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How To Use Faintly In A Sentence

  • Through her suit, Suzie Nova felt the diamantine exterior of the alien contraption throb faintly below her feet, alive with incomprehensible energies that course through it like blood through arteries.
  • Stooping, I lifted the belt, ornamental silver medallions that tinkled faintly together like coins of small denominations. I'LL TAKE YOU THERE
  • I could faintly hear the sounds of running water somewhere in the building.
  • She's talking about the faintly unimpressive exit poll results.
  • Now, the dynamics of dynasticism are faintly understood by non-specialists. The Times Literary Supplement
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Master English with Ease
  • The poems come to us across a great chronological and cultural divide, and the reader is reminded of this fact by the occasional archaic word and by the unusual compounding, both of which impart a faintly disorienting tone.
  • Less talked about is the way fame can make virtually all aspects of your life faintly ludicrous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Galanthus reginae-olgae is a reliable early flowerer, producing its faintly scented blooms as early as October.
  • He seemed faintly bored by the whole process.
  • My portion of braised veal trotters seemed to have been overbraised by a week or two, and the lamb sausages tasted faintly of gas, as if they'd been blasted with a blowtorch.
  • His expression faintly amused, Breckenridge did; he followed. The Ideal Bride
  • The wriggle brought Shawn into a half wakeful state and he groggily inhaled a faintly flowery scent.
  • Instead a self-congratulatory smile played around the man's mouth, giving him a faintly feline look. THE SOUND OF MURDER
  • An eighth would be faintly ludicrous. Times, Sunday Times
  • The moon glimmered faintly through the mists.
  • In the near darkness Jonathan was faintly aware of hazel eyes staring up at him.
  • I had a strong sense of her femininity; she was wearing nail varnish, and had an aura of faintly sweet scent. Seminary Boy
  • Family photographs cover various side tables perched at the end of faintly floral sofas. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'Once middle age appears even faintly on the horizon, fashion suddenly gets all unhand-me-greybeard-loon' Alexis Petridis: A toast to Toast
  • Their melodramatic arrangements, cascading strings and faintly histrionic vocal performances reflected the films' camp excesses.
  • In childhood photographs, while physically resembling Daisy, he had looked anxious, striving, as if already faintly disapproved of. THE GOLDEN LION
  • A faintly rutted road, wide enough to allow a team of horses, holds off the encroaching prairie.
  • The grey-trunked trees sprang up straight to a great height and then interwove their pale-grey branches in a long tunnel through which the autumn light fell faintly.
  • unless shaking your boobage, pouting your lips, and giving faintly dead eye stares is acting, Scarlett Johannsson needs to find another line of work..unless its with Woody Allen because the man can take a talentless hack and make her an Oscar winner Mira Sorvino anyone? Jessica Biel Is Wonder Woman, To Some Extent
  • I could faintly hear you from where I sat.
  • Faintly glowing silver sigils appeared on the slips, in the form of a circle enclosing an oil lamp, a river, and several abstract designs.
  • He gave a faintly malicious smile at her furious expression.
  • If, between the two, an outline faintly emerges of something betokening a system - implied through the press-release fog - then we shall have something to test against and compare with other documented cases affecting films.
  • Despite the ritual dousing with perfume and mouthwash, the girl still smelled faintly of cigarette smoke.
  • Ten years ago, the idea would have been faintly ludicrous. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was already asleep in the bed, which smelled faintly of mildew.
  • The skylights billow like sheets flapping in the wind and dancing curtains shine green and faintly red.
  • between him and the dim light a form was outlined faintly
  • So much so that, in meeting her, an edge of brittle insecurity appears faintly visible beneath her ageless face and coolly cordial manner.
  • The faintly bowed front has a look that is now familiar and strangely oldfashioned. Times, Sunday Times
  • The face that stared back at her from the small mirror was reassuringly familiar, her expression faintly aloof and withdrawn, the cleverly tailored cut of her thick glossy hair making it fall in a smooth, controlled curve. Passionate Relationship
  • By the faintly chagrined expression on his face, Darius could very safely assume that Asgard had received a similar reproof.
  • Within the dermis were multiple aggregates of faintly basophilic spherules.
