How To Use Fair game In A Sentence
Politicians were always considered fair game by cartoonists.
The young star's behavior made her fair game for the tabloid press.
The argument that third generation mobile phone technology is non-essential and, therefore, fair game for the Nimby brigade, is flawed.
Every malicious, dirty, low-down trick was fair game.
Why did you see vegans as fair game, when they are so wholly, completely, magnificently and inarguably in the right?
Times, Sunday Times

Everything like that was fair game, and it was always fair game to tease the keepers and those people who had apple trees and things.
Lost Voices of the Edwardians: 19011910 in the words of the Men & Women Who Were There
Politicians were always considered fair game by cartoonists.
Anything that is palletized is fair game for us.
Many journalists consider the royal family fair game.
From now on, our leaders, our politicians, our statesmen will be fair game too.
He applauded as if it had been the Woffington or any other fair game.
The Ladies A Shining Constellation of Wit and Beauty
For many newspaper editors and columnists, some sections of society seem to be fair game.
Oh, yes, we thought it fair game to try and steal other people wood but woe betide anyone who tried to pilfer ours.
I wouldn't want to have to explain to a devout Muslim why protecting a purely secular symbol from desecration is so important that we had to amend the Constitution to protect it, but religious figures are fair game.
Gift to rioters?
I don't draw attention to myself in public, and therefore I don't think I'm fair game for anyone to investigate me.
The rules of kashrut, circumcision, covered heads, division of gender roles, etc etc - this is all fair game for mocking, just as the idols were.
Everything in Ireland that was once concealed is now, for them, fair game: Is the Church still against fornication?
The Empty Family by Colm Tóibín – Review
Despite the rivers being fair game, match activity on some of the commercial carp orientated venues continues unabated.
Even schools, where milk had long held a treasured spot on every child's lunch tray, became fair game for soda marketers.
The rules of kashrut, circumcision, covered heads, division of gender roles, etc etc - this is all fair game for mocking, just as the idols were.
The other kids could tease me till I cried, but as far as I was concerned, frilly sleeping apparel was fair game on a canoe trip.
We went on to discuss whether MSPs regarded country people as ‘fair game to bash’, along with the relative welfare aspects of hunting foxes over shooting or gassing them.
The spirit of foolishness prevails and no individual branch of Christianity gets special treatment - everyone is fair game here.
Until the era of "medievalism," in which modern representations of the medieval came to be considered fair game for medieval scholars, Tolkien's fiction was not a proper subject for a medieval scholar to study -- not because he was producing fantasy, but because he clearly falls into the modern era.
Defending the Tolkien Snobs
KURTZ: Suddenly, even the seamiest details of Kerik's complicated romantic life were deemed fair game for the media.
CNN Transcript Dec 19, 2004
After a four-bagger, some pitchers felt the next batters noggin was fair game.
Sluggers: Water, Water Everywhere
Many journalists consider the royal family fair game.
Any effect that a change in a gene has on its own replication probability is fair game for natural selection.
The strategically located Gwalior fort was fair game, in its position as the gateway to central India, for all would-be potentates.
In this view, exploiting a structural weakness in the MTS market was fair game.
The lives of the great and gifted have always been fair game for movie biopics.
Every malicious, dirty, low-down trick was fair game.
His closest advisor and confidant is his wife and thereby FAIR GAME! tired of the election
Obama to GOP: 'Lay off my wife'
For someone to say they don't care for reading labels them as some kind of thickie pariah, fair game for any insult.
Archive 2005-08-01
Without regulation, tweets about medical visits and the weekly shop might become fair game.
Times, Sunday Times
Or, 'pointing out issues of complexity, irreducibility, and (through humans) known potential of intelligence and purposefulness is fair game with ID '.
Bunny and a Book
Of course - any natives suspected of loyalty would be fair game - including the gora-colonel's lapdog, as Ram Mangal had charmingly called me.
Not to mention all those times I was running away, a skinny little boy loose on the streets - I was fair game for all sorts of sickos.
We stood to one side and let the march go by - partly from fascination and partly because groups of individuals were detaching themselves from the main body and harangued anyone who appeared fair game for their attention.
And I'm not even going to think about the people who think that hookers are fair game.
One minute we are presented as the pride of the nation, the next we're all fair game for criticism again.
From popular music genres to various folk musics to film score and cartoon soundtracks - any style is fair game.
You still have to protect the goaltender - especially from incidental contact in the crease because goalies are fair game again.
Actually, even the kitchen sink is fair game if it fits in the boat and can be schlepped across a portage.
It’d be one thing if the Hugo campaign was quoting something from the comment section, but since anyone can join RK and write a diary and make their thoughts actual content on the site, that is promoted on the front page (usually through the “recent diaries” bar, but sometimes through actual posting), then anything on there can be viewed as fair game.
Waldo Jaquith - Delegate uses anonymous blog comments in attack ad.
The automobilist is a good advertiser of what he finds _en route_ that pleases him, and scores pitilessly -- to other automobilists -- everything in the nature of a swindle that he meets with, and they are not few, for in many places the automobilist is still considered fair game for robbery.
