How To Use Fairytale In A Sentence

  • But before we declare this the happy ending of a feminist fairytale, we must look at the more sinister afterword.
  • Complete with wobbly bridges, turrets and wonky roof lines, it looks as if it comes straight from the pages of a fairytale. Times, Sunday Times
  • The show follows the traditional plot of the fairytale story but with plenty of comedy and slapstick to keep the crowds entertained for both evening and matinee performances.
  • Yet lumpish Jane's fairytale romance is left stranded on the roadside by the self-centered pragmatism of robbers on the run.
  • The endings of fairytales used to be a lot more gruesome too. Times, Sunday Times
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  • I think, when I was a kid, I was always really fascinated with folk music and folk tales and fairytales and have always just kind of harbored this fascination with them. Colin Meloy: '10-Dollar Words' For A Cause
  • And once their fairytale officially ended, relations between them became the stuff of Shakespearean drama, with intrigues, infidelities and fights for centre-stage.
  • Her compositions featured decorative motifs inspired by nature, nodding to the mysterious world of fairytales and their enchanted gardens. Times, Sunday Times
  • Children need to be aware of the real world, not force-fed trite fairytales.
  • Someone has cannily spotted this unquenched desire, and decided that the best solution would be to create Girl Heaven, a fairytale palace stacked to the rafters with pink and shiny trinkets.
  • Her dress was straight out of a fairytale, with its light, graceful layers that served to accentuate the woman's slim build.
  • Feast Your Eyes was a modern fairytale about food and mealtimes. Times, Sunday Times
  • That song was written by Ewan MacColl, the father of Kirsty MacColl, who of course dueted with the Pogues on that unlikeliest of holiday classics, "Fairytale of New York. Michael Giltz: Music: The Pogues For St. Patrick's Day? Brilliant
  • An old Chinese myth "rebottled" like old wine in new skin, Lifetime Fairytale takes us on an emotional journey through both time and space. Boston Stories
  • This fairytale city is equal parts European sophistication, stunning scenery and romance.
  • All the great fairytales and myths are full of loss and longing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The idea seems to be to live out a neverending fairytale celebrity existence on camera, protected from real reality by an incestuously close relationship with the E! network. Philippa Warr: Why Reality Television Isn't Real
  • There is a fairytale about a man who is given three wishes but wastes them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two major techniques are the transfiguration of classical fairytales, and the integration of traditional motifs with contemporary references within atypical settings and plotlines.
  • Famous for dressing stars such as Rihanna, Blake Lively, Naomi Campbell and Penelope Cruz in their fairytale-esque creations, the British design duo behind the label couldn't resist the opportunity to make over the Playboy bunny in Marchesa. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • He gave unlucky Derby second Silver Patriarch a typically-robust ride to take the St Leger of 1997, and the crowd's roar of acclamation that day showed just how much they wanted Eddery to crown his career in fairytale style.
  • It's computer-graphics with bright colors, so it looks a bit like some of these recent Fairytale pictures (Shrek, Happily Never After,) and it tells the story of a boy named Alex who grew up spending his nights in dreamland, who then hasn't dreamed in eight years. The Dreamland Chronicles
  • The libretto is based on Perrault's familiar fairytale, but Petipa did much more with it than tell the story of Aurora's 100-year sleep and magical awakening.
  • The kiss was a fairytale ending to the evening.
  • Winsome tutued ballerinas and fairytale productions are not the answer, he says. Times, Sunday Times
  • Located in the Vendée, it is the definition of fairytale, with "floating" towers on the corners of the chateau and flamboyant interiors featuring unicorn taxidermy and chandeliers. Nouveau riches: what's new in France
  • Yes, it's absolute cobblers, a self-parodying mash-up of fairytale and pop culture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Naturally, all of these adornments, together with the elimination of ambiguous, controversial or indelicate elements, imply the contamination of the traditional fairytale material.
