly and faithfully rendered.
  • We speak of faithful, and unfaithful portraits.
  • Donnelly's PNAC report -- a blueprint followed faithfully by the Bush Administration -- openly yearned for a "new Pearl Harbor" that would "catalyze" the American people into adopting PNAC's global militarist agenda wholesale. Undefined
  • Nor were the escorts there to admonish me for asking a rude question of the partying faithful, or to protect the paying customers from the prying media.
  • I hope that my faithful advice will not be bewrayed to my prejudice? Kenilworth
  • This is a faithful interpretation of Shakespeare's original text.
  • The director hopes to excite the faithful and (cynically speaking), get religious bums in cinema seats.
  • Commander of the Faithful, Abd al-Malik bin Marwan, who hath heard tell of the lord Solomon, son of David (on whom be peace!) and of that which the Most High bestowed upon him of supreme dominion; how he held sway over Jinn and beast and bird and was wont when he was wroth with one of the Marids, to shut him in a cucurbite of brass and, stopping its mouth on him with lead, whereon he impressed his seal ring, to cast him into the sea of Al – Karkar. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • 25% of males and 17% of females would cheat if their partner was unfaithful.
  • In fact, the title notwithstanding, it's one of the most remarkably faithful sequels you'll ever see, in tone, setup, and execution. Alex Remington: Harold & Kumar 2: Best War on Terror Movie Ever (Though That's Not Saying Much)
  • Peace and calm prevail on most weekday evenings - the best time to enter through the stone torii gate and join the faithful.
  • The patronage (largely pontifical, but also royal and aristocratic) of the great sculptor-architect is the chief subject of Franco Mormando's lovingly researched "Bernini: His Life and His Rome," which, for all its splendid erudition, freely resorts to American common speech to characterize the sheer viciousness of the Baroque papal oligarchs and Bernini's own egomania (most famously characterized by his ordering a servant to slash the face of his unfaithful mistress, Costanza Bonarelli). The Heirloom City
  • Your faithful servant chokes to death, and you do nothing!
  • But Dominic Iglesias made effort to comfort him, speaking not uncheerfully, determining even to fight the fatigue and weakness which, as he could not but own, daily increased on him, if only for the sake of this faithful and simple adherent. The Far Horizon
  • I have served him faithfully since I've been his subject and have helped him prosper.
  • Thanks also to anyone else involved who may read this letter. Yours faithfully.
  • With the help of his faithful spirit Ariel, Prospero conjures up a great storm causing a shipwreck on the shore nearby.
  • He was notoriously unfaithful, often falling prey to the charms of vampy female villains.
  • As they were talking, there came an eunuch from the Commander of the Faithful, in quest of Kut al-Kulub, for, when he knew that she was in the house of Ibn al-Kirnas, he could not endure the severance, but bade bring her forthwith. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • You'd rather people die than give them health care, you'd rather people starve than give them food, and you'd rather cheat on your wife while stealing tax payers money to go to a foreign country to do it than remain faithful and stay at home doing your job. Obama: 'Act now' on health care
  • High in the Alps is a monument raised in honour of a faithful guide who perished while ascending a peak to rescue a stranded tourist.
  • The San Francisco that you have slowly and faithfully trained me to know and adore cares nothing for sexual orientation.
  • Commander of the Faithful being a fearful boggler at a sum. The Haunted House
  • I beautiful woman, sweet, faithful good and wise, relation of establish most importantly in interested inly. To?Please the message of reply. Thank.
  • Distinctions in moral values are valid for God and for us: truth is to be valued over falsehood, faithfulness over infidelity, true worship over idolatry, and so on.
  • Colors are faithfully rendered but a bit muted; this appears to be intentional.
  • From the dawning of Greek Classicism to well beyond the Italian Renaissance, artists learned to faithfully master contrapposto, linear perspective, and the like in order to achieve the great, mythic aspiration of beauty. Rebecca Taylor: All I Really Need To Know I Learned From Baldessari
  • Had the Li family been double-crossed by a once faithful employee?
  • Just as the flies are unfaithful partners, some flowers are dishonest about signaling a nectar reward.
