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How To Use Faint In A Sentence

  • Through her suit, Suzie Nova felt the diamantine exterior of the alien contraption throb faintly below her feet, alive with incomprehensible energies that course through it like blood through arteries.
  • Even the Magdalene herself, eyes turned in horror from the abandoned grave to the radiant glory of the seraphim, had the faint touch of that naiveté in her eyes.
  • I picked up the faint sound of a car in the distance.
  • ‘There were many times when I felt faint at matches because of menstrual cramps,’ Susan says.
  • There is a faint hissing sound and a burning smell. Times, Sunday Times
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Master English with Ease
  • I could still detect the faint smell of bleach.
  • Stooping, I lifted the belt, ornamental silver medallions that tinkled faintly together like coins of small denominations. I'LL TAKE YOU THERE
  • When terms which signify mixed perfections are predicated of God, the analogy becomes so faint that the locution is a mere metaphor. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • The relation between the original book and this new film is very faint.
  • Unfortunately the glow is so faint that no readily foreseeable telescope will be able to capture it.
  • In some cases, light is reflected twice by each rain drop, forming a larger, fainter secondary rainbow outside the primary rainbow.
  • I could faintly hear the sounds of running water somewhere in the building.
  • Her head spun and her vision blurred from the effort but through the confusion she could see a faint light spread out from her hand and wash over her body.
  • That you know; and you know too, that she purchased her glory and her greatness not by faint-heartedness, but by choosing to suffer pain and incur dangers in the day of need. Hellenica
  • He would faint at the sight of blood.
  • Lor gave a faint, but apparent sign of a blush in her cheek.
  • This enables great whites to detect a heart beat of prey buried in sand from a faint electrical field or the action of a gill or a swimming muscle of another animal. Dr. Reese Halter: Protecting Great White Sharks
  • And the one faint hope that soothed his troubled dreams was one he dared not cherish in his hours of waking. THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • The crew braces for shock, the boat shudders and a giant plume of boat wash is the only mark left in the faint moonlight as the boat races forward into harm's way.
  • The explorers were faint from hunger and cold.
  • I thought I should have fainted; but a torrent of tears recalled the ebbing current of my heart, and I grew proud in fortitude, though humbled in self-love. Memoirs of Mary Robinson
  • There was the faint echo of voices rolling up to the highest balcony seats.
  • It may be that in the faint candle light the improvised cook of the party ebonizes the flapjacks and puts mourning edges on the bacon.
  • Seeing the faint light of early day without, the girl rose to undraw the curtain. Oliver Twist
  • Stuffier, or more fainthearted, royal watchers might have feared what the consequences of that might be. Times, Sunday Times
  • None of us had the faintest idea what was about to take place. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every four years, our brave lads and lasses tend to venture to foreign slopes with faint expectations, which will be duly fulfilled, as they wind up racing to a plucky 32nd in the giant slalom or 29th in the luge.
  • She gave me a faint smile of recognition.
  • Most would agree that the spuds would carry the faint whiff of moral complicity. Times, Sunday Times
  • So spoke Brissenden, faint from a hemorrhage of half an hour before — the second hemorrhage in three days. Chapter 38
  • She's talking about the faintly unimpressive exit poll results.
  • As she made her slow journey across the room, she heard the faint sound of bare flesh slapping against the stone tile.
  • I couldn't help but notice his teeth were stained a faint yellow, probably from consumption of too many cigars.
  • The majority of these were minor, usually vasovagal effects including hypotension and fainting, hypertension, and tachycardia.
  • Figure of Eight racing is not for faint-hearted drivers or spectators, but it provides some of the most thrilling racing on the short circuit scene.
  • One may search these "Salt Water Ballads" through from the opening line of "Consecration" to "The Song At Parting" and find no faint suggestion of that deep religious glory of "The Everlasting Mercy. Giant Hours with Poet Preachers
  • When he was still awake he thought he heard the faint creak of a floorboard, he immediately filed that away as Kira getting her midnight snack.
  • Only faint traces of the tiger's tracks could be seen.