  • So about that dude in a cetacean stomach … Idiotic fairytale or stunning reality …. Think Progress » Missouri lawmaker: Allowing gays to serve openly increases a military’s casualty rate.
  • Is the whole idea that there possibly could be something more to it just some idealistic fairytale notion?
  • Every language had its stock of lullabies, nursery rhymes, nonsense verses, fairytales and simple stories.
  • Please, ....... just more fairytale drivel from the empty-headed rightwing of this country. SC Republican gov candidate jabs Sanford in announcement
  • So, amid fairytale fire torches and twinkling candles, we were led to our very own reindeer sleigh in the middle of an enchanted snow forest. The Sun
  • So the interventionist script reduces the historical and political complexities of the Darfur conflict to a fairytale. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her compositions featured decorative motifs inspired by nature, nodding to the mysterious world of fairytales and their enchanted gardens. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's wonderfully at odds with the naivety of the fairytale strings and Clark's choirgirl vocals, conjuring up a hazy world in which nothing seems quite stable, a state helped along by the addition of magnificently oddball heavy riffs and stuttering synths. St Vincent: Strange Mercy – review
  • There is a fairytale about a man who is given three wishes but wastes them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Going from light to dark and all shades in between, managing all emotions from love to hatred, joy to sorrow, dread to excitement, fairytale is humble yet powerful, full of meaning yet full of adventure. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » From the Mailbox: Fairytale as a basis for fantasy
  • Elephant ear coral, fan corals and huge barrel sponges all made a fairytale seascape.
  • Why would any sentient adult want to dress like a fairytale creature? Times, Sunday Times
  • The fragile façades of its palaces arise less from fairytale visions than from the expediencies of engineering. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes, yes, I know Stephen Fry would be terrific doing that ... but Jim Dale would turn the whole thing into a fairytale rather than an exercise in surrealist humor. And the one thing that would make it better is actual pie
  • Children were once told fairytales, myths, legends and fables because they had a meaning, a moral or a special psychological relevance.
  • Famous for dressing stars such as Rihanna, Blake Lively, Naomi Campbell and Penelope Cruz in their fairytale-esque creations, the British design duo behind the label couldn't resist the opportunity to make over the Playboy bunny in Marchesa. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The novel I'd dreamed of for years, the one set in the merry, sinister woods of fairytale and midsummer, was there, waiting for me.
  • These adorable, fairytale-like creations, which recall Alice In Wonderland and smack of defiant frivolity and impracticality, are the recessionista's status symbol of choice.
  • Clearly you're right - the popular understanding of fairytale is something with a "happily ever after". Pony Positive Day Two
  • He need not have worried, everything about the man is textbook fairytale hero.
  • Finally, it will be hard to resist Company XIV Pinocchio: A Fantasy Of Pleasures, a wildly improbable mix of baroque ballet, commedia dell'arte, street dance and Fellini-esque surrealism that re-invents the familiar fairytale. This week's new dance
  • Various aspects of the writer's complicated position within the widely accepted framework of the fairytale may serve as revelatory thematisations of his artistic and political stance.
  • He outguns them all and wins and a fairytale is born.
  • Onto this fairytale princess many women projected their own unsatisfied yearnings: they identified with her vulnerability, her perceived status as a victim.
  • A form of hennin. fairytale princesses but had a relatively short life and also had many variations. When Were Women’s Hats in Fashion? « Colleen Anderson
  • The weakness of the narrative derives from the realism the film achieves: the tigers are so believable - as real tigers and as multifaceted characters - that the film's fairytale ending is unbecoming.
  • An unhappy duckling grows into a beautiful swan in this magical fairytale.
  • The prosecution called their story "a fairytale", the defence said it was "hairbrained" but former NRL star Greg Bird has been made to wait to find out what the judge thinks. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • We feel that we must conform to these unrealistic, fairytale like images.
  • Children were once told fairytales, myths, legends and fables because they had a meaning, a moral or a special psychological relevance.