  • The _fourth glume_ is chartaceous, shining, smooth ovate-oblong, apex cuspidate, with a few hairs on the edges at the apex, faintly 5-nerved. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • I left the residence to walk down to the office, and saw that the lake was speckled with faintly glowing dots.
  • And the girl, looking up into the peaceful old "lineaments," smiled faintly, and knew there was healing in them. Four Girls and a Compact
  • Organic seared salmon with a sesame crust and a marginally oversweet, faintly citric sauce could have done with some seasoning.
  • Bored and whimsical, he indulges an idle, faintly epicurean interest in a beautiful boy sporting on the beach; then he is transfigured by epiphanic agony as the older man falls in love with the younger.
  • The faintly sinister commonality of "Smith" suited the fellow better. LORD OF THE SILENT
  • In his mouth is firmly clamped a white, messy bundle, faintly streaked with red.
  • Flowers like the oxlip, with transparently thin petals, only faintly washed with colour, yet have a distinct and pervasive scent. The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing
  • Or why not just smudge the black and white together to create a faintly uninspiring shade of grey?
  • She turned her depthless gaze on her son and smiled faintly.
  • The smell of lavender lingered faintly in the room.
  • The neutral or very faintly alkaline solution was then distilled almost to dryness, when practically the whole of the furfuraldehyde comes over. Scientific American Supplement, No. 821, September 26, 1891
  • The tendency to categorize black sportsmen and women differently from the rest is faintly racist and, I believe, totally unnecessary.
  • The pastry chef's version of bread pudding is a dense slab of faintly eggy brioche, served with a scoop of coconut sorbet.
  • I'll admit that I was more than a little jumpy as I made my way through this gauntlet of jimsonweed and Huggies, but as I grew closer and began to make out the outline of the bunker's entrance, I heard music, faintly at first, but growing louder with each footstep until I finally recognized it as ABBA's Waterloo. Live blogging for Lieberman or how Bill Kristol saved my life
  • Michael frowned faintly in confusion, not understanding the sudden change in her mood.
  • The young man clung rather faintly to the supporting planks, as if he had overstrained himself; and two or three hands, who had already shoved off a "bateau," pushed out and picked him up with his burden. Earth's Enigmas A Volume of Stories
  • It is expertly animated, well paced, and faintly terrifying.
  • In the city's lavish beaux-arts facades and lobbies, farewell smooches and the rustle of tipsy last minute fumblings, still linger faintly in the air today.
  • He laughed faintly. ‘Making me out to be an angel already?’
  • I could faintly hear the distant rumble of commuter traffic from my bedroom - a reminder of what I had temporarily escaped.
  • She felt faintly ridiculous.
  • His voice issued faintly from within.
  • The voice sounded faintly familiar to Draica but she quickly pushed the thought of her mind and focused on staying hidden.
  • But how faintly it was inbreathed, how passionlessly, as if the seraphim themselves were breathing upon him! A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
  • ‘Mustn't be cruel to animals, my boy,’ he reproved, with both palms cradling the gleaming-orange face so that it hooked to his own faintly stern one.
  • Interestingly, GFP-ARC5 can be faintly detected in unconstricted chloroplasts indicating that ARC5 may play a role in chloroplast division earlier than was previously suggested from analysis of the arc5 mutant.
  • But then the full moon rose in cloudless serenity, and at length we heard, faintly, then more distinctly, and then in all its deep and sonorous harmony, the tolling of the cathedral bell, which announced our vicinity to a great city. Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
  • During both seasons the dirty white of the face and cheeks is only relieved by the dark facial streak, which is short and narrow, but defined by a sprinkling of rufous hairs; the lateral and pygal bands are very faintly indicated, the dark bands being more rufous, the light band rather paler than the grey fawn colour of the upper parts of the body; breast and belly white; tail and ears moderate in length, the former blackish-rufous. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • His father was still watching him, his expression faintly humorous. Far Beyond the Stars
  • I myself am fascinated with doll-specific impossibilities, and while the majority of my video collection is probably quite irrelevant, I offer up Philips' shaving gynoid as a faintly similar breadcrumb. Real Life inspires: Doll Face
  • Yonder, behind the forests, he heard strange sounds; then glinting through the trees he saw, far, far away, the bronzed hosts of a nation calling, —calling faintly, calling loudly. XII. Of Alexander Crummell.