  • Now, the dynamics of dynasticism are faintly understood by non-specialists. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Severe vomiting, diarrhoea, rectal tenesmus: unable to keep standing, she urinates under herself; the pupils are dilated, the eyes haggard; complete mind-blindness, near-total failure of reflexes, deep unconsciousness, breathing dyspneic, heart-beat faint and very fast, pulse barely perceptible; dead in thirty-six hours. Charles Richet - Nobel Lecture
  • The poems come to us across a great chronological and cultural divide, and the reader is reminded of this fact by the occasional archaic word and by the unusual compounding, both of which impart a faintly disorienting tone.
  • At first glance, Ryan's drawings look like half-finished sketches, with faint pencil marks still visible in the finished picture.
  • I have the queer, faint, pit-water smell of it in my nostrils now as I write, and my fingers have subconscious memories of the soft, “cloggy” feel of the long-damp pages. The House on the Borderland
  • His head was throbbing and he was faint from hunger.
  • If it's feeling windy and I smell faint woodsmoke, I expect colder weather within a couple days.
  • And to the west, across the Lombok Strait, a faint outline of Bali's Mount Agung becomes visible through the morning mist. The Next Bali
  • The truth is that their are promising the earth without having the faintest idea of how to pay for their ever growing wishlist.
  • Less talked about is the way fame can make virtually all aspects of your life faintly ludicrous. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was one faint hope that they would see the light. Times, Sunday Times
  • The faint whistling of birdsong awoke Marcs as it crept into his cell.
  • The digital display is uncomfortably faint to read and often gives incorrect readings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Through his open window came the faint, distant beating of the sea; a bird flew past him, a white flash of light; some one was singing the refrain of a Cornish "chanty" -- the swing of the tune came up to him from the garden, and some of the words beat like little bells upon his brain, calling up endless memories of his boyhood. The Wooden Horse
  • The first time he had drunk it he had been violently sick, then had fallen to the ground in a dead faint as the mildly poisonous root exploded through his system.
  • I hope, I yearn to see that it all comes from some great and perfect will, a will with qualities of which what we know as mercy, justice, and love are but faint shadows -- but that is hidden from me. The Altar Fire
  • A faint warm breeze stirred the hairs on his arm as the navy blue sky turned to black as the cicadas cheeped like mobile ringtones. Cheeseburger Gothic » Small Pepsi challenge.
  • My back was hurting badly and I was fainting, losing my senses.
  • A faint path leads to an old shieling on the hillside, a soft sanctuary that gazes up the length of fjord - like Loch Hourn to where it becomes choked off by tumbling mountain slopes.
  • Galanthus reginae-olgae is a reliable early flowerer, producing its faintly scented blooms as early as October.
  • I became faint and weak. The Sun
  • This list is not for the faint of heart. Christianity Today
  • He seemed faintly bored by the whole process.
  • Her voice had a faint American or Canadian twang.
  • Captain, we have a very faint trace leading off in the direction of chi Scorpii. INTELLIVORE
  • I heard the faint warble of Laura's voice.
  • Then he notes the telltale faint imprints of claws.
  • He would break out in a sweat and become so light-headed he would practically faint.
  • Tutoree — much more euphonic, with a faint scent of French which gives it an air of respectability. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Is Not a Word”:
  • She has a faint Irish lilt.
  • My portion of braised veal trotters seemed to have been overbraised by a week or two, and the lamb sausages tasted faintly of gas, as if they'd been blasted with a blowtorch.
  • There was a faint following breeze.
  • His expression faintly amused, Breckenridge did; he followed. The Ideal Bride
  • The wriggle brought Shawn into a half wakeful state and he groggily inhaled a faintly flowery scent.
  • The faint smell of her perfume lingered in the room.
  • The music was faint and sweet, with the sighful quality of an Æolian harp. The Wit and Humor of America, Volume III. (of X.)
  • There may also be the faint patter of drizzle on canvas. Times, Sunday Times
  • She made a rather faint-hearted attempt to stop him from leaving.
  • Instead a self-congratulatory smile played around the man's mouth, giving him a faintly feline look. THE SOUND OF MURDER
  • Everyone in the crowd gasped and Miss Moss fell over in a dead faint with poor little Mr. Goodman to catch her stout figure.
  • Her hand glowed a faint red and touched the person who was pulling her away.
  • Its white surface is marbled with faint purple involutions the edges of which are etched with fine black lines. Two Degrees
  • We could just hear a faint echo.