  • Behaviour with which she treats me, her faithful Lover, shews, that it is the prudent, vertuous, chast Galesia. The Amours of Bosvil and Galesia
  • One hotly debated alternative proposes plowing the road from West Yellowstone to Old Faithful for mass-transit vehicles, and closing it to snowmobiles.
  • Celebrating his 75th birthday, bandoneonist Dino Saluzzi faithfully follows in the steps of his mentor and former colleague Astor Piazzolla. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Across the span of time, sons faithfully transmitted the literary heritage of the fathers.
  • Alone, Iago speaks of his hatred of Othello and a rumour that the Moor has cuckolded him, and hatches a plan to persuade Othello that his wife is unfaithful with Cassio.
  • From first to last , he has been a faithful public servant.
  • In respect of pilgrimage, however, he remained faithful to Arab and Meccan traditions.
  • Both her father and mother were pious Christians who regularly conducted home devotions and faithfully attended church.
  • Like a streetcorner serenade, it's got all the oooh's, aaah's, handclaps and snaps of classic doo-wop, and yet it somehow remains brilliantly, unwaveringly faithful to the original.
  • Icons were painted by faithful painters - usually monks - in monastic seclusion.
  • The first half is pretty faithful to the book; the rest is much more rushed and condensed.
  • Only Gitalis remained, faithful, cranky, dissatisfied genius that he was. PAINT THE WIND
  • It resides in faithfulness to our great constitutional ideals. Balkinization
  • Archibald signed his warrant as a tidewaiter on 3 September 1794, his salary was 5 pounds a quarter paid at the end of the period to ensure his faithfulness to his employer.
  • It was all there, faithfully recorded in his uncle's stiff and formal style.
  • Truly affined mates would have remained faithful to each other as long as life lasted. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6 Sex in Relation to Society
  • The sword-swallower stabbed his unfaithful wife to death Will i find it again?
  • Instead, they are sentenced to a life of subordination: tilling fields, building homes, preparing food, collecting firewood, bearing children, and preparing any item -- from charcoal to litchi fruits for their unfaithful husbands to sell on roadsides -- money that will ultimately end up in the men's empty stomachs in the form of bootleg banana booze. Summer Rayne Oakes: Where the fire burns: Accounts from Mozambique
  • It is not easy to imagine a mechanical analogue of the brain that could faithfully reproduce the intertexture of all the types of thinking appropriate to all the situations that human beings confront, together with the nonlogical modes through which ideas are associated in the “stream of consciousness.” Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Matrimonial vows are to show the faithfulness of the new couple.
  • For future tests the team aims to speed up the simulation, make it more neurobiologically faithful, add structures seen in real mouse brains and make the responses of neurons and synapses more detailed. Mouse Brain Simulated Via Computer | Impact Lab
  • a new one, because the Poem all thro is a simple and faithful picture of English scenery and English character, and the figure of the Farmer's Boy, wherever introduced in the illustrations should be an English figure and not a piping shepherd of Arcadia. Letter 159
  • Opal: I sure hope Bill stays faithful from now on. He doesn't deserve her.
  • She was a faithful churchwoman who in her time would have been an ultramontane - conservative triple distilled. MOONDROP TO MURDER
  • Many were the hours and days she put in faithfully attending to her work with great care and attention to detail.
  • She recently left a preview screening with a moist eye and a welter of praise for the team who faithfully realised the adaptation.
  • We took steps to ensure that rules should be faithfully carried.
  • The merchant maintains that the day for obeying the New Testament rule, "Let the wife fear her husband," will never pass away; that although unfaithfulness, which is assumed to be impossible on the part of the wife, may happen in other classes, in the merchant class it does not happen, and that the carouses of married men at the fair, which the narrator has heard him relating, and of which he reminds him, form a special topic which must be excluded from the discussion. Tolstoy's "Kreutzer Sonata"
  • Far from the wanton prodigal that she had seemed, Sarah turns out to be a faithful keeper of promises - even when they impinge upon (what she had believed to be) her greatest happiness.