The Automobilist Abroad
One could argue that making jokes about the incident trivializes it, but once the 11 o'clock news is over, virtually everything is fair game for satirists and gagsters, and the Emmy special gets a special dispensation where topical jokes are concerned.
Although Opie and Andy have been suspended for 30 days (no word on whether it's with or without pay), a great thing happened on the way to the radio station -- The line in the sand has been drawn, and it says that making fun of minorities will get you fired, making fun of women will get you fired ... but making fun of women getting raped and assaulted is fair game, and possibly good for ratings: Last month, cable network MSNBC dropped its simulcast of Imus 'show, then CBS Radio fired him for using racist and sexist terms to describe the Rutgers women's basketball team.
Archive 2007-05-01
The axiom is that golf was never meant to be a fair game, so then the natural response is when does it become an unfair game?
Some of the people, who had crossed the river with us, had informed the people of Mareena of the treatment we had experienced in passing from Maniakorro to the Ba Woolima, which district is called Kissi; and withal had told the people that our coffle was a Dummulafong, a thing sent to be eaten, or in English _fair game_ for every body.
The Journal of a Mission to the Interior of Africa, in the Year 1805
Unlike the Koran, however, the Bible has long been fair game for spirited literary re-readings.
For pljeskavica and cevapi, the entire animal is fair game.
NYT > Home Page
Neem trees are considered fair game in the village. And Shahabpuris greet each other sparingly.
And when the Press Complaints Commission steps in to point out that not all politicians are ‘fair game’, it is fair to assume that you have tumbled into a topsy-turvy place.
Without regulation, tweets about medical visits and the weekly shop might become fair game.
Times, Sunday Times
Some believe cheating the taxman is fair game; cheating on their wife or husband is too.
Organisers are also looking for community organisations to run antiquated fair games such a quoits and bob-the-apple to add to the atmosphere of the day.
This uneasy halfway house is fair game for the worst excesses of journalism.
A certain lack of personal hygiene pervades the carriage, and then yes, you guessed it, three of 'em decide my table is fair game.
The French press, which has traditionally been reverential and unchallenging of its political and cultural elites, decided that his previous use of her to promote his political career meant that the situation was fair game.
And finally you reveal the sham of yourself, the lip-service you pay to the idea that "[f] or a reviewer, I suppose all published work is fair game and, as writers, we should expect to take the good with the bad, review-wise" in your email, when you mewl pitiably that, "if I had received that email, I would have taken down the review.
How Not to be a Writer
The Town Hall seems fair game for criticism, but in fact there has been a concerted attempt, especially in the past few years, to get things moving.
Think about it, many will say that they wouldnt kill off Ben so soon because theyre is ALOT of answers to come out of him, but he is getting a flashback episode that charts from him as a young boy to him as a man, so I’d say he might just be fair game as one of the OTHER casualties!
The Tail Section » Lost Finale Spoilers From USAToday
Why should his supreme sacrifice for his country be fair game for those who would stoop to destroy the reputation of an American hero for mere political gain?
Suddenly he was fair game once more and there was more than just terrorism on the agenda.
The assumption that ancient corpses are fair game for science is beginning to be challenged.
But more important, the keen sense of smell of foxes, shrews, and coyotes means any meat left unguarded is fair game.
News editors, TV executives, and publishers insist that the alleged foibles and peccadilloes of celebrities, even those that wear the mantle of the presidency, and now in the case of Michelle, their wives, are fair game for exposure.
Earl Ofari Hutchinson: Dumping on The Obamas
Well, maybe in the US they are, but in large tracts of the world non-human primates are bushfood, and fair game outside of national parks and reserves.
Paul Nelson makes a bizarre argument - The Panda's Thumb
I was heartened to see that our weapons came with blunt tips—Mr. Cohen had brought along both sabers and epees, explaining that with the saber you can hit only above the waist, but with the epee the whole body is fair game, thus more closely resembling dueling of old.
A Fine Point in a Fight
The younger teachers were considered fair game by most of the kids.
Palin thinks she has the right to limit women's right to privacy nationally that makes this issue fair game, since she is being portrayed as someone who 'walks the walk' by the rightto lifer's.
Election Central Sunday Roundup
everyone was fair game
Presumably she judged that once the death toll passed the quarter million mark, it became fair game for a bit of a snicker.
Celebrities (or 'slebs' if you prefer the new, derogatory term) have been fair game for a while and, if you are going to be cruel, you need a more worthy target than TV chefs and ex-soap stars.
Without regulation, tweets about medical visits and the weekly shop might become fair game.
Times, Sunday Times
They see celebs and politicians as fair game.
Times, Sunday Times
If the companies decided that the Government was not playing a fair game with them, and felt that there was no open, fair and transparent procedure, they would go somewhere else, he said.
This uneasy halfway house is fair game for the worst excesses of journalism.
He was alarmed that among non-fiction publications based on PhD theses, anything that seeks to move beyond anecdotage to argument and analysis becomes fair game for reviewers.
They see celebs and politicians as fair game.
Times, Sunday Times
People were straight with me that day, but suddenly I was fair game for the media.