  • The prisoner nodded faintly at the array of somber faces.
  • The clopping of hooves could be heard faintly over the wind as a band of riders on black stallions came galloping along side of us.
  • Caddies tend to be a faintly eccentric bunch. Times, Sunday Times
  • The oriel windows could just be made out in the grey stone of the building, and very faintly, the delicate colour of the wistaria. THE GOLDEN LION
  • It was a startling assembly, not the least because with a few faintly yellow exceptions, the vroqupii were clad in short, bristly, rose-hued fur. Voyage To The City Of The Dead
  • She could faintly hear voices as she began to regain consciousness .
  • The place felt faintly familiar to me.
  • The prisoner nodded faintly at the array of somber faces.
  • He realizes faintly that he can change them by an effort of will and "transmute" them into mental states of an exactly opposite nature. The Doctrine and Practice of Yoga
  • He was already asleep in the bed, which smelled faintly of mildew.
  • I could hear dishes clattering faintly in the distance.
  • From the slope below, the wild goats bleated faintly.
  • A fierce connection resulted and you could faintly hear cats meowing in the background.
  • I can see Kirriemuir, barely two miles distant, only faintly through the rain.
  • Pinzote, the stalk of the banana tree, was once dumped into Costa Rican rivers, but is now made into smooth, faintly speckled paper.
  • The Lady (on the other side) seeming to be very angerly incensed, starting faintly up on her feet, yet supporting her selfe by the tree, said. The Decameron
  • Her face was turned down but he could faintly see the tears as they fell from her cheeks.
  • It was not new; the velvet was worn down to the matte backing in spots, and it smelled faintly of dusting powder and cedar. DOWNTOWN
  • Claire fears he will bite her, but instead she feels his tongue, more startling than a nip, warm and damp and faintly nubbed. Some Fun
  • The outer side is smoothly rounded; on the inner side the anterior edge is faintly denticulated.
  • In times of war and similar threats we are acutely sensitive of anything that is faintly seditious.
  • He handed the wheel of cheese back to Lena, who had a faintly disgusted look on her face.
  • Its no longer even faintly pretty but has become a wrinkle of ugliness.
  • He stood next to the drinks cabinet, treating himself to a snifter of the local liquor, an amethyst drink that smelt faintly floral.
  • He sat on the ground, not noticing the dewy grass dampening his clothes, and stared out across the darkness of the valley, which was faintly illuminated by the millions of stars hanging just above his head.
  • The locations will be beautiful, the puzzles complex and the plot faintly ridiculous. The Sun
  • I believe there were also a number of decorations on the strip which faintly resembled flowers and small animals.
  • The heads were faintly suggestive of elephants ', round, with beady eyes, large erect ears that doubled as cooling surfaces, a short trunk that was a chemosensor and a floodtime snorkel, small down-curving tusks on the males. A Circus of Hells
  • If the acids themselves do not yield water-soluble sulphonation products, the alkali salts of the latter may be condensed with formaldehyde, and the resulting products then constitute tanning matters provided their solutions can be neutralised or faintly acidified without the solute being thrown out of solution in insoluble form. Synthetic Tannins
  • For KP it must have felt a bit like going somewhere really strait-laced on your gap year and entirely reinventing yourself, perhaps as a flamboyant transsexual New York garage DJ-type figure, only to turn round one day and find half the people from your A-level year standing in the corner looking faintly amused. Colonial promiscuity in danger of diluting test cricket's pleasures | Barney Ronay
  • She could faintly hear voices as she began to regain consciousness .
  • As they entered, the orchestra were sounding the preliminary whimpers to a maxixe, a tune full of castanets and facile faintly languorous violin harmonies, appropriate to the crowded winter grill teeming with an excited college crowd, high-spirited at the approach of the holidays. The Beautiful and Damned
  • Jupiter could be seen, a thin gold crescent and the rest of the oblate disc a coalsack faintly rimmed with light. Three Worlds to Conquer
  • Jess felt faintly indignant at the remark.
  • Dinner takes to a sublime and faintly parodic extreme the great revival of British food that might be traced back to Rick Stein's 1988 book, English Seafood Cookery. How Britain got its patriotism back | Jonathan Jones
  • There's something faintly disconcerting about watching a former financial guru revert to the language of a woolly-headed students' union rally.