  • he remained faithful to his wife
  • The master could not do much; he had long, long hours in his business; but I used to watch Ursula, morning after morning, superintending her domain, with her faithful attendant Jem – Jem adored his "missis". John Halifax, Gentleman
  • Thus Dawkins, for example, used facts about inheritance, e.g. that genes are faithfully replicated across generations while whole genotypes and organismic characters are not, to privilege the gene as the unit of selection.
  • This is no sense at all of the faithfulness of God, neither is the word ever used in Scripture to signify any such thing in God or man, nor can it with any tolerable sense be applied to any such thing; neither would there be any analogy between that which in God we call faithfulness and that virtue in man which is so termed. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • The relatively flimsy sukkah is a striking reminder that our lives on earth are but temporary, and our reliance and trust are not in our material possessions but in our faithful and loving Father and in the One who "tabernacled" among us - Yeshua, His Son and our Messiah. Lent & Beyond
  • The movie follows the book faithfully.
  • As art historians Alex Nagel and Chris Woods have argued, by faithfully depicting a Greek from the east, Pisanello may have felt he was also looking back in time at the Greece of Socrates and Praxiteles. Gopnik's Daily Pic: The first commemorative medal
  • She should have the best of forage, the purest of water, the cleanest and best of ventilated stables, and the air should be free from any taint of noxious vapors - in a word, the entire environment of this faithful animal should be as carefully and honestly protected as though she was human and not brute.
  • Faithful, Sultan of the East; in these papers signed with his signet are our credentials, if you would read them. The Brethren
  • When a further instruction stated that vessels used in services were not exempt, the Patriarch Tikhon told the faithful to resist.
  • One thing we may at least admire in the man, and that is, his undaunted courage; and I can’t help thinking, as I have said before, that there must be some good in him, seeing the way in which his family are faithful to him. The Great Hoggarty Diamond
  • To propagate the true religion, was the duty of a faithful Mussulman: the unbelievers were _his_ enemies, and those of the Prophet; and, in the hands of the Turks, the cimeter was the only instrument of conversion. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 6
  • The scripture is faithful in relating the faults even of those whom it most applauds, which is an instance of the sincerity of the penmen, and an evidence that it was not written to serve any party: and even such stories as these "were written for our learning," that "he that thinks he stands may take heed lest he fall," and that others 'harms may be our warnings. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume II (Joshua to Esther)
  • Elphick's wife had left him, and since this event he had remained sober and faithful to her memory, as he had not been to her in actuality. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • With that comes corruption, dishonesty, unfaithfulness, and being immoral.
  • ‘I just think he is a wonderful dog, he's got a lot of bottle,’ said Mr Marsh as he ruffled the ears of his faithful companion.
  • Domestic tranquillity interested her much more than converting the unfaithful.
  • Readings and Prayers of the Faithful were done by parishioners from all churches in the parish.
  • Filmmakers, in the image of Rossellini and Fassbinder, should remain faithful to that vocation, because without it, they will disappear along with their art.
  • LA should name geyser resulting from yet another watermain break in the valley after the mayor--"Old Unfaithful Los Angeles Politics Hotsheet for Monday
  • We also learn that George III was ‘a genuinely faithful spouse… devoted to his fifteen children’.
  • For the San Francisco Giants and their faithful, the savior is arriving at the 11th hour. - Now's the time to enjoy Barry Bonds as a ballplayer
  • It is a temple in which the faithful may worship - but also one that begs the gora Jeustani for respect, and towards that end contains helpful guides to what is sacred and profane.
  • He remained faithful to the ideals of the party until his death.
  •  The obvious suspect in the murder was Phuong Pruitt, and Irma knew that her faithful facialist was innocent. Aromatherapy
  • ‘Yeah, they are’ she said, but her smile was clearly strained and unfaithful to what she was feeling.