  • GAINING A NEW PERSEPECTIVE — MICHAEL WESTON (‘THE LAST KISS’) GUEST STARS — When J.D. (Zach Braff) develops vasovagal syncope, a condition which results in fainting or blackouts, he finds himself not only having to deal with losing his girlfriend and his apartment, but also his consciousness. NBC SWEETENS FEBRUARY WITH 28 DAYS OF COMEDY, DRAMA, GAMESMANSHIP, VALENTINES — AND AN ARRAY OF GUEST STARS | the TV addict
  • Faint and fine suturai lineations, incompletely reflecting tabulation, variably developed over surface.
  • He wore indigo jeans and a brown corduroy jacket, and I caught a faint but pleasant hint of aftershave. Times, Sunday Times
  • Manda noticed the front door was opened, and she heard a faint sound of a motorboat, chugging through the water.
  • An eighth would be faintly ludicrous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her voice had a faint American or Canadian twang.
  • I saw the faintest trace of a smile cross Sandra's face.
  • Facer has fainted; this bucket of water should fetch him round.
  • He semaphores his designerlyness by wearing flouncy shirts and exuding a faint whiff of camp.
  • The moon glimmered faintly through the mists.
  • He felt faint for lack of food.
  • You would be so shocked and so disgusted that whatever faint chance of your return is left would disappear forever.
  • An "Offaly good breakfast" may be a crap joke, but it was true to its word: grilled kidneys, pink at the eye, with Leopold Bloom's "faint tang of urine", a little fried wobbly liver, a round of black pudding, a fried egg trimmed unto the yolk on a piece of fried bread, a plank of crisp bacon and a dollop of their own ketchup. Restaurant review: the Potted Pig
  • I heard him ask, but his voice was just a faint decrescendo.
  • When she returned the room was silent again, save for the faint crepitation of his chair and the occasional clink of a bottle. The Invisible Man
  • The faintest noise, it sounded like the creeping of some wraith.
  • He looked across the sea: a faint glimmer of pale light was rising in the midnight-blue sky.
  • In the near darkness Jonathan was faintly aware of hazel eyes staring up at him.
  • I started seeing double, then I fainted.
  • Lifting up the sleeve of my kimono, I pointed at the white bandages still wrapped around my arm, which still had faint tinges of pink to it.
  • The faint smell of her perfume lingered in the room.
  • I had a strong sense of her femininity; she was wearing nail varnish, and had an aura of faintly sweet scent. Seminary Boy
  • She had fatigued herself so much, (growing sensibly weaker) that she sunk her head upon her pillows, ready to faint; and we withdrew to the window, looking upon one another; but could not tell what to say; and yet both seemed inclinable to speak: but the motion passed over in silence. Clarissa Harlowe
  • In the eighth round, she faced syncope, which means a faint or swoon.
  • She could feel his breath on her cheek, and smell the faint warm scent of his skin.
  • Coldness or sweating, flushing, poor circulation, fatigue, fainting.
  • I picked up the faint sound of a car in the distance.
  • As we took off, I could hear a faint quack of relief from Archie's new acquaintances.
  • After a while, the faint, almost inaudible but unmistakable sound of footsteps could be heard.
  • Standing all day on the wet clay floor under the dropping ceiling in the faint light cast by tallow candles was grim.
  • As one might imagine, staging a contemporary, through-composed work is not for the faint-hearted. Cedric Perrier: I Dream : Lowery & Young Join King Family at World Premiere of New MLK opera
  • The image covers a region of 14.1 x 21.6 arcmin on the sky and shows galaxies that are 1 billion times fainter than can be seen by the unaided eye. Undefined
  • Sometimes in his room above he could hear her moving about, a tantalizing, faint, lovely noise.
  • At the mention of the name the huntress automatically flinched and brought her sea green eyes onto the king with faint concern.
  • The topmost peak of the Civita also peers out above the fir-woods bordering the eastern face of Monte Crot; and far away, beyond the sunny vista of the Val Fiorentino, the faint blue peak of the Marmolata is seen against the horizon, its snow-slope outlined in frosted silver. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
  • The sun now had a faint golden haze around it.
  • The first thing she asked for was cornflakes and milk, before fainting. Times, Sunday Times
  • She fancied for a moment that she could detect the faint rusty smell of hot steel.
  • John was almost faint from hunger, his feet throbbed and his legs burned, and he was exhausted.
  • Is there a touch of faint hope in Mr Ward's comment that the bank was considering appealing?