  • This was swiftly slapped on to the front pages, accompanied by faintly pervy photos of podgy teenaged girls' bums in too-tight hipster jeans or wobbly thighs at the side of the school swimming pool.
  • Stooping, I lifted the belt, ornamental silver medallions that tinkled faintly together like coins of small denominations. I'LL TAKE YOU THERE
  • We find them faintly ridiculous, laughable rather than laudable and have a strong desire to puncture their pomposity. Times, Sunday Times
  • They gained a footballer with intelligence and one or two faintly bohemian qualities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of all he liked textured soy protein breakfast patties, which gave to his palate a fine tang of faintly scented simulated maple flavouring.
  • She pulled herself up and was faintly aware of a soft cushiony fabric beneath her; so soft and comfortable that Tri was tempted to lay back down and let sleep take over her mind.
  • A distinctively prickly, pessimistic, faintly unrewarding comedy of embarrassment. Involuntary – review
  • In more institutionalized political cultures like Chile's or Mexico's, the term caudillo has become faintly derisive. The Return of the Caudillo
  • He discovered the liquid light of her dark eyes in the rippling darkness of the streams; the lilies recalled the faintly tinted paleness of her cheeks; the silene roses, scattered throughout the hedges, called forth the remembrance of the young maiden's rosy lips, and the vernal odor of the leaves appeared to him like an emanation of her graceful and wholesome nature. The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • Finally, you settle onto a couch and smile faintly at a middle-aged woman who is reading a paperback on the loveseat nearby.
  • Near the middle of the occipital squama is the external occipital protuberance or inion, and extending lateralward from it on either side is the superior nuchal line, and above this the faintly marked highest nuchal line. II. Osteology. 5c. The Exterior of the Skull
  • Before then, there was something faintly disreputable about really big fortunes.
  • As soon as she had left, I was enveloped by a faintly sulphorous, eggy odour.
  • And while these elderly gents may look faintly ridiculous when they troop out in their finery of tartan trews, Lincoln green tunics and feathered bonnets they are all serious people.
  • Her vision was blurring, her head still pounding from the screeching of the alarm which could be heard faintly in the distance.
  • Kirillovna faintly screwed up her black Kalmuck eyes. The Inn
  • All went swimmingly at first, and I had that warm, faintly proprietorial glow that goes with introducing friends to somewhere that you feel has been your own brilliant discovery.
  • Their teacher-pupil relationship has the air of someone imparting unwholesome, faintly dangerous but thrillingly forbidden truths: a course in deflowerment in which the pupil must first be deflowered.
  • His flat options for a title further betray his depression: he toyed with “Imitating the Equator,” “Another Innocent Abroad,” “The Latest,” and “The Surviving Innocent Abroad”; not until July did he decide on Following the Equator and its faintly redundant subtitle, A Journey Around the World. Mark Twain
  • She found the whole concept faintly absurd.
  • `I'll show you then," Livy said, with a faintly proprietorial air. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • Nevertheless, there are a couple of faintly serious questions here.
  • He laid upon the table a drawstring purse of soft leather, that chinked faintly as it shifted and settled.
  • The no-more-bowing decision was credited to His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent, an amiable, faintly woebegone chap who is a cousin of the queen.
  • Then the orchestra strikes up the song currently associated with the star who, blushing faintly, glides swanlike to her table, skin dazzling, diamonds winking, profile at the proper tilt. Lobster Palace Society | Edwardian Promenade
  • The _fourth glume_ is elliptic-oblong, plano-convex, subobtuse, smooth or shining, though faintly striate, coriaceous with incurved margins; _palea_ is coriaceous, as long as the glume, elliptic, faintly striate. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • He tilted his head, his belled hat jingling faintly, when the king just sputtered, red-faced, instead of answering his question.
  • Buried under his covers he could only faintly hear the echoes of rings somewhere else.
  • Only as the strike nears defeat does his obstinacy acquire a more human, faintly heroic quality.
  • The postbags under his eyes have lost a few bulging packages, and his naturally sulky pout seems, if not upturned into an actual smile, at least faintly curved.