  • 'The slave faithfully conveyed the message, and the moollah, finding that his domestic peace depended on submitting to the superstitious notions of his wife, accompanied the slave to the zeenahnah without further delay. Observations on the Mussulmauns of India Descriptive of Their Manners, Customs, Habits and Religious Opinions Made During a Twelve Years' Residence in Their Immediate Society
  • Similarly it may be said — not as an ingenious speculation, but as a stedfast and absolute fact — that human calculation cannot limit the influence of one atom of wholesome knowledge patiently acquired, modestly possessed, and faithfully used. Speeches: Literary and Social
  • adherent" enjoyed friendly consideration, especially if he adhered faithfully; and stray attendants from other congregations were treated with punctilious hospitality, places being found for them in the Old The Imperialist
  • Have you created resources to catechize the faithful? Priestly Input: Reform of the Reform Updates?
  • There this so sweet maid is a polyandrist, and me, with my poor wife dead to me, but alive by Church's law, though no wits, all gone -- even I, who am faithful husband to this now-no-wife, am bigamist. Dracula
  • But the manipulator realises, too late, that she is being manipulated, despite warnings from her faithful dresser.
  • Faithfulness to His promises to preserve the godly, as well as stern execution of judgment on the ungodly, is included in Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • It speaks of the creation of what it calls faithful capital — that kind of social capital that builds trust and capacity for long-term faithful commitment. The Churches Role in the Civic Life of the Nation : House of Lords Debate
  • See, there's a reason I discipline myself to be faithful to electronic media.
  • While the themes and script remain faithful to the book, the set design and production values are highly original.
  • George S. Hillard, a most faithful and serviceable friend, -- not only to Hawthorne during his life, but afterwards as a trustee for his family, and equally kind and helpful to them in their bereavement, which is more than could be said of all his friends, -- especially of The Life and Genius of Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • The loss of the temple was a divine judgment on account of the unfaithfulness of the priests, scribes and Sanhedrin elders.
  • My faithful maid sent over to Allen's for Olga, who came bearing messages of condolence from the girls, and flowers and offers of financial assistance if it should be needed. Madeleine: An Autobiography
  • When you get to 250 000km, yes boet then you have to replace the old faithful Toyota! Undefined
  • Seven faithful worthies trudged up the steps of the underground shelter, lugging the corpses of Mr. and Mrs. Hitler in Wehrmacht blankets. The Nazis' Last Stand
  • I am very proud of the fact that I have been as faithful to the truth as humanly possible.
  • The Army continues to serve our great Nation well and faithfully as it has in the past.
  • For the Cougar faithful he brought back memories of Martin Wood, a player capable of making vital breaks, drawing the defence and creating space for his team mates to exploit.
  • It was breathtaking, heart-stopping stuff with an ending to send the York City faithful into ecstasy.
  • Faithful to his instincts of petty tyranny, the Cæsar kept the praefect of Rome kneeling before him for close on half an hour; all this while volleys of vituperations poured from his mouth against all traitors in general, and more especially against the praefect whom he accused of selling his services only in order to gain his own ends. "Unto Caesar"
  • The result is an authentically eerie, but faithful, rendering of Guthrie's songs.
  • Hereby the community or whole body of the faithful, even to the meanest member, are vested from Christ with full power and authority actually to discharge and execute all acts of order and jurisdiction without exception: e.g. To preach the word authoritatively, dispense the sacraments, ordain their officers, admonish offenders, excommunicate the obstinate and incorrigible, and absolve the penitent. The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
  • He was Oda Yorimoto, descendant of a powerful daimio of the Ashikaga Dynasty of shoguns who had fled Japan with his faithful samurai nearly three hundred and fifty years before upon the overthrow of the Ashikaga Dynasty. The Mucker
  • When I had paid for my land by faithfully laboring for the term agreed on: I made a tour to the pool at new Lebanon -- from thence I returned to Dorset. The Blind African Slave, or Memoirs of Boyrereau Brinch, Nick-named Jeffrey Brace. Containing an Account of the Kingdom of Bow-Woo, in the Interior of Africa; with the Climate and Natural Productions, Laws, and Customs Peculiar to That Place. With an Acco
  • The Bishop directed the faithful to stay at home.
  • As an ethical concept, the metaphysical concept of "fidelity" tries to fetter translation onto the two poles of "faithful" and "unfaithful", thus incurring a number of insolvable problems.