  • I saw a faint glimmer of hope; a chance to derail the topic.
  • After its passage along corridors and down flights of stairs, it seemed far too faint to rouse a heavily sleeping man. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her footsteps and the faint noise of her limbs striking one another as she walked sounded like the mechanism of a time bomb.
  • The snow had started to thaw, and there was a faint scent of spring in the air.
  • Family photographs cover various side tables perched at the end of faintly floral sofas. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'Once middle age appears even faintly on the horizon, fashion suddenly gets all unhand-me-greybeard-loon' Alexis Petridis: A toast to Toast
  • There was still a faint hope that they would accept the offer.
  • God (1Ti 1: 11-13). we faint not -- in boldness of speech and action, and patience in suffering (2Co 4: 2, 8-16, &c.). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • And yet I'm told some o 'your cockered-up fly-flappers carnt' it a 'ole in a pound o' butter, or stand a straight nose-ender without turning faint! Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 102, May 28, 1892
  • It was a hoarse, awful, prolonged bellow, as of some giant ox in sore distress, and when it would stop, occasionally, faint and far would come another bellow, mellowed by distance, but sounding unspeakably eerie and frightsome. All Aboard A Story for Girls
  • There's a scratching noise and your voice is so faint. Bomber
  • There was a faint following breeze.
  • Their melodramatic arrangements, cascading strings and faintly histrionic vocal performances reflected the films' camp excesses.
  • Like sunlight penetrates every inch of skin feeling faint.
  • In childhood photographs, while physically resembling Daisy, he had looked anxious, striving, as if already faintly disapproved of. THE GOLDEN LION
  • By causing only one group of colors to light, the electrician can secure all sorts of variations, and with the aid of "dimmers" permit the lights to shine brilliantly or merely to glow with faint radiance. Writing for Vaudeville
  • He raised his head to look at her, meeting her eyes and giving her a sly smile, causing a faint blush to appear on her cheeks.
  • He could see the faint glow of white as the moon gathered its energy to rise and illuminate the night. FLASH POINT
  • Regretting now his faint-heartedness in not letting her know beforehand by some means that he was about to make a new start in the world, and coming to dwell near her, Christopher rang the bell to make inquiries. The Hand of Ethelberta
  • I never thought to love him, but, you see, I do, she concluded, a certain faint triumph in her voice. Chapter 22
  • I was just starting to wrestle out of my oversized shirt, shivering slightly in the cold bathroom, when a heard a faint knocking on the main door.
  • I wanted to sleep a little longer, but the faint light of the sun had awakened me.
  • A faint smile crossed the Monsignor's face and faded quickly.
  • I felt a kind of qualm of faintness and downsinking about my heart and stomach, to the dispelling of which I took a thimbleful of spirits, and, tying my red comforter about my neck, I marched briskly to the session-house. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 06 — Fiction
  • She answered in a faint murmur.
  • Suddenly, Cy stopped ranting and faced Peter once more, with a faint glimmer of recognition in his sightless eyes that were now filled with tears running down his leathery cheek.
  • She heard another thump, and then the creaking of floorboards, very faint, almost undetectable. LOST SUMMER
  • Most of the brighter stars plotted are of the second magnitude, while the fainter ones are of the fourth.
  • Sakurai and Saga then find a girl named Yuka, who claims that she was assaulted by " Green Monkey ". When she is picked up for questioning by the police, suddenly everyone faints and Yuka is gone.
  • There's a scratching noise and your voice is so faint. Bomber
  • A faintly rutted road, wide enough to allow a team of horses, holds off the encroaching prairie.
  • Sometimes the pills make me feel faint and feeble.
  • Within the transit chamber a faint purple glow danced along the walls, gradually growing brighter.
  • Georgia watched the faintest flush of color spread across Laura’s cheeks, watched her expression soften just a little. Moon Dance
  • On her face appeared the faint glimmer of a smile.
  • Faint light shone from the crack under the doors to the back of the house. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • Dani Fernandez, a coach with the Spanish federation, said Castellet "fainted" after the accident, which prompted officials to take her to the hospital to be checked out. Newsvine - Get Smarter Here
  • He gave a loud, startling, heart-wrenching cry and fell backwards in a dead faint.
  • They launched the nose of the boat, a faint rushing sound, no splash. Times, Sunday Times
  • We can see the faintest hint of green beneath last year's dead meadow grass and buds are just beginning to grow on the branches.