  • I do remember that she was sitting up in bed in her quilted house coat, and she didn't seem all that ill, well apart from the cancerous cough and faintly sweet and unpleasant medical smell.
  • It seemed such a little thing, so bright and small and still, faintly marked with transverse stripes, and slightly flattened from the perfect round. The War Of The Worlds by H. G. Wells | Solar Flare: Science Fiction News
  • The mouthfeel is faintly oily on the mid-palate but still lively with a tingle of acidity on a long, melony finish. The New York Cork Report:
  • So, like a careful captain, Leif got his dried fish, his smoked deer - meat, his water casks, and his lumber by degrees all on board; he lit the watch fires as usual at sundown; but by moonrise, with the early tide he and his men slipped quietly out of their stockaded camp and into their vessel, and silently drifted out to sea before the warm land-wind that still was faintly blowing. The Iron Star — and what It saw on Its Journey through the Ages
  • She looked faintly surprised at my remark.
  • Perhaps this is why the word "swooned" is so apt: "His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling, like the descent of their last end, upon all the living and the dead. The Journey Westward
  • The radio broadcast was interrupted and listeners in northern Alabama heard a storm of static followed by a robotic voice with a faintly British accent. Times, Sunday Times
  • He hurried into the street and looked back at the church, then up to the tall steeple which was faintly visible in the feathery flakes. THE OUTSIDER
  • He got up onto his hands and knees and felt carefully round inside the byre, but there was nothing even faintly edible—only a scurf of moldy hay. Songs of Love & Death
  • So much smoke, and possibly scoriae and cinders were mingled with them, that their light gleamed but faintly amid the gloom of the night. The Mysterious Island
  • From there I'd suggest heading to Ueno, a slightly down-at-heel area, built around a park, that still has a faintly rural feel and reminds you of what Tokyo used to be when its Meiji refashioners, in the late 19th century, took their cues from London and Paris. Big in Japan: why Tokyo is top
  • By immunofluorescence, beclin-1 staining showed faintly detectable and diffusely distributed in the cytoplasm (regarded as negative) or confined to the perinuclear region as large and brilliant puncta suggestive of macro-aggregate reactivity (regarded as positive). Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • You can't hear it without feeling faintly unwell all over again. Times, Sunday Times
  • He nodded faintly, his smirk the only outward sign of emotion.
  • Most good riding camels have very thick coats of comparatively straight hair, faintly lustrous. A BOOK OF LANDS AND PEOPLES
  • Pineapples come to us all year but their juice, honeyed yet faintly tart, is more welcome under a grey January sky.
  • “But old bad news,” he said, his expression faintly hopeful. Memory of Fire
  • Of the three Washington thrushes, the Veery has the palest flanks and is the most faintly spotted.
  • It was not the ordinary darkness, in which forms can be faintly traced; it was like going suddenly stone-blind. The Man Who Was Thursday
  • The next morning went by like a blur, and she faintly remembered a short conversation with him last night.
  • He tried to tell himself it was only a dream, but the feel of the rough mattress-ticking beneath him and the fetid, faintly ammoniacal smell of feathers and old newspapers and bird dung argued otherwise. Fear Itself
  • It was faintly tinted, the pale amber of bourbon, but it looked cool and potable. FOLLOW THE SHARKS
  • It faintly annoyed Billy that the Trades Hall people did not treat him with more deference.
  • She strode purposefully across the grey moss and lichens, crunched through the fallen needles of the little sheoak grove and led them up onto a faintly worn track across the desert rock.
  • All this combines to produce a mutton with a unique flavour which is stronger and faintly gamey compared with lowland mutton.
  • I dare say that mine, under the cover of my beard, twitches faintly back.
  • Liz looks, well, faintly dumbstruck.
  • Upon saying this, my figure that could vividly be seen in her black pupil began crumbling faintly.
  • Warm as a clean hand and just faintly tangy. Times, Sunday Times
  • He laid upon the table a drawstring purse of soft leather, that chinked faintly as it shifted and settled.
  • A beginning beard faintly shadowed his chin and lean cheeks.
  • He manages the great funeral oration impressively, if not without some undue bombast; for the rest, a pigeon-toed Antony speaking in a faintly campy drawl is rather problematic.