  • But the dust jacket of an old edition says pointedly that the book is “the story of a faithful Irish steam-shovel artist and his steam shovel — the beguiling Mary Anne.” 2007 July « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • The woodcut is a very faithful representation of yaconins fencing. Sketches of Japanese Manners and Customs
  • If you are told to address her as ‘Dear Madam’ the ending must be ‘Yours faithfully’.
  • She paused an instant, with a pale, absent expression, as if she searched herself, then looked up clearly in the confiding face above her, and promised what she faithfully performed in afteryears. Behind a Mask: or, A Woman's Power.
  • The sounds of the organ and the choir used to mesmerize the faithful in those days.
  • Personally, I prefer it even to a Tashkent melon - and you know the proverb runs that the Caliph of the Faithful would give ten pearl-breasted beauties from his hareem for a single melon of Tashkent. The Sky Writer
  • Philadelphia alone of the seven are honored with unmixed praise, as faithful in tribulation and rich in good works. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Four or five other young women, some with long hair tied back or flowing, one with a close-cropped cut, later read various prayers of the faithful.
  • Very often HIV is spread through a kind of unfaithfulness, if you like, on both sides. Marianne Schnall: Annie Lennox Raises Her Voice
  • We would suggest that it is precisely those congregations and pastors who are already engaged in faithful and vital ministry who had the most to draw on in this time of crisis.
  • A handful of old faithfuls came to the meeting.
  • However, when he published ‘On Consulting the Faithful, in Matters of Doctrine’, it was delated to Rome, and he was charged with subverting just authority.
  • Religious people are more likely to be prejudiced, dogmatic and closed-mind, and not all believers are faithful to the moral percepts and principles taught by religion. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Mr. Ruskin bade men "go to Nature in all singleness of heart, and walk with her laboriously and trustingly, having no other thought but how best to penetrate her meaning, _rejecting nothing, selecting nothing and scorning nothing_;" and Mr. Hamerton was literally obeying him when he exiled himself for five years in a hut on an island in a bleak Scotch lake to learn faithfully to portray the shores of that single lake. Lippincott's Magazine, December 1878
  • A Courtesan is played by an Asian girl hardly older than three, whose comehither gesture and coy posture, rouged lips and beribboned hair, faithfully mimic the conventions of Chinese painting.
  • Replied the Shaykh, “I hear and obey the bidding of the Commander of the Faithful; but know, O Emir, that the road thither is long and difficult and the ways few.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The English dub closely follows the subtitles, which means the English version is a faithful adaptation of the original meaning.
  • Thus thought Maria — These are the ravages over which humanity must ever mournfully ponder, with a degree of anguish not excited by crumbling marble, or cankering brass, unfaithful to the trust of monumental fame. Maria; or The Wrongs of Woman
  • After all, the Bible expressly says that what God has joined no man should put asunder and that anyone who divorces except for reasons of unfaithfulness is committing adultery. Religious leaders agree on abortion in health care reform debate
  • Just as the FBI has its ‘most wanted’ list of criminals, American women have their own ‘most dastardly’ list of unfaithful rotters and cheats.
  • The result is an evening packed with song and dance, recitation and good old fashioned chit-chat which draws a faithful throng, despite the weather and in spite of rapidly developing world events.
  • His piety and wisdom were proverbial among his countrymen at an early period; probably owing to that noble proof he gave of faithfulness, combined with wisdom, in abstaining from the food sent to him from the king's table, as being polluted by the idolatries usual at heathen banquets (Da 1: 8-16). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • They made their secret voiceless worship, they did their steadfast, uninspired, unthanked, unselfish work as helpful daughters, as nurses, as faithful servants, as the humble providences of homes. In the Days of the Comet
  • The bishop stressed the importance of faithfulness in marriage.
  • This act of self-vulning, in which the female pelican pecks blood from her chest to feed her young, symbolizes Christ feeding the faithful.
  • As Pope John Paul II said, ecumenism, or the promotion of Christian cooperation and unity, must be the concern of every faithful Catholic.