  • Mr. Wainwright belted out "O Holy Night" in French—that's "Cantique de Noël"—with just the spare accompaniment of a piano and, as an encore, dueted with his sister Martha on the Pogues' "Fairytale of New York. 'Melee of Motley Crews'
  • We were making less of a realistic film, more of a fairytale. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think you only have to look at the plethora of successful texts on the market which base themselves around fairytales – not just books, but movies like Sydney White and Ever After also – and you can see that basing a story around a fairytale is a great formula, and one that the audience loves. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » From the Mailbox: Fairytale as a basis for fantasy
  • It really is a fantasy sub-genre all its own, though you don't see it in comics very often... come to think of it, the last comics-type entry in the genre I recall was also called Stardust, though that one was nothing like this one apart from the title coincidence and the bare fact of its our-world-meets-fairytale-world premise. Saturday’s Spring Cleaning | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • Sometimes the boot was heated until red hot during interrogation, a reference to this practice is found in Grimm's fairytales.
  • At times, the book is about as convincing as a fairytale, proffering only light and insubstantial imaginings.
  • The facts, which spilled out in no particular order, revealed the flip side of the fairytale.
  • This is the moral of the fairytale about the perfect woman. Times, Sunday Times
  • So to get her own glory in her own right is a fairytale ending. The Sun
  • My best friend with Joan of Arc hair and violet eyes was summoned to bed by the man I wanted as we were sitting at the foot of the stairs, talking of immortality and oranges and a certain fairytale fox. A Scattering of Rivals
  • Whereas Wagner tries to create a total work of art in this way, the king of Bavaria builds fairytale castles with all kinds of unreal touches, such as starlit skies for a bedroom.
  • A subtle colourist, he treated melancholy subjects in a fairytale manner, with fanciful and delicate landscapes.
  • While that's historically true, the definition of "fairytale ending" has irrevocably changed because of Disney since fairytale is no longer synonymous with "cautionary tale. Pony Positive Day Two
  • Forlorn piano waltzes, blue basslines and fairytale xylophones combine to create a lonely, delicate soundscape.
  • This fairytale city is equal parts European sophistication, stunning scenery and romance.
  • All these fairytales came together - like a combination of fantasy and fear.
  • At every stage in a fairytale life, the stoic sensible lovely Lancashire lass has been Tom's buttress, giving unstinting support and keeping his feet firmly on the ground.
  • Like many of the coming rush of fairytale films, the movie takes the format of an ancient folktale, set in a village in a deep forest menaced by a predatory wolf, and gives it a contemporary feel. Hollywood wants Red Riding Hood and Snow White to weave a box office spell
  • What you are failing to see, is what I predicted when that megalomaniac BigDog, called Obama a fairytale, according to my African-American friends they saw that as a below the surface "codeword". Obama Campaign Co-Chair Questions Hillary's Tears
  • In the fairytale, Sleeping Beauty was a stunningly majestic woman doomed to wait for someone to wake her.
  • I am sorry, but that's real wishful thinking, or as Bill Clinton would impolitely say "a biggest fairytale". Poll: National Race Tightens; Majority Says Obama Flip-Flopped On Key Issues
  • But as so often happens, Wood's career soared while Wagner's hit a fallow period, and the fairytale marriage collapsed.
  • But his rags to riches success story is no fairytale. The Sun
  • There is a fairytale about a man who is given three wishes but wastes them. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is the fairytale ending for young tech entrepreneurs. Times, Sunday Times
  • For a start, she didn't have the waspy waist that all classic fairytale evil female characters had. JUST BETWEEN US
  • Surely this pensive fairytale of metaphysical obsession reaches the deepest abysses of ecstasy and darkness.
  • Drawing the princesses and imaginative creatures she read about in the book led to a lifelong passion, and today her art continues to have a fairytale-like quality.