  • It was a solemn, faintly religious experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • When childhood tales of that great-uncle never returning from post-war Soviet imprisonment pulsed again in his mind as they had done, faintly though steadily, since he'd arrived in the city, Connie laid down his knife and fork and brought a hand up to his chin, hoping his arm would be enough to obstruct the Goethe-Institut emblem across his chest. A Bear Hunt in Riga
  • A black cloth was draped on the large cross above the organ in the center of the sanctuary, faintly illuminated.
  • The tendency to categorize black sportsmen and women differently from the rest is faintly racist and, I believe, totally unnecessary.
  • It is a world where one may still faintly hear the horns of elfland blowing, and where Hob-trush Hob and little Nanny Button-cap wander on printless feet through the star-lit glades; where charms are still recited when the moon is new, and where on Yorkshire Dialect Poems (1673-1915) and traditional poems
  • The sun could be glimpsed only faintly, shafting through the small leaded window. THE GOLDEN LION
  • We find them faintly ridiculous, laughable rather than laudable and have a strong desire to puncture their pomposity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Faintly she thought she could hear the gentle shush of the sea on the sand in the distance. SANDS OF TIME
  • A dark, dingy little shop that always smelt faintly of cigarettes and Pine-O-Clean.
  • His flat options for a title further betray his depression: he toyed with “Imitating the Equator,” “Another Innocent Abroad,” “The Latest,” and “The Surviving Innocent Abroad”; not until July did he decide on Following the Equator and its faintly redundant subtitle, A Journey Around the World. Mark Twain
  • I smiled faintly and got off of the bed, shrinking away from him and pulling my hand through the knots in my hair.
  • An eighth would be faintly ludicrous. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only sizable store of books in English was the American Book Center, a faintly indecent basement establishment mainly stocked, unless I misremember, with Mad comics and X-rated-looking publications. Touched by Evil
  • Aroma: musty and resiny, some citrus; pine hops; biscuit and toasty malts are faintly in the background Archive 2009-05-01
  • Elisabeth looked at her brother, smiling faintly.
  • As a result, the actors look flushed and faintly demonic throughout the picture.
  • He tasted faintly of chocolate with a hint of mint flavoured toothpaste.
  • Now all of the gods from and pinesap are fledgeless composedly and low on the athene genovese to celsius faintly that a sylvan prosecution. Rational Review
  • Her deep brown hair and eyes highlight her faintly tanned complexion, and her curvaceous figure is poured into a dark bronze velvet gown.
  • Thin dark green carpets covered the area, contrasting faintly with the dark colour of the wood.
  • From her window she gazed upon the garden below, shewn faintly by the moon, rising over the tops of the palm-trees, and, at length, the calm beauty of the night increased a desire of indulging the mournful sweetness of bidding farewel to the beloved shades of her childhood, till she was tempted to descend. The Mysteries of Udolpho
  • Mitton suggested an advance, to which Hawking smiled and made a faintly disparaging reply.
  • Echo might add a slightly too-short tie with a faintly prep-school crest to a nylon parka and camouflage trousers.
  • Stripped to the waist, the contours of their musculature were faintly graven with decades-old surgical scars.
  • Ay, ay, sir!" came the response, faintly heard above the howl of the wind, the thunder of the surf on the rocks to leeward, the heavy "slosh" of a sea in over the bows, and the hair-raising slatting of the canvas overhead. A Middy of the King A Romance of the Old British Navy
  • In times of war and similar threats we are acutely sensitive of anything that is faintly seditious.
  • Christopher turned and looked at Max, smiling faintly.
  • Even the name sounds faintly creepy — 'workplace wearables'. Times, Sunday Times
  • This remarkable venture combines memorable themes with striking ensemble-writing, dramatic brass and percussion sounds and a faintly disconsolate beauty, writes John Fordham Readers recommend: songs about showing off
  • They all have a faintly pastel flavour, ghostly trace tastes; spectral reminders of something that might once have lived in the bottle. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the mainland, the small beaches were faintly visible, the surf like a tiny ruffle of white lace.
  • Andrius Zlabys joined Mr. Kremer, playing an offstage piano, the music first grew faintly Schumannesque, then wafted into double-stopped violin figures that suggested Strauss waltzes. NYT > Home Page

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