  • This is it that the faithful stood in fear of, as long as they stood excommunicate, that is to say, in an estate wherein their sins were not forgiven. Leviathan
  • ‘Depend upon it that, rude and careless as I am, I would fain practice the yoga faithfully,’ he writes.
  • There is therefore no elaboration in the forum proceedings on hierarchical directives to their faithful on constitutional matters.
  • It is faithful to a world of surfaces, random sensations and schizoid human subjects.
  • Naturally, as a faithful devotee of the Quantity Theory, he helped create, he was also opposed to the inconvertibility of paper currency and the bimetallist movement.
  • He has since 1965 faithfully followed and supported every twist and turn of government policy.
  • It follows the adventures of Gerda and her search for her faithful companion Kay after he is bewitched and imprisoned by the Snow Queen in her ice palace.
  • Lord their God, and in recompence for their faithful adherence to him and to his word and worship. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • If we can dismiss as 'unhistorical' most of the Gospels 'Jesus of Christianity, what can we of faithful Israel save of our rabbi, Moses, for Judaism?" asks Rabbi Jacob Neusner, a distinguished Talmudist at the University of South Florida in Tampa. Rethinking The Resurrection
  • They are respected in the entire United States as being faithful expositors of the Old Testament.
  • She was a faithful attender at branch meetings till she retired.
  • He is compared to a loving father, a caring mother, a tender shepherd, a faithful husband, a generous friend.
  • Yes, people sometimes cheat and lie, but they sometimes are also faithful and truthful.
  • arctics," there, with that ever faithful aide in close attendance, was the chief they loved; dropped in, all unsuspecting, just to say good-bye. A Daughter of the Sioux A Tale of the Indian frontier
  • That is why, in this book, in translating a 'roundel' of Villon which Rossetti had already translated, he misses the naïve quality of the French which Rossetti, in a version not in all points so faithful as this, had been able, in some subtle way, to retain. Figures of Several Centuries
  • A faithful friend is hard to find. 
  • After half an hour of the heaviest cannonade ever known, Wellington's faithful troops were threatened by an avalanche of cavalry, and promptly fell into the "chequer" disposition previously arranged for the most exposed division, that of Alten. The Life of Napoleon I (Volume 2 of 2)
  • Kirtans (devotional songs) rendered the air while the faithful paid obeisance and listened to the kirtans and the Gurbani (Guru's voice).
  • Therefore he was resolved to be faithful in reproving sin, though he was therein found to be such as they would not, v. 20. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Complaints are the greatest offerings that God obtains from human beings, as well as the most faithful prayers human beings might utter to God.
  • Unfaithful, sly, smooth-talking and quick-witted, 350 million people tuned in from around the world to find out who shot him.
  • Then they'll see that their inamoratas cannot remain faithful.
  • Speeches given by Harris during the years of revolution and during the subsequent land agitation were faithfully recorded in the copperplate hand of bureaucrats and paid spies.
  • Delving deep into their oeuvre, the band blasted out their tiresome inanities to the delighted faithful.
  • [341] Catiline himself stood nearest the standard (eagle) with his most faithful followers, whose personal fate depended upon him; that is, the freedmen of his family and the tenant farmers of his estates. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • Using the brush faithfully can help protect your hair from the elements that cause split ends and breakage.
  • The places projecting in squares or recesses are the kiblah, upon which the Faithful prostrate themselves towards the east, or Mecca [102]. Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in the Years of 1845 and 1846
  • But interestingly enough, he is the very human core to the film, a strong, faithful muscleman whose basic needs match his simpleton intellect.
  • Professionals use a device called a colorimeter to measure the actual computer display and create a profile that is then used to reproduce colors faithfully.
  • The prophet's first wife, Khadijah, is fondly referred to as the "mother of the faithful. Daimnation!: Now, here's something you don't
  • She passed several salutary laws, one forbidding polygamy, another abolishing human sacrifices; her treaties with the Portuguese she faithfully observed, but never would acknowledge their supremacy -- never would allow herself to be called the vassal of any power. God's image in ebony : being a series of biographical sketches, facts, anecdotes, etc., demonstrative of the mental powers and intellectual capacities of the Negro race, by edited
  • Readings and Prayers of the Faithful were done by parishioners from all churches in the parish.