  • So, amid fairytale fire torches and twinkling candles, we were led to our very own reindeer sleigh in the middle of an enchanted snow forest. The Sun
  • More fairytale favourites are lampooned as Shrek, Donkey and Princess Fiona set out on another whirlwind adventure in the hilarious sequel, Shrek 2.
  • It is a fairytale world of weirdly shaped hills, as well as spectacular caverns of stalagmites and stalactites in endless shapes and forms.
  • It's a criss-cross between a fairytale storybook and 1001 nights (which could also be called a storybook, I suppose), written in a very poetical language. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Here they are part of a magic uniquely connected to the land, and fairytales have them be mysterious sorceresses, wearing their black feathers when they fly to their secret skerries out towards the open sea. Archive 2007-08-01
  • Her husband froze a few minutes later as he watched her tower crumble on TV, ending what he called a fairytale marriage in an American dream. The Seattle Times
  • If Bill had said this, he'd be "lynched" by now considering how much flack he too for his "fairytale" comment. Obama Supporter Jesse Jackson, Jr: Black Super-Delegates Who Back Hillary Could Face Primary Challenge
  • My fairytale ending was turning out to be an altogether different story. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a chilling fact that most of the world's leaders believe in nonsensical fairytales about the nature of reality. German Longsword: How to punish bad technique
  • I particularly liked their safety-conscious versions of classic fairytales. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every language had its stock of lullabies, nursery rhymes, nonsense verses, fairytales and simple stories of light and delight.
  • And she says those who "bowdlerise" children's literature do have good intentions, but they are missing the cultural and historical point of nursery rhymes and fairytales. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • Do you ever sit back and think, five or six years ago this would have been a fairytale?
  • So, amid fairytale fire torches and twinkling candles, we were led to our very own reindeer sleigh in the middle of an enchanted snow forest. The Sun
  • One need not have read many fairytales to know that this relationship is often fraught with difficulty. Times, Sunday Times
  • An invitation to a formal dance or ball is the perfect excuse to indulge in your fairytale fantasies.
  • And with LIFE Books' The Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton we are already there with Charles and Di's son--Elizabeth's grandson--as he prepares to wed the lovely Kate Middleton in a true fairytale story: the man who will be king and the so-called "commoner" who has captured his heart. Royal Wedding: LIFE's Portrayal Of Will And Kate (PHOTOS)
  • Usually that's a cue for a fairytale, but yesterday he was outfoxed twice in quick succession.
  • In which case, it's the sleaziest fairytale you'll see. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wearing: Flowy off-the-shoulder white fairytale nightie. Friday
  • They will spend the first two nights mingling with minstrels and musicians at the fairytale, medieval-style Excalibur Hotel in Las Vegas.
  • Margam Park - 850 acres of parkland with a fairytale model village, maze, adventure playground, orangery.
  • The real trap to avoid is the one where he listens to rightwing goons and their fairytales. Obama may fall into Bush 41 tax trap
  • Her compositions featured decorative motifs inspired by nature, nodding to the mysterious world of fairytales and their enchanted gardens. Times, Sunday Times
  • And Hope's eyes remained closed; her chocolate hair spread in a cloud behind her head, waxen complexion and slowed breathing giving her the look of a sleeping fairytale princess under an evil curse.
  • From dreams of a fairytale victory to a forlorn damage limitation exercise in one flourish of a red card. The Sun
  • And since we are in the realm of myths and fairytales, she deserves to be rewarded.
  • Well… we could hardly blow the gaff on a fairytale, could we?
  • The 30-plus dancers gave us a first half like something out of a fairytale with a country house Christmas ball transforming into a snowscape.
  • Spielberg is presumably attempting to infuse his film with a fairytale, fabular quality – but all he does is provide it with a directorial straitjacket, with the audience instructed through insistent camera angles, nagging music, and strategised lighting exactly what it's supposed to be feeling at any given moment. War Horse – review
  • Dinner of chicken and lamb tagine on the terrace under the stars was a fairytale ending to our first day. The Sun
  • At every stage in a fairytale life, the stoic sensible lovely Lancashire lass has been Tom's buttress, giving unstinting support and keeping his feet firmly on the ground.