  • The grey-trunked trees sprang up straight to a great height and then interwove their pale-grey branches in a long tunnel through which the autumn light fell faintly.
  • She spoke English with a faint Dutch accent.
  • The simplest assessment is that it means no changes in the status quo: the round is stalemated for now, though there will be attempts, however faint, to revive it in Geneva in the months to come.
  • Its little strut of gaminess provides an attitude that is slightly raunchy, but the pool of warm, mellow flavours and faint raspberry note keep it comfortable in any company.
  • In Rousseau's novel fainting is part of the construction of the figure of the woman of feeling as an object of male fantasy, which construction makes Julie either physically or mentally absent from almost all intense moments of sexual intimacy. Ildiko Csengei
  • unless shaking your boobage, pouting your lips, and giving faintly dead eye stares is acting, Scarlett Johannsson needs to find another line of work..unless its with Woody Allen because the man can take a talentless hack and make her an Oscar winner Mira Sorvino anyone? Jessica Biel Is Wonder Woman, To Some Extent
  • “The crucial test for the solution of all these intricate problems which confront and challenge our ingenuity is the sheer and forceful application of those immutable laws which down the corridor of time have always guided the hand of man, groping as it were for some faint beacon of light for his hopes and aspirations.” McCain and Obama Court Hispanic Voters - The Caucus Blog -
  • I became faint and weak. The Sun
  • GPS receivers don't yet work well indoors where electrical wiring and other noise can interfere with their faint signals.
  • The bernicle, or brent goose, is interesting from the curious superstition which formerly prevailed respecting it, as it was supposed to have sprung from the shell called the barnacle or lepas, which adheres to the bottoms of ships, and which has a fringe of cirri projecting from between its valves bearing some faint resemblance to the feathers of a bird. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • At dusk we sat on the porch, in the faint blown scent of old rose. LEARNING TO TALK: SHORT STORIES
  • I could faintly hear you from where I sat.
  • The sensors pick up faint vibrations in the Earth.
  • Faintly glowing silver sigils appeared on the slips, in the form of a circle enclosing an oil lamp, a river, and several abstract designs.
  • Under this, there were faint glimmers of colour. Times, Sunday Times
  • A California woman is suing a hospital for wrongful death because her husband fainted and suffered a fatal injury after helping delivery room staff give her a painkilling injection.
  • There is a part in the book where they have to go to the nurse, Bella faints from the blood … Not in the movie. Twilight Lexicon » Movie News
  • It is, I have said, the fashion for both to be greatly overcome and to appear as if about to faint: the groom looks especially ridiculous when so attitudinising. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • I'm a bit of a turkey when it comes to needles, and I'm lying there all locked into place with the coils and headphones, feeling woozy and faint.
  • He gave a faintly malicious smile at her furious expression.
  • The child may tire easily and may even faint from physical activity.
  • Faint heart never wins fair lady. 
  • They visited the keeper of the jewels and Maria pretended to faint to cause a distraction.
  • I was faint with hunger.
  • only a faint recollection
  • If, between the two, an outline faintly emerges of something betokening a system - implied through the press-release fog - then we shall have something to test against and compare with other documented cases affecting films.
  • Faint heart never wins fair lady. 
  • We were so close I could smell the faint scent of his aftershave.
  • Presently a faint halloo was heard from an adjoining field. Tom Brown's Schooldays
  • I saw the mizzen topmast lurching across a faint radiance of cloud behind which was the moon. That Dead Men Rise Up Never
  • Out of the corner of his eye he saw a faint glimmer of light - or at least thought he did.
  • With the brilliant disk of the Sun blocked, the faint light of the corona reveals streamers of solar wind blowing out into space.
  • The sudden change of focus gave me a moment's faint nausea. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite the ritual dousing with perfume and mouthwash, the girl still smelled faintly of cigarette smoke.
  • Well, loosen your belts, because it's not for the faint-hearted, nor the low-cholesterol dieter. Plymouth's 10 best budget restaurants and cafes
  • There was always a faint aura of mystery about him.
  • This would be more fun if I had the faintest idea how to play chess with any strategy.
  • Besides the smell of cigarettes there was also a faint scent of peppermint potpourri.
  • Ten years ago, the idea would have been faintly ludicrous. Times, Sunday Times

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