  • There is evidence that, chiefly through the Divine blessing upon Renwick's faithful preaching, and his singular wisdom in council, those Societies increased, instead of diminishing, in the latter part of the prelatic persecution. The Life of James Renwick A Historical Sketch Of His Life, Labours And Martyrdom And A Vindication Of His Character And Testimony
  • He was faithful to his promise wife.
  • Winner of many international prizes, Stanev has built a considerable reputation on his faithful re-interpreting of the staple classical repertoire.
  • On this showing, the former Gateshead prop could well become a firm favourite with the York faithful.
  • The stone toe of Saint Jude, patron of impossible causes, was worn smooth by the desperate kisses of the faithful.
  • Although I faithfully page through the pile, I rarely find a story that interests me enough to actually read it.
  • The condition of obstinate denial or doubt is met, from the theological point of view, when there is the existence of an objective situation of sin that endures in time and which the will of the individual member of the faithful does not bring to an end, no other requirements attitude of defiance, propr warning, etc. being necessary to establish the fundamental gravity of the situation in the Church. John Kerry, Excommunicated?
  • When such subjection is withheld, Christ's servants, if they would be faithful to the exalted Saviour, cannot do otherwise than refuse to incorporate with the national society, and to homologate the acts of its rulers; and from Churches that do not testify against national defection, they are constrained to maintain distinct separation. The Life of James Renwick A Historical Sketch Of His Life, Labours And Martyrdom And A Vindication Of His Character And Testimony
  • Of the four, he is the most faithful to the values they share, but it's his very loyalty and fidelity that ultimately doom him.
  • I believe in my heart that I am one of the most faithful and hard-working members of our group.
  • And the faithful still see annexation as one way to pay that bill -- and no proof it will work is required.
  • Voice over Another faithful sign that winter is truly upon us, is when wildlife comes in from the cold.
  • In Lebanon, Ayatollah Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, once known as the spiritual leader of Hizbullah's suicide bombers, now counsels the faithful to respond to Western "aggressions" through cultural and legal means. Christian Provocateurs and Muslim Moderation
  • There is no friend so faithful as a good book. 
  • All this action does is muddle the faithful and bring the faith into needless disrepute.
  • Commander of the Faithful, and took up my abode in the chamber behind the shop in the market of the money-changers, and my friends came and bought of me and I sold to them; whereby I made good cheape and my wealth increased. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He now turns with unabated desire and trust to God, who, in His strength and faithfulness, is contrasted with the urgent dangers described. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Love for neighbor, care for justice and for the poor are not only themes of social morality, but especially the expression of a sacramental conception of Christian morality, because, through the ministry of priests the spiritual sacrifice of all the faithful, in union with that of Christ, only Mediator, is fulfilled: a sacrifice which priests offer in an unbloody and sacramental manner, in expectation of the future coming of the Lord. Archive 2009-07-01
  • This movie adaptation of the TV adaptation of the novelisation of the radio series is about as faithful as you can get.
  • When a film is advertised as a true story, does it have a responsibility to be faithful to the truth?
  • I have even received three laudatory letters from black prisoners, all recounting how they subscribed to the party-faithful line in their youth but have rejected it since.
  • A hasty exclamation was recorded faithfully over our detectaphone, close to the transmitter, evidently. Guy Garrick
  • The humbled Wolsey, weeping at Cromwell's loyalty, urges him to forsake him and serve the King faithfully.
  • I will even betroth thee unto me in faithfulness: and thou shalt know the lord. FROM THE CROSS TO PENTECOST
  • Lara kissed the earth as he had done in 1994 when first achieving such glory and embraced his faithful disciple Ridley Jacobs who, like Simon of Cyrene, had stayed with him and the air was filled with jollification.
  • In the former, the pastor or bishop or pope dictated terms, and the faithful responded or were punished.
  • He endured more than the annals of history will ever record; yet, he has remained true and faithful to the church.

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