  • From dreams of a fairytale victory to a forlorn damage limitation exercise in one flourish of a red card. The Sun
  • Many fans hoped for a fairytale resolution to Kahn's crisis, reuniting a father with his children.
  • Fairytales were always a bit of a swindle, bribing us with happy endings to accept their sanctimonious morality.
  • Mende grew up in the Nuba Mountains of the Sudan, enjoying a fairytale childhood until the age of 12 when the Mujahidin - Arab raiders - invaded her village.
  • It was like an illustration from a fairytale. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mass-produced fairytale gratifies this desire by emphasising the sense of familiarity achieved through the outward material and ideological sameness.
  • What has happened to the elements of darkness, deception and fear that used to be a part of the fairytale world?
  • First out of the gate is “Goosegirl” by Margaret Ronald, which offers up a new look at the German fairytale from the Brothers Grimm. Not #40, alas
  • They now need to prove their top-flight status is no fluke by repeating that fairytale finish. The Sun
  • But Barclay spoiled the fairytale as he recovered well fielding the ball.
  • Cinderella, more than any of the other pantos, is a magical fairytale and I felt that this was not made enough of.
  • Headteacher Carole Whitehurst says it was quite an eye opener for a generation of children who are far more familiar with Disney's version of fables and fairytales than the pantomimes.
  • So, amid fairytale fire torches and twinkling candles, we were led to our very own reindeer sleigh in the middle of an enchanted snow forest. The Sun
  • IT was the test that could have ruined Mary Donaldson's fairytale romance with Denmark's Prince Frederik.
  • Fairytale characters roam the store, the main window of which is themed with a different fairy tale.
  • The book also includes an admirably condensed and clear introduction to the basic knowledge on fairytales and their study and can be recommended to any beginning folklore student.
  • So, amid fairytale fire torches and twinkling candles, we were led to our very own reindeer sleigh in the middle of an enchanted snow forest. The Sun
  • I should reply, _Read Undine: that is a fairytale; then read this and that as well, and you will see what is a fairytale_. A Dish of Orts : Chiefly Papers on the Imagination, and on Shakespeare
  • Like the ogresses of fairytales or the winds of war, their mills grind bones.
  • The fairytale ended in 2002 when Swan was forced to pull up Istabraq in his last attempt to break the Cheltenham record after two flights.
  • Fairytales were always a bit of a swindle, bribing us with happy endings to accept their sanctimonious morality.
  • This is the moral of the fairytale about the perfect woman. Times, Sunday Times
  • [Apple Trailers] • The Wildlife Photographer of the Year around went to one Jose Luis Rodriguez for — among other shots — a haunting picture of a wolf that captures all the primitive, fairytale terror of a wolve lurking into the village. VF Daily
  • The paper's main working hypothesis is that this custom is to be understood in the context of underlying conceptions that fairytales convey in a symbolical guise.
  • T-baggers: aka - irrational lily-white racists, tax-dodgers, homophobes, birthers, ignorant gun-loving reactionaries, toothless and obese fans of big insurance companies, and far-right religious wingnuts clinging to fairytales of humans and dinosaurs living together just outside Eden. Tea Party movement attempts to unite?
  • A prince turns into a frog in this cartoon fairytale.
  • Those who did understand Matisse's work compared its luminosity to the glowing of a Byzantine enamel, entering a fairytale.
  • Of the larger properties to come to market in recent weeks are Kells House and gardens in Co Kerry, a Victorian fairytale manse on 46 acres at Cahersiveen.
  • Rain cheque IN most fairytales there is a pot of gold at the end of these. The Sun
  • All the great fairytales and myths are full of loss and longing. Times, Sunday Times

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